Text: Exodus 19:1-25, Exodus 20:1-21, John 1:14-18
No whining.
Pass with care.
No shirt, no shoes, no service.
If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
From the moment we were old enough to scoot across the floor, a list of rules has governed our lives. We have dress codes and curfews and traffic laws. We wait our turn in line at the coffee shop and always wear our seat belts.
If we sat down and started talking, I bet we could go on for hours listing rules that guide every bit of how we go about our days.
But when God gave the Law, He didn’t give 10,000 commandments. He gave only ten.
Why only ten? Why these ten? In light of grace and freedom in the New Testament, what place does the Old Testament law have in our lives today?
Almost as if he knew we would be asking these questions, John Calvin wrote what would later be known as the “Threefold Use of the Law,” in order to show the importance of the Ten Commandments in the Christian life.
#1: The Law acts as a mirror, reflecting the perfect righteousness of God and in contrast, the reality of human sinfulness.
If we are honest, it doesn’t take 1,000 laws to reveal our sin nature. We may be able to keep a commandment or two for the span of the day, but none of us can keep them all. Even stopping at ten, the Law effectively illuminates my utter sinfulness.
#2: The Law’s second job is to restrain evil. The Law can’t change our hearts (which is why we are willing to speed until we see red and blue lights in the rearview mirror). Even so, the law can inhibit lawlessness and protect the righteous from the unjust.
#3: The Law gives us a revelation of what is pleasing to God. The Law serves as a guide to good works for believers.
When we look at the ten specific commandments God handed down to Moses, we see that He covered all of the bases. Laws 1 through 4 address the relationship between God and man. Laws 5 through 10 address how people relate to each other. When you get down to it, every nook and cranny of our sin can fall into one of these ten categories. Willing to compromise for your dream job? Check out commandment number two. Jealous of your neighbor’s house? That violates number ten. See what I mean?
The purpose of the Law is not to create an impossible checklist, but rather to show us what matters to God while also making our need for Him clear.
Friends, the Law is good news because it undergirds the message of justice and extravagant mercy Christ came to give. Thanks be to Him.
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32 thoughts on "Moses at Mount Sinai"
So much good info in this devotional!! Thank you Raechel!!
a lot of people think that the Old covenant is not relevant to us today because Jesus brought the New covenant… i prefer not to differentiate the two, Jesus came to fulfill the Law, He provided a way for us to follow the Old law, but with grace and forgiveness of our sins instead of just covering them for a span of time with sacrifices. Praise Jesus that we don’t have to carry guilt for sins until the next sacrifice, but we have access directly to God thru Jesus!!! To know that the same power of the Glory of God that would’ve literally knocked people dead is LIVING IN ME is truly the greatest miracle in history!! Do we truly realize this truth and walk in it everyday? I know i don’t. I don’t have to go to my preacher and have him talk to God for me or offer sacrifices for my sins, i don’t have to travel to a church or temple to meet with the Almighty, He built His temple IN me and i can meet with him anytime! So exciting! Thanks for another great devo and challenge!
What is even more amazing is that Jesus came to fulfill the Mosaic Covenant, which was the law! Jesus made a new covenant with us. The new law is forgiveness, love and grace. We no longer have to feel burdened by the old law.
I posted a question a while back about sinning and what exactly does it mean that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. A Sister of She reads sent me the following wisdom and insight. I often refer to it and thought I would share.
It is a natural human instinct to be sinful. No one can truthfully say that they have not sinned when they reflect on their own life. Just think of the ten commandments, and then know that God knows our thoughts also. A lingering thought is the same as acting on the sin. The following are ways most people do commit every one of the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20.
1.You shall have no other gods before Me. -> Have you ever thought something you wanted to do was more important than God’s plan? You are your own god in that moment.
2. You shall not make idols. ->Have you ever put an activity or work, before God?
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -> I don’t believe this one is about cussing. I do believe this is when we say we did something in God’s name, but it was really to make ourselves look good.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -> Do you always have a day that your rest, and reflect on God’s glory and all that he does all day, or for even a part of the day? I do not…
5. Honor your father and your mother. -> So you never have said something mean to your parents, or put them down in front of your friends?
6. You shall not murder. -> Have you ever wanted to kill someone, and that thought lingered? I honestly don’t know if I’ve had that, but some completely normal people have thoughts of killing others.
7. You shall not commit adultery. -> Sex outside of marriage, and those lingering looks to men. Have you had that happen, or those thoughts?
8. You shall not steal. -> I’ve accidentally stolen things before, but I still did it. Or maybe stealing credit for something…
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -> Have you ever said something bad about someone that was not true. This can happen easily when we get caught up in gossip.
10. You shall not covet. -> Have you ever been super jealous of something someone had or someone else’s significant other?
That’s a great way to look at the commandments on a personal level and remind us we may be disobeying them without even realizing. Thanks for sharing
I love this reminder. I need to reflect on these commandments again, so I appreciate this devotional today.
“Check out commandment number two.” Lol It’s so true! This devotional is greatness. I love your speech Raechal!
Thanks for joining us today, Megan! We love having you in our community!
It amazes me just how detailed our God is, from all the prepartions by the mountain, to the loud trumpet noise, the cloud over the trembling mountain. I can imagine how frightened all the people were. God in all his majesty right before them. Think if something like that happened in todays world. Think what it will be like when the Lord comes again. If only the world would live by these 10 commandments and obeyed what God has given us so many years ago. I pray for Gods mercy for what the world has become today.
May I also say what a wonderful study guide you’ve made, SRT! The page contrasting God’s holiness with Israel’s brokenness provides real insight into the topic. Thank you so much! Appreciate you all
Churchmouse, so grateful to see you here each day, friend!
Thanks for this!
Ahhhh this devotion is so timely! I’m heading to the airport tomorrow and the dreaded security scanning. How often has a bracelet set off the alarm? A bracelet! At first my heart pounds and a slight sweat forms but then I remember – I KNOW – I packed myself and my carry-on as carefully as I could with the restrictions in mind. I remind myself “I’m ok. I’m fine. All is well regardless of that alarm.” I have that same security in my position with Christ. I am His. I’m not perfect. I have good intentions. I try to represent Him well. I fail. But that doesn’t change my position with Him. I’m still His. Oh I’ll try to do better. I’m sorry for my failures. I won’t just ignore the alarms – I’ll see what I can do to avoid it reoccurring. But I’m secure in His love, in our relationship. The alarm certainly has its purpose. But I remember, He has me. I have Him. And I confidently walk towards my gate.
I’m sure you all know the feeling, the feeling you get when you are driving to and fro and suddenly a police officer pulls out behind you. You go from simple, lawful, good driving to feeling like you have a dead body and mounds of drugs in the trunk of your car. Your belly seizes up and all your nervous energy has you checking the rearview mirror every few seconds for fear of flashing lights and you’ve not done a darn thing wrong, yet you’re all twisted up inside because you’re so convinced that despite what the speedometer says that officer is going to find some reason to pull your sorry self over. No justice in being left alone, a decent driver without incident, you’re sweating bullets over the 10 mph you were over a mile back. Law makes us good people nervous. We don’t want to nearly break them and we don’t want to be perceived as breaking them, so we don’t mess around but posted speed on a highway, well that’s just a suggestion huh?! ;) My point is that law keeps us safe. It helps us to keep our positions, our attitudes, our wily-ness in check … we may not always agree with them but there is always a bigger picture to them that doesn’t revolve around our single self. They are necessary for peaceful community because man’s nature is a wretched one. And yet because of Christ’s mercy we don’t have to be checking our review mirror for His judgement. Our stomachs don’t have to turn in knots because we’ve messed up so much He’s going to cuff us and be done with us, no, He came to save us … from ourselves. He didn’t come to say, “Sure, live however you want, without concern for others.” … He came because He knows us, He knows getting it right 100% of the time just isn’t our capability and He wanted to offer grace to us, so that we may live free of fear. Law is important, His life doesn’t unravel old testament thinking and ways, it connects it … a bridge for us to mercy through Him.
Beautifully said!
I love how this ties in to what I’ve been learning about graceful and peaceful parenting. There are rules and guidelines but if my child messes up, I don’t want him to live in fear. My discipline and instruction will be with grace just like the Father. I’m so thankful for these reminders!
OH man B, you hit the nail on the head here! THANK YOU! Love and hugs to you this morning my dear!
Wow. awesomeness B! Thank you for reminding me about Christ’s mercy and how we don’t have to keep checking our rear view mirror for His judgement. God bless you.
Yes B! LOVE what you’ve written! We are indeed, every one of us, a “sorry self” according to the Law… but with Jesus… We are righteous and receivers of His abundant grace and mercy! There is no condemnation! Thanks B for the great visual!
The first time I saw the children’s play, “Angels Aware!”, I was mesmerized by one song; “The Perfect Ten”. It is hands-down the cutest thing ever as ten little children line up with placards that have the numbers 1-10 on them and they swing them up in the air when the song gets to their number.
Number one we’ve just begun, God should be first in your life
Number two’s the idol rule, those graven images aren’t right
Number three God’s name should be never spoken in jest
Number four the Sabbath’s for our worship and our rest
Number five we all should strive to honor father and mother
Number six don’t get your kicks from killing one another
Number seven life is heaven when you’re true to your mate
Number eight don’t steal or break this rule for goodness sake
Number nine don’t be the kind who goes around telling lies
Number ten don’t covet when you see your neighbors house or wife
With a catchy little tune I can now always remember the Ten Commandments! But more important than just remembering a touchy-feely song, if I don’t apply them and their principles to my New Testament life I have memorized for nothing. True, Calvary brought grace and the veil was torn but God never intended for us to throw away this guide. Without Jesus we could never, ever begin to live a holy life, pleasing to God. But WITH Him, the infilling of His spirit, we can not only live a holy life but we can be used of God to share this Gospel with everyone we meet.
(Now for those that KNOW the catchy tune to this song…you are welcome. It will play in your head all day long!! ♥)
What an awesome little way to remember them. I need to share this with my kiddos … it is put in a simple way that allows them to relate … I love it N. Thanks for sharing it. Hope all is well and that you’re enjoying that new grand baby! :)
Oh my. What can I say about Norah Jayne? ♥ We are here again for the weekend. The Sweetheart has a seminar in Mississippi but dropped me off in NorahNorah Land! I’m looking at houses this weekend and would appreciate prayers for direction and the perfect place for us to settle. Much love to you my Buckeye friend. ♥
What a wonderful song…..I will have to try to google it …it would be fun to use with the kids at church! Thanks!!!
I didn’t think to include it, enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNRzwn3UZ8Q
I just took a trip down memory lane of like 30 years ago. I can’t believe you remembered this, unless you have seen this recently. Thanks for giving me a giggle or 2 this morning.
Nope, not seen it in a while but all three of my sons played a part at one time in their lives so I know it well! Memories ♥
Does anyone has music on paper for this song?
We would like to play it by ourselves, without youtube
Sweet! I used Troy and Genie Nilsson’s “God’s Top 10” for our girls and for Children’s Church. Another great resource for memorizing, and applying, the 10 commandments.
Wonderful! I tend to catch on better with a song, sure many do. I will check that out! ♥
Oh, I remember this song pretty well. I think my line was #8 in our musical. Now, I’ll be singing this all day.
Since I didn’t grow up attending church, I am learning cute children’s songs like this as an adult. I absolutely love this one! I can’t wait to have littles of my own to teach this to someday! Thanks for sharing, candacejo! :)
Yes!! I was actually in that play when I was younger and I still sing that song in my head when I try to remember the Ten Commandments!