Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Colossians 3:16

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you.
—Colossians 3:16

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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Stacey Cochran says:


  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Hey Tracy, I don’t think that is too weird, we actually were supposed to stay in pairs if we walked anywhere other than where we were serving the food. And one guy did say there had been some violence lately in that park. You just never know these days, and can’t be too trusting like we used to sadly. It was nice that my husband was with us!

    I pray for all the division as well.

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    There is so much division going on in our country right now. I pray that we would be the light that shines, peace, love and compassion. ❤️

  4. Jo says:

    Hallelujah, yes Churchmouse, my heart’s desire is to be still and know, to recognise His whisper as I miss it so many times. Be blessed everyone x

  5. Churchmouse says:

    Yes, may the Word richly dwell amongst us believers, resulting in unity. The Word becomes deeply rooted the more we read it. The more we read it, the more we know God’s will. And all Christians should want to be right there, smack dab in the center of His will. Regardless of the loud voices rising up around us, the deep roots of the Word keep us firmly grounded in Truth. Truth’s whisper is more powerful than the shrillest shout. Be still and know that He is God.

  6. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “Let the Word of Christ dwell richly among you” (Colossians 3:16). May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (v. 15). Let all that we do come from here- roots to tree to fruit. Care for the root system. The unseen grows visible to the seen. What is in our heart flows out. Notice and take care so that all that grows and flows brings glory and goodness in the eyes of God. Light brings sight. Jesus brings salvation. He is the true Light Who brings sight to the blind, saving us from a life of darkness. Salt and light, enabling us to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). We who received Him bear witness to the Light (John 1:16-18). We are seen, He knows us, and His Light shines through us into the world. We are His lights shining in the darkness. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  7. Mercy says:

    Amen.❤️ Thank you Lord for your Word which is the plumb line for our daily living. Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend across the pond. (Great to see you dear Tina)

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    RHONDA J – It is awesome what you are doing. I don’t know if you saw my comment yesterday. Transients that are addicts probably having some mental health issues make me nervous. Not proud of that, just a fact. I’m praying I will know how to be salt to the world.