Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Colossians 1:13

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.
—Colossians 1:13 

(23) Comments

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23 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you!

  2. Jennifer Lumley says:

    So thankful for this study. But most importantly so thankful for a good and sovereign God who loves us with an everlasting love and extends his grace to us daily.

  3. belle ingersoll says:

    thank you so so much for this beautiful resource to help us grow closer to Him ! what a beautiful testament to His faithfulness to us . ✞ ッ

  4. lilly roach says:


  5. Sue Dalos says:

    Marlo… SRT is just the best group of women. I don’t comment often but I always go back and read all the comments from the day prior, before I read the devotion for the day. I feel as if we are all sisters which we are and that we know and love one another. Welcome to this place ,

  6. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Father, Your Kingdom has come, and it will keep coming until Your final glory comes to rest at the fullness of Your will. Meanwhile, I am called to go into the darkness carrying Your Light in me. Wherever I go, Your Light will shine. I fill the oil of my lamp with Your Word each day. You have rescued me from the domain of evil, yet it remains here. I pray especially for our blue warriors like mine who have been called to shield and protect us behind a golden badge. They go into the darkness each day to rescue in the name of justice. I pray for the wives of law enforcement officers like me who must shine a bit brighter, love a bit harder, washing the darkness from their day. I see the stains of darkness on him. How could it not be? When I dig in the dirt to plant beauty, even this must be washed clean. So when they dig in the dirt of darkness to rescue the innocent, we must receive our police heroes with mercy and grace. They go beyond the fray for us, and so must we for them. Love covers a multitude of sins and darkness. So I partner with Jesus in His redemptive work. Lord, fill me with Your wisdom and grant me spiritual understanding as I walk through this confusing time in our history as it is written. Help me love my husband as You do. Let my walk be worthy of You, bearing good fruit, growing in the knowledge of You. (Col 1:9-14). Let Your redemption keep coming. Overflowing in all areas of my life and gushing into the lives of the people around me. Your redemptive rescue mission is worthy of our praise and we honor You by joining in the work. Until… Maranatha.

  7. Lehua K. says:

    Happy Saturday ladies. Praying for all the requests here. Thank you for the prayers earlier for my husband’s bites and for my chronic hives/allergies. My husband’s bites have cleared up (I’m not sure if I posted the update) and have not returned. Hallelujah! My hives still have come and gone since February, and have gotten a bit worse (almost daily/multiple times a day). I have my annual physical next week and have been making dietary changes to avoid high histamine foods and other allergy triggers. I have been thinking about whether a naturopathic doctor would be a better option for me, or my doctor may refer me to an allergist. Going with a naturopathic doctor would be more expensive because it’s not covered by insurance. Please pray as I navigate these changes that God would lead me to the path He feels is best, and that I would listen and obey. Thank you so much. This health challenge has brought me to my knees in surrender so I do see the good it’s brought to my faith walk. I’ve also been working with our Bible study group to attack strongholds and to strengthen our faith walk together. I’m so appreciative of SRT and this community, I read through the comments every day and am in awe of how supportive and loving you all are. Have a blessed weekend.