Day 27

Grace Day

from the John reading plan

Isaiah 42:1

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“This is my servant; I strengthen him,
this is my chosen one; I delight in him.
I have put my Spirit on him;
he will bring justice to the nations.”
—Isaiah 42:1

Post Comments (35)

35 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    I love you Jesus I worship and adore you!

  2. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The only power greater than death is life. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of humankind.” May our physical cries for life be lifted by the Light, Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah. The Name above every other name. He has overcome the darkness, may we be filled with His Light. May we bring His life to the people around us. May we remember that the darker things seem in our physical world, the brighter the Light will shine with the Spirit if we will uncover it from the heaviness of our despair, doubts, and fear. May we stand strong on the unmoving lampstand of the Word, shining with the Truth and the Life. Praying The Word of life will be spoken over all those who need to hear hope. Ring in their ears Lord, ring in ours, ring through us.

  3. Ruby Everett says:

    Sarah D, I am reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap also. Almost finished with the Old Testament. I love it especially that it’s in chronological order. I actually got the recap book to reference. Congratulations on your completing it!

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