Jesus Promises the Spirit

Open Your Bible

John 16:1-33, Isaiah 32:14-18, Joel 2:28-29, Romans 8:12-17

To parent is to watch a child grow more independent, so that one day, they’ll live healthy, productive lives of their own. Independence, autonomy, self-sufficiency—these are the goals, at least in Western culture. But not so in the upside-down kingdom of God. If anything, the point is to grow more and more dependent upon our Father. Living under the delusion of self-sufficiency can keep us from being truly productive for the kingdom, which was never meant to be done without the King. We’ve been down that road only to find that apart from Him, there’s really nothing good to be found (Genesis 3, Psalm 16:2). 

Thankfully, God’s pursuit of us and His glory never stops; the logistics just become far more complicated. After the fall and without the sacred space of the garden, there was nowhere for God and His people to safely commune. A new sacred space would have to be set apart, so that no space—whether by sin or deception—would stand between Him and us. From creation to the garden, tabernacle to temple, from Jesus Christ Himself to each one of us as members of His Body, sacred space has been where God’s holy presence safely dwells with His people. 

Now, imagine losing His presence. 

I can picture His disciples sitting there before Him, eyes wide and hearts stuttering, as Jesus assures them of the persecution they will face because of their devotion to Him (John 15:18–21). They needed to be prepared, so they wouldn’t lose heart when incredibly hard times came. But now the real news: “I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you. But now I am going away to him who sent me” (John 16:4–5).

Come again?

Of course, Jesus wouldn’t just be going away. He would die a humiliating death in our place, and three days later, be gloriously resurrected. It would be a victorious act of spiritual warfare to secure our place in God’s kingdom. Still, He tells them, “It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you” (v.7). 

The power of the Holy Spirit would now dwell in God’s people. The Spirit would be with them always, strengthening and comforting them in the face of persecution. Step by step, He would guide each of them individually and as one body, as they set out to share the gospel across the world, carrying out the great commission and establishing the Church (Matthew 28:16–20). And so it is with us.

Jesus Christ, God incarnate, came to dwell with us. After the ascension, He sent His Spirit to dwell within us. Now, “the Spirit himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children” (Romans 8:16), and for those who belong to Him and His kingdom, nothing can separate us from His love (v.38–39).

(53) Comments

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53 thoughts on "Jesus Promises the Spirit"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you I serve you lord I reverence you Lord you have not given us the spirit of fear but the Lord has given us power power in love his joy and his peace his happiness he has given us a sound mind never should I be afraid! You did not create me to worry or fear but you created me to worship daily so I’m going leave it all right here my hands are raised because I surrender your will is what’s best for me I work you because your Jehovah jireh my provider my healer my sustainer my Waymaker Lord my burden bearer my strong tower no weapon formed against me shall not prosper and I shall praise you and worship without fear but in reverence to you Lord! I will trust in you Lord I have no reason to fear for you are with me! Hallelujah! I have no reason to fear! Jesus! Jesus! He is all in the world to me!

  2. Desiree Harris says:

    Lord, let the Holy Spirit guide me. Let me feel your presence.

  3. Malisa Cruz says:

    Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit!

  4. Elle Koss says:

    Praying for you, Steve and your family. ♥️

  5. Gina C says:

    Praying with you Grammie Sue. I can imagine how overwhelming walking this path with your husband may be. The verse John 16:33 from the reading today has brought me peace in some hard days and I hope it might bring you Jesus’ peace now.

  6. Leslie Green-Starr says:

    Glory be to GOD! WE MUST PREPARE!!!!!!!

  7. Heidi M says:

    How amazing

  8. Ali Hilliard says:

    What a timely piece of scripture. I’m going through a rough season and I have been getting more and more frustrated with my own short comings. This was the reminder I needed that increased reliance on God is ALWAYS a good thing!

  9. Sky Hilton says:

    We are children of God! To be christian doesn’t mean that nothing bad will happen to us after we accept Jesus.. but it means that we run toward Him when things go bad!

  10. Amber Trimble says:

    Thank you

  11. Sarah Morrison says:


  12. Tracy Craft says:

    @Gramsiesue, My daughter’s mother-in-law was diagnosed with the same thing over two years ago, and it initially sounded hopeless. Today, she is an energetic grandma with the best positive outlook who has overcome (and continues to fight) it. She has much wisdom to share and uses a couple of newer (and very successful) treatments. The big one is the Optune, a device that is worn to confuse the cells and discourage regrowth. There has been so much advance in medical wisdom with this cancer. What you read online (and some doctors) tells a bleak story, but we have seen a much different story. She is one of the strongest believers I know, and has a wealth of hope, wisdom, and worship music she can offer. One I remember from her early days on the journey is “I’m Gonna See A Victory,” which is still a favorite. I gave her your email and will pray very specifically for both of you.

  13. Claire B says:

    This.Is.The.Best. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

  14. Claire B says:

    Tina, as always, such a lovely sentiment.

  15. K Swenson says:

    GramsieSue, I’m so sorry to hear this news and the diagnosis. I pray that you will see miracles in this process and know God as your comforter and ultimate healer. I know He has you and your husband and family in His hands. Praying for the right medical team and for statistics to go out the window!

  16. Patricia Stewart says:

    Our onLy true peace comes from the father.

  17. Patricia Stewart says:

    Our on

  18. Dorothy says:

    I noticed in John 16:5 as well as 14:16 and 15:26 from Wednesday and Thursday, it mentions Jesus will send an Advocate/Counselor/Comforter/Encourager. My Bible has a footnote about this I thought is interesting that I thought I would share, it says that the Greek is Paraclete and the meaning of Paraclete is “(in Christian theology) the Holy Spirit as advocate or counselor.” I don’t know about any one else but in chapter 16 I ended up highlighting most of the chapter, this is a phenomenal!!!
    WOW!!! WOW!!! Kara really packed so much into today’s devotional. It was refreshing and reenergizing.
    Sisters be blessed and remember WE ARE HEIRS TO GOD THROUGH JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!

  19. Victoria E says:

    Hard times do not mean God doesn’t love me. My anxiety doesn’t mean God doesn’t love me. I don’t have to fear the hard times or the situations my mind conjures up -“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”- Romans 8:15

  20. Victoria E says:

    GramsieSue- I look out for an email from me, I am a neuro-oncologist and would love to help in any way I can.

  21. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace…” John 16:33 I think that what most people in the world are looking for today is peace. Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace with each other. But the problem is they don’t know where to find it – so that leaves them looking in all the wrong places. It is in Christ alone that our peace is found. My prayer is that I always remember that Christ is my peace, the only true and lasting peace, and that I would boldly share that truth with those who are lost, anxious and searching. May each of us shine the light of Jesus in this lost and seeking world!

    @Angie – praying for your mom as she meets with this new doctor. May God give him the wisdom and guidance he needs to treat this very complicated heart situation in exactly the way it needs to be done. Prayers too for your safe travels and peace, without anxiety over the drive.

    @Taylor – I have been praying for you for sometime now and will continue. May God calm your anxious heart and give you His perfect peace concerning this new relationship. Praying that you will have a spirit of surrender. Remember too, that if this is of God – everything will come together, but in His timing. If it’s not His will – you wouldn’t have wanted it anyway. He sees, He hears, He knows your heart & it’s desires. May you feel His leading, presence and peace.

    To all my SRT sisters – I love reading all the comments, they are insightful and inspiring! I pray for all your requests as I read them! Wishing you all a safe, happy and blessed weekend! ❤️

  22. Beverly Watley says:

    This whole chapter just shows God’ love for us and how easy it is to recieve his love. His love makes us love one another.

  23. Eileen Soto says:

    Lord, may I rely on you fully. Holy Spirit guide me, make things clear so that I know your direction. You are so faithful God and I am your servant. I want to do your will and make an impact for Your Kingdom. In Jesus Name, Amen!

  24. Allison Mitchell says:

    Angie, your contemplations on this passage were so thoughtful and beautiful! And Tina, I love your comparisons to a love letter. I’m so grateful that I get to read God’s love letters (the whole Bible! :)) everyday. Sometimes it’s so hard for my brain to understand how much God loves us. But I get it in my heart, and somehow, I just know… you know? And how grateful am to have the Holy Spirit so that I can understand these words and God’s grace and love! It is such a wonderful gift. May the Holy Spirit be renewed in all of you today, and may you be filled with love for God, each other, and wisdom. Happy Friday!

    Taylor- Still praying for your heart to be settled. I’m inspired by your faith and commitment to our Lord’s plan.

    Tricia- I pray that your surgery goes well and that you can find comfort and peace in God’s healing grace.

    Lynne- I’m praying for you and your husband that you may be calmed by God’s love, and that the doctors working to help heal him will be filled with wisdom and compassion so that they might help him.

    To everyone else, I pray that you might have the joy that comes from trusting and abiding in Jesus’s promises. Have a blessed weekend!

  25. Mikki says:

    “In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering service to God” (vs. 2). Jesus and his disciples were seen as radical people, and the Pharisees and others were doing what they believed was correct, what they thought their god would have wanted them to do. In today’s society, radical people are not accepted nor respected. I had to be honest with myself and ask if I would have believed in Jesus during his time because he was so unique and brought so many new ideas. It was a big heart check moment for myself. Just because something is different doesn’t mean it is bad or wrong.

  26. GramsieSue . says:

    This is such a great study of the book of John. Your comments really show the truth. Update on Steve: he was discharged from the hospital yesterday. He has two weeks of recovery before getting the 34 staples removed from his head. The tumor is a glioblastoma- very aggressive, not curable. We are already working with our local cancer specialists here in Springfield Missouri. They have scheduled him for a CT scan and consultation on Feb 10, the day after he gets the staples removed. I am also planning to get him registered at Mayo Rochester to compare their treatment plan. If anyone has any insight I would appreciate you sharing it with me. My email is [email protected]. Average life expectancy is less than two years. Prayers are appreciated. Hugs to you all. ❤️

  27. Mari V says:

    Angie, I needed to hear that! Thank you. I’m off to work/school myself right now.

  28. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    Today’s scripture is so beautiful. I ponder each sentence, they are so full of love, hope, and encouragement. Life is so hard and confusing but if we can just hold tight to Jesus’s words, and know that we have something greater than He with us physically, which is mind-blowing, we have the power of the Holy Spirit. Why has it taken me so long to really get this?! The same power that walked on water, healed the blind man, and all the indisputable miracles, is living IN me. But unless we take hold of that truth, and see it and know it- it is void. I always imagine getting to heaven, standing before our king, our maker, and feeling so ridiculous for wasting so much of my life not knowing, not living and doing for Him. He has SO Much for us, ways to use us, to help the hurting to guide the unbelieving, to be world-changers, community-changers, family-changers! Let’s live like we know and understand the gift that we have!

    Prayers for you Taylor, I love your young tender heart! And boy do I remember those feelings you shared! But oh how I wished I would have waited for God’s directions in my young dating years! So many mistakes (sin!) that I wish I could erase! Two marriages ended in divorce because I followed my own desires rather than the Lords, which always ends in destruction and heartache. So try as hard as it may be to lean into the Lord and not your own wants. You have so much more wisdom and heart for God than most of us and young people today!! I feel in my spirit that you would be a great leader at church with the young women and teen girls!

    Thank you all for sharing your hearts here, it is a great blessing for this fellowship! I hope more will keep commenting even if to say hello.

    Have a great day!

  29. Mari V says:

    I am HIS child! I am important to HIM! HE sees me! I know HE does! And HE LOVES me! Nothing will separate me from HIS LOVE! In this world, my workplace, I may be nothing. But not to my Jesus. I’m everything to HIM. But as a human it’s painful. sometimes. And if I’m honest, it’s painful a lot of times.

  30. Julianne Pictou says:

    That is the wonderful and living power of the Word of God. It is alive and active, and sharper than any two edge sword. The word went straight to your spirit, spoke to your soul. I love reading about your take on Isaiah. I found clarity in your perspective. And thank you so much for sharing, because I have found so much comfort from it.

  31. Lindsay Setters says:

    I love your reflection. Thank you for sharing with us.

  32. Julianne Pictou says:

    I love reading Johns perspective of “the counselor” as the Holy Spirit. Jesus ascended to heaven, but left us with peace, with the counselor who can reside in us. I think that’s such a beautiful gift. He gave us something that cannot be taken away, only accepted.

  33. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Angie, beautiful as always. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Such a fantastic summation!

  34. Alyssa Killebrew says:

    I haven’t posted on here before except for one time, but I always love reading the comments on here. Y’all encourage me every day. Have a beautiful day ladies and may we slow down to listen to the Spirit when he nudges us and be obedient to His call ❤️.

  35. Mudrock Mama says:

    Tina, you have a gift. Thank you for blessing us with it and AMEN.

  36. Adrienne says:

    ANGIE… I like the comment that you shared yesterday from HRT… “Love precedes obedience.” Yeppers, (I read the comments posted later in the day for the day prior after I read through today’s. I used to write the prayer requests down, but now “pray as I go”. I’m feeling a little disconnected. I’m very visual, and writing helps me.) Have a blessed day, sisters!

  37. Ali Adair says:

    I’m in the third trimester of pregnancy with my first child, so Jesus’ words run very deep this morning. I’m excited for the chance to experience his death and resurrection in a new way with childbirth.
    Lord, please open my eyes to Your Spirit within me. Amen.

  38. Adrienne says:

    Aren’t we thankful that, unlike the disciples, even though it is for our benefit that He go away… we are not without His presence. They were losing His physical/earthly presence. But we never had to fear losing him in the world. His PRESENCE is with us. How can that spiritual benefit be shared with others? It is hard to grasp and then explain… but let’s do it! May we always feel your presence, Lord and tell others how blessed we are to know it!

  39. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Isaiah 33:2

    O LORD, be gracious to us; we wait for you.
    Be our arm every morning,
    our salvation in the time of trouble.

  40. Charlie says:

    You know those times when you read a passage for what seems to be the first time, and it just really grabs you? I am in my 50s and I’ve read the Bible my entire life, but the Isaiah passage just floored me today with the orchard imagery. We just celebrated by father’s 97th birthday, and my father spent his life in orchards: growing, protecting, pruning, training, and harvesting. The line “righteousness will dwell in the orchard” and from there to peace and quiet confidence forever. Wow. Sometimes I lapse into anxiety, knowing that within a few years, my Dad will be gone from this earth. But this passage… the thought of him dwelling forever in a peaceful place that is like an orchard is so comforting, so wonderful. I feel like this passage was such a gift from the Comforter today!

    Then the desert will become an orchard,

    and the orchard will seem like a forest.

    16 Then justice will inhabit the wilderness,

    and righteousness will dwell in the orchard.

    17 The result of righteousness will be peace;

    the effect of righteousness

    will be quiet confidence forever.

    18 Then my people will dwell in a peaceful place,

    in safe and secure dwellings.

  41. LaMisa Foxx says:

    Beautiful ❤️

  42. Sarah D. says:

    Nothing can separate us from his love! He is with us. He is so gracious to explain things for us and patient when we don’t understand. Thankful that I don’t have to know all the details, but he does.
    @Taylor, Praying for you! I can relate, I haven’t had a boyfriend but I definitely am prone to think “is that guy my future husband?” I’m hoping to kick this habit by asking God to help me see them as his children and as someone who I can learn something from.
    Praying for you all!! Yesterday at work I had a couple of frustrated parents, and towards the end of the day I was getting annoyed myself at how the parents were treating me. But I’m choosing to let that go and continue doing my best to be kind and patient,even if the parent is upset about a situation on their child’s education. There may be a lot going on in the background in some cases. Praying for peace today, to lean into the Spirit and know that he is with us in every moment! God is our hope and confidence.

  43. Kenya Rafferty says:

    This reading is always hard for me to understand. I literally said out loud today that I wish Jesus would just say it! But he doesn’t. And I think that’s kind of the point. We are challenged again to believe something we can’t quite understand – to have faith. And in the midst of that to know and be grateful for the ultimate and complete sacrifice that brought us a personal counselor, friend, and guide.

  44. Angie says:

    Tricia Cavanaugh – Praying for you and your final surgery and complete healing.

    Kristen – I love Ann Voskamp, oh I need to make time for the podcast!

    Lynne from Alabama – One step at a time sister. Thank you God for the first step of the surgery. Guide Holy Spirit for every step to come we pray and give your peace.

    Melissa Moore – praying for your dad as he deals with cancer as well.

    Saturday morning we are taking my mom to southern Indiana where we will meet my sister. Mom’s recent heart issue requires surgery. My sister is a heart nurse and so we are taking mom to her doctor as there are some complications. If you think about it Saturday morning – we’ll be driving (since my accident in May – driving is always a reason for prayer). Monday morning is the surgery.

    God is good. One step at a time. He draws us closer into His sweet embrace, while on earth for the time He has preordained, and into eternity. Can’t be that! We are so blessed. All the time.

  45. Angie says:

    Sacred spaces.
    Open hearts.
    Community and communion.

    Jesus told His disciples He would be leaving, and that while they had been traveling together for 3 years now, to this place they could not go… yet.
    He prepared them ahead.
    It will be okay. Don’t expect easy, but trust Me for the Good.
    The Counselor will come, guiding you in truth, speaking my words, convicting the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment.
    I am leaving, but you are not alone.
    You may ask and receive from God in My name. For the Father Himself loves you as He has loved Me.
    And, just so you know and can have peace, I knew an hour was coming when you would be scattered and leave me alone. Rest assured (in peace), I was not alone, the Father was with me. I’m sharing these details for your peace.
    There will be suffering.
    Be courageous.
    I have conquered the world.

    Jesus knew He was coming to the end of His purpose on earth. He must have dreaded what He had yet to go through, and yet He knew He would be back in the presence of His Father, which is the ultimate joy. At the same time I see a love for His disciples.
    He knew what they would go through, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He prepared them, in His great Love. I think telling them about the Holy Spirit that would come, fed Jesus’s Spirit as well. Talking to them about the open communication that would be available to the Father, fed Jesus’s Spirit too. Jesus’s tremendous love for His people (& us) shines.

    I know this doesn’t even begin to compare but, when they were very little, every time our grandchildren came to visit, or we visited them, they would cry when it came time to leave. They didn’t understand that (Lord willing) we would see each other again. Their hearts broke because of their precious love, and inability to understand the moment.

    I am often the same way. I am settled into my sacred spaces, heart open, communing with my Father and His Son loving the time together when life calls. Like now…I need to get going to work/school. But God’s precious Word reminds me that I do not go alone. The Holy Spirit goes with me and one day, yes one day, I will see my Father, His Son-Jesus, and I think even the Holy Spirit in His person in sacred spaces that are face to face for eternity. Oh, how that brings comfort, joy, and peace to my soul. Thank you LORD God.

  46. Melanie says:

    Todays reading have me a deep desire to continue to press in to the holy spirit. To follow his leading. To love difficult people and see them as Jesus sees them. I want a life so focused on Jesus that I see nothing but his love and forgiveness. Thankful for all of you. Believing for the Spirit to touch and lead us today. Tina- I loved your post

  47. Churchmouse says:

    Today’s reading is soul stirring. What a giver our God is! The gift of His Son to redeem and save us. The gift of His Holy Spirit, to comfort, counsel, and correct us, until we live in His presence face to face forever. We are never alone, never left to rely on our own wit. We are empowered to experience peace even in the worst of circumstances. We are safely held by God Himself. Truly, what an abundant giver our God is!

  48. Joy Stark says:

    “If anything, the point is to grow more and more dependent upon our Father. Living under the delusion of self-sufficiency can keep us from being productive for the kingdom, which was never meant to be done without the King.” WOOSH! I needed that reality check this morning. Thank you, Kara, for those words and thank you, God, that true maturity is found in leaning deeper into you.

  49. Kelly (NEO) says:

    How many times have I wished that I could physically see Jesus, hear His voice, lean on His chest? Yet He has said it is better that He is in glory and I have the indwelling Spirit instead. I must trust that is indeed true. One day though, I will see, hear, and touch Him.

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH – praying for your surgery and a quick recovery.

    LYNNE FROM AL and GRAMISUE – praying for you and your husbands. May you rest in peace as you wait for test resaults.

    MELISSA MOORE – praying for you and your family as your dad goes through his cancer battle.

    MAURA – where is your friend Yvette in her cancer battle?

    KATHY – any update on Ruth?

    JULIE GANUCHEAU – any updates on Cannon?

    BRENDA – how is Ryker?

  50. SEARCHING says:

    “I have overcome the world” When I’m doubting, questioning, anxious and so many other feelings and emotions – I need to remember what Christ has already done … He has overcome the world!

    I appreciate ANDREA SCHLOSSER’s comment yesterday that We are never where God is not. So thankful for His faithfulness.

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH – praying for you during today’s surgery and recovery that follows

    TAYLOR – praying with you! Thank you for asking us to walk along beside you as you work through these feelings. Many years ago in my single days, I fretted continually, mentally projected a future with various relationships, made some bad decisions by following through/pushing on some of those projections and worst of all, rejected God and truth during that time. You are so far ahead of where I was with your faith and I will be praying that your anxiety and nervousness over what might be would dissipate, and that you can enjoy the relationship as it develops in the now. And if this isn’t THE one, that you can trust that God’s plans are perfect for you, in His timing.

    TINA – following up on someone’s comment earlier this week (I think) … yes, a book! ❤️

  51. Tina says:

    TAYLOR, praying your anxious heart is calmed by His Spirit..

    Dearest, also prsying with you for the Lords will to be done, and that you know His peace, however it turns out.


    LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, Praying..❤

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH, prayingHis presence and peace be with you today, and eith the surgeons as they do their work. Praying the Great Physician Himself be there to guide and direct through the procedure..
    He is near..

    Holding all prayer requests..❤

  52. Tina says:

    I have always loved writing and receiving hand written letters. There is nothing more loving and special than pen to paper writing. The expressions flowing from the heart, through to the paper via the pen, and onto the paper that will transport the recipient to the place of love, good thoughts and Happy vibes, yes, and sometimes even the not so great news, the writer was at when writing…

    As a recipient of many such letters, from home, from the heart, from far away lands, filled with love, joyous and sad news, the feeling of love and ‘presence’ is never far away.
    The signature, in that familiar hand, and always..

    I love you.

    With love.

    Yours ever.

    You are my sunshine, always.

    Much love, always.

    Wishing you good health, prosperity, joy and happiness.

    These messages, (and more), over the years, have conveyed to me how much I have been loved and cherished here on earth…,
    Here’s the thing, I selected these few signatures because these are from loved ones called home, no longer here.. and yet, I hold their love, often in my hands, tears rolling, smiling, knowing their spirit still lives on in their loving, encouraging,
    joy and wonder-filled words, that were penned to me…

    How much more Jesus..

    I have not physically met Jesus, but I have met and know Him in my spirit, in my heart and I know Him deep in my soul.
    I have felt Him.
    His letters of love, guidance, grace hope, the salve for my being, ever close through His Word, but most preciously important His given Spirit, His ‘forever I will love and be with you’ Spirit, lives in me, guiding, directing, protecting, teaching, and the beautiful signature, always in great and everlasting love.

    BUT GOD..

    Thank you Jesus, thank you, for your presence, always in me wrapped in the gift of the Holy Spirit, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Jesus for your great love that lives in me..


    Happy Friday, dear hearts.. wrapped in love and warming hugs..❤