Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Numbers 24:17

Advent is a season to celebrate and contemplate. We rejoice that our Savior has come to us! We also seek unhurried moments of quiet to reflect on His wondrous light and the promise of His future return. Take time today to pause from the busyness of the season to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in God’s presence.

I see him, but not now;
I perceive him, but not near.
A star will come from Jacob,
and a scepter will arise from Israel.
–Numbers 24:17

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60 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. PamC says:

    I was just checking in to see if we’d heard from everyone in the various storm’s paths.. you are in our prayers. Churchmouse you said it so very eloquently. Thank you for sharing here so we could join in and add our “Amen”.

  2. Karen DeNeui says:

    Thank you for all your comments they have really blessed me! This is my first year doing this study and it has come at such a perfect time as I have been through more trials than ever. Amazing how in the hard place the light seems to shine even brighter as our whole being reaches out in desperation to take the light of Christ and let the light fill us to overflowing! Glorious light flooding our soul! In ever increasing darkness may we all partake of the feast of light from God more than ever before and shine as brightly as the star of Bethlehem!

  3. Stacey Edwards says:

    Thank you for you your prayers! We certainly need them here in Western KY. We are surrounded by terrible devastation but I am so thankful the Lord spared our home.

  4. Donna Wolcott says:

    I too lift up prayers for all those affected from the tornadoes, the pictures are heartbreaking. Just an aside that came to mind today regarding the missionaries in Haiti still being held captive. I wonder if the Lord has placed them to witness and change the lives of those who are there to cause harm. Just maybe they are “the light of Jesus” needed for those tortured souls.

  5. Catherine Woodberry says:


  6. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am so thankful for my middle of the day quiet times. It is a time when my daughter takes her nap and sometimes the only time I can sit down during the day. I’m glad we have a God who we can always turn to and rely on. Happy Weekend ladies!❤️

  7. Gwineth52 says:

    Grace Day, Day 13, Advent 2020 Study book…Bridgette beckoned She’s to Psalm 143: 8-10:
    “Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning, for in you do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift my soul up to you”. Whatever the weather where you are & wherever you find yourself & whatever chore in front of you & whomever the people are around you … We receive His reflection to make it sunny & bright!

  8. Rhonda J says:

    I am praying for those with tornado damage and loss as well Churchmouse. I have family on both sides of the area hit, my dad and wife live in Central City, Kentucky. Praise God they only got bad thunderstorms.

    @Traci- I was riding my bike this morning, singing and praising to music as usual, and Praise You in the Storm came on by Casting Crowns (one of my all time favs), and I just had to stop and pray for you. The inspiration (so I have heard) was a family with a girl going through cancer, and she did not make it, but the family still kept praising God. I’m sure many and many can attest to how special that song is, but my heart aches for your loss, and the other mothers that have lost. Also, for you Martha Hix, and Victoria that lost this year. We have two neighbors (that I don’t personally know) that have lost a spouse this year. I have been wanting to put a card in their mailbox but keep forgetting or putting it off. I am going to make a point to do that today.

    Have a good wkd! Love you all so much. Many of us have been here daily for years, but it seems much more personal relationships this past year. I have said before as much as I’m not a big fan of facebook, there is the SRT page, and would be nice to be a little more connected on there to each other? Let me know if you are on there and shout out! I know you are Pam, but haven’t seen you lately on IG!