Day 20

Grace Day

from the Deuteronomy reading plan

Hebrews 10:16

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“This is the covenant I will make with them 
after those days,
the Lord says,
I will put my laws on their hearts
and write them on their minds.”
—Hebrews 10:16

Post Comments (27)

27 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Mari V says:

    Praying for you K. Swenson.

  2. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.
    Minimal pain but nauseous.
    And Oh my goodness!!! I listened to that SAME song this morning!!!

  3. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.
    Minimal pain but nauseous.

  4. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.

  5. Victoria E says:

    Agreed Beverly. Mari V praying for you and your quick recovery

  6. K Swenson says:

    If you’ll pray for me as well. I’m battling PTS and it’s been a long and daily struggle. Pray for healing and trust in God’s timing and ways. Thank you so much! Praying specifically this morning for you, Gramsie Sue…healing for your husband and protection for you.

  7. K Swenson says:

    Hey ladies! Thank you for the reminder of this tragic date in history. Praying for all who lost loved ones and for peace to reign at home and abroad. Praying also for y’all and your various requests! If you will, pray for me as well. I’m battling PTS and it’s been a long road and a daily struggle. Would love your prayers ♥️.

  8. K Swenson says:

    Hey ladies! Thank you for the reminder of this tragic date in history. Praying for all who lost loved ones and for peace to reign at home and abroad. Praying also for y’all and your various requests!

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