Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 10:16

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“This is the covenant I will make with them 
after those days,
the Lord says,
I will put my laws on their hearts
and write them on their minds.”
—Hebrews 10:16

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27 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Gwen Dunn says:

    May the laws too be written on my heart and in my mind so that I might be obedient.

  2. Alexandra Dent says:


  3. Katie J says:

    Please help me to follow the Lord’s commands.

  4. Mari V says:

    Praying for you K. Swenson.

  5. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.
    Minimal pain but nauseous.
    And Oh my goodness!!! I listened to that SAME song this morning!!!

  6. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.
    Minimal pain but nauseous.

  7. Mari V says:

    Thank you AZ Walker. I got home just before 7pm PST.

  8. Victoria E says:

    Agreed Beverly. Mari V praying for you and your quick recovery

  9. K Swenson says:

    If you’ll pray for me as well. I’m battling PTS and it’s been a long and daily struggle. Pray for healing and trust in God’s timing and ways. Thank you so much! Praying specifically this morning for you, Gramsie Sue…healing for your husband and protection for you.

  10. K Swenson says:

    Hey ladies! Thank you for the reminder of this tragic date in history. Praying for all who lost loved ones and for peace to reign at home and abroad. Praying also for y’all and your various requests! If you will, pray for me as well. I’m battling PTS and it’s been a long road and a daily struggle. Would love your prayers ♥️.

  11. K Swenson says:

    Hey ladies! Thank you for the reminder of this tragic date in history. Praying for all who lost loved ones and for peace to reign at home and abroad. Praying also for y’all and your various requests!

  12. GramsieSue . says:

    Hi She’s! I’ve been running a day behind this week because of Labor Day, so haven’t commented but have read and prayed for all who’ve asked. It’s been a really difficult week for some of you. But God….
    He is always with us. I am so thankful to be called His child. Apparently if I hit return to begin a new thought it posts so I’m going to just plow through. This week’s study has been so convicting as we all know that Israel didn’t follow through with their convictions to follow and obey God. And that led to severe consequences. And looking at our country and the path they are following looks too similar to the Israelites. Yes, we must turn our hearts back to God! We must pray for this nation! And the church must stand strong in obedience! I could go on…. but I am also asking for prayers. My husband woke in the night feverish and headache. He was exposed this week to an employee who tested positive yesterday to Covid so we’re pretty sure Steve has it. We are prepared, and he started taking hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin this morning. We had it on hand because a local doctor is going around the system and prescribing it. His testimony is that when he had Covid it only lasted 18 hours after taking these drugs. So prayers appreciated for quick healing for Steve. And I’m praying I don’t get Covid…I’m not sure after my brain bleed how my body will react. I’ve been doing quite well the past few weeks and I don’t want a relapse. Hugs to all ❤️

  13. GramsieSue . says:

    Hi She’s! I’ve been running a day behind this week because of Labor Day, so haven’t commented but have read and prayed for all who’ve asked. It’s been a really difficult week for some of you. But God….

  14. AZ Walker says:

    I also enjoyed listening to this week’s podcast and guest speaker. Praying for Mari’s surgery and ankle healing and son’s college,Traci and family and all here. I just listened to How Great the Father’s Love for us on Utube, thank you Maura.

  15. Traci Gendron says:

    Praying for God to open my heart and lay His words inside. To write them on my mind. To never forget He is in control.
    MAURA thank you for your prayers! MARI V prayers for you and your surgery.

  16. Mari V says:

    Thank you Beverly. I need it right now. I’m admitting my weakness right now. I’m so upset. I’ll be off work for a while.

  17. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    *This world is uncertain but You God are in control.

  18. Dorothy says:

    Lord thank You for Your covenant of Jesus and sending Him to die so that I may have eternal life. I praise You and know You are with me where I go, what do I, and when I do it. Watch over all Your children in the coming days. Be with my SRT sisters, those who have struggles, You know who and what, and those who don’t. Bless all of them. Amen

  19. Beverly Watley says:

    Amen. It is truly a day we will never forget. Thank you Mari V. 9/11/2001 I’m watching the ceremony on CNN right now. Good bless those families who lost love ones, and I’m praying for a successful surgery Mari. My you be blessed. ❤️

  20. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    Praying God’s laws and commands are engraved in my heart and mind. Help me not to forget Your ways are best. Help me to remember You love me because I am Your daughter not for anything I have done or will do. You are in control of All things. This works is uncertain but You God are Holy and in control. Thanks be to God for all of his blessings, mercy and grace. Thank you for Jesus our Savior forevermore.
    Praying for you Mari for a successful surgery and recovery. Missing Tina and Churchmouse. Their insights are valuable to me.

  21. Beverly Watley says:

    I love that verse that he will write them on our hearts and write them on our minds. Amen

  22. Maura says:

    Oh the grace of God for His people. Praying for you Traci, for your husband and this new treatment that God would bless it and bring His healing quickly. Thanking God that Tanner is stable and asking that this remains. Hugs Sister, I am thankful for you, and asking Him to show you His mighty love this day. Joining the prayers as I see them posted Sisters. Our God be praised this day that He can do all things, even write the law on our hearts, fill us and move us with His Holy Spirit, save us by taking our sin upon Himself. This song by Selah came to my mind in writing this, so going to share the lyrics, I hope it blesses you all. “How deep the Father’s love for us. How vast beyond all measure. That He should give His only Son, to make a wretch His treasure How great the pain of searing loss. The Father turns His face away. As wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons/daughters to glory. Behold the man upon the cross, my sin upon His shoulders. Ashamed I hear my mocking voice call out upon the scoffers. It was my sin that held Him there, until it was accomplished. His dying breath has brought me life. I know that it is finished. I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom. But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. Why should I gain from His reward, I cannot give an answer. But this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom. His wounds have paid my ransom.” Beautiful song, if you have a chance listen to it. He is all.

  23. SarahJoy says:

    I’ll second the recommendation of this week’s podcast. Definitely worth a listen.

    National Geographic has put out a documentary series on 9-11 that is fascinating. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the devastation and the tragedy of that day. Then on top of that the people deployed and killed AND the families left behind and forever affected by war or an absence. Now hearing the fresh upheaval in Afghanistan. Lord have mercy! Asking God to meet the many people grieving and crying out to Him today.

    Thankful for this space to be in the Word and gleaning wisdom from so many wise women.

  24. Mari V says:

    “Write them on their minds.”Please Lord, I need your Word in my heart and mind so I never forget and set a better example for my two children who are now older. Agree Kelly, 20 years went by quickly. I will always remember how many years since that horrific tragedy because my baby was almost 6 months old. He is now a wonderful 20-year-old handsome young man who loves Jesus. Please pray for him as there’s been so many changes. Pray for his heart that he will never forget God‘s word. And the same prayer for my daughter. This is why I need to set a better example for both of them. ALSO prayers are appreciated! For those of you who have been praying for my ankle, thank you. I especially need your prayers today. Had an x-ray on Thursday and I found out it’s fractured. Found out yesterday I need surgery. Surgery is today. Please pray a successful surgery as much as pain-free as possible. Pray I’m able to go back to work as soon as possible. I cried in front of doctor when he told me I needed surgery. I will be off work and I have to apply for disability. I have to be honest and say I’m pretty upset. And I know this is nothing compared to what other people are going through right now. and I end with this. I don’t want to minimize what happened today 20 years ago. Let us never forget. We will always remember. September 11 Will always be a day that will always be Remembered. My heart and prayers go out to those who were severely impacted by this day.

  25. Sky Hilton says:

    Good morning sisters!I pray that we would be joyous today in the presence of the Lord

  26. Kelly says:

    Me too KATHY SITES! I like to glen from the Bible first, “interact” with the SHEs, then listen to the podcast which usually gives me more to think or pray about over the weekend.

    Twenty years went by very quickly. Sooo much has changed in this country and the world, yet God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Especially praying for those who have served either in the military or as private contractors in this “war on terror” as well as the families whose loved one died while serving.
    Praying for the Afgani church that God would protect and intervene in any evil schemes plotted against them to “celebrate” this day.

    Praying for the requests too

  27. KATHY SITES says:

    I always use this day for the podcast…this week did not disappoint! If you have the time, listen to it. Prayers and love sent…never forgetting the sacrifice and remembering our country on this 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Prayers for those who need healing…in body, in mind, spiritually, and emotionally.

    Prayers and petitions for all the requests I have read this past week. Great is Thy faithfulness!