Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
“Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.”
—Matthew 5:17

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36 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Foster Mama how was your meeting?
Praying that you will see God at work in this and that you will know deep joy! Praying alongside you that this pregnancy will proceed to be healthy ❤️
Oh Sovereign Lord
…& ERIKA HARDY and all those affected by extreme weather!
Thinking of you JANE K & GRAMSIESUE
(In the same vein as KELLY, what’s happening with all our sisters with brain injuries?)
Agree AZ Walker, thank you Kelly! We are all fortunate to have such wonderful prayer warriors in this community.
Candace that is so much to deal with! Praying for you and your family and friend.
Mari V I will pray for your son.
Lindsay, I will be praying for you. I am in the exact same position as you, second pregnancy after a miscarriage in April. I also had spotting , my clinic says a little bit of spotting is normal throughout the first trimester as the baby settles in. I am at 10 weeks now by God’s grace. Many prayers on your behalf.
I am in the path of Hurricane Ida. Please pray for God’s protection
I’m praying for all the people KELLY asked about and all my sisters today, especially those who share / made requests:
Thanks CHRIS SWAN, AZ WALKER & DOROTHY for the tip & quote!
Dear Candace, that is a lot to handle! Prayers for your family and for others requests. May the Lord comfort, strengthen you and your ours and give you peace.️
Kelly, thank you for asking. Finley goes in for surgery on her shunt on Tuesday in the afternoon otherwise she is fine. As far as Jake my sister, Carol, emailed the family last evening and he is in jail. Carol has decided to leave him there this time or so she said. I’ve been praying that he will get the help he needs while in jail in multiple ways.
Ladies, I ordered and am reading Jen Wilkin’s book Ten Words to Live By. She was this weeks guest on the podcast. It is sooo good!! Really fits our current study.
The book of Deuteronomy can be long & taxing, but I think I’m going to really enjoy this study. As many times I’ve read through it, there is always new things to learn! Happy to go through it with you all, and so enjoy getting to know you through the comments, I feel like I have new friends from all around the states & from across the pond! Praying today for:
Foster Mama
Have a blessed weekend all!
My husband did really good with his prostrate surgery. Never any pain. We had an interesting day yesterday. He was released about 11:00. I went to get car, it wouldn’t start!!! Called friends to come rescue us— called a friend with tow truck to take car to dealer for repair— came home, changed clothes, went back to town to pharmacy, to car dealer, home about an hour, they called said car was ready, so back to town!! And I didn’t even have to take a zanex!! Lol. My husband is shall we say stubborn, and after 54 years, I have learned to just laugh alot and say “whatever”. Today he is out loading his sawmil onto a trailer to take to fixit shop. These lessons are so good—- how can we not remember what the LORD has done for us, i could write a book after 54 years of following my husband over mountains and through valleys (literally, and figuratively). God has been and continues to be sooo good to us!! Thanks for prayers.
Isn’t it amazing how God can allow you to see, read or hear something you need to when you need it. Last night I was reading my book, “Portraits of Devotion” by Beth Moore and toward the very end she wrote, “God can deliver anyone from anything at any time. He doesn’t need any help.” I decided to write it down on an index card so I can put it up and look at every day.
Hope all have a blessed weekend sisters.
Praying for all.
Candace lifting you up in prayer. That is a lot to have on your plate at once! Lindsay prayers for a healthy pregnancy. Lauren praying for your safety during the storm. I also want to say thank you for continues prayers. My husband is doing a bit better. Still some pain, but hoping time will heal. My son received his 3rd dose of the vaccine and praying he receives antibodies. He had none after the first 2. Immunosuppression is good and bad….
For what it’s worth Lindsay, both of the pregnancy’s I had that that resulted in my two children involved bleeding and spotting. Ironically for me, I had
Jennifer Wing- a good source of information regarding Lyme I’d Dr. Jill Crista. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case you need resources
Ladies I have a few prayer requests my sister is fighting lymphoma and her husband has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer he will have surgery in September. My 16 year old cousin is fighting leukemia and having serious complications from the chemo. A friend that deployed to Iraq with me several years ago just lost her two year old son to a tragic accident. I want to thank all of you who share your insights they have helped me and encouraged me all year.
Thank you so much Kelly for listing all those who asked for prayer. I am learning so much from this site and so grateful. I read of someone sharing as they drift off to sleep they start going thru the alphabet and praying for someone starting with A. I started doing this a few months ago. If I can’t sleep I just keep going thru names and praying – I always remember someone to pray for. Adding Lindsey ❤️ Peace and love to all.
Feeling sad this morning. Three years ago, my son, my daughter and I and my good friend G and her family and her son who is BF’s with my son drove to Southern California to drop off our boys for college. The pandemic brought them both home last March. Now almost a year and a half later my son realizes he cannot afford in-person classes. He has decided to continue with the University exclusively online.
BUT GOD….  some grants and some aid came through enough to cover most of his online classes. And I’m grateful he wants to continue his education. He hopes to move to be closer to the university. Prayers are appreciated as he continues to save up for a car.
Feeling sad this morning. Three years ago, my son, my daughter and I and my good friend G and her family and her son who is BF’s with my son drove to Southern California to drop off our boys for college. The pandemic brought them both home last March. Now almost a year and a half later my son realizes he cannot afford in-person classes. He has decided to continue with the University exclusively online. 
Hi Ladies,
My husband and I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I’m on my second pregnancy this year. The first ended in miscarriage. I’m 5 weeks in this time around and already having concerning bouts of bleeding. We know that God is sovereign and his peace is a great comfort to us, but obviously my hope is that this pregnancy will proceed in a healthy manner and we can experience the joy of becoming parents. Thanks!
Lauren, praying for your family and all those in the path of the storm.
(from yesterday)
ERB ❤️, nice that I can be an encouragement to YOU too!!
CHANGED LIFE, you AND He have got this!! I pray you are also reaching out to other resources that support your sobriety and know a ton about what works best (but individualized to you)!
Good morning Sisters,
Please keep those prayers coming… Meeting yesterday presented our visit with family as “all-or-nothing”…that is, if it doesn’t go well we can expect to NEVER hear from or see them again. That’s a LOT of pressure while being asked to stay cool.
KELLY, thank you so much for asking!! My brother is doing much better considering… his back is healing slow but sure… He has been told that he has osteoporosis (he’s only 34) and that he has a genetic neurological condition. Because of this, he has been told that he can’t drive (as a precaution) until November… it’s all just been a LOT to process for him! He has made the necessary adjustments he needs to, but it hasn’t been easy!! A couple things that he could use prayer for right now is that he can find rides to and from school (an hour away) and for financial provision to pay off his medical debt…these are 2 things that are weighing very heavily on him. This is his last year in his masters program, a LOT of stress and pressure!!! So prayers for that would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank you so much!!! Xoxo
I heard a quote yesterday on the radio… “Faith is built on what we remember.” So just like the Israelites , I will think on and remember all the times God has forgiven, saved, opened the seas, and straightened the highways! Prayers for every petition I have read here this week…our nation and world, those in the path of Hurricane Ida, our service men and women and those whose lives are affected by the decisions of other. I will remember…But God…
Hey gals I was wondering whether we who are praying could have some updates on requests.
TINA – How is Ollie coming along?
ERB – How is your brother?
JERRI – any updates on your son’s seizures?
TAYLOR – has your friend found any relief from her GI issues?
ANGIE – how is the recovery from the car accident coming along?
MAUREEN CK – How is Liam?
MELODY BATES – How is your M-I-L?
CHRIS SWAN – How’s your husband doing?
SARAH SHOWALTER – How’s is your pregnancy going?
LINDA K – Is your retina continuing to heal?
MAURA – How is Yvette?
DOROTHY – How is Jake and Finley?
ALEXIS – Have you found new meds that don’t cause joint pain?
ADRIENNE – what became of Brittany?
HOLLY CAVENDER and ARINA – How did the missions trips go?
JENNIFER WING – what is the status of your son’s lymes disease?
GINA – how’s your husband’s recovery?
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – How are you feeling?
HANNAH B – how are Cecilia and Danae?
CHANGED LIFE, SYDNEY (Megan), ASHLEY TAYLOR, MARYANN GRAVES, MERCY (husband) – praying the Lord will strengthen you as you walk toward Him (or with your loved one) as you navigate the freedom found in sobriety.
JANE K – may you receive peace this day admist the chaos.
Please pray for my region of the U.S., south Louisiana. Hurricane Ida looks to be heading right over my house (Baton Rouge)! We’ve prepared and will go assist our elderly parents today. Wind damage and flooding rains are a great concern this far inland.
Grace day catch up from yesterday. I’ll read through comments later. Xoxo
Don’t have amnesia!
Don’t forget how you got here.
Yesterday I got to see my mom for a few hours. Towards the end when had a few minutes by ourselves she shared how well my sister was doing who has struggled with bouts of severe mental illness. It was a moment to remember.
Remember what God has done for us! He brought you to this point. He has done for my sister (and other situations in our family) more than we could have asked or imagined. It wasn’t our righteousness. Only God. Humbling to see His hand move in impossible circumstances.