God’s Presence Equips Us

Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-9, Joshua 1:17, Joshua 10:8-14, Romans 8:31-39

I was a twenty-two-year-old, with a diploma hot off the press, and I thought I was going to change the world. With a couple large suitcases and a head full of dreams, I moved to Chihuahua, Mexico to teach a class of ten precious fourth and fifth graders. But the odds were stacked against me.

First, the mission organization I was working with preferred teachers with at least two to three years of experience. I had just graduated from college. And while I was approved as a missionary just three months prior to moving to the field and needed to raise support for my salary, usually missionaries take several months or even a year to do so. Finally, though I studied Spanish through high school and college, I quickly found out how much I had to learn when immersed in a second language and culture. 

The call of God on each of our lives is to know Him and make Him known. Oftentimes, this call means He will ask us to do what seems impossible. When faced with the impossible, the temptation is to do one of two things: run away in fear or muster up our strength to do it on our own as a means of proving something to the Lord. I didn’t know how much I had to learn when I moved to Mexico. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize I was in over my head. After preparing for this move for several months and without any other viable options, I couldn’t run away. But the temptation to do it all in my own strength? That was a daily fight. 

The gift of grace given to us by our Savior shows us that He is mightier than the impossible acts before us. God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible and then leave us alone. He calls us to the impossible and then empowers us through His Spirit as we partner with Him. 

God, in His rich and bountiful grace, provided for each one of my impossible tasks. He gave me mentor teachers to help me learn and grow. Each month I had just enough to pay my bills, eat well, purchase clothing, and save money for trips home. My roommate was Mexican-American and welcomed me into her friend group, immersing me in Mexican culture and helping me attain the skills I needed to learn fluent Spanish. 

So often we want to know every detail of the plan before us. But to walk in faith is to acknowledge that we don’t know it all and surrender to the One who does. When we do, He equips us to fulfill the tasks He entrusts us with in order to bring glory to His name, the only One worthy of praise. Whatever tasks He lays before us are nothing short of anything He hasn’t already done. His victory over death on the cross grants us victory in our everyday life, no matter how impossible the task may seem.

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40 thoughts on "God’s Presence Equips Us"

  1. Eunice Vega says:

    There’s nothing impossible for God. All He wants us to do is trust in Him and have faith that His will would be done. Our situations can sometimes find us in a place of desperation and we want to act so quickly that we don’t involve God and He wants to be in your every move. He knows what’s best. Let us be guided by the Lord. I pray for everyone who is going through a rough moment to find the comfort of peace through Him

  2. Dana says:

    @victoria e – oh have I been there! I’ll be praying for you! I was in a horrible situation for 12 long years. When I finally fully Trusted Him and took a step of Faith, He grabbed my hand and took me on a wild ride of everything falling into place and planting me in a job that I absolutely love! The difference is night and day. I have been at my new job almost 5 years and I am so grateful for His faithfulness. Hang in there and give Him control ❤️

  3. Victoria E says:

    I literally cried reading this! I am going through such a difficult situation at work and it seems impossible, but I know that with God I am a conqueror. Please pray for my work situation- it’s a long and complicated issue to try and describe but I’m basically very unhappy where I am but unsure of what to do next. Thank you !

  4. Bess Helt says:


  5. Missy Csonka says:

    Loving this SRT study guide about God’s presence in our lives. I love how he relentlessly pursues us! Little Ole us….He is worth to be praised.

    “Hosana, blessed be The Rock and my The God of my salvation be exalted. ”

    Funny how God brings to mind all those great songs when I was a new baby in Christ. I ❤️ that about God!

  6. Michelle Patire says:

    Mae – thank you for sharing your story. I pray that the Lord continues to comfort you as you process this loss… though, it is a blessing the way she transitioned to her eternal home. ❤️ I have friends who just went through a similar process. And it looks like there are others here, like Gloria, who can relate to your story. God bless those who are in this situation. Or caretaking or dealing with illnesses in any kind of way – Linda in NC, Gramsiesue, Lynne in Alabama… a few others. ❤️ May God’s heart for you and your loved one be ever present to you, friends. ❤️

  7. Shana Fields says:

    Loved this from He Reads Truth today.

    “We are not sent out in our own self-sufficiency. We are sent out with the presence of God.”

  8. Tricia C says:

    I love all of the testimonies today. Thank you for sharing. I trust everyone has been having a wonderful Tuesday.❤️