God’s Presence Equips Us

Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-9, Joshua 1:17, Joshua 10:8-14, Romans 8:31-39

I was a twenty-two-year-old, with a diploma hot off the press, and I thought I was going to change the world. With a couple large suitcases and a head full of dreams, I moved to Chihuahua, Mexico to teach a class of ten precious fourth and fifth graders. But the odds were stacked against me.

First, the mission organization I was working with preferred teachers with at least two to three years of experience. I had just graduated from college. And while I was approved as a missionary just three months prior to moving to the field and needed to raise support for my salary, usually missionaries take several months or even a year to do so. Finally, though I studied Spanish through high school and college, I quickly found out how much I had to learn when immersed in a second language and culture. 

The call of God on each of our lives is to know Him and make Him known. Oftentimes, this call means He will ask us to do what seems impossible. When faced with the impossible, the temptation is to do one of two things: run away in fear or muster up our strength to do it on our own as a means of proving something to the Lord. I didn’t know how much I had to learn when I moved to Mexico. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize I was in over my head. After preparing for this move for several months and without any other viable options, I couldn’t run away. But the temptation to do it all in my own strength? That was a daily fight. 

The gift of grace given to us by our Savior shows us that He is mightier than the impossible acts before us. God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible and then leave us alone. He calls us to the impossible and then empowers us through His Spirit as we partner with Him. 

God, in His rich and bountiful grace, provided for each one of my impossible tasks. He gave me mentor teachers to help me learn and grow. Each month I had just enough to pay my bills, eat well, purchase clothing, and save money for trips home. My roommate was Mexican-American and welcomed me into her friend group, immersing me in Mexican culture and helping me attain the skills I needed to learn fluent Spanish. 

So often we want to know every detail of the plan before us. But to walk in faith is to acknowledge that we don’t know it all and surrender to the One who does. When we do, He equips us to fulfill the tasks He entrusts us with in order to bring glory to His name, the only One worthy of praise. Whatever tasks He lays before us are nothing short of anything He hasn’t already done. His victory over death on the cross grants us victory in our everyday life, no matter how impossible the task may seem.

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40 thoughts on "God’s Presence Equips Us"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    Wow what a great reminder today. As there have been so many moments in my life that I’ve had to trust God with timing. As many people on here my journey with being single has been one of the hardest things I’ve gone through. As I have a boyfriend now it seems like that part of me has calmed down but we will always face new trials that make us dig into our faith and trusting Gods plan for us. If you’re single or struggling with being patient to start the next big step in your life I see you and feel you whole heartedly. Praying that for you all today.

  2. Taylor G says:

    It is amazing to read how God’s presence strengthens us and equips us to walk on and face challenges in our lives. I loved that several of the Bible verses today reaffirmed this. They remind us to not be afraid of these hardships we may face because when we put our faith in God, He will provide us with what we need to get through. He is stronger and mightier than anything we may face! And just like it said in the devotional, it is because of Jesus’s victory over death that provides us with the ability to prosper and have victory in our own lives. I am praying for all of you wonderful women, and I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday! ❤️

  3. Claire B says:


  4. Changed Life says:

    The scriptures, devotional, and your comments have truly touched my heart today. I am prepared to face two major concerns this week. Thank you, Lord. Lifting your concerns up in prayer.

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “He equips us to fulfill the tasks He entrusts us with in order to bring glory to His name, the only One worthy of praise.” I don’t know why but of all that I read, Joshua 10:9 stood out to me…If for some reason I have a very late night and don’t get my normal amount of sleep – I am totally done in the next day, stay in bed later than usual and skip my 5:30 run to the gym. But here, Joshua and his army had marched all night and defeated the enemy in a great victory! Without sleep, marching all night — only God could equip them to fulfill that task! “The Lord is my strength and my shield…” Psalm 28:7

    Praying for your requests @Anna Lenoir @Danielle B @Kate K @Tara B @Char Hight

    Have a blessed and Spirit filled Tuesday!

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    The gift of grace given to us by our Savior shows us that He is mightier than the impossible acts before us. God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible and then leave us alone. He calls us to the impossible and then empowers us through His Spirit as we partner with Him.

    I remember when Tanner was diagnosed at 14 months old. We were told we would out live him. I had to go through so much therapy to accept that. It was my biggest fear. Yet God walked me through it. He was right by my side to say goodbye to my son when I didn’t think I would survive my biggest loss.

    1. Taylor G says:

      @ Traci When I lost my daughter it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I outlived my child. It was this terrible realization that I wouldn’t get the chance to make memories with her or see her become into her own person. At the time, I didn’t know that God was present as I walked through my grief journey. But as I look back now I see that He was there, holding me up when I couldn’t do it myself. And He was there carrying me through my journey when I couldn’t walk using my own two feet. God’s love for us is truly amazing ❤️

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    Today’s was a reminder to me of not trying to f do everything in my own strength! Since I’ve had my shoulder surgery, I find myself frustrated with how slow the progress is. I feel like I should be able to do more! But God, I

  8. ERB says:

    My notes from the scripture today…

    Romans 8:31-39
    *This is exactly it!!! Thank You God!!! May we BELIEVE, KNOW & TRUST!!!! Amen.

    Joshua 10:8 The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you. Not one of them will be able to stand against you.”
    *such an important reminder!!! KNOW God and His voice!! BELIEVE and TRUST what He tells you.

    Joshua 10:14 There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord listened to a man, because the Lord fought for Israel.
    *this is referencing how Joshua asked the Lord for the sun to stand still and for the moon to stop and God did it!! He made them both stop, almost a full day, until the enemy was defeated. AMAZING!!! Such a powerful and intimate relationship between God and man… REMEMBER this!!!

    Joshua 1:3 I have given you every place where the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised Moses.
    *given every place where the sole of your foot treads. Wow!!! I know this in reference to the Israelites and the Promised Land, and it is showing the absolute FAITHFULNESS of God, which is beyond gracious and AWESOME!!!! But this verse also makes me think… where have I allowed my feet to tread? Am I choosing to walk, follow and obey where God leads me? Am I faithfully following through with what He says/promises & reveals to me? I am feeling the depth of this as I type it out!! Wow… Adjust and align me Lord!! Thank You Father. Amen.

    Joshua 1:5-9
    *God never leaves or abandons us!!! And NOTHING happens without His permission!! I remind myself of this everyday throughout the day!! It is extremely comforting!!! I love the reminder here to be Strong & Courageous, do NOT turn to the right or the left, in other words don’t be distracted but keep your focus on God alone!!! SO Good and such a MUCH needed reminder!! SO Thankful for Your Word Lord and all the reminders and truths in it!! Align and adjust me Lord and help me to stay pliable and moldable in Your hands and at Your feet!! Amen.