God Reigns Forever

Open Your Bible

Psalm 90:1-17, Psalm 91:1-16, Psalm 92:1-15, Psalm 93:1-5, Psalm 95:1-11, Psalm 99:1-9

Book IV
Book IV is a response to the despair of Book III. With only two psalms attributed to David, this section anchors the worshiper outside the reign of David, all the way back to creation, the exodus, and the early history of the nation of Israel.

Crisis moments have a way of revealing our control issues, don’t they? When things are running smoothly, and all is well, we can start to naively think that we are in control. In the rare seasons when our families, careers, relationships, and finances are thriving, we rejoice that we have managed them all so well! Alas, when one of those trains runs off the track, we are confronted with the frightening lack of control that we actually have. In an instant, disappointment, pain, and suffering can cause us to forget what is true. 

Because suffering has a way of disorienting us, understandably, all we can see and think about are the obstacles and enemies that surround us. 

That is a major throughline of Book III of the Psalms, as the people of God lamented their suffering and exile. They needed a king—the promised King from David’s line—to restore their nation. They needed God to make good on His promises. Which brings us to Book IV which we began reading today with Psalm 90. In response to the darkness of the preceding book, it is a proverbial lifting of our heads. It’s a call to look up and around, behind and before us, to remember the hope that we have—that we’ve always had. It anchors us in a time long before the exile as a reminder that God was at work long before this moment, and He will continue to work in all the days to come. We have the same need as the psalmists—for God to lift our head above the circumstances we can see, reminding us what is and has always been and will always be true: He is on the throne. 

We need to echo Moses’s declaration that God has “been our refuge in every generation” (Psalm 90:1).
We need to declare each new morning that God’s faithful love remains (Psalm 92:2).
We need to take heart that all of creation is held in the hands of the Creator (Psalm 95:4–5).
We need to remember that God didn’t forsake Moses or Aaron or Samuel (Psalm 99:6), and He won’t forsake us. 

Sometimes we have to look, not just at our circumstances, but at ourselves and declare anew that God’s “throne has been established from the beginning” and indeed He is “from eternity” (Psalm 93:2). Even before a speck of dust formed the ground, He was God and He was on the throne.

One of the gifts of the psalms is that they don’t overlook or dismiss our circumstances. And neither does God. We are given examples repeatedly of how to come to God with any range of emotions, struggles, and experiences. He meets us right there. But even in the midst of all the kinds of chaos this broken world can bring, we get to say even louder; God reigns forever! Creation told of it, Moses declared it, generations of Israelites echoed it, the psalmists sung of it, and we get to join in that same chorus on this side of the cross. Indeed, God reigns forever!

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59 thoughts on "God Reigns Forever"

  1. Lauren GW says:

    I’m feeling pretty despairing. My relationship with my husband has been pretty strained since he came back from deployment 2 years ago.

  2. sydney dubreuiel says:

    Want prayer for protection? Think 911. Psalms 91:1 is my go-to!

  3. Mercy says:

    “Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, it is a people that do err in their heart” (Psalm 95:10). I read this verse and immediately stopped to ask God for forgiveness. For sure I have grieved God at some point. 40 years is a long time and had the people checked in regularly with God, wouldn’t God have let them know that He was grieved? This shows that while us being Christian and God’s children, we could be brutally oblivious about His grief if there is a lack of close intimacy or consistent communication through prayers. Normally we want God to help us in our grief, and how about God during His grief? Would we ever ask God, are you grieved today Lord by anything I have done? This thought squeezed my heart. Our relationship with Him is a two-way relationship -as Bible often demonstrates (draw close to Him first, and He will draw close to us). If any relationship is a one-way street, for sure it will not flourish. May we learn to check in on God. Father Lord God, please forgive us the moments of us hardening our hearts when we hear your voice. Lord please cause us to be sensitive toward You and bring great joy to You instead of grieves. Please cleanse us of any unrighteousness that cause you grieves. Let your beauty be on us and establish the work of our hands by your strength (Psalm 90:17). In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Be blessed dear sisters.

  4. Jennifer Anapol says:

    It’s so crazy to think about how short our lives truly are. I pray that I would make my life count and would focus on the things that truly matter. I want to walk in the purpose God has for my life.

  5. Susan Steele says:

    That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you for the prayers over our marriage. I wanted to share some good news. We reconciled and talked it over yesterday evening, and soon after (without any prompting from me), my husband said he wanted to watch the episode of the Chosen where Jesus turns water into wine at the wedding. It’s his favorite episode, probably because he’s very much like Thomas who is introduced in that episode. So the amazing part about this, is that my husband is open to learning about God but he isn’t saved yet. I saw that as a sign from God that there is still hope.. There is always hope. Praise be to God.

    Praying for your requests – Abigail Chang and Rhonda J for your families; Sarah D, Mandi and Gwendolyn Vincent and for your anxiety; Melanie for comfort to sleep through your pain; Taylor for God to lead the time you’ll be spending with the guy from Texas; Tricia C for patience with your husband’s spiritual walk and to feel God’s presence (you are in the right place here with She Reads Truth, and I can relate a bit with what you shared with your husband and having a hard time being patient with him.. Rhonda J’s earlier comment to me yesterday helped me and she can relate a bit too, it may help you).

    Carol M – hallelujah and praise to God for baby James!

  7. Tricia C says:

    When I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma almost 4 years ago, I clung to Psalm 91:1-2. I still do. I am so grateful for His provision, every minute of every day. Even when, right now, I know the Lord is with me but I feel so out of His loop. I want to know Him so much more and long for so much more. I don’t know how I can. I’m struggling a bit in this regard. My husband isn’t in the same place spiritually as me and it frustrates me. I’m trying to give it to the Lord but I sometimes get angry or judgmental. I just need to keep praying for him and for our relationship to grow together in the Lord.

  8. Abigail Chang says:

    Indeed. I will choose to praise him through the storm. Seeking prayers for my family as we go through a rough time, every night my mom purposely starts a fight with my dad and it can get physical and I’m unable to pull them apart. She is suspected to have BPD and is clearly mentally ill but she refuses to seek help. She also constantly carries a spirit of poverty and idolises money – even she herself has admitted to not talking to God anymore and have lost faith even though she has previously claimed to be the most faithful Christian on earth. Today my brother finally convinced her to see mental help and we’re at a hospital now. Please pray for the family and that she will get the help she need and that she will also open her heart to go for inner healing and deliverance ministry. Pray that God will continue to be king over this situation and indeed he is Lord of it all – even through such times!