God of All Mercy

Open Your Bible

1 John 1:5-10

Text: 1 John 1:5-10

A beautiful Saturday to you, dear friends!

As we walk through this season of reflection and repentance together, we want to provide time and space for us as individuals and a community to meditate on God’s Word and bow at His feet in prayer.

Each Saturday during Lent we will read a brief passage of Scripture and a corporate prayer, both carefully chosen for this specific place in our Lenten journey. Sundays will be dedicated to scripture memorization, one of our favorite habits here at She Reads Truth.

We pray you will not only meet with the Savior on these quieter weekend days, but linger there with Him, in prayer and in His Word.


Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

– from The Book of Common Prayer


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145 thoughts on "God of All Mercy"

  1. Danna says:

    1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” Thank you ladies for walking in the light so we can have fellowship together. ❤️

  2. Kara says:

    Not even a week into Lent, but I can completely feel God’s grace holding me up. I gave up the scale, weighing myself, for Lent and I don’t plan on bringing it back. I’m not named by the number the scale reads. The number is just my pull on gravity. Not how many miles I need to run. Not how much I should eat. Not my worth. My worth is found in God alone!!

    1. Kayla says:

      As a distance runner, fitness enthusiastic and someone who is very conscious of my body I can completely relate to this! Our worth is not defined by anything other than God. Let us be gentle to ourselves during the Lenten season, we need not worry about working out or counting calories but focus instead on the blessings and abilities that God has given us!
      Peace be with you!!

    2. Kasey says:

      Kara, I gave that up for lent one year and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I struggled endlessly with a horrible eating disorder. It was during that time when I gave it up that I was finally able to break the horrible chains that were holding me back. I was so thankful for the opportunity and have only seen Gods redeeming story through giving up the pain of weighing myself and obsessing over that area in my life. He is so faithful and I am praying that others are able to break free from that bondage!

  3. Megan says:

    I love it when God weaves personal study, Sunday sermon series, and community group topics together so beautifully! It is so humbling- He gently and tenderly disciplines and guides His children! Thank you Lord for speaking so clearly about your hate for sin and your desire for us to be purified and in intimate communion with You!!! Help us to walk in the Light and in Your Presence where there is fullness of Joy!

  4. Maxine_R says:

    I love the idea of selecting scripture and spending more time in prayer. My commitment for lent is not so much giving anything up but that I come to God in prayer first thing in the morning and last thing at night. My prayer life has definitely lacked at these times of day, I talk to God throughout the day and I so look forward to our devotions everyday but I have the ugliest addiction to checking my business' social media first thing when I wake and last thing when I go to bed so I especially love this dedicating extra time in prayer every Saturday! God above ALL from the moment I open my eyes that is my prayer.
    Lord forgive me and shine light on my heart and the things I need to change in order to become closer to you. Amen.

    1. Melissa Ray says:

      Amen! This is my Lenten practice as well. And with Gods strength and perseverance I will continue this habit past Easter Sunday! <3

  5. CindyD says:

    Thank you for the reminder of these verses today. Sometimes when a passage is so familiar I read over it too quickly. But today I was able to meditate on each verse and was blown away by his love and forgiveness for me. So looking forward to the time when we will sin no more…but for now am so thankful for his daily forgiveness and love.
    Have a great weekend sisters!

  6. Beth says:

    This is such a beautiful space. I am so grateful that I stumbled (I think while searching for Lenten activities for my family on Pinterest). Lent always proves to be a special time of the year for me. Reading these verses, reflecting through my writings and carrying out my reflections through daily actions is supported through this page and all of the wonderful posts and comments. Thank you.

  7. Rachel says:

    This passage always brings me such comfort. As part of the corporate confession and forgiveness portion of liturgy, it’s so beautiful to know that if we just talk with God and let Him in, forgiveness and grace is ours. Truly beautiful.