Escape Through the Red Sea

Open Your Bible

Exodus 14:1-31, Exodus 15:1-21, Romans 6:1-4, Hebrews 11:29

How do you respond to difficulty? Are you an optimist who always finds the good or a problem-solver who creates a handful of contingency plans? 

Me? I’m like Israel. My response to difficulty is usually anxiety, discouragement, and doubt. I look at the “Red Seas” of my life and cry out. For example, I recently became a homeowner. Yay! Right? Yes. But also, the journey to the closing was rough. I’m talking about five different closing dates, a two-week stay at a friend’s becoming a three-month stint, and a week where it looked like it would all fall through and I would lose all my money. After one gut-wrenching phone call with my realtor, I remember sitting in my friend’s kitchen, with my head in my hands, wondering if I had made it all up. 

I imagine Israel felt the same way, but ten thousand times over with the Egyptians behind them and a literal dead end in front of them. Even if they could swim, there was no way they could swim the length of the Red Sea. Though God had shown Himself to be all-powerful, this difficulty caused them to doubt God’s ability and character, asking, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?” (Exodus 14:11).  

Growing up, I often heard the saints of my childhood church sing of a God who would never forsake His people. They would belt out in three-part harmony with conviction, “I don’t believe He brought me this far to leave me.” Today’s reading proves this lyric to be true. After miraculously executing the ten plagues, God didn’t lead Israel to the Red Sea to leave them. Instead, the Red Sea was purposed to be their deliverance and Egypt’s defeat. He asked them to abandon their fear and quietly watch Him fight for them. 

As I sat in my friend’s kitchen, God asked the same of me. I wish I could say I responded with a resounding yes, but I honestly had no choice. My chips were in. All I could do was trust Him. I’m happy to report He did, but I’m even more delighted to say God fought for my heart to find deeper levels of trust in Him. 

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43 thoughts on "Escape Through the Red Sea"

  1. Laurie Crary says:

    Jennifer Loves Jesus, thank you for your words.

  2. Angie Mills says:

    In the face of terror, the Israelites forgot how they reacted when Moses said that God would deliver them from the Egyptians and when they had seen God’s deliverance. They had responded in faith & worship. Now, they doubt & fear. When we respond to God in faith, He gives us the strength to stand firm. When we respond to God with doubts, we only have the strength to tremble with fear.

  3. Allison Bentley says:

    Before the parting of the Red Sea God had done everything He promised delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians yet they STILL GROANED!!! How often have I seen God move in my life, deliver me from darkness and still groan about my circumstances- what a spoiled turd!! Lord help me to focus more on gratitude than grumbling, grace than judgment and love more!!!

  4. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord, reward my faith, forgive my doubt! In Jesus name, Amen

  5. Charlie says:

    MICHELLE PATIRE — thank you for sharing that story of a narrow escape. You just have to look back on that and see God’s hand of protection around your family! I had my own narrow escape 30 years ago when a man climbed through my apartment window. I won’t go into details, but by the grace of God, I escaped before being completely assaulted. I just wanted to encourage you to keep praying through your fear, praying for a relief from the anxiety that can easily come as a result of this violation. And keep in mind that, if you find that your fear becomes paralyzing, a therapist can give you many tools so that you don’t spend years living in fear, like I did. I’m so thankful you and your family were spared what could have been tremendous harm — but the resulting fear is real. You’ve got that wall of protection around you — lean into Him.

  6. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “Yahweh is a man of war” (Exodus 15:3). “Your right hand destroyed the enemy” (v 6). “Who is like You among other gods?” (v 11). This was no small “red sea moment”. This is supreme Good defeating evil in a divine display of God’s supremacy. This is where lasting hope reigns. My small story matters more when I display unshakable faith in the one true God who split the sea and delivered His people from hostile gods. This same word “schizo” was used by Mark to describe the baptism of Jesus when the heavens split apart and the Spirit descended like a dove on Him. The exodus event was deliverance from exile led by Moses. But God ultimately came to lead us out for good, Jesus was the only one who could save us perfectly. We remain imperfect, and He covers us perfectly. He covers our failure. He covers our grumbling, our wanting, our doubting, and our small seeds of faith. He takes what we have and grows a supernatural harvest from the tiny seeds we sow. “You brought them and planted them on the mountain of Your inheritance… a place You made for Yourself to inhabit” (Exodus 15:17). And so I sing to You Lord, with a dulcimer instead of a tambourine. I dance to You for Your victory over evil. You made a way where there was no other way. I pray not for an easier life, but stronger faith. Not for easier roads, but stronger shoes. Because I know that when I am weak, You are strong. I have learned that my strength comes from the tension and affliction in this life. I want anything that pushes me closer to You. There will come a day when there will be no more tears, no more pain. I hold fast to this promise and battle on for You. For Your people. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  7. Veronica Elizabeth says:

    This whole study has been so timely. I have an upcoming interview for a job in ministry that I am simultaneously excited and anxious about. I’ve been feeling a lot like Moses in early Exodus: doubtful and feeling inadequately equipped. I am cherishing these reminders that it is God’s power that is made perfect in weakness. Even when I am shaking with fear like the Israelites, GOD SHOWS UP. Whatever the outcome of the interview, God’s plans are made perfect and He is fighting for me and the best for that ministry. There is so much peace to be found in stillness with our Mighty God!

  8. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning sisters,

    Jumping in to ask for prayer. I have been struggling with feeling nauseous in the mornings before going to work, and still with my anxiety during the day. I’m so tired of feeling this way and just want to feel well. Please pray I can find the help I need. I will be looking for a new counselor than the one I have had currently, as she is raising her price. Hoping to find one covered under my insurance. At this point I am open to if I need medicine. Also please pray as I am thinking about starting a masters in teaching. As of now, I don’t see any other job options, so I am thinking of taking advantage of the education benefits while I am at this job. Please pray for wisdom and peace, and that the Lord would help me juggle all of this. I am honestly slightly mad at him for making me go through this, when I feel like I am doing all the right things and trying to trust him with this. It is definitely been such a struggling time mentally for me. Love you all, thank you for your prayers!