Dorcas Restored to Life

Open Your Bible

Acts 9:32-43, Psalm 36:9, Mark 5:21-43

Last week I got a blast from the past when I spotted a teen girl wearing a pink, plastic WWJD bracelet. For those of you with no gray hairs or wrinkles, let me explain. In the 1990s, many Christian teens sported bracelets stamped with the acronym for “What Would Jesus Do?” It was meant to be a reminder and declaration to live in ways that reflect the heart and actions of Jesus. 

Regardless of how you feel about Christian slogans and accessories, we can agree that it’s good to learn from Jesus, right? Today’s passages present us with an intense WWJD moment for Peter. A beloved disciple of Jesus named Tabitha, an Aramaic name translated “Dorcas” in Greek, became sick and died. Her grieving friends sent for Peter, who was ministering in a nearby city. When Peter arrived, he approached Dorcas’s dead body. “He knelt down, prayed, and turning toward the body said, ‘Tabitha, get up’” (Acts 9:40). Miraculously, she did.

We’re reminded by today’s Mark 5 passage that this was not the first time Peter had seen the power of God restore life to a dead body. Years before Peter’s experience with Dorcas, Jesus specifically included him, along with James and John, when he took a dead girl by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you get up.” Miraculously, she did (Mark 5:41–42). Peter had a front row seat to this miracle; he saw with his own eyes what Jesus would do. 

Surely Peter and the apostles were given an extraordinary calling to establish the early church and authenticate the gospel through signs and wonders accomplished by God’s power at work within them. Even though you and I do not physically walk and talk with the risen Jesus as they did, we have the biblical account of how Jesus lived and what He taught. We also have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit at work within us, illuminating every page of the Bible as a reminder and declaration to live in ways that reflect our Lord’s heart and actions. 

In today’s supplemental reading we see Jesus being interrupted yet taking time to slow down and meet the needs of a stranger. We see Him engaging with those who are powerful and with those who are poor. We see Him cross cultural barriers by prioritizing girls and women who were sidelined in their communities. We see Him crossing religious barriers by touching a dead body and by allowing Himself to be touched by a bleeding woman. Jesus welcomed those considered untouchable by society, and He loved them to life. This is the example Peter followed, and the example we are called to follow as well. 

As we like to say at She Reads Truth, keep opening your Bible. Learn what Jesus did, and  follow His lead in loving people to life.

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48 thoughts on "Dorcas Restored to Life"

  1. Annelyn P says:

    Praying for you, Kimberly Ferrugia.

  2. Adrienne says:

    Was listening to a podcast (Kelly Minter’s Cultivate… Episode 30). She had Amanda Bible Williams on. I was encouraged b/c Amanda was talking about taking time to study our Bibles and how hard it can be to fit it all in. It really helped me to know I’m not the only one who struggles!

  3. Emma B says:

    I love how Patti put it, “Love them to life!” When we love like Jesus, we are loving them to Life – to Jesus!! When we love, we are guiding them to Jesus! Just like the Ethiopian eunuch asking Philip, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:30) How can they understand, unless we teach and show them? People will pay attention, when they notice and see Jesus evidently found in our lives! They are longing to know the eternal hope we have because of Jesus!! They won’t know Jesus, unless we guide them to Jesus!!

  4. Sky Hilton says:

    It’s always great to be reminded of the miracles that can be done when we let Jesus use as as vessels. I love when people come together to worship Jesus. Imagine how much things would change if we would all do this.

    I always loved reading the story of the woman with the ‘issue of blood’. I think it’s so beautiful. Her faith was so strong. I pray that our faith would be strong, like the faith of children- blind, and unquestioning, and to believe that just being in the presence of Jesus would be enough.

    What a great reading tonight! Our Savior does amazing things!

  5. Michelle Hart says:

    Praying for you @kimberly that your panic attacks will stop

  6. ERB says:

    TRACI GENDRON, I hear, feel, and see you dear sister. …your post actually took me back to a song I used to listen to on repeat… Ordinary Miracles sung by Sarah McLachlan (written by Glen Ballard & Dave Stewart) I would encourage you to listen to it! We might not see the kinds of miracles (healings etc) we want to see everyday, but we are definitely surrounded by some pretty amazing & miraculous things!!! Sending you a great big (((hug))) surrounded by lots of love and prayers ❤️

  7. Alice R says:

    Kimberly check out the book by j.p. Moreland ‘finding quiet’ my story of overcoming anxiety and the practices that brought peace. Praying for u. ❤️

    1. Kimberly Ferrugia says:

      I will, thank you so much for that! ❤️

  8. Tash P says:

    I read a book recently – Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar. Though fictional, it takes a historical look at the woman in Mark 5 that bled for years. It was so interesting to get a glimpse of what her life would have been like and how difficult and lonely she would have been.