Dorcas Restored to Life

Open Your Bible

Acts 9:32-43, Psalm 36:9, Mark 5:21-43

Last week I got a blast from the past when I spotted a teen girl wearing a pink, plastic WWJD bracelet. For those of you with no gray hairs or wrinkles, let me explain. In the 1990s, many Christian teens sported bracelets stamped with the acronym for “What Would Jesus Do?” It was meant to be a reminder and declaration to live in ways that reflect the heart and actions of Jesus. 

Regardless of how you feel about Christian slogans and accessories, we can agree that it’s good to learn from Jesus, right? Today’s passages present us with an intense WWJD moment for Peter. A beloved disciple of Jesus named Tabitha, an Aramaic name translated “Dorcas” in Greek, became sick and died. Her grieving friends sent for Peter, who was ministering in a nearby city. When Peter arrived, he approached Dorcas’s dead body. “He knelt down, prayed, and turning toward the body said, ‘Tabitha, get up’” (Acts 9:40). Miraculously, she did.

We’re reminded by today’s Mark 5 passage that this was not the first time Peter had seen the power of God restore life to a dead body. Years before Peter’s experience with Dorcas, Jesus specifically included him, along with James and John, when he took a dead girl by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you get up.” Miraculously, she did (Mark 5:41–42). Peter had a front row seat to this miracle; he saw with his own eyes what Jesus would do. 

Surely Peter and the apostles were given an extraordinary calling to establish the early church and authenticate the gospel through signs and wonders accomplished by God’s power at work within them. Even though you and I do not physically walk and talk with the risen Jesus as they did, we have the biblical account of how Jesus lived and what He taught. We also have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit at work within us, illuminating every page of the Bible as a reminder and declaration to live in ways that reflect our Lord’s heart and actions. 

In today’s supplemental reading we see Jesus being interrupted yet taking time to slow down and meet the needs of a stranger. We see Him engaging with those who are powerful and with those who are poor. We see Him cross cultural barriers by prioritizing girls and women who were sidelined in their communities. We see Him crossing religious barriers by touching a dead body and by allowing Himself to be touched by a bleeding woman. Jesus welcomed those considered untouchable by society, and He loved them to life. This is the example Peter followed, and the example we are called to follow as well. 

As we like to say at She Reads Truth, keep opening your Bible. Learn what Jesus did, and  follow His lead in loving people to life.

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48 thoughts on "Dorcas Restored to Life"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Traci, thank you for being honest about your feelings. God can handle whatever feelings you have; the important thing is you are still seeking after him. I will be praying for your son and for comfort for you during this time. I have a daughter, and I can’t even imagine what you are going through.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how God sees individual people and their needs. I pray I would follow his example and love people to life!

  3. Michelle Patire says:

    Foster Mama- I love that you stumbled upon Justin Bieber’s worship videos! I have never been a big fan of pop, but I’m especially interested in his transformation! It’s amazing to see someone that well known singing for Jesus! I pray he continues in Spirit and truth!

    Traci- my heart breaks at your messages today. I am praying for you and your son to be so near to the Lord. It is hard to have faith in these situations. Words fail. I can not begin to understand all the feelings and thoughts of your hearts. May God bless you and keep you. May He show you His heart for this day by day. May you stay in faith. May your son have courage and a strong heart, as his days continue. God, please bring them close to You in this time of pain and confusion. May you pour out Your loving witness to them. May You be glorified in this heartbreaking process. Oh Lord , please guide them and protect them. Please heal, Oh God. In Jesus’s name.

    I also ask for prayer this afternoon.
    Not as severe as others… But I have been having very bad car trouble for almost two months straight. My car at the shop for weeks at a time. I had to have it towed again this morning. I’ve spent thousands already trying to fix it. I only make $9 plus little tips, and only part time am I employed. I just want prayers for faith and conclusion to this mess. I am constantly fighting these lies that I don’t deserve a car because I got myself into this mess. I shared my story a few weeks back…
    But I know God is gracious. I know I am forgiven.

    Thank you in advance ❤️

  4. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Angie, praying for you and all of those parents. May Jesus be glorified.

  5. Traci Gendron says:

    Good morning SRT ladies. Todays teaching brought up negative feelings for me. I know that seems odd, but why do we not see miracles today? So many young dying from illness. Believers that are dying that have strong faith. I think of my son in this instance. I have prayed and prayed for him. Yet I know his illness will take his life. I see the decline. I know I’m supposed to let God’s will be done, but it is so hard to watch this and remain strong in my faith. Can I ask for prayers for myself? I normally don’t do this, yet I feel I’m in great need. Thank you

    ANGIE – I love how your are changing your focus on doing the teacher/parent conferences.
    NANCY S – prayers today.
    MAURA – Thank you for meeting with me Saturday!

  6. Ruth Long says:

    It was so beautiful how he noticed and cared for women, dead bodies and blood. He really crossed boundaries and entered into our suffering. HE healed them!! This remind me of how 3 years ago, I was in New York State for thanksgiving and I pulled my ankle muscle badly, and it left me unable to walk well. We went to the Sunday service and the pastor welcomed anyone to come for prayer. My heart stopped in me and I wondered if God would have anything for me if I went. So my beau helped me to the pastor and he and another sweet lady prayed for me. My eyes filled with tears of emotion and doubt. I didn’t know if he would heal me. Suddenly, I lost balance and took a step…WITH THE INJURED LEG. It felt strong and soothed! We all laughed and hugged and thanked God for this. He really does heal, even now. I felt as if he was making me rise up and stand again. Talitha cumi always has special meaning for me.

  7. Kim Garbison says:

    People with so much faith. And so much love for their people.

  8. Mari V says:

    Loving people… And for me it needs to start with my mother. My mom loves Jesus but living in the same household as a middle aged daughter has its challenges. Pray for me as I need to love her more and be patient. She’ll be 80 in April.