Book I
The personal nature of the psalms in Book I demonstrates that all those who place their hope and trust in the Lord, aligning their lives with His kingdom, can rest in His deliverance.
After years of anticipation, I sat in a theater waiting to see my favorite musical on stage. When the lights dimmed, the orchestra began to play, and the baritone began to sing the opening lyrics, I burst into tears. My cheeks stayed damp for the next two hours and forty-five minutes. It didn’t matter that I’d heard the words so often I could have sung along. It didn’t matter that I knew the story backwards and forwards. When it was over, I stood up to applaud until my hands hurt.
In this show, each character is represented by a short, recurring musical moment. At the end, these motifs layer onto one another in a scene full of energy and complex emotion. Each individual song is powerful on its own. But only in witnessing the entire story is the artistry of the whole composition fully understood.
The book of Psalms is organized in a similar way. The larger book is structured as five smaller units, each made up of individual songs and poems. Many of us have never read the Psalms as an entire collection. More often, we read favorite psalms or look at them in literary groups. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this approach (we’ve done it as a She Reads Truth community and loved it!). But in doing so exclusively, we can miss the artistry of the whole collection.
In this reading plan, we’ll look at psalms from each of the five books to build a framework for understanding the Psalms as a whole. We’ll see how this book tells a redemption story—one of a mighty, powerful God who drew near to broken humanity, who promised an eternal King, and who remains the same from generation to generation. Each psalm also reminds us that God meets us in whatever state we’re in—in our loneliness, sorrow, and celebration.
Our stories, just like the people who wrote each psalm, are not the whole story. But they are part of God’s grand redemption. Through these Holy Spirit-inspired words, we’re reminded that there is hope when everything seems lost, life when death and decay seem to press in, and community and purpose when all we see is loneliness and fear.
Our title comes from a refrain that occurs three times in Psalms. Amen is a Hebrew affirmation, a confident declaration that what was previously stated is the truth. It can be translated as, “Let it be so!,” “Certainly!,” “Surely!,” “Truly!,” or, my personal archaic favorite, “Verily!” Our prayer is that as you learn to read the Psalms book by book, you would join those who have gone before us by responding to God’s faithful redemption with a bold, declarative, “Amen and amen!”

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175 thoughts on "Delight in God"
I love the vision of each story being a part of a grander story. It’s such a beautiful way to look at the Psalms, the Bible, & our lives.
Amen and amen!
Amen ❤️
I view the psalms as beautiful. It’s such a reflection of King David’s affection for God even in the midst of his troubles. And you can always see God’s name being praised throughout the collection of songs. Another thing I think is beautiful about the psalms is they also tell the story of Israel’s redemption: monarchy, exile and return. And through David’s pleas for help in trying times, you can always see God’s continual faithfulness. His great love and perfect His judgement comes through all over throughout the psalms.
Amen and amen
Amen and Amen!
Love this! My answer to God is Yes and Amen
Amen and Amen Father! I accept what you’ve allowed and trust your plans!
Amen !
I’m excited about this study. I have read Psalms as they were written chronologically alongside the same scripture in other books from the same time. I have admittedly never liked the Psalms. I’m hoping this will give me a whole new perspective into them!
Amen and Amen!
❤️✨ my heart seriously overflows with this read.
Amen and amen!
Amen and amen!!!!
Amen thank you lord!
Amen and amen
Amen and amen
Amen and amen!
I hope this gives me a closer and better understanding of my Gods words
Amen and Amen
I am so excited about this study! I love Psalms and have read it all the way through. It’s so good.
I love it! Thank you.
Such a great start ❤️
Amen!!!! Can’t wait to read tomorrow!!
so great
Can’t wait to keep reading!
Excited to see where this study takes me and shows me the relationship I once had so strongly in Christ.. Ever since having my first child who is the greatest blessing in my life I have felt so far from God. Hoping that reading and studying the confident prayers of faith David prays can bring that life back into me.
Me too, Amanda!
❤️ Amen and Amen!
Amen and Amen
Y’all read David’s crown by Malcom Guite with this study!!!! It is beautiful!!!!!
This study couldn’t have come at a better time, I have been wanting to really read the Psalms and take it in, my annual Bible plan doesn’t really give time for one to dwell in it, I have been wanting to be more honest with God and my emotions and I’m looking forward to being like my ancestor David and encouraging myself in the Lord.
I need this study right now!
♥️ amen and amen!
I’m looking forward to this study
I have never taken this approach in reading Psalm as a collective literary group before. How wonderful and what an amazing idea. Psalm 16 is one of my most favorites and I was excited to see it today.
I have a stack of 3×5 cards with favorite verses written on them. Many in the reading are on cards, but all are strong contenders. I can’t wait to read more.
No sure, but Hamilton comes to mind.
I would guess Les Miserables but that might be because it’s MY favorite musical ;)
I am so glad to be returning to SRT studies. I have been really struggling to be consistent in the Word on my own, but have always been blessed by these studies and am finally returning. I came back at the perfect time, with this Amen & Amen study just beginning. Looking forward to digging into these Psalms with the SRT community and drawing closer to the Lord. Thankful He is always near and faithful even when we are not. Psalm 16 was especially encouraging to me today. Praying I can remember that in His presence there is fullness of joy.
Love this so much! Started the podcast;). Excited for this study. Amen!!!
Does anyone know what musical she’s taking about?
This study came at the right time. Just started 21 days of prayer and fasting, and it’s exactly what is needed during this time of reflection.
Lisa Doorenbos— welcome!
Becoming satisfied in the Lord- Psalm 17:15!!
Praying for you that you will find comfort and community here at SRT
This is a wonderful and safe place to speak your heart and your prayer requests
and also to pray for others and their prayer requests and needs.
This is home. Welcome. We want to know you and for you to know us. This is a very positive and uplifting community of women from all walks of life.
We are so glad you are here with us ! WELCOME !!!!
Amen and Amen
Love this!
Great prayer as I go to bed!
Amen and amen!
God, thank you for meeting me where I am—in my loneliness, in my worry, in my sorrow, in my joy. Help me to remember that there is hope to hold onto even when everything seems lost. You are my provider, my shield, the one who lifts up my head, the one who never has and never will abandon me. The one who reveals the path to life. Lord, I bless you. Amen and amen.
Amen and Amen!
Wow! Just the first set of readings has me overwhelmed. As an introduction of myself let me tell you that I am a person who has been through much over the past 3 years. I have faced broken ankle, brain surgery, being left by a husband who was cheating which resulted in my being evicted and losing everything but what I could fit in a car, spending 6 months in a women’s shelter, new husband (I remarried a year and half ago) having lung cancer surgery and heart surgery, death of my mother, death of another family member to suicide, and loss of a sister to alcohol. Yes it has been a rough time. Now the blessings! My current husband. I have a great job that I have been on almost the entire 3 years. My family relationships that were broken have been restored. I am in a nice home and have all that I need and more. God has been good to me when good wasn’t IN me.
Now I will tell you why I decided to start doing the studies in this community.
1. Because I haven’t been spending time in the Word recently and needed something to guide me.
2. Because I don’t have a lot of friends or people who I can spend time with. I hope that some of you will begin to communicate and become friends as we study together.
3. Because I don’t feel His presence in my life like I used to. I feel like the ceiling blocks communication with Him.
I read all of the readings tonight, but when I went back to go over them more in depth, I only got through Psalm 1 & 2 because there were so many thoughts and ideas that filled my mind. He says “Ask Me” – it says those who follow Him will be happy. HAPPY! It says we will bear fruit. It says we will be like a tree by water – growing, strong, healthy and beautiful. So much more. Lord give me the confidence and faith to believe these things truly mean me.
With the Lord, we find REST. As a mama of little ones with little times of rest, I find joy & comfort in this.
Kristina Stump….. I too am struggling it seems I can’t escape the memories. Day or night they are there. I “take my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ” whenever I realize what I am thinking negatively. Reading the Psalms is like drinking fresh water. Sometimes I only need to go to His word a couple times per day and other days it’s hourly! The Good News is He has got you. Always. He will never leave or forsake you!!
Heather & Kristen I am sending prayers, my cousin went through the same thing and your stories hit home ❤️
Earlier this year, I was studying the Bible (don’t even remember what study) and I read Psalm 16 and wrote AMEN AND AMEN next to in in the margins. Made me smile to turn to it today and read it as part of this study. God is so cool like that.
Amen! ❤️
@kristina Stump – praying for you and your journey with mental health. Mental health hits close to home as my dad recently tried to end his life because of it. Please know that you’re not alone and so many people are going through the same thing. You are so loved by so many even though there are days that we don’t feel like it.
Amen & Amen ✝️
Amen and still applies today!
This devotional today was such a great reminder that when we follow Jesus, there is life to the fullest. This doesn’t mean that we won’t face trials, but the trials won’t destroy us. ❤️
I have been away from my Bible for a while, today I opened She Reads Truth and this plan is exactly what I need. Praise the Lord.
Amen and Amen!
I’m so excited to dig deeper into scripture verses that have resonated with the Church for generations, but really see where they come from in the bigger picture of scripture.
I love you Sisters. Praying for each of you.
I am praying for you Kristina Stump. I experience similar issues now and then too. Excited that we are studying the Psalms!
DOROTHY, funny you should mention that poem. My 94 year old Grandma will soon be with the Lord. It is one of the things she wants read at her funeral. I will have the honor of reading it. I had just volunteered this morning to do that and then I read what you wrote. God sure is Awesome like that.
A question I asked myself while reading Psalm 17 was whether I had the same faith as the author who wrote, “You will answer me.”
As someone who hasn’t read the Psalms through entirely, I can’t wait for this study!
So thankful that this study came up at this moment in time. God is always on time!! Amen!
As many times as I have read and know this intellectually, the scripture saying “in His presence there is fullness of joy” resonated. My mom would say a phrase “that’s a life without Jesus” and this scripture is that reminder that only when we are in His presence will that joy over come our souls
I loved this too!
As I was reading Psalm 16 I kept hearing the song Psalm 16 (Fullness of Joy) by Shane and Shane play in my head. Look it up!
In the book there is a brief poem by Anonymous titled “Life Is But a Weaving” that I would like to share with you because I know not all of you get the books:
“My life is but a weaving, between my God and me,
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily,
Often times He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride,
Forgets He sees the upper, and I the under side.
Not till the loom is silent, and shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why,
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver’s hand,
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.”
I was reading this last night and just loved what it was saying. I’m thinking I’m going to print it off and put it up somewhere in my place.
Sisters be blessed and let the Great Weaver weave the best in you.
I love that! “Be the tree, not the chaff.” Thank joy for sharing!
HEATHER AND KRISTEN – I am so sorry for the loss of your babies. It is definitely a time of pain that draws us closer to the Lord.
I love the comment “be the tree, not the chaff”!
Also—There is a great song by King and Country called “Amen!” Look it up on youtube!
I also am excited to listen to the SRT weekly podcast for this week on Psalms!
Also—There is a great song by King and Country called “Amen!” Look it up on youtube!
Good Morning She’s! A great new study with Psalms! I just listened to a study by 06/40 Chuck Misler going through verse by verse, chapt by chapt of Psalms that was really informative! I love to see how my life is bearing the Lord’s fruit as I keep growing in the Word. I definitely KNOW from the experience how going MY OWN WAY in my twenties and thirties (although I knew God to be my Heavenly Father, God of the Universe) does not go well. It leads to a lot of hurt and sin. It was then that I broke to my knees and knew I had to be reborn to live for God through His Son’s blood, repentance, and His Mercy, Thank the Lord!! Now the Holy Spirit guides me to be a better person daily, living in His JOY, through good and tough times!!
Good to see you again Taylor!! We pray for your relationship, for God to open or close doors for you! Although you are anxious for marriage and family, make sure it is in God’s will and timing! (which I know you know, but is hard, but much hurt comes from doing it your own way!)
Missing Churchmouse, Sarah, and Victoria E, and Mara, and Maria and more.
Thank you for your prayers for my grands, much appreciated.
Thank you for your words of Wisdom GramsieSue, today and yesterday or Sat (I’m not sure which!) Praying for your business @Lexi, for God to continue to guide and bless. Thank you Kristi for your testimony (I remember your story!) Continue to share and bless our She’s!
Just sharing a few nuggets: Like a tree, the godly person is alive, beautiful, fruitful, useful, and enduring, The most important part of a believer’s life is the “spiritual root system” that draws on the hidden resources we have in Christ. We can’t nourish and support ourselves – we need to be rooted in Christ and drawing upon His spiritual power. Delighting in the Word and meditating on the Word must go together, for whatever we enjoy, we think about and pursue. The way we treat the Bible is the way we treat Jesus Christ, for the Bible is His Word to us. Hugs to my sister she’s. ❤️
So thankful for this study. I cannot wait to reread the layers upon layers of blessings from Psalms. God is our portion and strength.
@Ashleigh H – praying for you today and hoping for the best news!! ❤️
@Kristina Stump – lifting you in prayer this morning. Life is so hard at times that we think we’re drowning, but that’s when we cling to God and His promises. My trials have been when I’ve grown the most and seen God’s work. Hugs ❤️
Last time I read through the book of psalms, I noticed a pattern. Particularly in David’s Psalms, there would be a psalm of lament or complaining, then a psalm or three later there would be a psalm of praise that brought peace. I am sorry you were in a place of lament, but your faith will guide you to God’s peace.
The school where I teach had a focus on psalms last school year. My five year old who was in kindergarten repeated the chant that the chapel leader shared for the school. “Be the tree, not the chaff”. Such a simple sentence, but so much wisdom and hope as we are growing our roots in God’s word.
I want to be that tree, strong and rooted in my faith, and bearing fruit during the various seasons of my life. But I realize that I fall short, And knowing that I do not walk perfectly, He will pave the way for my redemption and for all of us❤️
Whatever he does prospers.”
Beautiful start to a wonderful book. I love the beginning of Psalm 1: “ He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit and in its season, and it’s leaf does not wither. And all prosperous
I’m thankful for finding this group. I’m trying hard to deal with hard times and stay grounded in God’s word. I’m going through a mental health struggle that has left me feeling like I can’t swallow but I can. I lost my sister to cancer in July. My moms health is worrisome. Gods words and promises is what I’m clinging onto. I’m praying for relief and know in the right time it will come. Sometimes I admit it’s hard to stay positive and not doubt. Todays message was a great reminder that no matter how difficult things are stay focused on the positive words and promises from God. Amen Amen.
This is my first SRT study and I’m so excited to get into the Psalms. 37 years into my journey as a follower of Christ, I’ve never done an in depth study of the Psalms!
That is beautiful Jeni, thank you for sharing.
Already loving this study! Amen and Amen!!
I love the book of Psalms, it is one of my favorite! So happy to see it will be our study for the next 20 days. A long time ago I memorized Psalm 1:1-3. It has since become a prayer of mine, especially verse 2. I long to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. So often I read the Word then get busy with my day and forget all about it. My desire is to have it in my head and on my heart so that I can constantly be thinking about it – meditating on it day and night so that I will yield fruit and that my “leaf” does not wither.
@Taylor – Welcome back! Praying for your mental health and your new relationship. To those of you who have suffered loss – praying comfort for you and that God will use your circumstances to help others.
A blessed Monday to all my SRT sisters!
Love this study already!!
I’m already loving this study!! I love in Psalm 17 that it reminded me that God will never leave me and that He will always protect me. I also love that He does hear our thoughts and prayers, we need to be patient and trust in His timing.
I’ve been going through a moment of lack in my life but am always grateful for the fact all my necessities are met for me and my family. Psalms 2:7-8 struck me because it reminded me that if I ask/pray for a need, God will deliver. I need to focus on my blessings today and pray for a better tomorrow and have trust and faith that God will deliver. I just have to be patient, believe, and know He knows what I need when I need it.
Amen and Amen!!
Thankful to be joining this study. I took a break during Exodus as I had recently read it with the Bible Recap plan. However, I really missed it. Our family is in a huge season of transition (oldest 2 just graduated from high school- one moving out) and I am struggling with all of the changes and an apparent return of a bit of depression/anxiety. The book of Psalms is a good place to be. I am praying that I will truly “delight in the law of the Lord” and that will cause me to lie down and sleep in peace. I am also praying that God will “show me the wonders of his great love.”
Hello SRT sisters! I am so excited to be back in the Word with you all (hopefully every morning!). I had a wonderful two weeks in Europe visiting with two girlfriends and exploring the UK and Holland. However, I’ve also really been struggling with my mental health over the last week or so. I believe it is stress-related, being jet-lagged and having to jump right back into working full-time, and now starting my busy season with field hockey and navigating a potential new relationship. Today’s reading and your comments were so encouraging to me. God does not leave us in our mess. He draws near to us. He is present. He is faithful. He will not leave us or forsake us. I also think my mental health has suffered because I’ve been out of my routine of daily Scripture reading, but I want to use the start of this new study to recommit to joining you all every day and encouraging and praying for one another. The Lord sustains each and every one of us in whatever challenges and trials we are facing. Praying that we all experience His peace, His love, His mercy, and can experience divine hope <3 Praying that everyone has a blessed Monday!
I had been talking to God about having the right attitude and then read this beautiful Psalm 1. He reminded me that by avoiding wrong counsel and the temptation to follow my own selfish thoughts I am free to draw upon His living water and demonstrate the fruits of His precious Holy Spirit. So liberating, hallelujah!
I love this new study of the Psalms! I think it really helps to break it down into sections and focus on what those sections mean! A verse that stuck out to me was: “I cry aloud to the Lord and He answers me from His holy mountain.” 3:4 Our cries don’t cause Him to turn away from us, but for us to draw nearer to Him, the ultimate comforter, provider, and so much more. I hope that this study continues to deepen my knowledge and strengthen my love for Christ and others! ❤️
I love this new study of the Psalms! I think it really helps to break it down into sections and focus on what those sections mean! A verse that stuck out to me was: “I cry aloud to the Lord and He answers me from His holy mountain.” 3:4 Out
I love this new study of the Psalms! I think it really helps to break it down into sections and focus on what those sections mean!
I have found the way, the truth, and the life of contentment. Not in checking out or isolation, but rather checking in, with Jesus. The streams of His living water flow through me because I walk with Him day and night. “I always let the Lord guide me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8). “Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices, my body also rests securely” (v. 9). Father God, reveal the path of life to me today, show me the way to respond to those I encounter along my way. I call on You God because You will answer me… Display the wonders of Your faithful love (Psalm 17:6-7). Satisfy me with Your presence today (Psalm 17:15). My delight is truly in You alone. Use me to show others the way to peace in You. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Oh Father God let Your Words light a fire in our hearts through this plan! In Jesus name, Amen
[apparently every time I entered a line break it posted my comment!! Don’t know how to delete, sorry!!]
Yesterday was an example of God meeting me right where I was in the midst of helping my three year old through a potty training regression during a very large transitional time in our lives. I was lost for patience and words and had cried so many hours in two days just feeling like I didn’t know what to do to support her and love her. In church I just heard, “pray for her to pee.” It seemed like such a silly prayer but by golly I prayed it for the next hour straight and guess what – God delivered. It gave me joy and confidence and all the things described in these readings. God is faithful, even in the trials that seem so distant from Him. I left the day feeling so hopeful for what else He can provide right now.
@Heather. Yes, God is so very good! 33 years ago I stood where you stand. Our daughter was stillborn. My heart was broken and I cried out to God in anger. But I always ended my cry with…”but please don’t leave me”. He never did. When we are weak, he is strong. ❤️ Looking back that was the time of the greatest growth in my Christian walk. May God wrap you in His arms as you walk with Him.
I already feel blessed by today’s reading! God is so good and faithful. This verse in particular was a reminder to recognize the life-changing blessing of being a daughter of Christ.
Psalm 16:5: Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.
Thank you!
Gayle R— it love this description! For me Psalms when I think of the book of Psalms, I immediately think of “light”— as in a bright light always there to offer encouragement. Looking forward to doing this study with you and the other sisters!
No matter the circumstances we face or the emotions we feel, we can delight in God. Our circumstances change. Our emotions change. Our lives change. God never changes.
Our delight can be found in:
1. Walking in God’s ways.
2. Following God’s instructions.
3. Meditating on God’s Word.
4. Finding our refuge in God.
5. Knowing God reigns.
6. Knowing God saves.
7. Allowing God to guide.
8. Resting in God.
9. Fellowshipping with holy people.
10. Knowing the Lord is our protection.
Delight in God’s:
Heather ❤️❤️
I’ve been through an extreme emotional betrayal and I struggle with recurring thoughts. When I find myself ruminating I’m trying to plug into the Word to redirect my thoughts. It is definitely a process.
I have the book for this, it’s really beautiful. Looking forward to the next few weeks!
Heather ❤️❤️
I’ve been through an extreme emotional betrayal and I struggle with recurring thoughts. When I find myself ruminating I’m trying to plug into the Word to redirect my thoughts. It is definitely a process.
I am excited about this new study! There is a lot of wisdom in Psalm’s verses. Some of my favorite verses in the Bible!
Heather ❤️❤️
@Heather Wilmington I’m so sorry for your loss. My first baby was stillborn on August 23 and my friend’s baby was too. Her delivery was on August 22. We experienced this years apart from each other. We were discussing the kindness and goodness of God during that time.
The day of her burial was a Friday and I was invited to go to a different church that Sunday. I was not used to this type of worship. I grew up catholic, so we didn’t sing and clap our hands. God used one lady that caught my attention at a new church. That woman was clapping and praising and I figured she had an easy life. That same woman came to me and told me that God said to run to Him and not away! This whole chain of events, starting with the passing of my baby, led me to people and places that I would have never encountered that affected my life here and my eternity. The pastor started preaching and it’s like he was talking right to me. I started to learn about why Jesus died, the price He paid, and how He is the only Way to Heaven and the Father. I went to church for years, but didn’t understand. Listening to His Word was a lifeline to me. That woman helped me along the way too. (She also lost a baby, and her life wasn’t easy like I thought. She had joy though!) She wrote me a letter, gave me worship music, spent time with me and talked and try to teach me about God!
There’s such a snowball effect that has happened because of God’s leading and His mercy. I don’t really take time to think about all this, but my whole life would not have been the same. I NEVER would have chosen the passing of my daughter, but I’m grateful for all He has done, the people and places I’ve met and been, and most importantly how I have heard The Truth. I pray that God, in His mercy, will draw all that I’ve met along the way to Him or to a deeper amazement of Him, and be saved and used for His glory! Prayers for you and all the SHES today!
May my delight be in the words of Psalms these next weeks! After having a “surprise” baby in 2021, I have not been as disciplined as I used to be and I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to study this beautiful book as I renew my commitment to the Lord and my family.
HEATHER WILLINGHAM – I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing how the Lord has carried you through. Great is His faithfulness.
ARINA – praying for your week of VBS!
Isn’t God good? When we are weak He is so strong for us. He loves us just where we are at in life. 17 months ago my baby died the day before my water broke. I had a healthy pregnancy. No signs anything was wrong with my baby! I fell into a deep depression. I cried out to God…I mean literally. All I could think of to say was, “Help me Jesus!” And He did, and still does. Some days it is minute but minute. I love what you said, “The rawness of our emotion does not cause Him to withdraw, but it’s an opportunity to draw closer.” That is so good! I pray that God will continue to show Himself to you. Anxiety and depression is no joke, but nothing is too big for God. Much love sister! May you receive exactly what you need during this study.
These psalms sing of how good it is to follow the Lord. The happiness that comes from serving Him rather than going in your own ways. How do I see that in my own life? I’m excited to dive deeper into this book and learn to see it as a whole.
What an encouragement Jeni! I am about to go through a season of a lot of change and it’s going to be hard. I see the theme of finding joy in the Lord rather than anything else so I will cling to that with all I have… much like you and your life raft!
Really excited to go through Psalms. When I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression a few years ago, I read through Psalms front to back alongside my weekly therapy sessions and I was so blessed and encouraged to see that God is present even as we go through low or dark periods. The rawness of our emotion does not cause Him to withdraw but it’s an opportunity to draw closer. It really got me through, so excited again to take a deeper look at the structure of a portion of Scripture that was a life raft for me.
Amen and Amen.
Looking forward to diving into the books in Psalms with you all and growing in knowledge of our Saviour God and His forever love for us..
Happy Monday dear hearts…❤