Crucifixion and Resurrection

Open Your Bible

John 11:25-26

Text: John 11:25-26

As we walk through this season of reflection and repentance together, we want to provide time and space for us as individuals and a community to meditate on God’s Word and bow at His feet in prayer.

Each Saturday during Lent we will read a brief passage of Scripture and a corporate prayer, both carefully chosen for this specific place in our Lenten journey. Sundays will be dedicated to scripture memorization, one of our favorite habits here at She Reads Truth.

We pray you will not only meet with the Savior on these quieter weekend days, but linger there with Him, in prayer and in His Word.


I marvel that thou shouldst become incarnate,
   be crucified, dead, and buried.
The sepulchre calls forth my adoring wonder,
 for it is empty and thou art risen;
 the four-fold gospel attests it,
 the living witnesses prove it,
 my heart’s experience knows it.
Give me to die with thee that I may rise to new life,
 for I wish to be as dead and buried
   to sin, to selfishness, to the world;
 that I might not hear the voice of the charmer,
   and might be delivered from his lusts.
O Lord, there is much ill about me — crucify it,
 much flesh within me — mortify it.
Purge me from selfishness,
 the fear of man, the love of approbation,
 the shame of being thought old-fashioned,
 the desire to be cultivated or modern.
Let me reckon my old life dead
   because of crucifixion,
 and never feed it as a living thing.
Grant me to stand with my dying Saviour,
 to be content to be rejected,
 to be willing to take up unpopular truths,
 and to hold fast despised teachings until death.
Help me to be resolute and Christ-contained.
Never let me wander from the path of obedience
 to thy will.
Strengthen me for the battles ahead.
Give me courage for all the trials,
 and grace for all the joys.
Help me to be a holy, happy person,
 free from every wrong desire,
 from everything contrary to thy mind.
Grant me more and more of the resurrection life:
 may it rule me,
 may I walk in its power,
 and be strengthened through its influence.

– “Crucifixion and Resurrection” from The Valley of Vision


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56 thoughts on "Crucifixion and Resurrection"

  1. lindseymoody84 says:

    I know that all these lofty requests are out of my reach. It is only through your grace & power in my life that I overcome anything at all. As I try & fail, remind me of your steadfast love & sacrifice for me. You knew I could never climb my own ladder to you. Let me humbly accept that…finding joy & freedom in my weakness & in your strength. Sure, I want these things, but more than that I want you. I trust the unfolding of my new life in your hands. Thank you that you want me too & use even sin to accomplish a relationship with me. Amen

    1. Lesley says:

      Thank you Lindsey!
      Well and simply said!

  2. Kelly Ann says:

    Thank you for this prayer. I needed to hear these words as I embark on a journey of strengthening my faith. I know that Christ is walking with me in this time of change and renewal. I hope He will strengthen me for the battles ahead but most of all help me to be the holy, happy person I know that I can be

  3. Brooke says:

    Oh how I love the Valley of Vision readings. They somehow capture the “groanings of the Spirit” within me and put them into words. This one makes my heart ache and and my eyes tear…yes, Lord, yes!!! Amen and amen!

  4. Cindy T. says:

    Today has been a tough day. It is my birthday. My mom died two years, 4 months ago and since I’d lived far away out of state for many years, I usually didn’t see her on my birthday –but her beautiful card was always right on time, in addition to her call. Now, on this THIRD bday w/out her I’m back in my hometown living in her house-my childhood home-with the task of sorting through a lifetime of her (and my) belongings (brother and his family live far away and not a lot of extended family to help so I’m alone to do the work, except for the Lord). Anyway, today I’m feeling somewhat rejected by my dad (they were divorced for ages) since he and my stepmom are celebrating a friend’s belated birthday today at a party her husband arranged for her. My heart just feels hurt that my dad was trying to “fit me in” either last night for dinner or for lunch today, neither of which were possible. We decided to celebrate tomorrow, though my heart’s wounded about it–selfish I know. Since I don’t have many friends here yet, (though getting involved in church) I feel like such an orphan on my birthday, missing friends that live far away in the other places I’ve lived. Singleness can really be a bummer too. Please pray for my heart as I miss my mom and that I will not be bitter about the situation with my dad. And that I’d quit feeling sorry for myself. I did find comfort in Isaiah 54 that I read due to catching up on this week’s readings and then lingering there..I pray I would believe his goodness despite my feelings. Today’s prayer was poignant as well. I feel kinda dumb sharing all this in this forum but I needed to let it out I guess, since others are pretty real about their struggles. Thank you for “listening”:)

    1. Laura says:

      I’ve felt that orphan feeling before. I just prayed that you would feel the presence of your Heavenly Father and would have the ability to forgive your earthly father. By the way, many blessings in your next year of life.

      1. Cindy T. says:

        Thank you very much, Laura. I really appreciate it. God bless you. :)

    2. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Lifting prayers up for you Cindy…..may you find peace and contentedness in the arms of your Heavenly Father. I know that feeling of aloneness and pain. I pray that you are able to find joy in the memories as you journey thru your mom's things (and yours). When I went thru my mom's things, I chose a few things that are part of every morning: her robe and a coffee mug (she never used it…..but I had always be intrigued by it up in the cupboard). The robe is now in tatters, but every day I put it on after my shower and think of her…..grab my mug of tea and have my quiet time with the Father before everyone wakes up. I love these little smiles….love, hugs and prayers for you Cindy <3

      1. Cindy T. says:

        Thank you for the prayers and empathy, Heather. I love how you remember your mom– thank you for sharing that. God bless you! :)

    3. Becky says:

      Praying for you today, Cindy. Shalom.

      1. Cindy T. says:

        Heartfelt thanks, Becky. Really appreciate it. God bless you! :)

    4. Lorraine S. says:

      Your pain hits so close to home for me. I lost my only child, my daughter nearly 7 years ago in a head on collision. She left 5 beautiful children and a husband. We always spent our birthdays together and as hers and mine come and go the loss is so deep. Like you, I am single. Her father left me when she was three. I struggle every day with feelings of rejection and trust but, towards God. He is opening up my heart to show me all this and slowly healing. May you and I both believe His goodness despite the hurt. May God comfort you on your birthday and on your journey of loss. May He walk with you tall the way.

      1. Cindy T. says:

        Thank you for the kind words, prayers, and for sharing your heart, Lorraine. My deepest condolences regarding your daughter. There is nothing like a mother’s love for her daughter-you’ve suffered a tremendous loss. I’m finding that time doesn’t take it away completely– by His grace one adjusts to the “new normal” and treasures the memories. But the Lord is faithful no matter what. Thankful for the healing process He is leading you (us) through. Lamentations 3:19-24 comes to mind. Let’s believe it! :) Blessings on your week.

  5. Abby says:

    Fear of man and desire for approval are two thorns that I wrestle with so much…and then this one, which I didn’t even know, but this prayer so aptly named “the shame of being thought of as old-fashioned” instead of cultivated and modern.

    It completely turns my mind inside out to realize (like someone else said) that Christians struggled with this 250 years ago (or whenever this was written). Again it shows me how important it is to see our lives as part of a much larger flow of history, in which believers have wrestled with the same things that we do, and have looked to Jesus life and death and resurrection for their ultimate hope and confidence, as do we.

    I think it also strengthens my faith because i realize that this struggle, this wrestling with the love of the approval of others and the fear of man, is a sign of our salvation and ongoing sanctification- something that will not be completed this side of the grave. Hallelujah to Christ the King for overcoming Death and raising us to life with Him! Eternal praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

    1. Lilliana Camacho says:

      AMEN!!!!! Abby

  6. Thank you for the devotions. I have really stop this one out from the beginning to the end. I really appreciate the word that has been given to me almost daily. Not only has this been a great season for me. But I think this is been the best land season that I have acknowledged

  7. Antimony says:

    “Help me to be a holy, happy person, free from every wrong desire, from everything contrary to thy mind”. These ideas are intricately linked … not separate. Holy goes with happy. Free from sin. Etc. Can’t expect to be happy if I turn my back on God and holiness.