Text: Matthew 6:5-34, Psalm 139:1-12
I want to hug the person who invented name tags. Really, I think we’d be great friends.
Meeting new people is such fanfare to some. There are mnemonic devices for remembering names, online guides to small talk, and the worst—the “get to know you” games.
Icebreakers, often in the form of “the name game” or “two truths and a lie,” are usually well-intentioned attempts to make a group of strangers more comfortable with one another. They’re also my cue to run to the nearest exit.
It’s not because I’m shy—oh, goodness, no!-—it’s just that having 10 seconds to determine my forever impression on a bunch of people I’ve never met isn’t my definition of fun.
Maybe it’s because the nicknames I’ve walked away with from these games have stayed with me longer than I’d hoped, or just because I’ve spent years talking myself out of the things I said in a moment of sheer panic (“Yes, I know I said I love to kayak, but in reality I’ve never been in one and I just couldn’t think of another word that began with the letter K”).
More likely, it’s because I want to control how the world sees me. I spend time bartering for my worth through the lens of another, and usually walk away counting my losses.
While reading about the hypocrites in Matthew 6, I begin doing the same thing.
No, Lord. I’m not like that.
And He gently pushes me to the end of the chapter, where Jesus teaches about worry, something that initially seems unrelated.
But when I can’t write others’ opinions of me, I get sweaty.
When I try to manipulate approval, I become restless.
And when I hustle to cover up my wrongs, I’m the most anxious girl in the room.
In that familiar, worried place kept secret by my shame, I find myself standing with the hypocrites as Jesus questions us—Why are you anxious, O you of little faith?
I want to point to the part of my name tag that says “Christian” in bold letters. Of course I have faith!
He reminds me to soften my strife and silence my sales pitch. Am I afraid the Christian life will go unnoticed, or am I worried I won’t get credit for being a part of it?
If we really looked to see what’s behind and before our random acts of kindness, behind and before our words formed in prayer, behind and before our songs sung in worship—would there be a void?
Those actions have a name and it’s not ours.
May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His.
May I stop trying to be the “bigger person” and start seeking the All Sufficient.
May I replace my performance with His presence.
May we come quietly for the Almighty to sound.
“Father, you know us in secret, and you know all our secret places.
What we do to benefit your kingdom will not be lost if it is not seen by others,
for you see and you reward according to your grace and mercy.
Strengthen us to do good works, visibly or invisibly, always in your name.”
– GK Chesterton
Kaitlin Wernet is a Carolina girl who now plants her feet in Tennessee as the Community Coordinator for She Reads Truth. Each day, she excitedly celebrates grace with her SRT sisters while attempting to tame her curly hair and avoid parallel parking.

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153 thoughts on "Come Quietly"
Wow. This is a beautiful reminder to come quietly and be filled with His love. He is the reason I am who I am and I need to redirect credit where credit is due. His glory superceeds my complaints and angst.
Galatians 1:10 fits super well with this :)
Sometimes I even find that I seek the opinion of others after the Holy Spirit tells me to do something. I know seeking wisdom from other believers is important but it’s when I let their thoughts matter more than my masters that gets me into trouble. Do I seek the approval of men? Paul talks about this I think. I want to live safely in his arms not trying to squirm about like a baby who wants a different carryer:)
I saw no way to subscribe to this. Just saw this blog on a FB friend’s page could someone sign me up. This post really spoke to me!!! Thanks & God bless!!
Can you download an app? It’s She Reads Truth. You can also Google She Reads Truth for the web page and possible subscriptions. I’m loving mine!
I am jumping around this particular study so I happened to read this on a Sunday morning before church and boy are these scriptures relevant to my morning routine! Thank you Jesus!
I am glad I am not the only one who struggles with this. For the longest time…. I was a a prison cell of my own mind trapped by the opinions of others. Not any more…. For the lord is my joy and my strength and nothing is wasted with him even if I mess up.
“May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His. May I stop trying to be the “bigger person” and start seeking the All Sufficient. May I replace my performance with His presence. May we come quietly for the Almighty to sound.”
-Kaitlin Werner
Too often I struggle to make sure I’m a good example for Christianity. That others would see me and find truth instead of the ugliness people can bring to a religion. I have known the ugliness. I have seen the hatred and judgment believers place on other believers.
I’m beginning to learn that my actions can’t change a person’s heart. But Jesus can.
I’m thankful for this reminder to stop trying to do what is right so people can see it and instead do it simply because God tells me to.
This devotion really strikes a chord. Makes me think of this passage (which I’ve heard and read dozens and dozens of times) in a whole new way, and aligns me closer than I’d like to the hypocrites. So thankful for this SRT community.
Wow. Each day I’m shocked at how closely this devotional is aligning with the lessons God is gently teaching me. I am currently going through a program called ReGeneration (our church’s version of CR), and the Lord is slowly revealing some of my core sin struggles. I’m learning that my concern of what others think of me far outweighs my concern of what God thinks of me – His daughter.
Thank you for this reading plan. The Lord is using it greatly in my life. :-)
Oh Kaitlin how your words illuminated even more for me these two wonderful passages of scripture. I, too, fear the ice-breakers, the name game, the uncertainty of the future, the disgrace of not being noticed. Don’t we all. This post was so on point for me today. May I be merely a vessel through which the Holy Spirit’s works are carried out.
Easy to get caught up in seeking approval and praise of people. especially at work. So much of society tells us as women that we have to toot our own horn! This doesn’t seem to say that. Seek the things/praise of God alone and it will be enough
Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much!
I love this! May God be the focus and not myself! Praying I would have my mind set on things of furthering God’s kingdom and not selfish stuff! God deserves all the glory! Psalm 29:2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name… Worship him in glory and splendor! He is worthy!
Wow! As I read the Matthew passage, I thought “how does this all relate together”. Kaitlyn, you are blessed with a gift of writing truth and brought that passage together for me! Thank you! I am humbled at His feet. Let me works go unnoticed by people because then I don’t have to pretend. God sees them and knows me better than I know myself!
May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His……Sometimes I forget how insignificant this world is compared to the eternal life that He has planned for us (me). My life is no longer my own and hasn't been for quite some time because it belongs to Him. It is said that we as Christians are set apart. But if we are really honest how many of us would willingly choose to be different. It is a struggle that we must face daily. There is nothing outside of Him that I can do alone. He has chased me for many years and will continue to for the rest of my life. It is who He created me to be whether I like it or not. I am absolutely nothing without Him. I(we) can try to live this life without Him but trust me it just doesn't work. "Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? " Psalms 139:7 I need Him…..My name is only a small whisper compared to His.
Yesterday I heard the song ” Psalm 139″ from Robbie Seay… And today it’s in the devotional!!
When Jesus tells us not to store treasures on earth… I sense he doesn’t just mean stuff. He means don’t seek after the things of this earth, don’t be validated by them… Getting man’s approval is temporary and can fade or be corrupted. If that’s what we are after we already have our reward. Let us desire to be approved by God instead, which nothing in this earth can change.
Let’s rest in the truth that God knows us COMPLETELY and still will lead us and hold us (Ps. 139:10) and will never leave us (Ps. 139: 6-12)
Ps. I found a music project that has full passages of the Bible sung… Including Psalm 139 http://www.theversesproject.com/search?q=Psalms+139
I have been struggling so much with becoming and finding my security…when really I need only bask in His presence. Praise the LORD! HE is sufficient! :-)
May I replace my performance with His presence – Amen! And what a beautiful and spot on prayer at the end. Thank you for this focus today and reminder about the pointlessness of worry. You are in control and will always provide exactly what I need, when I need it.
Sweet Jesus help my unbelief. Please take this anxiety from me. Free my heart and soul to rest in your presence.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness SRT team!
Wow, this is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing!
Why are you anxious, are you of little faith? Wow!! I have faith Lord and I will no longer be anxious!
“May I replace my performance with His presence.” Yes. Yes. Yes. I am hopelessly a Martha who deeply longs to be a Mary. “…but He gives more grace.”
I loved that line too!
I need to write it down to remind myself.
This spoke to me so much :) Thank you!
As I read the scripture for today my mind kept going back to a struggle I’ve been having in regards to what people think of me and wanting to impress. And boy how the Spirit met me in that devotion! Jesus is enough…enough to settle my worry and anxiety, enough to redeem me, enough for me.
This day has spoken to me more than others even have. Love love love
“If we really looked to see what’s behind and before our random acts of kindness, behind and before our words formed in prayer, behind and before our songs sung in worship—would there be a void?
Those actions have a name and it’s not ours.”
Wowser. Convicted.
And that’s a good thing. Return and repent, Amanda.
May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His.
That really struck home for me too, Amanda. Caring too much about how others view me is absolutely one of my largest vices, but one that I’m determined to work on
Loved. This.
May I replace my performance with His presence. May I replace my performance with His presence. Yes and Amen.
“More likely, it’s because I want to control how the world sees me. I spend time bartering for my worth through the lens of another, and usually walk away counting my losses.” I can relate to this so well! Lord, I pray that I can trust you to do your will in my life and to remind myself that you are the perfect one and not me.
I feel as though my whole spiritual life is a void… I don’t feel fully genuine in prayer or worship. This is something I am trying to ask God to help me with, but when even that feels ingenuine, I don’t know where to begin!
Whoops! Wasn’t done. But I do feel like reading every day and spending time with God, even if it feels weird at first, is a great place to start
Alexandra, I find myself curious about what you mean by this, can you say more? I can’t tell if you mean it in a sense of you don’t feel fully yourself in prayer and worship or more of you’re not sure your ‘efforts’ are doing anything sense…
This is my favourite day yet!!! LOVED the verses…. They really resonated with me!
Oh, my. I’ll join in the chorus of this is me. I don’t want to be a people pleaser, but I tend that way. I do have secret things between the Lord and I alone, but there are other times I seek my glory from others rather than giving it to God to be solely his. OOF!! Lord, may there NOT be a void behind and before my offerings!
Quick comment on a typo. Not pneumonic (lung-related) but mnemonic.
Gigi, thank you!! Fixed it. :)
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I have a significant amount of anxiety in my life, I've been diagnosed with multiple anxiety disorders over the years, the main one being OCD, which has shown itself in many many different forms throughout my life. But it's so frustrating to use that excuse, "sorry it's just my anxiety kicking in." I know that it can be avoided, and I pray about it often because in reality, God has never let me down, has always provided, and never faltered, stressing and being anxious are really just me lacking that trust, and that is rough to hear.
my prayer for today: "Father, let me turn even farther toward you when my anxiety spikes, let me turn to you when I've had a poor interaction with another person, and let me turn only to you when I do something that my selfish heart wants approval for because it is for the benefit of your kingdom, and it is not lost to you."
This speaks SO much to my heart, thank you SRT writers. The Lord seems to be teaching me, everywhere I look, at how much pleasure He takes me in just BEING His daughter, with nothing to prove to Him or others; and how much pleasure He gets – and I get! – when I’m motivated to love and serve the people He’s put in my life out of being His, instead of performing and earning. So good today.
Thank you Mackenzie for putting into words what I have been feeling in my heart! ❤️
I love that Prayer and Anxiety are in the same chapter. I am the anxious one, I admit it! I try to pray myself back to sleep at 3:30 in the morning and mostly I say the Lord's prayer – I never realized this was all in Matthew Chapter 6. Touched my heart today as our family faces change once again! I pray to give this worry back to God, it is his plan after all and he will work all things for good – he has this!!!!!
First of all, great reflection! Hit me head on today. I need to sit in that for a while. And second of all, Kaitlin, embrace your inner curl, don't tame it! :)
Ok, I must say each day of this study touches a very special place in my heart. I love it when God uses things like SRT to change our lives and minds and hearts.
I feel I have been a worrier since I was born. I am always fretting about something. Especially now that my life is in this valley and I feel like there is no way out, things are very much out of my control. I am so thankful for today's lesson. I need to learn to come quietly before God and stop the worrying, let go and just let God do what he does best…EVERYTHING.
This was a great study today. I find myself very often worrying about if my actions are pure in heart of prideful in spirit. And when it is the latter I become anxious of my sin and ashamed. But then I am reminded that I am a sinner that has been saved and I can come to Christ to talk about it, repent of it, and move on past it to do things in His name and His name alone.
I am with you Logan. I feel this is my number one struggle with sin, and it drives me crazy!
I find myself not being satisfied. Not embracing that Christ is enough. Not letting him fill me up. I want to proclaim that God is enough. That I can be satisfied but I turn to other things to find satisfaction. But I never find it and then I am discouraged because I didn’t turn to God. For lent I’ve given up gossip and gluttony. I decided to because I know that I struggle with both. And I still catch myself in the moment and realize what I’m doing and try and stop. But sometimes with the gluttony I know it’s wrong but do it anyway. Lately memorizing scripture and writing it on my heart has been on my mind a lot. And when the passage of Jesus in the dessert and the devil tempting him but being able jesus rebuking him with scripture made me realize that’s what I need. I need scripture to remind me God is enough, he will fill me and satisfy my needs. He knows more of my needs than I even know! I just need some references.
Advice and/or references would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Lord, may I replace my performance with Your Presence. This line resonates with me because often times (mostly through social media) I feel myself performing for others. Even if I am posting about my faith/how beautiful and wonderful my Savior is, I wonder now if my motives were in the right place. Jesus, thank you for this study and season of lententide that has allowed me to listen to what Your Word says and search my heart of its intentions. Help me to release control of trying to control how this world sees me. Let it only matter to me how the world sees YOU through me! Amen amen.
Good Word! That lint stuck out to me too !
This scripture is filled with so many wonderful things! I actually read both of these unintentionally a couple of weeks ago, and it's amazing to see it in today's study. Worry is such an easy thing to do in this world, but God tells us not to. Instead, we should go to him. Before we even pray, he knows what we are going to say, and that's amazing.
This hit home today!
"And when I hustle to cover up my wrongs, I’m the most anxious girl in the room."
I am frequently trying to figure out the opinions of others, and when I can't control how they see me, I get restless. I get more and more flustered trying to correct my mistakes. When did I start caring so much about how I look on Instagram and less how I love on the people in front of me?
Or better yet, when did it become more appealing to post a verse on Facebook than write it in my journal for God and me alone.
I am so THANKFUL that God wants us to REST in Him. We don't have to strive for His approval the way we feel the need for human approval. His alone is what matters- and He delights in us as his daughters and friends!
There is a deep longing in my heart to “know and be known”, to be seen, to matter and have input. To be relevant. I loved the line, “may I be willing to trade in a whisper of my name for a shout of His… May I replace my performance with His presence”. I want to be thought of as a spiritual, wise, talented, deep woman of God, almost more than actually being one. Oh Lord, more of You and less of me, I pray.
Just be real comes to mind. But being real in light of who I am and who God is. God is the One who created me and loves me and knows everything about me. Now I want to sing it out from the pure joy of being loved by Him.
“May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His.”
Thank you, Kaitlin! How I relate to what you've said. Thank you for the prayer by G.K. Chesterton. I've changed every us, our, and we to me, I, and my and made it my prayer for the day. Oh how I needed this. Blessings to you sweet girl!!
Love that so much, Kimberly! Thanks for joining us today! Blessings to you, sweet friend!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Apparently I am not the only member of Pride and Worry Anonymous. I have always prided myself on not being a worrier. Haha. Foolish me. God has been working this out in me – in layers for years now. Trips into low valleys that allow me to see the shadows in my own beliefs and I am so very grateful. Today's devo was right on course for my current "valley" trip and echoed readings from earlier in the week from Oswald Chambers – "We are only what we are in the dark; all the rest is reputation. What God looks at is what we are in the dark – the imagination of our minds, the thoughts of our hearts; the habits of our bodies; these are the things that mark us in God's sight."
Thank you SRT for providing a lens for us to see we are not alone in our shame and sin and pointing us continually back to our identity, worth and future in Christ. Thank you Jesus for all the ways you speak to us- your woven tapestry of truth is beautiful and warm.
I love that quote! I’ve never heart it before but that’s incredible.
Oh wow, what a powerful quote. Thanks for sharing!
This really convicted me today. Also, GK's reminder: "What we do to benefit your kingdom will not be lost if it is not seen by others,…"
I so love reading everyone’s comments and knowing that there is a community of women seeking God’s face. Through this study and the read the bible in a year study I can feel the holy spirit working in me and changing me and I love it! I want to share this with others- do you think (according to today’s scriprure) that I should keep this to myself -just humbly continue to learn- or is this something to use to share the Gospel with someone? Haha, I don’t want to tell people about my frequent bible reading if the glory only goes to me and they just think I’m stuck up :) thanks for any advice you could give!
I definitely think you should use this to share the Gospel!! I have told a countless number of people about SheReadsTruth- because of what it, what God’s word daily, has done for me. Don’t say, “Look at my notes.” Say, “Look at MY GOD!! How awesome is He??” They’ll be able to tell of your authenticity ( look at John 3:8, people of the Spirit are different- you can just tell! ).
Kara – you’re so right about pointing it all to him! Thanks for the input!
You bring up a great question. I thought of an example of feeding a baby. When the baby is learning to eat food, we prepare it so that he can learn to eat slowly. If we give food uncut, not puréed then it can be harmful and too much for the baby. If we only give the baby puréed foods then the baby won’t learn to eat solid food. You are being fed the word of God. As you are being fed, it’s our duty to share with others what we are learning but we have to do it with respect to who is on the receiving end. If we see someone that does not know Christ then we share with them our experiences. If we tell them read this scripture, or I learned this scripture means this then they may not connect (overwhelmed with too much) as well as if we just shared an experience of Gods work in our life. If we see a believer but maybe not mature in Christ then we should be led to direct them more to the Bible to be fed the word of God (solid food). Through it all, we are to be led by the Holy Spirit for when we speak and share testimony and Gods word. If God leads you to stay silent, then be silent, if He leads you to speak, then speak. I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to do a good work in you. May the Holy Spirit continue to lead you so that you can share the good news. Learning what God is revealing to us is exciting so it would be good to also have a friend who is on a journey with Christ so you can share your excitement with them and encourage each other. We always have the SRT community. Feel free to msg me too [email protected]
I should clarify there isn’t a formula to sharing God’s word. We should be open to Gods leading.
‘I have not spoken on my own. Instead, the Father who sent me told me what I should say and how I should say it.’ (John 12:49)
I see this playing out in my own life. I need this SRT community just the way it is. I have been starving for something like this for so long,and I am so grateful for the presence SRT had at the IF gathering this year because that is how I was first introduced to this community and these studies. I have been feeling convicted to let God’s light shine through me, without hindrance (had no idea I had been covering it up to “fit in” and not risk making people feel uncomfortable by my love for God until the spirit brought an urgent conviction revealing thar to me), but I did not know how to respond to this conviction. But this study has fanned flames in my heart and I can’t help but boldly share God’s love. God himself is teaching me when and how to share certain bits about His character, His Love, and His rescue mission with those around me. He gives me the cues on when to speak and by His spirit He translates my broken and faulted words into the Truth that needs to be heard to those I am speaking to. I see the gospel proclaimed daily in these studies and it fuels a zeal in me to share and not hide the light God has placed in me. Thank you SRT ladies for surrendering to God’s callings in your own lives, your example is so encouraging to us!!
Amen, Crystal !!
"God is teaching me when and how to share"…love how you said that.
I think its key to sharing him…leaning on HIM to show us when to speak & when to be quiet.
I, too, can't help but share his love and things he is teaching me, but also learning how to be sensitive as to not be annoying like a clanging drum. Lol…I often wonder if I've gotten on someone's nerves.
I have such a zeal & love that it just begs to come out and it can't remain in me, but it's a constant struggle when to share & when not to share. :)
Lauren and Ann,
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. When I wrote the comment I thought what if what I’m trying to say isn’t understood or received well. I’m thankful that you ladies could relate, and that the message made sense.
Oops! I meant for my reply to be directed toward what Lauren wrote…sorry ladies…I'm old and a bit slow at this.
Just wanted to clarify that I was quoting Lauren and what she said above.
I enjoyed what all you ladies said. The comments are one of my favorite things about these studies.
I love this passage from Matthew-so rich! Jesus has given us a prescription for a peaceful, anxiety-free life. Pray, making our needs known to God, praising His majesty and asking for the grace to forgive as we ask for forgiveness (the Our Father is such a beautiful prayer). Fast with discipline, keeping its purpose quietly between us and the God. Do not focus on material things, but allow God to show us His love through His provision for us. Keep our eyes on today's work, knowing that anxiously looking to the future will not bring us joy or peace. Work for God, keeping our eyes on His kingdom. Such overwhelming peace in these words from our Savior…he's telling us exactly what we must do to live with quiet peace and joy.
I am loving the reminder not to worry. God has recently put it on my heart to homeschool my kiddos next year. This is such an overwhelming thing and I know the only way I will be successful is with Him by my side. So instead of worrying I am going to meditate on this verse.
Seek God above all else, and live righteously and He will give you everything you need. Matt 6:33 NLT
Praying for you through this time of new territory!
If God calls you to it, He will see you through it. This is our fourth year homeschooling and I want to encourage you. While it’s a challenge, the blessings are worth it. I understand the worry, we are looking at high school next year.
Lord, I want to be real in your presence!
Amen Amen! Love that quote by GK Chesterton at the end so much! Needed this reminder as I’ve recently been called away from a ministry “spotlight” position and just to focus on ministering to my family for awhile. It’s been a hard pill to swallow, and taken me too long to realize this was the path God was directing.
I learn so much from these daily readings..I have a hard time getting out there and being social because I feel like being a stay at home mom no one will really think my conversations are very interesting (kid talk) but I’ve come to realize that this is my thoughts alone, these thoughts have previously kept me from attending womens church functions and etc. I have recently became more social and no longer allow these thoughts to cloud my decisions thankfully. And come to find out there are so many other women just like me out there!!
Shanna, love your honest words.
Wanted to just share that God has put you here on earth for others..to be a friend, a mom, a nose wiper, boo boo kisser, a listener & cheerleader to other woman & moms alike. Your days may be filled with picking up after others, and cleaning up spilled milk…again, but I think a mom's role is so important.. maybe even more than the one climbing the corporate ladder. Don't think your season & what you have to give is unimportant. Just be you.
Just my thoughts and hopefully some hope to brighten your day. :)
Shanna, I’m a single woman with several friends who have kids and stay home with them, and I love talking about their day-to-day lives. I’m so glad you’re being more social with people around you, because you definitely have insights and things of significance to share. :)
During the academy awards this week. There was a big shout out for women’s rights with lots of screaming and raising fists. But little do they know that Christ is really what they are needing. Come quiet and rest in the love of Jesus who holds all things together. No more fighting. He’s got us sisters, he is our rightful King.
Yup, this is me too! I’m so grateful for Gods grace and mercy. Thank you Lord for these words of reproof and encouragement and help me to trust in you not in anything I have or have done. Help me not to worry but realize daily that my life belongs to you.
Oh, how I needed this right now. Thank you!
This is beautifully put. Sometimes I can't believe how much time I've wasted seeking the approval of others, and sometimes at great cost (purchasing clothing I couldn't afford on credit, for example). I think one of the things I've come to realize is that when I'm hustling to try to win the approval of someone else, that someone else might be hustling to win my approval. But really, it's God's approval that matters and only His approval that really matters. He is the only one with the ability to love me and find me worthy without a single solitary minute condition. I pray that this would come to mind, not just this Lenten season, but all the time, and especially in those moments where I'm sacrificing something I don't necessarily want to sacrifice in order to impress someone who really isn't worth all the fuss and worry and anxiety. God will take care of me. He is enough. I already have His approval, and that needs to be enough. Thank you for sharing this today.
So true. God is enough
Amen thanks for so much goodness in this study. I happen to do the same thing in college, trying to have my faith in Christ noticed for my good but not to glorify Him alone. I tend to worry that if I don’t proclaim my faith in Jesus Christ that I’m not doing my work as a Christian and I lose sight. This reminded me that God has everything in control and we step me out at the right time to proclaim my faith but for His glory.
Today's message really hit home for me. I've read Matthew 6 times before but never really tying it from beginning to end. I'm much like Kaitlin in new encounters with people, although I've chocked it up to being an introvert (not shy). Thank you for this opportunity for self reflection.
I would like to ask for prayer from the SRT community. My sister is pregnant with her second child (first was a stillborn at 8 months). My prayer is that the condition that caused it, preeclampsia, does not return during this or any of her future pregnancies. I pray for a completely healthy pregnancy experience for her and the baby. I know God is able, and I'm trusting in him. Thank you SRT community.
Will be praying for you and your family
Praying with you, sister. Thanks for sharing this with us. Love to you and your family!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This hit me in the sweetest, gentlest, strongest way today. I love how His conviction is wrapped in such kindness!
Oh, me too, Beth! He is such a good Father. Love to you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I cannot express how meaningful this Lententide study has been for me; to have a blank page in the book each day in which to write my prayer is such an invitation to dig deeper into the passage, to reflect, and to allow the Holy Spirit space in which to speak. Thank you, SRT, for being used by God to bring His kingdom into my living room. For the first time: I love Lent.
Jenn, it's such a joy to have you in our community! Thankful we get to read Truth together!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This scripture was exactly what I needed today. The reminder that I do not need to be worried at all, because the Lord has it far under control. Psalm 139 is so beautiful. I need to continually ask the Lord to search my heart and know me; and to lead me in his way everlasting. Praise be to the God that holds our hearts in His hands and continues to hold us up.
Alexandra, Psalm 139 is one of my all-time favorites! Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
God knows my thoughts before I think them. He knows every single thing that will happen to me because it was written before I was even born. So why am I still worried that my problems won’t be solved? Thanks for THE TRUTH today, ladies!
We are never alone. When we have been saved, we are NEVER without our Lord. This should be my guiding help in battling temptations, and I should never be having a pity party of being lonely; Christ has gifted me with the Holy Spirit — I am in good company ALWAYS! It's me that chooses to ignore this beautiful relationship — if things are looking dark, I've probably covered up the Light with some self-pity or other sin(s) that has blocked me from seeking first His kingdom.
Loving our 2015 Lent theme: Repent…Return…REMEMBER!
Oh Lord thank you for wanting me to be in Your Presence than to have my performance!
“No, Lord, I’m not like that… “And He gently pushes me to the end of the chapter, where Jesus teaches about worry, something that initially seems unrelated.” Wow, this so speaks to me. I think I have a worrying nature that while has improved significantly, is still inside me, eager to rear its head at a moments notice. And here I am– sometimes judging even when I’m trying not to. I pray that the Lord strengthens me to do good (both visibly and invisibly) for His Glory, indeed.
Replace performance with His presence. So hard. So needed. I pray to know this truth. I pray to seek this reality. I am so judge-y of others and so self-seeking- I pray to praise Christ in my heart always. I pray to be emboldened through the spirit to proclaim Christ aloud- my faith is newly restored and not reflective of my life of the past 10+ years. But may I live in love and praise the Maker for all He gives and honor Christ for His sacrifice.
Praying with you, friend. May we live in love!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
“May I replace my performance with His presence”. Lord, teach me. May love for you and others compel me to do your will. Amen.
“May I replace my performance with His presence.” Yes, Lord. God is so using this series in my life.
May I be willing to trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His.
Isn't this the struggle that led to Lucifer's fall? And we deal with it still. Satan uses that same lie that he succumbed to in the halls of heaven to pull our affections away from the King and onto ourselves. "Your heart was filled with pride…You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor" (Ezekiel 28:17-18). He gets us with the same lie he told Eve in Genesis 3–"You will become like God."
I want out of this power struggle. I desire submission, humility, and sacrifice. Lord, make it so! Rend my heart of pride! "Strengthen me to do good works, visibly or invisibly, always in your name."
Tear my clothes and throw dirt on my face. I mourn! I mourn over this truth spilled out on me today. Humble me oh God, break me down to nothing so that Only You can fill me up with your sweet mercy and grace. Fill me completely. This is my desire.
God's timing is always perfect. How this lesson spoke to me today where's I'm at. I related so much to the writer. I just joined a new group of women, and have come away each night feeling so defeated. I need to stop focusing on my works and focus on my life that Christ has changed and made new.
It is nice to know that God knows me and goes before and behind me always. This presence is what I must keep in mind when my performance gets out of line. Prayers for all!
Why do we feel like we need to put on a show for those around us? Working with the youth girls I watch this happen constantly (I see it in my own life too) but when I look at them I see their need to put on a show, to make everyone see what they think will make them look better or whatever the motive. God sees who we really are, He knows or motives, words, actions….what an amazing thought and message that God sees us and knows the truth but we are not comfortable or we get to anxious about it to share it with those around us. It is a freeing experience to accept and know that God knows our true motives!
Today I come feeling very empty . As I sat behind my desk yesterday at work I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I am wasting the talents and gifts God gave me… Sitting behind a desk looking through Pinterest to pass the time. What am I doing?!? I want to thrive… I want to feel like I am fulfilling his purpose for me. I had to get up and walk around as I began to cry. I pray this morning that God helps me see his vision for my life, to help clarify for me, my purpose and help me make decisions about my career. I pray God that you help me to take that leap of faith, without knowing where I will be going next. When I read today, 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. It reminded me that I need to get out of this “rocking chair of worry”. All I am doing is going back and forth back and forth. God please calm my anxious heart.
Sara, I too have been wrestling with feelings of questioning if I am where I am supposed to be. I pray that God brings vision and step by step directions to both you and I for His purpose for our lives.
Oh Sara…I am praying for answers to your questions. I pray for clarity and maybe even a spirit of adventure for you as you discern what your next steps should be. I pray for your workplace, that it would be a place where you could be open and honest with your dissatisfaction but true desire to be the You that God created.
I have been in that place too, for far longer than I should be, dissatisfied with my current position yet afraid I am not worth more, able to do the things God would have me do, or that I would fail at something else. Prayers for you, that God will give you deep satisfaction and rest in his will for your next step.
Sara I have felt those same feelings and worried those same thoughts. Oh but I believe the Lord has a magnificent plan for you indeed. Praying that the Lord would speak directly to your heart. Praying He will lead you to your next steps, even if they’re not easy and even if you only see one foot ahead. I believe the Lord is smiling down saying yes, Sara. Yes, it’s time. And you won’t believe what I have in store for you.
Sara, praying that He would be your peace today. Love to you, friend!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Oh, does this ever resonate with me! Lord, let my focus be on You – not how much I am doing for You, not how many people notice what I am doing for You. You!!
Prayer request- so I have been asking the lord to search me and show me my heart. Well won’t He deliver! I knew I always struggled with pride. More in the mode of I want to always be in control and be in the light. Well this year as God has been healing my marriage the Lord wanted me to focus on my husband and him finding his purpose. So I knew I had to pause on my own trajectory which wasn’t easy but doable. Well thankfully my husband just started his own business and we are going through the steps together but he is the lead, which is what I always knew and wanted. But I’m struggling letting him enjoy this moment bc I’m prideful. Ive prayed for this and watched the lord use the time of discovery to strengthen him and now my pride is back. We are not in competition but a team but I’m struggling. My prayer was lord let me be more passionate in being his help meet than I am about my passions in work in ministry. Prayers and advice are welcome
Prayers lifted Tiff…
That is a tough struggle, Tiff! It is a good thing to support your husband; that is a part of our created purpose. But, it does not have to be your only purpose. I don't know the whole of your situation, but from my own life I know that I can give my husband my full, 100%, genuine support and also be used to accomplish the Lord's purpose in my own life, specific to my own gifts and calling. There are times that I need to put my torch down to help him carry his torch. I pray we can both see clearly when those times come. I pray that the Holy Spirit, through quiet whispers and unmistakable encounters, will lead you and your husband in your collective and individual pursuit of His will and His glory.
Hi Kelly! You are so right. The thing is this was OUR dream but I’m not leading the torch. It’s like I want to do it all on my own and not walk alongside of him. Maybe I struggle with letting him lead…I’m not sure. All I know is I feel like crap bc of the way my heart is towards this situation. But you’re right, it’s such a delicate balance. Oh how I need the Lord
I am in awe of how you are able to express the inner struggle. I think it could be helpful if you remove any value judgments from yourself. The pride does not have to be wrong or right. Instead, try to be curious about what's going on in the pride for you. What purpose does your pride serve you? Does it keep you from feeling certain, not-so-fun emotions or feelings? If so, what are the negative messages that come with those unwanted feelings? I think you have opened a door to travel deeper into your soul. God has invited you and you have started the journey. It's a journey to discovering more of yourself and more of how God made you. Pride often gets in the way of us communing with others, husbands, friends, and/or God. I, myself, struggle with pride, and I think it's because I am afraid I am going to be unseen and invisible in this world. This then leads me to see that I am terribly afraid of being lonely. When I am able to see this in myself, I can turn to God in humility and say "Here it is. Here is the mess. Help me when I doubt that you have my best at heart, that you are good." I will be praying for you my dear sister!
Tiff, be encouraged! You are in a good place. You recognize that your pride is rearing it's ugly head and could wreck what is being built and you're crying out to the Lord! That is a good thing!! Oh how I get what you're feeling. My pride and desire to control can be my downfall in my marriage. I think my ideas are better, my way of doing things are more efficient, blah, blah, blah, on and on…I'm a hot mess! I have to confess my sin and let my husband lead! And when I do, it's a beautiful thing. The thing is, God is building something of far greater value than the business you've started. He's building something eternal. He reminds us – the one who loses their life for My sake will find it. Let go of the things you're holding onto so tightly and join in with what God is doing…using this business to accomplish His purposes…that's where you'll truly find life and I'm guessing it will take your breath away with how fulfilling it is. Blessings. I'm praying for you!
“May I replace my performance with His presence.” Such a constant temptation for me, to rely on my ability rather than His power. If I just do this or say that, then I can control every outcome and all will be right with the world. LIES, all lies! Taking every thought captive today!
You are singing my song! I am in a constant power struggle with God over who is going to be in charge. Such a silly and sinful way to live. Praying for you and with you today! Your presence only, Lord!
That’s me exactly too. Gosh thank you for your comment and praying for us! Lord, it’s so humbling to know that even though we try to control so many situations you are still waiting with your arms open.
This day's whole writing touches me in every place. How often I have let the fear of others' opinions control me and turn me into some desperate person, always coming up short if I counted my good deeds and attributes my way. I have always struggled with self worth.
The prayer by GK Chesterton is such a comfort: "What we do to benefit your kingdom will not be lost if it is not seen by others…"
Its all about Him. Its all for His glory. That my whispered name would be silenced and I would be fully satisfied in a shout for His.
Yes! " This day's whole writing touches me in every place. How often I have let the fear of others' opinions control me and turn me into some desperate person, always coming up short if I counted my good deeds and attributes my way." This was me earlier today, in a work situation. It is not a good place to be at! And when I am there, I am missing out in so many way.
More likely, it’s because I want to control how the world sees me. I spend time bartering for my worth through the lens of another, and usually walk away counting my losses…..
Kaitlin, do we not all in some way want to be in control of how others perceive us…no matter who it is…we want to impress, we want them to believe the best of us, to 'see' the good in us…but, alas…all to often, as you say, we walk away counting our losses….we, none of us will ever be perfect to another….not really, we can come close, maybe even pretty close, but if we are honest….there will always be something about the charming husband, there will always be something about the loyal wife, about the great boss, about the beautiful friend, the fantastic sister, or brother…We are NOT perfect, and with our imperfect eyes, we see imperfections….But God…our Father, who sees what we do and are, in private…He see perfection in what we do, He sees beauty in who we are, He sees His creation as the most finest….If only we could grasp that, I have written it here, and I know it to be who I am in Christ…yet…I do not believe this truth every day, I struggle with the concept some days…We are not perfect, in our imperfect eye view…
Coming quietly to the One who sees and knows us, for who we truly are in Him….there is a Peace in that…there is Love in that…there is HOPE in that…we just need to come…open, empty, quietly…in Hope..
This prayer is great…using it today as my prayer…
“Father, you know us in secret, and you know all our secret places.
What we do to benefit your kingdom will not be lost if it is not seen by others,
for you see and you reward according to your grace and mercy.
Strengthen us to do good works, visibly or invisibly, always in your name.”
Big hugs and love to you my Sisters…..Blessings..xx
Tina, your posts always add joy to my morning! :) Thanks for sharing this encouragement with us.
Big hugs to you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Thank you Tina! Your post spoke to my spirit vividly.
There are many nornings when I get up to read truth with yall and the reading is a direct correlation to my current life situation. I love when that happens! It happened today! I told God this morning that I am learning to activate my faith. It’s a beautiful thing to know He takes cares of life. Before I think to speak, He knows. Wow!
So it seems I have caught the flu. The little buggers in this house have decided to share. I am rarely a sick person, but it seems this wretchedly cold winter has had the better of me and as much as I have been asking God for some slower times, this illness is granting me a bit of that – naturally not the "slow" I had in mind. When I began to realize yesterday morning I was coming down with something my mind became overwhelmed with the tasks for the days ahead…too many things to recount and not alot of time to get well. I was so frustrated that this was my lot for the week. I was not going to be my best and the house would suffer, the kids and my husband wouldn't get the attention they needed, the things I wanted to do for my daughter's birthday on Thursday might not get done….blah blah blah blah blah. Me me me. Last night I struggled with sleep and came downstairs to rest on the couch, when I woke at one point I was irritated by the evading sleep, but as I turned over my eyes went to a window and through it I saw stars….several of them. They glistened beautifully in the crisp cold sky and I immediately settled. It's been awhile since I've seen the stars. This dreadful weather has me running from the door to the car and the car to the door…..I'm not doddling much these days, let alone looking up……but my rushing around, my sickness, these grey clouds don't change that the stars are still there. Like the Psalm today says – "If I climb to the sky, you're there". In my overwhelming state this early morning God is reminding me that even this flu can be a blessing; when everyone else is sleeping, the house dark and quiet and I'm alone – God is HERE. When the dishes are accumulating, the meals going uncooked and the laundry not folded – He is HERE. When the day begins and ends unlike I intended, He is HERE, even more constant than the stars that I *know* are. Today when I would normally have been enjoying a peaceful rest, I enjoyed a private and quiet time with my Father. The Message reads another portion of Psalm139 as this – "If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, You’d find me in a minute—you’re already there waiting!" How comforting is that? There is nowhere I can go, no emotion I endure, no fit of despair, no mount of housework and no bellyache that changes that. So today, I will remember to replace my performance with His. I will trade a whisper of my name for a shout of His and I will also rest comfortably with this virus, knowing full well….that even in it, the day is not about me. ~ B
How wonderfully put Onfaith. What a great reminder. I pray that you feel better soon. Enjoy your quiet time, if only for a while.
B, so so beautifully said…we are all guilty of 'not enough time' under normal circumstances, let alone when we are under the weather…Praise God for the time with Him, and the realization that He…….He is in all aspects of the life of one who worships and calls on Him in truth…Get well soon dear heart…Love you…xxx
So beautifully written! THANK YOU!!! Prayers for a speedy recovery lifted….
What I am about to tell you will sound crazy because of the time you are in right now but here goes. Sit back. Enjoy. One day you will miss what you have right now. They will grow up (the nerve of them! ) and your kingdom will be quiet. One minute I had little people all around and the next they flew the nest. So sit back on your couch, and realize that even though the flu has come for a visit you , you are living a time to enjoy! Have a blessed day momma and I pray you’ll feel better soon!
Your comment immediately reminded me of a passage I recently read in a short devotional; “Some of the greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sick beds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me.” And to me it sounds like you have taken that heart exactly. You are such an encouragement. Praying for you to recover quickly!
Beautiful words, B! Praying you feel better soon! Hugs!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Ugh. The thumbs in the corner are too close and my fat fingers hit the down thumb…..not true. I was trying to hit the thumbs up. Loved what you wrote!
I am sorry you are ill! We have also had our share of illnesses this winter. Between the illness and the snow (my children were out all week last week and two day this week), we have much been able to slow down. I waver between relishing the peace and pace, to be frantic about what is not getting done, what will it be like when we all return to work/school? Today, I was grocery shopping with my youngest child. Not rushed, not bothered by his questions, not tense. It was in this moment that I very much appreciated what God has given me in the past few days. The Lenten season is so special to me, and this year is has been even more powerful as our lives have slowed way down. Your response was beautiful and thought-provoking. Thank you.
Very beautiful Onfaith. very beautiful indeed. on top of the reading for today, your comment helped me to calm my anxious heart in regards to all the different things that are piling up around me that I cannot seem to control but even in this….God is faithful, patient, omnipresent and He is here, ready for me to include Him….I love Him, He is great. I love you sisters. Be blessed.
love love love your words here B….thank you and praying you feel better soon!!
Today’s passage really stuck and I’m still being challenged by yesterdays message if I’m honest. It’s so hard not to think that God will love us more when we please him. But I also think today’s passage fits well with todays #40acts – a lentern challenge for every day to hold lightly to our possessions and give generously! http://www.40acts.org.uk/the-challenge/hold-it-li…
ps. I asked for prayer for a family who had a poorly newborn baby in hospital. Thank you for praying they are now all home and baby is doing so well :-)
Great news Claire!
Wonderful, Claire! I love the #40acts thank you for the link!
I remember that prayer. I'm so glad to hear that all is well and that the sweet babe is home! ~ B
Thank you for sharing this link! This is awesome!
So very thankful baby is home and doing well! What a blessing!
Wow…God is opening up His Word to me this morning!!! the insight of all of Matt 6 and how it all fits with earthly/heavely rewards and how worry and me being concerned with how others see me or how my actions show those 2 rewards. My thinking too was" I'm not like this " —-eyes are opened to how I have been like this at times thanks for sharing :))