Come Empty

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 12:3-13, Psalm 6:1-10

Text: Hebrews 12:3-13, Psalm 6:1-10

“Self-denial is saying only: He goes ahead of us; hold fast to him.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We, your She Reads Truth writers and friends, are learning as we go. I hope that’s okay to say out loud, because it’s true. We are learning about this beautiful book—the living Word of God—alongside you, opening it up each day and praying to the God who made us. We come to the Bible knowing and believing that the Holy Spirit has been given to us as our Helper, that He has been promised to us by the Son of God, Jesus Christ our Savior. This is who we are—like you, we are daughters of the King. We come empty-handed, expecting Him to give us all we need.

In preparing for this reading plan that spans the season of Lent (we like to call it “lententide” because it’s such a pretty word), we went to folks who know more than us for help. We called on pastors and friends, we read books and researched themes. It is part of our “job” and we LOVE it. So much. One resource we consulted was a book on the liturgical calendar called Eternity Today, and the author said this about Lent:

“What can be lost in this season is that, though believers indeed ‘fast and pray,’ they often do this not more aware of the love of God, but assuming that they need to win God’s favor…

“Lent is unique in the liturgical year because the members of the church conscientiously turn from excesses not to remind God of humanity, but to remind themselves of the constancy of God’s love.”

I’m a sucker for all things old and liturgical. I love corporate readings in church services, sacraments and hymnals. I love studying Lent and just about anything else that reminds me I’m part of a body of believers who have been worshipping our God for hundreds and hundreds of years. But do I “do” Lent as obligation or to be a part of a centuries-old ritual? Do I do Lent to win God’s favor? I would never say so… but turning this quote and these Scriptures over in my heart and mind, I’m not so sure.

If I’m completely honest, I have to admit that I hope—or maybe even believe—my small sacrifices make God love me a little bit more. I hope they’ll erase some of those selfish things I did that I wish I could take back. I hope they’ll cover over my neglect of those in need, my lack of compassion for the hardships of others. If I’m honest, I think Lent buys me an ounce of forgiveness and favor in the eyes of God.

Here’s the rub: this belief is not just a simple misunderstanding. It is itself a sinful pride that devalues the very blood of Christ. He has purchased my pardon! He is the righteousness that covers my sin! He is the One who has earned God’s favor, and He is the reason that favor is lavished on me.

Our need for Jesus is deep, but His love for us is deeper. His love for us is constant, whatever season and state we’re in. He redeems us and refines us because of this great love, not because of what we do.

We come to Christ with empty buckets — whether we admit it or not. So let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices. Let’s don’t use our efforts as currency to buy the free grace we’ve been given.

Let’s simply come to the cross of Christ — again, today.
Let’s come empty. He will fill us.



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184 thoughts on "Come Empty"

  1. Kaytee Faye says:

    I keep reading on fasting and prayer. This past week it has popped up a half dozen times. I know I am being called and I will definitely answer. Thank you for the courage to go to the Lord with empty hands and reminding me of the love he has that fills us to overflowing.

  2. PHILIPPA says:

    Lord give me the wisdom and self awareness to recognize when I am getting in the way of the emptiness I should be coming with. I want only you to fill me, not my own junk.

  3. Steph says:

    All discipline seems painful at the time but in time yields the fruit of righteousness. God is making us more like his son!!! Let’s walk closer and closer with him. We never have to step out fellowship again.

  4. joany says:

    Empty I come to You today Lord.

  5. Julie says:

    “Among the dead no one proclaims your name.
    Who praises you from the grave?”

    I just love how when Jesus came he blew these words right out of the water:) Lazerus, the widows son, himself….the dry bones in the OT. Now we in our fleshly bodies that are dying as we speak praise Him because death is no more!

  6. Rebecca says:

    This is amazing grace!!!

  7. Emma says:

    Wow, I needed to hear this today! This reflection resonates with me deeply, I hate to admit it but sometimes I try to convince myself that my actions make me more worthy in God's eyes but I really needed to be reminded that that's pride speaking! God bless you for this inspirational post

  8. A.S.H. }i{ says:

    Being here the last week with you ladies, has been great.

    I only mustered one maybe two comments short & sweet. Too afraid to put more out there. So, I cut my comments, paste and type more in my phone notes. I do this often.

    My phone & google drive are my thinking boards and I know God is pressing me to release His grace in my life for others to see.

    I also know, last week – this season of Lent is what God wanted me to experience again after many many years (over 25, maybe 35).

    For 23 years, I had been struggling back to His everlasting arms finally coming closer – especially the last 14 years! Taking baby steps, and many strides, finally finding my place in His glorious kingdom, last year.

    Life has changed tremendously since last February (2014) – the moment I felt God without a doubt communicating with me – in no way could I dismiss or say it was anything else. Truly life changing, Holy Spirit filled. Amazing Grace.

    Learning to discern His calling for me, has kept me busy. It hasn’t been easy – fully surrendering to Him, it has changed my family dynamics in so many ways. With heartache came peace, with peace – love, joy and grace.

    Oh, amazing grace, how sweet the sound! I sing this in my head often!

    Lately, I’ve been processing what God has been pressing on me all winter, little glimpses the last few months, to the obvious the last 3 weeks.


    This was odd, foreign to me, I never knew what a fast really was – so naturally I did research weeks ago. (I couldn’t shake God calling me to do this!)

    2 weekends ago, even more clarity consumed me.

    As I have been soaking Gods word the last 3 months more than I ever had before, praying for deeper knowledge in His word – fasting has been in scriptures, nonchalantly spoken in sermons at church, my bible apps, emails, random places, radio etc. and not just recently in anticipation for Lent, it’s been for months.

    So, as I did my research this bible study “Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross” from my bible app – She Reads Truth – was shining it’s halo at me. There it was. Without a doubt God was calling me here, to dig deeper.

    As others have shared in last Wednesdays comments – I honestly struggled to know what to fast. I generally don’t have 1 strong vice. So, I prayed for more guidance last Tuesday night.

    Wow! There it was as I woke up from another rare restful sleep last Wednesday – I don’t have just one thing to Fast (release). It’s a list of little things God prepared for me and included in my Fast was my “focus list” (I did pray for specific instruction to guide me and have balance in my life during this new experience of closeness with God & I received it quite clearly).

    With “God time” at top – longer deeper.
    Specific blocks of time to prepare my women’s Tuesday night bible studies, my scripture art, family time (single Mom – 3 kids), specific instruction to cook (not my specialty & difficulty with my health to do daily), details balancing my daily life chores and a little me time(I never do this, let alone think about it – I’m a chicken with her head cutoff), what a morning it was.

    I knew God was speaking to me, because I struggled to know what to do. I wasn’t participating in Lent with a “have to”, or “give me brownie points” thought. I knew He was calling me here to be with Him and with all of you.

    That Tuesday night, I selflessly went to Him, telling him – “I hear you, Lord – I’m here where you want me, send me instruction, show me your will, burn on my heart what I need to release to come even closer to you, LORD – to honor your pure sacrifice in the wilderness & on the cross for us all!”

    Today, I see God telling me to continue this prayer to Him daily, not only during this time – we share.

    Amazing, really – considering for the last 9 months prayer has been THE TOPIC of His teachings for me, honestly I had no idea how to pray then. Now I pray-talk to God multiple times a day, many times praying to know how to do it! Realizing now, I have been doing it.

    He hears us, loves us and lavishes us in His Grace!

    Our Heavenly Father brought us all here – to “dig deeper in His word” together!

    After months of asking God to help me balance my life with His calling to women’s ministry & writing last year – Here it was all laid out in one nights rest. Not only for the next 40 days, meant to carry it with me always.

    Lent – a journey God is taking me on in a whole new way, with a list of things to let go, another list of to do’s, a calling to a deeper closeness than I have already been having with Him the last year and a guide for balancing it all!

    I’m in awe, speechless (not natural for me), humbled, thankful for so many answered prayers, and His Amazing Grace.

    I praise you Lord and pray all who are here experience your undying love, your grace and wisdom.

  9. Jen says:

    I found this very interesting. I think pride is my number one struggle with sin. While I do in my whole heart believe that our works do not earn our way to heaven, or that we have to earn our way at all, I struggle deeply with the desire to please God with who I am and the things I do. It’s just such a hard thing to separate! I need the constant reminder that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, the fulfillment of grace and the only thing I need is to turn my eyes to him. So hard for me to do. Thank you for the thought provoking day! :)

  10. Rosemary says:

    I’m still learning to accept the actual depth of His love in my life. It’s hard to comprehend, especially when I know I don’t deserve it. I’m learning everyday.

  11. Mindy says:

    I need this YESTERDAY! But instead I was too busy in my sadness and emptiness wondering why my heart was so empty! Today it felt like God was answering my unlifted cry…”I am here, I am always here! Come be with me.” God I’m so thankful for your pursuit, even when it reveals all the faults that remain in me. Let me know carry that shame but just keep following you instead!

  12. Shanna Richardson says:

    It’s hard to comprehend how
    Amazing his love really is..he loves us
    Always and forever

  13. Danette says:


  14. VictoriousOne says:

    I totally needed this today, right in this moment. Nothing I can do will earn Jesus’ love or salvation, its all by His grace.

  15. I’m so glad that quote was chosen for the lock screen: our need for Jesus is deep, His love for us is deeper. I tend to focus on the need and think I have to feel the need before I can feel the love. Thank God His love is deeper than all my need and attempts at perfection!!

  16. Rachel says:

    “So let’s not use our self-improvements and call them sacrifices”…love this! I was beating myself up because I was late getting started on this study, I didn’t ‘give up’ or ‘take up’ anything…Lent began & I felt like I ‘missed’ it. So I’ve just been praying for a closer walk with God…to know my Savior…to be sanctified, that I would be a different person today than I was yesterday because of His Holy Word. Nothing hinges on what I’ve given up…it ALL hinges on what HE GAVE UP. He sees my heart. He sees my sin. And He invites me in anyway. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

    1. I was doing the same thing and this spoke to me too! It’s so hard to let go of the idea that we can do something to make God love us more, but he gave it all for us and that’s the beauty of grace!

  17. I did ask myself am I doing this for the approval of Jesus? I know that the love that he has for me and the understanding is beyond my depth of knowledge. I just know he is my savior and that’s who I go to during my time of need and even when I don’t need him and I’m simply thankful

  18. Amanda says:

    I actually laughed at the line “lets don’t use our efforts as currency to buy the free grace we’ve been given.” Because it’s so true! We could NEVER BUY IT. We’re not even worthy of it, yet it’s been given freely to us. Amazing. Just amazing.

    1. What a great line to highlight!! We so often try to buy what was gifted to us.

  19. Katie says:

    This struck home!

  20. Hayley says:

    Wow! My favorite day so far! Oh how HE LOVES ME!!! It's all about Him. His Cross, His Blood, His Grace, and all because of HIS LOVE!!! I'm overwhelmed.

  21. Kelly Nash says:

    At the passion conference this year Judah smith said something that really struck me and I’m reminded of it. He said “John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that… John 3:16 does NOT say “For (your name) so loved God that He gave His only son…” ”
    I could never do anything good enough for God to do anything for me. It’s only by grace. I can’t fast enough for God to heal me. I can’t fast enough for my family to be saved. It doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do fast or prayer or etc, it means we all need to be doing it for the right reasons with the right heart. Thank you for this reminder again.

    1. Danna says:

      Yes!!! This is such an easy mindset to fall into but is so damaging to our relationship with Heavenly Father.

  22. Erin says:

    I definitely have developed a greater love for the season of Lent thanks to these devotions! “It is itself a sinful pride that devalues the very blood of Christ. He has purchased my pardon!” That hit me hard.

  23. Cathy says:

    9THE LORD HAS HEARD MY CRY FOR MERCY; THE Lord accepts my prayer. Thank you Lord!

  24. Carolyn says:

    I am so guilty of devaluing the gift by thinking my small action gain favor from Him. This was such a powerful and timely challenge. Thank you #srt!

  25. Chelsea says:

    This is the first time I’ve felt strongly enough to comment. The discipline in the scripture is so timely for me this evening! I’ve had a rough few days at work being “disciplined” and these passages are helping me feel like they are part of the design

  26. Kami Hawk says:

    My husband and I are currently in a season of crushed dreams. We both have a heart for missions and really felt the Lord leading us to serve overseas, but then closed that opportunity. We are confused and hurting. I know that God’s plans are always good, but it just doesn’t feel like that right now. My heart feels broken and I’m angry. I always feel like I need to put on a brave face and pretend that everything is okay and that I understand what God is doing, but I just don’t. I want the freedom and space to cry over our lost dreams, but then I feel guilty for not trusting God. Can I do both? I could really use some prayer right now. So grateful for this community where I can express my true feelings without fear of judgment. You all rock!

    1. Jenny Campbell says:

      Oh the feeling of broken dreams is my lot as well. I know the tears of disappointment and anger that burn your eyes in the night watches! All I know is the One who holds the future, holds your hand as well.
      Many prayers

      1. Amen Jenny, well said

    2. Be undone before the father; praying for dreams that seem to be put on the back-burner of our lives

    3. Amanda says:

      Yes, I believe you can do both. I believe it’s incredibly important to cry and feel the loss. We are emotional creatures. Grieve. Be angry. Take time. Feel it all. You can feel angry and frustrated, hurt and lost without loosing your trust in His BIG picture. It’s this moment that sucks. And that’s ok to feel it. It’s real. There’s no way around that. You can’t come before him truly naked and honest without showing HIM that you’re hurting. Feel it so He can heal it.
      Know you’ve got my prayers.

    4. Nancy Grant says:

      I will be praying for you. Listen to Just Cry by Mandisa. Here are the lyrics:

      Why you gotta act so strong?
      Go ahead and take off your brave face
      Why you telling me that nothing’s wrong
      It’s obvious your not in a good place
      Who’s telling you to keep it all inside
      And never let those feelings
      Get past the corner of your eye

      You don’t need to run
      You don’t need to speak
      Baby take some time
      Let those prayers roll down your cheek
      It maybe tomorrow
      You’ll be past the sorrow
      But tonight it’s alright
      Just cry

      I know you know your Sunday songs
      A dozen verses by memory
      Yeah they’re good but life is hard
      And days get long
      You gotta know God can handle your honesty
      So feel the things your feeling
      Name your fears and doubts
      Don’t stuff your shame and sadness, loneliness and anger
      Let it out, let it out

      You don’t need to run
      You don’t need to speak
      Baby take some time
      Let those prayers roll down your cheek
      It maybe tomorrow
      You’ll be past the sorrow
      But tonight it’s alright

      Just cry
      Just cry

      It doesn’t mean you don’t trust him
      It doesn’t mean you don’t believe
      It doesn’t mean you don’t know
      He’s redeeming everything.

      You don’t need to run
      You don’t need to speak
      Baby take some time
      Let those prayers roll down your cheek
      It maybe tomorrow
      You’ll be past the sorrow
      But tonight it’s alright
      But tonight it’s alright

      Just cry

      Why you gotta act so strong
      Go ahead and take off your brave face

  27. yaneli says:

    I guess it's similar to fasting any other time of the year, you don't fast to get approval or love from God (because we already have that), you fast believing God will meet you, open your eyes to truth and gain greater intimacy with Him. In His goodness, He comes through every time.

  28. amycook1939 says:

    I love this! Lent is not a way to find favor with but to get closer to God. Not through our works but through His grace. Thank you for the lesson today.

  29. Antimony says:

    “Do I do Lent to win God’s favor? [Do] … I hope my small sacrifices make God love me a little bit more? If I’m honest, I [act like] Lent buys me an ounce of forgiveness and favor in the eyes of God”. I’ve never “done” Lent before. So why now? Because I want to be closer to God? Or because I want to manipulate Him? Or because I’m trying to wiggle back into His favor? Am I REALLY looking for answers? For Truth? Would I recognize it if I saw it? Would I accept/believe it? Because I can “do” checklists and lists of rules. But belief! In my inadequacy. And God’s intervention. And love. And rescue. This is where I stumble over and over and over! How do I gain favor with God? How? My heart is aching. For something. Or for Someone? Oh my.

  30. Just wanted to share my personal post on Lent here and how I am observing it for the first time, which includes this wonderful ministry. Thank you!

  31. Erinlovesbooks says:

    “My soul is in deep anguish, how long, Lord? How long?” This really struck a cord with me today because I’ve been asking the Lord this same question. Things have been very difficult in my life of late and I find myself praying for relief, questioning how long I must endure. But as the reading points out, God’s love is unfailing. I need to remind myself that I can endure any number of difficulties because I have His love, so freely, eternally given.

  32. Sarah F says:

    I believe I am being both disciplined by the Lord right now, and lovingly protected from going down another wrong path. I needed to read this today to understand that a little more and appreciate it and praise God and Jesus for it. Thank you.

  33. Tess says:

    I think I struggle with the balance of a couple truths. First, understanding that God's love and grace is not earned, and we cannot "do things" to earn it and/or maintain it. Second, then understanding that we will, on judgement day, be faced with questions of what did we do for His Son? It is the finite line between doing things out of gaining "brownie points", or "obligation", versus out of the spontaneous reaction of the new heart God has blessed us with when we live in His truth. I wonder if it is our human minds and selves (obligation; check off list; reward for deeds) battling our spiritual God breathed hearts (spontaneous, overflowing action and love; an innate Faith with works)? I know I have a both of these sides in me at different seasons of my life. When I struggle and sin, and feel distant from God, I try returning by kicking up the "brownie points". When I'm surrounded by the Spirit in all I do, I don't think twice about it.

  34. Alexis Couture says:

    it’s so hard for me to remember God’s love for me sometimes. I get so distracted with life and school. This is exactly what I needed to read!

  35. Carrie says:

    On my heart today: “I want to do the things of God not just out of obligated obedience but out of obedience with love.

    1. Ashlee says:

      Amen. Obedience rooted in love.

  36. CindyD says:

    I can not begin to tell you how blessed I have been by this study during Lent. I had been asking God to expose the sin in my heart and after this devotion and Bible reading, I was made quite aware that it was pride..ouch! After doing a word study on pride and being proud, I saw that it was listed alongside quite a lot of other sins, which I had always considered "worse", but sin is sin to God. My need for Jesus is so deep, but thankfully his love for me is deeper. I was reminded of a song by Christ Tomlin Give Us Clean Hands..

    We bow our hearts, we bend our knees
    Oh Spirit come make us humble
    We turn our eyes from evil things
    Oh Lord we cast down our idols

    So give us clean hands and give us pure hearts
    Let us not lift our souls to another
    Oh give us clean hands and give us pure hearts
    Let us not lift our souls to another

    Oh God let this be a generation that seeks
    Who seeks Your face, oh God of Jacob
    Oh God let us be a generation that seeks
    Who seeks Your face, oh God of Jacob

    Praying for clean hands and a pure heart today!

  37. Megan S says:

    I needed to hear this extremely right now. I've been in these season where I'm behind in everything and I don't feel good enough at all. I felt like I had to do lent to earn a little bit of love or approval from God. This reminded me that thats not true. God's love, Jesus' sacrifice, is lavished on me, just the way I am, even when I feel like I'm a compete failure. Nothing I can do can change that. He is so worthy of our praise.

    Thank you so much for writing this Amanda. :)

  38. Bridget says:

    Discipline. Hardship. Suffering. Sin. Consequences. Love. Mercy. Grace. Forgiveness. I want to understand, Lord. You discipline the ones you love. How much of the hardship I face is your loving discipline and how much is the consequence of my own sin and the sin of others? Are they connected? One and the same?

    1. Ann says:

      Bridget! Me too! I wonder about my “suffering” – is it mostly self made? My sin creates suffering. Is there perfecting discipline in that? Maybe, but I wonder about how to discern the consequences from my behavior from godly discipline.

      1. Bridget says:

        EXACTLY my thinking, Ann. I wonder about this a lot.

  39. Shelby Walker says:

    We’re all learning as we go and that’s the beauty and mystery of this journey! Thank you, Lord Jesus. Because of you, IT IS FINISHED!!!

  40. Kristie says:

    Ladies I appreciate your daily posts so much. They're full of God's word, beautiful hearts and honesty. I'm going to be completely honest here, there are so many bible studies and devo's I just am not interested in. I love finding nuggets of truth to post or repost for those who just need a little encouragement. I don't want it to deep to hit it's mark for the "grazing reader" or too light there's no deeper meaning to touch they're hearts. 9 times out of 10 ladies what I read on your daily devo's makes it on my page. A true leader, worshipper, teacher, etc…understands they can never have enough or know enough. They continue to grow and learn and let their passion to constantly strive for more be a beautiful example to those who are following. This is an amazing group of ladies here. Thank you for all the hard work, tears and laughter that have gone into making She Reads Truth great. Love you ladies!!!

  41. Ness says:

    This was definitely something that I needed to read today. I have been struggling lately with the ability to really understand that nothing I can do will make God extend more grace to me or more love to me. I know the truths of the word, I know that there is nothing that I can do to earn his grace and love, but at the same time I feel like I am constantly trying to do exactly that. It is too much for me to understand that God's grace has already been abundantly given to me. This was not by anything that we have done. Accepting his grace is a daily process that I have been trying to walk through.
    >> But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. -2 Corinthians 12:9 <<

  42. beth says:

    I come to this site daily. I am feeling alone in this Lenten season (although I am not). For this season of my life, you are the community that I turn to. To guide me:). Thank you.

    1. Beth, we are so happy to have you in our community! Praying for you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  43. Jeremy and Armanda says:

    Hi she reads truth sisters, my husband and I need prayer, he just lost his job and is looking for a new job he currently has screws in his ankle and needs surgery to remove them because one is unscrewing. (We don't have medical insurance at this moment) We are hoping to find something sitting down for him due to his ankle. Please pray for us we have rent and a car payment and so many other bills, and I don't make enough income to cover all the expenses. Thank you all so much!

    1. Annie says:

      Lifting you both up in prayer now. Put your trust in The Lord who promises to provide.

      1. Armanda says:

        Thank you Annie, I know God is wanting us both to trust Him. Because He never fails us.

    2. tina says:

      Armanda, lifting both yourself and your husband up in prayer….God be with you…xxx

    3. Valanne says:

      Thank you for the opportunity to pay along with you.

    4. Angela says:

      Jeremy and Armanda, I am praying for your family.

  44. Joanna says:

    I feel whenever I come to the foot of the cross, I have in my hands are the empty buckets. I think they are full of these trials and hardships, good things I have suffered through. But those things are nothing to Jesus. All I have to do it set those buckets down and simply bring me. He loves me right where I am, with all my faults and trials, he loves me. That love is just amazing and sometimes overwhelming.

  45. Bridget says:

    Regarding discipline and love: I struggle to know that even if I am disciplined, I am loved still. I think maybe it would be easier to grasp that if I had been raised with a father who disciplined me but showed unconditional love. As an adult, I feel unloved when I receive criticism and hardship/discipline. In my head I know that is a feeling and is not true, but it is a stumbling block for me in grasping my Heavenly Father’s love for ME. Does anybody else relate?

    1. Katie_K says:

      Hi Bridget,

      I can definitely relate to that. When I'm going through struggles, I often cry out, "Lord, what did I do?", wondering which sin I'm being punished for and not understanding Him or His grace at all. I grew up with an extremely violent, unloving father, and a mother who herself was abused and turned to alcohol to cope. So unconditional love was not something I had from either parent.

      1. Bridget says:

        I didn’t have unconditional love from my parents, either, Katie. Now, as an adult, I see that they themselves were not loved “well”, so they didn’t know how to love unconditionally. Or at least show it. And they didn’t teach me about my loving Heavenly Father, because they did not know Him themselves. Sometimes, a lot of times, I resent them for that. Ugly truth right there. I pray the Lord will heal me of that resentment and fill in the “love gaps” . I want to love well. Thank you, Katie, for responding. It helps to know others have feelings and struggles similar to mine.

        1. Katie_K says:

          You're definitely not alone! It took me a long time to even realize that I hadn't forgiven my parents for things I went through and the way I was raised. Now I try to have more compassion for them as I see that they really didn't know the Lord (I was raised in the church, my dad is actually a pastor's kid, but no doubt in my mind he doesn't know the Lord). I'm definitely still healing, and learning. I too want to be able to take criticism and hardships and still understand that I'm loved at the same time. It's a struggle, but one I trust the Lord is working on and healing within me.

      2. Bridget says:

        Oh me too! I so appreciate your sharing!!! So many of my other struggles are rooted in this issue.

  46. kellykoptieff says:

    Loving it! The more I'm reminded each day that I am a sinner, the more I am able to realize the constant love the Father has for me, me! It gives me that feeling that I can "conquer the world!" or at least today:)

  47. Beverly says:

    Me too, Betty. I want to earn it. But God’s grace is enough. We are forgetful people. And God loves us still.

  48. Betty says:

    Wow good stuff. Isn’t it strange how we all want to think that somehow we could earn more favor than what we already have. Tells me that I still don’t fully realize and receive all of the grace that has been given to me because of the cross of Jesus Christ’

  49. Traci says:

    This post is one of the reasons I love Lent so much. It calls us to examine our hearts, DAILY, and we find ourselves continually desperate for grace to cover us.
    With shame, I'll admit I've heard others' Lenten sacrifices and thought things like, "umm, giving up soda is a diet plan, not a way to draw closer to Christ."
    But my "sacrifice" is no greater than this, or any others, because Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. I can't outdo anyone with my sacrificing – Jesus paid it all. How foolish to try!

  50. Colleen says:

    I'm struggling right now… in my life… I feel as if though I've allowed Satan to creep in my life, to take over some areas, yesterday was the worst day and I hold myself to a higher standard (which I know God does not) because of my role in the church, I needed to be reminded today how Deep Jesus' love is for me… I needed to be reminded that I can come to His feet empty begging to be filled with more of Him… this morning as I read through the study, the devotion and poured over my bible, tears and repentance pours out of me… and I'm begging God to allow healing in my life, to take away the pain…. to take away the people who are distracting me and for Satan's hands to be bound in my life.

    1. Maddy Fowler says:

      Colleen, I am praying for you right now! Your prayers are heard and there is a community of people who care for you and are rooting you on. God is on your side!

    2. Lauren says:

      Praying God quiets your anxious heart with His Love today Colleen. Praying the Holy Spirit clothes you in the whole armor of God, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit, and feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Thank you for sharing your struggles. Thank you for being so honest and open. I love you sweet sister and I pray you see the power and majesty of our Lord on display as you flee from evil and run to Him. He will never leave you or forsake you, you are sealed in Christ and marked with the promised Holy Spirit. You are safe, you are treasured, you are loved, and though you are in the battlefield in this dark world, the battle belongs to the Lord. Take courage my sister!!!

    3. Mackenzie Marie says:

      Colleen, I feel the same way right now. Yesterday was a hard day and one of my worst days. I somehow managed to give up my fight, weary from pain and heartache. I am remembering that He will fight for us if we are still. I am thankful we can come empty and that He will fill us. I am praying for you!

  51. Alysa says:

    “So let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices.” Wow, that’s a good and challenging word.

  52. Angela says:

    I don't believe self-denial is quite as aimless as I perceived this post painted it. I do agree that self-denial should bring us to an ever-more constant awareness of the Living God and not that it should make God somehow more aware of me. And no, sacrifice doesn't make Him love me more, but my sacrifice "is right and just" as thanksgiving to a Lord who deliberately gave the new commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you." He sacrificed. That was His Love to me. I must sacrifice too. That is my love to Him. Lent is call to do this in a particularly devoted way for a particular season. I do thank you for this study and am grateful to have it as a resource in my Lenten journey this year!

    1. Angela says:

      Beautifully said. No, he doesn't need our sacrifices, but we do.

  53. Rhonda says:

    I have never participated in Lent. It wasn't in my upbringing or church teaching. You have really opened my eyes to Lent as a blessed season to bring my "empty bucket" to Christ. It is so easy to get caught up in the works of the flesh and thinking that we can do enough, when He has already done it all. He has paid the ultimate price. Thank you Jesus.

  54. Becca Stavert says:

    This is such a beautiful truth. So often we look at ourselves and see all the things we need to “clean up”, yet Jesus looks at us, covered fully in His grace, and says “There’s nothing to clean.” What a promise to rest in!

  55. Meredith K says:

    Really love this today. Thank you!

  56. Alyssa says:

    Great way to start my day by being given this reminder!! It’s not about what I do but about what Christ did!!!!

  57. Keirsten says:

    I was listening to the Bethel “You Make Me Brave” album and ‘A Little Longer’ came on. Jesus is so sweet – always reminding me that it is not anything I do that earns his love – simply come, and come empty to let Him fill me.

    1. Tess says:

      I LOOOVVEEE that album! :) A Little Longer, I believe, has to be one of my favorite worship songs of all time. The part where Jesus is saying "You don't have to do a thing, just simply be with me…." makes me teary everytime I hear it. Such a good song, with words that are such wonderful reminders of the simplicity of what our Lord desires of us.

  58. adeline says:

    This is so true. We think that either we gain brownie points with God for giving up something for Him, or we try to unconsciously twist God’s arm to do something for us in giving up something for Him. Thanks for this post.

  59. Casie says:

    Thank you for your amazing honesty as I know I can relate. This part of the devo “Here’s the rub: this belief is not just a simple misunderstanding. It is itself a sinful pride that devalues the very blood of Christ.” Stopped me in my tracks!
    So often I make life about me. What I need, what I am lacking, all I am doing, how I am suffering.
    Come empty to the feet of Jesus at the cross and He will fill me up!
    Blessings SRT team – you continue to deepen my faith and my daily walk with God!

  60. Nancy says:

    Praying for your daughter. I recommend yall read One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian.

  61. Kelcie says:

    "We come to Christ with empty buckets — whether we admit it or not. So let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices. Let’s don’t use our efforts as currency to buy the free grace we’ve been given."

    This is so good. Yesterday was a good reminder for me of just how sinful I am. I had bad attitude and a short temper with my kids All. Day. Thank goodness His love is greater!!

    I'm just wondering… does anyone know of a "male equivalent" to SRT? Some type of men's daily reading… I'd love for my husband to have something similar…

  62. Rachel says:

    Thank you for this. About 10 years ago I began worshiping in a Lutheran church instead of a Catholic Church. After 12 years of Catholic school and being surrounded by basically only Catholics my entire life, I chose to worship with my husband, as our marriage was not welcome in the Catholic Church (he was divorced). I have to say that this is one of the first differences that I noticed. The concept of Grace was practically new to me. Whether it was my misunderstanding ask those years or not, I absolutely felt like I needed to win God’s favor through acts, prayer, etc. This was a huge relief. We’ve already been redeemed!

  63. Angela says:

    Thank you for the reminder that our Lenten sacrifices are not to be used to earn anything from God, but rather to be used to sever us from anything which keeps us from Him. Love that.
    I am struggling though…I have been a Christian my whole life, and I know times of "warm fuzzies" come and go, but I feel like I have all the head knowledge of God and Christ's love for me and none of the heart knowledge. Meaning, I don't know how to rest in God's love for me and know I am beloved.
    I would so welcome any help anyone could offer…

    1. Nicole Faith Hannah says:

      Oh Angela- how well I, personally, know that very struggle. Have you ever read “Life of the Beloved” by Henri Nouwen? It is absolutely THE most beautiful response to your very struggle. I read it a couple of years ago. It changed my life. I still struggle some days in the resting part, and maybe I always will this side of heaven, but it is a resource I often return to help order the steps of my heart.

      1. Angela says:

        I have not read it. Thank you so much…I will add it to my list.

  64. Tricia says:

    I’ve never been one to think very highly of myself. I’ve always heard the lies that I’m not good enough. I find myself sinking into self pity, feeling sorry for myself because I’m too sensitive, too emotional, too selfish, too this and too that. This is my pride getting in the way of what Jesus did for me on the cross. I’m saying what you did is not powerful enough because I’m not good enough. Forgive me lord for not coming to you with my empty hands and accepting what you did for me. You have told me to come as I am and that you will cover me with your love and forgiveness. Thank you lord!

  65. Connie says:

    I had to go back and read the words to the old hymn ” oh the deep deep love of Jesus”

    1. Connie says:

      Lord help my unbelief. I want to freefall into your arms.

  66. Jenny says:

    I think that my tendency is to hope this will please God. But I definitely can see pride I myself…”I am trying MY best. Aren’t You proud of me, God?”
    I’m trying to shift my motives to
    I heard that phrase in a gorgeous song by Gordon Mote “when I rise”.

  67. Kasey Tuggle says:

    Yes!!! We are empty and God fills us up with joy! He makes our cup overflow!!! He is more than enough! He is our blessing! All we need!

  68. Molly says:

    “We come to Christ with empty buckets — whether we admit it or not. So let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices. Let’s don’t use our efforts as currency to buy the free grace we’ve been given.” YES! He has made us perfect and there is nothing more we can do in His eyes to become holier. He sees us as holy now. And His love! I just can’t even fathom! He has already given us grace and let’s live in that today, ladies!

  69. Sarah says:

    Amen. It is easy during this season to share what I am doing, what I am taking on-me, me, Oswald Chambers writes-"Paul does not say-'I will endeavor to follow Him' or 'I have determined to imitate Jesus Christ.'" We have been crucified with Christ, and this means losing our claim to self and independence.

    God, I pray that in this season, I examine my sin and see it as all that I can present to You. I pray to give You my sin and fully accept the sacrifice and death of Your Son as one reconciled with Christ. God's best for me is a life lived wrung out-one where I live in accordance with His will. I pray that my anxiety be calmed, my excuses be removed, and my fear be taken. I pray to let go of fear of others-doubts and aspersions from friends and even my spouse-and may I come and cling to the God of my Salvation. I pray to trust in Your Saving love, and let go of all arrogance I possess. Thank you for this study!

    1. Alexandra says:

      I love this and this prayer. Thank you. I wrote it down, hope you don't mind.

      1. Sarah says:

        I don't mind at all!!! Thank you for your encouragement :)

  70. Katy Hardee says:

    The scriptures could not have been more perfect for my life! I am so thankful you are honest and pour out your heart to all of us. I use to think Lent was a “fade” thing to do (just for me), but now I see it’s not just for me to draw closer to Jesus, but an opportunity for Jesus to love me deeper than I have ever let him before.

  71. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for always being real and honest with us. This was a very insightful devotion today and gives me a lot to ponder about why I do what I do. It always comes back to our “heart attitude” with God doesn’t it? Be blessed.

    1. Sarah says:

      Agreed. God knows how easy it can be to 'check the boxes' and 'seem aligned to His will'. So glad that He looks at the heart. I pray that our hearts pursue Him and trust His love.

  72. Gayle says:

    "let's not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices"…. How often I am guilty of this. Christ has given His all for me, nothing I do earns that. He's already done it. May I come to him empty each morning, and may he fill me with his love and grace.

    1. Sarah says:

      Amen. I pray to let go of my selfishness and receive with open hands His love and beauty.

  73. Bethany says:

    I always like to give up something for Lent. It helps me remind myself to come closer to Jesus. But I have to remember that even if I didn’t He would still love me just the same! Nothing I give up, or begin, could make Him show me more love, more grace, or more help! I love this study!

    1. tina says:

      Bethany, that is just it..that's it..NOTHING..NOTHING we could do will or could make God love us more, He already lives us in the Highest..Amen..God bless you…xx

  74. Katie says:

    Whew, such a good word. Thanks to all of you writers for your dedication to learning and leading us in this study. You are so appreciated and being used by the Lord!

  75. Melody says:

    Perfect timing right now for me. I'm in a bit of a small valley. We are in the midst of state-testing at our school and it is soul-sucking (for the students too I'm sure). This is not what I went to college for– not what I pictured when I wanted to become an English teacher. My heart is at home, where my 3 month old thankfully gets to stay with my husband, who works from home, and where my older children get ready in the morning after I've left for work. And I've been praying for over a year now that God would change our circumstances and allow me to be home. I'm just feeling really empty. And I believe and buy into the lie that if I just do x, then God will change our situation. But it's not about changing our situation. It's about changing me. Only He has the power to fill me up and change me with His love– whether I continue to work or not. I am clinging to that today, coming empty, and hoping to be filled.

    1. Sarah says:

      Melody-I hear you! Teaching at a time when state testing abounds is so hard. And draining for teacher and student. I pray that in this season you lean on God and His love. I pray that you pursue Him and serve Him in all circumstances. And I so empathize with your struggle. I pray that God give you clarity and perhaps a new role or new job? Or eyes to see His grace in all circumstances. But be encouraged-you are shining such love devotion in your words and teaching so much more than academics to your students.

      1. Melody says:

        Thank you so much for this encouragement, Sarah.

  76. Kelly_Smith says:

    So much of this hit me between the eyes and stepped on my toes. I am a performance based person. I don't like discipline, not because I don't like the consequences, but because I do not want my imperfections exposed. I don't want to see them and I certainly don't want anyone else to point them out to me. The thought that I have to come to the cross with empty buckets causes me to pause. Am I enough? What will He say when He sees me without my costume, without the good works clouding His vision? I hear Him calling me as I hesitate at the threshold. "Come as you are. I have my Son's robes to drape across your weary shoulders." He lovingly corrects me for my pride. No shame, no disgrace. Yes, I am not perfect. But Jesus Christ is. And with His robes covering me, I am enough.

    1. Sarah says:

      AMEN. Wow. So beautiful, and necessary. I want performance to be enough. But thank God it is not.

    2. Kendall_S says:

      LOVE this Kelly….. :)

  77. Sarah Farish says:

    I gasped…loudly…when I read “self improvement” and call it sacrifice. These words are for me. I do this. I can’t tell you exactly how yet, but I asked God to reveal it and teach me. Thanks for those words.

  78. AngelaTollefson says:

    I would highly recommend reading the Gospel Story Bible with her. It really makes the stories clear but simple and ties in each story (even in the Old Testament )to the love of Jesus. It even helped me to gain a better understanding of the Old Testament stories. And easy to see Gods love for all of his very imperfect, fallen people that had hearts that really wanted to know him. Praying she could know and experience the amazing love of God through Jesus who died for us while we were still sinners.

  79. Kim Huffman says:

    This study is so good!

  80. cjackson924 says:

    what a great reminder this morning. This devotional reminds me of Isaiah 64:4 "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Like Hebrews points out, Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for our sin when he died on the cross, but I have not even shed blood for my sin. My righteous acts are like filthy rags compared to Christ and his love. Nothing I can do will ever be good enough to win God's love and approval, but, thankfully, I don't have to. I serve and study God's word to grow closer to him and worship him. I can only approach God through Christ though – my good works cannot save or redeem me. This is very humbling, but also hopeful. I know that I am loved by God and can approach him openly because of Christ's sacrifice.

  81. Kathy says:

    Ouch! Realizing that I have been using my Lent "sacrifice" to earn brownie points with God.
    ( I can never earn enough to deserve Him.)
    I'm now determined to use this more for a time of fertilization. I want to be good soil! I want His word to flourish in me and produce deep roots.
    Blessings Ladies

  82. Allison says:

    We have to be empty in order for God to fill us!

  83. "Let’s not use our efforts as currency to buy the free grace we’ve been given." <– This was a slap across the face for me. Anyone else?

    1. Sarah says:

      Right here. So true. I pray to let go of my selfish ambitions and efforts and accept with open hands Christ's love and present to him my sin and need for him.

  84. Pam says:

    Beautiful and timely words this morning. Both scriptures helped me write my prayers this morning.

    And, now I am singing "Deep and Wide." Thanks for the lesson and for the sharing above.

  85. Beverly says:

    … and my performance-driven heart is humbled.
    "He redeems us and refines us because of this great love, not because of what we do." His great love. Steadfast love. Faithful love. Gracious love.
    And so I come empty. Because He is all I need, and He knows what I need. There is nothing I can do to earn His love, His favor or His good gifts. Grateful for His ways, which are far better than my own.

  86. Lydia says:

    Amanda, I just love that your middle name is “Bible”! :)
    These passages & devotional led me into a time of prayer, writing & Scripture treasure hunt with Jesus. I ended up in 2 Corinthians about Jesus being the provider of seed & bread.
    I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit who so genuinely guides our hearts along sure paths!
    Fill us, Lord!

  87. Stacy Sander says:

    “let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices”….ouch, ouch, ouch! Hurts to see that called out…but so needed!

  88. Rebecca says:

    My daughter, who is almost 11, struggles with anxiety. We’ve gotten to a point where she can’t manage to read her bible or go to church because she feels so heavy with grief over the idea of sin. But over and over she has heard about grace, and we don’t come from a punitive family or hell and brimstone church! But her perspective is far different. She wonders if God is ever pleased with humans and rejoices over them. I of course know this is true and tell her so, but she really gets so overwhelmed and anxious opening her Bible tofind them. Does anyone know some I could offer her? Or have experience of the difficulty faced by those with true anxiety when dealing with Christian faith?

    1. Megan says:

      I wonder if you could read stories about Jesus with her. Maybe in a children’s bible or the message translation. When you actually see and read the way he interacted with people and gave dignity and hope to everyone he encountered (especially those who really wanted to know Him). It might soften her perspective of Gods harshness. I will be praying that the REAL Jesus makes himself known to her!!

    2. Jess says:

      I think for me, it’s easier to think that God works like a balance scale…if I do this much, then God loves me this much. But we can’t earn what is already ours. We sometimes think we have to earn our identities as God’s daughters through obedience. This can be so frustrating because we are the trying to be obedient in our own strength…which results in self induced guilt. When the reality is that our obedience comes when we have found our identity as God’s daughter first. This takes the pressure off us for having to “get it right”. God first and foremost wants us to see ourselves as his beautiful daughters. I’ve known this for years and years and still I struggle with the idea of not having to earn my identity as God’s kid and that the guilt I feel is self induced, so I know for an 11 year old it has to be SO tough. I’ll pray that she finds her full identity as the daughter of a Father who loves her so so much and that she would feel the full freedom that comes with that relationship!

    3. Christy says:

      As a parent I struggle with the idea that how my kids turn out is my responsibility. But they are His children, and we’re just the stewards. I would just continue to pour unconditional love into your daughter; allow your love to reflect His grace that shines. I believe that is why we’re made parents – so He can teach us what it feels like for Him to love and to allow us to show them His love.

    4. LinnyT says:

      Poor darling. I can kind of understand how she feels – I remember feeling this way too, particularly in my teens. I think it really helps to focus on the goodness of God and his character and will for our lives, rather than punishments for sin that she’s fixated on. I think there’s pressure on kids to already have it sorted rather than allowing them to grow in Christ – and it might be pressure she places on herself. I remember wondering as a teen if I loved a God or was I just afraid of going to hell. I think this comes from immaturity and not understanding sin in the world we live in so hopefully it won’t be long lasting. God knows she’s not perfect – remind her that everyone slips up.

    5. Laura S says:

      "The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17. Seeds Family Worship has this as a song. They actually have lots of scripture to song, if she can't bring herself to read the word, maybe listening to all these truths would help build her up. Praying for your girl, such a heavy weight for one so young.

    6. Anne says:

      I love to read the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It shows how all of the Bible points to Jesus and God's redemptive love. Perhaps this would be helpful…

    7. Brandy says:

      Rebecca, I still struggle with focusing on the “harshness” of some of the Bible and on feeling I will never measure up. Here’s the thing: some of it is harsh and I will NEVER measure up! That’s when the beauty of God’s promises gives me peace and comfort. Maybe you can read the Word with her and when she comes to something overwhelming or that causes her to be anxious, you can search together for a truth that shows her the Promise that is Jesus Christ. I will be praying for your precious daughter. God is with her.

    8. Elizabeth says:

      I have found myself in a similar situation as your daughter Rebecca, however I am in my 30’s! I can relate to the feelings she is experiencing and I, too, found myself unable to go to church and read my Bible. I am now back to reading my Bible once again and God is restoring my walk with Him. For me, I have to be extremely cautious about what I listen to and what books I read. For some reason, certain teaching really triggers this tendency in me towards anxiety and condemnation. I also have had to learn about grace and about how to accept God’s love for me. I am learning how not to fixate on my own sin and instead keep my eyes and heart fixed on Jesus. I think it’s a process. I am still on this journey…I also started a journal where I keep verses about God’s love, what He says about fear/anxiety, etc… I journal my prayers and just talk to God and this is helpful. It’s good to identify what exactly is triggering these feelings for her- I think it can be different things for different people. Praying for your daughter Rebecca.

    9. Katie says:

      I've honestly never felt true anxiety before in my Christian walk until about a month ago. What started with my life feeling like it was "spinning out of control", I became extremely anxious and fearful. I have never in my life been deathly fearful of God, but the enemies deception got to me and I could barely even open my bible and read a piece of scripture without feeling complete condemnation or fear of punishment. It was bad. I started to not even be able to sleep. The one week, I went 3-4 days with only 4-5 hours of sleep and somehow powered through the work week only by God's strength and mercy. I've never been in a fearful place with God and it truly stinks, but I've been asking for tons of prayer, and with each day it gets easier. I force myself to read scripture, but only in small amounts and am focusing on learning about God's character. The enemy can deceive me into believing that the Bible won't help, but it's truly the only thing that will tell me the truth to help me overcome these thoughts of anxiety.

      Have you daughter start asking God for attributes of his character, she needs to find out about his love for herself (as we all do dearly need as well!). From personal experience, friend and family can instill these truths but until I truly seek them out for myself and ask God for help, I won't learn what kind of loving father he really is.

      Tell her she can come to God open and freely and tell him how she feels. Have her ask him for help in dealing with this anxiety, he is a redeemer, he can restore and completely take away the anxiety. Read Isaiah 41:10. Over and over. If it takes 1 month or 1 year, re-read pieces of scripture portraying God's love for her, even if it's just 1 or 2 verses. He will show her his true character! I am learning this every day. =) Philippians 4:6-7 is also a great verse!

    10. Kimberly says:

      Rebecca, has anyone ever explained God's plan of salvation to your daughter and asked her if she would like to put her faith and trust in Jesus Christ? I'm struck by your sentence "she feels so heavy with grief over the idea of sin." When we feel that grief for sin, we are ready to welcome our Saviour. Share the good news of Jesus Christ with her. Not just the idea of grace, but that grace comes through Christ alone. Google how to lead a child to Christ, or the Romans Road. has a online help to equip you to lead a child to Christ. They have a simple way of explaining the bad news of sin and the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Your daughter is right – there is none that does good, not even one. (Rom 3:10) But God demonstrates his own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Keep pointing your daughter to the completed work of Jesus Christ. He is her answer to the anxiety over sin. He did it all. We can do nothing to earn God's love. Just as Amanda pointed out. Ephesians 2:1-10 talks about the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus. Invite her to put her trust in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross for the sin problem. I'll be praying for your daughter that her eyes are opened to the beauty of Christ and the price He paid for the all sin. And that when she trusts in Christ God sees her just as He sees His beloved son. That's how much He loves her.

    11. Sofia says:

      I don’t have anything specific to offer you, but my heart breaks for your little girl. I’ve dealt with this type of anxiety off and on throughout my whole life. I’ve found a lot of strength in reading the lives of the saints (I’m Catholic), and especially in the writings of St. Therese of the little flower. Her perspective of her place in God’s kingdom is so simple, and her relationship with Him so profound and uncomplicated, it inspires me to accept that type of love from God without worrying about anything else. I will pray for your daughter to have peace in her spiritual life, and if there are any underlying psychological or spiritual causes of her extreme anxiety, that they will become evident to you as her parents so that you can help her overcome them.

  89. joanne says:

    Empty I come. Full of Him I leave. Not because I earned it, but because He loves me – because He loves the world.

  90. Debbie says:

    Heb 12:7 “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?” … God has been disciplining me. I have been going through a season of loneliness because God wanted me to give Him 1st place in my life. I needed to be reminded that HE is here for me & that I need to lean on/depend on Him, not others. I had put another person on a pedestal & only have been hurt & disappointed by them, so I had to step away for awhile from our friendship. I needed to be emptied of me, so that I can be filled with Jesus. It hasn’t been an easy journey, but it was one I needed. …. My prayer for today comes from a song I learned as a teen, 30+ years ago. “Fill me Jesus, fill me now. Fill me JESUS, with thy precious holy power. I am yours my Lord, to do with as you will. So, fill me Jesus, right now.”
    …It’s not about me, it’s ALL about JESUS!

  91. RachelBooker says:

    For me, the scripture choices resonated more profoundly than the devotional passage. I’m quietly (or not so quietly) reminded of how God works in our lives when, like children, we act out and are in need of discipline. No parent enjoys disciplining their children, just as our Heavenly Father does not delight in disciplining us. The first passage this morning reminded me, “see Rachel, remember when I let you go through that pain? Remember when you were physically hurting when you decided to make your own life choices apart from me? I’m sorry you hurt but I was drawing you closer to me. I wanted you back in my loving arms and I needed you to suffer for a little to remember how much I love you.” Just as children suffer growing pains in their relationships with their earthly parents, our spirit (and sometimes our bodies) ache with pain when we draw away from God. This was a beautiful reminder this morning.

  92. Amelia says:

    A thought that came up is we already have all the favor and love from the Lord. We just need to believe and walk in it.

    This is such an awesome lent devo. I live it

  93. Tiff says:

    PRAISE REPORT! Thank you to all who prayed for me to obtain favor with my boss to go on the mission trip! She gave me the good news yesterday. Funny, I wanted to rejoice but part of her convo with me said this will NEVER happen again. And it hurt. And I got offended. And It overshadowed my joy. Thankfully I was reminded that tomorrow will take care of itself and to not let that one statement take away my gratefulness that my prayer was answered. I love my job and what I do so I need to continue to move day by day and trust God for the tomorriw and not anticipate the struggle. Love you all and thanks for praying!

    1. Katie says:

      yay! Praise God. =)

    2. Lauren says:

      Remember – Christ told us two thousand years ago that we would be despised and hated. Don’t be surprised at this, but continue to be loving and joyful towards your boss.

  94. i love for this post and good for reading

  95. Zuriel says:

    I love the reminder that to think we can earn God's love, favor, or forgiveness devalues the blood of Christ. It is because of Him that we can be called children of God.

  96. Lindsey says:

    It’s not about winning God’s favor. It’s all about becoming more aware of the love of God. Thank you for this study and these amazing truths, sisters!

  97. Adriana says:

    Sisters, today I am at a loss.
    I love have re-read the passages but can’t understand how they relate to today’s devotional. Could someone shed some light?

    1. Meredith says:

      I am with you Adriana. While they both hit home with me right now, it seemed they did so in completely different ways.

      It is so easy as a mom to remember discipline is for the betterment and growth of my children, but so easy to forget that I am a child as well. A child of God who is in desperate need of his discipline. I was literally weeping on my couch last night due to a foe. So I need this scripture more than ever today!

      1. Oh how I NOW wish I didn't understand what this passages are about… I kept thinking about the meaning behind the passages, only to come up with some vague interpretation that in NO WAY applied to me.

        BUT I too Meredith have wept the past few days because of a situation in which i believed I had been wronged… only today to find that the true cause of my hurt is my ENORMOUS PRIDE. I got to work early this morning, sat on my desk grieving… because I don't even know where to begin or how to change my heart. So I google (because I can't even pray) "pride in christians" and find the following quote "Romans 12 makes it clear that God demonstrates his love for his children through discipline". Today's devotional is FOR ME.

        I feel very unfit, exposed, worst christian ever, like I should lock myself into a closet or something… because being humbled, with my sins exposed doesn't feel too good.

        I expect to alternate between feeling loved and feeling like an absolute loser for not being spotless and perfect like I'd want to be (PRIDE), but I hope to cling to this truth: “Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" Hosea 6:1

        Praying for all of us that are receiving discipline from God today!

        1. Susan says:

          I'd like to give you a big hug, Adriana! I know exactly how you feel and want to share with you one of my favorite quotes….the holy spirit reveals, so we can deal and God can heal. And ….remember there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

          1. Thank you Susan!! Will keep meditating on that quote as God exposes and changes my hear.
            Ps. I absolutely felt your hug.

    2. Jessica says:

      “Our need for Jesus is deep, but His love for us is deeper. His love for us is constant, whatever season and state we’re in. He redeems us and refines us because of this great love, not because of what we do.”

      Today’s bible passages are about receiving discipline from the Lord as Him showing His love to us, like a Father would his son. It is also about crying out to God for deliverance and putting our faith in Him to heart our prayers.

      She is saying that He redeems us (Psalm 6:8-10) and refines us (Hebrews 12:5-11), both out of great love; love that we don’t have to earn because Jesus earned it for us (Hebrews 12:2-3).

      Hope it helps!

    3. Kelcie says:

      I remember I was in college before I finally understood that I didn't have to earn forgiveness each time I sinned. Someone explained to me what Jesus meant on the cross when He said "It is finished!" And I finally got it! It was all done. It had been done for 2,000 years. That was so freeing to finally "get."

    4. I felt the same way Adriana, but after reading the devotional again, I saw the quote that also stuck out to Jessica that may help to tie in the scripture. I would also add that God’s discipline is a hard subject to talk about. What does God’s discipline look like, what does it mean that God disciplines his children? Are hardships in our life sent from God as discipline? In relation to what Amanda was saying in the devo, I think it is important to read these scriptures in light of God shaping us and refining us out of an un-earned love. If we focus on hardships in our life as a reactionary punishment from God based on something we did wrong, this can skew our vision of his grace and unconditional love that pours over us even in our imperfection. This mostly gets skewed because it is so difficult to view what perfect discipline looks like in our worldly perception influenced by broken parent-child relationships. But God transcends these broken perceptions and somehow holds true as a perfect, loving, and disciplining God in all his goodness and righteousness. And in our emptiness he showers us with grace and he fights FOR us, not against us.

  98. Tiffany Lynn says:

    I am emptying myself of me and wanting to be filled with more of you.

  99. Onfaith says:

    Empty. My buckets are empty and anything that I try to fill them with outside of Jesus, only weighs me down. Jesus' love of me is an ethereal weight. There is not one thing about it that seeks to overstep me. It is a come precisely as you are; broken, arrogant, riddled by mistake, battered type of love. And althougth those bear a great deal of heftiness on a heart, the love I exchange for them, the love Jesus has designed specifically for me, releases my heart for flight. I am broken, no good I ever do is going to change that, it's like I'm running on a hamster wheel watching the world around me and my little legs just can't keep from tripping and I know this, but I just keep going…round and round. I am the woman at the well, seeking the wrong water. My eyes and my heart need be not just affixed, but fused on the cross, the hands and feet of my Savior who literaly poured out His love for me. Nothing I do is anything without Him. I kneel at the base of the Cross this Lenten season, buckets beside me, weeping for my iniquities, fractured by my choices and experiences, face in my hands overcome with grief for all that I hold onto and yet I am vanquished by the enormous love of Christ. I am forever altered and astounded by God's great love of me, for all that He pours out on me.

    Prayerful that each day brings me a deeper realization of just how profound His love over me is, that each day brings less of me and more of Him, that I walk humbly and reflect God, not myself, that I don't find myself stepping back on that hamster wheel of life, but that I stand back daily living out the cross. ~ B

    1. Annette says:

      Amen. your words resonate with me big time. I need to empty myself of all that consumes me at the feet of jesus and allow him to fill me. The only true life giving source!

  100. Erin says:

    Lord keep me near.

  101. Lauren says:

    Thank you for this study today. I really needed this reminder.

  102. tina says:

    Amanda, your words have just stirred an awareness in my heart that was not there before…
    .I KNOW, there is nothing, nothing..I can do to make God love me anymore than the great love ….He has for me already, I get that….and yet…The first 3 weeks of this New year was spent in fasting and prayer, just wanting to begin the year as I intend to, throughout,…I didn't feel I'd achieved what I intended…as I failed towards the end of the 3 weeks…I.Began Lententide, with good intentions…to buy back what I lost, to hopefully try again, to 'show' God I can do it….to 'show' God I can be trusted, ….to 'show' God, I want to be worthy of His love, friendship, His Grace, His mercy, His forgiveness, All, His LOVE affords me and more…I have already failed, and we haven't even gotten a week into this 40day 'mission'!!!! I am a failure,.. NO, sorry, that is not the TRUTH of who I am in Christ, however, I do fail, and frequently…and I kick myself, because again and again, my small sacrifice, does not ' come close'… could not do what I believed it would do…As I write, actually, I realise it WAS never going to be enough,…, because, this is not the way God wants my heart…ME….It is not about how much or what I can do… IT IS ABOUT GODS LOVE FOR ME… FOR US….FULL STOP…

    WE JUST NEED TO COME….EMPTY…No falseness…just us….empty…

    Ah, what a revelation, Lent/ fasting was never about God and brownie points, it was and is about letting go of those things that hold us back from truly experiencing our Merciful, our Gracious, and Loving God, as He would love us to……

    Here I am LORD, coming…running, to the Cross…empty……fill me up as you desire to…Lord…and as only you can…Amen..
    Morning Sisters, happy Tuesday…xxxxx

    1. Onfaith says:

      That realization that you speak of you typed this morning is so precise and profound T! What we intend to do to show our love for God is never enough…."because this is not the way God wants my heart….ME" Such a great reminder, such a thing to wear daily. The love that that idea, that truth produces in me, just sets my heart into tears each time God reminds me of this……. Happy Lent T! ~ B

    2. Kelly_Smith says:

      I am with you, doing a performance in front of the King saying, "Watch me! Watch this!" I am like a small child dancing about. In her mind it's worthy of a great stage when in reality it is just a little jig in the living room. The focus of this season is not, "Look at me, Father! Watch what I can do!" That is my inclination. This season is all about "Look at YOU, Father!" I have to stop my jig and rest in His arms as He dances the dance of propitiation and redemption.

    3. Maxine_R says:

      Amen! Happy Tuesday! <3

    4. I am right there beside you, Tina. Yes. Thank you dear sister!

  103. Arionne says:

    “So let’s not bring our self improvements and call them sacrifices.” I admit, I may have been doing this. Lord, I let go – I come to you empty!

    1. Stephanie says:

      That’s it, Arionne! Self-improvements that we call sacrifices! Actually, I don’t share what I “gave up” for Lent. I’m much more excited about sharing what I’m gaining from Lent. …a deeper love affair with Him and His Word!

  104. Thank you so much for this reminder today that his love for us is deeper! So enjoying this lent study.

  105. Pingback: » Come Empty
  106. Amanda’s reflections always push me to look deeper at relationship with God and in what hidden places I’m holding back.

    Such a relief it is to know that yes, God is speaking to me because look at all these other women mirroring the same things God is pressing on their hearts.

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Hugs to you, friend. xo, Amanda

  107. Tiffany says:

    Awesome post! So excited about growing deeper and deeper in love with Christ and to know that His love for me is deeper than anything else that I can imagine is just crazy!

  108. Shuvaughnie says:

    Throwing away my empty buckets so I can have entry hands to reach out in surrender. I’m loving being here at the foot of the cross…I don’t think I’ve spent so much time here before & I’ve been a Christian for over half my life! Thank you SRT

  109. Lauren says:

    The ground is level at the foot of the cross. We are all equal, all the same sinner at the foot of the cross. I forget my “good doings” will not make me any closer to Christ than the foot of the cross. Hallelujah. His grace will fill me

    1. KelseyC says:

      Love what you said about the ground being level at the foot of the cross. I’ve never thought of it that way and it truly is beautiful.

    2. shereadstruth says:

      Beautiful words, Lauren. Thanks for sharing!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  110. Diana Anunda says:

    Wow! Jesus’ love for us is, at times, hard to comprehend. Thank you Jesus for Your love and unmerited favor. Thank you SRT for this much needed reminder that though our need for Christ is deep, His love for us is deeper!

    1. Tamisha says:

      Father god, I come to you empty this morning fill me up with your unconditional love. I want more of you and less of me. Happy Tuesday Shereadstruth sisters!

      1. Stephanie says:

        Tamisha, thank you for that prayer. I feel like I am in a constant struggle to find more of God and less of me. I’m trying to be more active about it, and this Lent study is really helping. It can be quite exhausting at times to only think of myself all the time…