Come in Mercy

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 58

Text: Isaiah 58:1-14

Last year was my first time observing Lent, a season I’d known next to nothing about prior to that. I was caught up in the whirlwind of its beauty, especially online. It seemed everyone was giving up something they leaned on in day to day life. Coffee and chocolate were especially mourned, but I decided that without coffee I may not make it through Lent at all.

Beautiful journals, study guides, books, and prints filled my social media. I was blown away by the fervor for this time in the life of the Church, yet in each purchase and choice that I made, something felt wrong.

Why did Lent seem like it was all about me?

Maybe you’re feeling the same things this year. Maybe you decided not to do anything because your ideas felt shallow compared to the Easter story we’re preparing for. Maybe, like me, your heart needs to be reminded that this season is not about our holy acts or intentions, but the love and mercy of our Holy God.

Part of walking deeper in our journey with Christ is learning to turn our inward focus outward—taking our gaze off ourselves and onto Christ, and onto others for the sake of Christ. Let’s take a moment today to explore what “giving up something for Lent” might look like in light of God’s Word and the “chosen fast” He calls us to in Isaiah 58.

What if we thought about:
Giving up evil practices (Judges 2:19).
Giving up violence and oppression (Ezekiel 45:9).
Giving up religious compromise (Daniel 3:28).
Giving up possessions (Luke 14:33).
Giving up words that tear others down (Ephesians 4:29).

I want to encourage you to read these Scriptures—and others!— and listen to the Holy Spirit. Where is He nudging your heart this Lent season and beyond—to shift your gaze outward onto Christ and His Church?

Would you give up your Instagram feed being solely dedicated to your life to include causes that burden your heart? Would you give up a grudge or ill-thoughts toward a friend and devote time to praying for her each day? Would you be willing to give up complacency and take a stand for your faith in a place you may not be comfortable, whether online or off, for the sake of the lost and the glory of God? Where can you extend God’s mercy to others right here where He has placed you?

Whatever this Lent season looks like for you—from devoting time to writing in a journal, to reading your children a Bible story each night—let’s allow the season to reflect the heart of the Father, the reason we prepare our souls for the sacrifice and celebration to come. We can never come close to what Jesus gave up for us, but we can draw ourselves close to Him.

Isn’t the fast I choose:
To break the chains of wickedness,
to untie the ropes of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free,
and to tear off every yoke?

Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
to bring the poor and homeless into your house,
to clothe the naked when you see him,
and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?

Then your light will appear like the dawn,
and your recovery will come quickly.
Your righteousness will go before you,
and the Lord’s glory will be your rear guard.
At that time, when you call, the Lord will answer;
when you cry out, He will say, ‘Here I am.’

– Isaiah 58:6-9a, HCSB


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150 thoughts on "Come in Mercy"

  1. Danna says:

    “…off ourselves and onto Christ.” Perfectly said! Thank you!

  2. Jordan B says:

    I have observed lent since I was young, but just recently have been taking it seriously. Some of my friends decided to do it with me this year and have already “cheated” on their sacrifices. One said that they didn’t care that they only lasted less than a week and it caught me so off guard that I almost didn’t have a response. Today’s post was perfect for this situation. It provides clear reasoning for why we do this. It’s so much bigger than just giving up something like chocolate for 47 days!

  3. Nicole says:

    This lesson ties perfectly with the season I'm in right now. Thankful for his perfect timing and your beautiful, comforting words!

  4. Jenny says:

    Inspired to look harder to Christ. He wants to transform, redeem, and restore :)

  5. Jannah Swink says:

    This post was spot on and confirmed my Lent fast of COMPLAINING. Thanks for sharing! Loved the scripture and I totally agree Lent should inspire more sacrifice than a diet.

    1. Ashleigh says:

      I agree! I’ve struggled with lent practices. I went to a Christian college and I felt like it was a competition to see who could come up with a creative thing to fast from, or who could be the most hardcore about it. The past few years I’ve chosen to keep my fasting ritual to myself, and focus more on adding something to my life to remind me of Jesus’ sacrifice. Like this bible study and more scripture reading!

  6. Caroline says:

    So convicted. I need to pray more for people who upset me rather than complain about them

  7. Amy Jacobs says:

    How beautifully this passage matched my current dilemma. Thank you for creating this reading!