Christ, the Power and Wisdom of God

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 1:1-31, Isaiah 52:13-15, John 1:14-18

I work with a truly spectacular group of people, and we each bring a different perspective to our roles. We have team members who are fiercely protective of words, watching over details, like comma placement and hyphen length, with laser-like focus. Our creative team will defend the aesthetic integrity of the She Reads Truth brand as long as they have breath, and another teammate has yet to sit through a meeting without bringing to our attention the needs and desires of you, the Shes who read truth with us. We all have different jobs, and sometimes it is our job to disagree.

Early on in working together, back when it was just the two of us, Raechel and I learned a valuable lesson: seeing things differently is a gift to be stewarded, not a tension to be avoided. Today there are many more teammates at SRT headquarters, and this lesson still rings true—each person brings different skills and perspectives to the table, but we are a team. We are here for each other, for the work set before us, and for you. Above all, we are here to hold out God’s Word and bring glory to Him. Our differences help, not hinder, this pursuit. 

It’s easy for me to see God’s provision in the differences among our team members. But I’m embarrassed to admit I often expect homogeneity in the Church. I find myself frustrated by our differences, bothered that we can’t all agree on every aspect of our faith and life as followers of Jesus. I’m saddened when these differences go beyond disagreements to cause division, and I get discouraged when these divisions are not easily overcome. I forget that God’s Word and perfect wisdom are not diminished by our limited understanding or altered by our various opinions. 

In his letters to the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul encouraged this congregation of young believers to embrace their common and primary identity in Christ. He desired for them to know and act on the truth that “we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body” (1Corinthians 12:13). The image of the Church as one body appears throughout these letters, making clear Paul’s resounding declaration: we are many, but we are one in Christ. 

As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see the Church all around you. Ask Him to teach you more about Himself, His body of believers, and the truth of His Word. Like the church at Corinth, we come to this text from a colorful array of backgrounds, experiences, and traditions, but we have a Savior who binds us together. May His mercy and grace unite us as we read.

(191) Comments

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191 thoughts on "Christ, the Power and Wisdom of God"

  1. Sara Holcomb says:


  2. Déja D says:

    As someone who went to a very diverse church, I really love this chapter. Our culture, race, and other aspects are second to our identity in Christ. Being a child of God comes first, always. Thank you for that reminder!

  3. Shayna Yap says:

    hi! I’m struggling to get through plans or have motivation to have a daily quiet time / to read through consistently. please keep me in prayer!

    1. Déja D says:

      I have struggled too. Dear Lord, I pray that you would encourage and inspire Shayna to get in your word with a pure and excited heart. We know that there is nothing like being in your presence and our relationship with you requires different aspects, including quiet time with You alone. Thank you for this sister in Christ’s life. I pray that you would transform her my heart as she continues to spend time for you, and a way that yearns to have that daily time with You every single day. Amen!

    2. Terri Hoit says:

      Good morning! I’m playing catchup. When my spirit is lacking, I go straight to worship songs and the old hymns. If I’m really struggling, I go to YouTube and search for children’s worship songs. It seems there’s a lot of wisdom from “come to me like a little child “. Praying God leads you to His resting place as well as your spirit of worship. He’s got you!

  4. Melissa Bergen says:


  5. Micheala Christian says:


  6. Becca Middlekamp says:

    “Seeing things differently is a gift to be stewarded, not a tension to be avoided.”

    I’ve got new opportunities arising that come with some very strong willed and opinionated people who aren’t always open to hearing others. I will be praying for ears to be opened and mouths to be shut with patience and humility on all parts. I pray there is understanding and compassion for others. I pray for all parties to feel loved and heard. Amen

  7. Tiffani Essary says:

    Sending prayers

  8. Chauncey Ibrahim says:

    So good

  9. Bess Helt says:


  10. Jayme Humenczuk says:

    Praying for unity in Christ. Thanking God for making all of us unique with different gifts, callings, and experiences to bring to the table. May I never discount any of it.

  11. Joslin Picking says:


  12. marna stoove says:

    Discussion is good. How else can we find truth? But we’ve lost the ability to disagree and still love each other.the Holy Spirit works inside of all ot us and helps us to understand

  13. Sarah Mendelsohn says:


  14. Mary Bennett says:


  15. Benita Ibiam says:


  16. Jeanna Vance says:

    Amen. I’m excited to be doing this study.

  17. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I wouldn’t let disagreements within the body of Christ to cause division. God made us all different, and I want to celebrate those differences. ❤️

  18. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Praying for you Jasmine as you begin this journey with God. I pray He leads you into his truth.

  19. Sarai Nieves says:


  20. Mikaela Reynaga says:

    So excited to be starting this study!

  21. Kendall Rupar says:

    What an awesome way to start

  22. Jade Gaines says:

    It is definitely jarring when you and a Christ follower have a disagreement or realize you are not meant to be together. The Holy Spirit is in us all and that’s all that matters. Pray for better understanding and judgement and also be humble enough to know there are many perspective on things but this may be something you have to let God handle

  23. Cristina Mansingh says:

    Wow. So good.

  24. Faith Brockers says:

    Amen. Thank you for putting things into perspective about diversity! It can be a strength and not a weakness and bring us together.

  25. Jessica Peck says:


  26. June Fessenden says:


  27. Christa Tague says:

    I’m so grateful for grace upon grace!

  28. Kim Lavitt says:

    This is my first post and my first time doing a daily reading on the app. I have ordered a physical copy of the reading guide but I haven’t received it yet so I decided to see how it worked on the app. I love everything about this app, this community and podcast that is centered around real people discussing the word and true blessings of God!

  29. Amethyst Cozzolino says:

    I want to send more than just a heart ❤️ or an amen without sharing anything.

  30. Diana Johnson says:


  31. Jasmine Lyons says:

    I’m new to this and I want to believe I just find it so hard. My boyfriend is very religious and knows it won’t work forever without God so I’m trying to discover how to be close with God but not only for my boyfriend. Any tips?

    1. Margo says:

      Jasmine, I am really glad you are here! This is a great place to learn about God and how to be close to Him. I have learned so much through the SRT studies by asking God to show me what He wants me to learn through the lesson of the day. I have learned about God and His love for me. I hope you will find the same to be true for you.

    2. Jordan says:


      Thank you for your honesty here. I really resonate with what you’re saying and I think the act of simply showing up with a curious heart will get you so far.

      Here’s what you need to know.
      Jesus loves you. Like you specifically. And anything you’ve ever done that was against him and his goodness – he paid for on the cross!!

      If you believe in your heart and soul that’s true, then every new day is a day to walk in his love for you!

      I’m so excited for the journey you’re on. Maybe start keeping a journal to write down any questions or thoughts you have about what you’re reading? The Bible can be tough to analyze on your own. Maybe bring your questions to your boyfriend and work through them with him?

      Wishing you all the joy and love and peace. What an exciting journey!!

  32. Olga Morrison says:


  33. Tara B says:


  34. Omoneh Agbon says:


  35. Victoria Clark says:


  36. Lysette Green says:

    ♥️ amen

  37. Jen B says:


  38. Victoria Strickland says:

    Amen ❤️

  39. Danielle Beatty says:

    Amen ❤️

  40. Amy Wisdom says:

    We have recently had to step away from our church home. It was a very hard decision, but it has been coming for the last 4-5 years. My husband had been there for 40 years and me for 30. Both of our parents got married there. We were in the youth group. We got married there. Baptized there. Dedicated our children and watched our oldest get baptized there. My step dad went to church for the first time to see my oldest daughter baptized and actually cried and started going to church. A year later to the day of her baptism he died from cancer, but no before turning his life over and being baptized in January of that year with my mom. Our whole lives have been there. We were youth leaders for 15 years and my husband was associate pastor for many years. New people came in and took over and changed everything. We were no longer over the youth, they got rid of everything we did. They decided the church wasn’t big enough for an associate pastor so got rid of my husband. Every thing we did they had to undo. We put on a car show with the youth for 17 years. This would have been our 18th year and they wanted to change everything once again. That was our last ministry there so we walked away. I will admit I didn’t take it lightly. I let the pastor know my thoughts, but I wrote them in a text instead of meeting with him in person. Instead of bringing it back to me, he sent my text to my husband, the deacons and elders of the church and then had a meeting with the deacons and elders about me before church the next morning. They took and took and took until there was nothing left to take from me and I snapped. Now I am the bad person and got blocked from the church Facebook page along with my daughter and husband. There are less than 10 original members at the church because everyone else has left. This is hard. Our whole lives revolved around the church. Three years ago my husband found a Facebook post about our local CMA(Christian Motorcycle Association) that we had been members of since 2003. He started going to the meetings and I finally got up the courage to go to them with him. He is now on his second year as the local Chaplain for our chapter. God knew what was going to happen at the church so He prepared my husband by moving him to be more active with CMA and making me feel comfortable enough to go with him. I have struggled with anxiety for about 25 years. It is nowhere like it was. When we first joined in 2003 I couldn’t even leave the house so I never went to the meetings. God knows what we need and when we need it. I trust Him for the outcome of all we are going through.

    1. Marilyn Jones says:

      I’m so sorry Amy for everything that has happened to you. Sounds like God has a better plan for you and your husband. I will be praying for you.

  41. Jamie Trice says:

    I have seen first hand what happens to a church when disagreement becomes division. I was a child when it happened to my home church then, the one I was called to Jesus in. As I became older my mother explained what happened and why we and so many others HAD to leave. There was a lot of sinful things being done, adultery with one another among other horrible sins, they even were trying to find ways to get rid of the pastor because he wouldn’t stand for these things. Then later on I became part of a church that we went to afterwards, I had fallen away, and I was called to start GA’s(a missions group for girls if you don’t know of them, there are Acteens for the teens girls and then RA’s for boys). Then people started leaving there, I felt the Lord telling me, daughter, you have done your job here, you need to leave. Needless to say, I didn’t listen, so God made me and I was very hurt by the pastor. But all was well and I found the perfect church home where my husband and children found Jesus.

  42. Robin Reali says:

    I’ve been a bit selfish the last couple of months. Focusing on myself, my mental and physical health. God reminded me yesterday, that he should always be a part of that focus. I was listening to a podcast, as I often do, while I was working. Only, I have been listening to true crime podcasts for a while now. Not paying much attention to my daily routine of waking up, praying, exercising, and going to my jobs for the day listening to worship music and whatever podcast is up for the day. This particular day, however, it was true crime and it was getting good. Right in the middle of the story podcast tunes in to Mondays episode of She Reads Truth. I laughed a little because this is not the first time God has reminded me that he is here. So I listened. And I will continue to read because this is exactly what I needed. Thanks be to God!

    1. Yvette MattisonBray says:

      He is indeed an intentional and Loving God, who is always looking out for us in every way. I too tend to listen to the true crime Podcast/tV shows I’m trying to get away from them, Father I need YOUR strength.

  43. Adrienne says:

    1 Corinthians 2:16
    “… But we have the mind of Christ.”

    Nice! Good to remember, sweet sisters!

  44. Adrienne says:

    From HRT this a.m., CAROLINE BRIDGES… thought of your post the other day…

    “ Lest you think the Spirit offers only distant knowledge or impersonal communication, consider what Romans tells us: He helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26). This means when we are unable to pray, lacking words to communicate with God, the Spirit who knows the mind of God takes our yearnings and carries them to God on our behalf. Ephesians 1 tells us that we are “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” in Christ, and that the Spirit is a “down payment of our inheritance” (Ephesians 1:13–14). Every believer is sealed and guaranteed because of the Spirit dwelling in us. Our place in God’s family is guaranteed. ”

    P.S. Prayers for my MRI this a.m., please? I’m not nervous about the actual test, but the results. What if they find something? What if they don’t? What next if they do or don’t? Different outcomes are running through my head, and I just need to. stop. it…

    1. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying for a great test this morning along with good results and peace for you! ❤️

      1. Adrienne says:

        ❤️ Thank you.

  45. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Today’s reading is on homepage too

    1. Searching says:

      Yes, sisters, scroll down on home page to the Spiritual Wisdom heading. Credit to JULIA C for the heads up to keep scrolling and to KELLY (NEO) for the reminder, ❤️

  46. Julia C says:

    Access to today’s reading:

    shereadstruth . com / spiritual-wisdom-2 /

    (without the spaces)

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you, Julia!!! ❤️

    2. MMDENT says:

      Thank you, Julia!❤️

  47. Thea says:

    Thanks Tina for sharing the passages for today! The Corinthians study isn’t coming up at all on my (android) app, hence trying to access over here… Thanks all x

  48. Tina says:

    Day 2 is not up (6.55am), so I have popped over to HRT for readings at least..
    1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Proverbs 2:6-10, Romans 8:26-30.

    Barnabas Piper makes a mean point about the Holy Spirit and the serious part The Spirit plays in our lives!

    I will try later to see if SRT is up..

    Happy Tuesday my dears, as always wrapped in love and hugs and prayers..❤️

  49. Adrienne says:

    I started to respond to posts from sisters that haven’t posted in a while. But there are more than a couple that are “back”. So… I’m putting out this blanket statement… I love to see your familiar names, sweet She’s! ❤️

  50. Annie says:

    How beautiful. We are all different in many ways and all bring something different to the body of Christ we are united in.

  51. Kris says:

    We tend to flock in groups of “likeness”, I think it’s normal. It helps confirm what we think, feel, believe. And, as we all know, it’s where all the denominations came from – people seeking other people with like-mindedness. But years ago, I belonged to a group called Emmaus – some of you are probably familiar with it – a wonderful group of people from many denominations all over the area who put on a spiritual journey for other people. It was one of the most beautiful 3 days I ever spent. I later worked many of these “retreats” and met so many wonderful fellow Christian people in the region. It was then that I realized that when we focus on Jesus that we can all do so much for His kingdom. When we are busy pointing others towards Jesus, we have little time for arguments over the little differences.

    1. Indiana Elaine says:

      Amen, Kris!!❤️

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Powerfully spoken, Kris.
      I think I would enjoy participating in an Emmaus project. Thank you for expressing the communal benefits & personal impact. Beautiful Blessings at every turn.

  52. Mercy says:

    P.S. My work issues got resolved. Thank you so much for your prayers.

  53. Mercy says:

    Morning Monday she’s, a new study is upon us, with many insights, wisdom, reflection, inner work await. How beautiful is the gospel, shining in a different facet like a diamond with multiple cuts that reflect light in different angles. The gospel still can afford new meanings, new revelations, new valuable lessons to same old readers, to the faithful readers, who seek and search for wisdom that is more valuable than gold, better than ruby, in these same old ancient pages. Praise God for His truth, praise God for this book of the Law that both guides and comforts, both strengthens and disciplines, both tears downs and also builds up. Thankful for your different perspectives on today’s devotional. It is so sweet to read Amanda’s thoughts and her heart felt struggles, filled with love and patience, the heroes that work behind the scene for us to be here every morning.

    Prayers lifted up…
    @SUMMER CLARK: for your roommate’s stressful divorce, may God grant a miracle, to bring them through, and calm the boys during this separation, peace and might healing from this brokenness.
    @INDIANA ELAINE: prayers for strength in the upcoming knee surgery, recovery for your husband and niece, prayers for Steven healing hand/wrist. Thankful for your update on his previous successful surgery.
    @LEXI B: miss you sister. May God walk with you through the church division/issues, and strengthen you despite of this.
    @MOLLY R: prayers for your dad and family, in the busyness of life. Did you have a reliable vehicle provided? I remembered you were sharing your struggles with many car issues. I hope that got resolved.
    @MIA FAITH: prayers over you and your family.

    Ladies, I would appreciate your continual prayers on my husband’s mental state and also our family’s mental state. He is struggling with his friend/coworker sad news, please pray that God will give him a strong strong mind to see the light, and become more than a conqueror. Please pray for Matt’s parents and everyone’s connected to him. All are shaken at this tragedy. In God we trust, may the ashes be turned into beauty. May tears be only at night, but joy will surely come in the morning. I am excited and hopeful to see a mighty breakthrough from God. With Him, all things, I mean all, all things are possible. We serve the God who quickens the dead, who calls those things which be not as if they were. Praise Him whose power has no match.

    Be blessed dear sisters.❤️

    1. Molly R says:

      @Mercy, thank you for asking about the vehicle….unfortunately it is very much unresolved. We are prayerfully and patiently looking for a new (to us) vehicle. I would LOVE prayers for favor and an opportunity!

  54. Chelsi Hamilton says:

    Hi, I’m a new subscriber! Chelsi here, stay at home wife, mom with three kiddos. Joyfully married and love being a homemaker!

    Thank you for sharing. I very much agree. We differ but we are one in Christ.

    1 Corinthians 30-31 spoke to me today. I’ve been told all my life I’m wise beyond my years, but there is such a difference in worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom. I shall boast only for the Lord.

    I am working on re-establishing daily Bible reading and I jumped on the she reads journey. Loved the podcast today and the reading.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Welcome, Chelsi, from a former stay at home wife and mom of 3. My kids are grown now, but I treasure those growing up years in my heart! God bless you as you join in here. So glad to have you! ❤

      1. Chelsi Hamilton says:

        Thank you! I sure do cherish these days; some hard, some good! Hard is not the same as bad and I call upon the Lord often for Grace and Mercy.

        1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Catherine McVey says:

      Welcome Chelsi! This a wonderful group to be a part of. I have been a part of She Reads Truth for about 10 years now. It is absolutely the best way to stay in the word every day. God bless you!

      1. Chelsi Hamilton says:

        God Bless you, too!

    3. Donna Wolcott says:

      Welcome Chelsie!❤️

    4. Tina says:

      Welcome Chelsi! ❤️

    5. Michelle P says:

      Welcome ❤️

    6. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Welcome to the sisterhood, Chelsi! You will learn so much here and find support in anything that you are going through! ❤️

  55. Liz J. says:

    Such a timely study for me! Looking forward to delving deeper into these letters. Also this quote from today’s devotional, “…seeing things differently is a gift to be stewarded, not a tension to be avoided,” is so GOOD. Prayerfully working to align myself with that perspective.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks, Liz J! I intended to share that one, too, and missed doing so. That stood out to me because someone close to me is always pointing out how I ‘just think different’ from them! Frustrating at times. ❤

      1. Liz J. says:


  56. Lexi B says:

    Hello She’s! Things have been tough concerning my walk with God due to church, but I am making an effort to rebuild my relationship with God again and not hold that against Him. Excited to read Corinthians with you; I’ve always loved these books and this first devotional is very timely, as this is something I have been going through. Happy Monday She’s!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I’ve missed you Lexi B…I always was used to Tina and Kelly starting the day in comments and you and Mercy, and Kimberly Z ending the day comments! I was hoping you were still here! :)

    2. Adrienne says:

      I was JUST thinking about you… no joke!

      1. Lynne from Alabama says:

        You have been missed, Lexi B! Welcome back! Praying God’s peace for you! ❤️

    3. Tina says:

      Lexi B, Yay..❤️

  57. Molly R says:

    I kind of took a step back during the Psalms of Ascent study. My dad’s Parkinson’s took another turn in the last couple months (he is now bedridden and had gotten very sick and wasn’t eating…we thought we were going to lose him, but he has stabilized) and God was also asking a big decision of me that I just hadn’t stopped to listen. It’s been a tumultuous spring, but a that big decision was made (regarding a 180* turn for our upcoming homeschool year) and my heart has found a peace I was really missing.
    I woke up this morning remembering it was the start of this new study and I have found such joy in digging into the word again. I have to admit, I like the studies of books more than the topical ones.
    Reading your names in the comments is like a big hug…it’s good to “see” you all and I really am looking forward to this study with you all. Praying for the requests as I come across them. Love you, She’s.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Is good to see you again, I have missed you here! I’m sorry to hear about your dad, that is so hard. Prayers for you always!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      So good to see you back!!! ❤

    3. Catherine McVey says:

      Great to see you back Molly! ❤️

    4. Adrienne says:

      Glad to see you, Molly.

    5. Tina says:

      Ahh, Molly, how lovely to see you back!
      Sorry to hear of your troubles re your dad, and homeschooling, BUT GOD.. He is in the midst of it all, He is with you, always..
      Thankful you are here with us today..

    6. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Welcome back, Molly R! You have been missed! Praying for your dad. My mom had Parkinson’s and I’m very familiar with how hard it is. Praying God will continue to direct your path regarding homeschool. ❤️

  58. Traci Gendron says:

    1 Corinthians 1:8 He will strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless.
    Vs 28 God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world – what is viewed as nothing – to bring to nothing what is viewed as something, 29 so that no one may boast in his presence. 30 It is from HIM that you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom from God for us…31 Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.

    These verses stood out to me. Let me boast in the Lord. And recognize that God brought me to Him. To stay humble. To recognize that we can do anything in our own strength. To work together as a church body and realize we are all different. One body, but not the same.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Truly spoken, Traci:
      “Let me boast in the Lord. And recognize that God brought me to Him. To stay humble.”
      Truly, though I was yet a sinner,
      God drew me, this woman, to Himself.
      Through His Grace, I can only boast.
      I am held. I am safe. I am loved.

      1. Traci Gendron says:

        Beautiful Gwineth

    2. Tina says:


  59. Hannah Joy says:

    Good Morning, she’s!
    Asking that Holy Spirit would remind me of the beauty of the cross. In my most honest moments, I am more comfortable majoring on other areas of the faith than the cross, but I want to keep the center at the center and rejoice in Christ Crucified.

  60. Indiana Elaine says:

    Wow, this devotional really spoke to me in where we are as a church. Our church replant started almost two years ago has gone off the rails. People left because of disagreement. The church that has existed for over one hundred years is in the final stages of being sold. I have attended there for over 50 years. There are only about 25 people left. Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 1 is to preach Christ. That is the main thing. Churches need to keep the main thing, THE MAIN THING. When the peripheral issues become the main thing, disagreement happens. We must focus on the main thing – Jesus!!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      AMEN!!! ❤ So sorry for that incredible loss!

    2. Lexi B says:

      Amen! I experienced something similar with my church about 7 months ago. It can be so hard. Sorry that you are going through this.

    3. Chelsi Hamilton says:

      I’m from Indiana, as well!! A little town called Loogootee.

      1. Indiana Elaine says:

        Welcome Hoosier!! I am familiar with Loogootee. I’ve been in the area, French Lick and Salem. I’m from Northeast Indiana, Leo-Grabill area outside of Fort Wayne.

        1. Chelsi Hamilton says:

          That is neat! Small world, isn’t it?!

  61. Lara Castillo says:

    I’m praying that I will have ears that hear, eyes that see, and a heart for our God during this study. I’ve struggled in the past with studies that have familiar readings – I find myself reading but not really taking it in. I don’t want to do that! Psalms was such a good study for me, so I want to keep the momentum going in Corinthians.

  62. Tami C says:

    I am so excited to be starting this study as well as the ones to follow with all of you amazing women! Your comments enrich my understanding of the Word and I have been learning so much from all of you these past 2 years! It’s my anniversary:) (lol) Have a blessed day!

    1. Rhonda Johnson says:

      Yay, that IS amazing!! I love how SRT becomes the habit to keep us in the word by mixing it up, but always…reading scripture FIRST!! I started about 9 years ago, and it is the first thing I do when I wake, coffee and scripture, then to comments with ya’ll!

      1. Gwineth52 says:

        Yes! Yes! You got it right, Rhonda.
        First up.
        The scripture readings.
        The Shes comments.
        The cup of joe.
        Making mornings meaningful!

  63. Jackie B says:

    Hello all! I’m coming back to SRT after a long hiatus and I’m eager to get into studying with you. I remember studying the Attributes of God and what I learned still resonates with me today.
    Wonderful first day of 1Corinthians. I’m in awe that God can use the weak and simple things to shake up the strong and mighty.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yay, glad to have you back with the She’s Jacie B!

      1. Jackie B says:

        Thanks Rhonda!!

    2. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Welcome back, Jackie B! ❤️

  64. Melissa says:

    Such a great reminder that we don’t need to be caught up in the things that sow division but brought together in Christ.

  65. Lissa Vasquez-Taylor says:

    Amanda, yes and yes! (You have spoken directly to me) Your intro is spot on Amanda. Not only can it be applied in our walk as Christians, but in our families and marriages, work places, etc.

  66. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes
    Hold on to your study books or tablets, Sisters!
    Got a feeling our community read of 1st & 2nd Corinthians …
    as we consider our calling as Church …
    and being women in the Word of God everyday…
    is going to be nothing but good!

  67. Kira H says:

    This section here really spoke to me from Amanda’s devotional, “I find myself frustrated by our differences, bothered that we can’t all agree on every aspect of our faith and life as followers of Jesus. I’m saddened when these differences go beyond disagreements to cause division, and I get discouraged when these divisions are not easily overcome. I forget that God’s Word and perfect wisdom are not diminished by our limited understanding or altered by our various opinions.” As a member of a church that is coming up on a year of significant upheaval caused by disagreements and division, I repeatedly find myself looking back on the events of last year and questioning, wondering what the purpose was, and how can we make a difference in the world when the people of the church can’t even find agreement. And then I realize, we can’t. BUT GOD CAN. And this reading from Corinthians and Amanda’s devotional is another guiding moment from the Holy Spirit, reminding me that the church is HIS and not mine or the church leaderships. I pray that the Lord would continue to work in my heart on this matter, that He would make himself known to me and continue to help me forgive and find peace in the waiting, trusting that He will use the changes to teach and bring more to Him.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, so good. Keep my focus. It’s just hard when it’s loved one that have seemed to gone astray.

      1. Kat D says:

        “Seemed to gone astray” but what if that is how God is using them to reach others and will eventually point them (and themselves return) to Him?

  68. Adrienne says:

    How I wanted to respond to everyone’s comments. They are all so good. But like Michelle P. said…

    These passages are all so familiar and loved. And I love how scripture always interprets scripture.

    However… let us not take the familiarity of these readings for granted, sweet She’s. He loves us and is speaking to us through these passages. Let Him shed light where it needs to be shed. I always come away with a different perspectives than the ones I had. Let His word and the comments from my sweet sisters guide and direct me always. ❤️

  69. Cheryl says:

    I love what Amanda wrote. We are all part of the body but we are not all the same. We each have a part that we play but we work together in unity.

  70. Mari V says:

    GOOD morning and HAPPY Monday! I’m SO excited for this new study for many reasons! First. We are going through Corinthians in our youth group! Secondly, its comforting to know that even back then they had to talk about their differences and how to work together. Thirdly I have several friends joining us! AND if I may add my friend Gretchen who introduced me to SRT, she and I come from different backgrounds and upbringing, YET we have JESUS as our common ground! We have been through A LOT together! MY life is SO blessed to have such a friend who loves me unconditionally and lives up to what the Apostle Paul was trying to teach the Church of Corinth. I’m SO excited!! Also if its OK to add I’m SO excited this morning as I get to meet the other half our Kindergartners today! We will have Summer school for just this week. I woke up praying for them (and parents) as sometimes it gets a little hard for both. Tears and all. I hope parents (and their kinders) feel safe and WELCOMED!!! I’m SO excited!!!

  71. Cee Gee says:

    Thank you, AMANDA, for a great intro! “God’s Word and perfect wisdom are not diminished by our limited understanding or altered by our various opinions. …
    Like the church at Corinth, we come to this text from a colorful array of backgrounds, experiences, and traditions, but we have a Savior who binds us together. May His mercy and grace unite us as we read.”

    Wiersbe says:
    We are called into fellowship because of our union with Jesus Christ: He died for us; we were baptized in His name; we are identified with His cross. What a wonderful basis for spiritual unity!

    This stood out to me today, 1 Co. 1:25b, “God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.”
    A commentary reminded me that the Jewish people saw the cross as weakness (since they were looking for a powerful ruler figure). That made me ponder my reaction to unanswered prayers in the past. I have matured in that area, but now I see that I perceived them as a type of weakness on God’s part (I was seeking an example of God’s power) ! That is eye opening to me! I am so excited to share revelations in this community of unified believers. This is going to be a blessed 6 weeks! Love and prayers. ❤

    1. Adrienne says:

      Amen to all that! ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello CeeGee.
      As Shes we are unified by the Spirit when we gather day by day to share thoughts with one another in this special space…speaking & listening…a beautiful body of believers…holding fast & forging our faith…
      Thanks be to God!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Yes, indeed, Gwineth! ❤

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, love all this! Amen

      1. Cee Gee says:

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Oops..forgot the quotation marks around Wiersbe’s quote! It started, “We are called”…,and ended with, ” basis for spiritual unity.” :)

  72. Michelle P says:

    I can’t tell you ladies how much I needed something other than Psalms! I love Psalms, but the other day I realized how much I missed reading the Epistles. I felt like I had forgotten them! Obviously, I did not really forget them, but my heart was really needing some more study than meditation of Scripture. Praise God for this new study!!! I am thankful ❤️

    This is a great devotional, today. I wish I had time to individually reply to all you ladies. All of you posting your honest experience and thoughts, it is helpful. I pray our words here can encourage one another and provoke deep thought. I think it is a safe space here. We are all here for Jesus. Let us continue in unity, just as He desires for us. We are all human. We all have shortcomings and different perspectives. Only Christ is perfect.
    Thank you Jesus that You are the author and not us. “We need you more than our very breath.” (Will Reagan, I have been listening to him a lot, lately).

    ❤️ God bless the She Reads Truth team/staff. We love you so much and appreciate your continual stewardship of this resource and community. It is beneficial to so many women’s lives. Thank you!❤️

    1. Adrienne says:


    2. Cee Gee says:


    3. Lexi B says:


    4. Catherine McVey says:


    5. Tina says:

      ❤️. Amen

  73. Julia C says:

    Had to share this song with you: “There is One Gospel” by City Alight

    VERSE 1
    There is one Gospel on which I stand
    For all eternity
    It is my story, my Father’s plan
    The Son has rescued me
    Oh what a Gospel, Oh what a peace
    My highest joy and my deepest need
    Now and forever He is my light
    I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    VERSE 2
    There is one Gospel to which I cling
    All else I count as loss
    For there, where justice and mercy meet
    He saved me on the cross
    No more I boast in what I can bring
    No more I carry the weight of sin
    For He has brought me from death to life
    I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    VERSE 3
    There is one Gospel where hope is found
    The empty tomb still speaks
    For death could not keep my Saviour down
    He lives and I am free
    Now on my Saviour, I fix my eyes
    My life is His and His hope is mine!
    For He has promised I, too, will rise
    I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    VERSE 4
    And in this Gospel the church is one
    We do not walk alone
    We have His Spirit as we press on
    To lead us safely home
    And when in glory still I will sing
    Of this old story that rescued me
    Praise to my Saviour, the King of life
    I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Words and music by Jonny Robinson & Rich Thompson

    1. Wendy says:

      Great words. City Alight songs are written so soundly and are among my go-to favorites for solid truth in worship.

    2. Adrienne says:

      I will look for that song. The words are so sweet. ❤️

    3. Lara Castillo says:

      I’m listening now, thank you

  74. Rhonda J. says:

    This is for sure a challenge with so much division is all the denominations today in the “Christian” churches. So many..all under Christian headings. It baffles me. And then with the evil that is in the leadership of churches that comes to light, as did this week in one of the biggest churches known. It just is heartbreaking. And we as members, putting our faith in the leadership, feel so betrayed, astonished, and left stupefied. We, people, build up these pastors and follow them, rather than Jesus Christ, and the word. Lord give us discernment to hear false doctrine, the wolves that are there for their own prideful selves, and things that are not truth. It sends me into a tailspin when I think of it. When I started attending the church I go to now…I kept being so skeptical and trying to discern if they are good or not, I did not want to be a part of something false. My sister is in a false religion and I just can’t reconcile how she grew up in a Christian church (albeit a sleepy church) and turned from it and has been in this other place for over 20 something years. How can she believe, yet it is false?! And she things I am false? How can we both be prayerful,God fearing..yet be a part of something so opposite yet the same??? I don’t understand. All I know is I stay in the Bible, in prayer and meditation, and focus on the cross.
    I know this is not where they wanted us to go..and I’m sorry for it..yet I would like input on this…not controversy…but the help in understanding. My heart hurts for those that believe they know truth and don’t in mho. We don’t want any to perish from going astray, especially when they in all earnest believe.
    Lord, I believe in you, your death and resurrection, that you came to save us from our sin, to be crucified for us, so that we may have everlasting life, in Jesus name! Amen

    1. Adrienne says:

      Oh, amen! ❤️

    2. Indiana Elaine says:

      I am so with you, Rhonda J. Churches need to keep the main thing, THE MAIN THING, Jesus.

  75. Julia C says:

    Faithful Father,
    Thank You for Your power and the wisdom found in The Gospel of Grace.
    You work in unexpected ways and turn everything around;
    The world’s foolishness (the gospel) is Your wisdom.
    The world’s weakness (death on a cross) is Your power.
    The insignificant and despised (Jesus) are exalted by You.
    Your faithfulness, grace, and love are above our understanding. But “the point is plain: there is no one who can do what Jesus Christ has done” (Enduring Word).
    May we be united in the Gospel.
    May we live Christ-centered lives.
    May we boast in the Lord!
    In Jesus’ name,

    1. Kira H says:

      Amen! Thank you, once again, Julia C for a beautiful prayer. I always enjoy your words to the Lord am grateful that you share your prayers with us.

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Amen & Amen, Julia C!

    3. Donna Wolcott says:


    4. Tina says:

      Julia C, Amen and thank you for your beautiful prayer. ❤️

  76. Ruth says:

    My close friend values the laws of God, I am all grace. I pray this study helps me value our differences to continue to give us good and fruitful conversations.

    1. Adrienne says:

      We need them both, don’t we? Law AND Gospel. ❤️

  77. Kathy says:

    “but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles.” (v. 23)
    Father God, may all I say and do point to this truth – Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins. He died for all – “Jews and Gentiles. He is my power and my wisdom.

  78. Erica C says:

    I must admit sometimes I see differences as a bad thing, forgetting that God made each of us unique with different…everything’s! Haha it’s actually beautiful, all of the differences, like many colors and sizes of butterflies or flowers.
    We are all made in God’s image, loved perfectly by Him!

  79. Laura Dianne says:

    The verse of the day from YouVersion is John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” I am a big believer in truth. We have become so off-course in our World when it comes to the truth. Often, different versions of “truth” is what divides us. But we know as Christ-followers that real truth is found in Jesus Christ. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. Amen! May we walk in the truth that is our Lord and Savior and may we be united in the truth that is in Him alone.

  80. Maria Baer says:

    “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.”

    Not going to lie, sisters— this was hard for me to read (as well as Amanda’s devotional) because I was part of a church who went through this. The denomination our church was part of, was straying so far away from the original Bible-centric foundation, and in such an extreme way, that a group of us went through the process to separate from the big church denomination. We ended up losing because they church brought in “members” who had not been in church is ages, and by votes we were defeated. But a new church was created and it is doing good. Today, I go to a completely different church that has been such a blessing. But have to tell you that the experience broke my heart.

    And I mention this because ever since then, I am conflicted about this verse. Division within God’s people is not good, but when the church’s posture and teaching go against the basic tenets of our faith, I think it is our responsibility to bring it up, and stand up for it. Even more important is to pray for the Holy Spirit to give us clarity, discernment and conviction to say the right words that will open eyes and hearts.

    1. Blessed Mama of 6 says:

      I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Maria! I agree with you, if a church’s posture and teaching go against what is written in Scripture, then as fellow believers, we totally DO need to bring it before the church while standing our ground in our convictions. My husband and I went through something kind of similar in a church we were previously a part of, and is the reason why we are no longer attending that church.

    2. Laura Dianne says:

      I agree with you. Satan has really focused in on attacking our churches and placing “wolves in sheep clothing” to mislead the flock. I am grateful for people like you who stand up for the truth and who will not blindly follow what church leaders say or do but follow Christ and the Bible. I am so saddened by the lies and hypocrisy we see in our churches today (I was in DC this weekend and so many churches were flying pride flags!). We must remain diligent and speak up and walk away even when it is hard. If this issue had been present in Paul’s day (homosexuality being celebrated in the churches), I’m sure we would have a whole book of the Bible written about it!

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, in agreement with you all! We have to stand firm..Paul wrote these letters to correct these churches and where they were going astray. We must stand firm as Christ followers for the truth of the word, it is our duty, even in the hard.
      That is so sad Laura that you saw so many churches with pride flags. We love them, but we don’t support the sin, and it is sin.

    4. MiaFaith says:

      Yes, hubby and I went through the same. Not long after the loss of our son our church just imploded! It had been coming slowly and I saw it long before hubby did. It was heartbreaking on so many levels. We lost our beloved church, church family, and dear friends (we all scattered in different directions). The timing was rough because it was another huge loss for us.

  81. TheBestIsYetToCome says:

    I love that we are digging into the Corinthians, so excited for this study! Would appreciate prayers tomorrow as I go to court, praying the judge will approve me to travel with my foster baby. Court is tomorrow at 10 AM EST!!

    1. Dee Dee says:

      Praying!! ❤️❤️

    2. Jane Kaefer says:

      Praying that the judge would approve your plans!

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for this need!

    4. Adrienne says:

      You got it, sister!

    5. MiaFaith says:


    6. LindaK says:


    7. Catherine McVey says:


    8. Tina says:

      Praying , absolutely Praying!❤️

    9. TheBestIsYetToCome says:

      Ty for praying!! Court ran three hours late today, but I got to speak up in court & the Judge approved my travel. Also, another huge God thing – I ran into the Judge walking back from the courthouse and we got to walk together for a couple blocks and visit, it was a God appointed day!
      thank you again for praying!!

  82. Searching says:

    In reading the first chapter of 1 Corinthians out loud this morning, thankfulness welled up in my eyes at vs 18, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

    The Power of God!! The Lord God Almighty, Jehovah, Yahweh, hallelujah!

    The scripture reading from John 1 brought to mind Chris Tomlin’s Jesus Messiah. Indeed, His love for us is so amazing.

    MERCY – sister, I am praying for Matt’s family, friends, coworkers and all who are grieving. May the Lord comfort each hurting heart.

    MIA FAITH – praying for the red tape causing the certificate delay to be sliced through! Now! Love you, sister!

    INDIANA ELAINE – your plate is full! Praying for your husband’s continued recovery, your niece’s speedy & total healing (especially from scary bacteria!), Steven’s recovery from the fall, the best timing for your knee replacement and the insurance issues to be worked out. ❤️

    1. Adrienne says:

      Verse 18 is. so. good! It is one that is often chosen as a confirmation verse for some. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      I love that song and we often sing it at church! I didn’t see MERCY’s latest comment re: Matt. Praying for all along with you! ❤

    3. Indiana Elaine says:

      Thank you SEARCHING!! After receiving a second rejection letter this morning, I called the Dr’s office and it sounds like the insurance issues have been resolved. PTL and thank you for your prayers!!❤️

  83. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Paul gives the key to unity in verse 10:
    “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.”

    As Amanda noted unity is not “homogeneity.” So what is it we are all to “agree in what you say” so that we are “united with the same understanding and the same conviction”?
    May I humbly suggest it is only when we say what God says that we may be united. And to be able to say what God says, we need the Spirit to open our eyes and mind to understand and to convict us of not only sin, but in what we should stand for.
    INDIANA ELAINE – praying for peace in the midst of all your troubles.

    ADRIENNE – praying the Lord gives your medical team wisdom at your appt. tomorrow

    MERCY – so sorry about Matt. Praying for your community and his family

    1. Searching says:

      Amen ❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes Kelly–
      “May I humbly suggest it is only when we say what God says that we may be united. And to be able to say what God says, we need the Spirit to open our eyes and mind to understand and to convict us of not only sin, but in what we should stand for.”
      THAT is good, thank you!! Stand together ONLY in HIS TRUTH..not in the distorted of people’s truth, His truth!!

    3. Adrienne says:

      Thank you, Kelly. I am a bit nervous.

    4. LindaK says:


    5. Cee Gee says:

      Well said, Kelly! ❤

    6. Kebrina Vinglas says:


  84. Carol R says:

    All honour and glory and power AND PRAISE be to God. He is the One we should boast in. He is the One who gives us salvation – Christ is our salvation. Let us boast in Jesus today for all he is and praise God for all He has done.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, amen!! Boast in Jesus Christ, reminds me of the song “In Christ Alone”…my hope is found.

  85. Tricia C says:

    Thank you, Lord. Thank you that you have made yourself known to me. Thank you that it is the greatest wisdom I could ever have. I pray that I would live my life pleasing to you in light of that.

    Have a wonderful day, Sisters!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes Amen!

  86. Tina says:

    Praying as Paul did..

    May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give us grace and peace as we walk and learn and grow through this study.
    I am so very thankful to our Father God for you all and this journey through Corinthians we embark on..
    Let’s be open, ready and listening..

    “What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought would happen,
    is the very thing God prepared for those who love Him”
    Lord God, may I see and hear loudly and without any doubt. May IT happen for me, Father God, for you are my love..
    Here I am Lord, speak, for i am


    Happy Monday my dears.. wrapped in love and prayers for a God blessed day for you and yours..❤️

    1. Tricia C says:


    2. Adrienne says:


    3. Denise says:


    4. Cee Gee says:

    5. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello Tina
      Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for your prologue to our study.
      Let me emphasize, please, in all caps, for the good of the order, some of the wording in your encouragement.

      “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ GIVE us GRACE and PEACE as we WALK and LEARN and GROW through this study… Let us be OPEN, READY and LISTENING.

      I will also add, Let us BE KIND and GENTLE as we ENTER into our digital conversation. Ever MINDFUL of the MESSAGE & PURPOSE of this very study. Functioning & facing forward by our FAITH in Christ.
      Thanks be to God.

      1. Catherine McVey says:

        Yes! Amen!!❤️

      2. Tina says:
