The Christian tradition I grew up in didn’t really emphasize the Holy Spirit. In my mind, the Spirit (or as some old-school folks might say, the “Holy Ghost”) was another name for God that was somehow connected to prayer and may or may not have something to do with revivals and healings I’d occasionally catch on the local Christian TV station. Beyond that, I had no idea. But Scripture has so much to say about how the Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to ordinary people and plays an essential role in our walk with Him.
Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians was written to a church in crisis. They suffered from immorality, divisions, and confusion. While they were desperately in need of wisdom, their help wouldn’t come from Paul’s education and authority. In fact, he went out of his way to downplay his credentials, insisting he didn’t come with “brilliance of speech or wisdom.” He said he was weak and fearful but confident in Christ (1Corinthians 2:1–3). This is where the Holy Spirit enters. Anything wise or true, any insight into the deepest mysteries of God, won’t come from human wisdom. “Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit, since the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God” (v.10).
If over two thousand years of Church history have shown us anything, it’s that the divisions and confusion that plagued the Corinthian church are still with us today. And while, like Paul, we all bring weakness and trembling and the potential to be wrong, we also still have “the mind of Christ” (v.16). We learn to trust the Spirit’s work in ourselves and in our spiritual siblings. When we don’t understand what God is doing, it’s comforting to know the Spirit is present in our innermost being and our daily living. When we don’t know the right answers or what we should pray for, it’s comforting to know the Spirit is right along with us, for He “intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:27).
Perhaps you’ve felt a fear of messing up, of being wrong, or asking for the wrong thing. Perhaps you’ve long believed that you can do nothing good or that you can’t trust your heart, your feelings, or your desires. Take courage in knowing that God is lovingly offering access to His wisdom at all times through His Spirit. Jesus has shown us what God is like, and the Spirit journeys with us in the lifelong adventure of knowing God. It’s a long process, but as we learn to discern the voice of the Spirit, we too can experience the promised growth:
Then you will understand righteousness, justice,
and integrity—every good path.
For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will delight you.
—Proverbs 2:9–10
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72 thoughts on "Spiritual Wisdom"
He has called, justified and glorified me!!
It just feels comforting knowing the Holy Spirit is right there with me, even in the mist of the storm and the wind, the Holy Spirit is guiding me through and helping me.even when I don’t understand God’s plan for me.
Praying for peace that only the Holy Spirit can give
I love the point that unity comes only by the Spirit, not by wise and wordy teachings. These scriptures bring so much comfort to my heart.
I pray that I would feel the Holy Spirit more as I walk with Christ. I want to feel his peace and comfort when I am stressed out.
‘The Spirit journeys with us in the lifelong adventure of knowing God’. I love this line and it’s sooooo true! I used to condemn myself for everything I did or said wrong. A life of shame was the very definition of who I was. However, in His grace and mercy, God has shown me this very thing. It’s a process and we never truly reach the end until we are made perfect on the other side. If we just seek Him the Spirit comes alive in us giving us wisdom and truth. God is so so good!!!!
I am happy you are here!!!
This was a great encouraging word that no matter where I’m at, I have access to Holy Spirit and he will lead and guide me. Especially when I’m feeling lost or unsure in my daily life.
I really identified with Jen Yokel’s experience going to church and not fully understanding what was meant when talking about the Holy Spirit. Bible Study also wasn’t a major factor in my walk growing up so as an adult I’ve felt like there are so many holes in my understanding of who God is and what the Word tells us. This has led me to shying away from being involved with a church community or even speaking to others about God. This reading on spiritual wisdom was liberating!! As I journey on my faith walk, it is reassuring to know that the Holy Spirit is Always with me guiding me closer to God as well as the People of God! This is my first SRT Bible plan and I feel so blessed to be able to join this community with you all! :)
So glad you are here!!
Amen I believe
So good! ❤️
A message I needed to hear. I have been aimlessly distracted lately; searching for consistency, God, contentment. I long for prayer and when I go into prayer I just feel such a disconnect. I must call on the Holy Spirit to intercede for me right now until I am ready and able to make peace with this unknown and lengthy distraction.
Today’s devotional is so soothing for a chronic overthinker like myself. Wisdom comes from the Spirit, not from my own intelligence, rumination or effort.
On a side note – it seems my app has not been updated and I can’t access this plan there. Is anyone else having the same problem?
I am also unable to find this study on the app.
The plan is now available on the app :)
The devotional today was so deep, with the combination of HRT’s writing that I came to a deeper appreciation of the Holy Spirit. Thank you shes who recommended HRT reading as well. The Holy Spirit to me is like a Professor. This comparison was given my a senior pastor when I was in college going to church, and that related and stuck with me (being a student then). The pastor said you can ask the Professor to teach you anything you are struggling with. Growing up in faith, the Holy Spirit to me is such a gentle voice, from a gentleman, who is righteous, and can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30). I needed to learn to be sensitive to Him, or else I would miss His voice. There are times when anguish speaks louder, or fear speaks louder, or shame, or insecurity, or all of the above, that I missed His voice. Many times the temptation has presented itself. And then I gradually learnt to look my fear in the face, grab it by the throat, and say to it, you shush your mouth and get out. In all vulnerability and honesty, I failed to do this some day, but I always heard God telling me to stand up and fight, I will need to do this more. This might be for someone today. Speak to your fear sister, speak to your insecurities. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12). Step up into your God-ordained authority dear sister and take it by force. Be violent to your problems and bondages. Enough is enough. If you have been in this place, when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, enough is enough. Your prophetic declaration will turn things around. It is written, Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21). The power is in the mouth/words, especially His words.
@MOLLY R: may a good car come up for your family with God’s favour and speed.
@RHONDA J: prayers for Olympia, your fast for her. What deep wisdom you shared today.
@THEBESTISYETTOCOME: praying the judge’s decision was in your favour.
@SARAH D: may you have a lovely time with your “friend”, and strength for summer camp, may you be the light touching the little children.
Thank you she’s for your prayers that have fortified us. My husband is going through grief, the second stage: anger, and I did not expect the anger was so intense. Lots of hurtful screaming at me and the kids yesterday. I am exhausted. Supporting a person going through grief can be complicated, and I am unprepared. I didn’t know his friend Matt had such deep connection with him. I would appreciate your continual prayers for strength, peace and healing (thinking of you dear MIA FAITH).
Be blessed dear sisters. Hugs and blessings to you all.
Oh Mercy, thank you for sharing. I will definitely be lifting you and your family up in prayer -knowing that even tho I may not have exactly the right words- the Spirit is interceding for you and yours!!
So grateful for the Holy Spirit interceding when I just don’t have words to say to God what is on my heart.
It’s amazing to read how the Spirit works in our lives to reveal and translate our human experience into the spiritual plane (v10, and Romans 8:26).
Verse 14 reminds me of the many conversations I’ve had with other believers (friends and random acquaintances) and how we seem to ‘get it’ when talking of spiritual things — above and beyond simply knowing facts but the understanding that comes through experiencing a relationship with God. I contrast this with conversations I have with family members/non-believers and how spiritual things appear as complete foolishness to them. There truly is a God-given discernment from the Spirit to teach and grant wisdom.
Yes, so true, good thoughts!
Yes Jackie. I completely understand this! My church loves missions and I am very involved in the planning of our yearly short term trips. This year we went to Honduras with 50 people from our church, many of whom did not know one another. We start as strangers, but after one short week leave as family and will carry relationships made on the trip for years to come. It’s all GOD! The time we spend living together, serving, eating and fellowship allows us to go so much deeper than coffee hour after service. We share testimonies, we laugh, we cry, we pray. It’s really beautiful to see the family of Christ come together like this.
I love this! Thank you for sharing <3 The family of Christ has no geographical boundaries!
Earlier I prayed, did the study and another one that I do, went to comment and day 2 was not up. Now I feel like I’m out of focus. What does that say about me?? Just a little bit of time goes by and I’m already out of God’s presence! Wow this just goes to show how important it is to stay in prayer and guard ourselves as we go about our day.
Talk about forgetting, my brain literally forgets, I have already forgotten what I wrote about this morning here!
I hear you,Traci! ❤️
The same thing happened to me on Tuesday and I’m just now reading them + the Devo.
Just shared the following on SRTShe’s Facebook page and wanted to share it here..
Felt led to share what I wrote during my prayer & reflection time this morning.. hope it ministers to and/or witnesses to some one here..
Much love and many blessings!! Xoxo
You know how someone from your past comes into your present life and God uses them to highlight how you’ve allowed compromise to creep into your life? Well, that happened for me this weekend!! I saw how I let the testimony of God be diminished for a few seconds/moments of acceptance by man. Very humbling and disappointed in myself. I want God to be my stance and my focus. I want Him to be what others see!! My heart is in the right place but my actions and choices don’t always reflect that, and I am truly repentant and sorry about that!! Forgive me Lord, help my focus to be solely on You, not about “fitting in” or being accepted by this world. Let Your testimony SHINE BRIGHT in the midst of my weakness, don’t let another’s eyesight of You be compromised because of me!! My heart grieves thinking about how that can happen!! Thank You for correcting me Father and for re-aligning my focus. Help me to stand STRONG and stable in what You’ve called me to do and how You’ve called me to act. Let me not participate with anything other than what You’ve said and laid on my heart. Also, help me to remember that it is in my weakness that You are made strong, and that guilt is not from You, but repentance and forgiveness is!!! Amen again.
P.S. I wrote this before I read today’s scriptures. God is AMAZING!!
I too have been here.
I have been there as well. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing Erb. I have been there as well. I pray for wisdom and guidance daily but still seem to come up short many times. I feel like I’m constantly asking for forgiveness. Thankful for God’s goodness, mercy, and grace. This study is so good so far. Just what I needed too.
Thank you, ERB for sharing. I’ve been there too.
I think we all experience this…a lot! All the time. That’s why I love being enveloped and around believers, it’s so tricky around the world to not “slip” and to keep the Spirit front and center. Easy said, not easy do. Thanks for sharing!
Good morning ladies!! Praying you all are doing well. I’ve been doing a separate Bible reading plan with my church so that’s why I’ve been absent in the comments :) wanted to give an update that I’m still here! Finished the school year and now working at my school’s summer camp, which is much more calm. Still praying through/waiting for the guy at my church to initiate. I’m playing pickleball later tonight with him and some church friends, so that should be fun! Would love your prayers for me to just have fun and treat him as a friend, to take the pressure off and just to be myself. If the Lord wants it to happen, it will happen. Thank you all!!
Hi Sarah D!!! I have missed you and your updates! Be patient know that you know it will happen all in God’s perfect timing! Guys are slow to act and be aware..! I knew my husband was going to propose but it was like…cmon…gotta get going on this..I need a place to live, got moved my son to a different school….life is moving fast…lol!! Then he thought he was “surprising” me..I almost grabbed the ring out of his pocket to speed him along…hahahahaha!! Maybe this guy is the right one, maybe not…but I know if you wait on the Lord…the right one will be come or be made known! (with a little nudging from you! wink wink!)
Hi Sarah! You have been on my heart, even in your absence from the study plans and I’ve been praying for you. Will continue to pray for God’s peace and guidance in your relationship. Good to see you here!
I’m thankful that we have the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom. I just pray that I will become more sensitive to His leading!
Same! I always used to be amazed when people would say..I felt the Spirit..the Spirit led me..BUT now…that I am paying attention, and have grown in my relationship with Jesu, I am so much more aware and seeking and praying for God to bring me moments to share his love!!
What a great devotional today that goes with our scripture reading. I too, grew up in church but not really understanding the Holy “ghost.” I thought it was outside of us in some fog that touched on people or something. I have come to know more in the last decade and now trust the Spirit of God is IN ME! It is an incredible thing..I am in awe and amazement just like the disciples…they couldn’t fathom how their Jesus could leave them…”I must go so something better can come and be IN you!” (my own words)..A fresh spirit instead of our flesh. Yet, its a …work, a slow, long..sanctification of growing in the Spirit. It happens fast, it happens slow. But God..the fruits will come, discernment will come, wisdom will come. It is a marathon not a sprint, our relationship with the Lord. The seed must fall on GOOD SOIL which takes watering and light..and it doesn’t turn into a tree overnight…it grows roots, deep. We don’t want to blow over when the storms come. We must grow..and that is your part and the Spirits part. Lord, give me a clean heart, that is the only way. If there is sin in my heart, it can not be clean. We must repent daily, lay down our flesh, and give us a glimpse of the finished product that you have in us. Give us a clear mind Lord to see things we didn’t see before. The Spirit wants to work in our lives, but we must do our part and rely on the Spirit. Just like Paul, I KNOW I can’t do it in my own voice or my own smarts, or my own knowledge. Each time I serve and lead, I ask the Spirit to help me with clean motives. And each time, it is blessed. Thank you Heavenly Father for your Mercy and Grace. I love to see how you have used me. It didn’t happen over night..I prayed Lord use me…what can I do for you…where can I volunteer Lord..(14 or so years ago)..but my focus was kinda on me in a way…like I wanted to be used and DO for God…but he said, maybe you should want to know ME you even read my word daily? Know me. Learn what I have for you. So I started with SRT and reading my Bible daily. I had read it before…druching through..just to get through..but then, having the becomes truly different! I wanted to know more than, when I came to the table hungry and thirsty!! Then after years of knowing and clinging to his word..that is when the timing was his timing to use me!! Wowzer. When your trust is full, he will use you in amazing ways. Turn it over, trust him fully, and it will transfer your whole faith!! Sorry to go on as usual!!
Praying and fasting for Olympia this week. She is a lady in jail I have come to love over the last year. She is still waiting for sentencing…praying she will not go to prison. She has been has been arrested over and over through the years, but this time she has remained in jail without bail. I am hoping this will change the trajectory of her life, that she will submit to the Lord, and really has received him into her life, that she went in a worm, is in the cocoon and will emerge differently, the butterfly, ready to fly and be a beautiful new creature!! If you could join me interceding for her this week I would love that. Have a great day She’s! Welcome all new She’s, and so good to see our other She’s that have been missed.
Thank you for this Rhonda! So good. Praying with your for Olympia.❤️
I am so thankful that over the years I have come to better understand the Spirit, and it why during prayers I pray for the Spirit to give clarity, discernment and guidance, as well as convict us when need it. So grateful that we have this great Counselor to walk with us.
But going back to yesterday’s conversation about the church divisions, today’s scriptures align so perfect with that topic. Please allow me a wonderful commentary I read today on 1 Corinthians 2:
“Paul understood he didn’t cater to what his audience wanted… If a preacher is not careful, he will get in the way of the gospel instead of being a servant of the gospel. They can obscure Jesus by their preaching, either in the presentation or the message. Paul knew it is the preacher’s job to preach and it is the Holy Spirit’s job to demonstrate. Paul’s preaching may not have been impressive or persuasive on a human level, but on a spiritual level it had power. Preaching strategies centered on the wisdom of men – around emotion, entertainment and human personality – may yield response, but not results for the kingdom of God.”
Oh, so good! Thank you Maria!
❤ I am so thankful to be in a church that preaches Jesus. Our pastors aren’t after a following. They always point people to our Lord and Savior.
Yes mine too Cee Gee. It scared me so much to “fall” for the wrong church being new to an area 5 years ago..and I still keep my ears from itching but discernment. Our pastor seems to speak up when needed about controversy. And I love that we do a couple of book studies a year, we are reading Matthew currently, verse by verse…it might take a long time..but that’s what we need to hear…letting the scripture be our sustenance, not feel good message for us.
Thank you, Maria
Not about the theatrics.
But the truth revealed by the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle Paul understood.
Wow, I have been reading multiple devotionals, books, and I’m reminded over and over that I have the mind of Christ. I’m so thankful the Lord knows what we need, and He gives generously! Whether wisdom, love, grace, etc…
The Spirit in us prays for us, Jesus intercedes for us! Wow, the God of the Universe loves us THAT MUCH, He wants us to do well, to get it right!
May we all be sensitive to the Spirit of God’s guidance, revelations, nudges in whatever form, to us, always praying for understanding and seeking God’s wisdom as we navigate this life.
Regarding yesterday’s comments on church division, wrapping our minds around the thought process of those believing false doctrine as RHONDA J mentioned – if it doesn’t match God’s word, it’s not truth, or Truth (JULIA C reminded us that Jesus is The Truth). It is heartbreaking to see the division and splitting of churches, and even more heartbreaking to see churches dig in their heels and double down on issues/beliefs that clearly go against the Word of God. Praying for His truth to be revealed to their hearts, and as INDIANA ELAINE said, keep our focus on the MAIN THING, Jesus!
MERCY – thankful work issues are resolved! Praying for all who loved Matt.
SUMMER CLARK – praying for all that you and roommate are dealing with and going through
MOLLY R – praying for vehicle needs, and welcome back
CHELSI HAMILTON – welcome, and thank you for sharing the wisdom that hard is not the same as bad.
CEE GEE – using the wisdom that CHELSI shared, different is not the same as wrong (or bad). Praying all our loved ones ”get” that.
INDIANA ELAINE – thankful ins issues are resolved!
THEBESTISYETTOCOME – praying for today’s court date
Amen and amen! ❤
Thinking of the lyrics from Oceans this morning as I read this chapter…
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me
And take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Saviour”
Amen, that’s good!!
Oh I love that song…but never had the exact lyrics as I sing!lol. I love those words! I will pray that today! I am fasting and interceding for my lady in our jail ministry this week…I will send her that song and lyrics! Thank you!
I love this so much. I too have listened to that so many times. I’m adding it to my prayers as well. Thank you for sharing. ❤️❤️
“God is lovingly offering access to His wisdom at all times through His Spirit. Jesus has shown us what God is like, and the Spirit journeys with us in the lifelong adventure of knowing God. It’s a long process, but as we learn to discern the voice of the Spirit, we too can experience the promised growth”
Adds to my statement yesterday. The Spirit leads us to the understanding of God and His ways. Following His lead will bring unity.
I agree with Tina, HRT is a good read today if you have time.
Wecome (and welcome back) to those who are new.
INDIANA ELAINE – praying for your husband and niece. Glad your insurance issues seem to have cleared up.
Praying you find favor with the judge today.
ADRIENNE – praying you have a peace-filled MRI today
MOLLY R – praying the Lord leads you to the perfect car
“Take courage in knowing that God is lovingly offering access to His wisdom at all times through His Spirit.” Amen, JEN YOKEL!
Dear Father,
Just like Paul, I want to say: “I know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. I want to be an ambassador of Jesus the Messiah, trusting in His power, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, freely given by You.
May we humble ourselves before You.
May we set our hearts and minds on Jesus.
Help us to discern the Holy Spirit’s voice.
In Jesus’ name,
“May we humble ourselves before You.
May we set our hearts and minds on Jesus.
Help us to discern the Holy Spirit’s voice.
In Jesus’ name.
Amen, Julia.
And I might add…
“And God the Father, we can do none of these things without Your help”!
To Him be the Glory, Honor & Praise.
This morning I find myself struggling with the fact that if God’s truth has not changed in 2,000 years (and we know it has not) why is the church (me as a believer) having such a hard time getting it out into the culture? It feels less like I don’t have the wisdom, but mostly I don’t have the courage. Father, forgive me my fear of….failure, rejection from man and give me a heart to please You.
Courage…oh how we need it!
Sally B., you nailed it!
You ask a very pertinent question! Thank you for voicing what many of us feel at times!
Romans 8:15 addresses that bondage to fear:
“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”.”
This from Vines Expository Study Bible:
“Paul refers to the “the spirit of bondage” as he describes the believer’s experience with fear (Rom. 8:15). The term bondage is used exclusively by Paul in the New Testament and simply refers to being a slave. The slavery to which Paul refers here, is a slavish bondage to fear. Christ brings a newfound freedom to a believer, however, as the Holy Spirit invades that person’s life. Then, we can receive “the Spirit of adoption,” which frees us from slavery and brings us forever into the family of God.”
Sally, you are not alone. Recently, I began reading/listening to the audiobook by Hosanna Wong. How not to save the world — I promise it’s so good and talks about this very thing.