Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Open Your Bible

Luke 24:1-12, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

Text: Luke 24:1-12, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 50-58

“Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.
This is the Lord; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”
– Isaiah 25:9, ESV

Resurrection Sunday is more than the miracle of a man coming back to life.

It is the fulfillment of David’s prophecy in the Psalms.

For You will not abandon me to Sheol; you will not allow Your Faithful One to see decay. (Psalm 16:10)

It is the making-true of the angel’s promise to Joseph.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21, HCSB)

It is the resurrection of hope.

According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. (1 Peter 1:3-4, HCSB)

It is the irremovable seal on God’s vow of love to His children.

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him…And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. (2 Corinthians 1:20-22, ESV)

It is the definitive declaration that the Love we long for is not dead.

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39, ESV)

He is alive!

The Creator God wrapped His infinite being in flesh (John 1:14).

The Son of God endured temptation and humiliation, scorn and scourge (Hebrews 4:14-16, Matthew 27:15-44).

He satisfied the wrath of the holy and just Father, reconciling us to God (Romans 5:6-11).

And He walked out of the grave, forever defeating death and sin (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

Dear friends, Jesus lived and died to buy your pardon, just like the old hymn says. He lives!

Hallelujah, the Gospel is true!

Save this lock screen to your phone as a daily reminder this week that we worship a living Savior.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!


(72) Comments

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72 thoughts on "Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!"

  1. xnxx says:

    Thank you very much for great post to share us. This is the son of God who came to save this sinner ." All the way through the ages to me! So humbled and grateful this morning. And so impressed to pass on the Good News to those in the following generations, to continue to pass the baton to those behind me.

  2. Deearn says:

    It would have been more like a day and a bit @Hannah as he got beaten and crucified the first day then had risen early early morn Sunday. He would have gone to hell to conquer death and pay for our sin fully.

  3. Hannah says:

    I wonder what Jesus did during the three days before he rose to conquer death

    1. Deearn says:

      It would have been more like a day and a bit Hannah as he got beaten and crucified the first day then had risen early early morn Sunday. He would have gone to hell to conquer death and pay for our sin fully.
      Eph4:9. Acts2:24

  4. Jaren says:

    I keep praying to get it- to fully understand the resurrection and how it forgives and frees me. The scripture that says that God satisfied his wrath on the cross and Jesus bore my sins makes so much sense! When I sin, I am always waiting around for my punishment- for someone to get hurt, to hurt me, for something to be taken away. What a terrible way to think of my savior who loves me so dearly.

    I need to understand that Jesus bore it all- and if I congress my nasty sin I am able to move forward and walk guilt free! That is the blessing!

  5. Michelle of LA says:

    Thank you Jesus for The Cross, your blood, your love and most of all thank you for forgiving us & restoring us .
    Happy Resurrection Day

  6. Bailey says:

    Reading through this I was amazed that the Angels had to remind of Jesus foretelling of his crucifixion and resurrection. They forgot the truth at a time when they should have clung to it. Interesting thought….

  7. Carissa says:

    Happy Easter Everyone! This study was an great journey for me… Really helping me prepare my heart and mind to truly celebrate Easter. Thank you SRT writers! Well done!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      It's been a joy to have you with us, Carissa! I hope you'll join us for The Risen Christ plan too!


  8. Becky says:

    What a beautiful ending to a beautiful study plan. Thrilled that the Holy Spirit led all of us here to experience this. Happy Easter from China!

  9. Loida says:

    Happy Easter everyone!!!

  10. Jasmine says:

    Fill me up God! Oh how I love feeding my spirit. I’m 23 & I’ve came along way, I’m not like many my age but I love God so much & I’m so thankful for what he has done in my life. Happy Easter everyone!

  11. Antimony says:

    Church today focused on the truth of the Gospel as it relates to Easter. I Cor 15:1-4. He died for the sin of the world [my sin. He died innocently for my sin]. He was buried [ok. He REALLY was dead]. And then He rose again. [Now He is alive again]. That it is a Gospel of hope. Not of condemnation. Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death” [this, then, is what I deserve. What I have earned. Only death awaits for the crimes I have done]. “But the gift of God” [A gift. Not earned. Not purchased. Given]. “Is eternal life” [life. Instead of death]. wow … It all ties together, doesn’t it?

  12. Diane says:

    Happy Easter!! This is my first day here. I’m looking forward to worship with you all.

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Welcome, Diane! We're so glad you're here. Happy Easter to you. He is risen! xo, Amanda

  13. Heather says:

    What an amazing devotional this has been. I had never heard about SRT before this lent season. I’m now a little bummed it’s over. I’m now looking for other plans to start tomorrow! Thank you and happy Easter!!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Heather, we love having you here! So glad you'll be sticking with us for the next plan!


  14. SarahMarieT says:

    The stone was rolled away. Praise you, Jesus! The tomb is empty and YOU LIVE and have been and continue to actively work in our lives! Thank you for being the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Thank you for your Love and Mercy and Wisdom and Joy. Thank you for making a way.

  15. Tyra says:

    He is risen!

  16. Rebecca says:

    He is risen! He is risen indeed!

    Happy Resurrection Day!

  17. Abby says:

    Happy Resurrection Day!! Our pastor talked today about the second resurrection day, our resurrection day, which will precede judgment day and how Christ makes all the difference in our hope for that day! He will clothe us with a new, glorious, resurrected body like his own-proof of his own love, rescue and salvation (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) as well as today’s passages from 1 Cor 15. We have lived now for a long time in this in-between time, groaning, longing for that day that we will be fully clothed with Christ. He is risen indeed!!

  18. Ramsey says:

    Beautiful devotional! Praise God! This study opened my heart even more to Jesus! I am so grateful for this study and SRT! I thought I knew the story of Jesus and Easter, but this brought overwhelming emotions and love deep into my soul when I came to the realization that I didn’t know as much as I thought! Thank You, God, Jesus, and SRT for this enlightenment that will forever change my heart!

  19. 16dmob says:

    Thank you for the encouragement you give me each day

  20. Lauren says:

    This devotional has awoken so many feelings and emotions within me, and now that I’ve made it through an entire Lent, I have so many thoughts and desires within me that I don’t know what to do with them. Alleluia!

    Now to figure out what to do next…!

  21. Ali Sims says:

    He is ALIVE! Thank you Lord for Jesus and the truth we have read the past 47 days. Amen!

  22. Jackie says:

    Praise, God on this resurrection Sunday

  23. loveHimso says:

    It is the irremovable seal on God’s vow of love to His children.. ….I am so grateful for His sacrifice..When I think of the weight of my sin on that cross, I am tearful. All the things that He has done for me that I don't deserve. But He endured a painful death for me, a death that we (I ) deserve. His love for me will never change. He will never give up on me. He is the rock in my life. When I reflect on my life… He was the stability in my life ( even when I didn't recognize He was there). So today is a happy occasion. He didn't stay in the tomb.. He rose for us (me) so that we( I) may be free. Rejoice.. He has risen.

  24. Erin says:

    Praise God for doing as he said and giving us new life through Jesus Christ.

  25. Linen says:

    Hallelujah – what a Savior!

  26. MNmomma (heather) says:

    He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

  27. Jess Ferguson says:

    It is amazing to think that it all leads to this, that Christ conquered death and rose again, victorious. Amen!

  28. Lisa says:

    The stone was rolled away…the tomb was empty…the Angels replied “He is not there”…HE IS ALIVE! Let us all rejoice in The Risen King!

  29. Stacy says:

    Thank you God for giving us victory over death and sin through our Lord Jesus Christ! He has Risen!!!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      He is risen indeed!

  30. Alli says:

    He is Risen indeed!

  31. Jeanne says:


  32. Lynn S says:

    He’s alive indeed!! Hallelujah!!

  33. Carrie says:

    Oh how wonderful! Oh praise Him! He is alive and we are forgiven! We are His, sisters! Bless you all this happy day and be filled continually with this joy of life He gives us to share.

  34. Kasey Tuggle says:

    He’s alive! He’s alive! Our Redeemer lives!! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Happy Easter!!

  35. Sandra Fletcher says:

    He Is Risen

  36. Valanne says:

    Thank you Lord for giving me the hope of eternity spent with You.

    You are ALIVE, and in You I will be made alive. This journey that we've been on these past 47 days is TRUTH. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is real and it is the victory over death!


  37. Rachel says:

    “But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed like nonsense to them. Peter, however, got up and RAN to the tomb.” And in Mark 16:7…the angel says, ‘go tell his disciples and Peter’…what an awful weekend it must’ve been for Peter. Don’t we all live with that same angst of disappointing our Lord? Oh how He loves us! He is risen! For you and for me! Hallelujah!

  38. Kelly_Smith says:

    BUT on the first day of the week… That small word is full of such hope! BUT thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Happy Easter, SRT Sisters!

  39. joanne says:

    Alive! FOREVER! Amen!!!

  40. Missy says:

    As we joyfully repeat HE IS RISEN, I think of those in that day who believed and whose lives were changed day to night, literally, in knowing that life now comes from this man´s blood, not from keeping the law or animal sacrifice. What J-O-Y they must have felt upon realizing that!

    Thank you for your work on the cross, Lord.

  41. Heather Sandifer says:

    Death has been defeated forever! Praise God, Jesus is Alive!!

  42. Daisy says:

    Praise the Lord! He lives! Have a blessed abc happy easter!

  43. Stephanie says:

    He is risen indeed!! Happy Easter, ladies!

  44. churchmouse says:

    Thinking this morning of the saved Barrabas, the saved thief on the cross, the saved centurion. And on down through the ages, all the saved who have encountered Jesus and said ” yes! This is the son of God who came to save this sinner .” All the way through the ages to me! So humbled and grateful this morning. And so impressed to pass on the Good News to those in the following generations, to continue to pass the baton to those behind me.

  45. Nancy says:

    Christ the Lord is RISEN! Hallelujah Sisters! Happy Easter to all of you!

  46. Verna says:

    A blessed Easter Day to all of you! He is risen indeed…Hallelujah!!

  47. Shimmy says:


  48. Jenny says:

    Happy Easter everyone….. He is ALIVE!!!!! Hallelujah praise God!!!!!

  49. Nancy says:

    He Is Risen! What a joy it has been to share the journey to the cross with this beautiful community. Happy Easter

    1. shereadstruth says:

      He is risen indeed, Nancy!

  50. Maria C says:

    He is risen indeed! I am happy that the devotion looked back at some of the many Bible verses where His Crucifixion and resurrection are prophesied. Because throughout this Lenten season I find myself this of the Nativity and how this baby came to be the sacrificial lamb. I think even in joy, Mary and Joseph’s heart must have broken a little bit knowing this in some level. “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” This is the bottom line. He finished what started with Adam and because of it we are free!

  51. Alex Evans says:

    He is risen! Hallelujah, amen! Happy Easter beautiful ladies!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      He is risen indeed!!

  52. tina says:


    He is risen..


    Oh Happy Day…Oh happy day…

    Wishing you all, my sister's a very Happy Day, with sprinkles of Love, Joy ,Peace and most especially the Hope in the One who is risen today… Hallelujah…xxx

    1. shereadstruth says:

      He is risen indeed! Big love to you today, dear friend. xo, Amanda

  53. Prudence says:


  54. shaka says:

    He is risen!!!!

  55. Sarah Lahoda says:

    He is risen!! Thankful we worship a risen Savior, one who became sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). What an amazing exchange!

  56. Grace says:

    I am reading this as I go to a temple with my Buddhist friends for them to pray to giant monk statue. Can I just say I’m standing here looking at this statue, with not a doubt in my head or heart that Jesus is not a statue but living!!!!! And second I’m confident and pray that these friends of mine will long for the one and only living God, that they will not conform to culture. Can’t wait to join the party in heaven ,with my friends , that begun three days after Jesus was crucified and has not stopped ever since!!!!!!

    1. Melanie says:

      Wow, Grace. Thank you for sharing! I'm praying for your friends now!

  57. Becky says:

    He is Risen~He is risen indeed!

  58. Angela says:

    Just a note: under the irremovable seal of God's love for his children you state that the passage is from 1 Corinthians when it should be 2 Corinthians.

    Thank you for everything you do!
    He is Risen! Glory to God!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Thanks! Changed! And happy Easter to you! He is risen indeed!

  59. Everlyne says:

    Jesus died on the cross, so that , me and you can be saved. Hallelujah he has risen from the dead.
    Happy Easter you all!

  60. Natalie says:

    Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!