Choose Life

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 30:1-20, Ezekiel 36:26-27, Romans 10:6-10

I used to think of free will as a sort of choose-your-own adventure kind of thing. Remember those books? I always had the sense that maybe the stories would be stronger if the real author were to just choose the best ending for the protagonist, because surely they knew the best outcome and most “adventurous” route to get there. 

When I applied that logic to my own life and relationship with God, a game of chess came to mind. If God knows all, including how this whole story ends, and will accomplish His ultimate will in the end, then do my choices really matter? Do I matter? (Incidentally, I don’t recommend pondering these things with the dawn, before that first wave of caffeine hits.) 

Applying this flat, and admittedly, flawed logic to Scripture only weakens my relationship with God because there’s no relational aspect to it—and our God is very relational. That’s true today, and it was true when Moses and the Levitical priests were imploring with Israel to obey God and keep His commands. They laid out the blessing of choosing God and the utter destruction of choosing anything apart from Him (Deuteronomy 27–28). 

Even in giving the provision of His law, He offered further provision: a way back to Him, should they choose wrongly and suffer the consequential curses of their choices. And should they “come to [their] senses” (Deuteronomy 30:1), returning to God and obeying Him “with all [their] heart and all [their] soul by doing everything” commanded of them, then He will “restore [their] fortunes” and His compassion will find them, no matter how far away they have strayed (vv.2–4).

Which begs the question: If one path resulted in complete blessing and the other utter destruction, what was the point of giving Israel the choice in the first place? Wouldn’t things be better if God just made them do what was right to avoid the curse altogether? In short: no, because that option is not consistent with who God is and who we are as His image bearers (Genesis 1:27). He is relational, and we are created to live in relationship with Him. We get to choose because things like real faith, love, devotion, and obedience cannot be forced; they must be freely given. He chooses us, and He wants us to choose Him back, to love Him in return.

So it was with Israel. The command to follow God’s law wasn’t “too difficult or beyond [their] reach” (Deuteronomy 30:11). They could choose life, not death, for themselves and future generations (vv.19–20). He later promises to give them, and us, a new heart that beats for Him, and His Spirit to help us choose Him over and over again (Ezekiel 36:26–27). He’s the path to righteousness and life (Romans 10:10). When we choose our loving God, that’s when the real adventure begins. 

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49 thoughts on "Choose Life"

  1. Kristina Lopes says:

    Thank you God for this reading. I pray you help my heart become closer to you, and shed off the access of any other idols in my life ❤️

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:


  2. SarahJoy says:

    KELLY what great reminders! As I baby step towards God my Father my attempts are cheered and my failures forgiven. AND a set of verses God knows I need regularly: “Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden…”

    Too often I feel the weight of the choices before me. Will I go the right way? Am I doing it wrong? Have I done enough? Did I not think this through?
    Oh to trust in the Father’s heart! To trust Him as He says “come to Me” and “I will make a way back.” He desires my obedience but He’s still calling me even when my path veers away from Him. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!! ❤️

  3. ERB says:

    I love the title of today’s reading CHOOSE LIFE!!!! It reminds me that every time we make a choice or have a thought, that we are either choosing LIFE or we are choosing death. It really is that simple. ….God wants SO much for us to choose LIFE, to choose HIM!!! Over and over again through scripture, stories and testimonies we can see Him calling, showing and telling us HOW to choose and follow Him. We just need to make the choice!! For me, this choice is made daily, sometimes hourly, and even minute by minute…I stumble quite frequently…but this reminds of David, and how God called him a man after His own heart!! God sees our hearts, not our mistakes. He lovingly and most faithfully guides us… we just have to be willing!!!

    Here are the scriptures that stood out to me today:
    Deuteronomy 30:6 …God is the one who circumcises our hearts. HE is the One who cuts away, sets apart, and helps us choose!!! I needed this reminder.
    Deuteronomy 30:14 ..near and dear…
    Deuteronomy 30:16-20 ..know God. Choose life!!!
    Ezekiel 6:26-27 …new heart and new spirit within.. Amen!!!
    Romans 10:9-10 …confess, believe, be saved ❤️

    Feeling very grateful today and SO blessed to be a part of this community!!! Love each of you ladies dearly!! Xoxo

  4. Anne Jones says:

    Thank you for all of your comments. I always look at them and learn from you and appreciate the fellowship with so many believing women.

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Once again, I am humbled by the fact that God chose me. There are days that I feel most undeserving of God’s love, so unworthy. The fact is I don’t deserve it, none of us do. But God gives us freely what we don’t deserve – salvation through faith in Christ, forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus that was shed for us. Today I am also reminded of God’s love & compassion – He knew way before the time, that the Israelites would forget Him and worship other gods, and even still – He made a way for them when there was no way, He does the same for us and He will do it again, and again and again. Thank you God for choosing us and for loving us so much that You pursue us even when we’ve walked away from You!

  6. Chris Swan says:

    After all the hard parts of Deuteronomy we are ending with beautiful visuals and beautiful promises!! Love the devotion today and the baby walking analogy. What a great future we all have with our God teaching us to walk in HIS was and ending up in heaven together!! Just beautiful.

  7. allie says:

    Alllllll the way back in 1999 I went to a Big Tent Revival concert instead of going to the Prom. They played one of my then-favorite songs, “Choose Life” and the Holy Spirit would frequently call the words to mind whenever I was facing decisions. I remember one day, about 8 years later, reading this chapter in Deuteronomy and finding these verses that the song draws from. Yes, this is an old, 90s song that is dated, but I think y’all might find it fun to listen to this song that coordinates exactly with today’s reading! I think you’ll have to copy and paste it but it’s a great way to remember what we read today!

  8. Taylor says:

    Loved the Ezekiel passage about God giving us a heart of flesh. My heart has been feeling like stone lately. Thankful that God never gives up, that He pursues us, that He loves us even when we mess up!