Born Thy People to Deliver Day 27

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 16:1-13, Matthew 1:18-25, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

When I was an ambitious twenty-year-old, fresh out of college, I hired a life coach to help me create a life statement. This document included my vision, mission, core values, and short- and long-term goals. My little optimistic and naive heart was full of big plans for my life. I was focused on my perceived strengths, and what I believed I could do and become in this world. 

Every year around this season, I sit down and read the plan I penned in my early twenties. Much of what I wanted to accomplish has yet to manifest. I am no longer the naive twenty-something-year-old woman. My hair has added a few gray strands and my heart has tasted disappointment in ways I never thought I would. 

My life has not gone how I expected it to, but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful. What I didn’t know in my twenties that I know now is that God’s plan for humanity is far greater than anything we could create on our own. His master plan is a love story that entails the relentless pursuit of a broken and sinful people.

In today’s reading, the apostle Paul reminds us of this truth in 1 Corinthians 1:26–31. God did not come for the self-sufficient or the perfect. He did not leave heaven and come to earth for those who had everything together. He came for the foolish, the weak, and the lowly. He came for people in need of a Savior: people like me. 

When Christ Jesus entered the scene, He did not come as one would expect a king to arrive. He clothed himself in flesh and embraced a lowly beginning. He was an unlikely king. Fourteen generations before Jesus, David was also seen as an unlikely ruler. In 1 Samuel 16:1–13, we see that he was overlooked by his earthly father. He was considered unlikely to be the next king by men but not by God.  

It was not David’s appearance that qualified him. The Lord reminded the prophet, Samuel, just as He reminds us all that He is not concerned with our outward appearance. He is concerned with our hearts. This was the case for David, and this is the case for you and me. Jesus, our unlikely deliverer, came for us, an unlikely people, to save us from our sins and to transform our hearts. 

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64 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 27"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    My life definitely didn’t go the way I planned. I got married later than I thought I would and decided to stay home with my daughter once she was born. I also saw myself as a working mom, so I was really surprised when God called me to stay at home with my daughter. I’m so glad that I followed God’s calling for my life. He found the best man for me to be my husband, and I love staying at home with my two daughters.❤️

  2. Donna Wolcott says:

    I echo the sentiments of each of you today! Wishing you and your families a Blessed and Merry Christmas. Safe travels for those going away and comfort and peace of heart for those whom this time of year is difficult. Hugs dear sisters!

  3. Rachel McKib says:

    Beautiful devotional!! ❤️

  4. Gwenna Pelz says:


  5. Kenya Rafferty says:

    I am always fascinated by the genealogy of Jesus and how the most unlikely, common people lead to his existence. It’s a beautiful reminder that our most well laid plans are not even ours to begin with. God has so much more for our lives than we could ever imagine. Prayers to sit faithfully in the anticipation of what is to come in my life.

  6. Brooke P says:

    Victoria E. I have been away from my app this advent trying to focus on writing intentional prayers during my study time now that I have a sweet 4 month old little boy. I am just now seeing that you are pregnant again and did move. PRAISE GOD!!!! Wow. I just want to say how special you are to me and you were such an encouragement to me while I was waiting for our boy in the midst of my miscarriages. You and all these She’s are a blessing and I am so thankful for your encouragement with psalm 27:13 which became my verse of meditation during that time : “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!”
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬! Thank you again.

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    Hello Shes– hugs to you all!

    @Lehua, you and your family have been in my prayers. I think about God’s justice… He isn’t unaware of your situation with work. May He bring you through this trial and may you grow in wisdom and strength in Him. “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” May God be your strength and glory < 3

    I just finished watching season 3 episode 2 of The Chosen last night. The story of Little James asking for healing was brought to mind during this study. Jesus promised to use his "weakness" to showcase God's glory to others. I think about my own weaknesses and how God continues to carry me through the worst days when they eat me up inside. May He be our shield and strength.

  8. Catherine McVey says:

    Wishing all of you beautiful She’s a very Merry Christmas. I look forward to all of your comments every morning. Praying you all have a warm, safe holiday season. Much love ❤️.