Born Thy People to Deliver Day 27

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 16:1-13, Matthew 1:18-25, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

When I was an ambitious twenty-year-old, fresh out of college, I hired a life coach to help me create a life statement. This document included my vision, mission, core values, and short- and long-term goals. My little optimistic and naive heart was full of big plans for my life. I was focused on my perceived strengths, and what I believed I could do and become in this world. 

Every year around this season, I sit down and read the plan I penned in my early twenties. Much of what I wanted to accomplish has yet to manifest. I am no longer the naive twenty-something-year-old woman. My hair has added a few gray strands and my heart has tasted disappointment in ways I never thought I would. 

My life has not gone how I expected it to, but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful. What I didn’t know in my twenties that I know now is that God’s plan for humanity is far greater than anything we could create on our own. His master plan is a love story that entails the relentless pursuit of a broken and sinful people.

In today’s reading, the apostle Paul reminds us of this truth in 1 Corinthians 1:26–31. God did not come for the self-sufficient or the perfect. He did not leave heaven and come to earth for those who had everything together. He came for the foolish, the weak, and the lowly. He came for people in need of a Savior: people like me. 

When Christ Jesus entered the scene, He did not come as one would expect a king to arrive. He clothed himself in flesh and embraced a lowly beginning. He was an unlikely king. Fourteen generations before Jesus, David was also seen as an unlikely ruler. In 1 Samuel 16:1–13, we see that he was overlooked by his earthly father. He was considered unlikely to be the next king by men but not by God.  

It was not David’s appearance that qualified him. The Lord reminded the prophet, Samuel, just as He reminds us all that He is not concerned with our outward appearance. He is concerned with our hearts. This was the case for David, and this is the case for you and me. Jesus, our unlikely deliverer, came for us, an unlikely people, to save us from our sins and to transform our hearts. 

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64 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 27"

  1. Mari V says:

    Good Morning ☀️ and HAPPY Friday!! I’m OFF until Jan 3rd and SO excited!! I,as well, liked what Kia said about Life not having gone as we had Expected but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful. I have to admit, (and this is not a- feel-sorry-me-Mari) sometimes I don’t feel beautiful. BUT GOD…. I am SO thankful God doesn’t see me the way I (and sometimes others) see myself. To HIM, My God, My Jesus, I am beautiful.

  2. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning She’s!! I am home for Christmas!! Last weekend my friends and I went to NYC and saw Wicked and Phantom of the Opera!! It was awesome, that was a long time bucket list item of mine to see those shows on Broadway!!! So fun! We got back Sunday so I was pretty tired working the first three days this week, but now I’m home :) thank you @Searching for your prayers and everyone who has prayed for me. After being on a medicine for a couple months now, I actually have noticed a difference with my anxiety and mood. I feel like I can think more clearly and I have been feeling better emotionally, praise God! And I am doing well in my job and am performing well. I wish I could share all my thoughts with you all, but it would take a lot of space haha. So thankful for our Advent readings and devos this week,they have been so encouraging. One thing I have been learning is definitely dealing around the topic of waiting. I listened to a podcast called Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson, its called “How to Trust God When What You’re Hoping for Just isn’t Happening”. But it was so encouraging for me. I’ve been convicted that there will always be seasons where I am wishing for the next season…wishing to be in a relationship, wishing for different circumstances,etc. I have really had to wrestle with living life now and trusting God with what is next. That doesn’t mean I sit around and don’t actively pursue my future/desires, but ultimately I have to trust that he is in the drivers seat. This past year was really hard for me, but it was a time that I had to decide who God is, even in the suffering. Even if he doesn’t answer my prayers in the way I want him to, he is still faithful, unchanging, and good. The Lord is working. Just like he was for the Israelites during the 400 years of “silence”. It may seem to us God is silent, but he is always working and preparing to accomplish his plans. Thankful for Jesus and that reminder this Christmas

  3. Dorothy says:

    As I read the Scripture in Matthew today a song I heard on the radio just recently pop into my head, it’s title “Joseph’s Lullaby” it’s by MercyMe. If you get a chance to listen to you should; it’s from Joseph’s point of view about the birth of Christ.

    This devotion really hit home and touched in many ways especially when Kia talked about how you plan or expect your life to go one way and it ends up going a totally opposite direction. When she wrote, “His master plan is a love story that entails the relentless pursuit of a broken and sinful people.”, I was shaking my head. Then at the end when I read, “He is concerned with our hearts.”, I thought how true this really is.

    Be blessed and “go with the flow” because more than likely that is God’s plan for you.

  4. Victoria E says:

    These devotions have really been hitting home every single day. After the infertility I struggled with and the blessing of our miracle IVF baby, I was sure we would have to wait for another embryo transfer to have another baby, which I was actually very ok with being in a new job and a new house with our 9 month old! But God had other plans, this surprise baby is completely out of left field and something I honestly thought would not be possible ! Not how I planned but God’s ways are better than my ways. Kaydee I see your and I understand your frustration- my husband took (seemingly ) forever to be ready to start our family but everything was good in the end in terms of God’s timing. Praying for you two to be united in this and focused on the two you have now.

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “My life has not gone how I expected it to, but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful.” What a great truth to carry with us and remember! It reminds me of so many scriptures, especially Isaiah 55:8-9 and Psalm 18:30 – His ways are not our ways – but His way is perfect! May I learn to have peace and contentment no matter what path God puts me on.

    Wishing all of my SRT sisters a blessed and Merry Christmas!

  6. Diane Mom says:


  7. Sarah Spangler says:

    This really spoke to my heart today ❤️

  8. Ruby E says:

    My life has not gone as I expected it to, but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful! Amen!
    Wishing all She’s a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year! Prayers for peace.