The Bible In A Year 70

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 13, Matthew 24

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102 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 70"

  1. Sarah says:

    Chelsea, do you know what’s at rock bottom? The cross, love. The cross is always there.

  2. Anna Dunner says:

    Chelsea I am lifting you up in prayers. Just remember repentance is healthy and an important part of the process but ultimately our great God wants you to bring it to him and surrender to him. Please don’t have shame see all the glory that Jesus is. He died for this and for you. There is a much bigger plan at work here growing and stretching you for glory. Hang in there my love. You are being forged.

  3. Chelsea says:

    Unclean. God, my heart is so unclean.
    I’m so convicted by this chapter of Leviticus…My leprosy isn’t obvious. It’s in my heart, and it’s eating me away.
    I’ve failed. So big. I’ve walked with the Lord my whole life, but just recently, I’ve fallen so out of step with Him. I’ve let my own wants and desires, and a guy I love with my whole heart, come before my relationship with Christ.
    And now my lovesick heart is broken, stomped to pieces by that same man who I thought would never hurt me.
    And now I’m shattered. So dirty. So unworthy.
    I’m begging for your prayers, sisters. I know I’m late in reading this, but if anyone sees this, please pray.

    1. Liz Ergle says:

      Chelsea, I am sending prayers for you.

    2. Mel says:

      I’ve been there too, Chelsea – remember that our God is BIGGER than any mistake we can ever make. He loves our repentant heart and will always welcome us back in His loving arms. I will be praying for you.

    3. Lily says:

      Chelsea, in the past month, the same thing has happened to me. My fiancé (whom I had loved more than my own relationship with God) left me after 7 years. Do not lose heart. God is good and he was walking with you all this time. He has a beautiful future that is good for you because he is a good good God. Although you may often feel such grief and heartbreak, make the choice to cling tightly to the foot of the cross and make God the Lord of your life again. He will give you forgiveness and peace to face each day ahead. You will be in my prayers!!

    4. Rilea says:

      Chelsea…my heart breaks for you…lifting you up to the Father, His arms are open wide waiting for you to walk towards Him. Hand Him your heart, every dirty, broken piece and He will put it back together again slowly but surely. Praying for you, dear sister! Remember that you are never too far gone…oh, please remember that you are loved. Praying healing through these words and the words of the Word.

    5. bella vanamstel says:

      praying for you

  4. Kylee says:

    “My master is delayed.” OH what a wicked servant I used to be! I remember many nights of partying too hard where a still small voice in my heart would tell me “no man knows the day or the hour….” And the terror would sober me up. Thank GOD my life has changed, & now I can live a life ready for His return at any time! Thank you Jesus!

  5. Carley says:

    I feel like I’m finally starting to understand Leviticus!

  6. Stephanie says:

    I know I’m behind, but today, Leviticus brought me to tears. I can be the most self centered person and God is still going to love me. Wow.

  7. Amanda says:

    It’s so interesting reading about The Elect, because that was a central belief within Puritan doctrine. I loved researching Puritan literature!

  8. Clara says:

    43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.