The Bible In A Year 70

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 13, Matthew 24

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102 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 70"

  1. Eleanor Hyde says:

    imagine the sores and molds all being sin. A little sin makes a whole body unclean. thank goodness that God sent Christ. we have already been declared clean and holy!

  2. Tammy says:

    The end times should have very little cause for anxiety to those who are saved. As a saved person, I will not go through the the tribulation. I will be raptures out first. Thank God for His mercy & grace!

  3. Cecalee says:

    Matthew was very powerful! I remember being a little girl and having my grandma tell me about this chapter in Matthew. She told me times would becomes wicked and then the Lord would comes save us!

  4. Chelsea Lynn says:

    Powerful verses

  5. Kaily says:

    As a nursing mother, verse 19 freaks me out! Anyone have any insight or connections from other scriptures? Is he describing his coming to us? Or something else?

    1. Stephanie says:

      I don’t really know but I always interpreted it as it would be very difficult if you had to flee to safety.

      I had two babies in 2 years and nursed them both for 4 years so I know the anxiety!

  6. Antimony says:

    Matthew 24:44 “For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will”. Nobody knows when He will return. Every generation has thought they were “living in the end times”. Think about Rome. Christians were burned as lanterns in garden parties. Important thing, it seems, is to be faithful and obedient regardless.

    1. Jac says:

      I am with you! Every generation has had signs of it being the end times, and has had those who have clung to that.

      (It used to give me serious anxiety, to be completely honest!)

      But once I realized I just need to live for Him and to be mindful of my surroundings, trying to honor God in all I do? The end times are no longer a cause for anxiety, and I have to live like they could come today or not in my lifetime at all! And to worry or try to find the time? It’s wasted, time I could be praising Him instead!

  7. JoAnna says:… check out this link. All you medical brainiacs would find it interesting. I know I did for sure!

    1. Wow these are quite intriguing! Thanks for sharing this :)

  8. JoAnna says:

    Ruth. You have all kinds of stuff. One of the big ones back then was leprosy.. But I’m sure there were other types of infections like staph and stuff like that. Both of those would turn the skin white at first. Staph then can become a boil or blister, both of which are contagious. Leprosy can turn the skin white initially, but will rot away chunks of skin. In the part where he talks about the burns.. He’s talking about 2nd and 3rd degree burns to be isolated, and they are deemed unclean if it gets infected.

    1. Ruth D says:
