Day 245

The Bible In A Year 245

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Isaiah 7-8, Acts 19:1-20

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60 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 245"

  1. Lisa says:

    Lord, I thank you ole gracious Father

  2. Chars says:

    Man purposes, but God disposes. It was folly for those to be trying to ruin their neighbours, who were themselves near to ruin. Isaiah must urge the Jews to rely on the assurances given them. Faith is absolutely necessary to quiet and compose the mind in trials. -Matthew Henry

  3. Chars says:

    “If you are not firm in faith,
    you will not be firm at all.’”

  4. Tricia Tembreull says:

    Acts 19: 11-12
    Do we believe that this same Holy Spirt wants to perform equally powerful miracles? So much so that a handkerchief or apron we touch could heal someone miles upon miles away. I have seen miracles greater than what is written in the Gospels and New Testament and still question the power of the Holy Spirit God wants to unleash through my obedient yes. Lord help my unbelief in myself which often looks like unbelief in you and your desire to heal each soul and be in union with each of us forever in heaven. Amen!

  5. SarahMay says:

    I read in both the NIV and HCSB sometimes, esp when there are things I don’t understand. This verses stuck out to me (I am using both translations here):
    Isaiah 8:12 Do not call everything a conspiracy everything that these people call a conspiracy;
    Do not fear what they fear; do not be terrified.
    [13 NIV The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy]
    13 You are to regard only the Lord of Hosts as holy.
    Only He should be feared;
    only He should be held in awe.
    17-I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from Jacob. I will put my trust in Him.

    Conspiracy–I didn’t realize that we as humans–from the beginning of time it seems–are prone to worry, prone to put more weight into what others (FB, news media?) propagate as important stories. Their motivation is clicks & likes & viewers. And it’s seems there’s been a lot lately that could strangle with fear if we allow it to!

    But God–His intention is that we fear/stand in awe and reverence of HIM ALONE. He is trustworthy. He is our provider. He makes a way where there seems to be no way (hello, 7:14, a virgin will conceive…?). When we fear what the world fears, there is NO way out. When we submit to our loving Father, Creator, Sustainer, Carrier of our Burdens, HE MAKES A WAY. Every time. He is never out of options. Hallelujah!!

    1. AnnieB says:

      Aaamen! It is the only way for me to have any peace lately. Turn my eyes on Jesus! Especially here in His Word- with you ladies!

      1. AnnieB says:

        SarahMay are you home yet? Is there anything specific we can pray for or do?

        1. SarahMay says:

          Yes I am, thank you! My home/car are okay, and work has kept me very busy (I’m a neonatologist and we have a very heavy load lately). The recovery in SE TX/LA will be a long haul–please keep praying although the news stories may move on. I have several friends impacted and it is so hard for them–so many decisions to make and agencies to contact/work with. If you want to give, my church (Houston’s First Baptist), Samaritans Purse, or Convoy of Hope are good orgs to go with. Their websites are easy to navigate. Thank you, sisters!

    2. Sara S says:

      I so needed to read this tonight. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Lyndsay says:

    how do you start from the beginning?

    1. Erin says:

      Lyndsay, if you go back to the page where it lists the readings for each day, you should be able to scroll back to January if you’d like to start at the beginning of the reading plan. There are arrows around September and you can just go back to January. :)

  7. Chelsey Thurman says:

    If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all. Isaiah 7:9

    I think this verse stood out to me the most, but it makes complete sense. Whenever I feel shaken or beat down or worried the first thing I need to check is my faith. If my faith is not firm in the Lord, how I am supposed to stand firm and the Lord is unable to use me as his vessel. Wow! Good word from the Lord tonight!

  8. Erin Latham says:

    17 When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor.

    20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

    Hallelujah!!! Let’s spread that word today, let it grow in power. The earth needs a wake up call!

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