Betrayed. My stomach turns at the word. I remember vividly when someone I loved dearly and deeply turned into an enemy. There was a proverbial knife in my back and I was hurt, angry, and aching. I wonder how many of you have walked through betrayal. It is awful. You’re powerless to stop the pain and you keep wishing in vain that it could somehow be a different story.
Jesus wished it could be a different story, too. Just before this scene in Mark where He is betrayed by Judas and arrested, He was in a garden on his knees in deep distress, begging His Father to take the cup (Mark 14:35). Jesus knew what was coming and that it would feel unbearable. He’d asked His three dearest friends on earth to pray for Him, too—but three times, He comes to find them asleep. In His deepest hour of need, dreading what lies before Him, His friends can’t even keep their eyes open.
I can’t imagine how lonely this must have felt. And yet, Jesus is not a victim, but a volunteer.
In the middle of a crowd armed with swords and clubs, in response to the excruciating task set before Him, Jesus says, “…the Scriptures must be fulfilled” (v.49).
And even as He utters these words, “…everyone deserted him and fled” (v.50). Jesus will face this dreaded mission alone, and eventually even His own Father will have to turn His back as Jesus takes upon Himself all of our shame and iniquity—all our brokenness upon His broken body and into His breaking heart (Mark 15:34).
Son of Man, Son of God, Living Word—betrayed for our sake. He drinks the cup of death that we deserve, so that our cups might overflow.
Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated?
You are not alone.
Our Savior suffered, too. He suffered for us, so we could know that we never face betrayal or any sort of suffering alone. Emmanuel, God with us. Let’s take our pain, our breaking hearts, our anger, our questions, and all the things in life that make us feel powerless and helpless to Him today.
He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.

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87 thoughts on "Betrayed and Arrested"
I just saw your comment, Amy, and want you to know I’m praying as well
I just saw your comment as well, Amy. I am so sorry as will be praying for you and your family.
I know most everyone has already been through this study and my comment will probably go unnoticed, but I need prayer. My family needs prayer. My dad needs healing. He was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer this past October and we are watching him waste away. It’s so so so very difficult; he has always been my strong and steady go to and now he can’t shower by himself. Even now, he seems fearless, but I’m scared to death. Not because I don’t know if he will go to heaven; for that I am certain, but I’m afraid to feel anymore of this excruciating pain in my heart. I have often asked God many times where He is and why is this happening. Please, pray for my family and I. Thank you.
Hi Amy. This is so sad. I saw your comment and wanted you to know I’m praying for you and your family. -Hppr
Hi Amy! I wanted you to know that I’m so sorry for your pain and I will be praying! <3
Just saw your comment Amy, but I am praying hard for your family! Praying for healing for your dad, and peace and understanding for you and your family! The Lord will never abandon you, lean on him through this hard time and he will ease your burdens.
Amy, it’s been a long time since you left this prayer request, but I saw it today. I don’t know what your reality and needs are now, but I’m asking God to fill you with his presence and peace.
Dearest Amy, it has been a while since you asked for prayer but I wanted you to know I read it. And I lift you up in God’s sweet, loving arms of peace and love. May His Spirit fill you in ways you know it’s Him. Bless you and know God is with you!
really enjoy to read your article and it's really great article. i'm a fan of lord of the ring and i like Sting and also like Sting Sword i have all swords of lord of the rings and it's amazing.
Thank you I needed this – especially today. Many feelings whelming up inside me, and God's Spirit is working in me to trust God at all times.
Not a victim but a volunteer!!! I want to wear that attitude today!!! Believing that I am set free by the blood of Christ. It’s so monstrously wonderful. Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity. Claiming this today!
It’s so comforting to know that God is ALWAYS with us! And we have the opportunity in every situation to make the best of it, to choose joy, to try to further God’s kingdom and not waller in self-pity. Jesus changes everything!!
I’ve known deep betrayal in my life that the memories of can leave me breathless and stunned to this day. It is a learning journey often filled with pain as I turn to Jesus for healing of these wounds and the strength to walk with Him through them and while living with the aftermath. He is faithful to me -pouring truth and love into my life. And yet I so easily stumble and dessert the truth and my living savior at what seems like the slightest provocation or inconvenience in daily life. My sin and unbelief shows itself daily. It is discouraging. I am tempted to hide from Him in shame. But he knew long ago how I would struggle and he loves me and desires my healing. So I half turn-learning to trust He will forgive me, that he loves me and he’s always there doing just that.
What is so amazing to me is that we as humans want to retreat, we want to plot revenge and make things right for ourselves when we are betrayed. But, Jesus, he is the human example that shows no matter how you are betrayed, look to the Father, ask for understanding and the ability to forgive, and forgive the one who has betrayed you. We do it every,single,day to our Father in heaven, how could we possibly seek revenge for those souls around us who betray us, but expect different from our Father? Thank you Lord for the ultimate power and love that you had to continue on the path that God required of you to save us from separation from you for eternity because of the betrayal we inflict!
I admit I haven't been keeping up to date with these daily readings but I'm already having a bad week and I decided to take some time out of my stressful week to catch up on these readings. Recently, I have been betrayed and it has really been getting to me and reading this reminds me of how Jesus too was betrayed and he suffered for all us and it just makes me so thankful to him for everything.
So glad you joined us today, sister! Praying for the rest of your week!
I have to admit that in the many years that I have heard the story of Christ on the cross it has never affected me. I saw Jesus as a God, not a human. Big deal he endured suffering that’s what he was suppose to do, right? I am ashamed to have seen something different today. Jesus was a man, a good man, a loyal man yet he was betrayed by someone so close to him! That got to me. Loyalty is what I hold on to, and to know that such a good man was betrayed by his own. I feel the deep hurt and loneliness Jesus must have felt being arrested. Arrested by the same ppl he saw at the temple day in and day out. Betrayal to know they had a sleezy plan all along. Just before that he was “anguished” praying to God. Anguish means expressing intense pain, wounded tortured, sorrow, irreparable loss. Thats what anguished means, he wasnt just praying, he was so deeply tormented. This journey for him was not easy yet he did it! There has to be a higher purpose. He supposely did it for us. For me that i take it for granted. He was in deep distress to the cross that God sent an angel to strenghthen him! Finishes with “the scriptures have to be fulfilled”. What?! How many times have i thought of giving up over small things! I admire this man!!!!!! i can’t say that i fully get the point of Jesus dying for our sins, but i do believe there is a spiritual world out thee that we do not comprehend but that all this is being done amd was done for that spiritual purpose.
It is truly incredible how God never fails to give exactly what you need when it is most needed. I had a tearful, at times angry, conversation with a close friend about living with pain and betrayal while still trying to trust and seek God’s plan. This devotional (and 2 before it) speak such truth, truth that i desperately needed to hear. We are not alone! We can take our suffering to God and relieve our burdens. Praise God for his unending mercy. Thanks you, SRT, for continuing to spread the truth when it is most needed.
So thankful for this reminder. Such a beautiful portrayal.
Morning Ladies! Wow! I have been enjoying SRT since the fall. I have missed much during this Lentin study. I wish I wouldn’t have. I’m thankful I can go back and catch up. I have still been in the word.
Reading peoples comments is so encouraging. I seem to feel that I’m the only one going through these hard times. I agree that I want to learn what God has for me in this time of my life and I don’t want to sit in my self pity. I’m so thankful that Christ willingly died for my sins. He understands and He loves me/us! Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice, Your love, and Your leaving heaven and becoming a man and taking on human flesh….You understand! May You be praised may You have all the glory!!! Thank You for forgiveness, mercy, and grace!
Wonderful passage that reminds us how truly selfless Jesus was. He suffered and agonized over the betrayal that he knew was coming. His 3 closest friends let him down in the garden when all he wanted was their prayers. The passage has such raw emotion that I empathize with Jesus rather than sympathize with him. The devotional is beautifully written and it comes at a time when I need this in my life. Thank you
"Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated? You are not alone."
These words were so powerful to read. I have had some things going on in my personal life that have left me feeling so betrayed and alone. Sometimes it's easy to forget we are NEVER alone. Definitely a reminder I needed!
This is honestly the first time that I have realized that Jesus deeply understands my gut wrenching feelings of betrayal. I year ago I experienced the trail on a level that I have never in my entire life. It rocked me to the core and challenged so much of what I thought was truth. In the midst of it all I clung to Jesus for dear life and every single day he gave me abundant grace. I literally oozed Grace from every pore in a way that I never thought would’ve been possible. It was clearly supernatural. I’m so grateful to be on the other side of that dark season of my life and I’m also grateful tonight for a savior who not only held me up during that time but who also deeply understood what I was going through
Kind of in the middle of this right now. Trying to recover from an incredibly personal betrayal. And just experiencing a crisis at work that I just never even imagined I would face. Feel so overwhelmed with these crises all coming at once. But also know that they have driven me back towards God in a way that little else could. Pray for me. Having to make some very tough decisions in the next couple days.
My hearts break at this passage. I’m playing one of the apostles (James/son of A) in the Passion Play that my Church puts on two weeks before Easter and this just got way more personal. It definitely puts a different perspective on my role when we’re in the garden of gethsemane scene. It really makes you realize that He wasn’t just referring to the apostles back then but to us now too. wow. Thank you for this study. please keep the passion play cast and crew in your prayers please as we begin our opening night this sunday. god bless sisters :)
Jesus knew and loved the man that he knew would one day betray him. What love without expectation. I’m coming from a desert place – a place my own choices led me – fearful to even join a discussion and praying group of women. Believing God led me here for a reason. Today’s reading confirms that even more. This passage just wrecks me – ultimately it’s the sin of every man that brought Jesus here – my sin. But he loves us more than we can ever love… oh how great the Father’s love for us.
Amen! We are all in the same boat, no one deserving So happy you joined us:)
Amen! No one here is better or more deserving of His great love than anyone else. Isn’t that so amazing. ! “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. ” (Ephesians 3:18 NLT)
So glad you’re reading with us!
I’ve experienced several moments of betrayal the past few months – shocking and hurtful instances that’ve left me feeling shattered and bitter. I needed this reminder today, that Jesus suffered through the pain of betrayal in order to save me. To save US. Jesus, help me lean on you the next time the sting of betrayal makes my heart feel defeated and in need of repair!
"Let the scriptures be fulfilled" really spoke to me and it is heart breaking as it takes me to yesterdays verse "Not my will, but yours". Thank you Jesus! Thank you SRT for this amazing Lenten study. I have been lead down a lighted path this season to see where I can more obedient to Him, examine my sinful places and truly see how heavy of a load He carried us. So enlightened this season.
Happy First Day of Spring SRT Sisters!
Oh, I love this, Sandy! Thanks for sharing. Happy First Day of Spring to you!
Beautiful, beautiful words. I'm so tempted to focus on the "bad guys" in the Easter story, being broken over what was done to Jesus rather than over His love for me. Hiding this in my heart.
The suffering of being left all alone by the closest people in your life at your greatest time of need. Jesus knew suffering; and not just suffering that we can't fathom like dying on the cross, but everyday suffering like betrayal. I am taking away today that not only am I not alone in my suffering, he understands my suffering & knows exactly how to comfort me in my time of need. Jesus, help me to approach your throne of grace boldly and not with shame, knowing that you are my loving Father that just wants to care for me. Someone posted yesterday this verse from Hebrews 2:18 and I think it fits perfect for todays too.
Since Jesus himself has now been through suffering and temptation, he knows what it is like when we suffer or are tempted AND he is wonderfully able to help us.
Today, I feel the burden to make my self acceptable for Him. I often carry burdens I shouldn't have to, but I am so familiar with that. My whole life I have taken the responsibility , or I guess the blame in my family for a lot. When I first became a Christian, I was so on fire, but now I find my self struggling and just trying so hard. Yet, I know Gods kingdom isn't about trying harder, it's about grace. on top of that is fear, fear that I am not do anything right.
Please pray for me. I hope this is just a season, not my entire life.
Hi Emily–I will pray for you as you requested. You’re not alone, I relate to your comment re:being on fire for Jesus at the beginning. I have not been in the Word consistently for so long…that’s why finding SRT is a huge blessing and just what I need to get back into the swing of an intentional time reading Scripture. I just joined yesterday and love it already! This is my first experience in an online community. So back to praying for you…my prayer is that he will cast out all fear with his perfect love and that you will be encouraged in this season you’re in. God bless you! :)
Hi ladies!
I am just joining the SheReadsTruth family today. And what a way to be welcomed with this scripture passage. Lately, I have been struggling with feeling betrayed, less than enough, insignificant. But God reminded me today that I AM NOT ALONE. My Jesus suffered, and he is holding my hand through my storm even when I feel most alone. And my father would volunteer to suffer… for me? I am surely not small. But wonderful and perfect in my heavenly Father's eyes. What a humbling and refreshing moment. I look forward to spending time in the word every morning with you sisters. :)
Yay! Welcome!
Welcome, friend! So glad you joined us today! Looking forward to seeing you around :)
Wow. What amazing truth this morning! I am reminded of all the times I have been betrayed but also I am convicted of how many times I have betrayed someone. How many times do I betray Jesus and deny what he's done for me on the cross by turning to my flesh and rejecting his truth? How many times do I betray God by deliberately sinning against him? Thankfully because of Jesus, I no longer have to feel guilty or shameful about those sins. He continues to love me and persue me. He wants to help kill my sinful desires and tenancies. His love is unceasing and he is faithful when I am not. Jesus is able to accomplish far more than I could ever dream. Thank you Jesus, for drinking the cup for me!
As I read this mornings devotional, I am overwhelmed by the betrayal that faced Jesus from one who walked, ate, listened and called himself disciple. But I think about when I have been betrayed and when I have been betrayer. How both of these things grieve my heart. But when I think of what Jesus was facing, knowing of what was to come I can't help but stand in awe. Awe that he was willing to be a volunteer for me. To know the agony he was facing but loving me more, more than betrayal, more than being separated from the Father, taking my sin on so I would never have to know the agony of being separated from our Perfect Heavenly Father.
He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.
Such beauty, truth and love!!!
We all at some point have been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused and unfairly treated. There is not one at some point that has been misunderstood and rejected. As we grow in faith we should look more and more like Him as the years pass by. When He was wounded, He could have allowed Peter to cut off one of His accusers ear. Eye for an eye….(Isn't that what we thought before the coming of our Savior). He knew that they truly did not understand the purpose and that the ultimate goal was to set His people free. He didn't allow the distractions to enter His mind because He was secure in his relationship with the Father. Jesus was not a victim, but a volunteer. How many of us can release our pride and volunteer to lay our lives down for the sake of someone else?
A sobering reminder that He endured it all so we don’t have to.
The enemy loves when we wallow in self pity. When we think our pain is somehow worse then someone else’s, we feel justified to stay where we are…stuck. Jesus came to set us free! This passage shows us his humanity and that He really can “sympathize in our weakness”. He paid too high a price for us to remain stuck in our pain-whether it be resentment, unforgiveness, betrayal ect.
Yes! Thank you Jesus!
Such beauty in today's description of Jesus and His experience of betrayal and pain. I was profoundly moved with the Scripture reference to Judas kissing Jesus on the cheek as he gave Him up to the mob. Jesus endured that closeness of his disciple who sold Him out…He knows our painful stories and MORE. Thank you for so lovingly and craftily delivering this needful message to us.
He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.
I´ve known freedom. I´ve known never being alone. I´ve known what it is to be held in the arms of Love. I haven´t known betrayal like Jesus experienced (or like many who have commented) by any means (yet?), but reading Ellie´s words help me to see how his arrest, desertion, and betrayal have gifted me this freedom, companionship, and His arms of true Love. Thank you, Lord.
I had a best friend of 10 years who turned her back on me for someone else that would not stay by her side for more than another 8 months. It was heartbreaking and it has been hard for me to forgive. How comforting it is though to know that all of Jesus’ friends fled from him as well. How amazing it is to know that Jesus knows each and every one of our sorrows. Lord help me to forgive as you forgave and to love as you love.
wow, hey any one of you mind shortly helping with the son and father idea? how God turns away from God so to speak?
Wow this was powerful writing and yes I believe most of us have been betrayed . Painful , disappointment, and angry and deeply hurt are a few of the words I agree with the guest writer today . Thank you Jesus for taking all of our pain & disappointments with you .
I have learned so much each day from your all your Lent Season's writing .
Thank you so much !!!!
I don’t know if I fully understand that there is nothing I can experience, that Jesus hasn’t experienced. He gets this life. He was here, he walked it. He knows.Help me remember that Jesus, so I remember to run to you first.
It is this willing sacrifice of our Savior that is most on my mind today. With his help, I am keeping the promises I made at the beginning of Lent. Today, as I laid more sins at the foot of his cross, begging forgiveness, a change of heart, a change of ingrained habits, I know he will help me again. Our sweet Lord, who allowed himself to be betrayed, did it so that we would have a soft place to fall in out time of need. I am so grateful. I cannot do this on my own, without Him.
Emmanuel – God with us – sweetest words in any language. Amen. Thank you SRT – for this Lenten study and your leadership that keeps our hearts and prayers in daily rejoicing and thanksgiving with our Father, Saviour and Holy Spirit.
“But the Scriptures must be fulfilled”. This is true even in our troubles today! Jesus can remind us that even He knew the Scriptures were THAT important and still are today!
Oh that we would not forget and spend our lives in response to this beautiful gospel message!
Ellie! I love hearing from you on here and love your music so, so much. ;)
Ellie, I love your last line. "He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love." I took a deep breath, and told my Jesus thank you for all He did, thank you for loving me, and thank you for holding me. Oh, what comfort to be held in the arms of Love.
There is no lonelier feeling than betrayal. Especially painful when it is administered by a loved one. I’ve felt the hammering blow, and with my wounds wide open and pain searing through me, I cried out to Jesus. I wanted justice but he administered grace. His words were clear and precise, “I was betrayed too, are you any better than me?” That was an immediate charge to “suck it up, buttercup”. The pain was still there, the wound was still open. An ugly scar reminds me to pray for this loved one. I didn’t want to, but I am required to. It’s easier now, but without Christ’s grace this could have become gangrene and cost me even more. I’m so thankful that I listened and obeyed.
Oh man, this is good stuff. I never thought of Jesus as volunteer ("I volunteer as tribute"– sorry, I couldn't resist). But seriously, Jesus volunteered and went through all that He did with His eyes wide open. He knew what He was doing. He knew what was going to happen. He did it for me and for you. And He'd do it all over again. What love and comfort I am feeling in this today.
So true, this is such a comfort to me. thank you Jesus!
This study is really opening my eyes to the humanity of Jesus. Growing up reading or hearing the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus – these events have become all too ‘common’ in my mind. But these daily SRT insights have been so helpful in giving me fresh eyes and perspective. Praying for a soft heart to allow Him to reveal hurts and wounds today so that I can take them to Him. Because “He was arrested so we could be set free.”
I agree completely.
He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love….
Elle, beautiful words…beautifully said….even if a little hard to swallow….
We need these days before Easter, the resurrection…to be so reminded of the Love, the Grace, the faithfulness of this Son of God, who gave everything…everything for us to be free, love foe always, and never ever alone…
Weeping, as I write, but so very thankful for this gift of Love, …Thank you Lord Jesus…Thank you…
There will always be power in the name of Jesus…Sister's…sending love, love love…
Yes Tina I am also weeping and convicted.
Wounds of a friend cut deep. When I consider the journey to the cross, the beatings, floggings, and the nails come to mind. But, this betrayal, the abandonment–those wounds were real and so deep. They were a part of the suffering He endured on my behalf. When Isaiah speaks of the Man of Sorrows being despised and rejected, I always connected that to the Pharisees and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 53:3). He was despised and rejected by His best friends, the men He had walked with for three years. "And as one from whom men hide their faces …" Those friends ran from the garden in the dark of night, leaving their Rabbi, their Savior alone. "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:4). As Ellie said, "Our Savior suffered, too. He suffered for us, so we could know that we never face betrayal or any sort of suffering alone."
I could not wake up this morning and decided to just stay in bed and read my morning SRT instead of going to my chair with my coffee (where I know I’ll actually be coherent). As soon as I opened the app-“are you still sleeping and resting?! Enough!”. Convicting!!! Haha. Jesus just busted into my bedroom like my mom used to.
This is so powerful today. I’m constantly thinking about the job I feel I’m about to leave, or the cleanliness of my house, or how tired I am, or my husbands business, or silly things. And today there is a super moon and a solar eclipse and the spring equinox. While I am not one to believe the world is ending today, it is certainly a reminder that the Lord is coming back and we shouldn’t waste our time on meaningless things that we can’t take to Heaven. While I’ve felt betrayed a lot by my job in the last few months, I’ve learned that none of it matters and the Lord keeps telling me to abide in Him. This is just another reminder to abide in Him as Jesus did, and not to grow weary in it. Thank you Ellie!
I saw those three BIGGIES yesterday in the news too! Lol, I agree I don't look for signs but we don't have to look too hard today do we? We are surrounded with chaos but in the midst of it all, Jesus gives perfect peace and tells us that our focus is to Spread the Good News that He died, rose again, gives life more abundantly here on this earth and is coming again to take us to our eternal home. A place we could never begin to describe or comprehend. The Bible says we will pray, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus"…I believe we are getting close to that time. ♥
This made me smile! I think God truly has a sense of humor in the way that He convicts us of the seemingly small things. I have to be awake, coffee in hand, before I can process what I read also.
While reading the scripture and devotional this morning, I thought of the times I had been betrayed, but I was also convicted of the times I have been the betrayer. The times I said I will pray for you, but forgot. The times, I felt justified in saying what was on my mind, but it cut someone deep. Sometimes we are the betrayer, the sleeper, and yes we often justify our actions in our own mind.
Today, I pray that my thoughts, words, and actions only bring glory to God, my father.
Ouch, so true Gayle. Lord, help us bring glory to You alone!
This is beautiful! Thank you! I found myself checking Facebook right before bed last night, as I often do, since I like to stay off of it as much as possible during the day. Bad idea. When I did get in bed, I couldn't sleep for the betrayal and hurt expressed by different ones in my feed. And also by the burden of "what can I do to encourage them in their situation?" Not that I'm responsible for what they are experiencing, but that isn't the point of encouraging, is it?
I don't know if this is related to the topic here at all, but I have always wondered that Judas had to betray Jesus by showing the crowd who He was with a kiss. What about all the people who looked for him at every feast (see the book of John)? Or the people he taught in the temple when he was in Jerusalem all those times? How could these people not know which man was Jesus?
And his friends who were to be praying with him! I am those friends! I forget prayer requests and have to speak generic prayers when I remember that this or that friend had a request. I have to confess to God that I don't remember all the people who mentioned requests to be prayed for, nor do I remember the details of their request. I fall asleep in the middle of my pitiful intercessions.
And yet, it was for those disciples… the one who fell asleep during His agony and fled from His pain… it was for those in the crowd who came with clubs when He had walked peacefully among them in the marketplace that He suffered and died. He died for me, the betrayer. How humbling! How praise-invoking! How thanks-building!
Have a fantastic Friday, ladies!
"Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man." This stuck out to me today too…I just assumed about everyone knew who Jesus was but Judas tells them ahead of time he would kiss the one they were to arrest. Little did they know that The Betrayer wouldn't have to point to anyone…Jesus would give Himself willingly!!
What a wonderful Volunteer we have that gave His life so we wouldn't have to. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Yes! What an amazing revelation. What a beautiful truth. What a sobering reminder. Thank you, Ellie (and Jesus!).
I thought of praying alone, how often does someone ask us to pray with them, and we too “fall asleep in the garden”. Was this harder on Jesus than the betrayal of Judas? I remember the time someone could not remember my sons name, and I had been praying for her children by name for years as we agreed. I felt betrayed. How am I doing this in my life?
This made me realize how often I have a "woe is me" attitude. May I be accepting of the Lord's will for my life. As an epistle of God, let His Word be fulfilled. Jesus prayed for another way, but realized that the cross was the only way. He didn't "give up," He graciously surrendered.
I also just realized something else. Jesus prayed three times about this. Did Paul mirror this act in his confession to the Corinthians? 2 Cor 12:8-10 "Three times I prayed to the Lord about this and asked him to take it away. But his answer was: "My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak." I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
Not that we should only pray about things three times, because Jesus also told the parable of the woman who went to the king so many times with her request that he finally granted her petition.
Whether we petition our King three times or hundreds, may we surrender to His answer. If our requests are granted, or if the answer is "no," may we be gracious. God has a plan, no matter how difficult the cross may be to bear… may we rejoice that we are used in His plan.
I love the many, many connections in scripture. Thanks for sharing this, Zuriel.
Goes so well with the thought that keeps going through my mind: God is a judge, but also our refuge!
That sinking feeling of betrayal, we've all felt it in one way or another whether it be at teh hands of a dear friend or even as simple as a stab from a coworker. It hurts. No doubt about it. It leaves you feeling raw and unprotected from the sting of the salty wind. However, just as we are told again and again in the Message: we are not the only ones who have felt this sense of loss and hurt. No, not at all. Our very own Savior felt these very same feelings and the most jaw dropping/eye opening fact is that even though he knew good and well what everyone would do, even his very own friends (I think of Peter and the rooster), he still chose to sacrifice his life so that they/we might live free of the sting and heartbreak that eternal death brings. One word: WOW.
I think that the one thing that stuck out to me today was the fact that he knew he was going to be hurt and yet he chose to follow through for the sake of others. I want to take this example with me as I continue about this journey. I'm bound to be hurt down the road (that's not pessemisim that's just the hard truth about life….believe me I have hated on myself for being pessemistic at times and it has taken a while for me to accept that there is a difference between living in a state of pessemism and simply facing the facts of life as they come. I can fully say that I am not a pessemistic/ "Debbie Downer"…although I'm sure we all have those tendencies); howevever, I can still find peace and joy in these times because the one person/being that will never let me down is my God. Evven though we hurt him, he still loves us unconditionally.
Thank you, Daddy for bringing this message to us this morning. Feeling down and betrayed in life is one of the lowest feelings I have ever experienced and you know that I have struggled with carrying those weights even after "the wound" was healed; however, you reminded me today that it's okay. It's okay to feel hurt. It's not teh end. Life does not adn will not end with betrayal. It ends with your arms outstretched and waiting for us to run into your embrace. I cannot wait until that day. Until then, I want to take this example of your son's faithfulness with me as I journey through these next two weeks. You know the life or death circumstances that the doctors have given me and as hard as it is to type these words….not my desire, not the world's desires, but yours be done in this recovery. I trust you. I love you. Amen.
Ladies, I hope that you all have a wonderful Friday and that you end today with a sense of peace and remember that you are worth it. The world may try to tell you otherwise, but you are worth it. Our God proves it each and every day through his provision and love.
Much love to you all.
Thank you, Renee! God bless you and may He restore you completely in Jesus name! Much love to you!
Renee I pray for God to bring you thru your circumstances with the doctors words to you. May He heal you and make you to walk in His complete peace and rest in His love THAT WILL PROVE TO BE FAITHFUL TO YOU BECAUSE HE IS EVER FAITHFUL AND WILL BRING YOU THROUGH, Love to you in Christ my sister, diane
“all our brokenness upon His broken body and into His breaking heart (Mark 15:34).”
Jesus subjected himself to being torn apart so that we could be built up in the love of Jesus. I need to be reminded of the sacrifice He made for us. It is that choice that should change our hearts. His love alone, love that broke Him, that will begin a movement in my soul.
On top of that He was betrayed so I could be wrapped up in God’s loving arms. Oh to be held there. To feel His unending care in a grip that never lets go! May that feeling hold me to Thee, Oh Father.
Thank you for Your great love, Lord Jesus. No matter what.
Well-written and so true. It’s comforting to know that Jesus was a man of sorrows, familiar with grief. He can heal our wounds.