A Ministry of Invitation

Open Your Bible

Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 7:36-50, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 14:15-24, James 2:1-13

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus sought out the sinners and those on the edges of society to eat at His table. So we reach out with our words and actions, inviting others to join us in the good news of the King’s table, toward the promised end when God’s people are welcomed fully into His presence. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about what you can do to invite others into God’s presence. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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56 thoughts on "A Ministry of Invitation"

  1. Bonnie A says:

    Thank you for your forgiveness God

  2. ERB says:

    Forgot to comment yesterday.. so I am doing it today!

    James 2:10
    *Wow! This is convicting and humbling in such a GOOD way!!! Thank you for this revelation, adjustment and reminder!! So thankful for You God!!

    James 2:12-13
    *speak and act through love, Christ’s love (the law of freedom) He redeems and restores us to God!! May we live the greatest commandment (love) out!! Thank You Father for Your mercy and for Your judgment!! Thank You that You triumph over ALL!!! So Grateful!!

    Luke 14:18
    *excuses… my flesh loves excuses!! And they are one of the easiest things to fall prey to!! Lord help me not to excuse myself but to subject myself to You!! Give me an unquenching desire to please You and to attend to anything that You ask of me!! Help me to stop at the sound of Your voice, wait and obey!! Keep me tapped and tuned in with You, always prepared (I think of the 10 virgins and their lamps) and waiting with joy and faith-filled expectancy!! Thank You Father!! Amen!!

    Luke 7:41-48
    *This woman’s love for Jesus and how she displays it… Wow!! It gets me every time!! She doesn’t care AT ALL how others look at or perceive her, she only cares that she gets to show her love for Jesus!! Wow!! May I be more like this woman!! I also love the reminder that those who are forgiven much, love much!!! It reminds me that ALL sin is the same in God’s eyes, whether it is pride, stubbornness, a harsh word, idolatry, sexual deviancy or murder, it is all the same!! And this reminds me that there is SO much that God forgives me of every single day, hourly & minute by minute!! It humbles me in such a good way!! Thank You Father! Amen.

    Mark 10:15
    *I love the reminder to be childlike, a child gives you their whole heart, complete trust and joy!! Help me to be more childlike God!! I also love the reminder that we are children of God! May we act and live like we are!! Amen.

  3. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Mercy over judgment.

  4. Susie Basham says:

    I strived to treat everyone the same. I pray that I can be convicted if I am not or if I judge before I know the person

  5. Adrianne says:

    It always amazes me that our God sent Jesus to us to remind us that everyone is welcome at the table. That even when you sin, you are still welcome. That if you repent and have enough faith to believe you are welcome in the arms of our Lord.

  6. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday ladies! I agree I am so open to accepting certain people who I have empathy for like my cancer patients but yet I have the HARDEST time accepting a coworker who’s not the easiest to work with. I don’t know why I can be like that and I pray to do better everyday. Thank you all so much for the prayers! I am so so nervous and have even shed some tears today haha.

  7. Kelli Harrell says:

    I’m encouraged by the desire of mercy instead of sacrifice. Thank goodness that is not what God wants most from me. He wants to give me unconditional forgiveness. I was convicted by the banquet story this time because I’m afraid I am all too often the one that is too busy to dine with or be in the presence of Jesus. Lord increase my passion and make you my Priority!!