A Ministry of Invitation

Open Your Bible

Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 7:36-50, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 14:15-24, James 2:1-13

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus sought out the sinners and those on the edges of society to eat at His table. So we reach out with our words and actions, inviting others to join us in the good news of the King’s table, toward the promised end when God’s people are welcomed fully into His presence. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about what you can do to invite others into God’s presence. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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57 thoughts on "A Ministry of Invitation"

  1. Mercy says:

    A creditor had two debtors. One owned little, and one owed much. The one that is forgiven much is capable of loving his/her forgiver much more. I think about this in the context of marriage. Marriage is the context how we relate to God and relate to the faulty significant other (just like us). I see a vast difference between a God-centered marriage, and a secular one. The one where Godly principles are followed and obeyed, forgiveness is sown, and the husband loves the wife much more, for he was forgiven much (and vice versa, the wife loves her husband much more when he puts away her wrongs and visits that no more). In the secular marriage, bitterness and resentment is a stronghold, stemming from comparison of efforts, chores & income contributions, love drowns in the absence of forgiveness. The one who is forgiven much, loves much. Forgiveness sets the capacity of love. Much forgiveness, much love. Who is without fault?

    On this note, would you please pray for my parents’ marriage? There has been some bad things, and it broke my heart. Can you please pray for my dad and my mom to be able to forgive the wrongs and move past, and no longer keep a life-long records of wrongs (trash)? My mom held on to the right to be angry like it gives her some sort of leverage, and that equally is a torturer. This has indirectly affected so many of us on our mental wellness. Thank you so much for your prayers.❤️

    @LINDA KING: may your laser eye procedure go well and good recovery.
    @MICHELLE PATIRE: what lovely thought you had, and prayers for your heart desires to be soon granted, and joining you in prayers for our single she’s.
    @MUNCHKIN: you need to be healed first before you can get back out there. Because the guardedness you have on reflects some degree of hurts that might still linger.
    @THEBESTISYETTOCOME: rejoicing with you, may you have a safe trip with your baby.
    @KIMBERLY Z: prayers for all to go well this weekend, may it be full of laughters.
    @KELLY (NEO): “Do you see this woman?” what a question to pause at! Thank you for pointing this out.
    @RHONDA J: amazing story, lifting more prayers for the ladies in jail, for their hearts to be receptive on new changes to come. And you are SO good!
    @TINA: ❤️
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that God would help me to love those who are different from me and those who are looked down upon in our society. I pray that I would make everyone feel welcomed and accepted in my presence.

  3. Donna Wolcott says:

    Sisters, so many wonderful sharing’s today! At one time on my day off, I would volunteer at a dental clinic in a homeless shelter (I worked in dentistry). We had sort of a sliding scale for payment, but most had no money. Many would feel bad after their appointment because they had nothing to give. One thing many offered was asking if they could pray for me. WOW, more precious than money, and I definitely needed those prayers. They had faith to share and to give.

  4. Linda King says:

    This is at the last minute but I am having a laser procedure on my eye in just a little bit. I’d appreciate your prayers. Thank you!

  5. KimN says:

    Good morning all!
    I noticed in today’s readings that not only does Jesus offer invitations but he also ACCEPTS invitations.
    Matthew and the Pharisee both invited Jesus to dinner (likely both with very different motivations!) and he accepted! This spoke to me because I tend to keep to myself somewhat and often look for reasons NOT to accept invitations to various things. But as many have said today, how do I shine the light of Jesus if I’m not around people?!
    Rev3:20 “Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends.” (NLT)
    I feel this verse shows the invitation (I knock at the door) and the acceptance of our invitation to his knock (I will come in)!! Thank you Lord!

  6. Kris says:

    Its interesting to me to see how often Jesus hung out with the riff-raff. And then I think, “How often do I hang out with the unfavorable people in my world?” This is where I tend to get uncomfortable. It’s not pleasant to hang with people who are out of my social circle. I’ve had contact with people who are “messy” and its draining. But isn’t this what we’re called to do? Aren’t we supposed to care about those people? Like Jesus said, its not the ‘well’ who need healing, but the ‘sick’. I truly must be better about reaching out to people who are sick and need healing. Please, Holy Spirit, make me more mindful of what I can do to help.

  7. Cee Gee says:

    Obviously my reference to James 2:13 was supposed to sat “Mercy triumphs over righteousness…” I had typed trips so I don’t know what happened there! Great comments all around and an excellent and convicting day of reading!!!

    SEARCHING – Questions I ask myself! ❤

    RHONDA J and TINA – what blessings! ❤❤

  8. April Nice says:

    Janes 2:1-4 really spoke to me today. I a different way that opened my eyes to favortism to the popular in the church. Those who are fun and outgoing and my eyes turn away from those who are not in the same economic group or the quiet ones. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to see those that might be left behind.