A Call to Repentance

Open Your Bible

Amos 4:1-13, Hosea 6:1-3, Hosea 10:12, Hebrews 12:1-14

A call is meant to get our attention, but in order to understand how to answer the call, we must be able to discern the tone in which it was given. 

Anyone who remembers being a child knows that a call on the playground while playing hide-and-seek only encouraged you to continue hiding in joyful suspense until the one who called you finally caught you. However, if you tried that with your parents once their stern voices started counting down, you would quickly realize that the consequences were quite different. 

God’s call to repentance is no different from that of our parents, but the Israelites continued to treat it as if it were an inconsequential game of hide-and-seek.  

The call to repentance God sent through the prophet Amos in chapter 4 demonstrates the power of relationship and the problem the Israelites had. The Israelites weren’t able to sense how to respond to God’s call because they had grown insensitive to His compassion. This chapter details the great lengths God had gone to in order to capture His people’s attention so that they could recognize their ways and turn back to Him, and it continues to show how necessary His discipline is. 

Unfortunately, the Israelites treated God’s call of correction like it was the comedic amusement a child might find on a playground. So their consequences intensified. 

Hosea 6:1–3 describes a circumstance where in their distress, the Israelites finally began to call on the Lord. But their cries were motivated by self-preservation instead of the sorrow the situation demanded and the sanctification the Lord required. The only appropriate response the Israelites could provide would be to cultivate righteousness and seek the Lord until He chose to send righteousness upon them like rain (Hosea 10:12). And God did—in His Son, Jesus. But not before He disciplined them. Why? Because the Lord disciplines those whom He loves (Hebrews 12:6). Contrary to popular opinion, this discipline is compassionate because it is cultivated in love. 

Prophecy is relational. We will sense the appropriate response to our Father’s call to repentance when we grow sensitive to His Spirit. Our great God is compassionate enough to require us to pursue righteousness so that we can enjoy being in relationship with Him. And when righteousness feels too hard to attain, we can remember that Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, already fulfilled it all. 

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45 thoughts on "A Call to Repentance"

  1. Breanna Watson says:

    What a powerful devotional. I found a connection between Hosea 6:1-3 and Revelation, where the inhabitants of the earth, or unbelievers, will fear the coming of Jesus and try to preserve themselves rather than truly repent or turn away from their wrongdoing. Revelation 1:7, Revelation 6:15-17.

  2. Danya says:

    “Our great God is compassionate enough to require us to pursue righteousness so that we can enjoy being in relationship with Him. And when righteousness feels too hard to attain, we can remember that Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, already fulfilled it all.”

  3. Erika Zane says:


  4. Candice Hernandez says:


  5. Mercy says:

    @AMY EB: amen to what you said. I needed to hear that!

  6. Amy EB says:

    The verses in Hebrews made me think again about how I was interpreting God’s actions toward the Israelites. I was thinking about it as punishment – a bad consequence for bad behavior. But discipline to me implies more intention to teach and correct than punishment does. God wasn’t just punishing them, he was disciplining them. And not just disciplining them, but trying to save them. Before Christ, the covenant between God and his people was not based on grace and their sins were not yet forgiven. If they didn’t turn back to him, they were destined to be separated from him forever. God’s actions may seem severe but he was doing everything he could to bring them back to him and save them.

    1. Breanna Watson says:

      Yes, exactly!!! I would highly recommend “The Heart of Revelation” by Scott Duvall. That book really helped me to see this theme more clearly in prophetic literature!

  7. Mercy says:

    Thank you Beverly Berrus for such a sharp devotional. I love it, the sharp truths in this devotional is exposing and cutting through a lot of sentimental “almost-truths”/lies in nowadays society. I love this question she asked, “Are we pursuing good, establishing justice, and rejecting evil as God’s people?”. May God’s grace help us to say yes to all of the above, and when we slip and go astray, redirect us back to paths of righteousness. As children of Truth, don’t we have a responsibility to speak truth at the risk of suffering ridicule and offending the world? Let truth be spoken in love. This verse also caught my attention on when to speak, “the prudent shall keep silence in that time, for it is an evil time (Amos 5:13). Among the midst of many hidden and lurking injustice in modern society, I pray that righteousness rains down like a mighty stream, from the heart of the merciful God, who came down to pursue sinners, to enter in a new covenant of love, into a life-long commitment of being changed into the very image of the Most High, into renewing the mind/heart/spirit through being born again, walking in the flesh yet possessing the Spirit of the Most High on earth, proclaiming that Heaven’s kingdom comes and God’s will be done. What a beautiful plan of hope and expected end that the Lord has for us.
    @CEE GEE: thank you for diving deeper into “Wormwood”. That caught my attention too. I used to read a short book called The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, where an uncle named Screwtape wrote funny letters to his nephew named Wormwood, and I wonder where Wormwood came from. Bitterness it is!
    @LISA CHAPEK: amen that sin happens first in the mind. Thanks for pointing this out. That’s why the act of catching/guarding our thoughts/casting down imaginations (even though seems vague), but is detrimental.
    Wishing you all a lovely and restful weekend.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  8. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Amen Hope SPOT ON

  9. Andrea P says:


  10. Kimberly Z says:

    @Michelle Patire praying for you and your sibling situation. I have been there with my one and only sibling so I understand your defeat and frustration. I don’t know what the answer in this case is what helped me was just praying for me to be the best version of myself for her because I couldn’t change what or how she did things. Praying it gets easier for you.

  11. Antonette Toney Henry says:

    Heavenly Father, Consuming Fire, thank you for your discipline in love. I pray that I quickly recognize it’s you, repent from it and return to you. Thank you for the opportunity to share in your holiness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  12. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah Sullivan I completely understand the struggle of feeling like something that was out of your control happened and caused so much hurt how could it ever bring you closer to God. When my dad tried to commit suicide the entire thing felt like a nightmare. Looking back I can now see Gods hand in the entire thing from start to finish. @MOLLY R. I’ve been thinking about you and your parents and the house situation just a couple days ago!

  13. Allison Bentley says:

    “Endure suffering as discipline: God is dealing with you as sons” hebrews 12:7 This verse stood out to me today as a NEW way to view suffering! Thank you Lord for Your discipline!

  14. Catherine Hurst says:

    Today definitely makes me want to reflect and think back on how many times God has called me back and I’ve ignored him!

  15. Kinesha Cox says:


  16. Cee Gee says:

    MERCY – Thank you!!! ❤

  17. Ghaylbreann Ferraer says:

    I love this article, I’m coming out of a mentality that faith is worked based I thought I could be more of anything to be a “perfect” daughter in Christ. I kept failing and kept getting upset at myself for the littlest things. This helped me remember when righteousness feels too hard to attain, we can remember that Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, already fulfilled it all.

  18. Mercy says:

    When I was a child, I rarely disobeyed my parents because of an event that I remembered deeply, I was spanked with a rod. I remembered that it hurt so bad that I told myself I would never speak back to my parents in such rebellious manner again. The inner person within the 6 year old me wanted to show the grown-ups I had power (lol) and I could speak back and chose what’s best for me (not to do homework and just watch cartoons all night after dinner). They gave me several warnings, and then what’s done is done. Fast forwarding, I now am a mother, and when my 7 year old boy rebels, through little things, showing mommy he got power and that he knew what he was doing regardless. I used the rod (Proverbs 13:24). We call it the rod of righteousness in our home lol. And deep down, when I spank my son, it hurts me more than it hurts him. I don’t know if any other parents might feel this way. It hurts to see him cry from my own hand and I have to pray for strength. And I told myself, I must do what’s good for him, not what feels good, it must hurt to matter, or else discipline is just a joke. The Bible says, “When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong” (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Feel safe to do wrong?? Can you imagine how dangerous this state is that criminals feel safe? Safe to do evil, to lie, cheat, steal, gossip, harass, murder, kidnap, etc? And sometimes we have a hard time admitting some traces of evil are still within our flesh. Discipline is not beneath us, it is for us, and God will chip away slowly all these until we become Him. That process can take a lifetime. So as grievous as it may be, may we learn that it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance first and foremost. So repent while we can, again repent, let it be a daily posture of our heart to search, reflect and repent (turn away from evil), not just say sorry and come back to do the exact wicked thing the next time when it’s convenient-that’s a lie and a manipulation. We must truly repent and cry out for true changes. For God is rich in mercy, and He says, mercy triumphs judgment (James 2:13). Glory to Him. How good is that!!! For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you (Psalm 86:5). Praying for you CEE GEE, KATIE L & others. Be blessed dear sisters.

  19. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would be able to sense God’s discipline and decide to turn away from my sin and turn toward God. I pray that I would know and believe that God’s discipline is done in love❤️

  20. Donna Mitchell says:

    Everything that has breathe, Praise the Lord. Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. – Hebrews 12:14

  21. Ashley White says:

    It’s amazing how many times and how harsh God’s punishments were trying to gain their attention. And they still didn’t listen. I guess I’m not better. We are all the same way! Powerful readings today.

  22. Teresa Donley says:

    K Reed: your posting has made me think. “How many times has God called me back to him?” God has indeed been patient with me, as I have walked a long any winding road. But every time I go around the bend instead of keeping my focus on him, God has patiently waited for me to realize, once again, that he truly loves me, and is waiting for me to turn to him.

  23. Searching says:

    The He Reads Truth devo today discusses Israel’s disobedience and God’s punishment – good reading!

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    SHARON,JERSEY GIRL, MICHELLE PATIRE, SEARCHING, KELLY (NEO), MERCY, thank you so much for your prayers. I can feel them! It has made this part of letting go so much easier. This will be a huge step, as I will no longer have a place of Tanner’s to go to. At first I liked walking into his house. I can picture him there. The smell is him. But I know longer feel the peace of it. It feels like a burden and sad. Timing is everything.

    I have been reading the Bible in a year. I understand God’s frustration with the Israelites. They just repeat the same mistakes. I’m not trying to judge, but understand the passages. Someone said they felt sorry for the Israelites, yet if you read the Bible from the beginning, you understand how God could tire of their behavior. It is on repeat. “The Israelites weren’t able to respond to God’s call because they had grown insensitive too God’s compassion.” As Liv said in the devotional, The Lord disciplines those that he loves. May I always accept that discipline and return to Him.

  25. Dorothy says:

    God has “fulfilled it all” with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We need to listen to what is being said — not just in Scripture but in our everyday life.

    Discipline is rough and YES GOD’S DISCIPLINE IS EVEN ROUGHER at times but if we truly think about it isn’t it for our own good and welfare? Doesn’t God want the best for us and that is why He disciplines us, just like our did? I used to think my parents were strict but as I look back I’m thankful for their discipline and strictness because I know now it was out of love, just like my Heavenly Father’s discipline is.

    Be blessed and know God discipline is because of HIS EVERLASTING LOVE for you.

  26. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    When reading Hebrews 12:10, my first thought was “ouch”. “Our fathers disciplined…as they thought best.” If there was anything I wish I could have a “do over” for, it would be on my parenting. I corrected as I thought was best, but not necessarily in a way that was right. My thinking is corrupt because of my sinful nature. The difference between disciplining the way I thought best, and God’s way are so, so vast! He disciplines us for our good so that we may become more like Jesus. And isn’t that our goal as believers, to be more like Jesus, to be holy as He is holy. God knows whats best. He is a loving, compassionate God. If His judgements that are meant to bring repentance seem harsh — it is nothing compared to the suffering that the lost will experience in hell if they do not turn to God. God laid it all out way back in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 – The Israelites could choose life and prosperity or death and destruction. So many times they chose poorly. May it be our daily prayer that we choose life. That we choose to live for Him who died to set us free from sin and bondage. Life and prosperity. Thank you Jesus!

    @Michelle Patire – continuing to pray for you.
    @Traci Gendron – praying for you today as you finish up at Tanner’s house.
    @Molly R- praying your parents home sells quickly.
    @Katie L – continuing to pray for your situation: court date, MIL, judge’s decision etc. …also, great to hear you are a doula too! I would love to connect with you and get some ideas as I’m just starting out.
    @Sharon Jones – praying for your daughter, you and your husband.

    A blessed & thankful Thursday to all my SRT sisters.

  27. Cee Gee says:

    SUSAN, KELLY (NEO), and SEARCHING – Thanks so much for your prayers! VBS will be in 3 weeks June 19-23. Knowing you prayer warriors are with me through this intense planning gives me confidence and strength. I will have 2nd graders (my favorite age!) and I so want to leave them with an understanding of knowing the Lord and growing in that knowledge and how to discern Truth. We are doing Keepers of the Kingdom which has a medieval theme. One thing I have virtually no knowledge of is the medieval life! I am learning as I go! It makes choosing decoration ideas interesting and God has already come through in so many ways from ‘finding’ fabric and wood items that I had forgotten I had, etc. Sorry for the 2nd long post, but I wanted to thank you and anyone else who is praying for the kids and me now and the week of VBS! praying for the requests on your hearts.

  28. Cee Gee says:

    I have been so focused on VBS this week that I have neglected my ‘praise focus’ for the week! As soon as I finished my waking up prayer, I realized that I needed to correct that. The 1st week was Omniscience, the 2nd (last week) was omnipresence, so this week would be OMNIPOTENCE. I love how God works these things together! The Scriptures today are ripe with references to God’s power!
    Amos 4:13 He is here:
    the one who forms the mountains,
    creates the wind,
    and reveals his thoughts to man,
    the one who makes the dawn out of darkness
    and strides on the heights of the earth.
    The Lord, the God of Armies, is his name.”

    This quote is from Got Questions – “God’s power is exalted in us most when our weaknesses are greatest because He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). It is God’s power that continues to hold us in a state of grace despite our sin (2 Timothy 1:12), and by His power we are kept from falling (Jude 24). His power will be proclaimed by all the host of heaven for all eternity (Revelation 19:1). May that be our endless prayer!

    The saddest verse today – you did not return to me.

  29. Hope Little says:

    I’m struggling with this. Harsh punishment and judgement push people away time and again. We see it most profoundly between a teens and parents. If you are harsh and angry…people feel pushed away, regardless of motivation. But when you pull someone in with compassion and gentleness….they will be able to work through the consequences easier. Life is already harsh. Yet God is usually compassionate. But punishment to me never made me want to do something better….it only made me more hurt.

    1. Beth Cameron says:

      I’m struggling with the same thing! Thank you for voicing this.

  30. Sharon Jones says:

    Prayer request as a mom and for me and husband as parents. I learned some things about my daughter’s walk with the Lord and it feels she is on a very slippery slope. It feels like Satan in the garden asking Eve if God really said something. She needs a holy correction. I feel like scales need to fall from her eyes. But I also as a mom just want to lovingly pray and trust that God is working something out in her heart. Change the deception to truth. Thank you

  31. Sarah Sullivan says:

    After losing my dad to cancer a few months ago, this is one thing I’m struggling with. How can all this heartache, loss, and hurt ever bring someone back to God and closer to Him? I honestly can sympathize with the Israelites. When you go through everything listed here, it can be hard to see God as loving and compassionate because all you’ve presently experienced is His judgement and anger.

  32. Michelle Patire says:

    “The Israelites weren’t able to sense how to respond to God’s call because they had grown insensitive to His compassion.”

    What a good explanation for unbelief. I agree @Karen Y- so helpful!

  33. Erica Wilson says:

    So convicting! Help me to have a tender heart that willingly submits to your discipline, Lord! ♥️

  34. Karen Y says:

    Pairing Amos with Hosea is so beneficial. Amos says, yet you did not return to me. Hosea says, come let us return to the Lord. Our natural tendency is to resist correction. Hosea shows us it’s possible to look at correction in a positive way and he invites us to see it coming from a place of love rather than malicious intent.

  35. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you my friend @Searching <3 hugging you back! I appreciate your encouragement.

    Thank you, @Katie L- you also hit the nail on the head. My counselor was telling me the very same things about the Psalms and how they cry out, "how long?" Lol. Exactly ;)

    I appreciate all your prayers. God was speaking to me yesterday — just about seeing me and that the things I was doing to keep my mind on Him were good ideas. So thank you. He isn't sweeping me out of this situation, but clearly He is in it, and I know that :)

    @Molly R- praise God!!! I pray that this selling process is easy for you. That the Lord has the perfect buyer in mind and that your hearts are able to pause for a moment and process things, too.

    @Traci G- proud of you for the courage you have to sell Tanner's house. This is a good step in your healing/grieving process, I believe. God be near to you and give you wisdom, as you obey Him. God bless you and keep you.

  36. Theresa says:

    May my heart stay tender towards God’s call! It can be so easy to wallow in my circumstances when things feel bad or celebrate myself when things are going well. When I do that, I’m neglecting to cultivate the righteousness that God requires of me and hardening my heart towards his leading.

    KATIE L- praying specifically this morning for God to bring the right attorney to you. And for him to give you super-natural endurance as you fight for your son.

  37. Searching says:

    The awesome everything of our God …
    Amos 4:13
    He who forms the mountains,
    who creates the wind,
    and who reveals his thoughts to mankind,
    who turns dawn to darkness,
    and treads on the heights of the earth—
    the Lord God Almighty is his name. NIV

    Am I hiding or seeking? He knows me – inside and out, and knows my true heart – whether I am hiding from Him with pretense or truly seeking Him with sincerity. Lord, help us all to see our true selves.

    CEE GEE – praying for you as you teach these young hearts. Is it next week or coming up later?

    TRACI GENDRON – praying the Lord leads you to those who need you in your area, or leads them to you. Praying also that the Lord will strengthen and comfort you as you finish up with the sale prepping of Tanner’s home and that the buyers will be just right for the house. Very proud of you for working on it – my cousin’s home has been sitting for about 10 years as her daughter has not been able to deal with it yet.

    MOLLY – so proud of you and your siblings to have completed this huge, emotional project.

    KATIE L – praying for you to connect with the right attorney, and for your ex MIL to stop this confrontation and realize the destruction that’s of her own making.

    WENDY DE LA ROSA – praying for the Lord’s guidance in your Bible study group

    SARAH D – so glad to read your post, to see the hope and encouragement of both your current and potential job.

    TAYLOR – good to see you! praying for Wendy, that her recovery would allow her to drive as soon as is safe, for friends/family to realize the isolation issue and reach out, and that her doctor would closely monitor her med use and wean her off as soon as appropriate.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – can you feel the hug I would love to give you? Sweet sister, I see your heart that loves the Lord your God and that loves your family and intercedes for them. Most importantly, God sees you. Praying you feel His love, follow His guidance and are filled with His wisdom, and that your family sees Him in you. ❤️

  38. K Reed says:

    So often I feel like God isn’t near or present for me, but is it because I have “grown insensitive to His compassion?” Am I only seeking Him for my own self preservation? In times of my need? Oh how convicting this passage is. I can see this unfold in my own life. How many times has God called me back to Him? To live in accord with His goodness and for His glory? Am I hearing the call and running to Him or am I hiding and waiting to return to Him when I have my next need?

  39. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord let me repent freely knowing your Grace and Mercy abound. Show me where I have not repented that is hindering my relationship with You. In Jesus name, Amen

  40. Joy Stark says:

    That metaphor of hide-and-seek vs hiding from parents is really helpful in framing these passages from Amos!

  41. Alana Anderson says:


  42. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “prepare to meet your God!”

    Israel thought they knew God yet their actions showed that they were clueless. Woe to me should I do the same.

    “The Israelites weren’t able to sense how to respond to God’s call because they had grown insensitive to His compassion.” May I REMEMBER what my salvation cost and that I never could have “deserved” God’s mercy.

    CEE GEE – praying for the children who come to your VBS to meet God and Jesus.

    TRACI GENDRON – huge step for you in selling Tanner’s house. Praying you have God’s peace in the process

    KATIE L – praying God will provide an attorney for you. Praying the judge will decide in your favor

  43. Manzwei Chipungu says:

    Totally loved today’s sharing , thanks❤️