Your Works Are Awe-Inspiring

Open Your Bible

Psalm 66:1-20

Text: Psalm 66:1-20

In this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.

Psalm 66

Praise for God’s Mighty Acts
For the choir director. A song. A psalm.

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth!
Sing about the glory of His name;
make His praise glorious.
Say to God, “How awe-inspiring are Your works!
Your enemies will cringe before You
because of Your great strength.
All the earth will worship You
and sing praise to You.
They will sing praise to Your name.” Selah

Come and see the wonders of God;
His acts for humanity are awe-inspiring.
He turned the sea into dry land,
and they crossed the river on foot.
There we rejoiced in Him.
He rules forever by His might;
He keeps His eye on the nations.
The rebellious should not exalt themselves.Selah
Praise our God, you peoples;
let the sound of His praise be heard.
He keeps us alive
and does not allow our feet to slip.

For You, God, tested us;
You refined us as silver is refined.
You lured us into a trap;
You placed burdens on our backs.
You let men ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water,
but You brought us out to abundance.

I will enter Your house with burnt offerings;
I will pay You my vows
that my lips promised
and my mouth spoke during my distress.
I will offer You fattened sheep as burnt offerings,
with the fragrant smoke of rams;
I will sacrifice oxen with goats. Selah

Come and listen, all who fear God,
and I will tell what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth,
and praise was on my tongue.
If I had been aware of malice in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened.
However, God has listened;
He has paid attention to the sound of my prayer.
May God be praised!
He has not turned away my prayer
or turned His faithful love from me.

Dig Deeper:

Sing about the glory of our God! The author of Psalm 66 gives thanks to God by proclaiming His mighty deeds—even those which he calls tests from the Lord—and praising God for His awe-inspiring goodness and might. Let’s do the same today.  

Come and listen, all who fear God,

and I will tell what He has done for me!

(make a list in your study journal and/or share in the comments)








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559 thoughts on "Your Works Are Awe-Inspiring"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    He has pulled me up from the pit, rescued me, delivered me from internal darkness, healed my body, healed my marriage, untied me from addiction and depression! He has put a new song in my mouth and I will praise His awesome name all the days of my life!!

  2. Isabella Welsh says:

    Dear Lord, Thankyou for loving me even when I’m a sinner. Thankyou for saving me from the evil one. Thankyou for listening to my prayers. Thankyou for your plan for me. Thankyou for today. Amen

  3. Emily Perkins says:

    Come and see the wonders of God. God has given me many blessings; I am thankful for my husband, my kids, my friends and support, my life, all the good, and for listening to my prayers. I am thankful he carries my worries and anxieties and helps me to keep calm, present, and gives me rest. Dear God, thank you for all you do and for all that you are. I love you! Amen!

  4. Sophia Nieves says:

    He has chosen me. He has made my hard heart soft. He has blessed me with a husband and a daughter. He has made my path straight and he has renewed my spirit

  5. Halle Jackson says:

    God is so amazing. His love and character is something no other person and compare to. I don’t deserve Him at all, yet He chooses me. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy.❤️

  6. Emma Hilborn says:

    He has given me the ability to be content in every circumstance. Phil 4:13, I’ve been blessed abundantly even when i don’t feel like it

  7. Bose Oloyede says:

    So many things God has done for me.
    He saved me
    He blessed me
    Gave me peace of mind
    Gave me hope strength

  8. Crystal Garcia says:

    He has given me
    A home with my husband.
    More peace.
    And hope.

    We are waiting on really important outcomes right now as a marriage but I have hope that all
    Things will work for good.

  9. Mary Reese says:

    I know he has given me so much but I don’t feel it right now

  10. Mollie Pittman says:

    He tests us to see if we remain faithful and come to Him for our problems❤️

  11. Jessica Thomas says:

    God speaks to me in the quiet, bringing peace to a troubled mind. When life’s chaos gets to much I feel his hand upon me. God restores peace to my soul and gives in the courage to keep going when things feel overwhelming.

  12. Jackie Smith says:

    Thanking Jesus for me waking up today with all my flaws to serve him in all that I do.

  13. ambrie duke says:

    1. thank you jesus for a good group of girls in my footy team. thank you that they help me feel more energetic and i love hanging with them. i pray you can help me to love like you to show them your love and grace. help me to be more and more like you every day
    2. thank you for your creation. i love sitting by rivers listening to them. i love looking at the mountains and wondering how you made them so beautiful. i love the sunsets and sunrises and the crazy colours they bring to the mornings and evenings. and i love all nature and how you’ve created so beautiful so we can connect with you through it. help me to spend time in nature and use it to connect with you
    3. thank you for my family. gosh they can be annoying sometime but i love them and are so extremely thankful for them and their hearts. help me to never take them for granted and to keep showing love to the foster kids who come into or family. may we make a difference in our lives and ultimately come to know you

  14. Esther Stoute says:

    For 12+ years I was told I could not have children. I was also in an abusive marriage. Not only did God pull me out of the darkness and bring me a kind and loving husband, but I now hold my 1 month old baby girl in my arms as I shout the praises of the Lord!!

  15. Michelle Patire says:

    Hi friends!

    I wanted to come here and ask for extra prayer for my family, specifically my mom’s side. In the past few weeks, four different people’s accounts online have been hacked and stolen (including my older brother Mario and my father). I don’t believe in coincidences. I felt led to pray and intercede for my mom’s side, who are included in this. We were all very close growing up in NJ.
    It is strange timing because I have recorded a song about my family that likely will be releasing this summer. It’s a prayer over them about how we need to stay “in love” to keep our family in unity. I do believe this song is anointed by God to bless my family. It is His.

    The devil is crafty, so I feel like maybe I need to play offense and ask more than myself to be praying for everyone.

    I appreciate your prayers in advance. There is power in numbers.

    Praying for other requests shared today <3 love you girls.

  16. Donna Wolcott says:

    So all who don’t know about the May Breakfast tradition (some churches here have been holding them for over 125 years), they are open to the public and help support churches. Menu – scrambled eggs, ham, home fries, baked beans, homemade muffins and PIE, and Jonny cakes (cornmeal cakes). We also sell homemade crepe paper baskets filled with fudge or plants. You’re all invited!❤️

  17. Mercy says:

    The Lord has done so much for me throughout my young adulthood. I moved to Canada after high school to attend university. As a young girl, I was so alone in this big country without any families or friends. But GOD- He brought me to Himself. It was a very lonely lonely time with many questions and confusions. I was invited to church through Sunday ride of some amazing faithful men and women, so I could attend Bible studies with other students. That’s my Genesis with GOD. God sustained me through some storms and troubles living alone, from surviving roommate bullies, graduating, struggling to find jobs, moving to a new city, arranging accommodation, then to getting married and having children- without almost no help from families, through uncertainty and fear BUT the Lord was there through “His hands and feet”. It was much struggle, but it was also much joy. Now I looked back, it was unbelievable how all that has happened. With His grace …bad times blossoming into pleasant surprises of our memories. The bad seems to vanish, the bad doesn’t seem that bad, and the goodness remains. His Goodness. I was the first one to be saved in my family, and because He took me out far away, I was not like the way my family grew up. Or else I wouldn’t know Him. Afflictions do come, fear, terrors and deep waters do come. I have been learning to surrender, in deep waters where I can’t breathe, in high furnace season when I get burned, in loneliness, in panic, in frustration…just to surrender and give thanks. I cried enough…but how much is enough…who knows. BUT GOD is faithful as He collects my tears in a bottle, He keeps track of all my sorrows, He records each one in His book (Psalm 56:8). And He wastes no pain…yet I don’t know how He did that. Though at the time when pain happens, I don’t see the point for it, especially the pain for being righteous, if you do good, who will hate you, but there is the type of pain that comes when people hate you for being like Jesus, for being the light on the hill, and people will hate that purity of Him that you might carry- I struggled with that for a while…but then I surrender, I let go. For all glory shall be to Him, and I am the reflection of Him at my cost. I probably didn’t count the cost ahead of time, like the Bible said we should, but now I know how much it costs to follow Him…everything. His Word today brought me hope, “You placed burdens on our backs, You let men ride over our heads, we went through fire and water, BUT YOU brought us out to abundance”. Glory to Him. Into abundance, here we come! Rejoice with me. It is promised. Be blessed dear sisters.

  18. Heidi says:

    DONNA- thank you for sharing, I love the wording of that… ❤️ So, being born/raised in the south, i’ll admit i’d never even heard of May Breakfast!! I looked it up – what a sweet tradition!!!!! I absolutely love it! Hope you have a wonderful time serving up tomorrow!

  19. Donna Wolcott says:

    In the my devotional book “Jesus Always”, today’s reading opens with, “I want you to linger in gratitude. This is a most delightful place – where the Joy of My Presence shines warmly upon you.” Amen and Amen! Have a good weekend sisters. I live in New England and it’s May Breakfast time of year, so I will be serving people yummy breakfasts tomorrow.

  20. Heidi says:

    I will tell what He’s done for me…
    I mean, He’s given me life. Everlasting. WITH HIM FOREVER. He’s forgiven me, saved me, promised me eternal existence. If he never does another thing for me, he’s done more than I could ever imagine or deserve.

    My daughter hurt her finger badly last night and when going to bed she was crying and said “I wish pain wasn’t even a thing!” and I said GIRL- you just spoke a mouthful! But I had the opportunity to explain that pain reminds us that this world is broken and sin is real. Sin is the only thing that brought pain into the world and it points us to our need for our Savior. The pain will not go away while we are here – but we can have hope for the future that has no pain, no hurt, no tears, no brokenness. Let our pain quicken our hearts to remember and express gratitude for the grace and mercy we have been given…

    Thank you for those lifting up in prayer the family from our school that lost their mother in the shooting on Wednesday. Her name was Amy, she leaves parents, siblings, a husband, and 2 young children… Praying that SOMEHOW God will redeem this…

  21. Cee Gee says:

    God gave me a mom of great faith (my father was an abusive husband). God protected me from harm during those years and gave me an inside look at both ‘sides of the coin’.
    He kept me true to Him and when I did stumble in my belief, He heard my desperate cry and drew me back to His comfort and peace. He shows me grace every moment of every day and reveals to me the areas that need refining. He saved me from the pit of hell and welcomed me into His eternity and has given me great sisters in faith!

    SEARCHING and RHONDA J – thank you for sharing your hearts! So glad God held you safe and brought us together here! You both are such shining lights for Him and I am sure you make Him smile!

    THERESA – I had the same ‘bug’ (similar situation, but with 3 boys) almost 33 years ago and it was the best thing that could have happened to us! Funny, I was convinced I had an ulcer! Hahaha

    Love all of the comments, ladies! Have a blessed and safe weekend. ❤

  22. AZ Walker says:

    I am so grateful to God for all He has done for me, His always being with me and for the comfort of the Psalms. I am praying for your housing need Alyssa W, and your Mom, Pam C,Rhonda J’s back pain, the family that Heidi knows in Atlanta, Sarah D’s job and so many here. My neighbor texted me that her church had a 24 hr prayer vigil from Wed – yesterday and I signed up for an hour. I was a little nervous but it was fun to see what they are doing there and gave me peace and hope.

  23. Rhonda J. says:

    Reminds me of the hymnal “Count Your Blessings!”

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God has done….

    When we are feeling deep in the pit or melancholy in life, the best and easiest thing we can do is give praise and gratitude to our Almighty God! See the blessings in our life. How God has taken us from a sinful, defeated life and delivered us. We are His now, Thank you Jesus. I was the wayward child, partying, drinking, having random sexual partners, thinking myself cool…but it was a path of destruction. I was in fact a liar, thief, murderer, betrayer, prostitute, jezebel, idolator and hypocrite. But God- But God- He still, after all the betrayal to Him, growing up a Christian, and ACTUALLY thinking I was better than most, was not. Oh how we can live such a lie! I am so grateful He gave us Jesus, to take us from the pit, and bring us out. He has given me such good gifts even though I didn’t deserve them, and most of all forgiveness. I am forgiven. And all those horrible, regretful things- he has thrown away, to be forgotten. It is hard for me to forget them, but I know on judgement day they will not be brought up, how amazing is that?? I only want to live for Jesus these days. I owe my life to him, and want to shout that to everyone and share the goodness with them. That’s why I love to be a part of jail ministry. I was them, I was fighting for my life. I want to love them and share what Jesus can do. He is renewal.

  24. Heidi says:

    ALISA W- how fun!! SO I have an email that is just for this space – it’s all one word but it is- Heidi Loves Truth at gmail … I don’t think you can post full email/websites without going to moderation but hopefully you can figure out my “code” email… lol :) — would you care if I asked you some questions??? Ran some things past you?? We have another contact who is in N.Ireland but would be so great to have someone else to run a couple of things by – if not, NO WORRIES!!! I get it if you’d rather not reach out to a stranger :) :) :)

  25. Heidi says:

    ALISA W- how fun!! SO I have an email that is just for this space… [email protected] — would you care if I asked you some questions??? Ran some things past you?? We have another contact who is in N.Ireland but would be so great to have someone else to run a couple of things by – if not, NO WORRIES!!! I get it if you’d rather not reach out to a stranger :) :) :)

  26. Theresa says:

    “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for me!”

    He has delivered me time and again. He has loved me enough to change my heart and soften it towards him and others.

    I’m reflecting today specifically on the blessing of my daughter. when we got married my husband and I always talked about having three children. It took us several years to get pregnant with my first son and then another several years to have our second. Life was busy with two boys and our jobs so we decided we were done. I began to focus more on my career as the boys grew older and advanced at my company to manager of my department. Then in the fall of 2021 I got sick with a bug I just couldn’t shake. I took a pregnancy test just because I figured the doctor would order one, not thinking I could actually be pregnant. Well, it was positive and I was devastated. I had decided in my mind that we were done with babies and yet here I was all over again. If only I had known! My daughter will be one next week and she has brought the purest joy and peace into our busy chaotic family! When she was born, God spoke to our pastor, to tell us that she would be a River of peace in our life and many others and I can already see how the Lord is using her in that way. How silly was I to be worried about bringing another child into our family?!

    God knows exactly what we need, even when we think we know better. And He is too good of a Father to let us get in our own way.

  27. Searching says:

    Catching up for Day 4 & 5 – off my normal routine :(

    Yesterday’s scriptures drew my mind back to one of the lowest points in my life. Looking back at my lifestyle and how far I felt away from God breaks my heart even now. Trying to please someone else, I became involved in a movement for self improvement (I was soooo lost) that later made the news as an abusive cult. Thankfully I had not completely immersed myself into the organization when other issues in my life (thank you, Lord!) led me to move to another city and find a new job – and a customer invited me to her church, leading me to grab hold of God and let Him set my feet back on His rock. At the time, I still had not recognized the danger I had been in or even that there was potential danger – praise the Lord, He did!!!

    In Psalm 66 verses 16- 20 (NIV)
    16 Come and hear, all you who fear God;
    let me tell you what he has done for me.
    17 I cried out to him with my mouth;
    his praise was on my tongue.
    18 If I had cherished sin in my heart,
    the Lord would not have listened;
    19 but God has surely listened
    and has heard my prayer.
    20 Praise be to God,
    who has not rejected my prayer
    or withheld his love from me!

    Verse 18 calls to me – how many times have I cherished a sin, all the while knowing exactly what I was doing? I heard a pastor on the radio the other day who said in his early Christian life that he had attempted to negotiate with God to follow the “9” commandments because there was 1 that he didn’t want to let go of. Lord, please guide me to recognize sin in my life – no matter how dressed up it is or how tightly I want to hold on to it.

    HEIDI – oh, sister! So thankful you were safe! I was away from news that day and didn’t know about the horror in Atlanta until long afterwards. My heart breaks for those children, husband and other family members over their immense loss and the painful path ahead. Praying for comfort in their pain.
    Continuing to pray for you as you finish the semester and make decisions about the summer, and for your niece (thank you for the update) and the new life she’s carrying.

  28. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for me!”

    He took my sin and gave me His righteousness. He deposited His Spirit in my heart to guide and correct. He gave me resurrection life, both now and in the future.

  29. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    @Alisa W. – I’m from the USA visiting friends in Northern Ireland – the beginning of the week we were in an Ireland for a few days. It is such a wonderful thing to know there are sisters in Christ all around the world & we can connect with each other & be in unity through the Spirit! …What a beautiful countries these are!
    @Heidi – praying for this dear family who has tragically lost a wife and mom. How awful! Praying for the community & for the family of the shooter. So, so, sad & tragic.

    The list is endless of what God has done for me, so I’ll keep it short by giving praise to God for the greatest thing He has ever done – He called me to salvation! He redeemed me, sanctified me, sealed me!! I’m a child of the King – Hallelujah! All praise & glory to Him!

    A blessed Friday to you all!

  30. Alisa W says:

    He has revealed things in my marriage that were not the best. Changed my husband’s heart and in a long process changed mine. I have 3 boys and prayed to have a daughter and got twin girls! Very busy but such a fabulous blessing. We are going through a long trial trying to find a house to suit our family. God has given us a nice two bedroom apartment to rent, but… seeing what God will provide in the next season. By his strength and power-which are great.

    HEIDI- I read the other day you have a desire to go to Ireland. That’s where I live!

  31. Sarah Motsinger says:

    God has given me exactly what I need – even though I don’t realize it at times. He is so, so good!

  32. Marilyn Earnshaw says:

    He has turned my crooked path straight, He has given my husband, He has turned grief into singing, He has given me a second chance in life, He has given me healing.

  33. Ashara Perry says:

    Thank you God for all you do your greatness, mercy, and faithfulness ❤️

  34. Lakechia Smith says:

    God has given me a life that is worth living for❤️

  35. Amira Elsheikh says:

    God has made me aware of my sinful ways, protected me by putting God fearing women and men in my life, shielded me from events/actions that were intended to cause me harm. God has wrapped me in His arms with wings like eagles. He has not left me in ruts, but instead pulls me out and protects me from it all. Glory be to God.

  36. brooke teter says:

    God has gotten be out of my dark places and led me to light again, he directs my path and constantly heals my brokenness

  37. Violet Mwhite says:

    God has seen me through my college days even when I had issues, he made me come out with flying colors

    Blessed me with business ideas that earn me money

    Keeps protecting i and my family

  38. Violet Mwhite says:

    God has seen me through my college days even when I had issues, he made me come out with flying colors

    Blessed me with business ideas that earn me money

  39. Violet Mwhite says:

    God has seen me through my college days even when I had issues, he made me come out with flying colors

  40. Michelle Burkhalter says:

    God has, saved me from myself, healed my body, healed my mind, keeps on making a way for me out of no way! & is using me to break generational curses and set my family free!

  41. Jennifer Spain says:

    God has…
    •Blessed me with a wonderful husband
    •Blessed me with 2 beautiful daughters
    •Blessed me with parents who follow hard after His truth
    •Blessed me with a community of supportive sisters in Christ… my tribe… my peeps
    • Blessed me with an amazing work environment that lifts each other up

  42. Jennifer Spain says:

    God has…
    •Blessed me with a wonderful husband
    •Blessed me with 2 beautiful daughters
    •Blessed me with a community of supportive sisters in Christ
    • Blessed me with an amazing work environment that lifts each other up

  43. Jennifer Spain says:

    God has…
    •Blessed me with a wonderful husband
    •Blessed me with 2 beautiful daughters
    •Blessed me with a community of supportive sisters in Christ

  44. Jennifer Spain says:

    God has…
    •Blessed me with a wonderful husband
    •Blessed me with 2 beautiful daughters

  45. Jennifer Spain says:

    God has…
    •Blessed me with a wonderful husband

  46. Kaliska Monticue says:

    Sing the glory of God. Amen! He has brought me from many destructions and sorrow and has never left my side.

  47. Elizabeth Klukas says:

    He has taken me from the desert and brought me to living water. I praise him day and night. He has loved and cared for me.

  48. Erin Contreras says:

    He gives me strength and grace every day. If I can’t find a way over the mountain He takes my hand and leads me around it. He is my rock! ❤️

  49. Brittani Tidwell says:

    He has given me family, a wonderful husband, a precious child, grace when I mess up, hope when I am fearful, a job I enjoy, peace knowing what has yet to come.

  50. Aobakwe Madonsela says:

    He is too good to leave us here.

  51. lani wiens says:

    He has turned our ashes into beauty. Where we have been struck down he had poured our provision. God is good.

  52. Eleanor McClain says:

    He calls us by name and draws us into his love. Despite our own humanly “need” to be independent, it takes humility to kneel at the throne of God.

  53. Maddie Jones says:

    He gives me grace and mercy. He gives me everlasting life. He gives me peace and serenity.

  54. Maddie Jones says:

    He took stepped into my Egypt, and took me by the hand. He marched me out in freedom, straight into the promised land. Now I am Yours forever. I will sing of all You’ve done. Death is swallowed up forever, by the fury of Your love. ~ Egypt by Bethel music

  55. Crystel Garrett says:

    He meets me in my circumstances and is by my side. He loves me and gives me grace. He pulls me in and reminds me that I am His.

  56. Sarai Foster says:

    He has given me a wonderful Youth For Christ group to lead at school. And musical outlets to give Him glory. ❤️❤️

  57. Kaylan Van Holten says:

    He gives me grace.
    He gave me my family and soon to be son.
    He gives me peace and love daily.

  58. Leah Fisher says:

    He gives me hope and blesses me with opportunity. He gave me a wonderful family and a wonderful bonus family. He is amazing. ❤️

  59. Tarah McPherson says:

    He brings joy in the morning to seasons of sorrow and hardship. His ways are always best.

  60. Gabrielle Dey says:

    He is my rock, my peace, my comforter. I know that He hears me even when I feel invisible.

  61. Chloe Joubert says:

    God gave me purpose! He showed me how I can live my life serving Him enjoying each and every day of it! He always loves me no matter how many failures I have! I’m so thankful for His mercy because I don’t deserve it!!!

  62. Stephanie Vincent says:

    He has given me peace, hope, and purpose. ❤️

  63. Carissa Othic says:

    He has given me hope, joy, peace and purpose through Christ!
    He has given me a family and community to do life with

  64. Carissa Othic says:

    He has given me hope, joy, peace and purpose through Christ!

  65. Brittany Phillips says:

    For you, God, tested us…but you brought us out to abundance. Praise the Lord and help me not to so easily forget that last part.

  66. Tonia A says:

    For each new morning with its light,
    For rest and shelter of the night,
    For health and food,
    For love and friends,
    For everything thy goodness sends,
    I am grateful God. Thank you!

  67. Cornelia Williams says:

    Emilia I also. I lived with depression for many years and he has set me free.

  68. Kayla-Yevette Almasco says:

    He has woken me up with my family, he has provided me a home, a wonderful job, amazing friends, my health, food to eat, beautiful clothes to wear, creativity and so much more. Praise God.

  69. Erin Dillard says:

    God gave me a second chance at a family when my first husband unexpectedly left me right after our daughter was born. He brought another wonderful man into my life who married me and has raised my daughter as his own since she was 19 months old. God then gave me a son and our family is now complete. I will forever thank Him and praise him for giving me the family I prayed for. He brought me out from a wasteland of desolation and despair that I lived in for far too long. He is a wonderful provider and a miracle worker.

  70. Sarah Cain says:

    He has answered my deepest prayers & the deepest desires of my heart. He has given me my most treasured gifts.

  71. Holly Wenning says:

    He has protected and provided for me ALWAYS!❤️

  72. Jami Nelson says:

    The Lord equips me in all that I do and my daily prayer is the others will see my relationship with Him in all that I say, and do.

  73. Rebecca Rascol says:

    He has never left my side and has been with me through it all!! ❤️

  74. Megan Martin says:

    God has given me grace beyond measure and is showing me how to extend it to others

  75. Emily Hinson says:

    Thank you Lord for your goodness and strength in every minute of each day ❤️ He is faithful , even when we doubt

  76. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin
    2) Forgiven me, and led others, from their belief, to extend forgiveness I didn’t anticipate
    3) Divested my attention from idols that sapped my time, energy, and life, all of which could have been diverted to nobler pursuits
    4) Taught me to value the life-giving acquisition of knowledge and wisdom
    5) Exhorted me to enemy love, which is invaluable in resolving—and preventing—conflict
    6) Proscribed me, under threat of punishment, from hiding and refraining from putting myself out there to use the gifts He’s given me (Matthew 25:14-30). Hiding feels easier; the limelight involves critique, and often cruelty, too. But it keeps us tight in a bud. God loves us too much to let us stay like that. He wants us to flourish, to take risks, to contribute; so He threatens us, like a good parent, wish punishment if we don’t obey. But that command is good: it makes us, to borrow a metaphor from Anaïs Nin, open and

  77. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin
    2) Forgiven me, and led others, from their belief, to extend forgiveness I didn’t anticipate
    3) Divested my attention from idols that sapped my time, energy, and life, all of which could have been diverted to nobler pursuits
    4) Taught me to value the life-giving acquisition of knowledge and wisdom
    5) Exhorted me to enemy love, which is invaluable in resolving—and preventing—conflict

  78. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin
    2) Forgiven me, and led others, from their belief, to extend forgiveness I didn’t anticipate
    3) Divested my attention from idols that sapped my time, energy, and life, all of which could have been diverted to nobler pursuits
    4) Taught me to value the life-giving acquisition of knowledge and wisdom

  79. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin
    2) Forgiven me, and led others, from their belief, to extend forgiveness I didn’t anticipate
    3) Divested my attention from idols that sapped my time, energy, and life, all of which could have been channeled into nobler pursuits

  80. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin
    2) Forgiven me, and led others, from their belief, to extend forgiveness I didn’t anticipate

  81. Emilia Cavero says:

    He has…
    1) Brought me to a mountaintop of abundance from a valley of depression and sin

  82. Kristen Grevey says:

    He gives me rest and peace
    He blesses my life with 2 beautiful babies
    He makes my husband and I stronger
    He forgives me

    He loves me abd frees me from perfection.

  83. Kristen Grevey says:

    He gives me rest and peace
    He blesses my life with 2 beautiful babies
    He makes my husband and I stronger
    He forgives me

    He loves me

  84. Kristen Grevey says:

    He gives me rest and peace
    He blesses my life with 2 beautiful babies
    He makes my husband and I stronger
    He forgives me

  85. Kristen Grevey says:

    He gives me rest and peace
    He blesses my life with 2 beautiful babies

  86. Kristen Grevey says:

    He gives me rest and peace

  87. Wendy Bucknum says:

    God and Jesus had been strengthened and my worries have been lifted!

  88. Wendy Bucknum says:

    I had the opportunity for I truly test my faith and through this my relationship to

  89. Karrie Poortinga says:

    You brought us into the net;
    you laid a crushing burden on our backs; 12 you let men ride over our heads;
    we went through fire and through water;
    yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance. – Psalms 66:11-12
    God doesn’t promise us an easy life when we follow Him, but he does promise to walk along side and lead us to a place of abundance ☀️

  90. Karrie Poortinga says:

    You brought us into the net;
    you laid a crushing burden on our backs; 12 you let men ride over our heads;
    we went through fire and through water;
    yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance. – Psalms 66:11-12

  91. Tiara Dagang says:

    Don’t forget what he’s brought you through. Psalm 66:12 Remember your blessings ladies.❤️

  92. Tiara Dagang says:

    Psalm 66:12, 20 Ladies, don’t forget what he has brought you through. He hasn’t turned way out prayers or his mercy from us. Remember your blessings ❤️

  93. Summer Graham says:

    He has rescued me from my darkest moments in life. Because of Him I was able to escape out of my deepest stage of hurt and depression. He had also rescued me from my addiction, many times, but this last time was He gave me a renewing of the mind. Today I am 6 months sober. He has gave me grace many times over and has helped me to a better parent. HE IS SO GOOD!

  94. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I could go on and on with that list!

  95. Chanel Booth says:


  96. Molly McAuley says:

    He has provided for me far more than I deserve!

  97. Lyndi Goodman says:


  98. Felicity Clark says:

    He loves me
    He cares for me
    He protects me
    He saves me
    He made sacrifices for me
    He does everything for me
    He is above me
    He is everything
    He is God

  99. Alison Brown says:

    He has saved me from my own self righteousness, put a new song in my heart, blessed me with an amazing family, and given us TWINS to bear through pregnancy in addition to our three wonderful kids! We have an incredible church and have endured many a financial struggle while trusting the Lord, we have experienced loss but never encountered need. He has given much grace!

  100. Jess Turner says:

    He has tested me and led me back to Him in the times I have needed Him most. I know he will never leave me and it’s comforting ❤️ He has saved me.

  101. Kimberly Fisher says:

    He has been my redeemer and given me a life more beautiful than I ever imagined.

  102. Barbara Geffrand says:

    He has placedMy feet on solid ground.
    He has blessed me more than I could ever imagined
    He has kept me from losing my mind.
    He has given me strength in the darkest hour.
    He has been my joy and my delight
    He has been my father and my mother
    He has been my healer
    My silver lining
    My hope
    The lifter of my head
    The washer of my soul
    He is Yahweh!

  103. Miranda Baker says:

    He has given me a loving family and provided strong Christian friendship that I needed for guidance. He has lifted me out of my dark times and kept me safe and protected and forgiven me for my sins even when I feel I don’t deserve it.

  104. Katie CarrBrown says:

    He has given me a prayed-for baby, and sustains me daily through struggles!

  105. Hannah Glei says:

    He has given me hope and a purpose.
    He has saved me from myself.
    He has delivered me from my sins.
    He has forgiven and redeemed me.
    He has provided for my every need.
    He has written MY story for HIS glory!

  106. Kendall Prescott says:

    He had given me life and hope for the future

  107. Madison McEntire says:

    He has healed 3 family members from small addictions through a tough season. He has provided great youth pastors where we didn’t have any.

  108. Callae Elenbaas says:

    Praise God!

  109. Taylor Black says:

    •rescued me from my sin and shame
    •gave me a new name through Christ Jesus — forgiven, free, loved, whole, clean, spotless, reconciled, heiress
    •guided me, using a lamp at my feet by His Word

  110. Brook Vasquez says:

    He has blessed me with a loving family and amazing husband. He has made me a mother x 2. He has brought me through trials and continues to promise to never leave or forsake me, even when I feel entirely alone.

  111. Suzy Corbin says:

    He has given me a loving and supportive family, rebuilt my relationship with my dad before his passing, guided me every day and was patient while I learned to talk about him.

  112. Paris Cole says:

    Wow amazing.

  113. Ashley Rhoades says:

    17I cried out to him with my mouth,
    and praise was on my tongue.

  114. Katie Sheldon says:

    He has stayed by my side through everything, knowing all who I am, and yet he still stays. He’s still working on me but he’s never going to abandon me ❤️

  115. Takella Rice says:

    Kept me, kept my mind, provided all my needs, been faithful, and love me when I didn’t love myself.

  116. Kaitlin Yenson says:

    He has guided me, protected me, and healed me.

  117. Dana Quaal says:

    He became man to understand the temptations of humanity, remained sinless himself, took on the sin of the world, and died on the cross to save me from the fate I deserved. He has made my heart of stone into a heart of flesh and chosen me to be called His child and His beloved. He has given me the opportunity to know and love Him personally. How thankful I am!

  118. Chelsea Hessels says:

    Called me by name, saved me, gave me faith to believe, redirected my course, community, husband, family

  119. Heather Crawford says:

    In my darkest moments, God has given me peace that sometimes surpasses my own understanding. He has delivered me from the depths of my depression and has taught me to seek Him when I’m most anxious. In the year 2020, I’ve stayed employed at a hotel while nearly half the staff was laid off and another group furloughed. He’s been so faithful to provide and to continue to pursue me even when I struggle to draw near. Thank you for the Cross.

  120. Sarah McDow says:

    My God has brought me through many storms and trials, and has kept my feet in solid ground. He has provided for me and comforted me over and over. He has been patient and forgiving toward me and has been faithful to me. He is precious and strong, and He will always be working in my life for my good and for His glory.

  121. Jenna Tyson says:

    Given me people I love and care about to spend time with and not be so lonely

  122. JaLynn Matlock says:

    God has saved me from many temptations and their consequences and made me new. He’s blessed me and protected me and loved me. He’s forgives me and so much more !

  123. Yolanda Wandawanda says:

    God has opened my brothers heart to be receptive of the good news. He has made my family financially stable in these corona times. He has kept me and my family in good health. He has provided me with new friends and more joy. There is soooo much to be grateful for o God. Blessed be Your name

  124. Lauren Nystrom says:

    Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me!

    He created me. He knows me intimately, better than I know me. He cares for me despite my sin and selfishness. He gives me good gifts. He sent his son to create a path for me to spend eternity with him. He teaches and refines me. He admonishes me; he shows me my sins of wrong action and thought, as well as my sins of inaction. He loves me deeply, more than I can comprehend.

  125. Laura Barker says:

    Thankful for God sustaining my son through his health challenges!!

  126. Faith Dotson says:

    He is my hope. My hope in Him is stronger than my anxiety!

  127. Tanoa Williams says:

    He woke me up today and has kept my family from death and harm. Praise God.

  128. Cecelia Taylor says:

    God will hear and deliver

  129. Toya Nolan says:

    God’s has given me mercy and grace

  130. Tatiana Perez says:

    God has healed my dog from a random paralysis where the vet couldn’t explain it and yet alone explain how she got cured. Thank you God for your blessing. He has helped me with my schooling from passing my classes to providing me with financial assistance to pay for them. Given me peace, hope, faith, patience, and strength during trials. Most importantly he has made beautiful changes in me that couldn’t have been possible without him. Thank you God for all the blessings in my life and for everything you have done, doing for me and for what is to come. Amen.

  131. Emma P says:

    He has wrecked my plans to replace them with His better ones! He has been my comforter! He has carried me and been faithful!

  132. Annette Lessmann says:

    God gave me peace when my mom was dying and after she passed. God gave me rest and recovery when I had an ectopic. He has filled my home and my life with blessings. He calms my anxious heart. He reminds me of his goodness and that I am

  133. Carly Hogue says:

    God saved my brother from drug addiction. Even in the middle of divorce, God brought my dad closer to Him than ever before. My family is still struggling, but I’m trying to trust in God to take care of us like He always has ❤️

  134. Sarah Minton says:

    That supports my dreams. God has saved my body from a destructive eating disorder and given me a new identity. Even when I still feel guilty and ashamed, I know that’s the enemy not God speaking. God speaks healing and love over my pain.

    1. Carly Hogue says:

      That’s amazing to hear that He pulled you out of that ❤️

  135. Sarah Minton says:

    God is so good. He is forgiving and renewing every day. He has blessed me with a family

  136. Morgan Handley says:

    Everything. God has allowed me to become a mother. Through the challenges and joys of being a mom, it has without a doubt has drawn me closer to the Lord. I’m so thankful for this gift he’s given me!

  137. Nicole Green says:

    God has done soooo much for me! He has blessed me with 4 daughters, marriage of 25 years, the ability to finish college, peace that is never ending, good health for my family, and much more!

  138. Stephanie Okundi says:

    God has done so much for me. He has maintained my happiness and continues to breathe life into me. I am able to live comfortably and pursue my dreams. I thank you God for everything. Though it may seem like I am ungrateful sometimes I appreciate everything you have blessed me with.

  139. Natalie Talbot says:

    God has done so much for me. He has blessed me with the most supportive family and greatest God-loving friends. He surrounds me with opportunity and especially opportunities to serve Him and share His glory with other people. He has always put a rock under my feet when I’ve started to fall into deep pits.

  140. Tamara Stahl says:

    God is gracious and good. My dad just received a terrifying diagnosis after years of struggling. The Lord is helping us through it as we speak. Praise him

    1. Michelle Copolo-Ziemer says:

      Lifting prayers for your dad and your family for healing and strength

  141. Faith Ayers says:

    Praise his NAME

  142. Dione Jenkins says:

    God has done so much for me and I am so very grateful!!

  143. Chandler Grace says:

    He gave me a diagnosis after 17 years of deep struggle; an answer that finally explains why I’ve been hurting so deeply for so long.
    He’s brought me out of intense anxious seasons through miraculous encounters with His Spirit and His other children.
    He’s brought me my future husband; a man who stays and stays and stays through every painful, scary conversation with strength and patience and love.
    He’s been teaching me about His love through simple devotions like this one.

    1. Hayley Walker says:

      Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  144. Danielle McCarson says:

    He has delivered me from anxiety & unrest. He pours blessings over my life every single day. He loves me unconditionally!

  145. Deana Gilmore says:

    My dad passed away this Valentine’s Day! But when I think about how huge my dads heart was here in earth it was fitting for him to go that day! I thank God that my dad was a Christian and raised our family in a Christian home! God has blessed me with a great family and friends! It is hard not seeing my dad here on earth but I know I will see him in heaven! Thank you God for the gift of eternal life.

    1. Danae Boorsma says:

      Deana, I’m so sorry for your loss. Praise God that you are working through your sorrow with gratitude. I also lost my dad last October and sometimes it feels like the pain of his loss gets greater as time goes by, instead of less. I too am so grateful that I can look forward to seeing him again in Heaven someday!

  146. E Hong says:

    6He turned the sea into dry land;
    they passed through the river on foot.
    There did we rejoice in him,

  147. Megan Taylor says:

    God has done so much for me and my family! He’s taken a baby from me, but through that I learned to understand Gods plans are not my own. I loved God more and He brought me closer to Him because of it. He’s blessed my family financially. We don’t make a lot of money but somehow we live a wonderful life and we tithe to show God our appreciation and understanding that what we have is from Him. He’s blessed us with our sweet rainbow baby who came into the world with a rough start. Early, needing resuscitation and spending the first few days of her life in the NICU instead of her mother’s arms. But she was with God. He embraced her and she thrived. Thank you, God, for ALL. You are the most high!

  148. Itoro Udo says:

    Thank you Jesus for you undying love and grace that abounds. Thank you for my tuition that have been paid in full. Thank you Jesus for being my constant provider. You always make a way where there seem to be a wall. Thank you Jesus.

  149. Baylee Mullen says:

    THANK YOU JESUS!!!! For loving me unconditionally!! For pulling my out of hate for myself!!

    1. Savannah Heath says:

      Amen. Me too.

  150. Quaesha Taylor says:

    Thank you, God for watching over and protecting me every day. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. You’ve been a provider for me. You’ve made a way even when it seemed as if it was no way! Thank youx Lord!

  151. Brooke Money says:

    Thank you, Lord, for rescuing me from sin and death, and showing me a better way! Thank you for surrounding me with your people to guide and support me. You are good!

  152. Katie Fleming says:

    I’m going to write this question down on my desk today and every time something negative happens, I will think of a way that God has blessed me!

  153. Angie Graham says:

    Thank You Jesus for loving me unconditionally! Even when I fail You, You are there by my side. When the enemy tries to get me distracted, You are there with encouragement and You pick me up when I fall. Without You I have no hope! You are amazing and greatly to be praised!

  154. Haley GreenWatters says:

    God you saved my life twice. I thank you for that deeply everyday. Thank you for blessing me with the life that I have. I am grateful for all of the opportunities you have provided and more importantly, your unconditional love.

  155. Emily Schimmels says:

    He has made the mountains, the waters, the forest, the fresh air, and all of creation for our good.

  156. Pier Shea says:

    Blessed me abundantly with my family.

  157. Miranda Koors says:

    God died for me, saved me from my sin, has given me loved ones in my life, has given me good health, a job, and joy to persevere when teaching feels hard. He promises to be faithful and I choose to believe him even when it seems he is far! Amen!

  158. Brynn Mackay says:

    For giving me hope, peace, joy and freedom!

  159. Ava Rideout says:

    God has taken the blame for all my sin, died my death and constantly loves me. He could have left but He is a God of love and gives me a purpose! God is holy and so loving!

    1. Ava Grev says:


  160. Beth Murray says:

    God your plans and timing are perfect and overflow from your loving heart. Trials and heartache is present but God you are in control and can be trusted no matter what. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness in the day and night.

    1. Julie Murray says:

      Amen! Yes You can be trusted! Thank you for your faithfulness to me as well through darkness and light! Praise be to God!

  161. Tiffany Bristol says:

    Thank you Jesus for guiding and providing for me. I’m so blessed my children have chosen to follow you.

  162. KaLee Medina says:

    God you are wondrous!! You have provided a way out of the pits of despair. I was lost in utter hopelessness and you rescued me. I was consumed with myself and you taught me how to love and serve others. You showed me what true love is. Thank you Lord for continually drawing me to yourself.

  163. Paige Anfinson says:

    just a question: what exactly is it saying in 66:18? is it saying that if we know that we’re doing wrong then the Lord won’t listen? i’m just trying to break it all down. thx!!

    1. Brittany Girr says:

      I think that’s what it means. If you’re not willing to give up son in your life, even when you’ve been confronted with it, then God won’t listen to you.

    2. Tiffany Bristol says:

      I think it’s saying you have to confess your sins and not cling to them.

    3. Tiffany Bristol says:

      I think it means we need to confess our sin and not cling to it.

    4. D Martin says:

      But this is before Jesus died for our sins. Does that make a difference?

      1. Alice Robotham says:

        Nope. Jesus died once for ALL sins ( 1 Peter 3:18). I think Romans 1:18-32 gives a good breakdown of what it means if we hold on to sin. God doesn’t love us any less and I reckon it breaks his heart, but he does give us free will and there are consequences for our choices.

  164. Beth Treadway says:

    God, you are truth! You are walking me through this season of fear and anxiety. You do not abandon me, but give me Your goodness and truth. I trust You, God. Thank You for all You have done!

  165. Jerecia Lee says:

    God is almighty! He has blessed and covered me beyond measures. I am thankful every day, every hour, every minute, and every second of the flow of blessings that I receive. Amen

  166. K O says:

    God you have let me go through trials to strengthen me, you’ve helped me see you are present & am working. God you’ve let me witness the miracle of birth many times and brought me to a place of rejoicing in your goodness. You have provided people for me & protections for my heart & mind. You go before me and set me in a protected space. You will provide me rest & joy. You have lead me to my education & you are seeing me through. God you listen to me & never leave me. All praise to you.

  167. Alyssa Silvester says:

    You have brought me to a place of abundance. Thank you for your presence in my life and in the life of my family. Thank you for preparing a life for me in a new city. Thank you for the healthy and safe birth of my sweet son.

  168. MirAnda Keplinger says:

    God saves and redeemed my life from destruction. He has been faithful to me when I was faithless. He has blessed me and provided for me. He blessed me with a beautiful daughter after 7 years of waiting. He has been by side through dark times and happy times and has never given up on me.

  169. Nicole Price says:

    A new wonder is coming, soon!

  170. Sybil Peters says:

    God continues to be steadfast in His promises to Love & Prosper me. Thank you God for my marriage of 15years, our 4 amazing daughters & the life you have blessed us with. Preparing for the next chapter & very Thankful for this new level of trust God is walking me thru. (Scary but Reassuring that HE will not leave me!)

  171. Molly Gilbane says:

    Come and listen— all who fear God— and I will tell what He has done for me. Lord, you saved me. Gave me good health. A beautiful, wonderful family of my own. A roof over my head— safety and security. A whole new career that has been life-changing. You healed ca. You blessed us with five perfect nieces and nephews. You have given us opportunities to travel and experience new, captivating cultures. How wonderful life is, Jesus. All the praise, honor, glory, and power be to you, Heavenly Father!

  172. Kathleen Straniere says:

    He has shown mercy and grace upon me when I didn’t deserve it. He has loved me without cause and never turned His back on me. He holds everything together.

  173. Megan Steuerwald says:

    God has continued to be faithful to me even when I’m not faithful to Him. He’s answered my prayers and I know will answer other prayers. He has blessed me with the best friends and the greatest family.

  174. Jessica Presley says:

    God has shown me where I am prideful, he has freed me from addiction to pornography, he has delivered me from my own sins, and ha restored my joy! My God is good. My God is faithful. My God, there is none like Him.

  175. sophie deyoung says:

    God has restored joy in my life! He helps me resist the temptations of the world. He reassures me that He’s always gonna pull me out of the chaos. He brings me peace amidst the stress and depression. He loves me ALWAYS.

  176. Joanne M says:

    I got in a car accident yesterday that could have been fatal, but I walked away without a scratch – not even an inkling of whiplash. God showed me His grace, and woke me up to how little I was practicing gratitude toward Him! Thank you Lord!

  177. Tashea Jackson says:

    God has saved me. He has freed from addiction to pornography and self pleasure. He has kept my mind sane after years of dealing with depression. He has made sure I have lacked of nothing. He has made me truly a new woman, who can walk with her head up because she knows who she belongs to.

  178. Joelle Whited says:

    God has shown up time and time again, offering His love and forgiveness. He’s so faithful to rescue me from the messes I’ve willfully made. His blessings and love and patience amaze me.

  179. Amber Bratton says:

    God has seen fit and blessed me with a great career, amazing family and great friends no matter how far away they may be. He has also shown me love in countless ways including bringing me my hopefully future husband. I have anxiety about all the changes to come but I trust and believe God will work it out to his will.

  180. Alexa Mainor says:

    It is amazing that the list of all he’s done for me is absolutely endless. Thank you father for giving me the life I lead, and trusting me with the relationships I have. Thank you for the freedom I have to worship you and my ability to do so. You are the creator and I am the creation and I am forever thankful.

  181. Cami Sayre says:

    God has brought together some simply amazing things. From creating the world to creating us perfect in His image, He has had our every last quirky detail in mind from the beginning. How great is our God! He has brought me from darkness and made me more trusting, hopeful, and joyful. He brought me a loving, God-filled husband and a beautiful baby girl when I didn’t deserve it. He provided us with a house that protects us and jobs that provide, but reminds us that He is sufficient without those things. God’s grace and love and provision are the greatest most awesome things, and I am incredibly thankful to receive them.

  182. Bailey Braden says:

    Thank you, God, for all that you have dine in my life, for all that you are doing now, and for all that you will do.

  183. Olga C says:

    God has shown me grace even when I do not deserve it. God forgives me of my sins even when I do not deserve it. God shows me mercy even when I do not deserve it. God is a faithful father always. God is always listening even when I think he is not. God has always been there even when I thought he wasn’t. God knows everything even before I tell him. God is always there…I am the one that strays sometimes.

  184. Jillian Sheehy says:

    God has grounded my heart in truth and has helped me rage war against anxiety. I’m thankful God hears me and cares enough about me to release me of my chains. Praise be to God!

  185. Phena WilsonPhillips says:

    Jesus has shown me such mercy and grace. He is the God of all, Lord of Lords, and the one who picks me up and puts me back on my feet each time I stumble and fall.

  186. Alyssa M says:

    My God has been with me through the fire. He has set my feet on firm ground. He hears my cry in the night. He is my protection. He has blessed me. He never leaves me. He casts out my fear, worry, and anxiety when I call upon Him. My God is good.

  187. Chloe Park says:

    I have been waiting for almost 2 years to get a steady full time job. Last week, I accepted a full time job at my dream office. God is so faithful even when I am not faithful to Him. God is worthy of all glory and praise. He has heard every single prayer that I have prayed and He has always been by my side. I couldn’t have made it this far without God’s grace.

  188. Kersti says:

    Even in the battle I am in God is with me, he is providing encouragement and joy as I need it. He is good.


    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

  189. Caroline says:

    I praise Him for his words are true and always with me! He has brought me to a place of great abundance. I am lavishly loved and cared for and the praises of my King will forever be on my lips! PRAISE BE TO GOD!

  190. Tinette says:

    God has protected me, and healed me.
    Through 4 brain operations, a broken relation, and my parents divorce. Because of Him, I did not fear. I knew that everything that was happening was under His control, and that it was His will.
    When I thought and felt that I was broken, and no one could ever love me, He Loved me. When I cried out in anguish, He heard me, and took my pain upon himself.
    He has restored me, given me a husband that is perfectly suited to me. Who loves and cherishes the parts I thought were weak and undesirable. Who supports me and understands my struggles.
    He has saved me from the grave!! Only recently have I truly comprehend what God’s mercy means, and I feel continuously awed and grateful.

    God, I feel so honoured that you love me.

  191. Jessica Ivey says:

    He has called me from death to life in Jesus Christ
    He has been patient with me as I continued in sin, convicting me and eventually leading me to repentance
    He has saved my dad and changed him dramatically
    He has blessed me with a loving, kind, patient husband
    He has provided for all my physical needs abundantly
    He has blessed me with a job
    He has given us a beautiful and comfortable home
    He has put us in a church where deep truths of the Gospel are faithfully preached and taught
    He has opened my eyes to wonderful opportunities to serve and form relationships with people different from myself across town
    He has blessed us with many friends with whom to share life

  192. MDobbs says:

    God brought my husband and me together then changed my heart toward marriage so we would no longer be living in sin. God gave me a loving, generous, selfless, and successful mother so I have never gone without ANYTHING. There is nothing I want for other than Him! Even on my husbands and my own small incomes we LACK NOTHING! Praise be to my Lord my God!

  193. Shamar Hudson says:

    He had grace and mercy upon me when I deserved none!
    He provision sustained me!
    He loved me even when I couldn’t love myself!
    He was patient with me when I struggled with sin, allowing me to live even when I was outside of His will!
    When me and my husband were both jobless God still provided!

  194. Joanna says:

    He delivered me out of self-destructive patterns of addiction and shame.
    He removed malice and ill-will from my heart towards my sister and father.
    He removed my stubborn-mindedness and made me keen towards obedience.
    He’s given me a beautiful home, a best four-legged friend, an incredible community, and a loving church.

    In all this though, why can’t I seem to trust him with love and relationships? I’m struggling so hard to let him take care of this aspect of my life. I want to take this into my own hands. I feel stuck and unmoored all at the same time.

  195. Kensley Goodman says:

    My goal today will be to tell all who I encounter the wonderful works Jesus has done for my family and myself, that he is good and gracious and mighty. His praise will be on my tongue.

  196. Sharell says:

    God has kept me through so many trials in my life. I’ve seen so much at just 24 years old. He had refined me a numerous areas. He has continued to show his faithfulness to me and reassures me of his love for me. He has delivered me from a life of darkness. He has given me a new heart. He provides for me daily and never lets me go without. He has strengthened me and used for my good what the enemy meant for destruction. He corrects me and disciplines me out of love and never allows me to walk this life alone or on the wrong path.

  197. Cassie says:

    My list is abundant! His grace has delivered me and kept me…. He continues to be faithful.

  198. Carly Beverly says:

    God has comforted me when I was weak, forgiven me for my sins, loved me every second of every day, shown me the beauty in life, helped me understand what true friendship is, given me hope when I thought things were impossible, blessed my family, and answered my prayers! It’s impossible to list all he has done for us, but I’m so thankful for everything our Heavenly Father does for me!

  199. Lexi Beaver says:

    God has forgiven me for a multitude of sins. His grace has allowed me to not only have a better relationship with him, but also a better relationship with my parents. God worked through my disobedience to them and somehow made His love outshine all the wrongdoings. I am so thankful for His presence in my entire family’s life.

  200. Kelsey Lockner says:

    He reminds me of my worth in Him
    He saved my parent’s marriage
    He comforts me when I am overcome with sadness
    He reminds me daily that he will provide for me

  201. Emma Toland says:

    God is good!!

    1. Madison VanGinhoven says:

      All the time!

  202. Christina says:

    He snatched me from the jaws of death
    He saved my soul from hell
    He brought me out of the mire of depression and anxiety
    He blessed me with a kind, caring, living husband who loves Him
    He provided work for my hands to do when such was scarce
    He wrapped me in loving community
    He heals and protects my heart daily
    Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  203. Cherisse says:

    He pulled me out of deep depression.
    He calmed all of my fears.
    He gave me strength I didn’t know I had.
    He gave me a voice.
    He blessed me with beautiful kids and a beautiful Husband.
    Healed the anxiety.
    Brought me to a tribe of incredible women.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thank you for sharing, Cherisse! So beautiful and encouraging!

      – Stormye

  204. Natasha says:

    Lord you are so good. In the midst of my baby’s seizures I feel your comfort. There is purpose in the pain. You do what it takes to bring me to my knees because you love me.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying for you, Natasha. Asking the Lord to heal and to bring you peace.

      – Stormye

      1. Natasha says:

        Thankyou. It’s very much appreciated!

  205. Aisha says:

    I am overwhelmed with joy reading all of this!

    In the midst of my confusion, He has presented Himself as the Truth.

    In the face of my relational co-dependency, He has shown Himself to the One on whom I can healthily depend.

    In the a season of wandering, He imparted purpose.

    After walking away from a degree over 10 years ago He restored hope. By His grace, I finished it! I accepted a call to ministry and went on to study further and am now working on a Masters in Theology.

    Rejection and pain that I’ve faced from broken relationships has been HEALED in the Jesus name! He has shown me how much I’m already chosen by Him!

    He has given me grace and peace! Praise God for what He has done!

  206. Stefani says:

    God you are amazing!!! I am unworthy, yet you have blessed me with so my much!!! My marriage is as close to perfect as it gets, I can not believe how incredible my husband is. Lord you have blessed me. My children are healthy and have good hearts! I am so blessed. We have a beautiful house, we have families who love us fiercely, we have friends who are loyal to us. Lord you are so amazing. Again, I am so unworthy, so undeserving yet my prayers are answered. Praise be to you my God for your unfailing love. Thank you Father.

  207. Steph says:

    Saved my wicked soul from death to give me life. Gave my life purpose. Restored my relationship with my husband, (through the process) restored my relationships through people who have hurt me, showed me agape love through demonstrating His sacrifice. Taught/teaching me how to be a wife,mother, and friend. And set me free from addiction! Praise the LORD!

  208. He redeemed our marriage from an affair and gave us a child when doctors said it would be impossible. He took away much of what I thought I needed in order to give me himself. Bless the Lord, o my soul!

  209. Tricia says:

    Lord, thank you for taking painful things and making them purposeful things. You waste nothing and for that I am overwhelmingly thankful.

  210. Marcy says:

    “May God be praised! He has not turned away my prayer or turned His faithful love from me.” The list of things You have done for me is endless Lord, everyday I add to this list for your blessings never cease. He has truly been wonderful to me!

  211. Paula Garcia says:

    God has been good to me every step of the way, in the good and the bad. During a difficult time in my life He gave me Romans 8:28, reminding me that He works ALL things out for the GOOD of those who love Him. That’s ALL things, not just the good but also the bad. I was born in a loving family and everything seemed to always work out for me, but when things suddenly changed for my family and uncertainty took over, He was my refuge and my comforter, reminding me He would never leave my side.
    Last year, when I was laid off my job unexpectedly, and hurt by it, I was reminded of this and I knew I could trust him even in my uncertainty. I had to wait a few months, but He blessed me with the most fulfilling job I’ve been in where I get to do what I love surrounded by amazing people. God showed me that He was taking care of me, and He cared about me and my dreams. He showed me it was Him who would open the right doors for me at the right time.
    He has blessed me with a loving husband, family, friends, church, and most importantly with HIS LOVE. I can’t believe I get to be his loved daughter, his princess, and all I can say is THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU, my Lord, my sweet and loving Father.

    1. Rebekah says:

      I needed to hear this. Thanks for sharing

  212. Christina says:

    He brought me out of slavery to sin,
    He brought me into a life of freedom and joy.
    I was bound to decaying things,
    He offers me things that will last forever.
    I was dead in my transgressions,
    I was brought to life in Christ.
    I found my value in relationships,
    He finds me valuable as I am.

    He has protected me from harmful relationships. He has placed me at a job where I can make a difference and be a light in a dark place. He has healed my family from illnesses. He has restored broken pieces of my heart after break-ups. He has called me to lead a LifeGroup. He has been the one who has never failed me.

  213. Bethany C. says:

    He has forgiven me for being unkind to those I love.
    He has saved my brother from alcoholism.
    He has protected me from bad relationships.
    He answered my prayers and blessed me with a husband who loves me deeply.
    He has guided me and directed my path into a fulfilling career that I love.
    He has provided my husband and I both with jobs that support our family.
    He was near to me and comforted me as I endured 4 devastating miscarriages in 2 years.
    He remembered me and my sorrow and blessed me with a healthy baby boy in January.
    My God is good to me in my pain and He is good to me in my joy.

    1. Adrienne Dolan says:

      Praise God! Thank you for your testimony, Bethany!

  214. Ashley Gomez says:

    The Lord has been good to me even when I failed him. I am in awe everyday of his mercy and love! Praise his name!

  215. Dana says:

    He has given me a family that loves and supports me, good health, sound mind. And He loves me! Even when I fail myself, He has never failed me. He loves me in spite of me, and all the things I’ve done. He forgives me. Truly. I cannot with my mind put in words how much He loves us. It’s a great feeling. He restores, delivers. His mercy and grace and love are the best thing that ever happened to me.

  216. BethanneHope says:

    He healed me of Down syndrome before I was even born. He has filled in the lonely pieces of my heart. He has held me together through the loss of multiple dear friends. He has given me strong, Godly people to live life with.

  217. Erica says:

    He has healed me from debilitating anxiety. He led me to the right place to get help for it and is always there for me in prayer. I tried for so long to try to fix this on my own when he was there the entire time waiting for me to just ask for his help. He truly cares about all the things happening in our lives and wants us to invite him in to rescue us! He is good!!

  218. Lindsay says:

    He saved my life, kept me from literally dying in childbirth. He kept my blood healthy and clotted it when the numbers all pointed to me bleeding out during the emergency c section. People cried out and asked the Lord to protect me and He did. He kept my baby safe, gave me the best doctors and fully restored my health. PRAISE!

    1. Lexi says:

      that’s wonderful, He is great!

  219. Susie says:

    He healed my cancer! Amen! He’s working in our family now and in my marriage. He rescued my husband from the pit of depression and pain. God is good!

  220. Bethan says:

    He has saved me, restored me, loved me. Even when I am not filling the path God bas for me these things still apply! Isn’t he just an amazing God? Thank you Tina for sharing this x

  221. Ari says:

    Thank you God for the many blessings, from my family to my job, you give me more than I deserve.

  222. Latoya Irving says:

    Praise God good word.

  223. Grace says:

    He has held a firm grip on my heart
    All knowing
    Never fearing

  224. Jessica Bagsby says:

    Thank you lord for the air I breathe, the laughs I laugh, the memories I make. Thank you lord for my family and friends–healthy, laughing, loving their lives. Thank you lord for walking beside me in the darkest of times and the brightest of times. Thank you lord for food, shelter, ability to work, walk, run and live life to the fullest. Thank you lord for the reminders to be grateful and love unconditionally.

  225. Terri says:

    He is my peace in chaos, my shelter from trouble, my comforter when anxious. He holds my hand through the fire or barren land. He is my source of light when darkness seems to overwhelm me. He is the one true love for all the world, the only one who can truly fill the hole ,to make you complete.

  226. Delaney says:

    He has led me through dark places and holds me through days I can’t fathom. He is always there for me and he is in control. He loves me no matter what and I always have him to rely on. He knows what has, is and will happen. He is the way and truth and life. He withholds no good thing from me. He is my good father who will never walk out. He is the lover of my souls and the healer of my scars. Even when I spit in his face, he picks me up. He is always good. No matter what.

    1. Alexa says:

      Thank you for sharing, Delaney! I needed the Scripture, but I also needed your words!

  227. Ariel McFarland says:

    God is my strength! He has delivered me from places of darkness! He is my source of life

    1. Ariel McFarland says:

      (Oops sorry I accidentally pressed post but I wasn’t done)
      God is my firm foundation. He comforts me when I am weak and facing trials. He test me but only to make me stronger. He builds me up and molds me. He is patient with me and freely gives me grace that I do not deserve. He never leaves me and he constantly provides for me. He is the source of all good things! He has never left me and he never will. I am his daughter and he give me love that in never ending.

  228. Madelin G says:

    I thank the Lord for the life he has given me and the lovely family I have around me every day. I also thank him for leading me into making good decisions with my life. Thanks God :)

  229. Jamie says:

    God has been my constant when everything else in life is changing and I don’t know if I can keep going. Through work and personal life struggles I have leaned on him to pull me through and nothing feels better than that release of knowing he has me and I don’t have to worry or struggle on my own. I will be forever indebted to the father who protects and saves me!

  230. Aliciafae says:

    Lord thank you for all that you have done and will do in my life. I am his and he is mine !!!!

  231. Alicia says:

    At 22, I believed that I had fallen in love and found the man I was destined to marry. That only solidified when he knelt down and asked me to marry him. At that point I could clearly see our beautiful future painted before me. And then, in a blink, my whole future came tumbling down when I found out he had cheated on me. I had given him everything, and he hurt me far more than I’ve ever been hurt before. In my emotional distress and hard headed determination not to give up on the future I had seen with him, I took him back a few months later. It only took a month for him to cheat on me again. And imagine, he still pleaded for me to stay. on December 8, 2015 I walked away for good and did the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I reached a level of pain and depression I had never felt before. I came to a point where I wasn’t sure I wanted to live. To have someone I loved so much show that he cared so little, well it made me feel useless and undesired. Yet, even in the midst of the storm, God pulled me from the dark depths of my self pity. He held me in the moments that I’d thought would crush me, and tinderly filled me with his Spirit when I felt weak. I’m not fully healed from the betrayal of the person I once believed could never hurt me, but I see the true future that I would have experienced had I remained with my ex fiance, but more importantly I see the unwavering and bright future that I have in Jesus Christ my Savior. I learned that even in our planning, nothing is ever certain. Our plans may not always measure up to the vast plans of God’s, but in the end you’ll see that it is in your benifit that they don’t. This is what God has (more recently) done for me, and I will forever be thankful for His saving grace. ♡

    1. Paula Garcia says:

      Alicia, thanks for sharing your story. God is good and He is our healer. He knows every detail of your story, and what’s best- not only your past but also your present and your future. He’s holding you in His hand and has something beautiful for you!

  232. He is my strength. He helps me overcome my weaknesses and he wipes away my past. He blots away my rebellion. He is mighty to save! He chooses me when I choose the world and he helps me say no to temptations thrown my way. He is faithful to ME, a little lamb who strays from him over and over again. And he is patient with me as I learn to be faithful to HIM. His blessings are waiting for me at the end of that path of obedience he is guiding me down, his promises are fulfilling. They are marvelous. He is my new life!

  233. rebekah says:

    i just think back to every moment in the past 4 years and wow. we have been given so much that at the time seemed out of reach. on a journey for something that seems out of reach right now as well but i know God has promised me and i have to discipline myself to praise Him even if He continually tells me . not yet.

  234. Brianna Tew says:

    The lord has tested me, at times I have gone back to my sinful ways and there he was waiting for me with open arms. He is the source of joy and fills me with love. He let me go through storms to help me realize what truly matters and that’s Jesus. He holds my future and uses me and will place me where I belong. He is my father when I feel abandoned. He is my friend when I feel betrayed. He is my everything.

  235. Nico says:

    He is my hope and my light when my soul is in despair and surrounded by darkness. His love is what initially caught my attention and brought me in (So to the ones who have never felt loved or worthy of love, I implore you to listen as He calls you by name). His grace, a multifaceted gem that shows itself in every light of my life; I’m always in awe. He changed my view of the words ‘never’ and ‘forever’ after they were tainted by human error. Now, when He says “I’ll never leave you” and “I’ll love you forever,” I believe Him.

  236. Jinny says:

    I can testify of having been put through the fire only to be brought into abundance by my savior. I rejoice in him through all my struggles and blessings. He is king of kings and lord of Lords and I claim victory in his name and reject fear by his power and might. His love and mercy endurerh for ever.

  237. Abby says:

    He reminds me daily of his deep love. He provides and protects me during all seasons of life. He is the only true source of joy, even when I am in despair. He is the light that shines in our dark, lonely, sinful lives. He is good all the time and all the time He is good.

  238. Sarah Ulrich says:

    He has adopted me as his own before the foundation of the earth was set. He sent something so precious to him (who was completely innocent) to take my anxiety, my cynicism, my idolatry-prone heart, my low self-esteem, and all my other brokenness to the cross so that I could be given a new name; a new identity. He has initiated a relationship with me by pursuing me in his loving kindness. It has never been about my effort to love him, and everything to do with the grace he’s shown me. He’s placed me in a family and has allowed me to be best friends with them. He’s given me a boyfriend who, even in our brokenness, had loved me and desires to love me forever, despite my fear of being abandoned. The Lord is GOOD!

  239. Bethany says:

    He has made all things new. I thought I couldn’t heal after martial unfaithfulness, but He restored us. He allowed my Christian moms group to thrive even though I struggled as a leader. It’s not about what I can’t do! He does wondrous things!!!!

  240. Jess says:

    God has indeed done wondrous things for me. He took hold of my heart young and filled me with His truth in a loving Christian home. During my teens and now into adulthood, I have been through fire. An eating disorder, depression, panic disorder, generalised anxiety, suicidal tendencies, self-harm… I’ve been through it all and I fought all the way clinging to my God. Without Him I would not be here today. And He has transformed and redeemed my brokenness!!!!!! I am not over it all. I live with mental Illness every day but my darling Lord has given me more than I could have ever imagined. A will to live for the first time in so many years!!! A talent for writing vulnerably that seems to reach other suffers and so many opportunities to bring comfort and help to those with mental illness. He has set my feet on firm ground once again. Though I do not think I will know wholeness until He calls me home I have had a taste. His sustaining grace is enough and I love to tell the story of His salvation in my life!

  241. Loria says:

    He has delivered my from a net, trap that was set for me! Praise God for his wonderful mercy that endures forever. Thank you Jesus!

  242. Rachel says:

    He has given me the freedom to worship Him unlike some christians in other countries, encouragement from other women over the internet, friends that I am able to discuss hardships with, security that I am safe at night. And finally He heals my heart everyday that struggles from depression. He allows me to wake up in the morning and worship Him, letting me know that this world is temporary. He is truly where home is, and that gives me peace.

  243. Annesly says:

    He has given me incomprehensible joy and peace in him and the opportunities to pursue the desires of my heart. He has given me family and friends that encourage me, fight for me, and teach me how to serve. He has given me the chance to have everlasting joy by serving him. He has given me security, protection from evil, and new life in him. Thank you, Lord, for who you are and for giving me all of you.

  244. Sarah says:

    Lord you have truly been present in my life these last few days. There is no doubt that you are my savior and that I pray that you would help me put you first in all aspects of my life. I praise your name and j ask that you help me do all of my works in my day to day life for you God. Not to receive reward on earth but to receive a crown from you in heaven. God you have proven how good you are over and over again to me. I pray that you continue to do this for me and I ask that you mold me into the woman that you intended me to be. You are almighty and all powerful! Amen!!

  245. Mariska Harris says:

    God is good all the time! I have learned that God is by my side through the storms and the peaceful waters. God is teaching me to be patient and Trust and Praise him no matter the circumstances. He has blessed me time and time again when I don’t deserve it! God is always faithful and extends grace and love when I am very undeserving. God is my refuge and rock and He is the source of healing- healing my marriage, healing my 1 week old son, and is continuing to work in me! I’m beyond thankful that He sent His son to die for me and to show us how to love others. I forever want to praise His name with my lips- through the highs and lows of life! Amen!!!

  246. Julia says:

    God help me to find you like this again. Help me to sing when I feel as if I’ve lost my voice. I want to sing praises of you to all the people of the earth. Help me to do that.

  247. Tracey says:

    This is such a wonderful reminder to praise God in the trenches and the testing. He is faithful and hears my prayer and knows my heart. The strength and growth from finding joy in the trial has always proven to be positive. Praise God!

  248. Marissa says:

    You are with me through every storm. You are my rock and my foundation when things don’t seem to be going my way. My heart is full of joy because You love me no matter what. I am blessed. Praise!!!

  249. Lisa W. says:

    I have been having a very difficult time with my 2 little boys recently. It has humbled me as a mother and brought me to my knees. I confess that I had started to swear under my breath in frustration throughout my days. After confessing this to God and asking forgiveness, I asked for his help to change this bad habit into a good habit of asking for God’s help when I feel frustrated. He answers my prayer every time and apart from the start of a beautiful habit, I have a new sense of God’s presence and help from the Holy Spirit in my day! This Psalm expresses my thoughts toward God perfectly today!

    Praise God for the testing of my faith in this trial of parenting! You have placed a burden on my back and let (little) men ride over my head… In spite of the fire and water, I will see the abundance you are bringing me to. May God be praised!!!

  250. Katie says:

    God, you are so good. You have blessed us with a home that is full of peace and nature is all around. I praise you for your creation.. For the tall trees and blue sky, for the frogs and lizards and huge owl. You have blessed me with a truly great husband. He is kind and full of perseverance and the quest for good things. You have blessed me with a don, full of curiosity and laughter. It is a joy to watch him grow. You have filled my life with good things, and you have given me peace in my heart. There were countless days that I prayed and longed for a companion, and you heard me. There were countless days that I prayed to be in a good job that allowed me to not work as much, and you heard me!! You have brought my family members back to you, and blessed me with great, deep, sharing-life friendships. I will walk next to you all of my days.

  251. Krystin says:

    He has chosen me, redeemed me,…adopted me. He has cleansed me in His own blood and given me His righteousness. He has carried me through life’s trials and continues to carry me still. I love verse 16 “come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he has done for my soul.”

  252. Mamataysha says:

    God is the only constant in life. He is the only thing that will always be there for me. I find this so comforting and reassuring

  253. Alexis says:

    He has given me mercy and grace when I didn’t, and still don’t, deserve it.

  254. Kadi says:

    He has loved me, forgiven me and saved me

  255. Kimi Finley says:

    You spoke by your Spirit and brought me hope, people are praying for me, people are bringing me essentials and coming to babysit, others are offering support love and understanding-thank God for your church body and for your hope

  256. Rachel says:

    You take care of every need Lord. I have peace above every storm!

  257. Theresa says:

    God is good and faithful. I trust him in every situation. He provides everything I need. He is always with me! He’s my King and my friend! He’s the best! I love Him!!

  258. Megan says:

    His mercies are new every day! Today He has blessed me with 2 years of sobriety. Because of this I have found strength and trust in His name!

  259. Abigail says:

    He gave me a roof over my head, gave me a godly mom and dad. And has blessed me with four younger brothers. Even though they might get annoying I am still great full. Thank you God for loving me enough To put me on this earth even though you knew I would mess up , you still love me for who I am

  260. Morgan says:

    All the earth worships the Lord

  261. Courtney says:

    What version are you guys using in this study? I see that you link to the ESV, but the actual text that is used in each day’s study is different. I am really enjoying it and just wondering what version it is.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Courtney! The version in the books is primarily HCSB. Hope this helps!


      1. Courtney says:

        Thank you!!!

  262. Amber says:

    “May God be praised!”

  263. Emma Wood says:

    “praise be to God who has not withheld His love from me” just beautiful.

  264. Kristen says:

    Thank you lord! You know what is best for us! Thank you for helping me trust in you lord and give up control. Thank you lord for loving your children and wanting good things for us. control.

  265. Shelby says:

    He forgives me daily. He brought me to a new job that involves moving to my dream city, he listens and loves me and makes me whole during this season of singleness! Cool stuff:)

  266. Tonya marie Dayes says:

    He loved me, forgave me and made me whole. He saved me from the depths of hell. He gave me my husband and daughters.

  267. Jackie Ordonez says:

    Thank you lord for always being so faithful even when I didn’t deserve it . You have heard my prayers and now I can shout joyfully to you. I will forever praise your name lord. You are Good all the time God .

  268. Van says:

    He has preserved me. My marriage. children. Home. life

  269. Haley says:

    * that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by Him, and in His image. God has given me a family that loves and supports me. He is almighty .

  270. Haley says:

    God has given me eternal life! He tells me that I am a peculiar treasure pecular

  271. Kay says:

    God shows me unconditional love. He shows me he loves me. He shows me his presence daily. He calls to me and reminds me I am worthy though most days I don’t feel like it. He remains the heel of my family. He saved a wretch like me. Thank you

  272. Carlynn says:

    God has reduced me from the wreckage of my life, and He continues to rescue with me with each passing day.

    1. Carlynn says:


  273. Marcelina says:

    God has reminded me that He loves me and that He is always there for me. Sometimes when we go through the lows in the roller coaster of life, and we don’t feel Gods presence but He has reminded me He is ALWAYS there even when we cry I to Him and don’t feel His presence. He has reminded me that I can overcome anything with Him in my life because I am saved by His grace. If Jesus can conquer the grave then you can make it through one bad day… We have Jesus nothing can stop you ❤️

  274. susiedoozie says:

    God pushes me to be stronger by places trials in front of me.

  275. Gretel says:

    He has been a good good father to me. Never leaving my side when others do. He has strengthened me to live a life worthy of the calling I’ve received. He’s my Abba, providing every need in HIS timing. The one my soul loves.

  276. Emma says:

    Thoughtlessness. HE rebukes and loves me.

  277. Emma says:

    HE reminds me I am HIS own. HE loves me in spite of my laziness and

  278. Jordan says:

    I’ve been reminded lately of all of the times that the Lord has shown me grace and faithfulness. All the times when I struggle and worry, just to have it all work out, just as it always does when it has the Lords hand in it. It’s a constant reminder to keep trusting it all to God. There’s not much sense in worrying, when He’s already got it all figured out.

  279. Amanda says:

    God has continually reminded me who I am, who he says I am, even though I’m all to eager to trade it in for lies for this world. He continues to stand by me and claim me although I’m sometimes so far from him (I feel like, but I know he never leaves). He continues to call me to himself and inspire a dream and passion for my future, although I’m all to lazy sometimes and forget what he has said. I’m so screwed up, but he and his love inspire me to live a life according and worthy to the calling. I don’t live the way I do because I have to, but because it’s all I can think of to praise him for all he is and has done for me. He has worked in my life and others around me so gloriously that no other explanation makes sense than that it is God in us

  280. Rebekah says:

    He is my faithful Father!

  281. Nia says:

    Good is teaching me I am deserving of his love,acceptance ,and forgiveness,and not I hold anger or grudges in my heart but to let go and trust that he is mighty

  282. Elise says:

    God has been faithful and has continued to love me through my failure. I owe all to He, who gives me everything.

  283. MaryKathryn says:

    God continually blesses me with His powerful plan. He puts certain people in my life when I need them most. Praise Him!!!

  284. Grace says:

    I’ve been praying a chance to boldly declare the name of Jesus and all that he has done for me and finally he’s granted me that chance. Praise the Lord because he has been faithful to hear me and to answer my prayers and has allowed me to do it for an entire week! To God be the glory!

  285. Lindsay says:

    I have rejected Him and turned away from His word. I have sinned against Him in so many ways, yet He mercifully forgives me and draws me closer to Him. Through His word I am clean, and because He saved me I live and love with a new heart that I will use to love him until the end of my days.

  286. Paige says:

    God has been faithful to me and constantly provided. He has answered prayers in ways that I would not have ever imagined. The saying “wait on Gods timing” has been so true in my life. God is always good!

  287. Melody Suarez says:

    He brought forth beauty from my ashes
    He gave me an identity in Him
    He revealed idols in my life and brought them to the light

    He gave me a new life free from striving, free from trying to be someone I’m not, and free from the worlds approval
    My cup runneth over with His love and I’m so grateful to call him Dad

  288. Karlee says:

    He has brought me thr

    1. Karlee says:

      He has brought me through a dark valley that would have lead to death. I owe Him everything that He has created me to be. He blesses me hourly and creates in me the heart to love others. I am blessed. I am loved. My God is awe-inspiring and such a good, good father.

  289. Cierra says:

    He has raised me from the dead and taken me from dark places. If it weren’t for him, I’d be hurting more than ever and lost without the understanding of what true Agape love is.

  290. KR says:

    He has loved me always. He has heard my prayers and saved me. I am not worthy of his blessing but he continues to bless me. Thank you Lord for allowing me to worship you.

  291. Hallie says:

    This is always popping up that he is my solid rock, my foundation and YES!!! He is , my father has me in his hands. My words are not enough to explain and rejoice in him and what he has done for me!!

  292. Rebecca says:

    Adopted me as his own. Brought me into the light. That Thank you

  293. Jenni says:

    Thank you Jesus for bringing us through the refining fire. You alone are worthy.

  294. C.Scarsy says:

    I am grateful for his constant reassurance and strength. For his faithfulness and unconditional love.

  295. Millie says:

    Blessed me with so much, protected me, never forsaken me and unconditionally loved me.

  296. Rachel says:

    God, who created all things, hears me! How crazy is that?! He watches over me and protects me. And not just physically. He protects my heart, mind, and soul! He has blessed me with a wonderful family. A beautiful home. A great job. 2 precious dogs. A sound mind. A peaceful heart. He always provides for me. More than what I need. And I don’t deserve any of it! But His grace and love are in abundance and He loves to give to His children! Jesus, thank you for all You’ve done for me and continue to do. You are our Savior! Blessed Redeemer! Lord of all! I love You, Lord!

  297. Ellina says:

    God has done countless things for me. The thing I get most excited about in my life is knowing that I am his! I’ve always known this but what I am extremely grateful for is what he recently did for me last year. I was in an awful place of fearful anxiety and I was terrified of people, it got so bad that I got depression and had panic attacks so regularly I became so desperate I just pleaded for Jesus to save me. And HE DID he heard my prayer and after a long battle it was literally like I was rescued. In one moment Jesus revealed to me who I am in his eyes and I dropped my insecurities and fell in love with him – he took the fear that I held and made the chains for off, he heard my battle cry and he won my life.

  298. Kayla says:

    20 Praise be to God,
    who has not rejected my prayer
    or withheld his love from me!

    Man! Good is soooooo good! All the time! God is good!

    I too, have so much to be grateful for, a couple of months ago I was in a sad emotional state where I just felt lonely. And I envied a lot of couples, that were have and I love together. I thought, ” why couldn’t I have that?” I deserved that, and so I prayed. At the time I was missing someone that I dated during the summer, but unfortunately he had to go away for business and take off in his career. Well, I continued to pray. And pray harder. And I realized why those other relationships didn’t work! It because I chose the men. I chose them, so I gave it God, and let him choose the right guy for me. Because he knows lol the kind of men I choose.
    Well to pick up the pace, I was talking to other guys, but none of em clicked. Until, I went on this dating site, and I prayed. I don’t know why I decided to download the app again, but I did.
    I gave it all to him to work. It was just an impression I felt to go and download it and start swiping. So I swiped the ones I thought were decent, what I chose until, I got bored.
    So the next time I sign of I seen that I had a match with someone I can’t remember being swiping on let alone super like, lol so I usually unmatch.
    Wait now maybe I swiped right but I don’t remember super liking that’s for sure. That was GOD’s hand!
    No we are together and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had! God’s timing is perfect and his love stories are the best! There are so many instances where God speaks to me and let’s me know. Reminds me of his hand over are relationship.

  299. Bethany Walley says:

    God has answered my prayers and provided me with a job when I prayed for it! On top of that God has given me my amazing family, house and car that I take advantage of. But let us not forget that God has SAVED MY LIFE AND I AM ETERNALLY HIS

  300. Kelsey says:

    He has put so much love in my life. The fact that I graduated college having no idea what I was going to do and put me on Hawaii is just the beginning of what he’s planned for me. He continues to place so many opportunities in my life that yes I must work for but without his guidance and love they would have never been thought of.

  301. María Hass says:

    Wow.. Yes. So many things I could share that God did for me! And how He has helped me! I spend more time talking about my struggles instead of declaring His goodness. I still have so much to learn but I’m humbled by His love for me and my family.

  302. McKinley says:

    To say the Lord has been faithful in my life would be an understatement! When I was 3, my father was taken from this world to be with our Lord! It’s hard to see how good can come from these circumstances but 18 years later, I can look back and rejoice because the Lord used my Dad to reach so many people, and his death reached many many more lives! The Lord has delivered me, and he has never left my side. I give him all the glory! He never fails to be faithful even through the toughest storms.

  303. Linda says:

    As I look into colleges and universities, God has been paving the way for me! As I struggle through work and school, God has been providing! While I still struggle through some anxiety, I know He has this ten steps ahead. He is good when I am not. He is strong when I am weak! Praise Him every day!!!

    1. Kayla says:

      Amen! Keep the faith!

  304. Julia says:

    God recently rescued me out of an unhealthy job situation that was causing me anxiety and causing me to question my calling to work with children with autism. He provided a new opportunity for me to work with these children in a more calm and healthy environment and I am so excited to see what he does in this new season. And even through the struggle and frustration, I see that he used the season to stretch me, teach me to trust him, and show me how to love well even when I don’t have the energy. I start next week and pray for divine appointments, refreshment, and that these kids experience the love of Jesus!

  305. Annie says:

    In my life God provided me with an art teaching job in Pennsylvania near where I live. That’s so amazing bc there just aren’t art teaching jobs around this area. Friends of mine search and sub for at least 5 years until they maybe find an open art teaching job. I prayed with friends that I would be favored and provided for by last spring and that’s when I had my interview and job offered on the spot. I had been waiting for my fiancé in the marines to come home for good which is why I waited locally for a job rather than move down south to find one ( I live in Pennsylvania). Once my fiancé came home from the marines we didn’t know where to live. I prayed and we found a beautiful house, and are planning our wedding for this summer. I also prayed for my fiancé to trust God and find who Jesus is to him. Gods answering that prayer everyday. Even though I constantly feel this tug of war within me to be scared, displeased, anxious over so many things I’m undeniably blessed by Jesus and he looks after me time and time again. I’m so thankful and in awe of it all. He heals me from the fear and problems of growing up in an alcoholic household and continues to pour out blessing after blessing.

    1. Julia says:

      Thank you for sharing your story, Annie! Praying for your fiancé and hope you both experience a marriage blessed by His strength and love and grace. I pray also over your students that they would see the love and joy of Jesus in and through you.

  306. Desiree Guilliard Young says:

    God has blessed me in ways beyond measure. I will continue to sing His praises as he has.

    delivered me from an abusive household

    put me through college; always provided…I have never lacked or wanted for anything essential for living

    He has blessed me with an amazing network of friends and adopted family

    I have my health, mind, and joy

    despite my mess and stubbornness He still has grace and mercy towards me. He loves me as I am and is a constant source of support…love…and compassion

  307. Charley says:

    God has saved me from so much. Every time I’ve walked away he has protected me, every time I came back to him, his arms were wide open. His faithfulness is never ending and never failing. Every time I’ve asked for direction He has reminded me that he is near. That I no longer need to fear but keep trusting Him. I’ve found my life in him. I’ve found my hope and joy in him. I know shalom when I surrender to his ways and not my own. As a worship leader i get the privilege to say “come and see what the Lord has done!”

    1. cilla says:

      thankful and counting blessings this morning. ..the list is long. praise the Lord!

  308. Laney says:

    He has faithfully always come through, at just right time! He took my insecure self and has made me confident showing me my identity in him! Where I was angry all the time he has turned my hardened heart to compassion and joy. Turned my fear to hope. Healed my of my illnesses. God you are good. Fulfilled promises I didn’t think were possible. God you are good!

  309. Colby says:

    I don’t think there is enough room on this forum to write doe all that He has done for me and my family. I can honestly say that He has made himself known to my family in such a big way in the last year. My sister was pregnant and from the beginning the doctors told her that she needed to be prepared for heartbreak because the outcome of the pregnancy wasn’t good. My sister and her husband never gave in to that kind of thinking and instead maintained a steadfast spirit in the Lord knowing that whatever outcome was given to them was given by God. We have never seen miracles down before our eyes until now. My niece has overcome odds that the doctors are mesmerized by. And it’s all because of God! I firmly believe that His gravy and mercy is given to us in the point of our life when He knows that we can beat handle it, accept it, and grow from it. Her testament to His healing power has allowed our family to praise Him publicly and allow others see just what He is capable of. I pray that He will continue to use her in this way and cannot wait to see what amazing things He brings out if this. Pain is only temporary but His love and mercy aww forever!

  310. Gabrielle says:

    The moment I surrendered myself to God and just gave everything up to him was the moment my life completely changed I’ve seen miracles and things in my life that I absolutely don’t deserve but yet God is so loving he just pours and pours out blessings. Praise you God!

  311. Becca Bailey says:

    Praying for you right now.

  312. Cintry says:

    It’s so hard for me to be grateful when I’m in a spot in life when recognizing the things to be grateful for are far and few. I keep trying to get up but it’s like every time I make an effort life kicks me in the stomach. It’s hard to be thankful when your life is miserable, but this did help, and I just keep praying hoping my prayers will be answered. I know I’m just a name on the internet right now but if you could say a prayer for me I’d appreciate it

    1. Msnowberger says:

      Praying the Lord lifts you up and brings His love toyou!

    2. Meagan Cheyney says:

      Praying for you!

    3. Anastasia says:

      Oh dear sister, I will definitely keep you in my prayers!! May God bless you and give you strength to get through this moment. Just remember He is our only hope, He gives and He takes away, and sometimes He does this to show us that we are nothing without Him.. I’ve been going through a tough moment myself where I lost my job, a lot of my friends turned away from me, my family didn’t understand me, I had debts to pay off and I just couldn’t do it and I realized that it was all God trying to pull me closer to him. And even though I still have no job I’m thankful for everything He took away because it drew me closer to Him. So don’t loose faith, keep your head up and trust that He has a reason for the season you are in

    4. Jolie says:

      I’m praying for you! I am literally bringing your name into the throne room of our Heavenly Father. And guess what? He hears my cry and He is listening.

  313. Ashton says:

    The Lord is faithful and I fall short daily and he still blessed me over and above! I love you Lord you have my heart!

  314. Scarlett says:

    Thank God for the timing of His Word!!! I was battling fear, and as I read this out loud, He reminded me that His enemies come cringing to Him. He has power over the whole earth, and it praises Him and sings His praise! He hears our cries, and answers us! His eye is on all the nations, and even so He watches over me!
    “19 But truly God has listened;
    he has attended to the voice of my prayer.”
    Bless His holy name! Praise the Lord o my soul!!! Worship Him! Sing His praises!!!!

  315. Lachelle says:

    God has given me another chance at life, he’s opened my eyes the past couple days I’ve never been closer to him as I am now, he’s never gave up on me sometimes he pushes me to my limits, he has forgiven me for my sin and still has love for me! The most one of all he gave his life for me, and has forgiven me! Amen

  316. Amanda O says:

    God is so good and so faithful. I’m thankful that his goodness doesn’t depend on anything I do. It doesn’t depend on how good I am or what I have accomplished. God is good all the time. That is comforting to me. I know that he uses difficult times to teach me like a loving father, and I’m thankful for those even though they are painful- especially in the midst. Thanks to a good God who loves us.

  317. Samantha says:

    The Lord has given me desire to seek Him. He has opened my eyes to my sin and set me on a new path to live following His commands. He has brought me through difficulties in the past year. He has been faithful and kind to me, giving me people to speak to the sin in my life and encourage me on the Lord. He has given me more confidence and boldness in Him, along with peace, joy, hope, and forgiveness. He has blessed me with an amazing church family, fellowship, and growth. He has calmed my anxious heart and given me thoughts and words of gratitude and thanksgivings. And that’s not all, but I don’t want to write too much. I am in awe of God!

  318. Marie says:

    Marcella, so many of us at times have felt the same way. Though I know I’m not I’m feeling a bit alone as well. Right now let us give Him thanks for today and for this moment, for hearts that feel, and for faith that He loves us and will provide and comfort us.

  319. Ruby says:

    Glory be to God who has never stopped loving me :)

  320. Marcelle says:

    Just looking over the past year there are so many situations I can clearly see Gods hands in. So many undeniable moments that He has shown up and provided or delivered or just held. I am so grateful and so humbled by His love for me…but tonight I find myself feeling so lost. So alone. Though I know I’m not. I just wish I could feel His hands now holding me and guiding me through. I so desperately need His peace tonight.

    1. Hannah says:

      Marcelle, I wasn’t planning on reading the comments, but for some reason I came across yours. I am praying for you now as you hopefully rest through the night to conquer another day. You are not alone, and the Lord sees everything you could ever need.

    2. Christina says:

      Dear sister, God is WITH YOU and always for you. He will never leave you or forsake you. He desires to love you; He delights in you! You are most precious daughter, so beloved and beautiful. Praying for you this morning.

  321. Caitryn says:

    verse 8 says Let His praises be heard. today in chapel at school our principal talked about worship and how some people don’t feel comfortable lifting their handing and worshipping God instead they are not listening to what the Holy Spirit is telling them to do. I am one of those people and I’m not proud of it. I want to praise God with all my heart and put all my fear away. Gods praise needs to be heard!

    1. Connie says:

      I don’t think you have to raise your hands to truly worship. Sometimes I’m distracted by raising hands…my heart is more focused on the Lord if I’m not distracted. The Holy Spirit does speak to us and we should be listening and obeying, but He will lead us differently. Just because someone raises their hands in worship doesn’t mean we all need to. Just my two cents! :)

    2. Samantha says:

      I can relate to what you are saying. Sometimes I’ve felt self-conscious during praise and worship. I believe that is a distraction for me; focusing on myself or on what other people will think of me takes my focus off of God and giving Him my praise. I do raise my hands sometimes and praise and just focus on giving God praise. A friend helped me to get past some of the discomfort. She loved to lift her hands and give her all to God in praise. She helped me to understand that if God is calling me to praise Him with hands lifted up to Him then I must put aside the fear of man, of judgement, of self focus and act in obedience remembering and saying, “it’s all about You, Lord! My praise is all to You!” Act as the Spirit leads you and don’t worry about man.

  322. Morgan says:

    God, even in my trials I can feel your hand over me. Thank you for your unending love

  323. Hayley Tancak says:

    if I were to count all the times God has come through for me I would be sitting here for a while, I love how some people explain Christianity. it’s not a perfect eat cake everyday life, it’s your normal everyday life with the creator of the world showing you how it was meant to be done. I am ever thankful that the person who designed this complex world is the one in my corner. and I am so glad I found SRT because seriously this. this right here is lifeee

  324. Natalie says:

    God has blessed me beyond measure!!! I have a wonderful Boyfriend and a family that are all firm believers in God!!! Couldn’t be more blessed God is amazing in deed :) :D

  325. Hannah says:

    Would really appreciate prayers, going through a lot.

    1. Mandy says:

      Praying for you right now, Hannah.

    2. Grace says:

      Praying Hannah.

    3. Natalie says:

      Will keep you in my prayers Hannah

    4. Kate Barlow says:

      Praying for you, Hannah.

  326. Carrie says:

    God has saved me, provided me with a home that I share with my wonderful husband and little boy. He has provided good health to us and a support system in our parents and friends that is beyond reproach. He helped us find a church we feel at home in. He has provided us with careers we love, and we are so blessed that this year we will be able to add onto our home. He also allowed a way for me to work with the children at our church through music and GAs. Every time I think of what all God has done for me, I am so amazed by his goodness, mercy and love.

  327. Brooklyn says:

    God saved my dad when he had a really bad stroke, he brought me to a wonderful church with great friends and pastors, he placed me on the worship team to see his plans and heart for our church first hand, he brought a wonderful man into my life.

  328. Maddie says:

    God sent me to the right college, drove me towards the right major, and has continually blessed me and given me people and friends to help keep me accountable in my relationship with him.

  329. Kathryne says:

    God has saved me from me.
    I am prone to wander yet he never leaves me.
    I am a wretched sinner and he dies for me.
    I am crave attention from people around me but don’t see God is giving me all the attention I need.
    He is working in me so that I will love according to His will and not my own

  330. Megan Newell says:


    He has saved me
    He loves me
    He healed my mum
    He helps me in my day to day life
    He died for me.
    He has given me a sining voice to praise him.

  331. Tracey says:

    Jesus has forgiven me of my sins
    He has healed my broken heart
    He has blessed me with two beautiful sons
    He has taken care of me
    He has put joy in my heart
    He has restored me
    He has helped me heal broken relationships
    He has listened to my prayers

  332. Ryan Nicole says:

    God has healed my heart when it was broken.
    He has lifted my spirits when I lost all hope.
    He has given me the opportunity to attend university.
    He has given me a wonderful and loving family and group of friends who have stood by me no matter what.
    He has given me a wonderful job with wonderful people.
    He sent His son so that we may spend eternity with him ❤️

  333. Katie says:

    God has blessed me with such a wonderful life & more than I could ever imagine! I have much more than most and I often times forget that I owe it all to Him! I have great family and friends, a wonderful and rewarding job, and school! God has listened to my prayers and always answers them! He is such a wonderful God!

  334. Lindsey says:

    He has blessed me with an amazing job and the chance for a great education in college. He has brought my family closer together even through the trials of my mothers breast cancer. He had his hands on my mother and healed her! He had brought to me an amazing and healthy family, friends, and coworkers. Most of all he has provided for me even when times seem the darkest.

  335. Leeann says:

    God has shown my unconditional love and mercy. He guides me. He brings people and opportunities into my life that help me to find hope and joy in life. He gives me hope for the future. He is everything.

  336. Naomi says:

    Praise be to God who has not rejected my prayers or his love! Even when I have doubted promises because of time passed, You remind me that You are good and You do not disappoint. When my heart lies, my spirit will trust and believe You. I love You Daddy :)

  337. Makayla Quinn Charles says:

    God has comforted me while I have been in deep dark despair. I have recently lost my mother and his steadfast love has gotten me through everything.

  338. Shannon says:

    God has allowed me to wander, fall from grace, experience heartache and great humbling, and then lifted me back up into his graces. He has tested me through the sanctification of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, and physical illness. He has continually given me the strength to move forward, grow, and give more of myself. I am truly in awe of how God works for the good of those who love him.

  339. Taylor Kelley says:

    God has moved greatly in my life. It amazes me how my Lord can take a tragedy in my life and bring good out of the ashes of my despair!

  340. Mani says:

    – healed of my heart break
    – restored my relationship with my mom
    – walked me through the struggle of depression
    – helped me bring my grades up from failing to As
    – helped me to let go of lost love.

  341. Nicole says:

    There have been times when my family fell apart, my boyfriend dumped me, and my friends betrayed me. There have been times of great loss of family members and friends. But God’s love is steadfast!! He is faithful!! He has not forgotten me. But he has molded and shaped me and made me see a clearer picture of who He is- which satisfies so much in my longing soul. Even when under trials, the Lord is gracious to stoop down and walk through every late night, every tear, every burst of hot anger and confusion, and pull me closer to him and give me every comfort and promise I need. “His mercies are new every morning”. Every single one. God is good! And we can trust what He says. I’m grateful for all the restoration He has already provided in my life, and all that is coming!

  342. Julia Celeste says:

    Not only does He mold and shape us, but He refines us! Removing all the impurities that keep us from being that beautiful vessel.

  343. Jazmine Gibson says:

    God is so merciful

  344. Emily says:

    I was struck by the line “if I had been aware of malice in my heart He would not have listened,” a sobering and repentance provoking statement! I can’t love God or be in relationship with Him when I hold onto bitterness and unforgivness!

  345. Taylyn Welsh says:

    God is my father when I was and still am fatherless

  346. BlessedandFavored says:

    God has grown my faith infinitely and carried me through every storm with a grateful spirit I am thankful.

  347. Kelsey G says:

    God has set me free me from addiction to alcohol, he has delivered me from depression, when I don’t have the support I need from my family he has placed me in the most supportive loving spiritual family, he has given me great promises about my future. He has provided time and time again financially. He took my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh. He has transformed my life. I am thankful for the gift of repentance. He took my shame and gave me a spirit of joy and filled me with the Holy Spirit. He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I am eternally grateful for his love that knows no bounds.

    1. Emily says:


  348. Kia says:

    God has given me so much that I can’t even name them all. How blessed and favored are we to have such a merciful and gracious God. Who loves us all despite our faults, mistakes, and insecurities. He loves us with a perfect love that no human can give. I’m grateful for what God has done for me and how much he has blessed. I thank him for allowing me to bless others.

  349. Rebecca says:

    The lord as brought me through an incredibly stressful time at my work. He refined me as silver and never left my side. He gave me patience, words to speak and gave me direction. The lord never fails. Praise be to God for his unfailing love and wisdom.

  350. Kendra says:

    Heart that is capable of forgiveness, a soul with a passion for truth and wisdom, and a life full of opportunity to experience God’s plans for me! (And I have a broken hand…pardon the double post) :)

  351. Kendra says:

    God has blessed me with salvation, a hear that is capable of forgiveness

  352. cAro says:

    Oh Lord your faithfulness is forever! He has granted us peace in the midst of a huge storm in the life of my husband and I. An storm that escapes our control. An storm we can’t avoid but He is with us. We can feel his presence and care in every Step of this treacherous way. We can see how he gives us strength and great moments of joy to keep pressing on. We indeed are experiencing peace with Him. I praised you Lord you will never leave nor forsake your children! Amen!

  353. Carley says:

    God has taken away my anxieties and given me a path to an excellent education.

  354. Erica says:

    God has blessed us with a healthy baby boy! He has allowed my husband to have a job where he is able to stay home for two weeks. He has blessed us with a warm home to raise our baby in. He has given us parents, family, and friends who support us and love us. God has blessed me with the ability to feed our baby, even if it’s not the way I had planned in my mind. He truly takes care of us. Thank you Lord!

  355. Sarah Deaver says:

    He has provided me with parents who love and support me in all that I do. Who encourage me to be and upstanding citizen and diligent follower of Christ. He has given me and abundance of joy when I was surrounded by darkness. He has walked by me through my depression and seen me through to the other side. He has brought friendships into my life where I never imagined they would be. He has loved me, unconditionally, in spite of all my shortcomings.
    He is not tame. But He is good.

  356. Sharlene says:

    God brought my family out of a financially unstable time, where we were to the point where we didn’t have anything and the bills were piling up. In just 2 years my husband is now bringing home triple! Not by his own hand, but by the Lord opening up doors for him and helping him along the way. God is so faithful, he also brought us through a marriage crisis that could have taken us out. He met with me, encouraged me through his word and I felt his favor and his love so strong through that time. He has healed my children of sickness so many times, he’s given me the ability to love without conditions. All glory to Him. We love, because he first loved us. Thank you Jesus for giving us the ability and the exampleship to love

  357. Megan says:

    He has provided for my first year of college

  358. Jenny says:

    I love verse 12. he brought us thru the fire and the water. Thank God for his deliverance.

  359. Cassie says:

    He has given me a forgiving husband, Grace filled children, more family that I can count, a loving church family. He has redeemed me and forgiven me. He has given me a loving place to work. I live in a place where I can worship and proclaim his name without fear. Given… So much more and undeserved. He is the giver… I need to live my life in more gratitude and awe of that.

  360. Maggie says:

    He has given me a large loving family, friends who care for me, a warm house, food and water supply, a chance for education in college (so greatful for scholarships!), sharp instincts to make good choices, hope for my future, faith in him always, an outspoken voice to defend His word, and SO much more. Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to your selfless amd sacrificial love. :)

    1. Molly Norman says:

      Amen to this! I often forget how fortunate I am for my education, and the financial stability that makes it possible for me! Your post encouraged me!

  361. Caroline says:

    he has saved me from unrighteousness, from doubt and fear, from wandering through nowhere, given me hope and wisdom and purpose, made me fearless for I have faith in Him. I love you Lord, I will exalt your name always.

  362. michelle of LA CA says:

    I love this study or series thank you SRT. Each psalm is hitting home.
    I’m late and catching up with reading the psalms now . Great job to all of you.

  363. Thank you beautiful children and friends of God. God uses people like you to inspire and show how great and wonderful he is. thank you for sharing. God has been so mighty and powerful in my life, sometimes I have even overlooked the amazing deeds he has performed in my life, but even still He shows that He is here forever and never changing and I praise Him! there are too many great things he has done in my life and saved me from, to limit it to what i can only remember would do him an injustice, I am forever in love with my great Abba

  364. Bethany says:

    God saved my brother from alcoholism 6 years ago. He saved me from numerous bad relationships and just when I thought I would never find a man who would love me, he brought my husband into my life who is more than I could have even imagined. God gave me a career I love after years of trying to figure out what I would do with my life. He gave my husband a wonderful job that makes him feel confident- something I desperately prayed about for nearly two years. And now I am in the midst of recurrent pregnancy loss, which has been the most painful and desperate place I have ever been in my life. But today on Thanksgiving Day I want to thank God and remember all the ‘deserts’ he brought be out of me. Thank you, God, for your never ending mercy. Thank you that you see me and hear my cries even when it feels like I’m crying out into an empty tunnel of blackness. I love you, Jesus. I need you, Jesus. Thank you that you will bring me out of this wasteland. I will praise you then and I will praise you now. Amen.

    1. Madison says:

      Your post is inspiring! I admire your strength and love for the Lord despite difficult times. He uses those times to refine us and I love this Psalm because of the realization that everything is part of his amazing plan! Praying for you tonight!

    2. Michelle of LA CA says:

      I agree with Madison , your post inspired me , thank you . You will get thru this valley of darkness because you have seen His glory in other areas of your life . I pray that in 2016 that you will be pregnant with a healthy baby . We all have so much to be grateful for ………. God hears His saints’ prayers and He does answer them on His divine time . Rejoice always……. michelle of Los Angeles

  365. Gracie McBride says:

    God has made me calm when I should have been anxious. God has made me realize my sin and turn back to him. He uses hard times in my life for his good. He never gives up on me, even when I go astray. I must praise him for what he has done, because there is no other response. Great is God b

    1. Jendayi says:

      Your post spoke to me. Amen!

  366. Jennym says:

    My praises to God: God saved me from rebellion, he gave me a mighty man of God that I could’ve never found on my own. He is establishing us and building our character for future promotions I believe. We just paid off all our school loans and we are completely debt free. God is so good to me!!!

  367. Eeleah says:

    My list: he has been faithful to me when I have walked some dark times. He has answered my prayers when I needed someone to talk to and confide in- he sent the right people. He has provided everything I need and more. He has protected me from danger. He has been gracious to me when I have put him second on my list or when I haven’t made him a priority in my life. He has mercy on me. I owe it all to him, and I say that being blessed (living in a free country with food in my belly and a roof over my head)… So to those who give thanks and proclaim his good deeds when not having material things or protection or food/shelter, BLESSED ARE YOU! May God continue to increase my faith.

  368. Christina says:

    For a long time I was just coasting through. I knew I was a Christian and everything was going well so I didn’t really have a reason to cling to God daily. And then I went through a long trial which ultimately ended in God bringing me so much joy and love and gifts. I am so blessed that God took me through the trials that I went through, because if he didn’t I might not be falling on my knees every morning before him in awe of him. God brought me back to him like a lost sheep. He cared for me when I thought no one else would. And now my life is filled with blessings on top of blessings. I have a wonderful family that cares for me, I have a great husband who pushes me towards the Lord, I have a strong Christian community that I can confide in and trust, I have a great job that I love to do, and my husband and I just bought a home! I just pray that I never take these things for granted and that even when things don’t go according to my plan that I can trust in the Lord and cling to him every minute of every day!

  369. LJ says:

    Through many trials, toils and snares, I have already come.
    His grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.

  370. April says:

    Almost 5years ago, I met a God-fearing,wise, loving man online who was nine years older than me and he was 2,000 miles away from me. (As a child I hated going away from home, but God used challenges in my life to get to where I am now…2,000 miles from my original home.) Soon, I will turn 40. God has blessed me with two beautiful babies, a godly,wonderful, caring husband/father and a Godly home.

    1. amy says:

      Our stories are so similar, I just had to chime in (for the first time). I just turned 40 and five years and one month ago, I went on a blind date with a God-fearing man while I was in my second year of law school (my “comfort zone” – odd but true). He was eight years older than me and not who I thought I’d end up with. Praise God, I listened to His voice to go on a second date with this wonderful man (and to leave law school to start our family!). We now have two baby boys and not a day goes by that we aren’t grateful for and sometimes amazed at this wonderful, simple life we have together. Celebrating and thanking God with you April!

  371. Rivers Bliss says:

    God has done everything for me. Taking me away from a church of ten years-heartbreaking, but ultimately what led me to focus on God; to know him more. God is amazing! I cannot put into words how wonderful he has been to me.

  372. Sarah Faith says:

    God has provide exactly what I need: financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Although the enemy tells me otherwise on a daily basis. I know deep in my heart God is taking care of me. And even though finances aren’t great, I know he is building character in me right now. So that later I will use my money more wise and towards his glory. Thank you lord for my health and my family.

  373. Erica C says:

    Come and listen, all who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for me!

    1/He has blessed me thru the most difficult time- not just bringing me through, but strengthening me and causing so much good to come from the bad.
    2/I have a roof over my head, food, clothing, shoes, a job, all I need.
    3/I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving, godly husband who loves me as I am but constantly pushes me to be better. He is an example of Christ and His love for His bride, the Church, to me.
    4/I am pregnant… Something I have been praying and believing for more than a few years. We are having a sweet baby girl, and thankfully this pregnancy has been easy and blessed!..

    God is soooo faithful!!!!! He hears us, our prayers, and He gives us hope and strength when we must wait. He walks out the waiting with us… We need to always walk with expectation because we know our God is good. His love and mercy for us endure forever!! Nothing can separate us from His love because of Jesus!

  374. Britt says:

    ok. I have a hatred for God and as I pray I hear Him pushing me away and that I’m annoying to Him. That everything I have to say is like annoying gong. What am I suppose to do with that? I want him to get away from me. Yet I feel condemned. And maybe I should be.
    I’m asking for help.

    1. Ashley says:

      That’s the enemy telling you you’re annoying! Trust me, I’ve been in a season very recently where the enemy brought worry into my life and that led to doubts and unbelief. That lead me to feel like God wasn’t my friend and it made me fear that He was just punishing me, that I was so unworthy for every blessing poured out, and that I had wronged Him to the point He didn’t want me. But God does!!! He looks at us when we mess up like a loving father just wanting to pick us up and say “you’re okay”. If you’re saved, you’re covered by the blood of Jesus and no matter what God can’t love you any less on your worst day than He does on your best day with Him! His love is constant and far more than we could ever feel by any human!! Rest in that!

    2. Lalo says:

      Britt, I can tell you with certainty that God, your loving and Heavenly Father will never ever find you annoying! He loves for us to come to Him just as we are, broken and sinful. He longs to restore us and promises that as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us! (Psalm 103:12). There have been many times in my life where I have felt extremely depressed and unlovable. And I looked everywhere for some way to satisfy some THING. I didn’t know what it was. But it’s something only the Lord could fulfill in my life. He loves me with an everlasting love and He loves you with that same love. His love is not conditional like a human’s love. His love is unconditional. His life satisfies so that you will never thirst again (John 4:14). I used to teach this song to the little kids at Sunday School and maybe you’ve heard it. It goes, “what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!” There is nothing so little or so great that God cannot answer, that God cannot solve, that God doesn’t have time to listen to. He is very willing and cares so much for you. ““Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
      ‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭10:29-31‬)

    3. Kaye says:

      “If I had been aware of malice in my heart, The Lord would not have listened, ” Psalm 66:18. I don’t know if this will apply to you, but sometimes when we think God is rejecting us, or that we can’t be near him, it is time to really come clean before the Lord and with another person you trust praying with you. Satan has used my guilt and shame to lie to me and tell me I need to hide from God. The power of that shame was broken by confessing it in the presence of others, because even though I knew God always forgives, I was still unable to forgive myself while shame kept things in the dark (even though God already knows, this is part of the lie we believe when we can’t speak things in the presence of others). He is a loving Father who wants you close, His Son removed every barrier that keeps us from Him, and His Spirit will guide you through the confession and cleansing that allows us sweet intimacy with God!

      1. Britt says:

        Mm thanks I’ll definitely heed your advise.

    4. Macey says:

      Nothing you can say or do will ever change how much God loves you, believes in you, cares for you, and wants you. Don’t stop believing in such an endless love. He will NEVER fail you. Trust that. Putting your faith in God can be difficult. But faith is believing. You obviously believe there is a God so you have faith. Cling to that. I’ll be praying for you!

    5. Emily says:

      Dear Sister, it sounds like you are burdened with some spiritual oppression and satanic influence on your mind! I have been in the same place. My recommendation would be to read Victory over the Darkness by Neil Anderson, and follow it with The Bondage Breaker by the same author. The battle for your mind is real, and the victory is found in knowing and acting on the truth. I will pray for you…don’t be surprised if you experience alot of opposition from the enemy when you read the material. He is delighted when you are defeated. God is for you, there is NOTHING that can separate you from His Love!!!!

  375. Teresa says:

    God has blessed me with many gifts; I have my family and friends, my health, my education, a job that I love, a roof over my head, and food on my table. He definitely provides, even of the smallest gifts.

  376. Rocio says:

    The Lord has provided me with a home. I recently moved out on my own and have been blessed enough to pay the bills. And though I might stress I know in the back of my mind that I will never have nothing less than what I need. I have the greatest back bone, my family and friends. And I am truly grateful for all this happiness and my daily struggles! (:

  377. Belita says:

    God has provided, is providing and always will provide! My husband and I are in a season of vowing to make our finances right and honoring to God. “I will pay you my vows that my lips promised” We have vowed honesty and know we can stand under any testing only by Him and through Him. I am thankful for His promise to bring us out to abundance!

    1. Kylee says:

      I’ll agree with you on that, Belita! My husband & I have started similar talks recently…thank you for sharing!

  378. Tomeco says:

    God blessed me with a wonderful baby girl. She was born 2 months early and with no complications. I just continue to praise him. I wake every morning with all the bare necessities and an abundance. He blesses me. I ask that my sisters pray with me. I am seeking God for a new job. I want to be closer to family with my little one. Pray with me that I find a new job by the new year. Thank you and God bless each of you.

    1. Erica C says:

      Believing and praying with you… Im expecting my 1st in early Feb., so I’m hoping to find something closer or even at home.. He is faithful! He will provide all you need, according to His riches in Christ Jesus. And He will do exceedingly, abundantly above all you ask or think! :)

  379. KariAnn says:

    God gave me the best teeny toddler. She’s my sunshine! After more heartache than I thought I could stand, God pulled me through, and my marriage is on the upswing! He’s also provided me with all of my needs. I do not want for food, shelter, or clothing. Praise God!

  380. Ebonee says:

    God has been so amazing to me, i have wonderful children and an awesomely supportive family and village. I have been able to follow my dreams and live fearlessly because of His hand of grace mercy and favor on my life… and everytime i think of it, it blows my mind! Thank You for opening the right doors God, the ones you constructed just for me…thank You for always providing for me and mine and for carrying me through the storms of life. You have blessed me far beyond what i could ever be worthy of deserving and I am so grateful. I love You.

  381. Sheryl says:

    Praise you Lord Jesus! The Lord gives me peace, I shall praise instead of worry! Every time I start to worry and that seems to be many times a day in light of the worlds happenings, I claim Hods promise of peace instead of worry. Lord hear my cry♥️

  382. Lindsay says:

    The Lord my God is allowing me to slowly conque my fears. He is showing me that I no longer need to live in shame. He has granted me the blessing of a wonderful husband, three beautiful girls, and one sweet little boy that I will someday get to meet at heaven’s gates. He has shown His Great Love for me even when I feel impossible to love, and when my feet start to fall, He has been my Solid Ground-the Rock upon which I stand. His favor rests upon me and I stand in glory, the daughter of the One True King!

  383. Anna says:

    Praise God for all these testimonies! He has blessed me in so many ways throughout the years. Recently I was blessed to marry my husband and gained a wonderful new family through my marriage. God has given me parents who love each other and provided me with a job that I love and many opportunities to grow in my career that I would have never expected. Each day is a joy even in heart ache because I know that His plans for me are beautiful.

  384. Thankful that our joy is not dependent on our circumstances, but anchored in Jesus- the Author and Perfecter of our faith!

  385. CJ says:

    He made me free and whole. He brought a man into my life who has shown me a love that I never thought I would ever experience on this side of heaven. We met when we were both 35, and I thought surely my time was up. But God knew His timing was right and perfect.

  386. EmmaElaine says:

    He has given me a new faith, a loving home and family, and countless blessings in my life that I’m not always mindful of and grateful for. This has been such a blessing today and a simple, sweet reminder of how much he’s given me.

  387. Bri says:

    I am struggling with the anxiety of not knowing what my future holds. Needing the Lord’s peace today.

    1. Ahlaischa says:

      Praying for you Bri! I’m struggling with the same thing. My life is in limbo right now, and I’m learning to trust the Lord amidst the uncertainty

  388. Ashley says:

    He restored in me a new faith and taught me how to battle a stronghold of worry! He restored health in my parents and never failed to provide for me! He brought my parents who were divorced when I was young back together to be remarried so I would know what His handiwork looked like as I grew up. Then, He did the same with my relationship with a wonderful man He brought into my life. My strong hold of worry led us off the path God willed and He gave us time a part to really dig deep and expose those strongholds, and then He brought us back together even better than ever! Great is His faithfulness!!

    1. CJ says:

      Praise God for this testimony to His faithfulness!

      1. Ashley says:

        He is so faithful and I’m so thankful for those blessings!

  389. Lizzieb85 says:

    Praising God for all these wonderful testimonies!!! Oh, He has done much in my life, but coming here & seeing all that He has done in others’ lives makes me praise Him all the more. He is working in my life & in yours. He works out each detail with love & righteousness for each & every one of us!! What an amazing God that He is mindful of us! ALL of us!

    Thank you! thank you! thank you! Lord that we are each precious to You & that You have the capacity to love, care, refine, uphold, strengthen, protect, encourage, SAVE each & every one of us!!!!

  390. Nicole says:

    This girl is shouting praises to the Father. I have recently gotten married to my prince and he is absolutely wonderful to me. I relocated to live in his city. Thank God for my immediate family who helped me move and now that I am much closer to them I’ve been able to spend more time with my sister who is a senior in high school. God has given me a great mother, father, sister, and nephew through my husband. I love them dearly. When I relocated I got a new job that pays more than I was making at my last job. It has been one big blessing right after the other. #thankfulforHissacrificesothatIwouldhavelife!

  391. Clara says:

    I am so blessed! I have a wonderful, generous husband of 10 years by my side, and 2 healthy little girls, a beautiful home, and loving family & friends. Though I lost my mom in April to a 2-yr battle with ovarian cancer, I find peace in Gods love for us even in the midst of my grief.

  392. Kieu says:

    God is restoring the relationship btw my children’s father & I. I have been praying that Christ would restore our relationship & that my family would know Him. I continually claim the scripture -“as for me & my house, we will serve The Lord!” Even though my fiancé was not a believer. He use to get so offended when I would even speak the name of Jesus! (We were both non-believers before we started a family together) Five years later … We are both currently in the process of joining a church & finishing a class together for baptism & my fiancé Tom is finally coming around to want to know more about The Lord & learning to surrender even though we are currently struggling … I know God is not finished with us yet. Our faith has to be bigger than our fears .. & I try to remind myself constantly that His way is better than my way & I need to just be still & trust in my savior. I am so thankful for Our Father’s love & grace. His mercies are new everyday! <3

  393. Christy says:

    He has given me two beautiful children and a loving, humble, giving husband who is always quick to forgive. He has always taken care of our finances and we’ve always had what we’ve needed plus more. He has given me a purpose in life.

  394. Jenni Delorge says:

    He has provided for me in so many ways: salvation, a loving family that points me to Him everyday!, close friends that encourage me in my walk with Christ whenever I am with them, grad school and the ability to continue learning and growing in the passions He has given me, a loving boyfriend that is patient and kind to me each and every day, an amazing job that i LOVE and the ability to be able to impact others for His kingdom.

  395. Sarah says:

    I repeatedly give praise to God for how he changed my brother’s life. My brother hit rock bottom after a divorce, landing in jail and losing his job home and lifestyle. God had laid it upon my heart to pray for my brother to know Him personally when he was married. Three years later while in jail he claimed Jesus as his lord and savior! He changed. He is seeking forgiveness with those he wronged. He is pursing God through bible studies in the jail, books and the reading of God’s word. He knows God! He desires to live for him. I’m grateful for praying for his soul even with all the hardships on our family as facing two trials and not seeing him for four years. My brother will meet Christ one day in heaven as I will too. praise God that he still changes lives and redeems souls!

  396. Cailey says:

    Above all, Jesus has given me a reason to get up every morning and take the focus off myself. It’s best summed up by the Gaither gospel song:
    “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
    Because He lives, all fear is gone
    Because I know He holds the future
    And life is worth the living, just because He lives”

    1. Tina says:

      Cailey, I listen to that song most, if not every night before I fall asleep…life sure is worth the living…just because He lives..praying God continue to bless and give you reason each day…xxx

  397. Hali says:

    The Lord has brought me through painful heartbreak. When I thought I wasn’t going to be okay, I felt His everlasting love and peace consume me instead of bitterness and anger. The Lord has taken out people in my life only to put great and godly friends into it! He has blessed me with a gentle spirit and a compassionate heart which I am grateful for in the world we live in today. God has done so much for me and I know He isn’t finished. I pray that you continue to lean on Him, sisters! Even when it gets tough, know that He is here for you and hears your cries. God bless!

  398. Jen says:

    It’s funny how He is waiting for me to read from His word. Like he just wants to give me this great gift of joy and peace, but I’m too stubborn or have “too much to do”to hear from Him in the am. The verses 8-12 hit home this afternoon. I’m am so thankful for Gods provision. I am thankful for His sovereign plan in our lives. I don’t have to figure it all out because He already has it! Woo hoo! I think back to how He provided for us when I was on bed rest, in so many ways. And the safe arrival of our Joy Aurora. I think back how He has grown my husband and I in our love and harmony with one another. He is so good and so kind. It’s so good to know He cares about all our “big” and “little” cares and in light of who He is, what can’t He handle? “To God be the glory, great things He has done!”

  399. kayla says:

    God has carried us through years of financial distress, yet he gives us all we need.
    He gives us healthy bodies and happy families. We couldn’t ask for much more.

  400. Rochelle says:

    There have been so many things, large and small.
    He carried me through the death of my father about a year and a half ago. And when I was overcome with grief and sad and not sure if my father had accepted Christ before passing away, he sent confirmation through my 3 year old. It’s a long story, but an amazing one , and it gave me so much peace in my heart. To know that He loves me so much that he would provide a way for me to know where my Dad is…I can’t even describe it.
    He orchestrated our move to a new city, opening so many doors and literally giving us financial blessings left and right. It was nothing short of miraculous.
    He has blessed my marriage abundantly, giving us a wonderful relationship both physically and spiritually, as well as two kids. Our marriage is a testament to our faith, and even though we’ve had our ups and downs over the years, we’ve always had each other and God.

  401. Amy Chastain says:

    The Lord has done so much for me and I firmly believe that I am not even close to aware of ALL the ways He has moved in my life. Here’s a short list of the things I am reminded of this morning.
    The Lord has answered my prayers in ways I never expected. He has guarded my heart and kept me from people who could have done detrimental damage. He opened doors for me this year with being able to be Sports Editor for the school paper. He has given me great friends, even though they sometimes drive me crazy. He has allowed me to get through school without loans and with the possibility of finishing early. All glory to God. I am second.

  402. McKenzie Thaxton says:

    He has faithfully listened to me and never failed to provide for me in my time of need. We serve the most loving and gracious God.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Yes we do, McKenzie! Thanks for joining us today!


  403. Hannah says:

    He rescues me when I become crippled with anxiety. The truth in His word sets me free. Every Time.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So thankful for the freedom found in His truth, Hannah! Thanks for joining us!


  404. TGBTG says:

    20 Praise be to God,
    who has not rejected my prayer
    or withheld his love from me!

    Oh how blessed and loved I am! Even though I am unworthy. My God is great!

  405. Rachel says:

    He gave me a healthy, happy baby boy. He brought me into incredible community when I was feeling lonely and isolated.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Love this, Rachel! Praising God with you today!


  406. He brought me the perfect job when I was feeling really low and useless.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So grateful, Kimberly! Thanks for joining us!


  407. Allison says:

    The Lord has made my path straight and prosperous as I abide in His word. He has allowed me to be tested with fire, burdens, and pain. He has proven my faith and love for Him as genuine and precious. He has been faithful!!

  408. Kara says:

    Wow, my list in my journal for the things he has done for me just keep going and going. He has been so specific in my life, caring about every need and every situation. He loves me unconditionally. As i sit here and make my list my heart is just about to burst. I am overwhelmed with joy. I am never forsaken, never alone and my God always comes through.

  409. Lindsey Sanders says:

    Yesterday as I was driving to a meeting, I was listening to a sermon from my pastor. God reminded me that I don’t need to listen to the messages of false prophets or the lies of Satan. He pulled me in and reminded me that He has set me free, that I am His child, and no matter what anyone says about me, what matters is what He says! I am beyond grateful for the way God loves me and pours out His unmatchable grace to me!

  410. Ellison Howle says:

    God stripped me of my idol of marriage and rescued me from an engagement that I was trying to make work. He has brought me out of depression and filled me with such joy and purpose. I’m praying about teaching overseas and I’m so thankful that the Lord chose to refine me and give me what my heart truly desires. Praise His name! He is beautiful and my desire is to know Him more.

  411. Ashley says:

    God has rescued my husband from an addiction and restored our marriage. He has drawn both my husband and myself so close to Him and continues to refine our family in to His image. He has humbled me and showed me just how broken we all are and has left me in awe of how great His love is for us. Without Christ’s example of sacrifice and unending love, I do not know what our family would look like right now. I truly rejoice in God’s amazing works for us and pray that I can be thankful and remember this time for the rest of my life!

  412. Touné says:

    The Lord has done great things for me! He has carried me as a child been my parents and family when I had none. He has guided me through miry places and ensured my growth and maturity in Him. I will praise Him everyday for His mercy, grace, and forgiveness that he pours on me constantly and without measure.

  413. Holly says:

    Truly these stories and testimonies of redemption don’t grow old and add to my own faith. Thank you for sharing ladies. God has changed my husband and is healing my marriage. He’s given me true Hope. He’s given me friends that challenge me in the Lord. I’m so grateful.

  414. Ashley says:

    He restored my broken marriage. He gave me 3 beautiful biological babies when I was told I couldn’t have any. He fulfilled my intense need for love and affection that I did not have in my life.

  415. Gracie says:

    The Lord has done for me:
    He delivered me from infidelity, and drunkenness. He lifted me out of rebellion and set me on the Rock. He forgave my wandering heart, He forgave my sins, some I do not even remember at all. He strengthened me through despair and anger, He encouraged me through depression and loneliness. He lifted my face to Him and made me radiant, and has told me to never be ashamed. He set free my mind from the gripping fear of my attacker, and turned my weakness into strength. He turned my brokenness into beauty and testimony to Him. No longer am I defined by “rape victim” no longer do I hear the harsh words: “you did this to yourself”, “you were drunk, it does not count as rape”, “these kinds of things happen”. God whispers in my ear, “you are lovable forgivable, valuable, and worthy because I say so. You are lovely because I love you.”

    1. Caroline says:

      This is exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing your heart!

    2. Chevaleresse says:

      This brought tears to my eyes. God bless you for sharing. I think we could all stand to be reminded of God’s whispered words.

      The word “victim” is such an ugly, sticky word that digs its claws into you and brings its friends Guilt, Doubt, Blame, and sometimes Self-loathing. They try to define you as something you are not and draw power from ignorant people’s additionally ugly words and thoughts. But that is not who you are. YOU are a SURVIVOR! A beautiful, strong survivor who will continue to Fight those evil, ugly words and Thrive, while bringing Hope, Peace, and Testimony to others. This is who God has made and refined through the trial and fire. Rejoice and be glad. Be blessed for the person he has made you and pleas continue to share that blessing with with others. Amen, dear sister, amen

      1. andrea says:

        YES & amen!!! I love your encouragement, though meant for Gracie, it has touched my heart, too! That a woman can speak such life & truth over the heart of another woman testifies to the grace & kindness of our Savior! I love this community!

    3. TGBTG says:

      You are His beautiful, radiant daughter, no one and nothing can take that from you. My prayers and love go out to you.

    4. Bonnie says:

      “He forgave my sins, some I do not even remember at all.”
      Yes! So true. He pulled me too, out of darkness and into His light. A change so radical, I’m still in awe of it. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    5. Emily says:


  416. Margaret says:

    He has always provided what I need.
    He has been patient with me.
    He has not treated me as I deserve (mercy).
    He has blessed me with good things.
    He has given me hope!

  417. Caroline @ In Due Time says:

    So good! Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers and that you do not turn your face away from us!

  418. shawna says:

    Come and listen, all who fear God
    And I will tell you what He has done for me !

    He heard my cries from the pit and delivered my husband and I from the world.
    He restored our broken marriage filled with adultery, lies and drugs
    He gave us a beautiful church filled with friends and a wonderful teaching Pastor
    He has always been faithful, he never disappoints. Every trial he has seen us through.
    And even if he does not, I will still follow. I know He is good and his blessings are immeasurable.

    1. TGBTG says:

      Shawna, I am so happy for you and your husband. How very blessed. God will continue to see you through each battle, not always in your timing or in the way you think, but He is pulling you through just as He always had. Stay strong in prayer and faith, He will never leave you. Prayers of joy and thanksgiving for you.

    2. Stacy says:

      Your praise touched my heart. Blessings to you.

  419. Amy Riker says:

    brings me to a place of peace
    delivers to me a posture of gratitude
    offers me hope; hope for myself, for my family, for the world
    creates in me a desire for true connection
    calls out to me when I ache

  420. Sarah Beth says:

    Come and listen, all who fear God
    And I will tell you what He has done for me!

    He has given me life.

    He has blessed me with a wonderful mother and a providing father.

    He has taken away my fear and anxiety.

    He has given me shelter and food to survive.

    He has given me the skills to succeed in my job.

    He has given me an able, healthy body.

    He listens to my prayers.

    He answers my prayers.

    He loves me unconditionally.

    He has, and still is, showing me how to love.


  421. Susie says:

    He didn’t let go of me when I let go of Him.
    He brought me friends to challenge me and encourage me.
    He has given me peace in my life’s most heart wrenching, anxiety filled moments.
    He has filled me with a purpose.
    Most of all he redeemed me and continues to hear me.

    1. Chevaleresse says:

      Amen. Thank you for those beautiful words

  422. RKWann says:

    Stories of redemption never get old! Our God never tires of bringing His children back to Him. Thank you all for sharing!

  423. Jenna says:

    He has rescued me from the world,
    And laid a better foundation.
    He has sweetened my soul,
    And calmed my fears.
    He has loved me,
    And thus shown me how to love.

    1. Amy Riker says:

      Your words speak to my heart, Jenna. Thank you.

  424. Dana says:

    He has heard my prayer from a very dark place. He sees me, He hasn’t forgotten me, He has heard my cry and answered me. He has given me hope and health. He has raised my eyes to the heavens and reminded me where my hope comes from. It comes from the maker of heaven and earth. He is working and I praise Him!

  425. Joanna says:

    The more I grow in faith, the more I realize the great plan God has had for my life all along. Truth: had my mom not gotten cancer, I would have likely never moved home and continued living in a life of sin. When I say sin, I mean deep, dark, vile, disgusting sin. That life, I know, would have left me dead. The devil was having his way with me and it was God that lifted me (literally) from my knees and brought me home. I did not understand the magnitude of His love then, but I do now. Not only did my mom recover, our relationship recovered. Not only did our relationship recover, I recovered. This…this entire experience brought forth such a passion to live in love and tell every single person I know how powerful God is. How is it that I, once battered and broken, now read the bible, can’t WAIT to attend church service, pray openly with my friends who need it, talk about Jesus on my Facebook page, and listen to Christian music?? THANK YOU GOD. Thank you with everything that I am and everything you want me to become. I am not here to serve anyone else but you.

    1. Bri says:

      Joanna that is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
      We praise you Lord for your mighty works and thank you for the amazing transformative power of your salvation!!

    2. AmyRiker says:

      Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    3. Danae says:

      Jovanna, your entry brought me to tears. I just went through a very similar situation. My mom just went through chemo and surgery for breast cancer, and had that not happened, our relationship would have remained broken. And a few years before that, God (through a job offer) took me out of my sin and took me to a place where I learned the depth of His love and faithfulness. Thank you for sharing, and praise God that your mom is healed and that your relationship is mended as well!!!

    4. TGBTG says:

      Beautiful! So ,so happy for you.

  426. Sarah Joy says:

    In my own life God continues to be faithful despite my doubts and self-reliance. Selah
    In the life of my family has repaired the broken relationship of brothers torn apart by adultery. When hope was lost and reconciliation seemed impossible, God intervened through unlikely circumstances. Praise Him for rescuing three lives from the pit!!! He is greater than my faith. He delights in healing. Selah
    To Him be all honor and glory through all generations until His glorious return.

  427. Susan says:

    To know there are others out there just like me…so much of a blessing you are.

    1. TGBTG says:

      Welcome! It is amazing how un-alone we really are. God always provides what we need when we need it. SRT is just one example.

  428. Katie says:

    The lord has done so much for me and my husband. The thing most constantly on my mind is my sweet baby girl who will be here any day. But he has brought me through times of loneliness, anxiety, and truly made my feet to stand upon a rock – Jesus Christ the Word!! Those who trust in Him will not be shaken.

    1. Julie says:

      Amen! May that sweet baby girl love you as much as you love her!

  429. Churchmouse says:

    The list of what the Lord has done for me is longer than the space provided in the study guide! However, there would be no list without the overarching gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. I can only sing of His praises because I know Him as my personal Lord, Savior, Friend and victorious King. From Him, from His sacrifice on the cross, all blessings flow. All blessings pale. That one gift would have been more than enough. Yet He is a generous God. Indeed He is a good good Father who loves to give to His children. Because that is Who He is. Thanking Him today!

  430. Heather (MNmomma) says:

    Blessed beyond measure……right now, at this moment in my life….this minute, it is “easy” to say this, but I have repeated and believed that thru all of the darkness, the sorrow. I have known that God has had a plan all along. It took looking back over my life to see it, but His refining fire was hard at work.

    1. Joanna says:

      Amen! We are blessed to be in the “easier” place right now, but that is His work indeed.

  431. Dana says:

    God is truly the hero in my home! By the power of Christ alone He restored our 18 yr marriage after 11 yrs of infidelity, alcoholism recovery, and bondage in a pit of sin to deception, lies, rebellion and pride. He is tremendous and His mercies are certainly new everyday! My marriage and children are transformed! Only God could do a miracle like this, what a might God we serve!

    1. Kelda says:

      Dana that is the exact miracle I’m praying for today and I thank you for sharing and giving me hope.

    2. suznk says:

      So thankful for this testimony! Praying for that same restoration for my son and his family!

    3. TGBTG says:

      Congratulations! Our Father is with us down long roads and celebrates with us at the end.

  432. Bethany says:

    God has done more for me than I even give him credit for. Praising Him today for all my many blessings, none of which are small!

  433. Natalie Britt says:

    I have recently struggled through a terrible season with OCD, but God has been so faithful to teach my heart what is true and deliver me from my fears. He has surrounded me with people who have been his instruments of peace in my life. I praise Him for “truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!”

    1. TGBTG says:

      OCD can really grab and take hold can’t it! I struggle with a mild form. So glad you have pulled through and made your faith your life line.

  434. 1.God has brought me to full restoration and healing from my eating disorder 2.He has taught me how to love and be loved by bringing my husband into my life 3. He allowed and orchestrated for the torrential rain to stop yesterday for five minutes at the exact time I needed to allow me to carry my baby and an armful of items into a store without getting soaked 4. He has made me rich in friends and mentors 5. He fills my heart with joy that overflows and has given me a child who passes on infectious joy to others. Thank you for your absolute faithfulness, Lord!

    1. Churchmouse says:

      Isn’t it great that SRT had us list specifically what God has done for us? Thank you for sharing yours. Such encouragement for those yet in the struggle. What He has done for one, He will do for all. We trust and walk in faith.

      1. TGBTG says:

        “We trust and walk in faith” Perfect.

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for sharing your list, Trish! Praising God with you today!


  435. Carly B says:

    God has done so many wonderful things for me. He led me to know him at a young age, at a time when I was in great need, and he was with me when I felt completely alone. He held on to me when I drifted and wandered and rebelled- he never let go and he gently brought me back. He has used the difficult times to draw me to him, and, what the enemy meant for evil, he has worked for good. He has transformed me and given me strength to do things I’d never have imagined.
    “Praise God who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.”

    1. Churchmouse says:

      You have a wonderful testimony of victory! Such encouragement! Thanks for sharing

    2. CC says:

      Thank you for sharing !

    3. Debbie May says:

      Praise God!

  436. Praying for you in your struggles today, Tyshea. May you (and may we all) let them be the Lord’s.

  437. Tyshea says:

    My sorrows cannot compare to Tina, but they are my own and inflict their pain regardless. Your post is inspiring, to be able praise thru your trespasses. I am currently in my storm and my struggle is real. My goal is to cling to God and grow from these sorrows and praise him thru the pain. Thank you for your inspirational words

    1. Heather Clement says:

      ((((((Tyshea)))))) Praying for you, my friend! <3

    2. Tina says:

      Tyshea, if there is one piece of sdvice I can truly share with you from all of these ‘ growth spurts’ is hold fast to Him who has ALL the answers..who has all the love, all the grace, all the hope we can ever need.., He holds you when you need it, He cares when you think all is lost…He holds out His hand to take yours..He waits for you..Indeed give your trials to Him, your pain to Him and His rest is the sweetest…and even though we still go through our trials, He walks alongside with his love and peace…
      I pray that peace and grace for you dear sister..
      Go in peace and grace..xx
      Will be holding you in my

    3. Carly B says:

      Praying for you, Tyshea, that you know God with you in your pain, giving you strength to hold to him and helping you through.

    4. candacejo says:

      Your goal is on point! Keep your eyes on Jesus, He will literally carry you when you cannot take another step. Pray this song blesses you today.

    5. Churchmouse says:

      Praying right now for you, Tyshea. God is with you though you may not feel Him. Walk in faith that He is. He will see you through. What He has done for Tina, myself and countless others, He will do for you. He has no favorite children – He loves us all and will forever love us and deliver us safely through the storms. Hang in there. Don’t trust your feelings. Trust His Word.

    6. Shannon H says:

      Sweet Jesus, guard Tyshea’s heart and mind in the refuge that you are, give her your peace which passes all understanding. Help her to know the loving and tender care that you have for her, and remind her of your great faithfulness.

    7. Joanna says:

      He is there Tyshea. Lean on Him and I promise He will get you through.

    8. TGBTG says:

      Stay in prayer so that you are with Him who loves you and cares for you more than anyone could. Close your eyes and see that our God is the bright light at the end of the darkness, the hand reaching down to you in your abyss. He is with you, with Him you will pull through. Do not let the darkness take you over, turn every fear to a prayer and each day find a blessing you can hold onto. Love and prayers to you.

  438. Tina says:

    My story is long, my journey goes even further…my list of wondrous deeds and things God has done…how long have you got…
    I have seriously walked with God, these past 10 years..It began with me in the depths of great sorrow, great brokenness, the no- way back kind..The kind you feel you will carry forever….because you hurt so much, somewhere in that sorrow you get that feeling of despair, that screws up your thinking of what’s the point of being here…and you begin to think things..things that would cause others, (when done) to feel as you do in that lost, oh so lost moment..
    But God. ..but God..If I had a podium for the rest of my life, I could not begin to even touch the surface of what He has done for this once a wreck, who believed there was nothing much left to live for, nothing much else to go on for…The sorrow of the loss of a child, and the deep hurt of rejection from a partner of 17 years was too much…But God…oh but God..He has listened to my rants, He has has listened to my cries..He has been there when I have felt so very alone in a room full of people, He has held my hand when I have lost my way, and boy did I…He has comforted me when earthly words could not with pictures of where my precious daughter is, He has raised my head from off the floor, my tired and weary body from the heap it felt safe to be in…He gave me hope when all hope within me was gone..He turned my song of sadness, brokenness, hopelessness, despair into a song of joy, of love of victory of hope, with a capital H…
    Sit with me sometime, with great tea or coffee, some amazing shortbread biscuits. ..and I will tell of the wonderful, wondrous deeds and works of this beautiful and amazing God I am so very proud and honoured to worship…
    I love you God and I will forever praise you..glorify your name..The name ABOVE ALL, ALL names..
    My Lord..My Savior. .Thank you..

    Happy Friday sisters..Be Blessed. .xx

    1. KellyG says:

      One of my favorite things about SRT (besides the amazing devotionals that feed my soul daily) is the sisterhood we share. Tina–I adore you even though we never met face to face. It may not be on this side of heaven, but I am looking forward to having tea and shortbread with you someday. It will be a wonderful time of sharing all the amazing things God has done for us! Thanks you for sharing your heart with us! Hugs to you!!!

      1. Lynda says:

        SRT Reunion Tea in Heaven! Can’t wait

      2. Victoria says:


    2. Carly B says:

      Thanks for sharing this, Tina. I am always so encouraged by your comments and your testimony of how God brought you hope in the midst of such pain. I would love to sit and drink coffee and eat shortbread with you and hear more of your story of what God has done, but even if we don’t get to meet face to face on earth, I am grateful for what you share here. Xxx

    3. candacejo says:

      You bless us over and over! Proof every day that God can take such a tragedy and turn it into something for His glory. Something that has not only changed YOU but continues to BLESS OTHERS every single day. Thank you, God, for giving strength and wisdom to our dear Tina through her deep sorrow. May she be forever blessed. ♥

    4. Churchmouse says:

      Tina, you are greatly loved, not only by your heavenly Father, but by many (count me as one!) through this site – though we have never met face to face. We meet here heart to heart, a great sisterhood of Beloved believers. From across the pond… A HUGE hug!

    5. Dana says:

      Tina, such an awesome testimony and praise God for His mercy and grace!

    6. CC says:

      Thank you for sharing ! You give me HOPE that God is still listening.

    7. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      Tina~ You are truly, truly a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing your heart, for sharing your testimony…..for your “realness”…. love and hugs! …….and you know, I do have some tea with you every morning ;) although, a face-to-face tea time would be bliss!!!

    8. Shannon H says:

      Tina, like these other amazing ladies, I am always so blessed by you sharing your heart. I am so thankful for all the Lord has done in you, and I too, wish we could sit and have tea and shortbread…..and recount the goodness of our Savior together. What a joy it would be! Be blessed, dear Tina! May this day be a day of rejoicing for you!

    9. Joanna says:

      Tina, you are such a blessing. Like others, your words ring true to me on such a personal level. Thank you for sharing your story and being such a beacon of light for us. God bless you.

    10. Debbie says:

      THE THING ABOUT GOD, is He is working to make us His creation apart from what we are in this world HE has gifted us with. Tina, God is working though you and me and all of us ; if we will draw close to Him. He is LORD, may He whisper His love though each of us.. We are the work of His hands. Praise God another day to show to others who he is. Thank you Tina! This brings me back to all He has for each of us. What am amazing God we have. Blessings to all
      who worship the true God Almighty, Adonai.
      SRT is a tool in which we as the body of Christ can express Praise to God. He is a good God.

    11. TGBTG says:

      Tina, you spoke all that so many of us have felt for different circumstances. But God, our God has always pulled us through. So glad to have you here with us.

    12. Caroline says:

      Blessings to you Tina! Such an inspiration to us all ❤️

    13. Sabrina Boyd says:

      Tina. . . reading your story was so raw and beautiful and so full of passion for Christ. Thank you so much for sharing, you have truly opened my eyes this morning and my heart. You have given me a wake up call that when I’m feeling that God has left me it’s not him that has moved, it’s me. Thank you again for sharing such truth

    14. Alicia says:

      Tina, love. What a testimant to the love that God bestows upon us. Thank you for sharing a moment of vulnerability to allow us a glimps at the transcending and healing love Christ covers us in. You are a beautiful soul, and I pray now for years of happiness encaptured in the arms and love of Christ. By the way, you story and tea? Sounds wonderful. ♡

  439. Freja says:

    I feel so grateful for every thing God has done for me. He deserves all of our praises for his unconditional love to us that we DONT deserve. Praise The Lord almighty!

  440. idah says:

    I like were David said, I cried out to Him with my mouth,
    and praise was on my tongue. I just think – I may say I am in distress but I will not complain or be angry or in a bad mood, instead i’ll praise You.