Your Love Is Eternal

Open Your Bible

Psalm 136:1-26

Text: Psalm 136:1-26

In this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.

Psalm 136
God’s Love Is Eternal

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love is eternal.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love is eternal.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His love is eternal.
He alone does great wonders.
His love is eternal.
He made the heavens skillfully.
His love is eternal.
He spread the land on the waters.
His love is eternal.
He made the great lights:
His love is eternal.
the sun to rule by day,
His love is eternal.
the moon and stars to rule by night.
His love is eternal.
He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians.
His love is eternal.
and brought Israel out from among them
His love is eternal.
with a strong hand and outstretched arm.
His love is eternal.
He divided the Red Sea
His love is eternal.
and led Israel through,
His love is eternal.
but hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
His love is eternal.
He led His people in the wilderness.
His love is eternal.
He struck down great kings.
His love is eternal.
and slaughtered famous kings—
His love is eternal.
Sihon king of the Amorites.
His love is eternal.
and Og king of Bashan—
His love is eternal.
and gave their land as an inheritance,
His love is eternal.
an inheritance to Israel His servant.
His love is eternal.
He remembered us in our humiliation.
His love is eternal.
and rescued us from our foes.
His love is eternal.
He gives food to every creature.
His love is eternal.
Give thanks to the God of heaven!
His love is eternal.

Dig Deeper:

He alone does great wonders! Write your own “His love is eternal” psalm to God. List who God is and what He has done in your life. Make the details specific and personal. Let it be a song to Him.

He changes the seasons.

His love is eternal.

He ______________________.

His love is eternal.

He ______________________.

His love is eternal.

He ______________________.

His love is eternal.

He ______________________.

His love is eternal.

He ______________________.

His love is eternal.

Give thanks to the God of Heaven!
His love is eternal.


(174) Comments

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174 thoughts on "Your Love Is Eternal"

  1. Zoe Bellatorre says:

    His love endures forever ❤️

  2. Emma Hilborn says:

    He personally knows each one of us and our every need and desire, good and bad. And yet his love is eternal ❤️

  3. Tammy Shaw says:

    Praise God His love is eternal! Our mind can’t comprehend the things love God has for His children. He had a perfect love for the imperfections

  4. Kara Ayer says:

    His faithful love is eternal.

  5. Lehua K. says:

    RHONDA J: I apologize, I forgot to respond to your question about our business! My husband and I have been entrepreneurs for about 7 1/2 years now. Our business is a blend of online retail/e-commerce and mentorship/leadership. In a nutshell, we help people get into business for themselves but also provide access to a mentorship and training support system that helps them with their business, as well as other areas of life (spiritual, social, emotional, etc). Thank you so much for the prayers ❤️ I know this is God’s calling for my life and for our family’s future, but lately I’ve been distracted and disorganized. People we have partnered with have also given up on their dreams, partially since COVID, and it’s heartbreaking to see people walk away. But I know God’s plan for them may be different from mine. I’m working on staying rooted in gratitude and getting back on track with God as the CEO. If it weren’t for Him I wouldn’t be where I am today, and know the people I know. ❤️❤️

    Sorry for the long answer… I get really passionate about it. But I do appreciate the prayers!

  6. Sue Dalos says:

    Heidi, I am on IG and would love to connect. suzd56 Praying for you during these crunch times.

  7. Sue Dalos says:

    Heidi, I am on IG and would love to connect. suzd56 ❤️

  8. Cee Gee says:

    Back finally to finish my homework.

    Our God is OMNISCIENT; He knew me before I was born.
    His love endures forever.

    Our God is mightier than any earthly ruler.
    His love endures forever.

    Our God supplies all my needs.
    His love endures forever.

    Our God created good things for His benefit and my good pleasure. (Chinaberry flowers were “perfuming” my yard today!)
    His love endures forever.

    Our God gives infinite grace every day and made a way for me to spend eternity with Him. Thank You for Jesus!
    His love endures forever.

    HEIDI – so good to see your report and how prayers were answered so far! Still praying for mercy from the professor for late turn-in and so glad that truly was an option. I was stepping out in faith on that request!

    You all bless my heart with your comments back and forth! Sleep well and in His peace!

  9. Katie L says:

    Lehua – praying for your allergies, they’ve been awful this year where I live!

    Sarah D – thinking and praying for your job situation often.

    Sharon – praying for your daughter in law. I’ve been there! Something I’m learning is being willing to sit with someone in their pain and not try to “fix” it has so much power. That consistency in the good and bad shows them the character of our sweet Savior ❤️❤️❤️

    Michelle – your prayer for my son brought me to tears. You understand the ache of my heart, praying for your anxiety and for restorative sleep tonight!! This may sound silly but when I was growing up we listened to tapes of Adventures in Odyssey (a Focus on the Family radio show from the late 80’s) to fall asleep and even now if I’m having a hard time falling asleep I’ll stream an episode and I’m always out before the 20 minute program is over I think it occupies my mind and the nostalgia relaxes me, maybe there’s an audiobook or sermon series or something similar to help calm your racing mind?

    Heidi – I think about you so often through the day, I remember at the height of grad school sabotaging myself with distraction because I was so overwhelmed. I am so impressed by your dedication and giving it all to God. Prayers for finishing the race strong.

    All you beautiful Women of God – may we throw any obstacles in our way over our shoulder with the power of the Almighty God. May we experience His abundant Peace by leaning on Hope and Trust. He is good and will NEVER let us down. The same God of King David is OUR God!!!!

  10. Katie L says:

    Thank you all for your support and kind words ❤️ You were able to see my biggest fear – the safety of our sweet son. He is strong willed and confident and has a heart for Justice so if he has to take the stand I know he will be just fine. I’ve promised him I’ll never make him do something he doesn’t feel safe doing, and really hoping I don’t have to be in a situation where I have to go back on that promise.
    Searching – It shocks me that she has moved forward with this case even after her son (my ex) told her “if you do this we’re done.” She had open access to him before this and still went through with it because she wants what SHE wants (unsupervised overnight visits whenever she wants even though they’ve never spent one on one time together). I have detailed notes that I submitted to the court of all of the times she saw him (6 times in his first 4 years before he started going with his dad). It didn’t seem to matter I’m not sure the judge even looked at them. Waiting for a call back from another lawyer in town, I will keep you all updated!

    Thank you all you “dancers who dance upon injustice!!”


  11. Heidi says:

    ALL MY FRIENDS: In such a time crunch but I wanted very much to come “here”… all of you and your words and encouragement and time spent lifting me up – thank you. I did NOT get the paper done yesterday I wanted to… I have a good grade in the class already and just decided accepting a few points knocked off for turning it in late was going to have to be ok. I took 1 of the 3 finals last night. I did better than I probably should have (thanks to God’s great mercy) but worse than I wanted to… Took final #2 just now and did better than I should have and better than I expected (again – praise and glory bc of God’s recall and clarity of thought). Final #3 will need to be tomorrow which is fine bc the deadline is tmr midnight. I did request an extension for one large paper that is not going to be hard to do, but will be time consuming. Waiting to see if the Prof will grant it. Grateful to my man and my parents for pulling extra weight and trying to give me as much space as possible to get things done… At this point I just want it all away from me… I can honestly say I love you all . Thank you. deeply thank you.
    I AM reading and praying and keeping your requests in my mind – I’m sorry I can’t type things out for you all individually.
    IF ANY OF YOU ARE ON IG let me know – I’m not on FB but would love to actually SEE you :) Talk to you all soon!!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Lehua..thank you for you comments and words…ALL SO Good!! What is your business you started? Would love to pray for you going forward!!

    Pam ..thinking of you in this hard time! It seems like just yesterday in a way (although it was 2014), but my mom was seemly healthy, and I lived 6.5 hours away and so did my sister in another direction. We were going for a all family visit but my mom wasn’t feeling well and so I went a few days early, and when I got there I was quite shocked by what I saw. She was laying in bed, swollen and half out of it. The next morning she wasn’t breathing, but came around quickly. Two days later same thing happened, and we called the ambulance. By Sunday, they said she needed hospital hospice, but she would not survive going home. It was awful saying goodbye to our dear mom for me and my sister. She went peacefully the next night. It was really emotional, our moms just hold such a heartfelt large piece of our heart. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I understand, and I can’t imagine how much harder it is when you want to be there…but the world moves on and you have to juggle that.

    Good to see you Sarah and Sue!

  13. Sue Dalos says:

    @Michelle Patire. I am honored to pray for you and for mental peace, which we know our Lord can give. I ask that you may be able to give your mental weariness and your burdens to God, as you lay down to rest at night to have the rest, that your mind and body needs. I am grateful for this wonderful group of women as we open ourselves and ask for intercession from the others to help us carry our burdens to the Lord. This group has been God given to help strengthen my own walk. May our prayers for each other bring peace to each and every one of us as we go about our daily lives knowing that our Gods steadfast love endures forever.

  14. Lehua K. says:

    I left some comments on yesterday’s post this morning because I wasn’t sure if I’d have enough time to read today’s before getting ready for work. If you could please pray for me, I went to sleep last night with some allergies and I’m praying that it’ll go away- I really need to stay healthy in this season of training my new assistant and growing our business further. I do need to take better care of myself – I’ve been working longer hours and trying not to bring home work anymore, because it’s not fair to my husband and our business to make work such a huge priority. I pray though above all else that God’s will be done. ❤️

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for your future DIL, with her mental health that she may receive the right support, and for an opportunity to open up for you to share Christ with her. Praying for her and for your son’s salvation and future faith walk (praying it with hopeful expectancy!) ❤️

    RHONDA – Glad the migraine went away! Praying for relief and healing for your back pain ❤️

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for a calm mind and peaceful thoughts so you can sleep ❤️

    SEARCHING – what beautiful imagery! ❤️

    Have a beautiful day She’s!

  15. Cee Gee says:

    FROM ENDURING WORD – “Spurgeon suggested many things that Psalm 136 as a whole teaches:

    · The past, present, or future will not end His mercy.

    · The storms of life will not end His mercy.

    · Distance from loved ones will not end His mercy.

    · Death itself will not end His mercy.

    · God’s never-ending mercy should make us merciful to others.

    · God’s never-ending mercy should make us hopeful for others.

    · God’s never-ending mercy should make us hopeful for ourselves.”. There is an awesome historical account of the use of the repeated phrase (I think it was 358 AD) given at the end of the commentary. I encourage you to hop over and read it!

    HEIDI – Praying success in every way for this day and even a merciful extension for the paper if necessary! I DID SEE the verse yesterday! Praying for Kin, too.

    SEARCHING – I had the same vision and then read the Enduring Word commentary and see that was true.
    RHONDA J – So glad your migraine is gone and I prayed it would not interfere with your prison ministry. I suffered from migraines when I was younger and I know how it depletes the body. How did it go yesterday?

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – SO GOOD to have you back and pray that your back pain will ease now that you are back in your own bed and routine.

    KATIE L – I can’t even imagine what a night mare you are living, but I know God isn’t surprised by any of it. Praying for your son’s heart through all of this!

    I have to scoot to the grocery store so I think I will do the exercise later!

    Love and prayers to all! Thinking of you, Sarah D, Pam C and Martha Hix.

  16. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies, praying for you all!! I stayed up pretty late last night finishing the teacher application, but I got most of it done. Will be sending it today! This is the same application for the interview I’ll have on Monday. Praying the Lord’s will be done.

  17. Heidi says:


  18. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    This Psalm reminds me to the Lyrics of a song, “where would I be if it wasn’t for the love of God”. His love is eternal – hallelujah! It is because of His love I am saved. It is because of His love I am kept. It is because of His faithful, steadfast love that I am not consumed! “Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

    @Heidi – I do hope that you got all your work in yesterday and that you passed your exam!
    @Rhonda – glad to hear your migraine is gone. I continue to pray for your pain to cease, I especially remember to pray for you when experiencing my own pain – which since this trip, is a lot!
    @Michelle – praying you will be able to sleep at night.
    @Katie L – my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing in detail so we can better know how to pray. No matter what, always remember – God is in control. To believe and remember that truth sustains us through the most difficult situations and fills us with His perfect peace. Praying God will rule in your favor, and that He will most consider the heart & mind and difficult position of your dear 9 year old son.

    Asking prayer for my future daughter-in-law. I came back from vacation to hear that she is in the hospital. She and my son have been dating for 3 years, and this is the first I’ve heard that she suffers with depression and other mental illness. She is a lovely young lady, perfect for my son, and we have come to love her. She voluntarily admitted herself into a mental health hospital upon her therapists suggestion. The doctors are trying her on new medications to see which work best for her. She is not a born again believer, and my son – if he is saved- does not have a walk with the Lord. Please pray for quick healing, wisdom for the doctors and that they will find the medication that is perfect for meeting her needs. And also most importantly – that God would open the door for me to share Christ with her.

    Thank you all for your welcome – it is good to be back!

  19. Rhonda J. says:

    @Kimberly Z- I remember when you first were here and told us about your dad’s attempt…and I remember how shocked I was and my heart went out to you! And walking with you (as much as you can in the somewhat anonymous way) and seeing your growth, and the change around in your dad is such an amazing testimony!! I am so happy the Lord is really working such good things out of a horrible scare and all the feelings that came with it being a suicide. You are such a lovely person and the Lord is going to use you in a mighty way! I am still praying for you (and others) that God will lead the perfect spouse to you and family! Too bad you don’t live here, I have several single guy friends at church that are also praying for a future spouse!! ;) Are you on FB or IG? It’s so nice to put a face to names!!

    Praying for you @Michelle. It is so frustrating not to be able to fall asleep! I will be nodding off in front of the tv at 8 pm, then go to bed at 11 and lay wide awake all the sudden! I don’t sleep very well with back pain, I toss and turn constantly it seems! I sing and pray scripture to fall asleep.

  20. Michelle Patire says:

    @Mercy- I just noticed your comment the other day :) I agree, miss the whole group but it is nice to stay connected in a smaller way for now.

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning!

    My Migraine is gone! Thank you for the prayers! (my back issues are another issue…hurting so much lately! I have a new pain doctor apt. on Monday!)

    @Katie Thank you for sharing your situation for prayers with us! I will keep this in my prayers for sure!

    @Sharon- Glad you’re back! Loved seeing all your great pictures on IG!

    He is all-seeing and all-knowing, and yet He loves me.
    He is gracious and kind, and will see to my needs.
    He knows what will grow me and train me up in His ways
    He is merciful and will forgive my wrongs
    He understands our feelings and attitudes
    He is making all things new.
    He is trustworthy and keeps his promises
    He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! Hallelujah!

  22. Michelle Patire says:

    @Katie L- thankful to be an encouragement to you!! Just reading up on your prayer request, now. May the Lord show you His faithfulness. May He bring wisdom to your whole family. But most importantly, may your son be safe and protected from the schemes of the enemy. May no weapon prosper against him. May He discern truth from error. May the Holy Spirit guide him as he grows and you guys try to navigate this relationship. Lord, have mercy, and be near to Katie as she walks trusting You above her own (or anyone else’s) understanding. Your will be done!

    @Sharon– glad to see you are back!! Welcome home!! :)

    @Kimberly Z- so glad you are here and have stayed part of our community!! :)

    @Sue Dalos- <3 :)

    I have a small prayer request. I've been having random anxiety before I fall asleep, that keeps me up for a few hours. It's very annoying because it deters me from getting up earlier when I plan to. Can you pray over my mind? I have been praying very intentionally every day over my family and my house so it is bothersome that I'm struggling with fear at night. Thank you <3

  23. Theresa says:

    This is one of my favorite Psalms and I was so thankful to see it for today’s reading. What a beautiful exercise!

    He finds me when I’m hidden
    His love is eternal

    He looks on me with compassion
    His love is eternal

    He covers me with grace and mercy
    His love is eternal

    He forgives and forgets my sin
    His love is eternal

    @Rhonda J- praying your migraine is gone today.

  24. Searching says:

    Amen, KELLY (NEO).

    No author is noted for this psalm but in my mind as I was reading, I could see and hear a man of God standing high above a huge crowd …” Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good” and the crowd roars, “His love endures forever!” (NIV) The NKJV says For His mercy endures forever.

    So awesome!

    THERESA – thank you for sharing how the Lord in working in your heart and mind. Love what you shared about forfeiting more than the evil one could have ever taken. That is a lot for me to ponder. Let’s chase these totally wrong thoughts away – His love endures forever! – and put Philippians 4:8 into practice by filling our minds with things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy!

    RHONDA J – praying the migraine is gone!

    DONNA WOLCOTT – thank you for reminding us about the ripple effect of our decisions. It reminded me in high school when I made what seemed at the time to be an abrupt change of a previous decision … several things happened fairly soon afterwards as a result of that change, and then fast forward 40 years … connections made way back then resurfaced and I was led to help an older couple work through some challenges they were facing. Blows my mind when I think about the route those ripples took.

    KIMBERLY Z – ❤️

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – welcome back!

    HEIDI – praying for an outstanding result on today’s exam(s) and completion of all remaining projects and papers! These challenges have come to mind several times when I wake up at night- continuing to pray for you and Kin!

    KATIE L – my goodness! Thank you for sharing so we can specifically pray for this situation. I have never heard of anything quite like this. Praying for protection of your son most of all, wisdom for attorneys, judge and mediators (if it comes to that, praying it doesn’t). Just a thought – for you (and your ex) to recall and document if possible interactions in the past that might provide clarity – specific visits, frequency, accommodations made for visits, etc. I’ll be praying about the whole situation – including ex MIL realizing this lawsuit may damage existing relationships and the open access she has had. Also praying for your ex’s stepchildren – very sad to see them put in another “category” – ex MIL is missing out.

  25. Kelly (NEO) says:

    He rescued me from hell.
    His love is eternal.

    He heals my broken places.
    His love is eternal.

    He is faithful to His promise to make me like Jesus.
    His love is eternal.

    SARAH D – praying you are feeling better

    KATIE L – praying for all involved. If the judge is truely a “bleeding heart,” your son may be asked if he wants visitation with his grandmother. Praying you and his father can talk to him about what is going on (in an age-appropriate way)

  26. Carlee Shy says:

    His love is eternal.. ❤️

  27. Lakechia Smith says:

    He remembered me at my lowest. His love is eternal❤️

  28. Maddie Jones says:

    He got rid of my anxiety.
    He saved my life.
    He talks to me daily.
    He will never forsake me.
    He is my everything.

  29. Sarai Foster says:

    He makes mountains just for us to smile

  30. Crystel Garrett says:

    He’s always with me and carry’s me through the hard times.

  31. Leah Fisher says:

    He taught me how to love, his love is eternal❤️

  32. Laurajane Barry says:

    His love outweighs any hard circumstance. He is faithful. He is trustworthy. He is near

  33. Cornelia Williams says:


  34. Ell Tinsley says:

    He sees us in our lowest place, His love endures forever

  35. Jordan Ursua-Pangan says:

    He sent His only Son to save us, His love is eternal.

  36. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    He is good ❤️

  37. Lyndi Goodman says:


  38. Roxy Brouphy says:


  39. Hannah Houpt says:

    How often do we forget that His love is eternal? Way too often! Eternal love meaning…lasting or existing forever. His eternal love saved me from myself, renews my soul, provides for my every need and forgives me from the temptations of this world.

    Thank you God for your eternal love for me!

  40. Jenny Horsley says:

    He put his spirit in our hearts, His love is eternal.

  41. Caroline Mauldin says:

    Very healing message

  42. Katie Sheldon says:

    He will always be there for me no matter what, his love endures forever

  43. Caroline Mauldin says:

    wow. wow. wow. his love is eternal. that passage said it so many times. it’s amazing how often we forget.

  44. Jeannie Greenland says:

    He holds me in His hand and is my protector. He sends His angels to surround me. He is a strong fortress where I can rest. I needn’t fear. His love is eternal.

  45. Gwen Jones says:

    He loves me because of who he is, not what I do. His love is eternal!❤️

  46. Chris Pennington says:


  47. Cecelia Taylor says:

    His steadfast love endures forever

  48. Tatiana Perez says:

    His love is eternal, praise the Lord and thanks for everything you have done in my life and for what’s to come. ❤️

  49. Emma P says:

    He guides me, comforts me, and lets me break so that He can make me whole. His steadfast love endures forever.

    1. Abby Clark says:

      love this!!

  50. Kelsey Hankins says:

    He makes a way for me, even in the darkness. His love is eternal! He grants me undeserving peace. His love endures forever!

  51. Elise Eti says:

    Even though he sees our sins. Even though humans change. His love remains the same. Give thanks to the God of Heaven! His love is eternal.

  52. Nicole Green says:

    He is my peace. His love is eternal. He is my hope. His love is eternal. He makes all things new. His love is eternal. He watches over us and is our help. His love is eternal!

  53. Stephanie Okundi says:

    He restores my hope. His love is eternal. He aids my success in all things. His love is eternal. He protects me and my loved ones. His love is eternal. He gives me life. His love is eternal.

  54. Danielle McCarson says:

    Yes & amen!!!

  55. Natalie Talbot says:

    His love is eternal. He gives me purpose. His love is eternal. He lifts my spirits when I’m at my lows. His love is eternal. He is joyous with me in my highs. His love is eternal.

  56. E Hong says:

    23It is he who remembered us in our low estate,
    for his steadfast love endures forever;

  57. Glenny Cepeda says:

    He gave me a purpose when I was down. He gave me parents that love and support me. He put people on my path that cared about me

  58. Baylee Mullen says:

    His love is eternal!!

  59. Emily Schimmels says:

    He holds my future. His love endures forever

  60. Brooke Money says:

    He has continuously provided me with peace in the midst of anxiety. He has surrounded my husband and I with His people. He has healed my marriage. His love endures forever!

    1. Liz Rice says:

      Amen! Praise God.

  61. Allison Sherwood says:

    This psalm reminds me of a popular 90s worship song . . .

  62. Miranda Koors says:

    He gave me love when I felt alone. He is my hope for my students and myself. He gives me security when my anxiety takes over. He is the calm to any storm. He is my joy when my happiness is gone.

  63. Teresa Blubaugh says:

    His love is everlasting. He sent Jesus. He never leaves me. He blesses me with family and friends. He patiently helps me grow and takes me through the seasons. He gives me His work to do. He picks me up when I fall. He forgives me. He teaches me how to love. His love is everlasting!

  64. Alex Launius says:

    He saved me from the pit. He sees my heart and loves me still. He desires to use me. He frees my heart. His love is eternal!

  65. Beth Murray says:

    Every moment of every day is created through his eternal love and purpose. Thank you Lord for reminding me that every thing is an overflow of your eternal love.

  66. K M says:

    He comforts the lonely. He provides for His children. He lifts the burdens of stress and worries of anxiety. He alone saves. He transforms hearts, minds, and souls. He is victorious over evil. He is always and forever faithful. He forgives.

  67. Alyssa Silvester says:

    He called me to him. He provides jobs. He sought me out and spoke to me. He is faithful in my disobedience. He made a family for me. He provided a home for me. His peace is tangible in my home. He is growing my marriage. He equips me with friends. He loves me unconditionally!

  68. Nicole Price says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for always loving me!

  69. Molly Gilbane says:

    He changes the seasons. He heals our bodies. He restores our hearts and minds. He never leaves us— never forsakes us. He gives us new life and provides us with many blessings. He forgives us of our inequities and loves us unconditionally. Thanks be to God!

  70. Sei Watkins says:

    He loved me first.
    His love is eternal.

  71. Bailey Braden says:

    Thank you, God, for your eternal love!

  72. Cassie says:

    He Loves ME.

  73. Rosella says:

    Sing praise to the Lord our God for his love is eternal!

  74. Marcy says:

    He loves me unconditionally
    His love is eternal
    He’s there when I fret or worry
    His love is eternal
    He makes me feel secure
    His love is eternal
    He gives me great happiness
    His love is eternal
    Thank you God for all that you do, your love truly is eternal!

  75. Lisa Maynard says:

    He creates beautiful creatures like my adorable kitties. His love endures forever.

  76. Ashley Gomez says:

    His love is the rock to my soul. Unchanging and eternal. My father and king!

  77. Tamasen says:

    God strengthens me for each day – His love endures forever!

  78. Lauren says:

    his love endures forever.

  79. Carol says:

    When I hear that phrase “his steadfast love endures forever” that many times, I believe it’s there for a big reason. There is power in His word.

    1. Elizabeth says:

      so so true

  80. Rebecca Kaufman says:

    God always provides, God breaks fears, and He is always there no matter what you have done.

  81. Valerie says:

    Indeed His steadfast love endures forever

  82. Latoya Irving says:

    Amen praise God he is the king of all kings for his mercy endureth forever

  83. Margo says:

    He makes the impossible possible! His love is eternal!

  84. Ariel McFarland says:

    He is my Father and he provides me with all that I need. He protects me and gives me rest. He has welcomed me into his kingdom. He has made me his daughter! His love is eternal!!

  85. Delaney says:

    Wow! I’ve always heard it said that if something is repeated in the bible several times it must really be important. I’d say this qualifies!

  86. Samantha Doisy says:

    Thank you lord! You have provided for me and my family over and over!! Your love is eternal!!!❤️❤️

  87. mmmaxwell says:

    This is a great chapter to cling to here on Election Day. Praise God that “his mercy endureth forever”!

  88. Aaris says:

    Through EVERYTHING, you are miraculous and your love is undying. I will forever praise your name Lord!

    1. Aaris says:

      You fight our battles and defeat all of our enemies. Your love IS eternal ❤️

  89. Aliciafae says:

    Thank you lord for everything. For I really see how your love is eternal.

  90. Kait says:

    This is exactly what I needed right now. I’ve had my heart set on the wrong things, focusing on a boy that I know God doesn’t have planned for me. Reading this today and reading everyone’s comments reminds my heart where to look for fulfillment. It reminds me to set my mind on God and not on things of this life on Earth.

  91. Kira Spencer says:

    Thank you God, for being eternal and never giving up on me. Thank you for your everlasting love. Thank you for not forsaking me. Thank you for being my God.

  92. Lauren says:

    His love never fails and is poured within us continuously no matter where we are or what the circumstance is

  93. JEAHuckaby says:

    He loves me unconditionally. He takes away my fear. He does His Will through us. He knows what’s best for us. He continues to write upon my heart.

  94. Tracey says:

    He brings calm to my worried heart, His love is eternal. Hi is so good!

  95. Bethany says:

    He allowed refining trials to help my faith grow. He provided affordable housing. He showed up when I was lost. He quietly orchestrated multiple events to lead my husband to his knees. His love never quits. His love is eternal!!!

    1. Kate says:

      I love this! Praise God – for He bends down and hears us!

    2. Jasmine Horne says:

      So encouraging to hear when non believers come to Christ! Thank you Lord! His love indeed endures forever!

  96. Gabby says:

    He provided me with a man whom my soul loves,
    His love is eternal.

  97. Angelina P Menéndez says:

    Becouse he loves me the way I’m

  98. Erica Smith says:

    He gives me peace in trials. His love is eternal!

  99. Andrea P says:

    He guides my steps and lights my path. His love is eternal.

  100. Ella says:

    His love is eternal! He forgives all sins

  101. Alexis says:

    He never gives up on me. His love is eternal!

  102. Jay says:

    He fills the empty void in my heart.
    His love is eternal

  103. Morgan says:

    His love is eternal. It keeps me safe

  104. Ashley Echevarria says:

    His love endures forever!

  105. Rachel says:

    He healed me from a stroke and got me back in my feet. His love is eternal!

  106. Amber says:

    His love is eternal!

  107. susiedoozie says:

    He loves me and forgives me even when I don’t deserve it.

  108. Kay says:

    He reminds me in quiet moments no matter what that his love is eternal. Sometimes that is all that gets me through my day.

  109. Tiffany says:

    He forgives me when I don’t deserve His love. He protects me at my lowest points. He provides and gives me what’s best for me. He unconditionally gives without asking for anything in return. His grace for me makes me a better person. Give thanks to the Lord.

  110. Van says:

    He was always there. And still is.

  111. Nia says:

    He healed me from worrying about acceptance

    1. Nia says:

      He healed me and freed from my old self

  112. Lindsay says:

    Because of him, I will live again
    His love is eternal
    He stays by me when I’m doubting
    His love is eternal
    He gives me strength when I have none
    His love is eternal
    He knew my heart before I was born
    His love is eternal
    He will be there waiting for me, no matter where I go
    His love is eternal
    He made me in his image
    His love is eternal

  113. Morgan says:

    He has accepted my sins
    His love is external
    He will not turn away from me
    His love is external
    He is my bestfriend
    His love is external
    He has changed my life
    His love is external
    He is my Heavenly Father
    His love is external❤️

  114. Noelle says:

    He rescued me for the pit,
    His love is eternal
    He is the father to the fatherless,
    His love is eternal
    He surrounds me in my loneliness
    His love is eternal
    He hears my heart’s cry
    His love is eternal
    He sees past my countless weaknesses
    His love is eternal
    He supplies my every need
    His love is eternal
    He always sees my worth,
    His love is eternal
    He is my comforter
    His love is eternal

  115. Millie says:

    Thank you Lord for your everlasting and unconditional love. It is the best thing I could ever ask for yet you’ve blessed me with it fortress. Please help me with dear now Lord as in scared.

  116. Emma says:

    He knows what I need and when I need it.

  117. Lauren says:

    He showers me with grace!!!!

  118. This is exactly what I needed tonight

  119. Hannah says:

    He knows I am wanting.
    His love is eternal.

  120. Emily says:

    He never gives up on me, even when I fail

  121. Shannon says:

    He knows my every thought.
    His love is eternal.
    He gives me rest.
    His love is eternal.
    He cares for my children and calls them by name.
    His love is eternal.
    He blesses my marriage.
    His love is eternal.
    He is my strength. My hope. My song.
    His love is eternal.

  122. Leeann says:

    He just…is.

  123. BlessedandFavored says:

    I am forever grateful!!!

  124. Kate says:

    He holds me when I’m weak
    His love is eternal
    He forgives me when I’m wrong
    His love is eternal
    He is constant when I’m in doubt
    His love is eternal

  125. Beth Ann says:

    This makes sense. Thank you.

  126. Kinsley says:

    He changes the seasons,
    His love is eternal.
    He does not reject me because of my sins,
    His love is eternal.
    When I ask for forgiveness.
    His love is eternal.
    He rescues me from trials and tribulations
    His love is eternal.
    He encourages me to be brave,
    His love is eternal.
    He reaches out to me,
    His love is eternal,
    Even when I do not reach for Him,
    His love is eternal.
    He desires my obedience and work,
    His love is eternal.
    He has given me the desires of my heart,
    His love is eternal.
    He is my rock and my redeemer,
    His love is eternal.
    He is a good, good Father.
    His love is eternal.

  127. Glorymoon says:

    Much like day 10 I fell in love with day 11. I rather enjoy this sense of just how eternal God’s love and mercy are.

  128. Erica C says:

    He changes the seasons.
    His love is eternal.
    He has saved me.
    His love is eternal.
    He has rescued me SO many times. His love is eternal.
    He has delivered me, over and over again.
    His love is eternal.
    He is faithful, never turning His back on me or pushing me out of His presence.
    His love is eternal.
    He has given me the desires of my heart.
    His love is eternal.
    Give thanks to the God of Heaven!
    His love is eternal.

  129. Erica C says:

    I’m thankful that His love isn’t dependent on us! I’m valuable in His sight, despite myself! <3

  130. Sara Nidiffer says:

    So what I needed today! I spoke with a lady the other day talking about how deep God’s love is for us!

  131. Grace says:

    It dawned on me this morning as I was reading this that every single thing God has ever done has been out of love. Every. Single. Thing. He is literally unable to act apart from His mercy and loving-kindness. Wow. No wonder He is grieved when we doubt His intentions toward us.

    1. Ahlaischa says:

      This ministers to me so much! Thank you for sharing your heart!!

    2. Mandee says:

      This spoke so powerfully to me, as well! Thank you for sharing your spirit-led insight!

    3. Kayla says:

      Thank you for sharing that

  132. Miranda says:

    He gives me hope & strength for each day
    His love is eternal.
    He convicts me & chastens me
    His love is eternal.
    He gives me free will even though i do wrong
    His love is eternal.
    He carries me through tough times
    His love is eternal.
    He watches over me & always knows what is best
    His love is eternal.
    He is always the same
    His love is eternal.
    Give thanks to the God of Heaven!
His love is eternal. <3

    1. Michelle of LA CA says:

      I love this thank you so much for writing this out ~ God bless your Miranda .
      Enjoy your holiday seasons

  133. cuppaandachat says:

    as I sat to write my response this morning. I began to think of the world today. maybe it’s a morose morning or maybe I’ve forgotten some minute details, but I’m struggling to find ways for humanity in general that speak of God’s steadfast, eternal love. I have confidence and faith He is good and His love is far beyond my understanding, but when I wrote, “He rescues those in distress” and “He binds up the hands of the enemy” a pain in my heart grew for those in captivity in this moment and those struck by the myriad of tragedies happening in our world. I began to pray for God to open my eyes and give me understanding in my heart to match the faith in my head, and an answer for the skeptics that pull out a similar argument. I am confident He will answer more throughout the day, but I thought I’d share in case others of you sisters are struggling with this as well. The first answer came after I threw my study aside and began to feel broken for the images in my head of those curled up in dark, lonely cold places of captivity and harm: “I Am the God who sees”
    He is The God who sees!! His steadfast love endures forever! And now my heart begins to intercede and my mind begin to pray for those I’ve seen hurting. What a precious moment I would have never had before I woke up melancholy! “He is the God who hears and speaks through questioning and misunderstanding. His steadfast love endures forever!”
    Sisters, if you wouldn’t mind, can you pray with me for understanding in the matter of humanities injustices and God’s eternal love? would you share Gods answers to you for understanding of those suffering today? I know He is good and right and His eternal love does indeed last forever, but let’s help one another preach the Truth to each other and ourselves! (how exciting! this is my first time commenting after nearly two years reading)

    1. Churchmouse says:

      I was feeling, and thinking, very similarly this morning. It is only by God’s grace and His will that I live here in the US and not in Syria. My heart breaks for those who have been torn from their homes and who have experienced unimaginable terror. But I wonder… Are there those in Syria, and elsewhere, who say it is only by God’s grace and will that they do not live in the USA? Do they look at us and feel pity? Do they see our ‘riches’ as actually our poverty? Do they weep for us as weep for them? Let my prayer today be for us all, regardless of our location, to stand firm in our faith and to be moved to act to assist our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world. Let it not be said that we saw and heard and did nothing. Let me question the depth of my faith as it has not been tested in the refiners fire to the depth of so many others. And let me deepen that faith by study of the Word, prayer, fasting and significant action. Amen

      1. Becky says:

        Thank you Churchmouse, I love what your heart feels. I often pray about my faith, thinking about the “suffering ” going on right now to the persecuted church around the world. Check out the persecuted church on the Internet . Look up our Lord Jesus is coming soon. May God bless you.

      2. Becky says:

        Give thanks to my God, His love endures forever! He sent his previous son to earth for us. His love endures forever. He let His Son endure all that we could ever go through to identify with us. His love endures forever. He gave us “an atoning sacrifice” enduring forever for our sins, that we might come into the Presence of the most Holy God, clean in Him, hidden in Christ Jesus, we can stand. His mercy endures FOREVER! Thank You Lord Jesus

      3. He Disciplines me when I need it
        He takes the bad and uses it for good
        He accepts me right where I am
        He promises to prosper us and not to harm us
        He has a plan for me
        He is my comfort
        He is my home

    2. Nicole Wlezien says:

      This is beautiful! I will pray with you and for you.

  134. Michelle says:

    You guide my steps and lead me on paths of righteousness
    Your love endures forever.
    You walk with me through fire, refining me like silver.
    Your love endures forever.
    You hold my hand and hold my heart as friend after friend celebrate their love and marriage, granting joy in the waiting and contentment in your embrace.
    Your love endures forever.
    You grant me eyes that see people as you see them.
    Your love endures forever.
    You remind me who I am and whose I am.
    Your love endures forever.
    You have traded my regret and shame for a crown and adopted me as your daughter.
    Your love endures forever.
    You have renewed my hope for love and life on earth.
    Your love endures forever.
    Great are you Lord and worthy of praise!
    Great are you Lord and worthy of honor!
    Great are you Lord and worthy of thanksgiving!
    Your love endures forever.

    1. Lauren says:

      Beautiful + honest

  135. Lauren Schubert says:

    His love endures forever.

  136. Joanna says:

    He listened to worldwide prayers for my mom’s health and she awoke after a night on death’s door. His love is eternal. It is my God’s grace and mercy I am able to spend Thanksgiving with my mother (and father) and I will never take a moment for granted. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families, sisters! I feel incredibly blessed to hear your stories and gain knowledge through your experiences.

  137. Beverly says:

    His eternal love is beautifully intertwined through all that He is and all that He creates.
    He is good.
    He is faithful.
    His love is everlasting.
    His love envelops, surrounds, wraps up our world & our lives so perfectly and completely.

  138. Churchmouse says:

    His love is eternal.
    He is always and altogether good.
    He always looks on me with forever love in His eyes.
    He will never text, email, call, Facebook, Instagram or Snap chat me saying that
    I am not enough.
    That He is moving on.
    That He doesn’t want a relationship right now.
    That He is done with me.
    That He is gone.
    Oh. No.
    He woos and pursues me, endlessly. Tirelessly.
    He never gives up.
    His love is eternal and
    He believes I’m worth it.

    1. Stephanie Alvarez says:

      Amen sister, thank you for sharing this. Our Saviors love is devoted and we can rest in the knowledge that he’ll never let go of us!

    2. Lalo says:

      Thank you for the reminder that He is endlessly pursuing us!

  139. Heather Clement says:

    I had to add to my Psalm… lol :)

    He has rescued my wayward heart and bound it to Himself…
    His love endures forever.

    He has supplied all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me grace sufficient to carry me through anything…
    His love endures forever.

    He has promised me a way out when I’m faced with temptation to sin…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me victory over death though His resurrection…
    His love endures forever.

    He has used every bump, bruise and mistake in my life for my good and His glory…
    His love endures forever.

    He has taken my heart of stone and replaced it with a new one, tender and tuned to sing His praise…
    His love endures forever.

    He has broken the chains of sin in my life and granted sweet freedom…
    His love endures forever.

    He has promised never to leave me or forsake me…
    His love endures forever.

    He healed my marriage when I feared the damage was irreparable…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me an incredible man who loves me for me, and loves God…
    His love endures forever.

    He saved the life of my daughter when she suffered third degree burns over 90% of her body…
    His love endures forever.

    He has grown my daughters into women of faith – steadfast and strong…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me the privilege of raising an incredibly intelligent and compassionate son…
    His love endures forever.

    He placed me in a home with parents who consistently modeled what it means to follow hard after Jesus…
    His love endures forever.

    He has blessed me with a job that I love…
    His love endures forever.

    He has been faithful and held me in his arms when friends betrayed me…
    His love endures forever.

    He has surrounded me now with women who seek His face…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me an incredible shepherd in my pastor…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me an insatiable craving for His Word…
    His love endures forever.

    He redeemed my life from the pit…
    His love endures forever.

    He has taken my trash and replaced it with treasure…
    His love endures forever.

    When I place my burdens on His shoulders and learn from His example, He gives rest…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me His Spirit with the power to turn the world upside down…
    His love endures forever.

    He has promised to complete the work He’s begun in me…
    His love endures forever.

    He has given me the protection of His peace if I will but leave my worries with Him…
    His love endures forever.

    He has prepared a place for me where I will worship Him for all my days…
    His love endures forever.

    1. Amy Riker says:

      Thank you for sharing. I relate to much of what He has done in your life.

    2. Tina says:

      There is so much to be thankful for and to know that without that eternal love, that faithful love and promises we would not have the eyes to see to whom all that glory and praise belongs…
      Amen. Amen to your list heather…
      He is good..Amen..

    3. Ioneem says:

      Thank you for sharing. May we all have thankful hearts on this day that he has made. I will rejoice and be glad

  140. Leah says:

    Good morning! Happy Thanksgiving! God is faithful! God is love!

  141. Sue says:

    I am most thankful that God’s love is everlasting and eternal even for me and all of us no matter what. Bless you all my Sisters.

  142. Heather Clement says:

    He rescued my wayward heart and bound it to Himself…
    His love endures forever.
    He healed my marriage when it seemed the damage was irreparable…
    His love endures forever.
    He saved the life of my daughter when she suffered third degree burns over 90% of her body…
    His love endures forever.
    He has grown my eldest daughter into a woman of faith – steadfast and strong…
    His love endures forever.
    He has blessed me with a job that I love…
    His love endures forever.
    He has been faithful and held me in his arms when friends betrayed me…
    His love endures forever.
    He has surrounded me with women who seek His face…
    His love endures forever.
    He has given me an insatiable craving for His Word…
    His love endures forever.
    He redeemed my life from the pit…
    His love endures forever.
    He has prepared a place for me where I will worship Him for all my days…
    His love endured forever.

  143. Jessica says:

    He provides peace when my flesh gets worried about what is to come
    He gives hope and security
    He gives the miracle of life and has honored us and created us to bring life to this world
    He sustains me when I feel weak
    He made creation for us to enjoy the fall leaves and the winter snow
    He pours out blessings to me and allows me to bless others at times
    He gives grace upon grace when I have failed and loves me just the same
    He gave me Jesus and has given me the Holy Spirit – I am never without Him
    Thank you Father! Your love is eternal!

  144. Kenesha says:

    What a great reminder this morning. It doesn’t matter how messy our lives are, what circumstances we face and the things that people say about us. One thing remains true: HIS STEADFAST LOVE ENDURES FOREVER. Amen.

  145. Lisa says:

    He is my Peace .
    His love is eternal.
    He is my Joy.
    His love is eternal.
    He is my strength in time of need.
    He is eternal.
    He is my healer, my refuge, my Abba and my salvation!!!
    Hope you all do have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

    1. Marianna says:

      So simply sung. I love it. Bless you today, Lisa.

  146. Carly B says:

    I love that this is the backdrop and constant refrain through all the ups and downs of life: his love is eternal.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Xxx

  147. Tina says:

    Giving thanks to the Lord for He is good
    His love is eternal.
    He is my solace.
    His love is eternal.
    He is my provider and strength.
    His love is eternal.
    He is my friend, and He is forgiving.., always.
    His love is eternal.
    He is my help, my guide, my lead, my commander in chief, and I look to Him.
    His love is eternal.
    He walks with me, through thick and thin, right there by my side, even when I cannot feel His presence…He is there…
    His love is eternal.
    He is my heart, He is my Hope, He is my life…
    His love for me,
    Is eternal..

    Thank you Lord God, thank you for every everything…Thank you…

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and sisters across the pond…so much to be thankful for..thanking Him with you dear hearts…Be totally and utterly Blessed as you spend time with loved ones….xxx

    1. Caroline says:

      Thank you Tina. You exemplify a thanks-filled life and through your postings I have been blessed. May you find joy and laughter through the day.

    2. Beverly says:

      Even when I cannot feel His presence… He is there. So grateful! Have a blessed day, Tina!

  148. TGBTG says:

    26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.

    Give thanks in all things, great and small, pleasant and trying, old and new, for they are all from our God for our good.
    Happy Thanks giving to my country! I give thanks to all the men and women that have given and devoted their lives to protect our freedoms.