In this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.
Psalm 19
The Witness of Creation and Scripture
For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour out speech;
night after night they communicate knowledge.
There is no speech; there are no words;
their voice is not heard.
Their message has gone out to all the earth,
and their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a groom coming from the bridal chamber;
it rejoices like an athlete running a course.
It rises from one end of the heavens
and circles to their other end;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
The instruction of the Lord is perfect,
renewing one’s life;
the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy,
making the inexperienced wise.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
making the heart glad;
the command of the Lord is radiant,
making the eyes light up.
The fear of the Lord is pure,
enduring forever;
the ordinances of the Lord are reliable
and altogether righteous.
They are more desirable than gold—
than an abundance of pure gold;
and sweeter than honey,
which comes from the honeycomb.
In addition, Your servant is warned by them;
there is great reward in keeping them.
Who perceives his unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from my hidden faults.
Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins;
do not let them rule over me.
Then I will be innocent
and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Dig Deeper:
God’s Word is true and complete! As you engage with verses 12-14, give thanks to God for His perfect Word that leads us to confession and repentance, restores us, and makes our hearts glad. Fill in the blanks as you pray the prayer below.
Who perceives my unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from _______________________.
Moreover, keep me from _______________________.
Do not let them rule over me.
Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
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795 thoughts on "Your Instruction is Perfect"
Sure and steadfast. True and trustworthy.
Thanks to God that he’s worth is a mirror where our soul is reflected at and we have a chance for repentance.
God is faithful and just!
Dear God, thank you for all you do ❤️ thank you for clearing my mind and for the reading today. You are so good! Amen
It is so calming to know that I don’t have to figure it all out. God’s way is BEST and he has given me truth and guidance in His word already.
The law of the lord is perfect, reviving the soul ✨
Yes, my Rock and Redeemer!
Thank you Lord for allowing me to release my sins.
Thank you Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer
Praise, power,and Glory be to You; My Lord, My Rock, My Refuge.
Thank you Jesus, for your instructions that keeps our path straight
Amen!! Thank you God for all of the blessings. Please do not let them rule over me❤️
God is so good! ❤️
I’m thankful God still loves me!
Amen! May my words, thoughts and actions be acceptable and pleasing to you!
❤️ All glory to you Lord ❤️
This is such a great perspective! Gratitude is such a genuine way to worship!!
May my words and actions be acceptable to You Lord❤️
So grateful for the peace you feel after confession and speaking truth.
Psalm 19:14 is an amazing verse to remember for everyday life and 19:1
Let my words and thoughts be pleasing to You ❤️
The Lords grace can do it!
ALL YA’LL FINE LADIES- just a quick thank you for your support and prayer and thoughts and kind words… If I’m not dropping off/picking up, making dinner or getting kids to bed, i’ve been in front of this darn computer doing school and i’m a bit “DONE.” yet I’m not, bc clearly it’s 8:35p and I just opened the computer back up to try and get some more project work done before crashing.
It’s been BEYOND a blessing to read your take on the Scriptures and your updates and your prayers and comments today.
Was a fun little treat to take small breaks and check back in various times today… oddly like I was checking in with what my friends were up to- lol! :) :) :) LOVE. YOU ALL! ❤️
KATIE L – I’m with you on the morning thing! I told someone recently that one of the great gifts of motherhood was that I was forcibly turned into a morning person! ;) Suddenly I realized exactly what you said – I had so much more clarity and focus and intention in my day when I started it with time in His word! Praying for you to be able to still be able to find a few early minutes to settle in to time with JUST you and your Creator :)
Today it is “Forever” by Chris Tomlin in my head and in my heart! “His love endures forever, sing praise!” ❤️
I am feeling the impacts of this psalm this week – there was a period of a few weeks where my 2 year old was waking up at 5 every morning. In an effort to keep him from waking up the rest of the house i’d bring him into the family room and pop on the TV for him while I sleepily snuggled into my SRT for the day. Finding time in the morning to be in the word has always been a struggle for me and I could clearly see how heavily improved my days were by having that time created for me (as much as I loathed being up so early!). For the last week or so my 2 year old has been sleeping until 7! I’m grateful for a more normal wake up time but so missing that “built in” quiet time. If you dear sisters could pray that I will have the discipline to hold time for the Lord in the morning? I’ve been part of SRT for years but have been too shy to join in the comments. I have been so encouraged by how you see and support each other daily ❤️ thank you for making this community what it is!
Good morning she’s, so happy to see we all gather here. There is something so comforting about seeing your names. Thank you Heidi!
Today’s psalm is just so magnificent. I had to re-read in different versions, and I am still in awe. The nature speaks about God without language, yet, they speak. You know how us humans have a body language, that speaks without words, and can be perceived. Like a charisma of a person, they can influence and persuade without words… and in same way, the works of God speak LOUDLY about the Creator, who is detailed and incredibly intelligent about His creations in vast matters. When I go to garden centers, I am amazed at vast variety of plants.
And then us, the crown of His creation….“Secret faults” and “wilful sins”. He knows, inside out, He made allowance for our mistakes. The grace of God is inexhaustible, He never gives up on us. I am just super thankful. By keeping His teachings, there is a generous reward. By learning His word, we are warned of the traps/snares in life. By knowing His testimony, the simple are made wise (I love this!). What more can one want right? Praise the Lord for His goodness.
Lord, cleanse me from bitterness, resentment and negative mindset. Keep me from tears, depression and all evil. Lord, guard the words of my mouth to be edifying to the hearers and the meditation of my heart pleasing/acceptable to you.
Praying for you dear sisters ..HEIDI (strong finish of your semester and vacation), Sarah D (job), Taylor (busy work, I saw her post on the other study plan), Sharon (lovely refreshing trip in Paris), praying for you she’s and families for your summer vacay/getaways – may God provide time off, funding, good health, good company, nice weather, excitement and safe travels. Hugs and blessings to you all dear lovelies.
Be blessed dear sisters.
I love seeing all your names here :) @Heidi this devotional pick was so God. Love it!!!
This psalm spoke so much to me about how like the sun and the sky, an artist’s painting can express the voice of the artist without them being present. One of my closest believer friends is a painter, so I sent her that as an encouragement – as she feels called to make her living from the art God puts inside her. She is truly gifted in so many ways… all for His glory :)
@Heidi I do hope you get to go to Ireland. God will lead your adventure, as you continue to surrender your plans to Him :)
@Sharon Jersey Girl– I’m so loving the pictures you have been posting. It’s so nice to see God’s blessing over your lives as you and your husband vacation. God is kind to you!!! enjoy your time there!!
@Sarah D- praying your faith increases as you job search. God has a plan for you. Trust that and don’t believe the enemy’s lies that He would forsake you in anyway. All things work together for your good and for His glory!
@Molly R- thankful for your post today :) May God continue to bless you and your household with wisdom and peace.
@Searching– love to hear how God is sending people to proclaim Him on reality TV- or the competition shows. I know a lot of unbelievers watch the Voice!!! God is good. May His name be known!!!
@Kelly Neo, Cee Gee, Lisa Z, Rhonda J, Theresa, Kimberly Z, Sue Dalos, Annie, Mercy, Katie L, Shar, Cindy Hanna, Donna Wolcott, Rachel, Gramsiesue, Martha Hix, and all the other present Shes not written— so glad to be with you all. Love you sisters <3 God's blessing and goodness over our lives and present to our eyes. Thank you, Lord.
HEIDI – SO THANKFUL again that you took on the organization for this gathering!!!
I am echoing SEARCHING’S most excellent prayer for you, Ryan, and the kids! God, I thank You for this precious sister and her faithful example/encouragement and humbly ask that You pour out Your mercy, grace, and wisdom in this critical time of Heidi’s life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
What a beautiful Psalm and meditation today!
“The heavens are telling the glory of God…”
It’s hard not to picture a spectacular sunrise, or sunset, when I read these words. I wrote verse on out in my journal and glanced outside. I happened to be doing so just as my weather app said the sun would be coming up: 5:51am PDST. It wasn’t spectacular. It was cloudy, and…mundane. Instead of being disappointed, though, the heavens reminded me of the steadfastness of the God I serve, the God I long to know, the God who causes the sun to rise, spectacular or not, and the God that wakes me each morning for a new day to be in awe of Him, molded by Him, and filled with hope that I have an eternity with HIM!
Heidi, I loved the reminder that in the midst of all His glory and sovereignty, He has me on His mind. At the bottom of my journal is this verse:
Psalm 84:11
“For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
I pray for all my fellow She’s who are striving to walk uprightly. May we feel the promise of the God of the Universe not withholding any good thing from us!!! Good to be with you all, even amidst the break weeks!
Loving this study! So grateful to al the heavy hitting she’s for their faithfulness to this community. So grateful for the community as a whole. Truly amazing to have sisters all over studying, celebrating, suffering and praying together.
I’ve not yet done the journaling, but sounds like a great idea and hope to get to it today.
You all mean a lot to me, though I rarely post. The encouragement here is amazing.
Thank you Lord for all my sister shes and this fabulous community!
PRAYER: So now that I have just a minute, the other prayer is God’s leading/speaking into what we do about housing. The building we were planning to move in to just got its CO (finally!!!) so we could start the process in a couple of weeks, OR we could go with the plan we were making of taking June and traveling some. We want to follow God’s lead and timing for all of it but honestly neither Ryan or I seem to be hearing anything super specific. Personally I would love to take our kids to Ireland, parts of UK and let them experience life outside their American walls AND see what God is doing in other parts of the world. We could visit a couple of churches (some independent, but also a couple that are partner churches with the one we attend here) and see how people in different places worship the God who is not bound by culture or language or ethnicity. I think it has such potential to turn their hearts and minds towards this God who is NOT American, NOT from the west, and just experience more of His world. Anyway – THAT is where my heart is. So I need for God to either edit how I’m hoping to see that play out, or perhaps start putting that desire in the heart of Ryan as well because we are getting down to the wire of having to figure something out and we want to have unity in what we decide to do. We have about another week and half before we need to know what we’re planning (as the kids need to get passports if needed).
Anyway – I’ll be checking in throughout the day because it is such a refresher for me when I’m getting bogged down in these projects, papers, study guides. Gives me a moment to remember and pray for all of you and refocus my energy :)
So grateful to have all of you! Hope it’s a beautiful day for you!! :) :)
SEARCHING: well, you’re not the only one with tears this morning… ;) When I pulled up after dropping the elementary-kids off and ticking off the list in my head of what I needed to do before/in order to get the preschooler taken care of and then off to school I sat in the car and pulled up this page and read what you wrote and just gushed tears. God so CLEARLY breathed over and through me the reminder that He is for me, He is for my success, He’s carrying me even when I get too distracted to ask Him. I can’t express how deeply I needed that because suddenly I didn’t feel so alone in all of this. The fact He put me on your mind to be praying for – the God and Creator of this universe had ME on His mind – it’s overwhelming really. And it’s the reminder WE ALL NEED. Each of us, individually, in our own situations and homes and jobs and cars and … YOU are literally on. His. mind. Just, wow… anyway, as I walked in the door I heard these birds singing overhead and the only thought I could think was “His eye is on that sparrow – he CARES about what happens to her.. and He cares all the more what happens to me.”
Just SO what I needed. Thank you… ❤️
Good morning!
Sharon- Your morning sounds lovely, glad you stopped in to say hi! I love seeing your pictures on fb of your trip!!
Searching- Amen! I was watching The Voice and heard that beautiful song last night! Jesus, Jesus!! She was taking them to church! It is encouraging when they have Christian contestants, I always support and pray for them of course! One time a guy (who actually was the winner) sang The Old Rugged Cross! It was just amazing! There is actually a Christian song writer, a young girl, on American Idol right now that just won the top 10 that I’m rooting for although I never watch that show.
Heidi- prayers for you during finals and all the caus happening in your life right now, it is definitely a crazy hard season for you.
Sarah D- so sorry you are having such a struggle. God bless you during this trial and that He gives you direction soon.
Although I am missing lots of people already, I am so glad to see our bookends Kelly and Mercy still!
Theresa- Amen!
I was moved this morning by the radiance and goodness of God’s ordinances. What can stop his decrees from manifesting? He is a good good God and He rules with justice and love over His creation. Help me stay humbly out of the way, Lord! Let me be a vessel for your radiant ordinances here on earth!
Praying for you Sarah D to find the right position for you!
More tears this morning, sisters, as I started reading this beautiful Psalm. Thinking about the millions of stars I can see each night, the beauty of spectacular sunrises and sunsets when the clouds reflect the light in just the right ways, the power I can see and feel when a storm is brewing and the cleansed beauty that shines when the sun comes out after the rain – this is our God, Let us join the heavens in declaring and the skies in proclaiming Him!
The last stanza is even more powerful to me – the unintentional sins, the intentional sins – Lord, help me to be aware of all that I do, and guide me so that I meditate on You and that my words honor You.
Did anyone see the Voice last night? I caught a few minutes- one of the contestants is a gospel singer and her song proclaimed Jesus to anyone watching. It’s crazy to me that it’s unusual to hear the name Jesus on tv, and that the world accepts profanity but not the Name Above All Names.
HEIDI – thank you for your time and effort to organize us, especially in the midst of your own busyness, and for the wealth of information you share! I was already praying for this upcoming stretch of studying, completing projects, taking finals, being a wife, mother and all the other hats you wear and then read your prayer request. Praying for your finals, that the knowledge needed will spring to the forefront of your mind, that the Lord will multiply the renewing you get when you rest, that the priorities will be totally clear as you navigate these challenges. Love you ❤️
SARAH D – continuing to pray for wisdom, guidance and encouragement
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – enjoy, and safe travels!
I am inserting words such as “distraction” and “time wasting” into these lines. What a perfect passage for my season right now.
PRAYER: y’all, I have 2 weeks in front of me that I am genuinely terrified about. It is the final two weeks of the semester and I have more work that time (or energy) to complete. Some if the time crunch is my fault (“blatant rebellion”) and some is just life happening (“unintentional sins”). Either way, I sincerely do not see how I will complete all that is in front of me, and complete it well. I’m not sleeping well and that’s not helping. In addition, my 3 year old had a rough night so when I DID have chance to rest, it was taken away by needing to care for him. I’m meditating on His word, I am asking for His wisdom/understanding of my content as well as diligence to get it all done.
I have another prayer but I need to go get kids ready for school. I’ll be back here later ;)
SHARON/JERSEY: so fun! Our family (both sides!) all comes from Cork co Ireland (south) and we dream of going and visiting. In fact we are in prayer over if that may be someplace God is opening a door to this summer. Praying His wisdom as we figure plans out. Our church has a few partner churches there as well (one is near/in Dublin i believe) I would love to get to visit. Hope your travels are refreshing and blessed!! :)
*SHARON JERSEY GIRL (soŕry. Need some coffee :-( )
Cleanse me from my self-righteousness.
Moreover, keep me from cutting words.
Do not let them rule over me.
SARAH D – I am so sorry you are struggling. Praying God will let you see His purpose in your job and serve Him in it with joy.
SHERRON FROM JERSEY – sounds like a great trip. May you be refreshed.
Good morning she’s! My husband & I are on vacation in Paris, Northern Ireland & Ireland. As I sit here reading this psalm, I’m looking out the window seeing the sun bursting through the clouds, shining down upon a mountain that over looks the lake here in Blessington Ireland. What could better picture God’s handiwork! Psalm 19:1-2, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.”!! Praise God for the beauty & majesty of His creation!
Psalm 19:14 has been a daily prayer of mine. May everything I say, do & think be acceptable in His sight.
Blessings to you all!
I feel like this should also be my prayer. Thank you Lord for giving me the spirit of discernment, so that I may be able to see the ways of my heart. Father, please forgive me for this sins I have done through thought, word, and deed. Please keep from anger, presumptuous and negative behavior, and resentment towards other. Please teach me to be more like you. More humble, more loving, more gentle, more kind, have more self-control, and display more love and patience. In Jesus’s mighty name. Amen.
His word is the whole truth and it will help cleanse us from all things holding us back in faith and life❤️
Thank you Lord for your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Please continue to hear my voice and lead me to a great relationship with you❤️
Lord, cleanse me from my anxiety.
Lord guard my heart and my mind❤️
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable to you Lord!
Lord, let your Word revive my soul, bring joy to my heart and be present daily in my life. Amen.
I’m forever grateful for the life he has given me
lord you are my rock.
Your instruction is perfect Almighty God!
Thank you Lord for your compassion and mercy.
Lord, your precepts are good, reviving to the soul. Free my heart from resentment, anger, and hurt. Guard me in your presence from hurt, and soften my heart to forgiveness, but keep me from complacency.
Thank you for helping me put my thoughts into words….
Thank you Lord for your goodness
Oh Lord keep my heart in right attitude, keep my heart free from hurt and anger and resentment. Lord help to always have the loving heart you have given me. Help me to live a righteous life. Lord I give you thanks for just loving me fir who I am definitely not perfect but I a lover of Christ
Would I seek your face o Lord my God. Cleansing from from self righteousness and vanity. Would I delight in your ways and cast aside all worthless earthly things.
Lord keep me from my past self, do not let them rule over me.
Lord help me get back to you, help me hear your purpose for me and help me follow in your direction with a repented heart.
Guard my mouth and tongue oh Lord!
Purify my heart, that I may stand before you in righteousness. My heart is grateful to you forevermore. Great is your faithfulness
God, help me stay away from anger and bitterness. Help me to stay clean and pure from You. Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Amen.
Help me Lord let go of past hurts and bitterness that I carry from them.
The unintentional sin is still sin. Like delayed obedience is still disobedience. Redemption and sanctification ❤️❤️
Help me lord not be judge mental and angry. Help me to not even reach these points. Guide me into glory and show my your undying love. ❤️❤️
Help me Lord to not compare and to be content with all that you have given me. Help me to have a heart that my desires align with the desires and plans that you have for me. Help me to fulfill the purpose that you have for my life! Amen❤️
Let me be slow to anger and frustration Lord! Soften my heart and fill it with your love and goodness❤️ let me be a walking example of You❤️ I am your disciple❤️
Help me Lord not live in the bubble of my pride but open my eyes to see the beauty of your ways!
Help me, O God, to love your wisdom more than gold.
Amen❤️ I love this
i give thanks to everyone reading this and taking a step closer to God
God thank you!! I ask if you will cleanse me from my self-doubt and worries of what the future may bring. Help me to overcome and push forward through all obstacles! Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. You are with me! ❤️
Lord, cleanse me from sloth. Moreover, keep me from deceit.
Lord, cleanse me from my self doubt. Keep me from falling pray to the ways of this world. Amen!
Lord cleanse me from my entitlement. Help me to turn away from my spoiled and ungrateful way.
Thank you for sharing ❤️
I thank my Abba Father for providing for me and my fiance. I thank God for my friends and family members who love us.
Loved dwelling on this!
Psalm 19:3
He hears me. Every thought, every pain, every struggle, every desire, my Father hears me.
Stay blessed and thankful ladies. ❤️
Psalm 19:3
He hears me. Every thought, every pain, every struggle, every desire, my Father hears me.
Psalm 19:3
This is so helpful. These are truths I can proclaim out loud over myself!
Needed this.
Lord cleanse me from my thoughts of taking on the day on my own accord. Moreover keep me focused on you for my strength, direction, and peace. Do not let my desire for self-reliance rule over me. Amen.
Lord I ask for a release from jealousy and gluttony! Help me to always put you first!
Keep me from the impurities of our society! Cleanse me of all evil & temptation. Keep me from those not pure in heart
Lord cleanse me from my insecurity, bitterness& feeling of unworthiness. Moreover, keep me from holding back and fearing the unknown.
The Lord’s love, words, power, and so much more and better that anything anyone could have imagined. I am so thankful for His love and the safe haven that I have in Him.
From anxiety and the resulting anger.
Lord cleanse me from jealousy,pride and disobedience.Moreover keep me from fleshly desires and becoming comfortable when I need to be doing what you have called me to do .
Remind me of your truth O Lord and help me to mediate on your word!
Lord cleanse me from laziness. Moreover, keep me from my fleshy desires and becoming comfortable when I need to be all that you’ve called me to be.
Lord cleanse me from anger, anxiety & losing hope & moreover, keep me from over indulging in secular ! So that I may be blameless and free of blatant rebellion
Lord, cleanse me from my belief that you aren’t really in control or that I’ve been forgotten by you. Moreover, my desires of the flesh and deeply rooted anxiety that I am never going to be enough.
Dear Lord, cleanse me from my anxiety and worry. Rid of the insecurities that I have and to stop comparing myself because you created me so I am Your beautiful child.
Lord, cleanse me from fear of being judged by man. Moreover, keep me from falling in line with others in complacency.
Lord, cleanse me from the sin of comparison and cleanse me from worries and anxiety! Help me to trust in your perfect plan and see joy in all things instead of worry and discontentment.
Oh Lord, cleanse me from my sin of over indulging in food. You gave me good food and taste buds where as I can taste the good good. Help me to enjoy the food but to not over indulge
Remind me of your truth.
Cleanse me from my fear of worries. Moreover keep me from my past as you are my rock and my redeemer
Oh thank you Lord for your scripture! It is light to the path you have for me. Cleanse me from anxiety, selfishness, and willful sins.
Cleanse me from discontentment! I have more than enough, and need to shake the feeling of always needing more!
Thank you Jesus.
Cleanse me from fear and anxiety and jealousy.
Cleanse me from my hidden and willful sins.
Cleanse me from my selfish ways and vanity.
Cleanse me from doubting time to time and being anxious about things.
Cleanse me from complaining when things do not go my way moreover keep me from behaving un-Christlike when it is convenient. Lord I need you
Love that prayer at the end!
Lord, cleanse me from depression and sadness. Moreover keep me from anxiety and defeat
Cleanse me from my sins Father. Reveal my unknown faults so I can repent. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
Cleanse me from my sun oh Lord, and all that isn’t of you.
Cleanse me of my sin, all of my sin that pulls me away from you Lord. Please take them away or give me the strength to fight against them. Moreover, help me be who you made me to be
Lord, please help me to do what is righteous in your sight. Help me to discern which path to take.
Lord, cleanse me from my selfishness and unfaithfulness. Moreover, keep me from living my life for myself instead of for you.
Cleanse me from anger. Moreover keep me from angry words.
Cleanse me from my wandering mind, Lord. Keep me from my anxious thoughts. May you be my focus and the only thing I see.
Lord cleanse me from my selfish ways, my anxiety and my negative thoughts. Thank you for your patience and grace. Thank you for always forgiving me and for the hope for tomorrow.
Cleanse me from disappointment Lord moreover keep me from becoming bitter.
Cleanse me from my bitterness Lord. Moreover, keep me from impure thoughts.
Lord cleanse me from worldly worry. Keep me from not focusing on you. Help me to surrender my stressors to you.
Lord, cleanse me from my spiritual blindness and my sin that is deep in my heart. Thank you for your love and patience with me. Thank you for Jesus who has removed all sin from me.
Lord, cleanse me of bitterness, keep me from despair. Help me to surrender every bit of my mess to you, knowing you care deeply for me.
lord cleanse me from my insecurities & anxiety. keep me from self shaming, comparison, and lack of control of negative thoughts. i cast these upon on you because you care for me.
Cleanse me from anxiety Lord, keep me from selfishness and relying on myself. Allow me to depend on you and cast my anxiety on you. ❤️
Cleanse me from sin Lord, save me from my own self.
Lord, cleanse me from self-doubt and insecurities. Moreover, keep me from allowing negative thoughts to consume my mind and my actions towards others.
Cleanse me from list and judgement. Moreover, keep me from temptation of the enemy.
Cleanse me from my prideful ways. Moreover keep me from worldly desires. Do not let them rule over me!
Rachel, that was my prayer this morning. To live and let live and not be hurt or offended when people don’t do things the way I think they should . I pray your strength as well.
Cleanse me from judgement. Moreover, keep me from thinking that people have to do something a certain way and getting personally offended when they don’t meet my expectations.
Cleanse me from my lust and my rebellion. Keep me from revisiting old habits. Moreover, keep me from loosing strength and will power, for it only comes from you!
Lord cleanse me from pride and the fear of abandonment! Keep me from the evil one and his plots and schemes. Fill me up with your peace, love and patience. Thank you for your love and favor!
Lord cleanse me if my selfishness. Moreover keep me from using my tongue like a knife.
Cleanse me from doubt and a hard heart. Moreover keep me from bitter anger and rage.
Lord cleanse me from my human intentions and wrong doings. Moreover keep me from evil and a life that does not glorify you. Thank you for your perfect word and guidance, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord cleanse me from my bad thoughts of myself. Moreover keep me from going back to the ways of an ED.
Lord cleanse me from my judgmental ways. Moreover keep me from comparing myself to others.
Lord cleanse me from selfishness. Moreover keep me from anxiety.
Lord, Cleanse me from– doubt, Moreover keep me from– allowing the devil to win in my thoughts. ✞KC
Thank you Lord for your kindness toward me.
14Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Lord cleanse me from negative thoughts.
Cleanse me lord
Lord keep me from purposeful sin.
Lord, cleanse me from a wondering mind to the circumstances that are outside of my control. Lord keep me from overthinking and being anxious in times of uncertainly.
I want to rejoice in His word!! I want to love Him and seek to know Him more day by day. I love You Father. Amen.
Lord, cleanse me from my unholy actions and thoughts, specifically those that have to do with fitting in. when hanging out with non-Christian friends it can be easy to slip into habits of not wanting to stand out, but I know that I must stand out in my faith. I am thankful that you allow me to do so, and I ask for your help along the way.
There is so much that I don’t discern in my own heart, but Jesus knows it intimately. I pray that these will come to the surface to understand, but that Jesus will lead me from submitting and that I’ll instead submit to the Spirit.
Lord cleanse me from anxiety. Keep me from self doubt and negative thoughts. Keep my mind and thoughts on you, as you know the plans of my future and will guide me!
Lord, cleanse me from anxiety that comes from not trusting you enough. Moreover, keep me from falsely believing that I’m in control instead of you. Amen.
lord cleanse me from doubt and self judgement and keep me from feeling anxious.
Cleanse me from hidden faults! Keep me from willful sins! Do not let them rule over me!
Lord cleanse me from anxiety and my self destructive habits. Guide me through my grief and help me to have joy most days in my life. Amen
Lord cleanse me from evil thoughts and ungodly behaviors that do not bring glory to you!
Lord cleanse me from my pride and self absorption and keep me from all sin.
Lord cleanse me from my self-judgement and turn me away from doubt
Lord, cleanse me from jealousy and keep me from anxiety
Lord remind me to turn to you throughout every moment of every day
Lord, cleanse me from bad habits, gossip, and comparison. Keep me from anxiety, self consciousness, the thought of failure. You are greater than all.
all i have to say is WOW!!! the lord is amazing y’all!
Lord cleanse me of my unintentional sins and keep me from simple frustrations in my day to day life.
I love the verses I discovered today! Here is my cliff notes of them:
1. Your law revives my soul
2. His rules are to be desired more than gold or the sweetest honey.
His law satisfies us because we were created to follow his laws and be one with him!
This is so good, Courtney! Thank you for breaking this down.
Lord cleanse me of destructive habits and negative energy. Moreover, keep me from falling back into that vicious cycle. Do not let them rule over me. Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you.
Lord, cleanse me of anxiety. And keep me from selfishness
Lord keep me from my cycle of sins! I don’t want them to have control over me. Keep me steadfast towards You instead of running away in defensiveness or fear.
Lord, cleanse me from toxic habits. Lord, keep me from
Lord cleanse me of simple frustrations. Lord keep me from worry, anxiety and fear.
Love this! I can definitely relate!
Lord, guide me and cleanse me from everything that doesn’t bring me closer to you
Lord, cleanse me from my bad habits, anxiety,
Lord, cleanse me from anxiety and keep me from being distracted on what really matters.
Lord, cleanse me from
Lord, cleanse me and make me new. Give me a heart of gratitude and a mouth of praise.
Cleanse me from every stronghold. moreover, keep me from falling into temptation
7The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
Lord, cleanse me from anxiety and comparison. Moreover, keep me from
Lord cleanse me from anxiety and keep me from doubt. Let me know that the path I’m taking is from you and that those around me are here to love, comfort, and support!
cleanse me from jealousy and judgement we’re all made in your image. moreover keep me from coming only in times of need
Lord, cleanse me from my own thoughts of not being enough, moreover, keep me from not carrying that to my relationships
Lord, cleanse me of jealousy and anger! Keep me from judgements and thoughtless actions based in anger and jealousy!
Lord cleanse me from judgement and jealousy and keep me from anger!
Lord cleanse me from anger and keep me from resentment.
Lord keep me focused Lord! Keep me from the negativity in the work place and allow me to see things your way and do not allow me to partake in anything that isn’t God first!
Lord cleanse me from anxiety. Cleanse me of controlling my situations!
Cleanse me from judgement and keep me from gluttony. Your teachings provide me with joy, revival, wisdom and light.
Cleanse me from the desire to abandon hard things, and keep me from my self-protection.
Lord, keep me from my judgement. Moreover, keep me from my pride + idols. You’re so much more!
Lord, cleanse me from my lack of empathy. Moreover, keep me from pride. You are gentle and humble in heart, somewhere that people can find rest, and I want to be like you.
Lord, cleanse me from pride, keep me from idolizing comfort and food. You are so much better.
Lord cleanse me from choosing you last. Moreover, keep me from idols. You bring so much more than anything other!!!!
Love this !!
Father, cleanse me from complacency. Moreover, keep me from only feeling you in my comfort zone. You deserve so much more space than that in my life!!
Dear God cleanse my life and delivered me from evil. Help me to stop all my bad habits and to depend just on you to feel whole. Help to connect again with people that i hurt and people that hurt me. Please forgive me for my sins and help me to forgive too. Amen
Lord cleanse me of self deprecating talk moreover keep my anxious ways from getting in the way of my relationships
Lord, cleanse me from me selfish ways. Moreover, help me fight against temptations that hurt those that I love.
Love this!! The prayer of someone who has come face to face with conviction and sin and seeking repentance.
Give thanks to the Lord!
Lord, cleanse my from my anxious ways. cleanse me from my ways of comparing myself to others & constantly putting myself down. in jesus name i pray, amen.
Lord, cleanse me from impatience, more over, keep me from unnecessary anger that comes with it. I am not perfect, but your instruction is!
Jesus Lord, cleanse me from all my sins, the way I act towards those I love. Keep me from all mean feelings I have. Thank you for your GRACE and Love. I praise you Amen
Lord, cleanse me from envy! Keep me from jealousy and allow me to always be grateful for what I have!
Lord, cleanse me from my pride! Keep me from gossip and being unkind to any of your children.
Lord, cleanse me from my gluttony and envious ways. Keep me from temptations and do not let them rule my life. I praise You my God and trust your path made out for me. AMEN.
Lord cleanse me from my selfishness, keep me from my prideful thoughts.
Lord cleanse me from sloth and self reliance. Moreover keep me from anything that takes the number one priority in life if it isn’t you. Thank you for your goodness and your faithfulness.
Amen. This resonates with me. Thanks for sharing!
Amen! This resonates with me. Thanks for sharing!
Lord ~ cleanse me from all unrighteousness and keep me from anything that hinders my relationship with You!
Lord, Cleanse me from my anger and hatred. Keep me from my doubts and feelings of insecurity. Amen
Cleanse me from my doubt in your ability. Moreover keep me from temptation and worry. Do not let my self doubt hinder believing in your word.
Lord cleanse me from my impulsive anger. Keep me from working in disobedience.
Cleanse me from a heart of jealousy and comparison.
Keep my eyes on things above.
Keep me from worry, anxiety and depression.
Do not let them rule over me.
May these words be pleasing to You,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Cleanse me from bitterness, moreover, keep me from grumbling! Amen.
Cleanse me from the trappings of this world; moreover keep me staid in your word.
Lord, cleanse me of addiction, keep me from envy and pride
Dear Father, cleanse my impure heart.
Keep me from pride and selfishness.
Do not let them rule over me,
Nor hold me in their grasp.
Then will I be innocent,
Cleansed from secret sin.
May my words and my heart please YOU.
Cleanse me from my unholiness, sin and doubt. Moreover, keep me from my earthly and fleshly desires. Do not let them overrule me! Amen.
Amen! This relates to me too.
Cleanse me from doubt in myself and doubt in your Grace! moreover keep me from anxiety and temptations set out to hinder my relationship with you Lord!
Cleanse me from anxiety and lack of faith! Moreover, keep me from temptations that so often show themselves when I am at my weakest. Do not let them overrule me.
Thank you for helping us dig deeper. I love digging deeper. We need it.
God cleanse me from all my self doubt and lack of self acceptance, cleanse me from my inmost fears and help me to rely fully on You. Keep me from leaning on my own understanding and to instead lean on Yours. Amen
Lord, cleanse me from the fear of the unknown and keep me from those who encourage me to lean on my own understanding instead of yours.
God open up my eyes to my sins I cannot see. Make me aware of all of the ways I am disobedient and the ways I hurt You. Show me how to love in a way that glorifies You. I want to feel so stripped and broken that i am in no control and Feel that still You are constant and for that I can give thanks and rejoice!
Dear Lord, please cleanse me of my sins that are committed every day, please give me the strength to break these habits and live daily in you
Dear God,
Please be with me today. May I have a heart full of grace and words filled with salt.
ABBA, thank you for keeping me this far in this journey of life. Even when each day seems like I’m in a constant struggle and have a lack of contentment or faith, you still keep me near. Thank you for reminding me each day, that you are hear for us, and that you will not keep anything good from your children. ABBA, teach me how to overcome temptation. Keep me from the guilt and shame that so desperately wants to keep me from your love and mercy. Free me from the chains of the enemy for I only want to be a accountable to your will for my live. Help me to walk freely in your will God. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Oh man I really felt this deep in my spirit. I could’ve written this.
Keep me from discontentment!
Lord cleanse me from…
-my anxieties that are always based in what I can do and control. Teach me to trust you and let go of the control I desperately hold onto.
-my impure thoughts that tempt me throughout the day. Teach me how to take my thoughts captive and bring them into obedience. Teach me to think on things that are pure, right, holy, and true.
-my self-focused perspective on life. Teach me to serve others again.
-my perfectionistic mentality on life. Teach me to enjoy the refining journey and that it’s our imperfection that shows our need for you.
Cleanse me from being ashamed of you and hiding. I repent
Such beauty in the heavens giving praise to God without even speaking and yet being heard to the ends of the earth.
“14Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
Dear god, please cleanse me from my insecurities (something I wish I didn’t have as i appear as a relatively confident person and would like to believe that I’m truly confident in myself, without any insecurities) also, please cleanse me from my pride (how well I’m doing in life right now makes me look down on others and think of myself as more superior) keep me away from these sins of self doubt and prideful ness!
Thru this study, I am falling in love again with the Psalms after being distant for so long
“The revelation of God is whole, and pulls our lives together” vs. 7, the MSG ♥️ love it.
Meditating on verse 14 ❤️
Lord, thank you for all you do for me. Your love and blessings are never-ending. Thank you for letting me know you. God, I pray I stay close to you on my journey of life and that I can spread your word and love to the people I come in contact with daily.
I am loving the different approach to the “written response”.
Thank you, Jesus, for guiding me.
Lord thank you for keeping me close to you. I know you are with me even when I am in pain. Lord I pray that you cleanse me from any wrongful desires in my heart, and Lord I pray you put in me desires that honor and glorify you. I pray that you teach me to delight more in your ways and grow my lack of faith. You fulfill all things in your perfect time.
God, thank you for drawing me to Yourself and cleansing me from my sins so I could know You! Keep me from running back to them – they only keep me from You and from those I love. I love You Father!
Lord, please cleanse me from my anxieties. Moreover, cleanse me from unnecessary fears. You know the way, and I trust in You.
God: my rock, my redeemer!
Lord, cleanse me from giving in to temptation. Keep me on the straight and narrow path of discipline and glory. Give me the strength to remain vigilant. Thank you Lord!
Lord cleans me of everything wrong that I do! More over keep me from my depression. Protect my mind and heal me from with in. Thank you for everything you do for me every day I breathe. Let me become more like you and less of me. Help me to not see and feel the negativity in everything instead see the good and see you in every step of the day. Guide me and be with me Lord.
You are being prayed for Sweet Alyssa. ❤️
Lord cleanse me of myself. Moreover, keep me from the faults of my past.
Thank You for a new day, a fresh start. Keep me from dwelling on negative thoughts, from self-centeredness and selfishness. Please use me to bless others today.
Lord guide me away from thoughts of envy and comparison. Help me to seek you above all else and find joy in what I already possess. You are, above all, perfect.
Father, I pray that my quick temper and the harsh thoughts associated with it, diminish. I allow these things to run my mouth and with it, I am not setting an example to follow. Father, help me to become a better leader, so that others see Christ through me. Thank you for my blessings father. To you be the glory
Use my mouth for you glory. Sometimes I get to wrapped up in worldly language that I forget that that doesn’t please and honor you. Lord, help me use works that are encouraging to others and shows love .
Cleanse me from thoughts that are unpure. Keep me from using words that do not lift others up.
Cleanse me of thinking negative thoughts about other people and my self. Moreover Lord keep
My Rock and My Redeemer! Sweet music to my ears! So grateful to have Jesus protecting Me and loving on Me! Oh what a feeling to be loved by GOD!!!
Keep me from anger, sexual desires, jealousy, ungratefulness, and bitterness towards others. Moreover Lord keep me from putting anything other than you on the throne of my heart.
cleanse me from my mistakes
moreover, keep me from evil people ❤️
Cleanse me of my greed, my always wanting more, my selfishness, and from indulgences. Moreover, keep me from putting anything before You, Lord.
Cleanse me of my hurt and pride
Keep me from rebellious anger, from cynicism and a critical spirit. Don’t let them rule over me.
Cleanse me of my ungratefulness, cleanse me of all of the character traits that make me less like you and more like this world. Thank you for forgiveness and a fresh start every day! ❤️
Cleanse me of my selfish ways
Cleanse me from my selfishness…
Cleanse me from bitterness and slanderous talk. It’s not edifying nor glorifying.
Thank you Lord for the reminder.
Cleanse me of my words that weaken the heart to others and myself
Clears me from the words of my mouth
Cleanse me of unholy avoidance, lack of focus, and anger, Lord. You are good, you are holy, and life’s meaning takes a new shape when you are welcomed into each step, no matter how small.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight” My prayers lately have been that the Holy Spirit will give me the words to pray; that I will know God’s will. So that I can know, love, and trust the Father the same way that Jesus does. I have a hard time letting go of control or believing that I have to get everything right first but my heart is meditating on submitting to God’s will so that one day I won’t just submit to his will but I will want His will and look at it as a blessing rather than a sacrifice. It’s where I want my heart to be.
Dead Lord, thank You for creating the Heavens. Thank you for nature and the sun, that everything was created by You and speaks to your wonder. Thank You for cleansing me, Lord. I ask that you take away my shameful sins, please clean me, please set me free from willful sins. May I instead run to You alone! Please help me to choose You and to fill the crevices in me with more of You, to look more like You. I love you
It was a great exercise for me! I had never done this before
Lord, thank You for Your grace and unconditional love. Cleanse me so that all of my actions, thoughts and words are out of a love that glorifies You.❤️
Really needed this one today. Lord please cleanse me, I give myself to you, you have already won❤️ I am not afraid to praise you. Allow me to push away the things that aren’t right
Let me become more of you Lord and less of myself. Allow me to push away the things that aren’t like you.
“Who perceives his unintentional sin?” I️ think it’s so easy to not be able to recognize sin that we never knew was there. But I’m so grateful for the scriptures and God in praying that you continue to refine me through your Word!
Lord forgive me for my wrongful doings and my ungrateful heart. I praise you Lord for you are my Father and my Savior. I ask for your love and comfort in my time of need
Father cleanse me from my faults, addictions, and wrongdoings – for they have become part of me but will not define me. Father allow me to see those and build something good and to learn from them. Let them be a reminder that I have sin. Father I ask for your love and forgiveness
The stuff I hide, and what is hidden even from myself. Save me from rebellion, conscious and unconscious, in the big and little things. I crave obedience even in my weakness.
I️ love that last sentence: I️ crave obedience even in my weakness
Thanks for sharing!
Cleanse me from my doubt, worrisome actions and desire to trust in my plan before Yours. Cleanse me of my pride for I need to humble myself to you and you only. Please let me find trust in your plan and know it is the one for me.
Father God cleanse me from my anxiety and depression oh God you know the boundaries to which my life will flow over and pour out into the lives of others around me. God help me to be strong and stay pure in heart and mind and soul. Help me to cast all deception into the sea and never look to my enemies again. Help me only seek the approval of my Heavenly Father instead to those of the world. Help me move mountains with the courage and unending faithfulness I will grow in. Make me strong and allow my heart to not be tempted and tired after all the heartache I have gone through. Bless me and help me see the blessings that Only You provide ❤
Father cleanse me from doubt that Your promises are true for others but not for me in this deep valley. Make me strong in You, help me trust in You and help me have unwavering faith to tell this mountain to move. Please God, restore and redeem my marriage and my family in the powerful, beautiful name of Jesus!
A lot of people view God as a dictator, this passage shows that God is full of love and his laws and rules were created from love. We should rejoice in them not be reluctant to serve under them. The Lord has blessed me with so much how could I not follow and thank him according to his word.
Cleanse me and make me whole! Let me follow your Devine plans with thanksgiving and trust!
Thank You Dear LORD JESUS , that we can ask for the mind of Christ & for the Holy Spirit to take control of my mind & help me to walk in His LOVE, Light & Wisdom.
Ephesians 5:2 & :8 & :15.
We Know our Fathers voice over the enemy that tries to put thoughts into our minds that are not from our Father! This is where the battle begins! Choose Life over death & blessing over cursing! Deuteronomy 30.
Dear LORD JESUS, HELP me (us) to walk in Your LOVE, LIGHT & WISDOM! Be the Light!
Our witness for Christ is a Light in a dark world! You are the Light!
“I AM the Light of the world! He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life!” John 8:12
Father God I pray by the blood of Jesus that my anxiety would be cast out to the sea. Remove it from me, cleanse me and make me whole again. Thank you for your power and your love that gives breath to my lungs. Your praise will ever be on my lips. You will be praised! Hallelujah! Amen!
Father God, cleanse me of my anxious spirit. Calm my fears as only you can do. Heavenly Father, you are a God of peace.
i pray to cleanse me from my fear, to relieve me from the things of my past and my thoughts. to unburden me from has hurt me, to free me from my intentions of hurting myself, and ultimately hurting others. fill my heart with peace and hope in my future. help me find Your plan for me.
i pray to cleanse me from my anxiety, from my worry and my restlessness. to relieve me of my obsessions & hyper focus on my various health issues that are triggered by extreme stress & anxiety. help me to focus less on those and fill my heart & mind with love and hope.
Parts of my prayer are very similar to yours, Amy. Praying for you and us!
Lord help to live your will and not my will. Help me to follow you all the days of my life.
The words hit me hard tonight! “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight; oh Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.” Every single word. I want them to be filtered through God’s lenses and not my own. What I allow my heart to meditate on. Oh God you are my Rock, my High tower, my Shield. Please continue to bring to mind this powerful verse throughout my day. I want me actions to reflect this verse!
yes, same! everything we do, think, and say, let it all be pleasing and sweet to the Lord our Redeemer.
Savior Jesus, cleanse my heart of selfishness and keep me from impatience. I long to be more like you.
I pray that you cleanse my mind, heart and soul from leading with fear–in my marriage, motherhood, career and friendships. I pray that as you reveal your Holy Spirit to me, I open up my heart to your gifts of courage, love unconditional, and faith.
Lord, please cleanse me from comparison that just makes it harder to live a grateful and full life! You make everyone’s path different, and you bless everyone in different ways and in different times! You have been so good to me and I pray that I can focus on that.
I pray that I will return my focus to my Savior. I have been so distracted. I get caught up in performing as a Mom, Wife, Employee, Daughter, Friend that I lose my focus on just being with Him. While all that matters he is first always, I want my balance back. I choose Him first.
I pray that the Lord will cleanse me from my faulty and negative thinking and keep me away from anxiety and worry! I’m so thankful for Him and so grateful that he will protect my heart from the things that would lead me away from living a life of beauty and grace!❤
7 The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
8 the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring forever;
the rules of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.
Everything about the Lord is right, good, and true. He is faithful to cleanse my heart and mind . As I set my mind on him, he renews my soul. Let my heart rejoice!!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Love this!! This reminded me today that God is the judge- of my heart and of all things; it is his precepts that are right, not my own.
Yes Molly! I need the Lords guidance in this! I need Him to cleanse my heart from all negative thinking! As I look more to the Lord I feel the change will come daily!
The first half is such beautiful imagery of the handiwork of the lord being proclaimed day and night night and day, even without words! He needs no words to witness his goodness, beauty, creativity, etc. He is ENDLESS! And I am so grateful that his grace, mercy, and love he extends to us endlessly❤️
7 The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
8 the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring forever;
the rules of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
This encourages me of my purpose, to worship the Lord and stay in his word and presence always. More to be desired than gold, sweet drippings of honeycomb, earths finest offerings are nothing in comparison to the value we have in our relationship with the one true King!❤️
Lord, cleanse me from jealousy, but more so cleanse me from an ungrateful heart. Let me stop comparing my relationships to others. The relationship I have with you is the most important one. When I have that right, it will trickle down into all my others and only good can come from you, Lord!
Lord, cleanse me from trying to rely on myself rather than you. Keep me from my own selfishness and pride. Let them not have control over me!
Lord, please cleanse me from my negative thinking. The negative thinking that has caused too many health problems and kept me from appreciating my life. Help me to embrace all the amazing blessings you continue to shine upon me.
Praying for all these hearts for Eve to fight against the evil one who hopes to turn them from God. Thankful for our God who loves and protects us! Hang in there ladies, keep fighting the good fight!
Gratitude is what I need and what I will possess. Thank you for the truth LORD!
Lord, help my thoughts to stay positive and focused on You. Help me to stay away from the negativity that this world can drag me into. Help me O God to hold my younger when I should and to take say things only that will bring someone else closer to you.
Lord cleanse me from negativity and from constant envy. Remind me that the desires of my heart are not always according to Your will, and guide my heart towards what is right. Keep me from feelings of being unsatisfied with what I have before me, and above all else bring me closer to you so that I can know You better.
My Sweet Lord. You above all, know.
Know my short comings,
how I am my own worst enemy. My greatest destroyer.
Sin creeps it’s way in to my day to day, but help keep me in Your light.
The forgiveness you give me, to be unmarked. Lord it is your heart that helps me in my humanness, to walk a righteous path
I can only complete this journey with your help.
Thank you for your guide light. Your guiding spirit that is with me everyday, in the tiniest of tasks.
Today I give to you! Thank You my Sweet Lord
Lord cleanse me of my trust issues, moreover keep me from overthinking and ruining my self by thinking only bad though. Help me to be stronger.
Lord keep me from constantly wanting newer better THINGS (possessions) and constantly being unsatisfied. Help me be present, content in all things. And always have a thankful heart. Then I will be cleansed from constant rebellion. May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be acceptable to YOU!
Lord God shut out temptation, bring light to my current situation. I need your strength. I need your forgiveness. Without you my life is in shambles. Lord heal my broken heart. Allow me to feel your presence when I feel that I’m alone. Shift my focus to you and your perfect ways. Keep me from earthly desires, from jealousy, from judgment and envy. I thank you for your forgiveness and mercy and never ending love.
Thank you for your prayer Kayla, I feel like your prayer was exactly what I needed to say to the Lord in my present time. Thanks for sharing this prayer.
Lord cleanse me from jealousy, judgement, envy, temptations, hatred, and all of the sins that pull me further from our relationship.
I look to You for guidance in my life right now. The decisions to be made impact not only me but others close to me. I pray the we make the right decision, and that we make a decision based upon Your supreme wisdom.
Lord, please remind me that you are enough and that nothing is greater or worth more than your love for us. Please bear the burdens of my stress because I know that everything will work out. Help me to realize that with your support all things are possible.
Lord cleanse me of all worry and negative thoughts. Help me to meditate on your word which is pure, true, and perfect. Give me strength to serve you and overcome all temptations.
Lord, keep me from my blatant and unintentional sins, keep me from temptations. I pray that you cleanse me of all negativity, disrespectful thoughts, and innapropriate language. Cleanse my heart so that it is pure again, so that I may serve you purely forever and always.
Dear Girls! I’m praying for you today.
The words of my mouth and meditation of my heart! I love that part! I love reading how passionate David was about God. I pray that the Lord guides the words I speak and the things I meditate on through the day. In Jesus name!
How good it is to obey God and follow his words. I have realized every time I confess and start to again follow his words I am glad in my heart! What good truth.
Cleanse me Lord from fear and doubt. Help me to remember all I have to be thankful for
Thank You LORD for your forgiveness – for your unending mercy and grace, for Your unfailing love ❤️. I love You LORD ❤️.
Thank you for not letting my disastrous nature over come me. You are perfect in all things and it pleases you to bless me. You are my light and my redeemer and I will choose today to follow you and I will continue to choose you!
Your way is the path I want to walk. I look to you for guidance and strength. Please wash away all negative and hurtful thoughts towards myself and about others. instead help me to love myself and others. Fill my heart with your joy, peace, patience and love. In Jesus name, Amen!
Your words are so good, so wonderful, God. Help me to follow them with my whole heart!
Thankfulness to You God for the guidance you give. Help me to hear and heed your voice.
I have been struggling with all the classic “what next” questions. From my job to relationships, I wish I just had more guidance. I have been praying but am not sure if the silence is something I am supposed to wrestling with. Any tips/anyone in a similar boat?
Hey, Shannon! Yes. I think we all get in that mode. My church is going through the book of Ecclesiastes and focusing on how temporary everything we work for on earth is. Jobs, relationships, etc. The only way to find meaning in these things is through God.
Basically, chapter 3 talks about being PRESENT in the season you’re in in order to enjoy it. “There is a season for everything”. My pastor said “you wouldn’t put up Christmas lights in August right? So why do we try to live out of whatever season of life we’re in?”.
God calls us to be present and enjoy whatever season of life we’re in– even the hard ones.
I’m not sure if that helps at all, but lastly I found it very helpful to grab someone older than me and meet with them for guidance on things as well. Praying for you!
Dear Lord deliver me from bad habits, self centeredness and everything that doesn’t glorify you. Help me to love those around me, help me to be a blessing to others.
Cleanse me from negativity. Guide me to see the beauty you’ve created all around me ❤
Dear God, please take away my anxieties I give them to you, make me whole and loving, let me love everyone just as you do and help me focus my mindset on being gracious unto others and being compassionate to all.
Hope, when you feel anxious you need to say positive affirmations out loud, such as God is with me, God is for me, God is helping me. Also quote scripture out loud such as “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”, “For a God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”, “If God be for us, who can be against us.” It helps me tremendously and will help train your brain to think positive if you say them at least ten times through out each day.
Keep me from thoughts that are below- temporary, fleeting- keep my eyes on things above, That are not passing away. From lust, self-righteousness, claims on my own rights. Give me humility, joy, mercy and grace to give abundantly
Lord please teach me to trust in you and serve you more.
Cleanse me from anger and pride, keep me away from things that distract me from being intentional with my family and my work so that I don’t burst when things don’t go in the way I thought. Keep me from thoughts that when things are going good, it’s due to me. Keep me humble and oh so grateful for what is directly in front of my face.
You’re prayer is what I needed to read this AM.
God please cleanse me from impure thoughts, unkind thoughts and intentions that are not Godly, keep me from sin and the devil.
praying the Lord Jesus to guide and fill me with his wisdom. I want to help a family member but need His guidance to know when to help and when to step out of the way and watch God’s love in action.
This touched me so very deeply. I am thankful!
Cleanse me from comparing my life to those of others. Moreover keep me from wishing away my life when I do not know what goes on behind the closed doors of others. Open my heart to the life god has chosen for me, and let me love that life fully
Cleanse, it’s not by my might that I am working. Take that mindset away. Moreover keep me from stressing when it’s not my place to do so anyway. Remind me that you are the source of my strength, that I don’t have to be strong because you are that for me.
Cleanse me of my brokenness that I let control me instead of letting you in, oh Lord. Cast away the sin I brush aside and help me know your direction! Help me hand my burden to the cross and help me be uplifted in the process of taking off my load! You’re a good good father and I’m loved by you…how praiseworthy that you would love someone like me enough to give your life away because I am a sinner
Cleanse me from judgement help me to see others differently and not criticize others based on things they do differently. Show me how I could become a better person
Cleanse me from my selfishness and guide me to live and serve unconditionally.
Cleanse me from pride and help me to love everyone in my life regardless of the love they show me. God bless!
Oh Lord forgive me for the times I have been jealous of others. Forgive me for trying to obtain what others have, for selfish ambition and trying to make myself prominent out of my own insecurity and need for attention. Help me to submit to YOUR WILL completely in all areas of my life and change my HEART Lord to reflect Your heart !
Cleanse me from judgmental thoughts. Moreover, keep me from bitterness and comparison. Don’t let them rule over me.
I am new here. :) I have struggled a lot lately with thoughts of comparison and watched how that has stolen my joy in my roles as a wife, mom, friend, etc. I can see bitterness towards others creeping on my life and I don’t want that. Thankful this morning for God’s perfect timing and his living and active word.
Comparison is SO TOUGH, especially in the world we live in today. I feel like I see these lives shown to me through Instagram that seem so perfect and make my life seem broken. My house is never clean. It’s not flooded with perfect light and filled with plants and gorgeous art. Most surfaces are always a little bit sticky from my toddler :) it’s always helpful for me to try to take a step back and reflect in gratitude for what I have!
Amen! Definitely can relate! ps love your name!
Yes! It’s tough to not compare and become bitter, Gods word will sustain us if we dive in, also glad that we have the direction of His Word to help us with this struggle!
Cleanse me from hate and anger , keep me from self pity and selfishness. Do not let them rule over me.
I’m could have prayed the same exact words. May you be cleansed and may The Lord be your rock and your redeemer.
Keep me from anxiousness and cleanse me from worry and anger.
I love how the Truth ‘makes the simple wise’. Sometimes I feel like I am ‘too simple’ to have an impact, but I know that by reflecting on God’s goodness and his intentions for my life (his law), it will make me wise. Thank you, God!
Thank you for your mercy Lord! Cleanse me of my sin and free me from the temptations of this world. Keep me on your path Lord. Guide me and mold me. Keep me focused on you and your will for my life.
Thank you God for being perfect and good! Continue to make new my heart and may I just remain focused on you and glorify you in all things that I do!
Help me love non-believers Lord and show them
Your unconditional love
It’s amazing how our repentance can be another form of praise ❤️
What an amazing gift that God would allow us to worship Him even at our darkest moments. eve
Lord, keep my heart from loving sin. Thank you for your law that brings me joy.
I have resolved to sit back and enjoy the ride god is taking me on rather than hope and wish for what I view as the perfect life. I have struggled with wishing I had the life of others but know that god has a plan for me and I just need to wait on his timing. I have also been struggling with hasty thoughts related to others and I need to let things go and recognize that god sees all and is the ultimate judge and his ruling is the only one that matters.
It’s so hard to not wish for another’s life when social media keeps telling us to wish just that. I constantly am comparing my life to others and my life always falls short of perfect. And it’s totally supposed to be perfect, right?! I too am working on this comparison and realizing God’s plan. Patiently waiting is the hardest!
It is!! It’s so hard in this day in age not to compare!! This makes me thankful for His unique plan for ME!
Cleanse me from my stressful thoughts and worry Lord. Help me to see how blessed I already am.
This was powerful to me today. I have been struggling so much with body image and how I have gained weight as I have aged. Why do I hate what God has called beautiful daughter? Why do I despair to the point of affecting my marriage and my family ? I need to be cleansed of this blatant rebellion! I am so thankful for the word! Thank you Jesus for your Holy Spirit to guide and direct me.
Kimberly, I know what you are feeling. I have been struggling with body image as well. I know that what is inside my heart is much more important than my physical body, but my mind right now is so focused on the way I look on the outside. I’m praying that this series on psalms of gratitude will be a way to me to declare my thankfulness to the Lord and help to refocused me on the Lord. I’m sure that you are a beautiful woman inside and out, and that your family loves you for every blessing you bring to their lives!
Honestly it is how you feel inside and your relationship with the Lord. I wish I could show you a photo of myself (I have one on my Instagram: christimena) I saw myself for years as fat and ugly and hated myself. HATED. I was my worst enemy.. it took me almost 15 years (I’m now 29) to realize what the real problem was.. something that happened in my life that I couldn’t face. I was not willing to open up to god and face my inner demon. I was ashamed for something that happened to me that wasn’t even my fault. And finally I just opened up to god and let go. And I’m not kidding.. in a matter of weeks (which by the way it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t like magic.. I had horrible tough days where I hated god and questioned him and would fall back to my old dark place) but after weeks of hard work and honesty and bible study on my own and with help of Joyce Meyer teachings (free online and YouTube) I was able to look at myself in the mirror and see me for the first time as beautiful. And the funniest part is, once I accepted myself things began to change on the outside. All those years of working out had been pointless to a certain extent because I was hating myself inside. So I was working against myself, I would workout pissed off trying to reach my body goals etc. it wasn’t until I began loving me inside and working from the inside out that I began seeing real change. Maybe try seeing yourself with other eyes :) your internal ones. Dig deep.. where is this emotional battle coming from? Sometimes we hold on to weight because of emotional struggles. It’s like an emotional padding or cushion your body creates trying to protect you.
Help me speak kindly Lord and help me consider others when I speak. Help me let you speak through me.
Please keep me from judgement, selfishness and impatience Lord. Thank you for caring about me enough to teach me. Make me pleasing in your sight Father.
let me please you oh lord❤️
Cleanse me from impatient actions. Moreover keep me from being worn out by others’ words.
Thank you for posting this comment, it’s nice to know that I am not alone with my struggles.
Its so often NOT what I DO but what I think, what I harbor in my heart, and what I say with my tongue that I struggle with the most. This hit me especially hard today “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you O Lord”
So true.
And the more I soak in Him and His word and precious friendships with people that do the same, the better I will be able to do this.
Me too! Its not what i do, more what ithink. I want to please the Lord in every part of me, including my thoughts and ways of my heart
so beautiful and relatable. so honest and pure thank you for sharing!
Amen! I totally agree with Sonnie! This is a perfect prayer for me as well! God is so good that in times when you feel like no one else could possibly know how I feel, he reassures us that we are not going through struggles alone!
From the disgrace I keep hidden from others, God, you know my secrets and faults. Show me and break my heart for committing sins that I know are wrong, the intentional sinful nature that is at war with your word. Show me again your light and hope for the path you’ve laid for me so I may reap from the beautiful life with your love in the center; all because of your gracious love who wants me: the lowest of low, sick with worry and afraid to trust in your plans. Help this aching heart yearn for release from these shackles of pain and anguish that weigh me down, to not feel the weight of my world on me with an unrelenting heaviness that’s too tiresome to bear anymore. Help me give up those sleepless nights of crying and worrying about tomorrow, for acceptance and desiring love from people who don’t love me and rejoicing with the ones who do.
love this, thank you for sharing
So pure. So beautiful. So brave. Thank you for your honesty Holly. I believe your prayer is shared by many.
Cleanse me from hidden faults. Keep me from willful sins. Help me delight in your word and your commands. They will restore my sight and bring me joy.
“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, renewing one’s life.” His yoke is easy and His burden is light. How often I forget that the thing He wants me to do most is simply to be in His presence. “The instructions of the Lord” ultimately are not a list of right and wrong, do and don’t do. They are the privileges of being renewed in His presence. Lord, help me to remember that my soul finds renewal in your presence, not from a list of rules that emphasize how I will never be good enough. Jesus was good enough, and has allowed me to enter your presence freely! Praise be to God!
“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.” These are the words I’ve needed to hear recently. Lord cleanse me from my pride and the idols I’ve created from your great gifts.
When we read God’s Word we are reading life’s guidebook.
Thank you Lord for your endless love. Thank you for always guiding me in the right direction:)
This is beautiful. You are so beautiful Lord.
Heavenly Father, cleanse me from my selfish desires and keep me from my prideful ways. Continue to light the path and give me the strength to go your way… not my own.
Thank you for your unending grace and forgiveness, redeemer. Thank you for the promise of wisdom and insight and freedom from blatant rebellion and sin. May you lead me on and light my course. Amen.
Cleanse me of my disbelief. Moreover give me trust in your promises!
Lord, let me always give me the strength to put my pride to the side and be able to ask for forgiveness of my sins. Allow me to keep a clear line of communication with you always.Amen.
Loving this one! So important to remember that God’s way is above ours!
I love how God’s Law and Testimony and Statutes and Commandments andJudgements and the fear of the Lord all bring good things into our lives…. And there is the promise of great reward in keeping them. vs7-11
I pray to remain steadfast to the Lord and trust in him daily this week.
Lord bless the ladies that look to you for encouragement and strength. We rejoice in you and thank you for allowing our faults to be forgiven and our slate wiped clean. Thank you Father!
Thank you for your constant never ending love!
May God be my altar-rock. I pray against feelings of darkness, foreboding, and anxiety. Bring the light! Bring the joy! Bring the revelation that words are powerful!
Thank you Lord for being constant in my life !!!
Thank you lord for saving my soul from sin and through the grace of God allowing me to be fight temptation.
Lord your Word is perfect and true. Thank you that we can have something so reliable when little else is.
Lord thank you for cleansing my soul from all of these sins, you’re forgiving and always loving. I am so thankful to have you as a father lord, to love and forgive whenever I am at fault.
Cleanse me from my pride, sinful desires and thoughts. make me like you. Work within me and fight against the evil. I will make war in this world to fight the sin inside and the evil in this world. I am so thankful you are so gracious and full of mercy. I am thankful for your forgiveness
I am so glad you are always there and forgive.
Your law is firm and righteous!
Your instruction is perfect and you are my rock and Redeemer.
I am grateful that your law is perfect & revives my soul
Thank you Lord that you restore my soul and are the giver of joy.
Thank you Lord!
I am so thankful for a forgiving God. Even through my mistakes, He is there and loves me. I know going through this hard time and knowing that I need courage and wisdom with my actions and words, He is giving me favor and guidance. The Bible says that when more than one come to Me in prayer, it will be done. (paraphrased), so I am asking for prayers for my husband and my marriage. I am praying for strength, courage, wisdom, and a pure heart.
You are in my prayers. God is with you and will give you the desires of your heart if you remain steadfast in him.
Lord, cleanse me of my past transgressions of which I hold onto and do not let go. Cleanse me of my gluttony and laziness and impatience and demanding needs. Cleanse me of temptation, for I am yours. Thank you for this glorious day, O God!!
Cleanse me from…
Seeking others approval
Covetousness and lack of thankfulness
Lack of desire for godly things
Lack of prayer
Lack of passion for Your mission
Lack of awe over the Gospel of Christ
Blaming others for how I feel
Looking to others for fulfillment
Looking to media for fulfillment
Looking to personal achievement for fulfillment
Lack of love toward others
Lack of thoughtfulness for others
Keep me from…
Relying on my own righteousness
Help me to…
Center my entire life on the Gospel
Love Jesus more than my own life, more than my family
Love God’s mission more than my comfort
Believe that God’s Word is sweeter than anything the world can offer me
Be a selfless, caring, loving, servant-hearted wife and mother
Set an example for my son of loving Christ
Say no to things that are not beneficial for me
Go to You and Your Word for daily emotional fulfillment
This is all so good
Thank you Jesus for what you did. Thank you God for the love and care that you have for me!
Awesome! Thank you Lorf!
Cleanse me of those things that turn me away from you. Keep me close to you.
Lord, cleanse me from my insecurities and distrust, and keep me from worry and fear. Amen!
Yes! Lord help me with my anxiety help me to remember to trust fully in you
I loved this!
Cleanse me from my anxiety and stress as I am part of a master plan and in you I trust. Through this trust let my anxieties float away. Cleanse me of my unconscious and conscious sin. I pray that I follow the path of light, growing stronger every day. Amen.
This was an amazing Psalm to reflect on. I want to be ruled by Gods good and perfect will and not my own.
I loved being able to pray to God to help me stay away from both my intentional sins and my unintentional sins. I think the way this Psalm was written was very cool. We are brought to a holy reverence to the Being the created everything at the beginning of the Psalm. we are pushed to see his magnificence. But then the author concludes but making God into not only an awesome all powerful being, but the God who protects us all individually from sin. what an amazing God we serve. A intensely huge God who cares for each of is and protects each of us in our individual lives.
Cleanse me of my unGodly thoughts and actions, and all of my sins.
Cleanse me of my selfishness and pride, help me to think of others before myself.
Cleanse me of my un Godly thoughts lord, help me become more like you in my thoughts and actions.
Forgive me Lord
Cleanse me of my rebellious sin
Cleanse me from my attitude lord, please help me to be humble
Cleanse me of my anxiety. Keep me from overthinking your plan.
Cleanse me of my bondages, Father
Cleanse me of my pride Lord
Acquit me of my faults (perfectionism) let me be
focused on you and not wrapped up in being perfect in my professional life. Help me to know the mistakes I make at my job do not define how you see me. You call me to work hard, not be perfect. You created and equipped me to be the professional that I am to do your work. Humble me and uplift me in your ways.
cleanse me from gluttony. moreover, keep me from turning to food when I should be turning to YOU! YOU are the answer, my comforter, the only way. I need to turn to YOU in times of need, for I know YOU are trustworthy. keep my heart focused on YOU, Lord.
Made to Crave is an excellent book that teaches women to turn to God instead of unhealthy food habits.
Cleanse me from self-centeredness Lord!
Keep my heart focused on your good
works and give me peace; knowing that
you stay in power through all things.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
We may messed up from time to time, but if we are under Christ we have no condemnation, and He still loves us more than we can imagine
Lord,my rock and my Redeemer!
Cleanse me from sins that are unseen, keeping me pure of thought and action, so that I may serve You better.
Love this.
Cleanse me from pride and self-righteousness for through you sin has lots it’s power!!!!
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”
Definitely something I struggle with. I’m starting with a new outlook today. Lord let me make you proud!
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” Amen
Keep my eyes focused on you Lord, oh how you are so good and gracious towards me. Thank you Jesus!
Cleanse me from all unedifying thoughts and speech! Keep me from allowing unrighteousness to take root in my heart!! Thank You Lord!!!
Going into court this morning this reading is perfect for me thank you Lord
Lord, let your word light up my eyes and give me fullness of joy again eyesfullness
Thank you Lord for being there for me even when I’m at my lowest. Thank you who are most HIGH and righteous for guiding me out of a life of sin. I am not perfect but through you Lord, I can overcome any obstacle that stands in my way.
Thank you Lord for helping me hold my tongue.
God is good. I’m thankful for his Word, for my life and everything he has done for me and for everyone around me. aneverything he
eye opening how graceful the word really is
Thank you Lord for your Word. Help me to meditate on them daily
Thank You for forgiveness Lord!
Thank you Lord for allowing me to be new each day!
Would anyone be willing to do a bible study with me? I’m not new to religion but I’m new to devoting myself to God and would like to know more and learn.
I would love that!
I would love too!
Psalm 118:37 turn away my eyes from vanity and revive me in Your waysmemYour ways
God, I echo Brittany on here: Lord help me find beauty in discipline. Help me to crave you and your word. Fill me with the desire to follow your law. I want to know you more.
Remind me that You are the One who cares for me and has washed all of my sins away. Thank you Lord!!
Lord protect me from the negativity of this world. You are bigger!!
Cleanse me from my sins like drama and worldly actions, make me pure through worshiping and believing in you my Lord!
Lord, protect my mind and my heart from thoughts that are not yours
Lord help me find beauty in discipline. Help me to crave you and your word. Fill me with the desire to follow your law. I want to know you more.
I love this!
Lord-protect my mind and heart from thoughts that are not yours.
Lord protect my heart mind and soul. Lead me to the life that you want for me . The person you want for me. Help me to remain faithful !!
Lord I am weary. Please give me rest as you promised.
Keep me from a selfish heart oh Lord, give me the strength, courage and obedience to follow in the path you have chosen for me
best decision you’ll ever make, Mckenzie
Mckenzie I am praying for you!
God Bless you McKenzie! May His hand guide you always…
Keep me from a bitter heart and make me more like you, Lord!
The fear of the Lord is pure
Keep me from hatred and jealously. I pray for patience and peace and peace
Protect me from temptations, God. Glory to the lord!
Today, I am making a change, a change for God! To tun my life over to him to be a soldier for his army! I am in my war room and would love to have some prayers as I make this transition to fight for God and to show the world I am the child of the one true king who shed his blood for me!!!! Those were my nails he bared so I may live my life forgiven from sin! Thankful for this app and what it will do to impact my life!
God bless you, McKenzie! Praying for you!
Keep my from negativity and help me to be a light shining in Your name, Lord.
Praying for you! God bless.
Praying for you today McKenzie!
it’s comforting to know that God will never mess up. His ways ARE perfect and that’s a fact. it’s a blessing to be given opportunity after opportunity to befriend our Lord and Savior.
Y’all! His way is perfect, trustworthy, right, radiant, sure, righteous, more precious than gold, sweeter than honey and it revives the soul, makes us wise, gives us joy, and gives light to our eyes!!! Why the would we ever consider not opening his word every single day??
Love this psalm. Very convicting and encouraging at the same time.
Let’s stay close to our Father.
I love the little verse pictures at the end!
Protect me from fear. Let it not have rule over me. Thank you, God.
Amen! He hears his children’s cries! A spirit of fear is not from the Lord but rather from Satan, we can give glory and praise to God knowing that he has already won the battle against Satan. When a fear comes to mind, replace it with a truth from God.
Be a peace as you give ever piece of you to God, trusting that he is sovereign and he cares for his children!
Let my thoughts be Your thoughts Lord. Let me think only on things that are true.
Protect me from my mind and my thoughts wash away all the negativity and bring me nothing but happy thoughts and a peace of mind
I pray that God would replace any negative/untrue thought in your mind with his truth! May he give you the strength to cling to the truth that he has placed inside of you and continue to give you more understanding of his love and desire for you! His love is so great, it is hard to fathom, and especially hard to believe and cling to with Satan is filling your mind with negativity. I believe that negative/untrue thoughts and fear are some of Satans biggest tools in attacking us and hindering us from keeping our minds focused on God. So remember that the negativity is not from the Lord, but rather from the evil one and pray that it be far away from your mind. Your God has already won the battle, give him the glory for placing truth inside of you!!
A great book that has been a huge encouragement to me in battling fear, negative and untrue thoughts is called Switch on your Brain by Caroline Leaf!
You might check it out if you can! You’ll be inspired within the first chapter!
I battle with the same thing. You are not alone. God will let His love shine through the holes in your heart. His love is greater than our negativity.
This was so helpful
Please deliver my sister from the spirit of lust and
Deception. Let her see that her husband is all she needs
please pray for our finances as it looks hopeless right now. thank you so much in advance.
Lord help me with my hidden sins. Purge
Me from them. I want to follow you with all my heart clean it out, Lord. And help me to be fit for my King.
PurgePurgepime from
Lord help me to be your light. Help me to stay close to you and show others who you are through me. As some this is the closest they may ever get.
Lord, hear the cries of my sisters, strengthen them and keep their path straight.
Lord, help me to focus on heavenly things as opposed to trivial, outwardly pleasing but inwardly draining earthly things!
This passage is an amazing reminder that I need God every minute of every day, and I’m thankful he never forsakes me. Lord, cleanse the fifth of sin that clogs my spirit every day.
God, you never forsake us. Continue to cleanse my heart and make in me a new spirit.
Be still my heart! Help me to be content with all you have given me!
Help me to choose to lean on you and know how much you want that from me
God protect me from Satan
Read Psalm 91 tonight.
God bless you
I really needed this great reminder of how truly amazing God is no matter what. It doesn’t matter what isgoing on in my life he is always faithful.
God help me not to fall into temptation.
God has wrapped his arms around me as a shield against Satan
God Your are so Loving! Your word is truly a lamp lighting my path!
Thankful for God and great Christian support group. As a new Christian, this is really a joyful time I get to tell my friends that have been praying for me about my change of heart. But I’m struggling with anxiety and uncertainty at the same time. I believe even in the midst of confusion, He still has a plan and purpose for something greater, so I can’t wait to find out what He planned out for me.
JYY- so great you’ve come to know the Lord. Even the most disciplined Christians, new or old, struggle with anxiety and uncertainty. For me, knowing that I’m just a sheep, but God is a Shepherd is a huge comfort. Meaning- I’m just a sheep. I don’t know up from down, and God is way better at leading than me. He can see what I can’t see and can lead me in directions I may have never found on my own. Rather than be anxious, be thankful you don’t have to struggle to find your way. You can follow the doors God opens and know he’s opened the best ones. He will never lead you in the wrong direction.
Lord, I know I’m not worthy of your love and forgiveness, which is what makes you so great. Please help me to be the woman you made me to be, and to be more like your son, Jesus Christ, our saviour and redeemer. Please help me to look at you with a child’s wonder and faith, and to strive to be worthy of your love everyday. I love you, Lord.
God is merciful
Thank you Father for keeping me grounded in your Word. Help me to love and forgive as you love and forgive me
Please pray for my boyfriend and I, we are trying to stay pure before marriage and it’s very difficult and hard to make sure that the other doesn’t doubt that we want to be together in a physical way, but we have one goal in mind. Pray that we’d both have our will aligned with the Lords who’s commands revive the soul!
That is soooooooooo hard for me too. We don’t even hang out inside.
My husband and abstained for two years before marriage. It was very tough and a whole new adjustment when we were married. Lots of trials and tribulations but God has had his hand on our relationship and marriage and he does in yours too. Stay faithful and uphold his commands and you will be blessed!
Thankful for the freedom we have in Christ
Done Hannah. Cry out to Him.
Please pray for me
I have tried to commit to you lord & failed. Every time I try I fail. Please help me to put you first and stay committed to your word!
Hi Peggy,
Just want to encourage you to not let failure discourage you :)
“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4
“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
We overcome through faith. But what if our faith is small? We can do nothing in and of ourselves. Jesus is the only one who can change our hearts and give us the desire and strength to follow him. When we surrender our lives to him, he can change our hearts and grow our faith, making us overcomers! Keep up the good work, Jesus loves you beyond measure!
Peggy, I have been in your place so many times. I want to encourage you to always try again. No matter what. It was pointed out to me once how great the word “practice” is to describe what we do as followers of our faith. We “practice” Christianity. And why does one practice something? To get better. Not because we already have it perfect. :)
There is a spoken word poem called Do It Again by Steven Furtick. You can find the recording on Spotify or YouTube. I would encourage you to give it a listen. It has helped me many times.
You are a new creation. You are perfect in your Father’s eyes. He is always pleased with you. Always.
“For I, the Lord you God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.'” Is. 41:13
Reviving the soul, rejoicing the heart enlightening the eyes- the benefits of obedience- sounds good to me!
Let words of my mouth be pleasing to you
My daily desire is Psalms 19:14. Let me be edifying to you my lord and savior.
Lord I need you! I confess I have been so selfish. Please enable me to live out Philippians 2… Putting others before myself.
it helps me so much to see that God cares even when it feels like my earthly father doesn’t
Lord keep me from walking away from you intentionally and making decisions that are blatantly against you!
Lord keep me in your grace and help me to resist temptation. My you and only you guide my life.
Dear lord, keep me from sinning. Be with my when Satan tempts me to despair and help me to turn away from him and turn to you instead. Thank you for cleansing me.
love the reading !!!
Lord, let me acknowledge that your ways are much higher than mine. Take my pride and tear it down.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Lord do not let fear and worry rule over me. You are sovereign Your mighty hand is in control forgive me for doubting your interest in my affairs. teach me to trust and lean on You. Amen
Lord may I not be a slave to sin but rather write the words of your law on my heart so that I will never turn away
Beautifully said! Amen!
Love this. Amen. Once you commit to God and realize you are not worthy., you essentially turn the rest of your life into a thank you not personalized to him for his endless blessings and forgiving grace
God is good all the time.
GOD is so great!
Lord, let all that I do be a joyful noise unto you and not a clanging symbol.
Cleanse me Lord from my anxiety, fear, and need to be in control. Keep me from jealousy and envy of other’s blessings. Help me to cleave to you and praise you in all of life’s storms. In Christ’s name, Amen.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…” Philippians 4:6
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
This post was the first one that popped up in my comments, just as I had asked God to
Deal with any fear and worry in my life. Oh how he knows what we need to hear and see, and how beautiful that he uses our brothers and sisters to bring the word to each other :)
I’m in the exact same place Danielle God is sovereign and is in control let’s keep trusting Him and giving Him our burdens 100%
I am only a young girl (16) but today i experienced a very overwhelming sense whilst in prayer at school. I began to cry unaware of the reason and felt an immediate urge to smile and give thanks. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced an emotion as poignant and powerful as this with our Lord.
Amen x
Yes all the time! His love is so pure and strong and firm that at times it is so overwhelming that you can’t help but to cry out in thanks for his love! Listen to “How He Loves”
Yes! Thank You Jesus for revealing yourself to this sweet young woman.
Oh yes…. Keep praying…his love is overwhelming!!
Cleanse me Lord from my anger
Cleanse me Lord from my over indulgence and my greed. In Jeses name Amen.
cleanse me, Lord, from bitterness, discontent, unbelief, and false guilt….. amen, thank you Lord.
Let us pray that we find approval and acceptance not from people but from God!
Help me to admit my most committed unintentional sin, striving for perfection and thinking I have control. Thank you Lord for your unconditional love.
Remember that Gods mercy is endless and He will forgive us even when we repeat these actions.
He is Good!
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
– harder said then done but so important!!
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
I started reading this devotion thinking it would be light and nothing too deep. I have been very surprised at how much it has made me think and deal things that are going on in my life. He calls us to be grateful in every situation. Even if we are not happy with where we are. And i have definitely been struggling with that and didn’t see a problem with not being grateful for things I wanted to change. Cleanse me from the attitude I have had about being where I am in this moment. Keep me from trying to move faster than you have planned in the path you have laid out for me.
Thank you for sharing. I too have been struggling with where I am at and not being grateful. Everything you said I could relate to and you inspired me to be grateful for everything right here, right now. God is good.
Your post helped open my eyes to this in my life. Amen!
Amen. Lord, help us to let go of our “control” and realize that your ways are much higher than our own.
Cleanse me Lord from the character defects that keep me from being more like You. Keep me from distractions that keep me from the path you have made for me. Do not let these things rule me. Give me the ability to see clearly the path You have created for me and the strength to boldly walk in a manor pleasing to You. Your ways are holy and pure. You are my Rock and my Redeemer.
I would like to share the quote that was at the bottom of my journaling for today by Peter kuzmic that made me smile:) “Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future…Faith is having the courage to dance to it today”
Lord, cleanse me of my skewed view of who You are and how other people view me. Remind me I am whole regardless of what I try to do to earn your love. Keep me and protect me from looking to anything to be validated. Help me understand the beauty of the freedom that lies in only looking to you to heal me and fill my emptiness.
I am finding a new hope and joy in this study. It is truly opening my eyes to who God is!
Wow! What words of praise to the Lord! In this time when I am experiencing heartache, this passage reminds me of the greatness of my Lord and Savior; of how His plans and works are awesome and beyond my understanding, and thankfully so. I’m so thankful that I have this Psalm to remind me of the mighty God I serve. And it makes me want to serve Him, walk closer with him, love Him and be like Him all the more!
Hello, first time here. I’m an old Christian trying something new this year…getting more in His word.
I’m new too! Praise God for new tools to explore his Word with. :)
Lord keep me from forgetting You and all you’ve done in my life!
Jesus cleanse me of fear and worry. Lord, I surrender to You! You are Good, and Holy, and Worthy of my trust. Jesus, daily I want to jump into Your arms, never doubting You will be there to catch me! Thank you, Jesus, for Your Faithfulness!
Lord, keep me from repeating my faults over and over.
Yes Lord, help me too. Keep Natalie and I strong. Remind us of your worthiness. Give us strength over our willful sins.
Dear Father, cleanse me from both my blatant and unintentional sins. Give me the desire to follow your commands and know they are good! Take away my selfish, sinful ways and allow your good and perfect ways to rule in my life! May the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, LORD.
Such a poetic passage. I really learned some things about myself this morning.
My professor prays the last verse every class time and I have come to memorize it! Love to be reminded of the things I can work on and grow in.
Lord make your decrees sweeter than honey to me! Let me desire your precepts and your commandments more than money and sweets! I want to desire you more father. Change the desires of my heart.
Lord I pray you cleanse me of my hidden faults the, the sins of which I am unaware, the unhealthy habits that clutter my life. I pray also for strength over my willful sins, they have ruled over me or far to long. I rely on you to purify me to guide me from my sinful nature. Lord cleanse my mind, mouth, and soul so I may serve you purely and so thy all I do is pleasing to you.
Lord thank you for giving me this world this morning. You know just what I need to read before I even read it. Father cleanse me of my tendency to worry and stress over things that are beyond my control; things that I have given to you Lord, but still struggle to let go of. Help me to let go of these things. Father I am eager to become more like you. I want people to see you through me. I want to beam your love to everyone I encounter. Help me, Lord. Thank you for your unfailing love. In your precious name I pray, amen.
God, in your name cleanse me from my lies and moreover, keep me from my desires
Father, in the name of your precious Son,Jesus, I ask that you cleanse me of my sinful, selfish nature and my tendency to forget that you are in control and taking care of all of my needs each day. Help me to stop worrying and being anxious about plans you have already laid out for me. I know I have no need to worry because your word tells us you will work all things for the good of those who love you! Help me to be your image everyday, cleanse me of my impatience as I mother the precious child you blessed me with everyday. May I strive daily to please you and show your love to everyone I meet. In Jesus name,amen.
Father help me and cleanse me from loving myself and putting my own selfish desires first. I want to deny myself and die to myself. May you be pleased with the meditations of my heart. Amen.
Lord thank you for THIS word. Just what I needed. Cleanse me Lord. Father your word said even when I try to do good evil is still around. Lord you know the desires of my heart, take away anything that is not pleasing to you.
I needed this today! with 2 toddlers I feel like I have been pulling my hair out! I feel like I am constantly getting angry or frustrated very easily because I am a selfish person and when they disrupt what I am doing day and after day with constant whining or sibling rivalry (sometimes even nonstop talking from my almost 4yr old) I get mad, for the silliest of reasons. Satan is definitely pulling my strings and I am constantly apologizing for my frustrations/selfishness. God cleanse me from my selfishness and moreover, keep me from anger!
yesss! this is totally what I needed to hear to see that I’m not alone. thank you so much for writing this. may your prayer be heard twice and we can both find patience and grace
Father thank you for this day and for the wonder of your name. Cleans me an make me whole. You see the unseen and you hear the the unheard. Father cleans me so I can me called your child and be pleasant in your eyes.
Heavenly Father, I give you thanks for this community and devotional. Like David, I ask you to cleanse me of all my hidden faults as well as my willful sins. Please rid me of myself Lord, so that You may be seen through me. So that I can be a vessel that shares your love, compassion, and forgiveness. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Dear Lord, you gave everything so that i may have eternal life with You, and i could never be more thankful! Help me walk in a path that is acceptable in your sight, and be an instrument for your glory. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for cleansing me of my sins and laying down your life for me. Cleanse me of my sins lord. Make me more like you and allow your light to shine through me so that others will see you in me. Thank you again for everything. I love you Lord. Amen.
Lord, thank you for giving us your law. Thank you that there is freedom in the rules you give us. Cleanse my heart, lord, that I may think and say only what is pleasing to you. In your name I pray, amen.
God, please cleanse me of my sins and help keep me from temptation. Let me nourish is thoughts of You and rid of the evil and negativity taking over my joyful thoughts. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for washing me of my sins. Lord, we will never be perfect but you love us sin and all! You are the host of hosts, the Lord God Almighty!
Lord keep me from myself. Help me to get out of my own way! In your name I pray. Amen
LORD, Magnificent, I praise you and thank you for washing our sins away by the precious blood of Jesus. Please continue LORD to purify us in all that we think, say and do. We love you, LORD. Hallelujah and amen.
God, I pray that you watch over us and that you help us not do evil deeds. Let us glorify you throughout are days. I love you AMEN
God guide me and keep me from the bad air surrounding me. Guide me into the the green pastures.
God, cleanse me from my bitterness and envy. Keep them from getting in the way of the beautiful life you have given me, as they are making me lose hope and trust in You.
Keep me from negative, evil thoughts. Moreover, keep me from seeking acceptance anywhere, but from YOU!
Dear lord, keep me from evil and all things negative. That I will not engage in such things rather follow in your footsteps.
Dear lord thank you for the opportunity to be called your daughter. Thank you for always surrounding me and always welcoming me with open arms, even after I falter and trust in my own abilities. You are the ultimate peace, and I pray that the truth of your love and comfort would be magnified. I pray that I would not worry about tomorrow, and that the future would not be a burden. I am already ensured a glorious and beautiful life in Christ with Him as my purpose and motivation. Let me have a grateful heart
I just love this devotional. We all need you so desperately Lord Jesus how else can we do anything for you without your help. Please grant us wisdom and enlighten our eyes to see what you want us to see and let the meditation of our hearts be pleasing to your will Lord . praying for you sister’s , be encouraged God sees our hearts, He Will always help us if we ask him to.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you Lord❤️ Thank you for how amazing you are Jesus and that you will cleanse me and deliver me from my thoughts of worry and words of anger.
I love that so many of our prayers are similar. God knows our struggles and gives us community. We can be together even in the sins that are committed in our hearts. Wow. God is so good. So blessed by this comment thread.
How great is our God that he has power to take my wretchedness and filth and declare me innocent and cleansed!
I love this excerpt from psalms and I find it amazing how forgiving and kind our God is
It’s amazing how no matter how many times we mess up God is still there and doesn’t turn away from us. He is truly wonderful! I praise a wonderful and perfect God! Cleanse me of my sins, of my jealousy, and worry. You have it! Thanks you Father for what You continuously do for me!
Love this comment. Thank you!
Amen! I love this!
Cleanse me Lord of worry in which i do so often help me to lean on you and not my own judgement
Wow this was my exact prayer! May the Lord be with you!
Amazing how the 2 different translations can bring such life to some verses. What a beautiful meditation for our souls to rejoice in God’s perfection and beauty, yet wonderfully convicting and humbling to ever seek Him, repent, and do His will. Praying this will be a lovely reminder for us all to cling to every day and every hour. Blessings to you my sweet sisters in Christ!!
Father, keep my heart and mind free of the unintentional sin of worry, fear and anxiety because you meet all my needs. Lord help me to realize your riches above all worldly desires are what I should seek when that feeling of emptiness inside. Keep me close to you each moment of each day. Help me to remember all is well. Lord I thank you and praise you. Amen.
Amen, thank you for this. I needed it as well!
Thank you for sharing your prayer, I needed to read that I’m not the only one struggling with this.
Bring me near to you O God, I want to live close to your heart you are everything to me and all that I need please just help me today to have the confidence that you bring upon us and also help me to proclaim your word to the people at my school so that they may live in you forever and ever, I know that sometimes my life will be hard and I will feel alone but as long as I have you My God I need no one else thank you for blessing me with a wonderful life and wonderful parents who care about me
Cara…praying you will be a bold witness at your school today…the Lord bless and keep you❤️
Be encouraged Cara. You are not alone, being a Christian among unbelievers is a great struggle. Stand firm and know that you are setting a great example, in word and deed, to shine the light of Jesus. Know that you are being watched, and helping to plant seeds for the Kingdom. Allow those around you to see something different in you: Jesus.
cleanse me of my doubt that your way is the right way and best way. please help me meditate on your words of peace and guidance so that I can move forward with confidence and grace. may I live my life in a way the people question and that I may answer them with my actions.
Cleanse me of anything that is not if you God. Cleanse my in an out and fill my body, heart, soul and mind with you and your love almighty God.
Draw me closer !!!
Cleanse me of guilt,pain,fear,anxiety
Empty my heart and fill it with your love
Keep me away from toxic people
Draw me closer to you
Take my heart. Wash it all! Sunshine bathing, in your glory. You know it all, nothing hidden or lost to you. Amen
Lord, cleanse me of fear, anxiety and doubt! You have conquered the world for me…please give me peace!
So true. I struggle also with these things and am fighting this battle with you sister. Praise be to our God who is bigger than any evil we encounter!
Cleanse me from ill thoughts lord, of myself and of others. Lead me in your ways and that everything that I do I may do in love, and that I may reflect your love unto others. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness, due to your mercy I am able to forgive myself. Help me bring that message to others.
Your prayer spoke deeply to me.. Things I too struggle with. Thanks for sharing Jocabeth. God Bless!
Help me Lord to better understand your word, retain it and bring it into my everyday life so that I may glorify You throughout my whole day! To You be the glory Lord!
Cleanse me from judgement and keep me from judging myself and others. Help me do Your will and put You first in all that I do.
Help me to memorize Your Word so that I may meditate on it and obey it.
Let me see my faults and improve on them. That the people around me may see my desire for you and be led to you oh Lord!
Cleanse me Lord from my earthly attitude at times! Help me to remember where my joy comes from no matter what circumstances I am in the midst of. Keep me from allowing my feelings to rule & lead me!
Cleanse me from anything that is not pleasing to you. Moreover, keep me from from any thing the devil tries to use to attack me. Give me strength and take away any weakness so I can stand strong for you.
Cleanse me from always exulting myself. Help me God to put you first and others ahead of me. Keep me from becoming proud and self-reliant. Help me God to find my strength in you.
Please I need support in prayers for my last week of exams. I am exhausted. God please give the strength to endure and succeed. Amen
Praying for you! You’ve got this! The Lord is ALWAYS for you and wants you to succeed, always! I pray that he delivers you from stress and gives you abundant peace, joy, and focus! No stress! You’re going to do great!
Lord I pray that you cleanse me of anxiety, self-doubt, and idolatry in those around me who seem to be more talented than me. You have created me exactly as I am, and are rejoicing in who I am right now in this very moment. Thank you LORD! You are faithful, You are always faithful. I love you so much and I surrender all that is not from you, Lord!
Amen!! Love this prayer!!
Thanks so much Emily, your prayers and words of encouragement are very much appreciated! God bless you. I pray for you as well that our Lord almighty will satisfy your needs in every way and that He will grant peace to your heart, and to your mind . I pray that He will affirm and unshakeable trust in your heart. You are a blessing even to the ones you don’t know (like me :)) You are blessed and uniquely designed to glorify His name. Amen!
Typo: “unshakable trust (in Him) in your heart”
Cleanse me from self doubt, moreover, rid me of worry. I know these do not come from you Lord, do they have no place in my life. With an 8 day old baby it is easy to wonder if you are doing everything right! I am constantly reminding myself to trust in You! Not in me. Thank you Lord for providing all that we need, and for allowing us to cast our cares on You.
After much food, family and feasting this holiday, I find myself needing time with the Father;). Thy Word is what my heart longs for!
Cleanse me from anything I am unaware of. Break the chains and bring me freedom.
Moreover keep me from sinning against You willfully. Fill my mind with Your truth and my heart with Your love.
Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
God! help me embrace your rules. Rid me of this rebellious spirit that insists, despite plentiful evidence to the contrary, that I know best.
Lord, I want your wisdom to eradicate my foolish desires.
You alone can do this work. You alone can heal me.
I am like the paralytic at the pool of Saloam; I feel you asking me, ” Jenny, do you want to be healed.” Jesus! help me want to be healed. I need you to break the grasp I have on bitterness, shame, rejection and failure.
I want to let go of these ugly things and I want your commands to be the light in my eyes.
Your rules are my rock, and one day, I pray that you enable me to “kiss the wave, that slammed me against the Rock of Ages.”
I’m thankful for what little time my dad has upon this earth. even though it is a struggle everyday to see his decline in is health. his body is withering away a little each day. I pray that I can be there for him more to ease his comfort. I have a brother and a sister I would like everyone to pray for that they understand they need to see our dad more now than ever before its to late. it amazes me on how they can not find the time to help him in his most time of need.
Tough week remembering my first husband who passed on 11/22/11 and leaving a group of people at work I love. But I had asked God to rain down a new job is He wanted me to move onto something else and guess what? He did! So I am thankful for the new opportunities He has placed before and look forward to new adventures with Him!
We have no other life than in God. No matter what happens, we will always return back to Him. So why is it so easy for us to turn away from the Lord? When he is our whole life, even after we die?
Praying for you girls! That is so awesome Diana! I am so happy that God has called you to work for him on the mission field. I am very glad that God helped you through tough times! Bless you all!
Prayed for you Paige!
I have to ask the Lord to forgive me for bitterness every day. My husband uses the Lord’s name in vain all day long. He is the worse road ragger . I am not allowed to talk about my children or grandchildren in my home. They are not allowed to come over. So I stay in prayer about forgiveness. Praise the Lord He forgives and sees us with new eyes every morning.
Even though we fall short of the glory of God sometimes, he never leaves us. He loves us no matter what and I guess for me I wish I could understand deeper. I’ve been struggling with drinking and smoking and God has recently been speaking to me and has called me to be a missionary. I want to live for him and continue to dig deeper into his word.
Keeping your word in my heart gives me strength and hope. Your truth always sheds light onto my sins and helps me repent and bring them to you. I know you are always teaching me through your discipline, God. I pray that this path I walk will always be towards your righteousness and truth.
I’m struggling with a current relationship. I’ve been dating an incredible man who loves the Lord more than me for a year now and yet the thoughts still taunts me, “is there more than this? Why am I not fully content? Shouldn’t I be more in love by now?” While I don’t know where these doubts come from, if they are from the devil or if they are to lead me to a different road, I am sure that the Lord’s instruction is sweeter than honey and I want nothing less than that. Pray for me as being in the “land of uncertainty” can be a bit consuming and anxious. And I am thankful for a God who listens and cares about my tiny heart’s desires as well as the world’s pain and suffering.
Hi Frances, I will keep you in my prayers :) maybe this doubt is a nudge from the Holy Spirit but know that any anxiety or confusion that you may feel is not from God. Have you tried talking to him about how you feel? It may be hard to or even scary because you don’t want to hurt him, but being transparent about it will help your relationship. And he can pray for you as well. It’ll all work out! God bless!
Thanks Shirley! Yes I have been very transparent about the “cloudiness”. That part definitely helps and he is very understanding. One thing I know is that for whatever reason, maybe it’s for the purpose of leaning into God more so, is that I am where He wants me at the moment. I know He will bring me out of it with clarity. My prayer is just that I will wait patiently for Him to move before I do.
The enemy wants us to feel defeated and unmoved by our actions – jesus always dresses us in his robes of righteousness and presents us before the father. When we are not faithful – he remains faithful. Father please help me want to obey your words like craving the sweetness of honey.
Dear Christina, I have been in similar circumstances. They are painful and hard to comprehend. So I finally gave them to God and a weight was lifted. I stop making it about me and focused my prayers on them. That their hearts would be opened to share my joys with me, that whatever the cause of their behavior it be demolished and that we could celebrate all blessings together. I stopped letting them hurt me and gave it to God. In honesty I still will feel an immediate gut wrench, but then I remember I have already given it to God and move on. I have also learned to set my expectations of family to a lower standard than what I want, so I am not disappointed as often and blessed more often. Hope this helps.
I have always struggled with jealousy. Wanting what other people have by way of stuff, romantic relationships, family relationships, mental and emotional strengths, etc. I thought I was over it for a long time but my husband and I just bought a house and the same week my sister announced she was having a baby. Don’t get me wrong I am overjoyed for her and so excited to have a baby niece or nephew. But my parents didn’t celebrate me getting a house once and they don’t plan on coming to visit any time soon, and every time I talk to them it’s all about their coming grandchild. All the emotions from my past of her always getting attention and me being ignored are coming back. I know God loves me and I should be secure in that, but I want approval from my parents too. I want to feel the joy from my parents that my sister feels. I hope to be cleansed from this jealousy. For God to ultimately remove it from my heart once and for all, and allow me to be content in all situations. Lord please take this selfish attribute from me and fill me with your loving and joyful spirit.
I hope to be cleansed from self loathing, and with God’s help, learn to love myself again as He loves me. I need to keep away from negative energies in my life and focus on positive people with positive influences. Lord please guide me in seeing the person that you created me to be.
I hope, in this season of Thanksgiving, to distance myself from ill-feelings that I may harbor for those who I perceive to have wronged me in life, and to continue constantly (despite the many temptations that the world holds) to stay in my path with God, growing ever closer to Him.
Liked the last part of Psalm 19:14
When it was my turn to face this issue in my husband’s life, I was wisely advised to check myself into a hotel for at least an overnight stay, with the purpose of seeking God for what He wanted me to do. I cried, slept, prayed, and read the book, Every Heart Restored, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred and Brenda Stoeker. God showered me with comfort and wisdom. I made a decision that day that I wanted to please God, which meant I would stay in my marriage and not choose the divorce option. It is an ugly sin, which destroys relationships like nothing else can. Talk to God a lot about this – He will shepherd you through it.
Can anyone lead me in the direction of some helpful wisdom and advice on processing and graciously loving a husband who struggles with pornography. I feel a little bit alone but I’m sure I am not.
I don’t have any words of wisdom and can only guess at how hard this must be for you. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Maybe look at fightthenewdrug . Org they may have some help to offer?
Thank you
Look up and check out the blog entitled “Forgiving the Backwards way.” The woman who wrote it was dealing with forgiving her husband after an affair.
Twelve years ago I was in the same situation. My mentor gave me some wonderful advice that changed our marriage and my husbands life. She told me to pray over my home and anoint my home with oil (a symbolic act). I prayed over my home an anointed anything and everything my husband came in contact with (Including his magazines, computer, etc. I was so desperate to see him free from this addiction) two weeks went by and I continued to pray for my husband (not once nagging him for his sin) on a Sunday morning my children and I were about to leave for Church and my husband walks out of the bedroom nicely dressed and for the first time he said he wanted to go with us… A miracle started folding before our eyes… Shortly after my husband surrendered his life to Jesus and a bit after that he cleaned house and anything he had that didn’t fall under God’s will for his life (including all the pornography) ended up in the outside garbage. It was a process and anytime he would struggle with an image he would see in day to day life (a half naked woman on a billboard, a woman jogging half dressed – these were images he had to overcome and not allow his mind to wonder- he would call me to pray for him- it was hard at first for me to understand what was going on in his mind and at times hurtful but God gave me the strength I needed to fight and intercede for my husband. And I give all the glory to God… Down the road my husband attended and also lead some men’s bible studies such as Every Man’s Battle, and Stepping Up-A Call to courageous manhood. I hope my testimony helps you and I will pray for God to do a mighty work and set your husband free. God bless!
So sorry you are going through this. I discovered my husband’s pornography addiction 6 months into our marriage. I was hurt and disturbed but didn’t really understand the depth of the problem. He tried many things to help himself over the years, including talking to a pastor, who told him, “it’s ok, every man does it”. My husband left more heartbroken than ever, because he KNEW it was wrong. He tried online software, that blocked such sites. (I was the administrator-that got reports on activity-that was horrible). He tried SAA groups and church based addiction groups and always struggled. I felt betrayed but I knew he was trying so hard to stop. Finally, when my daughter was 6 months old, he had a relapse, after a few months of “being clean”. I lost it. Threw our computer and broke it and told him I couldn’t keep doing this anymore. We would leave if we had to. He went to stay with his parents, who are strong christians, and my husband ended up at the home of an elderly couple who had a “deliverance” ministry. He was delivered from his addiction by a miracle. He has never had another episode of this in 5 1/2 years and told me he’s never even tempted anymore. He says it’s different then all the other times he was clean. It was amazing, and still is. I say all this not to say that he should go and get a deliverance, I say it to offer hope. God is good.
Thank you :)
Thank you very much
I can say that I have been in a similar struggle and that the enemy wants to get to the wife through this sin as well! If the enemy can convince you that you aren’t “enough” for your husband, stir up fear every time a pretty woman walks by, and lets jealousy root down in your heart; then the enemy is pleased. Please know that God loves and cherishes you and will be the rock for you during this battle. Prayers to you and your husband as you walk through this journey!
Thank you
I’m in the same predicament as you are wherein my husband also struggles with pornography. I didn’t find out about it until one of our premarital counseling sessions. The first thing I want to tell you is that I will be keeping you in my prayer – the enemy will try to feed you lies and may make you feel like his struggle with pornography has something to do with what you are/aren’t doing, etc. but fight to not let those lies overwhelm you but instead immerse yourself in the truths of God’s Word! Second, I would suffers for you guys to open up about this with someone who can counsel you. It’s a serious struggle and it would benefit your husband and your marriage for him to take concrete steps in dealing with this. Third, I encourage you to keep praying and loving your husband as God calls you to and for you both to keep your lines of communication open. My husband tells me whenever there was a situation that made him almost get tempted, and I also occasionally ask him as to how he’s been with the struggle. Addiction to pornography is huge but we have an even bigger God Who helps us to overcome and be conquerors over it! I will be praying for you!
Cleanse me from all wrong doing. Moreover, keep me from temptation! Amen
I really enjoy this fill in the blank style devotion. It helps me be more introspective and engaged as opposed to reading someone else’s interpretation and application. Thanks ladies
There are so many sins we fall into, and oftentimes they are unintentional and we end the day seeking forgiveness. However, it’s the purposeful sin that we willingly step into that we need to be rescued from – I pray that we would stay alert, heed the warnings you give us, and take the opportunities out that you gladly give.
Who perceives his unintentional sins? Cleanse me from my hidden faults. Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule over me. Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
I’m an artist so these words are wonderful to hear…praise without laudable speech-beautiful metaphor (I don’t remember reading before)!
I came back to SRT today after taking a hiatus. This time of prayer and reflection allows me to slow down in a world that is often so hard to slow down in. I often come to God with worries first and praises second. My prayer is that this season of thanks, my mind will slow and I’ll be able to see all God’s blessings in the smallest of things.
:) thank you Lord for the blessings we receive!
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer”. I was just praying this verse earlier today! My words have not been filled with grace lately. Praying for Jesus to transform my heart, mind, and words.
I have been struggling with this also lately! Thankful that this was the selection for today. I will try harder tomorrow!
Beautiful Psalm! Here is a perfect song to compliment it.
Chelsea Moon w/ the Franz Brothers – Trust & Obey:
Just have to say that I’m so glad SRT choose Psalms of Gratitude. God knew we would need it for such a time as this. Beirut. Paris. Personal pain of so many mentioned in posts here. The burdens are heavy. Gratitude helps lighten them. Keep us focused, SRT.
My sentiments exactly.
It’s been a very difficult past week for me. I found that this activity allowed me to recenter myself in Christ and remember that it is all in His will. I pray that there is a positive to come, and I ask that my brother and sisters in Christ to stay strong in their paths.
Praying with you, friend! Thanks for joining us today!
In Psalm 1:1-2 God tells us a man of many blessings meditates on the law/God’s Word day and night. If we do this, the meditation of our heart will be pleasing to God. Meditating on the precepts will give joy to our heart. I’m spending some time reflecting on this. Clearing out space and getting rid of time wasters and anger triggers. Lord, cleanse me from anger. More over, keep me from self-righteousness. May I fill my heart with your precepts so that you may fill me with lasting joy.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you for this prayer Amy.
I have a very heavy heart today as I’ve recently experienced a breakup that has been so incredibly painful and confusing, and I’ve had a difficult time moving forward. This psalm and devotion was very refreshing and such a beautiful reminder of Gods’ sovereignty and dominion over all. Oh Lord, may you cleanse, renew, strengthen, and guide me with Your perfect instruction and wisdom. Amen.
Katie, I’m so sorry for your pain. Asking God to keep you especially close today and encourage you with truth.
I really appreciate that. It is so encouraging to know I have sisters that I’ve never met lifting me up in prayer. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Katie, holding out arms to hug you….in this pain filled and confusing season…Praying you know Gods amazing arms around you…that He strengthens you and guides you through this time…God loves you and is with you…Bless you Katie…xxx
Thank you so much, that really means a lot. God bless you!
Morning sisters. Please pray for my marriage in the face of several family and church issues. I love my husband more than I can say, yet sometimes I wonder why God let us get married. We are at the center of so many issues and disagree on so much fundamentally, it is such a strain. We are in such need of grace and likemindedness.
Dear Courtney, you and your husband are one through a marriage blessed by God, let no man pull that apart. Perhaps an uninvolved pastor or christian counselor can help you personally as as a mediator with church and family. Praying for you.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
Courtney, I understand your situation more than you know. I will be praying for your marriage and I hope you will do the same for me. Find comfort in Gods word, focus your eyes on him and he will handle the issues in your marriage. With love, Kay
Thank you, Kay. I will be praying for you as well. Love and blessings!
Thank you for formulating the words that have been on my heart. My Redeemer Lives.
You know all. You see all.
Nothing, unintentional or willful, is hidden from You.
“He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.” Clean hands. Clear conscience.
I lay me all before You.
All my sins.
Pride. Lying. Hypocrisy. Anger. Impatience.
Every. Ugly. One. And
I’m sorry.
So so sorry.
Forgive me.
Help me.
Pull me up.
Point me, again, in Your right direction.
Let’s walk.
AMEN, Churchmouse!
Prying that right along with you.
Thank you for your transparency. God BLESS you!
Amen..Churchmouse…and thank you ..Hugs…
Thank you so much for writing this. It was just what I needed to hear today. Sending love and prayers your way.
That is a beautiful prayer church mouse! I’m praying the same thing with you!
Mmm.. God IS true and we have the ability to walk with him everyday!
Thank you Lord from cleansing from ALL of my sin!!!!
These verses of gratitude are so helpful in allowing me to give my heart to God every day. It’s hard to let go, but through His grace I’m learning to give Him my worries and trust that He will provide.
I so enjoy these journal exercises, thank you. By choosing to hold onto things I know are wrong, such as a bitter heart, an unforgiving heart…I am allowing it to rule over me. I am choosing to do what I know is not in His teaching. I need to ask for his forgiveness and to make my attitude and heart acceptable to Him.
Thank you so much for sharing today, Elisabeth! We love having you here!
This is a helpful reminder to me to be mindful of what is on my heart and in my thoughts throughout my day: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.”
What a great (aka: anointed) idea to prompt us to personalize these Psalms. Simple enough so as to not overwhelm, yet effective in leading us to meditate on these powerful words and apply them.
What a wonderful these verses 7-9 of Psalm 19 are. God’s rules/guidelines are perfect! We shouldn’t try and change them. God’s rules are there to keep us safe!
Heather, your words went straight to my heart this morning. Thank you for putting things in simple terms. I am going to copy this list for my journal as a reminder of the choices I have, always a choice. God spoke to me thru you this morning.
Sisters, forgive me for staying on present topics but as an intensely emotional person it’s hard for me not to bring this back to our trying times. Lord, cleanse me from any thoughts of judgment that might creep in about people I don’t know who are trying to flee from Syria to other countries. Once an immigrant from a communist torn country, I know the need for wanting a better life. Moreover, keep me from all those I know who speak hate and let me focus on your peace and love.
Thank you for bringing up current events! It is important to prayerfully approach these issues so that our hearts are postured appropriately and to pray for our leaders as the direct decision makers. Thank God that no matter what, He is in control. May we be His hands and feet to all around us.
Amen Trisha. Love to you.
Beautiful sentiment.
Thank you Jess. <3
Sin is ugly. David knew that there was even sin in his life that he didn’t know about, and so he asked God to forgive him for his unintentional sins. But then there’s the other stuff… the things we do when we know better. The things we’ve been warned about by others… by God. Heck, often we’ve often warned OTHERS about these sins… yet we get on with our bad self and do it anyway. That’s a scary mindset right there.
Who perceives his unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from my hidden faults.
Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins;
do not let them rule over me.
Then I will be innocent
and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,
LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:12-13)
Here’s the thing about sin – it has a progression.
• It goes from passing temptation to chosen thought (errors).
• It goes from chosen thought to object of meditation.
• It goes from object of meditation to wished-for fulfillment.
• It goes from wished-for fulfillment to planned action (secret faults).
• It goes from planned action to opportunity sought.
• It goes from opportunity sought to performed act.
• It goes from action to repeated action.
• It goes from repeated action to delight (presumptuous sins).
• It goes from delight to new and various ways.
• It goes from new and various ways to habit.
• It goes from habit to idolatry, demanding to be served.
• It goes from idolatry to sacrifice.
• It goes from sacrifice to slavery.
That’s quite a list, isn’t it? But get this – all along that path, from the moment we are faced with a temptation to the place where we become enslaved to sin… we have a choice.
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
If David – a man after God’s own heart – needed to pray “Keep Your servant from willful sins”, my guess is it’s a safe bet my attitude should be the same.
Father, shine Your light in my heart and expose any darkness that lies within me. Open my eyes to the sins that are hidden – whether because I’m not recognizing them as sin, or because I’m trying to keep them private. Then there’s the other junk, Lord. The blatant sin that I don’t even try to keep secret. Gossip. Grumbling. Jealousy. Unforgiveness. Truly, I am a hot mess. I need You desperately, Jesus – squash all of this ugliness in me. Create in me a clean heart and renew Your Spirit within me – and may the words I say and the meditation of my heart be something that makes You smile. You have redeemed me, and given the price You paid, You deserve this and so much more. I love You, Lord. Thank You that I am no longer a slave to sin – that I have a choice. Help me to choose wisely, for Your sake. Amen.
Thank you for such encouragement! It is so easy to get in the mindset that we can take care of our sin ourselves because it is so obvious. Sometimes it’s not, and we need to remember that only God can cleanse us from it – if only we confess it (1 John 1:9) – even if we don’t know what it is. He will reveal it to us. Even when it’s simple, we sometimes miss the gravity of it.
Recently I’ve been struggling with not trusting God will provide what we need for our adoption, doubting his word and what he’s spoken to us because it hasn’t happened in my time. Please to read our story. Pray that we will be patient in waiting for His perfect timing and that we would not sin in trying to be in control or pushing our own time agenda on it.
It’s amazing to see how God worked in this story and am praying he will again.
Thank you for your encouraging words this morning.
— M —
Praying for you, Meredith!
Absolutely, Amen! Those steps to slavery and bondage are completely true and I can testify after being in a season of captivity to sin that it’s only through the power of Jesus that you break free! It’s like notches on a belt, you don’t go from 1 to 10 immediately, it’s one step at a time, one choice after another. Recognize it and stop the process before it’s too late! Being in bondage to a pit of sin is the very worst place for a Christian to reside. You know you don’t belong and you can’t get yourself out.
Thank you for sharing this.
Very powerful! Thank you so much for sharing….praying along with you this morning!
Thank you for taking the Time to write this! Simply amazing.
Thank you for sharing this list! When I see the progression it is easier to recognize how nefarious sin is.
Thank you Heather for this post. You explained it perfectly, for me to fully understand. Like you, I am a hot mess. I have prayed this morning that He shine His light in me to expose my hidden darkness, to expose my unacknowledged sins and my blatant sins. I am on a new path, a new relationship with the Lord, and I am rejuvenated in being taught that His word is perfect.
Thank you again for your post and your help in my morning prayer.
Thankful for this new day, Lord God…Thankful that through the mist that stretches far beyond my eye view..,YOU reign…
YOU reign…
YOU reign.. (SELAH)
Your glory, Lord God, can been seen, even in the mist, on the bare trees, on the faces of people going by,
As the psalmist says, words are not needed or could ever, to describe who you are…
You are Holy, Holy, Holy
Your Word and your commands are my light and my guide…they are my life’s sure route..
Thank you Lord God, that, though I may not see my sin and faults at times through the mist and or fog of life, YOU are there, loving arms outstretched to correct…
Cleanse me, Lord God, from my multiple faults ..that I may be a blessing to you…and to those whom you bring my way….
Lord, keep me from going backwards to where I was, and have been, but move me forwards towards YOU, to where I need to be, in your will and plan for my life…
Thank you Lord God…for your love, Grace, mercy, faithfulness, provision and hand over my life and that of my family…Thank you Lord God…
Lord, may the meditation of my heart and mouth be acceptable to you, my Lord, my rock, my Savior, my friend…
Praying God’s peace and Grace for you today Sisters…in love…xxxx
Amen Tina! Thankful for this new day, thankful that God reigns supreme and that His glory can be seen. Love you to! ~ B
Beautiful! Thank you! Love you sister! So grateful to the Father for you and my other sisters in Christ here!
Amen!!!! Thank you Tina for this powerful prayer…..praying along with you this morning!!! Love and hugs!!!
Amen! Blessings you Tina. Praying with you today
Amen Tina!
Amen! Thank you, Tina, for this beautiful prayer!
The Word of God is so perfect and it revives my soul! Lord, renew my spirit! You are all I need!
Thankful for gods promise of heaven as I just lost the grandpa that was a second father to me. I really feel like a little piece of my heart went to heaven with him and makes heaven feel even more real. Please pray for my grandma who lost the love of her life and husband of 58 yrs.
So sorry for your loss, Emmy. Praying for you and for your grandma, that you know God closely with you in this difficult time and that the hope of heaven continues to give you comfort.
Emmy, I am so very for your loss…grandpa’s are so very special….Praying you know God peace at this sad time…
Praying also for your grandma, she has lost her best friend, her love, her companion…Praying she finds a friend in Jesus at this sad and difficult time…
Sending you both and your family a hug..xx
Prayerful that you all find great solace in God’s great promise of heaven and that you will feel God with you in this season Emmy. I am so sorry for your loss! ~ B
What a hope you have of seeing your sweet grandfather again one day…soon! God bless you and may He bring comfort to you and your family during this difficult loss. We will all pray for you! ♥
So very sorry for your loss Emmy…..lifting you all up in prayer
Prayers of comfort to you and yours.
I pray that God will give us world peace and that we will understand that we are daughters of the King. He loves us. Please pray that all my tests go smoothly this week!
Caroline, praying your tests go smoothly, and that you know peace in the waiting….
Blessings and
Prayers for clear recollection of all you have learned this semester. Give your stress and anxiety to Our Father and He will keep you calm.
Our lord is so loving and so grateful and we are so lucky to have a God like him that cleanses our sins and protects us or stands with us when we face the violence and struggles in our world. He loves us so much, that sometimes it seems like we don’t deserve it…but no matter what, The Lord is with us, guiding us on the path to peace.
I’ve missed sharing a comment here… :)
Lord, cleanse me from disrespectful thoughts, judgemental heart, envy, and pride….
Good Morning sisters! :)
Misce, you have been missed…
Praying your prayer right alongside you…
Good morning….hoping you will stay awhile…but a visit is always good tooooo..Hugs and Love dear friend…xxx
Thanks Tina! I have been following the SRT Bible in a Year (my 1st time) that’s why I haven’t joined you here for quite a while…. :) it’s been an amazing journey reading the Bible cover to cover this year! We’re almost at 90% by God’s grace! I’ll be back regularly here soon! :) Stay blessed! :)
With Tina here, you have been missed Misce! Hope you and yours are wonderfully well! ~ B
Misce, you have been missed! Thrilled to see you here today! It’s been such a joy reading the Bible In A Year plan with you, too! Almost there!!
Dear Paige, my prayers are with you. Give your struggles to God and your faith will grow stronger as you put your trust in Him. Find quiet even in the noise to pray for strength and always remember to thank Him for each blessing He sends your way. You will see more blessings than struggles if you remain centered in Our Father during this difficult time. Prayers for you.
I’m so grateful for such a compassionate and caring Father. It’s so comforting to know that someone so Sovereign is in control of my life. Please pray for me as I am about to enter a very tough situation in my life, pray that my relationship with God continues to grow exponentially and that it is not at all one sided on my behalf of not being anywhere near as faithful as He is.
Praying with you Paige.
Paige Garrison you serve the living God and who He has set free is free indeed. Be anxious about nothing.
Praying with you through your storm, Paige…
God, our Sovereign Lord is with you… rejoicing that He is…the victory ..won…
Lifting you up this morning in prayer Paige…..