Your Decrees Are Wondrous

Open Your Bible

Psalm 119:121-144, Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Reading the Bible has always been hard for me. That may sound strange coming from someone who works for a company with the motto, “Women in the Word of God every day.” Over the years, being in the Word has proved tricky for several reasons, one of which is its familiarity. I’ve read Scripture my whole life, yet the transformative stories and commands lose their potency when I grow used to their rhythms and cadence, to the way the words sound when they roll off my tongue.

Let me be clear: Scripture can’t lose its power or potency. But I can diminish its work in my life through my own apathy. I can choose not to slow down and really open myself to the text or the Holy Spirit who speaks through it.

A decade ago, I walked through a situation that required me to love a friend and leader in our church community with what the Bible calls agape love—a love that seeks someone else’s wellbeing. Since I could no longer speak with this person directly, the development of this love had to take place solely between God and me. So, my best friend and I made a pact to read 1 Corinthians 13 every day for a whole year. The love passage. This well-known chapter was the best model we could find for the altruistic, Christlike, agape kind of love.

Just because it was a well-known chapter didn’t mean it was easy to put into action. By focusing our attention on one passage for an extended period of time, the purpose was long-term, personal transformation. I began reading it to myself out loud, as if to absorb into my very being. I can still hear the lines echoing through my car, as I read it aloud each morning:

“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy,
is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude,
is not self-seeking, is not irritable,
and does not keep a record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:4–5).

These aren’t just eloquent lines of verse or truisms to tuck away in our back pocket. They’re the living, active words of God. My friend and I didn’t set out to memorize the chapter, but within a couple weeks it was buried inside us. I found that my heart had been softened toward God’s Word and toward this person from our community. And even though it may not have redeemed the situation, it changed my heart.

As Psalm 119 says, “Your decrees are wondrous; therefore I obey them” (v.129). Let’s obey God’s decrees by burying them inside us, even if that means reciting them aloud for 365 days. When our hearts have a chance to catch up with our minds, we begin to embody truth and become not a clanging cymbal but a transformed child of God (1Corinthians 13:1).

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61 thoughts on "Your Decrees Are Wondrous"

  1. Kelli Gough says:

    Gods perfect timing never fails. & I really appreciate the article written on this verse. I have been hurt by a few friends and I just can’t seem to heal. It still hurts when I see them or hear about them b/c I miss them but I am still hurt by them. I went to bed in tears last night over this and this morning I woke up to this passage and a heavy heart that needs soften to love others like God calls us to love. This means to lay aside the hurt and to love others no matter what and pray that one day God will heal this pain while trying to love them well.

  2. Mari V says:

    WOW, God’s word is always on time. A situation was brought to my attention yesterday. It was just a gentle reminder but it came from somebody in authority the very person I have set some boundaries. Onion layers!! I need to peel more onion layers off. A reminder to me to forgive. I love Bailey’s idea about reading 1 Corinthians 13 every day! I love how we read some thing we need to hear that very moment. And I needed this this morning.

  3. Hannah W. says:

    The Corinthians passage was both convicting and comforting today. Just last night, I failed to love my in-laws well. I was not patient or kind. I was rude and easily angered, and I felt justified in that because I was standing on a mountain of past wrongs that I’ve clung to in my heart. I apologized, but have been wrestling with my sin, and the consequences of it, all night. And then…God reminded my heart that although I fail to love perfectly (and will continue to do so) He NEVER does! His love for me is always patient and kind; He is not easily angered, and He doesn’t keep track of my wrongs, even when I am tempted to keep track of them myself. Thank you, Father, for the abounding love you offer so freely that truly covers a multitude of sins. Help me to root myself in that love today.

  4. Maura says:

    Amen Blessed Beth. His word is living and I am so amazed how it speaks to me, comforts me, yea restores my soul because it leads me toward Jesus, forgiveness, grace, repentance and obedience. “Let me be clear: Scripture can’t lose its power or potency. But I can diminish its work in my life through my own apathy. I can choose not to slow down and really open myself to the text or the Holy Spirit who speaks through it.” This strikes home, my own apathy and not being open to the word as I am reading. My condition makes me lose that which God is bestowing in His word. Thankful for His pursuing love and all His word reveals. Hug Sisters He opens our eyes and hearts as we search and study and seek Him we find such treasure.

  5. ThreeCats says:

    Asha, I think you could be referring to James 1:22. GNT reads “Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice.” AMP reads ”
    But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]. “

  6. Nicole Burgos says:


  7. Kimiark says:

    *Churchmouse. Argh autocorrect

  8. Kimiark says:

    Courthouse, I so appreciate your honesty. You gave you mother in law and your husband’s family a wonderful gift in your writing.