Reading the Bible has always been hard for me. That may sound strange coming from someone who works for a company with the motto, “Women in the Word of God every day.” Over the years, being in the Word has proved tricky for several reasons, one of which is its familiarity. I’ve read Scripture my whole life, yet the transformative stories and commands lose their potency when I grow used to their rhythms and cadence, to the way the words sound when they roll off my tongue.
Let me be clear: Scripture can’t lose its power or potency. But I can diminish its work in my life through my own apathy. I can choose not to slow down and really open myself to the text or the Holy Spirit who speaks through it.
A decade ago, I walked through a situation that required me to love a friend and leader in our church community with what the Bible calls agape love—a love that seeks someone else’s wellbeing. Since I could no longer speak with this person directly, the development of this love had to take place solely between God and me. So, my best friend and I made a pact to read 1 Corinthians 13 every day for a whole year. The love passage. This well-known chapter was the best model we could find for the altruistic, Christlike, agape kind of love.
Just because it was a well-known chapter didn’t mean it was easy to put into action. By focusing our attention on one passage for an extended period of time, the purpose was long-term, personal transformation. I began reading it to myself out loud, as if to absorb into my very being. I can still hear the lines echoing through my car, as I read it aloud each morning:
“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy,
is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude,
is not self-seeking, is not irritable,
and does not keep a record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:4–5).
These aren’t just eloquent lines of verse or truisms to tuck away in our back pocket. They’re the living, active words of God. My friend and I didn’t set out to memorize the chapter, but within a couple weeks it was buried inside us. I found that my heart had been softened toward God’s Word and toward this person from our community. And even though it may not have redeemed the situation, it changed my heart.
As Psalm 119 says, “Your decrees are wondrous; therefore I obey them” (v.129). Let’s obey God’s decrees by burying them inside us, even if that means reciting them aloud for 365 days. When our hearts have a chance to catch up with our minds, we begin to embody truth and become not a clanging cymbal but a transformed child of God (1Corinthians 13:1).

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61 thoughts on "Your Decrees Are Wondrous"
This is such a beautiful idea
Amen ❤️
For some reason I needed to hear the love chapter today! Man! I have been going through a situation in my workplace with my boss and to be honest I haven’t been walking in that love! So convicting this morning! Thank you SRT! For not being afraid to step on our toes and remind us that scripture isn’t always just to sound pretty and bring calm but to change us on the inside. So good!
Our hearts need to catch up with Gods word, not our minds, to be able to embody truth.
I am so very sorry. Praying for you and your family.
I’m so sorry your heart is hurting. The beauty of Christ’s love for us is that He loves us first. First, before we were created, while in our mother’s wombs, when He walked this earth and lived and died before us, And when He ascended into heaven and God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with and in us, and still as He is seated at the right hand of God the father! He has loved us with an everlasting and ever present love! How undeserved! How beautiful! How very needed! Only when we fix our eyes on how he loves us even in our mess can we truly understand that we too are able to love others because He first loves us! It changes everything; )
Praying for your heart today! He offers us this gift. Our forgiveness of others, because we have been forgiven MUCH, sets US free from bitterness. Bitterness is painful and horrid and like a weed that strangles us. Before you read the Word, try saying a simple prayer: Father of light, I believe your word is true and is powerful enough to change my heart and this situation. Please be at work in and through me In the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit! Amen!!
Oh Cara, how my heart hurts with yours. I am so sorry for your loss, praying Gods peace over you and yours as the year since approaches. Praying Our loving compassionate Father God wrap His loving arms around you and yours and that you feel His tangible presence around you.
God be with you Cara. Sending love wrapped in prayers..
I can’t read 1 Corinthians 13. I am not there yet. My mother in law and I had a major blow out. She has depression, I have ADHD and anxiety. We are a fun combination. My spirit is broken so is my husband’s. My heart aches feeling that nothing will ever change. Maybe later but not today for the love chapter.
Praying for you Meri!
Praying for you and your husband and mother-in-law, Meri.
I can never express how closely I can relate to this devotion. I will try to use 1 Corinthians 13 to try and not only forgive but to forget. I also understand at age 64 that familiarity of scripture makes it difficult to “see” new eyes.
Amen. But this day’s devotional is encouragement to go word by word until the familiar becomes strange and wonderful again.
Oh Cara I’m so so sorry. What a tragedy! My prayers are with you and your family, that you would have the peace that passes all understanding, for surely the unimaginable has happened to you. Tears fall. Father God, put out your love on these your children. Comfort them. Remind them that heaven is real and their daughter is with You and that will be with her again. Oh how I praise You for the salvation You provide.
I know God is good and we know exactly where our daughter is today. She had a really strong faith and for that we are thankful.
Oh, Cara! I am so deeply sorry for such a terrible loss! Please know you are being lifted up in prayer as you face the mark of a year gone. I’m thankful to see you finding refuge in His Word!
Thank you Angela. As hard as it is, it’s also so wonderful to know that other women of faith who I’ve never even met are praying for me.
God Bless you
Thank you Claire!
Oh Cara, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in prayers as you approach his day. May our wonderful and gracious God provide comfort to you as He holds your daughter in his ever-perfect and loving arms.
Praying for you, Cara P.
Thank you AnneLyn!
Vs 136 really jumped off the page to me. It reads: My eyes pour out streams of tears because people do not follow your instructions. We are coming up later this month on the one year anniversary of my 28-year old daughters murder. She stuck up for a girl who got into an argument with her boyfriend and then the boyfriend followed by daughter upstairs to the same floor the girlfriend lived on and after my daughter went into her apartment, the boyfriend shot through the door and hit her right on the forehead and killed her instantly.
All of you Sisters are so insightful. I am grateful for all of you showing how the words of Scripture bring personal meaning to you. It helps me see how to make it personal for myself.
All of you Sisters are so insightful. I am grateful for all of you bringing the words of Scripture into personal meaning
This message touched me uniquely today, as I have been guilty of familiarity with scripture. I am
Inspired to reconnect with someone who I’ve loved, that needs this type of encouragement. Thank you❤️❤️
1 Corinthians 13 is speaking to me anew this morning. I am familiar with it, having read it many other times, including at a friend’s wedding, and just last night in my daughter’s story Bible. It occurs to me that many times I am the opposite of what love is. Impatient, unkind, envious, boastful, arrogant, rude, self-seeking, irritable, keeper of wrongs. But God. Jesus came to show me what true love looks like by being the physical embodiment of love. His ultimate sacrifice provided me with the unmerited grace to cover my sinful and unloving ways. May I show even a fraction of that love today.
How do we keep His precepts and statutes? By determining to study His Holy word…to meditate on His word day and night…to hide the word in our heart…❤️
This reading reminds me that the WORD is GOD (LOVE) and that to share it and give HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT to others we must first treasure the WORD and carry it in our hearts. The Romans verse in The Message translation stood out to me today. Blessings, hugs , and thanks to all!
I like to read the NLT, the words flow from the page and seem to stick in my brain a little better. This morning as I read, Ps. 119:122 jumped out at me. In this verse the psalmist pleads with God, “Please guarantee a blessing for me…” I was immediately reminded of Ephesians 1:14, “The Spirit is God’s GUARANTEE that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.” I love that in answer to our plea for assurance God’s reply is His very presence within us. Even more than we ask or imagine, what love He has for us!!!
Churchmouse, THANK YOU. I was in tears reading your comments. You always seem to know my heart and you help me express my feelings through your writing. Your words EVERY morning…thank you, sister, in Christ.
Amazing to hear this in a time where I need it the most! ♥️
Taylor- the verse that stood out to me today was the very last one in Ps119:144
” Your decrees are righteous forever.
Give me understanding, and I will live.”
I still need to work out why this verse means so much to me, but it just seems to leap off the page.
Gods perfect timing never fails. & I really appreciate the article written on this verse. I have been hurt by a few friends and I just can’t seem to heal. It still hurts when I see them or hear about them b/c I miss them but I am still hurt by them. I went to bed in tears last night over this and this morning I woke up to this passage and a heavy heart that needs soften to love others like God calls us to love. This means to lay aside the hurt and to love others no matter what and pray that one day God will heal this pain while trying to love them well.
WOW, God’s word is always on time. A situation was brought to my attention yesterday. It was just a gentle reminder but it came from somebody in authority the very person I have set some boundaries. Onion layers!! I need to peel more onion layers off. A reminder to me to forgive. I love Bailey’s idea about reading 1 Corinthians 13 every day! I love how we read some thing we need to hear that very moment. And I needed this this morning.
The Corinthians passage was both convicting and comforting today. Just last night, I failed to love my in-laws well. I was not patient or kind. I was rude and easily angered, and I felt justified in that because I was standing on a mountain of past wrongs that I’ve clung to in my heart. I apologized, but have been wrestling with my sin, and the consequences of it, all night. And then…God reminded my heart that although I fail to love perfectly (and will continue to do so) He NEVER does! His love for me is always patient and kind; He is not easily angered, and He doesn’t keep track of my wrongs, even when I am tempted to keep track of them myself. Thank you, Father, for the abounding love you offer so freely that truly covers a multitude of sins. Help me to root myself in that love today.
Amen Blessed Beth. His word is living and I am so amazed how it speaks to me, comforts me, yea restores my soul because it leads me toward Jesus, forgiveness, grace, repentance and obedience. “Let me be clear: Scripture can’t lose its power or potency. But I can diminish its work in my life through my own apathy. I can choose not to slow down and really open myself to the text or the Holy Spirit who speaks through it.” This strikes home, my own apathy and not being open to the word as I am reading. My condition makes me lose that which God is bestowing in His word. Thankful for His pursuing love and all His word reveals. Hug Sisters He opens our eyes and hearts as we search and study and seek Him we find such treasure.
Asha, I think you could be referring to James 1:22. GNT reads “Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice.” AMP reads ”
But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]. “
*Churchmouse. Argh autocorrect
Courthouse, I so appreciate your honesty. You gave you mother in law and your husband’s family a wonderful gift in your writing.
Good morning SRT sisters. I am new to this and found today’s readings exactly what I am needing to hear in these challenging times. My spirits are lifted today from these readings as well as my heart mending from the sudden death of a friend just yesterday. I am glad to have found SRT to incorporate into my daily devotional practice.
This reminds me of a verse I read the other day, but now I can’t find it! The gist of the passage was that the word was important, but so was living it out. This is really bugging me! Does this ring a bell with anyone else?
My mother in law passed away Monday. She was 97 so it was not unexpected. We had a difficult relationship for many years so I was surprised when my brother in law asked me to compose her obituary. He knew of, and sympathized with, the strain between us. It’s not always easy for a mother to release her eldest son to his wife. My husband wanted personal thoughts, not factual bullet points about her life so I requested her sons and grandchildren to send memories. A common theme emerged and so I wrote. I initially viewed the writing of the obituary as a necessary chore that someone had to do, and even a kind of penance personally for me, given the type of relationship we had. But with the recounting of memories a softening and opening of my heart occurred. I prayed I would honor her in what I wrote, a parting gift. And I prayed my husband would be pleased. God answered my prayer. My husband cried when he read it. I tell you all this because that is how reading the Bible sometimes is for me. I don’t always approach it with the best of attitudes. Sometimes it is a duty, an obligation, a chore good Christians do. Sometimes I’m not real happy with my circumstances or unanswered prayers and I’m annoyed with God. But when I press in to the discipline of reading the Word, when I utter even a halfhearted prayer for enlightenment by the Holy Spirit, a change of heart and attitude occurs. My hearts softens and opens to receive. And God I’m sure is pleased. I pray we all determine to open the Book especially on the days we don’t really want to. A gift is waiting. We might say it’s an unexpected gift. But it is a very deliberate one from our Father. Every. Time.
Oh my goodness Churchmouse!! First I am sorry for your loss to you and your husband and what an honor that was given to you. I know and I can hear it in your words you did it out of love for God. Between you, Bailey, and Tina. I am reading just what I needed to read. Gods word is always on time. And sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t feel this way, I am the Christian! As I get older I realize I’ve got to keep peeling those onion layers. And I got to keep forgiving.
Good Morning Sisters! It is always such a blessing to start my day with you all. :-)
There were many parts of our verses today that I’ve highlighted: 129 on…lol but all of it truly is so meaningful! I can’t help but think of our world, specifically our country…” My eyes pour out streams of tears because people do not follow your instruction.” And adding Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Ladies, I am convinced Bailey is so, so right:
“ When our hearts have a chance to catch up with our minds, we begin to embody truth and become not a clanging cymbal but a transformed child of GOD.”
Lord, I pray that I will continue meditating on your Word throughout the day and my thoughts, words, and deeds will reflect the true love I have for you! Amen
Happy Wednesday Sisters!
Tina, I relate to what you’re saying-after years of believing, time was cooling my passion for God’s word & work. Being quarantined & committing to daily study with you sisters & a couple other plans has renewed my joy in the Lord. I am so thankful! No matter the years & familiarity, I have much to learn & apply from God’s word! Blessings all!
RuthR – I feel the same! Thank you SRT for this study. It’s been just what my heart needed right now! And thank you all dear sisters In the Lord, your words encourage my heart as well and I love studying God’s Word with you.
I keep finding myself wanting to read that the relationship worked out in the end because of your commitment and faithfulness – all glory to God. Yet, I don’t read that anywhere…and still- all glory to God! He is still working for the good even when we don’t see the results we think are best. He is trustworthy and good. All glory to God!
I am thankful to be back immersing myself in the Word of God every day after taking a week-and-a-half long hiatus. Psalm 119:133-134 also jumped out at me today, similar to Helen Mills, but maybe for different reasons. I have been struggling to overcome some old sin issues in my life and I am trying to put my trust in God to help me overcome them. “Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts.” I will be meditating on this verse today. What verses jumped out at you ladies today?
Taking time in my mornings to sit in the Word and to pray and ask God to apply is to
my life is so crucial to me seeing change in my life. Not simply doing, but receiving at the forefront.
I often can become focused on “doing, a bit more than “hearing” or “receiving”
When I was a young mom in BSF and we would share answers, mine were very simple-basic, while the other ladies were so deep and knowledgable about the Word of God. As time has passed one of the things God has shown me, over and over again, is that He not only meets us right where we are, but loves and values us right where we are. That kind of Love cannot help but draw us closer. His Word works in our hearts and minds as He helps us understand, as He helps us apply it. The Word is everlasting, it is true. As the Holy Spirit guides our understanding, for the time we are in right now, there is Light and our burdens are lightened. As His face shines upon us, my eyes pour out tears for those who do not know such a great love, and because I was such a person before He saved me. Man, I love His Word…man, I love my God.
Thank you Bailey for sharing about the 1 Corinthians daily reading “for someone.” Reading it for someone specifically sheds a different light on it. There is someone in my life whom I don’t think I could love more but, as you shared from your situation, for reasons beyond my control, I am not able to speak or see them. I do pray, and pray, and pray. However, today, thanks to your sharing I will be praying that my love for them will look like 1 Cor. 13:4-8 and that while that love may only be known “in part” presently, a mere/mirror reflection, that someday it will be face to face and known fully. I pray that whether here or in heaven, the cord that binds our love will be 3 strands, God, them, and us – united. Certainly these 3 remain, and I have faith, I have hope, and I will love.
Lastly, through this last 3-4 month season, God gave me Psalm 91. (I have a terrible time memorizing at my age but, I’ve got this!) Like Bailey with 1 Corinthians, I read/pray it daily and it has become a part of me. God gave me exactly what I needed-as He always, always does, and I am so thankful.
Blessings in your days ladies – hey we sort of see each other “in part” right now SRT sisters but someday, face-to-face we will worship before our King together! Can’t wait!
This morning I’m feeling like this is the study that’s helping me fall in love with God’s word all over again. I loved coming across our memory verse; You are my shelter and my shield. I put my Hope in your word. Psalms 119:114. So grateful for this ministry that helps keep me anchored to His Word.
You know there are times when you read a devotion/scripture and you feel your heart melting like good, rich, butter. Well that is how I felt this morning, thinking about how many times I read Him word and suddenly a single word jumps out at me that I don’t remember and it changes the entire meaning for me. I love those times when He speaks to me and reminds me that His word is fresh and new every morning.
When I started walking with the Lord, proper, I was like a sponge, I absorbed, and took every word to heart.., I could tell you where to find a verse with just a few words as clue..
I think, recently though, I have become a tad lukewarm in that area these days, the enthusiasm of the early days seems to have cooled down to a trickle, Please don’t hear me wrongly, I love Gods Word, but, I guess like old slippers it has become comfortable, not a bad thing, but… as Bailey says, and I am convicted of this, is that we need to be in the Word, and growing in it, we can never outgrow the Word of God, and choose to know and keep it where we can access it, without working at finding it though we may know it..
Gods Word needs to be in our heart, but also on our lips..ready for action, whether in our hearts, to help others, to encourage, to obey.. It is only when we have the full picture of Gods Word, can we be obedient in the way God asks us to be..
Psalm 119: Your word I keep in my heart that I might not sin against you.. for example, can not just stay in the heart, it needs to be acted on in the right way so as not to sin, yes, but like a letter from home, it is not kept in a box unopened, we open it, savour the words, take them to heart, read them over and over.. we memorize them..
Gods Word needs to be read like a letter from home..
Happy Wednesday lovely sisters.. every blessing being prayed over you, whatever your day looks like.. hugs and love from across the pond..❤
I receive your blessings Tina! Thank you and sending them your way!
Thank you for your words Tina. Blessings to you.
Amen! The words that leapt off the page at me were v133 – make my steps steady through your promise. God promises change me if I let them! I could rely on my own natural abilities but when He steadies my feet nothing can shake me