Text: Psalm 139:1-24
In this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.
Psalm 139
The All-Knowing, Ever-Present God
For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.
Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I stand up;
You understand my thoughts from far away.
You observe my travels and my rest;
You are aware of all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue,
You know all about it, Lord.
You have encircled me;
You have placed Your hand on me.
This extraordinary knowledge is beyond me.
It is lofty; I am unable to reach it.
Where can I go to escape Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to heaven, You are there;
if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there.
If I live at the eastern horizon
or settle at the western limits,
even there Your hand will lead me;
Your right hand will hold on to me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me,
and the light around me will be night”—
even the darkness is not dark to You.
The night shines like the day;
darkness and light are alike to You.
For it was You who created my inward parts;
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You
because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful,
and I know this very well.
My bones were not hidden from You
when I was made in secret,
when I was formed in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw me when I was formless;
all my days were written in Your book and planned
before a single one of them began.
God, how difficult Your thoughts are
for me to comprehend;
how vast their sum is!
If I counted them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand;
when I wake up, I am still with You.
God, if only You would kill the wicked—
you bloodthirsty men, stay away from me—
who invoke You deceitfully.
Your enemies swear by You falsely.
Lord, don’t I hate those who hate You,
and detest those who rebel against You?
I hate them with extreme hatred;
I consider them my enemies.
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my concerns.
See if there is any offensive way in me;
lead me in the everlasting way.
Dig Deeper:
What a privilege to know the God who knows us! Use the questions below to meditate on Psalm 139, giving thanks for the Almighty God who knows His children through and through.
1. How does God know us? (verses 1-6)
2. How does God go with us? (verses 7-12)
3. How does God create us? (verses 13-16)
4. Does God’s knowledge of us require any action on our part? (verses 17-24)
5. What does this teach me about the character of God?
6. Notice how verse 23 parallels verse 1. Why does David ask God to do what he knows God has already done?
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158 thoughts on "You Hem Me In"
God is very invested in knowing us and cares for us. I am unable to comprehend the knowledge of God.
What does everyone feel out the parallel between Psalm 139:1 and vs. 23? Curious on other’s insights.
Thank you AZ – your story of victory is so encouraging to me!!!! I don’t know anyone who can relate to how I’m feeling so it is so comforting to know you have walked through it and are able to rejoice on the other side! Working on my faith to rejoice even now.
Thank you all for lifting us up, especially the safety of my sweet boy and my mama heart, during an uncertain time ❤️
It is 1:02am and I am finished. There is one thing I wanted to get completed that I didn’t have time for, but when I add up my grade/weights of each thing, I think it will still be fine having not turned it in.
Thank you all for your prayers. I had such focus last night and tonight when usually I would have gotten too tired to process and function.
Looking forward to Psalms of Rest next week as they could NOT be coming at a better time for me!! lol! :) :) :)
HAPPY WEEKEND SHE’S!!!!!! Seriously praying God’s blessings of rest, recovery, and restoration over these next days!!! ❤️
HEIDI – if you have finished the semester, Praise the Lord for guiding & strengthening you!
If you are in the final stretch of completing the writings & exam, I am praying these next “just under 3 hours” will be your most energized & productive yet. Love you, sister ❤️
AZ WALKER – You are most welcome. Good to see you!
MERCY – I have missed you; glad to see you back!
LEHUA K – I am late seeing your reply to my post on the Exodus commentary a couple of days ago. Glad it blessed you!
Happy Friday dear she’s, I am a few days behind. Oh boy.. I am catching up with reading and praying over your comments and rejoicing over the heartfelt insights and loving words we are extending to one another. I hop on here to wish you all a lovely weekend, and I have a lot of reading to catch up. God bless you all. Hugs and Love. Be blessed dear sisters.
Katie L, I am praying for your situation and pray for wisdom and wise council along with others here. I prayed for this during a custody battle over my daughter many years ago. In court it turned out our lawyers and the judge were friends, they put my ex and I in separate rooms and listened to me and tricked my ex and his nonsense was revealed. It was a semi Esther moment! My ex didn’t end up in the gallows but I got everything I wanted. I remember the journaling and pacing and worrying but all things are possible with God. For those who like podcasts, I listened to Lisa Whittle interviewing Adrienne Camp (Jeremy’s wife) and she wrote a Bible study about the psalms and has the sweetest Australian accent. Praying for you all: Heidi’s endeavors are so exciting, Sarah D’s interview, Pan C’s mom, Searching’s neighbors, Michelle Pattire and all those needing peace and rest and our unsaved loved ones. Thank you Cee Gee for sharing on Psalm 139 ❤️
God knows us completely. We are His marvelous creation! Michelle Patire I have been reading along with this smaller group. Rhonda praying for your appointment with the pain specialist on Monday. Sarah D praying for your interview Monday. Heidi praying for you to finish well with all that’s on your plate. Prayers for the unspoken requests as well❤️
HEIDI – You are most welcome! God has got you in this; what a testimony this has been from your reservations about starting this term to where you are now (or will be in about 12 hours!). Hugs!!!
I apologize, girls, that this is long, but it is what I wanted to share earlier and could not copy and paste on my Kindle. It’s way better than any thoughts I could post and is found under the “Explain Verse” section of the Scripture read. This is so fitting since I chose Omniscience as a praise exercise for this week and have reviewed these verses for that. I did not have a clue we were reading that today!
It’s Personal
In Psalm 139, David takes the theology of “omniscience” off the top shelf and brings it down to a personal level. To David, God’s omniscience is not theological or philosophical—it’s relational and personal. Notice the personal pronouns here: “Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thought afar off” (Psa 139:1–2). David doesn’t say, “Lord, you know all things and you’ve searched all things”; instead, he says, “You know me, you’ve searched me” (emphasis mine).
What David does in this psalm is what we must do with all difficult truths we try to comprehend, like “what is the meaning of life?” or “who is God?” We must not be content to leave these questions on a page of a book or discuss them with our friends over coffee. We have to follow David’s lead and find a way to bring them to a personal level.
For example, “You understand my thoughts” (Psa 139:2) could be expressed, “God, you know what I think before I even think it.” What that means to us is this: God knows what we really believe about Him, not just what we say about Him. He knows where we stand, and He knows what our real opinions are.
We Can Never Be Know-It-Alls
When David says “Search me, O God, and know my heart” (Psa 139:23), it’s a prayer. He’s inviting God to know more (even though that’s not possible). He’s saying, “God, I can’t wrap my mind around this. I’ll blow a fuse trying to figure this out, so I just surrender to it. Search me, know me, lead me, direct me.”
And that’s where we ought to leave off in dealing with God’s omniscience and all His divine attributes. I like to put it this way: since God’s ability transcends my reality, it’s best for me to bow at His immensity. God is always greater than our present knowledge of Him. If God were small enough for our brains, He wouldn’t be big enough for our needs.
God indeed “knows it all.” By His very nature, without having to learn anything, He already knows everything—past, present, and future. Faced with that, what else can we do but bow to Him in worship and adoration?
Skip Heitzig
John D. Barry et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016).
Today is it! My last day to get alllll the things done… I have until 12:59am eastern time (the school operates on central time which gives me an extra hour.. lol!) I was up til 4am, got things done; this morning I have gotten a couple quick things done/turned in, now I have 1 more final and a bunch of writing stuff to do. Thank you all.. thank you thank you… I NEED your encouragement and covet your prayers …. you have been there. What a picture of the body of Christ you all are… literally. You’re making a difference in the life of someone you’ve never met… ❤️
CEE-GEE & SEARCHING- ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
RHONDA J- I have requested you a couple of times but you don’t accept me… lol :) :) I’m TIUgrlHeidi .. it started as my fitness account and has merged… ANYWAY- yet another book recommendation that is insane amazing and easy to read and comprehend esp. for someone who doesn’t have a lot of “god talk” in their life… Tim Keller: The Reason For God. IT is so spot. on. accurate. It gives arguments/reasons for the purpose, existence, and reason for needing God in an intellectual way that is not over people’s heads. I really think it could be impactful either for YOU to read and be able to speak from, or your nephew to read and get hopeful clarity from… It’s so good.
Michelle I forgot to add that my former pastor (miss him dearly) posts the recordings of his sermons to Spotify under “Chapel in the Pines Podcast” and his sermons are probably longer than most (35-40mins) if you’re looking for something!
@RHONDA J Prayers that the timing of the Holy Spirit’s words spoken thru you were just at the right time to find an opening in a hardened heart.
Thank you God, that your right hand holds me fast! Lifting up your prayer requests and winged hugs your way today, you all hold a special place in my life.❤️
Oh Rhonda thank you for sharing! That is the worst feeling! Maybe this conversation was divine timing for him ❤️ I’ll be praying he hears and remembers the parts of your conversation that God will use for His glory. You are doing your part to share the Good News and I firmly believe the Lord will use that!
Michelle – thank you for the song recommendation! Always looking for more Christian/Indie artists and that song fits our reading today so well! Hope you got some sleep last night ❤️
*MARANATHA SINGERS! Spellchecker error!
RHONDA J – I meant to mention Lee Strobel’s book, A Case for Christ. He is a former atheist and has written several books since becoming a Christian. Praying with you for God’s Hand and timing for Collin’s heart and for the friends and family of that young man.
What a blessing these 2 weeks in “gratitude” with you precious sisters has been. RHONDA J – I, too, feel the smaller group has grown intimacy here. I love how you are all sharing your IG handles. I hate that I am missing out, but don’t want to start with more social media. I do have FB so I will look for you, RHONDA J. I am not on there much either unless doing a Bible study in group.
HEIDI – continued prayers through your big finish! Agreeing with SEARCHING’s prayer in today’s comment (almost word for word what I have been praying).
MICHELLE PATIRE – that is so sweet of you! I am going to check out that song if I can find it. My son and grandson know the good sites besides YouTube.
KELLY NEO – The Marana the Singers – way back in the 80’s had a song ” You are My Hiding Place.” So beautiful.
I will have to finish on the laptop since I can’t copy everything on here. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and will be back here for the REST. Thanks again, HEIDI, for setting this up!
@Searching praying for your neighbors and their health.
On both! Kimberly Ziehl. What a special place we have here to all come together and share our lives and devotion to Jesus. Such a cool things @SARAH D. Praying your interview goes well! You’ve got this!
Happy Friday ladies! I meant to respond yesterday when I had a minute and completely spaced it! Thank you all so much for your encouragement about my dad’s anniversary! What a crazy time in our lives but a year later it shows us how good God is. @RHONDA J. Yes I am
This psalm — crying emojis times four!!!– It wrecks me. I have clung to this psalm in my lowest of lows. “Even if I make my bed in hell, behold You are there.” There is a song I love called “Where Shall I Run?” by an indie/alt Christian artist named Ethan Nathaniel. He talked about how he went to France for a time and wasn’t really seeking God, but he kept feeling the Lord near to Him, despite his apathy towards Him. That’s why he wrote it. So beautiful. Maybe one day, the Lord will inspire my own Psalm 139 song.
“You have laid Your hand upon me.” (V.5)
“Your right hand will hold on to me.” (V.10)
I so appreciate the prayers. Thank you all of you. @Kelly Neo (yes I pray this Scripture over myself all the time in need!!!),
@Sue Dalos :) appreciate you,
@Lehua thank you. Love you and always praying for you my friend. Glad to know you <3,
@Sharon thank you :),
@Rhonda J- appreciated!,
@Searching thank you :),
@Katie L– yes, this is good.. Lehua suggested to me the Abide app- their messages seem to be short in length though.. Also they still play that show you mentioned on a radio station near me! It's quite good when I catch it.
I love to write all your names out. Also thinking of @Heidi, Cee Gee, Theresa, Mercy, Sarah D, Kimberly Z, Pam C, Donna Wolcott, Martha Hix, … Oh pls shout me out if I missed you. Want to know who is here and who to be praying for! God bless all you Shes. I'm so thankful for His "hesed" love that endures forever. May we trust Him as He hears our needs before we even speak.
My IG handle is mishell.rose @Heidi- some other ladies who are here are on my friends list! :)
Heidi, what is your IG? I can’t find you although I thought I was following you before!
I am FMB_dreamer on IG! If anyone is on fB that we are not friends yet I am Rhonda Johnson with a profile pic with me and my husband (he has a hat on) and paddleboards behind us.
@Sharon-prayers for your Son’s gf.
Sinners sin because they are Sinners, not the other way around. They don’t become sinners because they sin, they sin BECAUSE they ARE sinners. For they know not what they do. We must pray for them, and change our hearts toward them. We are born apart from God, in sin, But God- He knows us, every hair on our head, and wants us to be his child. Thank God we have access through Jesus Christ.
I am reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It is really worth the read with lots of insight. I wanted to share something heavy on my heart that transpired yesterday. I was videoing with my dear niece, she is the one you we prayed for a couple years ago, being pregnant and single mom. She is fun to talk to and I get to see my baby girl, great niece! Anyway, my nephew (26), atheist, came by so I talked to him a bit, telling him I thought of him as I was reading Mere Christianity, and his brother that is an atheist as well. And he stated again how he believes when you die, that’s it, you are dead, so I went on about how as a believer in Jesus, you better get right with Jesus BEFORE you die and that it could come anytime, that you better not wait…and please for him to accept him if he finds himself on his deathbed suddenly…..
So I was saying all this in one big swoop and then he left and his sister let me know that he had a dear friend, basically his one and only best friend that passed the day before, from a sudden heart attack at 27. So I felt bad come on so strong with his grief so raw, but I hope that God anointed that conversation at just the right time that he needed it! Will you pray for Collin to receive it!? He said he couldn’t ever see him being a believer, and I said I could and I have been praying for it every day since we had had the discussion so many times before. I pray this sudden loss of a friend his age will shake him enough to question it all. Unfortunately he had a time in the mormon faith when he was little, his mom, my sister, still is in the mormon faith and my niece, so that’s a whole nother prayer, so I am glad he questioned it all and is not a believer in that. It is all so complicated for a sinner in a way to know truth. Lord, you made each of us, you know my nephew, my sister, my niece, the other two nonbelievers….Lord give them light. Lead them to you, Holy Spirit fall on them. I want my loved ones to be IN you, and therefore IN the FATHER God. I know you all too have loved ones your heart hurts for. Prayers for our loved ones…especially when they hurt and don’t know our savior, that provides us peace that surpaces all understanding. Thanks for reading and the rambling! But being such a small group I thought I could share!
How much peace it gives me to know that God knows me at such an intimate level. I’m still working to embrace the understanding that He sees me fully- flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings- yet He chooses to love me anyway.
KATIE L – praising God for a little extra time before court. Praying for safety for your son and wisdom for the judge.
SARAH D – praying that God would grant you favor in Monday’s interview.
Almighty God, I am awed and humbled that you know me – from before my beginning! – and am thankful for your love, mercy, grace and protection.
Would you all join me in prayer for some neighbors of mine? Over the years they have always kept very much to themselves and attempts at conversation haven’t been successful – but noticing changes in their routines lead us to think they may possibly be dealing with a serious illness (such as a lot of extra cars when there have never been any extras in 10+ years, their cars (normally not there during the day) sitting there for days on end). So we are praying for whatever they are facing, and that if there’s an opportunity to do something for them that we will recognize it.
LEHUA K – praying for your health, business and wisdom in priorities
SARAH D – praying for Monday’s interview
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for your future DIL, for salvation for her and your son, and for wisdom with her medical team. The Lord knows her and your son- may they seek and know Him for all that He is, including being the Great Physician.
KATIE L – dancing! ❤️ Will continue to pray for all of you. So true what you said about sitting with someone in their pain, as that can say so much more than words.
MICHELLE PATIRE – thank you for sharing your powerful prayer over Katie’s son. Praying for peaceful nights of quality rest ❤️
HEIDI – Girl, I see progress! Praying you ace your 3rd final today, and praying for grace on the papers. Lord, you see Heidi’s dedication, determination and most of all her love for You and we are praying that You guide her today in priorities for her family and her studying. May her husband and parents know how much they are appreciated and we thank you for their support of her. Love you, sister ❤️
The Lord knows me inside and out!
His Spirit is within, giving me His continuous presence.
He created me with a specific pattern and purpose.
Help me to follow Your lead.
Thank You for Your faithfulness to me and that You are continuing to work in me.
RHONDA J praying your appt on Monday gives you some options for relief from your pain
HEIDI – praying the Lord continues to bless you with clarity of thought as you wrap up the school year
SARAH D – may God give you peace this weekend and that you find favor in yoir interview on Monday
MICHELLE PATIRE – Psalm 32:7 join God in His song
I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made for i am made in the IMAGE of my CREATOR.. My HEAVENLY FATHER ❤️
He leads me in the way everlasting. How reassuring! I don’t have to find it or figure it out- He leads me❤️
Got knows me inside and out. He is always with me. He knows my days ahead before I do.
Love authentically because he loves us authentically❤️
GOd knows me abs sees his wonderful creations
Being throughly known and loved anyways, falling into darkness and given a light anyways, having company in the mundane. That’s the most comforting thing I’ve ever heard ❤️
God is so good
It’s good to be known!
Thank you Lord for the unique way you have knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for always having a guiding hand wherever I may go. Please search me and know my thoughts, Lord.
I needed this reminder today— that God knows my thoughts, desires, and actions better than I ever could. I am in a time of uncertainty and to know that God holds me through it all is so comforting!
I praise you God, that there’s nowhere I can go that you cannot reach me: whether that’s the heights of joy or depths of sadness.
Definitely needed this today. Especially with everything going on in this world❤️
14I will praise you
because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.
Your works are wondrous,
and I know this very well.
Lord help me remember you’re always there, that you have a plan for me and you’ll never leave me to suffer alone. Thank you❤️
There is nowhere I can go that you are not there with me. You know everything about me. You know why I do the things I do. You know me better than I know myself. You saw me and formed days for me before I was even conceived. You know me completely and yet you still love me and keep me. How overwhelming and wonderful you are, O Lord!
Lord, thank you that you always know where I am even when I feel lost. I need your grace more now than ever. Your complete knowledge of me with your complete love is so precious to me.
Lord thank You! Thanks you for showing me where I need to come up. I want my character to mirror you. Help me love not because of what someone does but because I am like you. There’s nothing I can do or anywhere I can go that you wouldn’t rescue me. Help me love like you .
The best ❤️
Lord, thank you that there is no where I can run to that you cannot find. That you know me so intricately and you knit me together. You chose me! Help me to remember that in moments I may otherwise forget. Love you, Papa.
God wants us to have a personal/intimate relationship with him. ❤️
Last question: prayer is about relationship!
Lord thank you for being a God of never ending love. You know every hair in my head, every action before it is done, Lord, show me how I can be more like you!
You’ve seen me at my most vulnerable, when I’m desperate to run away from the light, and yet you wait patiently for me to return to you. I have never been and will never be so intimately known by another being in this universe. You hem me in, behind and before, keeping me safe and offering me a refuge from the darkness which has no effect on you. Thank you, God.
Search me, cleanse me, lead me, Lord
All my days were written in your book before each one began!
my favorite psalm
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You know every action and every word before it’s made. You love me through it all. Thank you, God.
12even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
Number 6 has me thinking.. what are your thoughts on why David asked God to do something he knows God already did?
Thankful to serve such a personal and intentional God ❤️
It is a wonderful feeling to be chosen by God. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is with us always.
Lord, you know and understand me better than I know myself. You planned every single day of my life when I was in the womb, please have your hand over my life. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you Jesus, my Saviour ❤️
God you know me better than I know my self. Help me understand. Teach me and grow me to be more like you, the ultimate teacher. Guide my path lord god.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! What an amazing feeling to know I was chosen by Him!
How special to be holding my son after praying this over him! Thank you Lord!
God is so good. He knows me and chooses me…He doesn’t forsaken me or leave me. His love for me is the truth I must believe when my anxieties are great. Thank you, Lord
Thank you for making me yours!
Lord, thank you for loving us unconditionally. For never leaving us, never forsaking us. For being whole-heartedly concerned with our well-being. For remaining madly in love with us, despite our flawed human nature. What a privilege it is to know the God who knows us!
I love that…madly in love with us! ❤️
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
You search me and you know me!
There is no where to hide from God and that gives me comfort and strength!
So needed this today, God is our Redeemer he knows us so completely, nothing surprises him, we cast our fears and anxiety on you oh Lord, thank you for this Time we could have with you. Bless those who read this before me, and those after that they find comfort and clarity in these voices.
Meant in these verses. :D
Psalm 139…God’s got it under control, knows all of the details of EVERYTHING, and doesn’t need my help. So good, but why can’t we just get this and hold on for dear life?! So thankful for God’s power, love, and grace!
You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.
Learning to fear and revere God more for he is worthy of all my praise! His thoughts are too difficult for me to ever comprehend.
Even when my body fails me you are there to guide me and hold me. You created me and know my every thought.. thank you Lord for your everlasting love even when I don’t deserve it… you are still with me in the darkness.
How wonderful it is to have a God who knows all about us, the good, the bad, and the ugly, but continues to stay with us and never leaves our side. His steadfast love is never ending. I am eternally grateful for you my God!
WOW! Thank You LORD for this reminder today – I am overwhelmed by Your unfailing and unconditional love for me ❤️
I took a look into that word “fearfully” here in the Hebrew and it means “morally to revere”. It hit me in a new way that we need to deeply respect and admire how He made us! We were created by the God of the universe. That is definitely something to be revered.
Thank you for your love Lord!
I love this so much. I am God’s child and he knows everything about me. He himself knit me together and molded me into his beautiful creation. I am his. I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I don’t know the answer to number 6. What are your thoughts?
Hey Rachel! In my opinion, the first verse describes who God is and what He has done. In the last verse David acknowledges this and invites Him into His life. He takes who God is and makes Him his own Savior. Hope that helps you with your response!
As I look at those verses I like to think that since David was already “a man after God’s own heart” he was putting emphasis on the fact that he wanted God to really know him and search his heart. David was telling us many wonderful things about God in these verses and the last 2 verses add emphasis to the message of the Psalm. Hope this makes sense to you. :)
Hey Rachel, I had the same question. That’s why I came to the comments. I was seeing it as a response to who God is. We see from the text that the only thing we can really do to know ourselves through our Creator’s eyes is to be an open book to him. This doesn’t hangs how he knows us but it changes how we know him and how we know ourselves. Everything in our journey with Christ is to respond to his doing and his goodness. Even being saved is a response to what he has already done. Now, we respond to him daily and yield to him. Because now for the rest of our lives on earth we learn about this new way of living! Ultimately we are to enjoy God enjoying us.
Even though God knew David thoroughly, David wanted him to expose any wicked way in him so he could confess and forsake it. David wanted to please God and sometimes we need God’s help to see things that need dealing with in our own heart.
I wish I saw my body as precious and fearfully made as my kids. It is so easy to see the beauty and amazing gift of creating new things God has when he forms our babies, but it is harder for me to see the beauty that God made when he made me. I love that the psalm says for God to know us even though we know he already does. Now that we are grown and matured we want God to know our hearts and our desires, not just our bones or when we get up and lay down. We need to be searched, cross examined, and found worthy.
I’m struggling a lot in understanding the last question. I wrote it out on paper and wrote out verse 1 and verse 23 side by side but I still can’t comprehend the reasoning behind why David would ask God to do what he knows God has already done. Can anyone explain it to me?
I think it is more an act of acknowledgment and submission. We know that God already knows us completely. Choosing to think on that and reign our thoughts and ways into line with His heart is the only way to truly reap His abundant blessings. We have been given the choice to fight what He does and is or embrace it and accept and receive His perfect plans for us.
It’s so wonderful knowing God knows everything about me, and he understands all my thoughts yet before I speak them is hand was upon my before I entered the earth, what a wonderful thing to know that every step I take sitting and rising God is there, Amen
Yes, I just read this and it has touched me too.. It’s a good reminder not to get caught up in life’s issues because He knows everything! We just need to go to Him in prayer and supplication without anxiousness :)
1. God knows us COMPLETELY
2. God goes with us UNCONDITIONALLY; regardless of where we are, or where we find ourselves, or if it’s terrible or wonderful place, God is present. There is no hiding from God.
3. God creates us intricately, fearfully, wonderfully. Though the creation of a new baby is in secret to all others, it is not secret for God. He also creates us purposefully, planning each of our days before one of them passes.
4. No, but if we want his knowledge to be cleansing for us, we must welcome it, invite his gaze to point out any grievous way in us and allow him to remove it. God’s relentless knowledge is not always pleasant but it is for our good. God, help me welcome your complete knowledge of me, and may I welcome you as you point out the grievous ways still in me.
This last verse assumes that when God points out our grievous ways, it’s time to repent of it. God, help me repent at the first sight of my sin.
5. That he does not force sanctification on me; I must welcome it. He doesn’t force himself upon us. But he must change my heart to desire his penetrating gaze. This tells me how loving God is. That he would go to such lengths to cleanse me from my sin.
6. The first verse is an acknowledgment that God already knows everything about him; the last verse is a welcoming of that all knowing God to point out and reveal David’s sin for the sake of repentance. The first is a statement of what is true about God; the second is a surrender to that God.
The God who sees me
He knows everything about me and yet He still loves me.
Search me today Lord.
Lead in the way everlasting!
I am here. He and I are one. He will not settle for less. He searches and clears out the unnecessary. He made me and planned my days!!
Lord, you know my inner most thoughts, and all my secrets. You crafted the beauty of this world for me- from the tallest mountains, to the darkest depths of the sea- and I still don’t give you the glory you deserve. Every day, I sin against you, and against your word. Instead of using every breath I have to praise your name, I spend my time focussing on petty things and material wealth. I don’t deserve your love and forgiveness, yet you pour it out to me without hesitation. Please help me to be the woman that you have created me to be, and shine your light everywhere. I want my life to be a love letter to you. I want to show people what it means to be your daughter, and inspire them to lead a life in Christ. I know that through this I’ll tumble and fall, but I pray that you will be there for me, like you always have, to pick me up again.
Help me surrender to you, so that you can root your spirit to mine.
Awesome prayer❤️These words spoke to my heart.
Dear Lord, my one desire is to be more like you. I don’t care if my life on Earth gets turrets turned upside down as long as I am close to you everything will be okay and I know that. Please help me to be a better, stronger woman of God so that I can live for you. In everything I want to think what would Jesus do and turn to you when I’m struggling in hard, tempting situations. Just build me up in my faith and spirit Lord so that I’m the best follower of you that I can be. Amen❤️
Lord, you made me, specifically me, no accidents, in my mother’s womb. You designed me. You know all my thoughts and my heart, Lord, but I also want You to guide each and every one one of them and be in every one of them. Lord, help me to be a witness for you.
I am a high school English teacher and with testing coming up, I have been so anxious! God knows my concerns thank you lord.
Joann I am a teacher too and understand your anxiety! Be confidant in the knowledge that God has divinely set you in motion to teach those wonderful minds! I will be praying for your upcoming tests!
I am so anxious about my night shift tonight Lord and having to be charge nurse. Even though I feel as if I’m going to be alone in the dark, these verses comfort me—You are already there.
Kristen, I hope the night shift went well and God gave you peace. I’m a nurse too and when I worked nights, had a lot of anxiety, but focused on the fact that God is the Great Physician and asked Him to help and be there. God bless the work you do. You minister to patients in a huge way! ❤️may God be with you and give you comfort and peace and opportunities to be a light!
Know my anxious thoughts Lord. It is a constant struggle to not be anxious but to be confident in God and his plans for me! I love you God❤️
Today I feel far away. I feel like I’m just watching everyone around me and that’s all I am…an observer. Am I pushing everyone away? I’ve never really had close friends before. They have all either stabbed me in the back or I have left before anything deeper could happen. I have moved schools and cities more than I can remember!… Am I pushing my friends in college away because I don’t want to get hurt? But LORD, even when I pull away and isolate myself and get hurt from friends around me..YOU are there. YOU are with me. YOU are my Comforter and my Defender and my Guide and my….Friend. Thank you for that Lord and help me to be content with my relationship with only you and be filled and complete in you alone. Open my guarded heart to You Lord…and soften it with your Love.
Molly – I know how you feel. I have spent the past six years usually moving at least once a year if not more. I’ve had friends push me away, and now in a new place I haven’t really put effort into getting to know others.
But I have found God to be my Comfort in every circumstance. He is a Love and a Friend beyond any on this earth!! Dig deep into Him and love Him most and more!
That said, God also calls us to be an active part of Christian community in order to have people who can help us with accountability, encourage us, pray for us, and point us to closer relationship with Him. Ask God to bring people like this into your life and keep asking – wait patiently and look for ways to be active in community where you can. Remember that no matter what others have hurt you in the past or say about you that God knows you intimately, He knows your heart complete. Trust Him and forgive. He knows the pain of friends who have left Him, abandoned Him and denounced Him – even as He faced horrible physical pain and trial. All for you, out of love! Rest in that love and rejoice in Him! I am praying for you!
Molly… Do you live in Hawaii by chance? I would love to have a friend like you out here! The Christian life is better with Christian women surrounding you.
This is my favorite psalm. I enjoyed digging into it so much this morning! God I am fully surrendered, search me and know my heart.
I struggle so much trying to talk to God and tell him all about everything that’s happening to me, every last thing I am feeling, or struggling with, or worry about.. but I should rest assured knowing that He already knows!!! it’s so comforting to know that I worship a God who knows all about me yet loves me no matter what! He is so good ❤️
This morning as I was reading this, I was pondering on how God loves me no matter what. When I’m allowing things to invade my quiet time, when I’m disobedient or lack discipline, He loves me so deeply! My life is an offering and an overflow of the love He has shown, and continues to show me! It is always the same- yesterday, today and FOREVER!! This was so comforting to me this morning! May God teach me to love as He loves!!
I praise him because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I know that full well!
Praise God
this is really good for me today, as I’m sitting at home & not a church.. I feel cowardly not wanting to face my preacher bc (1) I’ve been witnessing to Him about a bible truth my church doesn’t believe in & he doesn’t listen to me because I am young. This hurts my feelings because I’ve put a lot into this church and it’s my first church family & where I’ve gotten baptized. Me and my pastor are very close and the fact that I feel like what I say goes in one ear and out the other discourages me & give me trust issues on how well of a teacher he is. (2) since my baptism earlier this year I’ve been struggling to stay sober and not smoke marijuana, as easy as it should be to quit, the Devil seems to temp me in new ways and in old formiliar ways too.. I’m trying very hard to give me life to Jesus every single day & have been blessed outlandishly through Him. I pray for self-discipline every single day & thank Him for doing his wonderful work in my life. I am happy to know that even david got frustrated in some of the same ways as I & rest in the truth that God knows my heart & how I yearn to be more like Him & love him.
I’m grateful that God knows my heart, hears my prayers and his grace is everlasting…
I am binding every wicked, evil spirit and attack of the devil to destroy me and my family. It seems every time we gain spiritual ground the enemy steals it away! I do know God is for me, not against me. I claim spiritual victory for my family today. In Jesus Name.
God knows us ALWAYS! God knows us COMPLETELY! God knows us WONDERFULLY WELL! He NEVER, EVER leaves us. He is ALWAYS with us. He weaves us together…EVERY SINGLE inch! We know every work He completes is wonderful, so I can be sure I am who I am because that’s what he intended for me. He not only made me, He created my days. God set my path. I can rest in that.
I needed to read this..”I am who I am because that’s what he intended for me.” Thank you!
Yes, Gianna, thank you for posting that. It truly resonated with me, as well. I can rest in that also!
Thank you for the remainder that I am who I am because God made me that way. When I don’t like myself I can always be reminded that God loves me because He made me this way. Powerful thought!
As I’ve heard somewhere, if God had a wallet, our pictures would be in it… If He has a fridge, our accomplishments would be proudly front and center! <3
I’m so thankful for this Psalm… God considers us His good work… We were fearfully and wonderfully made, and while those were David’s words, they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, God! To know I’m constantly on God’s mind is breathtaking to say the least… How many times do we hurt, thinking, I wish someone cared, I wish someone would just *think* of me! But God ALWAYS does. He always is with us, leading us with His presence, surrounding us, His hand upon us. To know such a loving God is amazing, the thought is too vast for words. I’m just amazed and so so grateful!!!
Absolutely love this psalm!!!!
How does God create us, you ask?
Here is how I look at it:
God is the knitter, the Quilt maker. He creates us very intricately.
He weaves our innermost beings together so they are uniquely blinded.
He carefully, thoughtfully, fearfully, and wonderfully weaves us together from the depths of our souls to the texture of our skin.
Each stitch and pattern is unique, very much like all of His children are.
He even crafts our life’s dreams, our plans, our calling, and purpose.
He wrote them all in stone even before we were created.
so whatever victory and visions God has for us in life, He will bring it to pass, one way or another, in Jesus name.
Just though I share.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
God knows me. Intimately. Wholly. Completely.
This beautiful truth gives my heart comfort.
When I feel far off and distant.
He promises that He is always near.
When I wonder, what might be next?
His truth promises that He has my days planned.
Even when I feel unseen and forgotten.
His loving eye is always on me.
I do not know what exactly is coming next in my life. But I know the seasons are changing and that I am blessed – right here, right now – out of His abundance.
Nor do I know how God could possibly fill all that I have emptied. But I know that He is a God that does the impossible. With Him ALL things are possible. And I want His good gifts of only-God-possibility.
Grateful that He hems me in. Behind and before He goes with me, always with me.
This is my favorite Psalm for many reasons. In different seasons of my life it has ministered in different ways.
When I first ran across it my son was leaving for Afghanistan and as I read it I turned all the personal pronouns to “Corey”. It helped me remember that God loves him more than I ever could and his eye is on him wherever he goes. Then after that, every time he had to leave home God revealed this psalm again in a way that felt like flowers from heaven. A few years later I was
laying in a hospital bed with an MRI lit up showing a grim dark spot on my brain. Again God used this Psalm to remind me that he knew every day of my life before it was written, and he ordained them. He knew this was coming and as the months unfolded I saw just how much he had prepared for me to reassure me that he would take care of everything, I just needed to be still. He did just that. This psalm shows us his great love for us and intimate care of us. Love love love this little reminder in Psalms!!!
Sisters, what are your thoughts on the last question? I have an idea but I would love to see what some of your thoughts are.
Julie, I was struck by that question as well. My thought was that the question is answered in verse 24: “And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the path everlasting.” In verse 1 David makes a statement about God’s knowledge of him. But now he is asking God to do something with that knowledge! David wants God to not just know him but to use that knowledge to make him clean.
Thank you! I can see that. I was thinking of a similar question, if God is sovereign the. Why pray? Because he wants our interaction and participation be said it is a relationship. So I was applying that same concept. Thank you!
thanks Jess, I was a bit lost on that, my only other thought was that we are to have his heart, David talks about hating what he hates (sin) and that we need to live out his heart
I see at as David’s desire to be made holy. He knows only God can see the depths of our sin and reveal it in a manner that causes change.
I love it, thank you for taking the time to respond. He is the only one that can see it, reveal it to us, and cleanse us from it. Thank you Shawna.
“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.”
Father God, You know me more completely than anyone else. You see me as I sleep and know the stuff my dreams are made of. In the early morning light, I rise and stumble to the kitchen, putting the kettle on for tea. I reach for Your love letter to me and Your gaze is upon me. I search out its words, finding glimpses of You there… but my grasp of who You are is absolutely nothing compared to Your knowledge of me. You know my thoughts and my feelings… my joys and my sorrows… my pain and my struggles… and the things that make my heart sing. You put the songs in my heart, Lord, and they seem to meet each and every need. When I am sad, Your song of love lifts my spirits; when I am happy, a song of praise rises up within me; when I am weak and wounded, Your song is my strength.
Lord, You are indeed familiar with ALL of my ways. You’ve seen me at my best, and You’ve seen me at my worst. It still blows my mind that You love me just as much in the disappointing moments as You do when I am bringing You the most glory. Thank You for knowing me, and loving me.
“Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in–behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.”
Thank You, Father, for going before me AND behind me. You prepare the way for me. In Your sovereignty You have ordained the steps that I would walk… and You go behind me, picking up the pieces when I fall, steadying me with Your Almighty hand. I am in awe of Your presence in my life, Lord. I am utterly amazed by the fact that You don’t see me from a distance, but You are completely involved in my life. Your hand is upon me… You are active and powerful in the midst of my circumstances. May I bless Your name for all my days.
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.”
Lord, it is so reassuring to know that there is no escaping You. I know there have been times in my life where it seemed as if I were running away, and perhaps I was… but I am so thankful that You pursued me with a love that would not let me go. It’s comforting to know that not one moment of my life has been hidden from You… that You had Your hand on me no matter where I wandered. In spite of my selfishness, my pride, my self-effort, my rebellion… You continued to draw me to Yourself, to woo me. Your faithfulness and Your love have no bounds. I will be eternally grateful.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
You have a plan for me… for my life. You’ve known all along everything about me. You knew that I would be born to a preacher and his wife. You knew that I would grow up in a loving home, surrounded with Your truth. And You knew that I would turn my back on all of it for a time, in some desperate attempt to “find” myself. Sometimes I wish that hadn’t been my road, Lord… that I could have just accepted Your love for me and lived in it. And yet I know that You have used my missteps to mold me into the woman You wanted me to be. Thank You for seeing me, not as I was… but as I could be, with Your touch. So thank You, Lord. Thank You for the loving Christian parents. Thank You for the broken pathway, littered with past mistakes. Thank You for reconciliation and restoration. Thank You that all the rest of my days are written in Your plan for my life. Thank You for whatever they bring. You are amazing, God!
“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.”
Your thoughts toward me. How incredibly unfathomable that You have thoughts toward me at all… but that they are immeasurable? I’ll never understand it, Lord. When I think of even one beach… one small beach… and the grains of sand there… it boggles the mind. The depth of Your love for me is something I’ll never quite grasp. To know that when You were on the cross, I was on Your mind… wow. Thank You for Your promise to never leave me or forsake me. It’s one that I cherish. I love You, Lord. Not nearly as much as You love me, and not nearly enough, but I offer to You all I have to give — my heart… jaded though it may be, tainted by my sinful self, yet filled with the song that You taught it to sing. I will sing Your praise forever, and love You as best I know how. From my humbled heart to Your magnificent one. All my love.
Heather, thank you for writing your thoughts…your prayer. I felt as though I were in a sacred holy moment with my God as I read your words and made them my own. A perfect ending to these Thanksgiving readings.
This is one of my favorite Psalms and one that I memorized a few years back. Read it many times and yet today the Holy Spirit showed me something new. I love that about God’s word; He can always show us something new. Today the verses that were highlighted to me were about darkness. When my world feels dark, God still sees and is light in it. No darkness in the world or in my mind or feelings can obscure me from Him. He sees me.
This was also my exact thought! There is no darkness that’s too dark for Him.
I went through some medical darkness and that was my thought about this Psalm too. He sees the darkness as light because he sees the good that will come from it. The grace that will flow out of it, the mercy, the change.
And again…..Amen and thank you Churchmouse for your words!
Having these gratitude readings and exercises leading up to and following Thanksgiving has been helpful and so meaningful. We experienced a very painful Thanksgiving. These Psalms have helped me stay focused and today even breathing knowing my God knows me so well.
I’m sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving was painful. Praying right now that He holds you close and You feel His presence comforting you and encouraging you to trust that He sees and knows and is in control.
I love the imagery of God’s hand on me, no matter where I am, leading me, holding on to me. (is there anyone I’d rather have hold me?!) I love that His hands knitted me together – His hands weaving all that is me. (will I ever moan about my appearance or wish I had someone else’s attributes again?). Oh and the wonder (can you even imagine?!) that He saw me (I was in His mind’s eye!) when I was yet formless? (wow). I have to sit down to fully take in that my days are so valuable to Him as to be counted and that He has circled the date on His calendar for my return to live with Him forever. Should I die today, no big deal. I wake with Him. There. Here. He is. All is well with my soul.
Amen! Thank you!
Amen and amen!
Coming off a wonderful trip and reading “You observe my travels and my rest; you are aware of all my ways.”… whew. He’s in every detail, coordinated every conversation, appointed, anointed, and was with me in each encounter. Thank you, good, good, Father.
One of the most amazing psalms, love it so much. Today, this stood out: “You are aware of all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue,
You know all about it, Lord.”
Yes, He does. I may say it anyway and then have regret…but He still encircles me, places His hand upon me and if I allow Him, He will fill me with His Spirit where I can be more like Him. Maybe the next time I will think before I speak!
So thankful for Jesus. We are blessed, friends, if He is our constant friend. ♥
My daughter’s boyfriend is currently deployed overseas in an undisclosed location and I have a friend who’s son is a missionary in the Middle East. Not many of us would say yes to such assignments unless called by God. How comforting to know that wherever they are, or we are, or our family is, God is already present. He knows where each one is. We are ever in His loving sight. He watches over and cares for each of us. Resting in that today.
Praying for your friends today. Turmoil is everywhere and danger can be anywhere but I know what it feels like to be overseas when things are unsteady. We are scheduled to leave for Haiti in two weeks…God is in control and everything is in His hands. That gives me more comfort than anything!
Very much love these exercises!
This passage brings back a flood of memories. Good and hard ones. I went to an amazing Bible school and one of my assignments was to memorize this passage in a semester. So good and so thankful that God knows me and knows all in my past and in my future. Such comfort if this. Thank you Lord for bringing this back to light for me. I can easily forget that my life has a purpose and plan as to they way it is laying out. God knows and I must keep seeking Him. I am excited to always see what God brings my day and future.
What school did you go to?
I’m so grateful that God knows me and loves me. I’m so grateful that he is always with me even when I think I’m hiding from him and can’t be seen. The Lord’s power and knowledge is amazing and we need him so much in our lives. In our lives of hurt and struggling. In anxiousness and worry. And in misery and despair. The Lord knows our hearts. He knows our thoughts and our ambitions. Praise The Lord who watches over us and guides us on the path to everlasting life.