In this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.
Psalm 34
The Lord Delivers the Righteous
Concerning David, when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech, who drove him out, and he departed.
I will praise the Lord at all times;
His praise will always be on my lips.
I will boast in the Lord;
the humble will hear and be glad.
Proclaim Yahweh’s greatness with me;
let us exalt His name together.
I sought the Lord, and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him are radiant with joy;
their faces will never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
and saved him from all his troubles.
The Angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear Him, and rescues them.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!
You who are His holy ones, fear Yahweh,
for those who fear Him lack nothing.
Young lions lack food and go hungry,
but those who seek the Lord
will not lack any good thing.
Come, children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Who is the man who delights in life,
loving a long life to enjoy what is good?
Keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from deceitful speech.
Turn away from evil and do what is good;
seek peace and pursue it.
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and His ears are open to their cry for help.
The face of the Lord is set
against those who do what is evil,
to erase all memory of them from the earth.
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
and delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is near the brokenhearted;
He saves those crushed in spirit.
Many adversities come to the one who is righteous,
but the Lord delivers him from them all.
He protects all his bones;
not one of them is broken.
Evil brings death to the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be punished.
The Lord redeems the life of His servants,
and all who take refuge in Him will not be punished.
Dig Deeper:
The Lord hears and delivers us! Psalm 34 is full of God’s gracious gifts to David and to us—like a treasure hunt of promises. Using the verse number clues below, make a list of how God cares for His children.
God’s gracious gifts to me!
verse 4: He answers me
verse 4: He delivers me
verse 5: _____________________
verse 6: _____________________
verse 7: _____________________
verses 9-10: __________________
verse 15: ____________________
verse 18: ____________________
verse 20: ____________________
verse 22: ____________________
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491 thoughts on "You Hear & Deliver"
This was my Bible Study today. He is so gracious and faithful!
Another reminder to me to seek the Lord out and he will be there ready
Writing the verses down and making them personal to me helped me to discover the word is for me and I can apply them to my life. He will answer me, he will deliver me, I will lack nothing, He will hear my cry, when I’m brokenhearted He will be near me and save my crushed spirit!!!
When I look unto him, I will never be ashamed…. I have confidence in his word
I love verse 4!! ”I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.“
Vs 18 was one I clung to when I had my miscarriage. This PROMISE is what got me through that time of desolation.
his eye is on the sparrow
He will never leave me❤️
There are so many GEMS in this passage. I’ve recently been clinging to, “I sought the Lord & He answered me and delivered me from all my fears”. That’s PRICELESS
Reading this as a parent makes the words hit home even more. Thank Lord for always being there for me and my family!
He is close to me when my heart is broken
Thankful that the Lord is near to the broken-hearted.
God hears me and is my refuge, he will deliver me
You got this! God will never give you more than you can bare, and even in the midst of struggles, He is with you and His joy is your strength ❤️
Amen this blessed me this morning
Christ is my firm foundation the rock on which I stand
“I will praise the Lord at all times.” …even when my baby don’t fall asleep…even when my mind is struggling due to lack of sleep…even when I’d rather be selfish than selflessly give of myself & my body to my baby…EVEN THEN…help me to praise you!
Thank u for writting this ,its comforting to know Im not alone in my struggles, my 2 toddlers have taken over my sleep and time with the Lord ,I know my ministry is to them right now and praying I can get alone time with the Lord but for now this devotional and community is bringing comfort to me.
♥️♥️♥️ 13 keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from telling lies. 14 Turn from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it. 15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are attentive to their cry; – Psalms 34:13-15
I mean KELLY!!! lol! :) Thanks for the suggestion KELLY!!!
CEE GEE – that sounds LOVELY!!!!! I absolutely will – and that gets my mind rolling into seeing what other support I could be looking for on her behalf.. thank you!!! What a blessing – and gets more ppl involved and loving on her!!
YES! It has all calmed down, he has been arrested. I do hurt for him – seems he is ex-military with mental issues related to his military stress. Praying ppl’s eyes can be opened to how much mental help is needed in this country… NOT just another pharma-response either – actual, healing, supportive help…
Good night, lovely She’s!!! May I report I will be going to bed with a much lighter heart than what I woke up with today?? You all carry some responsibility for that… ❤️
SO THANKFUL you made it safely home, HEIDI, with your precious cargo! Yes, I will add him and his family to my prayers as well. What a day you’ve had. Extra prayers for all you face tonight, tomorrow, and Friday. You certainly lived out Psalm 34 today! Praise the Lord!!!
HEIDI – praying by now all has settled down around you and you are home with your family.
Look up the ministry Embrace Grace. I am involved with a chapter here in NE Ohio. It is a ministry to help single pregnant girls. A 12-week Bible Study with a baby shower for the girl if she faithfully attends. Depending on the area there is a group for the baby daddies as well called Legecy.
Anyway it may be the support your niece needs to help her set healthy boundries.
Was able to leave the museum, get my littles from their schools (what a traffic mess THAT was!!) and get everyone home. It does seem they know who is responsible but (as of this second) I haven’t heard that they have apprehended him. Remember to pray for his lost and hurting soul as well…
Thanks for the prayers for everyone involved! Sad that it happened and grateful it was not worse…
Thank you, Rhonda, for asking about my niece as well!! Such a warm feeling that people care and pray… it makes a difference, I know it does. ❤️
Thanks for keeping us updated in this craziness, HEIDI. Praying they are making the right decision in lifting the lockdown. Still praying for the safety of your family, my family in the area, the wonderful first responders, hospital staff… all affected by this tragedy. ❤
Thanks, MICHELLE PATIRE! Praying in agreement with you for in this scariness. ❤
Oh wow Heidi–that’s scary! I didn’t even know anything about a shooter except on here! Glad you and your love ones are okay…hopefully you have made it home by now! (I too have been wondering about your niece)
I love the exercise today of filling in the blanks, I guess I need to do it for myself although you all had such good ones I just copied and pasted! lol.
It is weird missing lots of She’s! I still hope that eventually we can reply directly to comments and receive notifications when people reply! It would be SO nice!!
I have a break in work so came here to check on you ladies. Praying God’s peace to your communities- Heidi and Cee Gee. I just read the news. It does seem they figured out who the guy was and that he may have fled the area. Praying that people have an awareness of their surroundings and are safe. May no weapon prosper against the innocent. Jesus, we plead Your blood over everyone in that man’s path. We pray blessing over the schools and over those emotionally affected by this news.
CEE GEE thank you! What a mess… we’re still on lockdown as are my kids. Twitter feed shows him on top of the building i’m in (over an hour ago – def gone now) but idk if it’s been confirmed. Someone believes he hijacked a car so if that can be confirmed, we can all go about our day… Praying justice and that he is found/unable to hurt anyone else…
2 hours
HEIDI – GOD just prompted me to get on here to see if you had posted in re: the shooting. I never expected to hear that you are in the midst!! I have been praying and now praying harder knowing you are there. Love you and sending big hugs!!! I am only hours east of you.
So as I sit here and finally get time to read through the scriptures – they are well timed because I am at this moment (still) on lockdown at the art museum where I came to get some school work done on their patio. While sitting outside going over my work, security guards started locking down buildings because there is an active shooter a block down the road and he was headed our direction. That was over an hour ago and we are all fine, though all of my littles are on lockdown at their respective schools so here I sit. Reading about God’s rescue while chaos is happening around me. (So far a few injured, one dead). This world… is so broken. :(
In addition, I’m aching over a situation I am needing delivered from – one of my own making – that I don’t know just yet what will happen with. I will be happy to share details later, just not this moment. But I’m aching and feeling so embarrassed and ashamed for not doing better/being better. I can’t stop crying it feels like. Every time I get myself “together”, I think of my failure and just ache. Praying hope, joy, peace, rescue (if He’s willing) from my circumstances.
Love seeing you all here. Love the smaller group for a short time – it is so much easier to keep up with people ;) Praying everyone is having a blessed day and seeing God’s rescue and redeeming nature in it…
(KELLY – thanks for writing those out – I screenshot and saved to my texts :))
KELLY (NEO)- WOW. Your timing is unreal… first, thank you SO much you even would ask me about her :) :) From a sobriety standpoint she has not taken anything more than advil for over a year :) She has contacted a couple of plugs over the past year and one had OD’d so didn’t respond, a while later when contacting the other, she literally was on her way to meet with him and get her supply when his girlfriend contacted that HE OD’d a day or two earlier. She was in pretty low spaces when she made those calls but has clearly been affected by the results of them and has stayed sober.
New news – she has been dating a “recovering” addict since last summer. He’s a sweet guy but is just not “there” yet and they are now living together. She called two nights ago to tell me she was pregnant… I had to watch my response as they are both extremely excited and she had called to talk to me first because she was scared to tell my brother/her sisters. All we can do is pray that her boyfriend stays sober (She had to administer Narcan once last winter and he’s gotten supplied with his choice twice since. The scarier part is that the level/amount he’s at are OD levels. Again, all we can do is pray for him, for her, and for this new life coming into the world and that God uses it for their good and His great glory… We’ve jumped into “support mode” and doing all we can.
Thank you again for checking – your timing was very God-inspired… ❤️ (to lighten the mood a bit – I AM enjoying reminding my big brother he’s going to be a GRANDPA at 47!!!!! THAT’s been fun to tease with… ;)
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears. – Psalms 34:4. What a great reminder for me. Praying for you all today! Thanks to all those who filled out the answers haha.
Good day dear she’s.
Psalm 34 is one of my favorites, besides Psalm 23 and Psalm 103. I cannot get enough of Psalms. I love how poetic they are composed, but also with such earnest, undisguised emotions.
I did the exercise today, and here’s my version (loved Kelly’s and Michelle’s).
He answers me.
He delivers me.
He takes away my shame.
He causes my face to shine with joy.
He delivers me when I cry to Him among all my troubles.
His angels surround me and recue me based on His order.
He provides all good things for my needs amidst a lack going on.
His ears are tuned in to my cry for His help.
The Lord is near my broken heart and my crushed/wounded spirit.
He delivers me from many adversities I might face.
He protects my bones.
He redeems my life and I will not be condemned.
@Katie L & Molly R: your words encouraged me. Thank you for sharing. Praying.
Be blessed dear sisters.
Good morning, er, afternoon, sisters. Only 3 days in and I am really appreciating this time in Psalms. It feels like a reset of sorts, getting back to the basics of praise, worship and thankfulness.
The first line grabbed me – I will praise the Lord at ALL times – every kind of time in my life, good, bad, busy, idle, happy, sad, frustrated, challenged, angry, blessed – at ALL times. Committing this to memory and will pray I can learn from the things I am blessed by or frustrated with.
He answers, delivers, rescues, saves and so much more!
MICHELLE PATIRE – thank you for your insight.
CEE GEE – I saw that too and wondered how many other subtle references to Christ I’ve missed in my reading over the years.
SARAH D – praying for an extra helping of perseverance as you seek the Lord’s wisdom for your work needs
KATIE L – glad you decided to comment, thank you!
HEIDI – praying for productivity and efficiency in meeting your deadlines. And clarity as you and Ryan seek guidance and wisdom about the next few months, evaluating best/ worst case scenarios and pro/cons of your options. Or as a friend of mine says, the plus/minuses.
KATIE L – I know the feeling. My 3 year old seem hardwired for 5:30am! I usually have an alarm for 4:30am, but some days I just don’t want to and have to get up with him, instead. Those are “interesting” mornings for sure, but I have learned that on those mornings my children (all 4 somedays) get to see me taking the time to start the day with the Word. And I often think of the time when I won’t have children distracting me…and if anything I get more sad than hopeful. Such a sacrifice, but such an honor, all at the same time!
10,000 Reasons – Matt Redman “bless the Lord oh my soul, worship His holy name!”
Thank you ladies for your comments and prayers ❤️ we ALL woke up early this morning but I was able to have my time even if it wasn’t alone. I know there will be many years of my life when I don’t have children crawling all over me and needing me first thing, snuggling them close even if they are trying to press every button on my phone as I write this
Michelle, thank you for your breaking down of the reading this morning. May we all experience a Spirit filled day!
I went over to the MARK study to do my read for today and saw this little nugget from Amos. What a great teaser for the next study!
AMOS 4:13
He is here:
the one who forms the mountains,
creates the wind,
and reveals his thoughts to man,
the one who makes the dawn out of darkness
and strides on the heights of the earth.
The Lord, the God of Armies, is his name.
This Psalm is so rich as SRT said…so familiar yet the verse that jumped out at me this morning – so soon after Easter – is:
“Many adversities come to the one who is righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all.
He protects all his bones;
not one of them is broken.”
Such a beautiful reminder of our Savior and His sacrifice on this chilly spring morning.
MICHELLE PATIRE – back at cha!❤ Love your comment today and will work on the exercise later.
SARAH D – praying for wisdom in your decision and that God honors your perseverance in a way that exceeds your hopes/expectations!
Good morning ladies, thank you for your prayers! @Heidi, I am looking for teaching assistant jobs that will help me gain experience as I work on my masters in elementary ed. Unfortunately I am thinking of quitting my current job even if I don’t have anything lined up. Although my management has been great, the nature of taking calls all day and saying the same thing over and over again is weighing on me. They have also made a lot of changes that just make things more difficult sometimes and its just exhausting. It doesn’t feel like they care about us. I don’t know what to do, but I’m praying I can get a new job by May 19th so I can put in my two weeks by then. Today I’m not feeling too great and just have felt pretty discouraged lately too. Trying to persevere!
He answers me.
He delivers me.
He makes His face shine upon me.
He rescues me from every problem.
He positions His angels to guard me in all my ways.
He satisfies all of my needs and cares for me more than lilies and sparrows.
He listens and replies swiftly to my cries of desperation.
He stands with me when I am cast down, crushed in spirit.
He watches over my body and keeps me in good health- none of my bones are broken.
He rescues me from the pit of hell.
It’s true. I drive my car for work all day. People (including myself at times) do foolish things while driving. The world seems to be increasingly impatient and distracted, therefore, driving habits match this. I am CONVINCED 100% God has angels positioned over me as I drive. So many close calls. The wisdom I have sometimes, not from me… God is faithful. He truly keeps my body in good health and prevents me from getting into an accident. I am thankful!!!
God bless you, Shes!
This Psalm is so beautiful. So grateful the Lord is near and He listens and rescues us, you and me.
Have a blessed day!
Praise God! His faithfulness never wears out! He never grows tired of answering His children!
Katie L. – Prayers for you! I am so glad you commented, I used to not want to put a comment, but then thought, if everyone felt that way there would be none to read! We are a community to KNOW and love each other, to intercede in prayer for each other, to Praise our wonderful God together! Like Heidi said, I too check in throughout the day because I would rather be here than other social media forums! This place lifts me up and keeps my mind on my heavenly Father and my sisters in Christ!! Hope to see your name often.
Good Morning She’s!
Thank you Kelly, you read my mind of someone filling in the blanks and sharing!! :) I too always wonder about Heidi’s niece.
I love a new song “Trust in God” Elevation worship. So good!
“I sought the Lord, and heard, and he answered” Praise God, He answers every time we seek!! It’s our Blessed Assurance!! Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened! Ask and you will receive. He is a good God, that loves and wants to provide bigger and better things for his children, those that love him, than we could ever imagine!
HEIDI – how is your niece doing?
He answers me
He delivers me
He fills me with joy
He hears my cries
He rescues me
He provides my every need
He watches over me
He is near me in my sorrow
He is my Redeemer
He answers me, he protects me, he saves me, he hears my cry
He will help me when my spirit feels crushed
He listens, He is with me, He loves me, He answers me. Amen
He makes a way! ALWAYS!
His word is my way of being saved
He shows up for me
He forgives me
He listens to me
He hears me.
He SEEs me.
He shows up for me
He forgives me
He listens to me
He shows up for me
Thank You Jesus for seeing me and saving me over and over again. You always are for me.
He listens to me. He hears me.
Thank you Lord for being everything I need❤️
He looks after me
He adores me
He delivers me
He is Good to me
He sustains me
He is always near me and with me!
He is sovereign over the big and the small.
Thank you Lord for being all we need ❤️
he provides everything i need
Praise God for being so good to us!
He desires good for me, He sustains me, He is trustworthy, He is my portion, with him I have all that I need
The Lord I know has such a big and AMAZING plan for my life and I know that he never fails in any way. He has a great hold on me and my life. I TRUST IN HIM
I absolutely loved this ♥️
Amen!! I love this activity because it makes this Psalm very personal to my life. Praise the Lord!!
What a great psalm with so many examples of how God loves us and is with us.
I LOVED the digging deeper and dissecting the psalm. It was very cool.
Thank you God for being so gracious❤️ I asked and you delivered❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
So good. What a beautiful reminder that yahweh is with us always. That he listens, delivers, and is near to us.
His ears are open to me. Praise Him ALWAYS!
He delivers me, saves me from troubles, supplies me with everything I need, gives me peace during trouble.
Thank you Lord for being so gracious
He restores me, rebuilds, rescues, revitalizes, encourages me and gives me peace.
Why is it so easy to forget that God is with us always? Thank you David for the reminder
He redeems our lives if we serve Him.
I love the Lord. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you Holy One for all you’ve done and all you do for me‼️❤️
Loved it
What a good God we serve!
God is here for me through in any time or event
God will literally do anything for you. It’s that simple, anything.
He is always there waiting for me! He always loves we and has a heart of forgiveness and restoration. Thank you for loving me despite myself!
Needed to hear this!!!
He loves me
My God, My Savior I am so blessed to say that
He accepts, saves, delivers, provides, hears, saves, protects, and redeems me. Amen!
He listens to me. He protects me. He holds me close. He helps me. He provides for me. He wipes my tears. He loves me. He cares for me. He thought of me on that cross.
He provides and restores me!
He provides and restores
He isn’t fearful ;
he hears my cries ;
he comforts me ;
he provides ;
he watches my actions ;
he keeps his promises ;
he allow me to be whole ;
he forgives me of my sins ;
, Amen Amen Amen!!
This plan is so Beautiful, everyday a fresh word. Love it!
He is always with me. ♡
He hears me.
He provides for me.
He saves me.
He restores my soul.
He makes me whole.
He redeems me.
God will never forsake me!
He redeems me!
He sees us – his ears are attentive to our cry
God is my safe place! Only HIM!
God is always there!
Those who look to him
Are RADIANT with joy.
Those who seek Him will not lack any good thing !
I love that activity where we had to find Gods gifts in scripture, that helped me read through and look at certain parts of the scripture.
“Turn from evil and do what is good. Seek peace and pursue it” absolutely love those words ❤️
Me too! Seek…go after peace!
1I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
Please Lord please help me see and believe please
Thank you LORD for deliverance!
He is near to the broken hearted and the crushed in spirit!
His arms will always hold us, lift us up, move us forward, keep us warm in times of cold and darkness and build our life. Thank you for being our Father, Lord!
Magnify the Lord with me!
My Great Deliverer!!!
Thank you, Lord, for all the ways you care for me!
He protects me !
Protector , listener,redeemer , helper
Such a beautiful read and exercise!
He protects me, He guides me, He provides for me, He shield me, He forgives my sins, He loves me, He blesses me, He never forsakes me. In Jesus name, Amen.
We lack no good thing! Amen
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Amen!
God watches over me always and forevermore. Amen and amen.
Praying you feel peace and discernment for what He wants for your life ♥️
Divorce is hard. When the love of your life breaks your heart it really hard. I am now past the belief that God wanted us back together. Today I feel that singleness is my calling. This might change, as a while ago I was looking forward to dating again someday. But tonight that feeling passed and singleness felt more
Comfortable than my loneliness. I know that growing into a friendship with Jesus is the most Important thing for me right now. And seeking Him for my healing is what I need.
He comforts me. He heals me. He protects me. He fills me. He is my everything
He loves me
He calls me His own
He forgives me
His mercy for me endures forever
Thank you God for being so faithful
He saves me He is my refugee
He is a gracious God
I loved this exercise of listing our good Father’s gifts to us!
Thank you lord for the joy you bring me! For mending my brokenness, for redeeming me!
I never thought I would have a hard time praising the Lord. After all that’s a huge part of what we are made to do. Yet in this time of COVID19, I feel a little abandoned by Him. Yet I know in this time where the world seems like is falling apart, He is bring people together and healing people underneath the surface. My soul is mourning, but I shall praise Him. He is still with us when we feel alone. I pray He will comfort you all with His peace and love. Shalom! ( Peace be to you!)
I feel similarly. The Lord brought to mind Psalm 46 and “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” when I felt heaviness and sorrow about all that is going on in our world and country.
So replenishing to focus on the Lord’s faithfulness and give Him thanks.
He is an on time God that will see me through all circumstances. Trust in him and fear not for he is always with me.
Thank you Lord for seeing me and hearing me!!
I so needed this reminder today, and I love these words from the devotional in the SRT bible: “Perhaps you’re in a season right now when life seems confusing or crowded with uncertainty. Maybe you need to be reminded today of this truth: you are never out of His sight. Even when circumstances cloud our view, God’s sovereignty is strong enough to hold us. No matter how loud the noise of the chaos around us seems, He will always hear our cry for help.” It felt like they were speaking straight to me, as I’ve really been struggling lately to trust that God is hearing my prayers. It has been easy to give in to the feelings and thoughts that maybe He doesn’t care, but His word went straight to my heart. Even when I can’t see Him, He always sees us.
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! And those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing! Amen and amen.
Delivers me from my fears… how perfect this study is for my life right now. I needed this more than I can say. Grateful to turn to Him in this time.
He hears my cry and will come through for me as long as I keep faith and look upon Him.
love how many promises God made to me throughout one passage of scripture !!
Thank you Jesus for the deep care that you have for me. I only feel protected and valued by you. Thank you Jesus for this freedom you’ve given to us to see and know this love!!!
He saves me!
4I sought the Lord, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
LOVE how every single versus points to God’s character. there is no recklessness in His actions or motives!!
Yes! He is not reckless at all ❤️
Shane & Shane sing a song called Psalm 34 Taste & See. It’s amazing and you should all check it out! ❤️
The lord cares for me!
Verse 4 says, I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Thank you Lord for loving me and caring for me.
The Lord surrounds me. He gives me every good things. He listens to my cries. He is near to me. He makes me whole and redeems me. Thank you, Lord, for your provision and love!
The Lord sees me and hears me. He protects my life. He knows my coming and going and is with me always. ThAnk you my redeemer, protector, deliverer, and guide. ❤️
Thank you Lord for your protection, guidance and love. Without you I’m nothing! You are my strength, my protector, my deliverer. I know you are always there for me. I’m so thankful that you love me, watch over me and care for me on a daily basis. Please continue to guide me that others can see you in my life.
Lord thank you for loving us even in our darkest times. Lord thank you for never giving up and always being by our side even when we don’t know it.
The Lord SEES me. I am not forgotten but ever on His mind.
14Turn away from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it.
You came when my soul was crushed. Your hand has been guiding me all along and I know my soul is saved. Please keep me in your radiant glow. Please purify me with your spirit. Please use me as a vessel to show love and grace to everyone I meet.
God you saw my brokenness and sin and still you listened to me. Then You heard me and still You pursued me. Then You saved me, but it wasn’t over then. Because You are a God of love and You satisfy my every need. You provide for me and bless me every day! You are so good!
The Lord supplies all of my needs. I want for nothing. I wish I truly believed that.
Olivia, I pray that you would glory in the presence of the Lord, that in everything you do, you find yourself being filled with God’s presence in your life. That all you need and desire and long for is found in him. He will fulfill you like nothing on this earth ever can. I pray this for you and believe God will pour out blessings upon you. Amen.
The Lord is near in every circumstance and can be trusted because he loves me so much.
Every good thing I have is from Abba, my Redeemer.
God you are AMAZING!!! Thank you Father for listening and hearing my cries. Thank you for answering and helping me. Thank you for delivering, protecting and providing for me. Thank you for seeing who I really am and redeeming my life. Thank you for wiping away my shame and rescuing me. Thank you Lord that you did all of this, not just for me…but for all of your children!! May we praise you all of our days. ❤️
Thank you lord for being there for me always when I’m not always present.
Thank you lord for hearing my cries and providing a way. Thank you Father God for you always timely deliverance, your love and your everlasting peace! -Amen!
Thank you Lord for guiding me, saving me, rescuing me, and forever loving me.
Thank you Lord for hearing me and taking away my fears, that I am not enough, that motherhood is too hard. I am radiant in you!
Thank you, Jesus, for delivering me from my past.
Father, Thank you for keeping me whole and delivering me from my afflictions.
Lord, thank you for answering me. For delivering me. For bringing me great joy. For hearing me. For rescuing and protecting me. For bringing me happiness. For taking care of me and watching over me. For remaining near me, always. For saving and healing me when I am broken. For protecting and redeeming me— giving me new life in You.
Lord thank you for being Holy and sovereign. You bless me everyday and protect me.
God I can run to you and you will answer. I can seek you and you shelter me. You have saved my brokenness and given me refuge. Oh God, you are so good. ❤️
I sought YOU God and YOU answered ME!
Thank you Lord for caring for me even in my troubles. For never letting my fears go beyond what you are capable. Thank you for pushing me to have a stronger foundation in you and for using me as a voice to those who don’t know you. Thank you for delivering me from all my sins.
Thank you God for delivering me. Keeping me. Hearing my cries and protecting me when I’m unsure and lost. To you be the glory God.
Thank you Lord for listening and answering my pleas. I’m so thankful to have a GOD like you in my corner. Please help me to continue to look to you and realize that you have things handled.
Thank you, LORD, for hearing me and delivering me!
God you’re my fortress and my refuge. I come to you for guidance through all seasons and you answer my cry. I seek you first in everything I do. I am grateful for your presence in my life. I am grateful for your unconditional love. Heavenly Father I ask for your protection, guidance and blessings on us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
God I run to you in the midst of trouble and you answer my cry! You answer ME! You know my voice and I’m so grateful. God you are sooo good and I praise your name every day that I wake up! You are my Heavenly Father that takes care of us and watches over us! Thank you Lord!
So grateful for all that you do LORD!You willingly hear my cry and answers me. You are my redeemer! Thank you!
Verse 3-4 “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears”
God, I know that when I’m going through circumstances I often focus more on trying to figure things out and try to figure out what you will do when I should be focusing on glorifying you. I always feel so much better and my hope is restored when I’m worshipping you. How much time I have I spent trying to figure out what you will do when you have already answered me; already delivered me?
The feedback here on the devotion is really lovely. I’m so thankful to God for his mercy, his rescue, and for the people he has brought into my life.
Thank You Lord for this psalm. Thank You for encouraging me to walk with You. I know You hear me, You see me, You know me. You care for me, and You are with me even when I feel scared or alone. Please help me to look to You alone, that I wouldn’t put idols and distractions in front of my relationship with You! Please help me to dwell on You through each moment ❤️
My walk with the Lord my whole faith journey has been about trust and it is so hard when circumstances of my current season are so hard. But I don’t want to give up because I know it is for my good and his glory.
Thank You Lord for taking care of all my needs.
he answers me
he delivers me
he take care of me
he delights in me
he hears me when I cry out
he saves me when I an crushed
he protects me
he loves me. he hears and delivers. ~L.R.
I need a little help with the meaning behind verse 20. Can anyone give me a little insight ?
I not certain, but I think it’s in reference to prophesying the miracle of Jesus!
The LORD will take care of our physical needs & pains. When we are in His hands, we don’t need to worry about protecting ourselves!
What a blessing to know that if we seek the Lord and praise him from our lips that he protects us fully and whole heartedly that all of our bones shall be protected and not broken.
God’s senses are alive and well! He hears me, he sees me, he provides every good thing, he is near me when my heart is broken and my soul is crushed. Thank you Father that you’re so personal to each of us. We are your daughters and you care for us daily. May we take refuge in you and you alone.
He will not leave me, no matter how far I stray. He is with me and he loves me.
Because of His steadfast love for us, His people, we are never alone as we walk this life on earth.
God is always there to redeem me, to lift me in my darkest hours, to guide me through difficult situations. He never will give up on me as long as I do not give up on him. He is my crutch when I am weary and tired. always has me in his care.
He listens to me, protects me, delivers me, rescues me, compassionate to me. God thank you for being my all sufficient and all knowing protector. I cannot imagine walking through life without you by my side!
God loves me all the time and is always there to listen to me. He answers my prayers so vividly and shows me He cares for me!
Just when things were getting tough and life seems to be happening at an alarming rate. He shows me over and over that he is on time. Never late. Never early. But right there when I need him, where I need Him and how I need Him. God is my everything. On Him alone I place my trust.
Amen! I needed this reminder!!
The lord is near to me giving me his eyes and ears, saving me from shame, keeping me whole, how worthy is He of our praise!! I started tearing up reading verse 3, how wonderful to share in our love for the Lord with others!
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
Amen! He is so worthy of our praise! I love this. I love how He loves us so well! We LACK nothing.
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,
for those who fear him have no lack!
10 The young lions suffer want and hunger;
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
Thankful for the Word of God. He truly has perfect timing.
God sees my smile & he knows how I feel at all times. He is there when times are hard & he helps me out of it. He sends his angels to protect me when I ask for it. He blesses me when I worship him, & there is nothing I need if I seek him in all I do. He hears my requests & desires of my heart everytime! He is my friend & provides my every need. He comforts me in times of sadness & protects me from harm. He will never turn me away or neglect me. I am his child.
This is what I heard in this Psalm, how beautiful & amazing is his grace.
I needed this chapter… always on time sweet Jesus
Lord, I know when I am full of worry and anxiety that you are with me always. You save me from myself and you bear my burdens. I am thankful yet undeserving of your great and powerful love!! Thank you for never leaving my side!
Lord you are so wonderful. You have an abundance of love for me that is greater than I will ever know. I know you are near when I stress and I doubt. Please bear the burden of my anxieties and ease my heart with your love. You are so great and I absolutely adore you for it.
What a wonderful and might God we serve and how blessed we are as his children to take refuge in him during times of need. Praise God!
“Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed” For him, I am radiant! Praise the Lord!
“But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing”! Yes! Praise Jesus!
“The Lord is near the broken-hearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.” I have recently faced some things that “crushed my spirit.” What comfort I feel in reading these words, that God is near and He is saving me as we speak. Praise the name above all names–the one who is faithful even when our faith fails us.❤
God, You give gifts that are priceless! Thank You for Your protection, comfort, and nearness.
I will seek and pursue your peace – what a gift!
Praise God
As somebody who suffers from anxiety and depression, this verse gives me so much comfort: 7 “The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.”
Thank You Jesus for reminding me that I am never alone, even when the fog is thick and I can’t see beyond it. I know you are always right there.
I love it as well, i suffer with severe depression and anxiety and i just love this whole reading
I can def identify! Love this entire chapter.
Keep your tongue from evil…it’s a great reminder…
“I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” this resonates with me right now, as I can almost feel David’s relief to know that our loving God cares so much for us that he not only hears us but also he answers us. there is something powerful about know that… God answers! and because of this truth we then can boldly proclaim like David “Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed.” amen.
Though my afflictions are many, he delivered me out of ALL of them. Afflictions will not slay me, I will not be condemned, because he keeps me from wickedness and makes me righteous.
When I read the bible, my whole day is better. They say when you’re in love, it actually acts like a drug. It makes you feel happier and see everything in a new way. Love is a natural drug. The kind God made that will actually help you instead of hurt you like worldly drugs do. I wonder if there is scientific evidence to see what the chemical composition in a Christian’s brain is versus an atheist…
I never ever thought of that, but that’s such a true and lovely statement. I would love to see the activity of their brains compared to one another. Thank you for that insight Gabby, and God bless!
What a rich psalm full of his promises. Truly my fears slip away when I read his word, may I do it more often rather than wallow in the fears and anxieties of this world. Also, what great reminders that through the adversities that come and times of brokenheartedness, God is with near us with us and protecting us. What a good father.
The Lord delivers, protects, is a place of refuge. Praise him.
This is such a great reminder of all the amazing things God does for me. God is so amazing and I need to continually thank him and praise him for all he does.
This reminded me to thirst after him, to seek him in all that I do and in the way of righteousness. I bind hate of others, for that is evil. I bind fear of others, for God removes fear as we take refuge in him. Everytime that I call out his name he comes to my rescue. I’m thankful of this reminder that he has redeemed my life before. ❤️
I praise the lord for all of these amazing gifts!!! I needed this remind! The Lord is good!
“The young lions suffer want and hunger;
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”
How beautiful and insane that the thing that seems right (fighting and clawing for the things you think you need) produce lack and hunger. And the thing that too often seems “not enough” brings so much good.
I’m praying that my heart would be softened to really view seeking God as the chief aim of my life again. I got caught in all the lion behavior at some point, and I want out!
Great reminders… All praise to the one who gave it all and blesses me everyday with these gifts
Awesome reminders! I was looking over the scripture again and looked at verse 19 and I think we can’t skip over that verse at all because it says that afflictions of the righteous are MANY which means we will suffer BUT the promise is that the Lord is our deliverer out of those afflictions. We cannot forget that we will suffer when we are called to battle for the kingdom of God but we also cannot forget who is our deliverer once those battles come. Just a reminder for those in the battle now!
Even after struggling with a chronic illness for so long, this verse reminds me that I have all I need- our savior Jesus. How amazing to know that whatever condition you feel your soul is in Jesus restores you and provides you with all you need. Look to him and all fears will disappear!!
I must never forget that he rescued me from the mire. Sometimes, as time passes, we forget. Lord, never let me forget. Remind me of your goodness and mercies daily.
Yes Amber, it is confusing to many that God should spare them from heartache, but it is in that time that he reminds us he is always there and in control, have a blessed day.
“the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit”. What a lovely reminder. No promises that I won’t feel that way but a promise that he is there with me when I do.
A refreshing constant reminder that he is always with me and ready to forgive me.
…The Lord is always near to all those who seek Him. Their faces are always radiant…
Oh! how I love The Lord and always desire to do His Will…
Thank you once again @SheReadsTruth
He hears me. He protects me. He redeemed me! Such great reminders of His love!
He is close to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit. How easily I forget this! He is with me today, tomorrow, always; when I am broken hearted He is there to comfort me. I don’t need to fill the hurt with anything else but God!
He encamps Himself around me- He is always there and never leaves. May I show joy and radiance in the truth and hope that come from His promises.
Glory to God for all he is doing to strengthen and encourage our hearts and minds as he promised
Happy to find this app! It’s helping me understand The Word. Thank you Jesus ❤
It was great and eye opening to go through each verse and remind myself of all He gives me.:)
I loved going through this verse by verse and seeing each gift He gives me individually.
34:20 this verse made me think of Jesus I wrote: Jesus will keep all of his bones not one will be broken. That’s a promise and a prophecy. I love the Word.
His faithfulness and redemption are what the phrases i need right now!
Embrace peace, ladies-do not let it get away!!!
Ain’t God so good!!! Of ALL the ways He loves us …
I bask in the knowledge that He redeems me!
Fearing the lord above man is certainly difficult. This psalm is a great reminder that we should always take our problems to the Lord. He will always answer us, always hear us, always protect us, always redeem us and always love us. Taking it all to him is our calling as believers in him, his son and his good word. Today, may we put all of our trust and hope in HIM wholeheartedly and he will show us the way.
Verse 22 really resonated with me. “…none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.”
Mostly we run to God for the bad things happening in our lives. Sure, He is our protector but we need to remember to go to Him for the good things, too. I seek refuge in Him for all things.
I know that I should fear the lord, but when sin takes priority, and fearing Him becomes second, I am ashamed. But I have such a great God to have forgiveness when I seek him and still he saves me when I am so undeserving.
God knows I’ve been struggling. This is all so comforting and convicting
These are some of my favorite bible verses honestly they keep me high and uplifted in my faith
I take refuge in how GREAT our God is to me! reading & going through this exercise makes me realize what all God is truly there for, I realized but didn’t really realize what all he stands by me in. Today I will take my note & hang as a reminder in my office where things seem to be the toughest for me to remember.
Thankful for everything He does!
I know it can be hard when fears grips hold. I too sometimes struggle with this, especially at night. When I get wound up in worrying, I stop and just pray to God that he would take the burden of my fears. He is so trustworthy, I exhale and sometimes I can feel a palpable weight lifted off my chest. I pray that you too would find comfort in God and that he would free you from your worries and fears.
This is just what I needed to hear this week – thank you!
I am waiting on the Lord to deliver me from my fears. When I lay my head down I try everything to keep my mind from going down a path that is filled with so much darkness and hopelessness. I know he loves me. He is so faithful! I have such a blessed life and yet I know it can end in a second. And what awaits for me and my loved ones with the eternal hits? I know there is heaven but there is so many unknowns. It’s swallows me. The word eternal sends me into panic model. Please Lord help me to get through this. You will deliver me from all my fears.
Seek the Lord and you shall have everything provided for you. Worries and fears are taken by him, redeemed by his blessing. God is Awesome!
The LORD is always with me
Perfect passages for all that is going on in my life right now! My 5 year old nephew went into sudden cardiac arrest this past Friday (may 20th)…. His dad, who is untrained in CPR, did CPR for 15-20mins until EMT got there. My nephew’s name is Stone. He defied the odds at birth and became a completely healthy, normal child. We had no clue he had a sick heart! We (our family) had plans to leave for the beach Saturday (may 21st), but instead we all ended up at Children’s Hispital at Vanderbilt (Nashville, TN). It took them a while to figure out what had caused this in what appeared to be a completely healthy 5yr old boy. Finally, they determined it was an underlying heart defect called long QT. The doctors were baffled because Stone’s case wasn’t the typical way that this defect normally presents itself. Also, for his dad to not have ever been trained in CPR and to be able to provide adequate compressions for such an extended time to where little Stone has absolutely no loss of oxygen to his brain- is nothing short of a miracle! (Not to mention this condition has to do with the electrical current of the heart- so, what actually helps the heart is a shock- not necessarily the CPR -of course aside from the oxygen the heart continued to receive because of the compressions). Long story short- Stone is still at Vanderbilt- he received a pacemaker/defibrillator Monday morning and is doing absolutely great!!! For those of you on Facebook, you can follow Stone’s story by searching a page called Stone Strong! One post that someone did has had more than 122,000 shares! There are people ALL OVER THE WORLD praying for my sweet nephew!!!! Our local news channel has done a story on it- the amount of support and prayers from other believers has been absolutely amazing! GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS!!!! To God be the glory – all that he has done thru my little nephew and his
Grateful for a God who commands us not to fear, all with the promise to deliver us from those fears. He only asks for what He already provides.
I just want to say God is my deliverer. He heals the broken heart and strengthen the weak. I am troubling with some situations, and I don’t know why this is happening. Seems like everyone and everything is against me. I cried so many times and asking God why, every time the answer is having patient and faith. I am like okay, but when I am having hardship again, He is still telling me having patient and faith. But tonight I really can’t hold it anymore. I just wish God is here in my room now and comfort me, and He did through these verses. I praise God and thank Him!
This was very informative. I feel safer and more welcomed in my relationship with the Lord.
Thank you for this exercise… It was so refreshing to my soul.
He goes before me.
He made me new. He is my hero. He guards my soul. He nourishes my life and fulfills my every need. He tends to my aches and woes. He rescues me in my dependency upon him. He will let no harm come upon me. He will always feed me. He has saved my soul through Jesus Christ.
You provide through it all, Lord!
He hears my every thought and prayer, and
he answers me. Through Him, I have no
fears or worries.
Just before I opened my bible, I asked God to give me something good today and when he gave me this I was in awe. My God is greater and I am ever so thankful to serserHim
I am thankful because the Lord keeps me and redeem s my soul.
He redeems me
The Lord redeems take refuge in him! I also needed this today
Those who look to Him are radiant. May many be drawn to our radiance so we can share Jesus
The Lord redeems! Needed these words today!!!
The God-who-sees-me
It is so crazy to me that the same God who created the whole earth and causes the sun to rise every morning is the same God that lovingly gives me all of these gifts that are too good to be true. It is so easy for me to forget what a giving God I have. I am so thankful for how mind-blowing God is and how He loves me enough to provide all I need and more.
The Lord gives us exactly what we need according to his awesome plan !!!
I’m claiming my healing, in Jesus’ name.
I’m thankful for such a merciful God. I’m thankful for
“unanswered prayers” because even though I may pray for it doesn’t mean He thinks it is what I need. God is always listening to us and provides us with everything we need as long as we follow him and come to him with our burdens and fears. I’m so blessed and everything I have, I give the glory to him.
The Lord is always so good to me. Last night was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I prayed to Him that everything be okay and he answered me. Thank you, Lord for all you do.
I will seek peace AND pursue it, Lord. Thank you for rescuing me.
The lord has been so very good to me! I often fear that it will be taken away somehow but today I realized that if I follow the lord’s command, he will always provide me with what I need! If it is taken away, I did not and will not need it!
This really spoke to me Katie. Thank you for sharing
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers and answering me. I will pursue peace each day and know that I will find it through You alone.
My life. Explained. God has been there all along.
…”and delivered me of all my fears”. Yes! Bring me out of my fear and anxiety, Lord, so that I may have peace and contentment.
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
“He keeps all of His bones; not one of them is broken.” We are His and we are no longer broken because He makes us new
When Christ died on the cross it was custom to break the legs of the crucified to ensure death but it was prophesied in Isaiah that the Son of Man would not have one bone broken. Just a thought but maybe these are tied together symbolizing our ownership of the Father.
The lord rescues and loves us
Love this: “18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
It’s not always easy to bless the Lord at all times but he is worthy of all our praise and so much more!!
Being aware and intentional about praising the Lord at all times this morning. Knowing that in Him we can only find a heart and mind full of thanksgiving.
How can we seek peace?
I see seeking peace as a daily journey. Everyday you want to find the root of peace and Christ is the Prince of Peace so in order to seek peace, you seek Christ and His will. It’s like casting your cares on Him and having the knowledge that He has everything in His hands. In Psalms 34 I remember it says to depart from evil and do good, seek and pursue peace. Matthew 6:30-34 is a passage that might help the heart be at peace because He cares for us.
What does it mean for the lord to deliver us?
Hi Livvy, for me deliver means that he has brought me out of the deepest darkest time in my life and delivered me to light with my salvation. God atcually delivers me everyday, from feeling fear, to anger, and pain. All we have to do is call on him and he will hear us!
What a great deliverer we have. Thanks Christina!
For me when thenLord delivers me is when I fine my self in depression , in a bad situation , can’t seem to make it through the day ,a painful relationship that seems to have no answers.
Then that’s when I read God’s word & he reminds me if I dwell in him he will protect me b/c I love him . All u have too do is tell God what is wrong put ur faith in him even if u can’t see . Be still & listen & God will always talk to u we just aren’t listening , he is always talking to us through the people he puts in ur life we just aren’t looking for the signs but it just takes a little faith to please God nothing more than faithful please even if it’s just a little and then whatever you’re going through that’s when he will deliver you I hope this helps
“He keeps all of his bones, not one of them is broken.” What does this mean to you?
I think it’s prophetic about Christ’s death so I don’t know how to apply that to myself.
It is prophetic certainly! When Jesus was crucified not one bone was broken. In this psalm of gratitude this is another gift from God to be thankful for. That many years before Jesus was even born God had a plan to redeem us. It speaks volumes about our God’s love for us and his faithfulness.
I take it as a promise of heaven–that the righteous will be with God in heaven, perfect and unbroken
Thank You for redemption
I am a soul lost in sin, but through the darkness, the Lord reaches his hand to me. I must rely on his love, and have more faith that he will save me from wickedness. All things are possible through him, and he hears my prayers.
I always try to fix things myself first but the Lord is faithful in reminding me that it is He who is in charge and I should turn to Him for all things. Blessed is your name.
This reminds me that the righteousness will always face adversities but he is so faithful enough to deliver us from every one
Absolutely love Psalm 34, what a salve and comfort for the soul….
Please pray for me
I love the verse in picture, “I sought the Lord and He answered me” that is so good!
He delivers me , He protects, He is my refuge,
Verse 18 – He alone can heal the brokenness and the wounded spirit in me. He is the great physician.
He’ll never stop loving me, no matter how far I run.
Amen. :-) run to him too!
He redeems my soul. A few meanings of Redeem: to buy back, to free from captivity by payment of ransom, to release from blame or debt, to atone for, tot make worthwhile.
He listens and gives me all that I need, including His presence. I’m never alone. <3
Thank You Lord for saving my soul
Thank You Lord for making me whole
Thank You Lord for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich, and free
He hears, delivers, answers, provides, saves,redeems, keeps, and so much more. Thanks God:)
I will not be condemned because I take refuge in the Lord and He redeems me!
God is good!!!! He is always beside me and he never fails!!
God is our Ultimate Provider and Father for His children
God is good!!!!
I’m in a place this morning where I can’t even choke out the works “thank You, Jesus” without crying. He is so good!
Me too.
Tonight, I am thankful so much for the words of this Psalm and know God is good. I need this to sink in as I am am feeling anxious about many life circumstances and desperately in need of God’s wisdom and guidance. I know He is faithful and will never leave me…but it is hard to see tonight. Lord, please help us to look up to You always and seek Your face. To know You are in control of our lives and to feel Your love.
I’m so thankful God says he is near to the broken hearted and sees those crushed in spirit… I’m praying to experience that nearness.
I’ve been praying and praying over the same thing for weeks now. And it wasn’t so much about wanting that one thing but asking for patience and peace as He was working in my life so that I may live out His will. As I was in the middle of my prayer my phone rang with the answer I was praying for. I say this not to parade what is happening in my life but to say that He is faithful! I have been praying this same prayer over and over for months. When we take our needs and wants to Him in honest prayer He hears us. He knows our hearts and lives better than we know it ourselves. Putting my complete trust in Him was something that took work on my part to do. Our God is not too small and He wants to give you an amazing life full of blessings deeper than your imagine can take you. Take EVERYTHING to Him and you will be amazed at the beauty that He brings to your life.
Yes! This was an encouraging passage. It is so humbling to know that God is near me in my broken-heartedness, when my spirit is crushed. I’m so grateful that He redeems the life of His servants, i.e. ME!
God, help me to turn away from evil and do what is good, to seek peace and pursue it! Amen!
This passage was so encouraging to me this morning! Verse six, which says, “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
and saved him out of all his troubles” really was a reminder of all the amazing ways God has saved me! And it’s a reminder to keep calling out to Him.
So many times I catch myself worrying and being fearful. The Lord tells us we will not go without, he saves us, hears us, heals us, protects us, and we will not be condemned. Praise Him!
I felt discouraged as I read this because it seems like so many times we struggle with ongoing sin, temptations, fears, etc. and we ask God to deliver us again and again. Our prayers feel unanswered because the struggle continues. I had to remind myself through this Psalm that God knows how and when to deliver, even if we don’t understand what He’s doing in the meantime. He will not give up on sanctifying us, and our struggle until deliverance will be purposeful and useful for us and for His kingdom. It also seemed like most of these promises were conditional; IF we are righteous THEN we receive deliverance or are heard. But the truth is we are already made righteous in Christ. Jesus fulfilled the condition and we are gifted the promises. He will teach us to fear Him, to take refuge in Him, to be humble and bless His name, whether deliverance happens now, eventually in this life, or in eternity.
Yes, I kind of felt the same way about us needing to be righteous, but then remembered that we have the righteousness of Christ, and that is what God sees when He looks on us.
I will bless the Lord at all times!! Amen! I needed this word. Things are really bad financially and I feel like giving up but I know the Lord will provide.
Im in the same boat Billie! God will provide we need to be faithful and lean into Him! Praying for you!
Ladies I’m so encouraged today, even though my situation hasn’t changed from yesterday I know my God is faithful!
I especially love in verse 5 where David says “those who look at him are radiant.” Just one encounter with God and we start to reflect who He is.
“I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears” v. 3
I was curious what is the true definition of the word “deliver” since I seem to still have fears even as a believer. It means:
1. To set free
2. To take and hand over or leave for another.
Praise God that even though our fears aren’t erased, we can be set free from them because we have been taken and handed over to Jesus.
Blessed be the name of The Lord.
He has made me and I am His
Thank you Lord for this word today. I’ve walked around all day complaining, and griping and being completely ungrateful. My husband wrecked my car yesterday, I immediately became furious because this is second accident is 3 months. I started thinking how we have to share a car for a while, how inconvenienced I’ll be and how im out of my comfort zone. Thank you Lord for this message today? Your word says I will bless the Lord at ALL times, not just when the times are good but at ALL times. I needed to be reminded of all the things he has done for me. The Lord encamped around me and rescues me. Out of two accidents my husband has been involved in nobody was injured in. We have full coverage insurance, so for that alone I should be thankful. Thank you Lord for favor and for just being God all by yourself.
I love the I/he wills of the psalms! such an inspiration to read the promises God makes to us in black and white like this!
Wow. We are so so broken, but the lord is always watching and makes us whole. Praise God!
This is such a powerful study. The Lord does so many things for us. I am overwhelmed with Joy in the Lord. Despite circumstances.
Please keep me in your prayers… There’s a lot going on in my life that I need Gods guidance in doing.
I am trying to remember to seek the Lord in my times or worry and need! for I know He does not punish those who seek Him! Lord give me the strength to fulfill your hopes & wishes for me and that I will seek You in all that I do!
The Lord will never leave those who seek him!!! I believe!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas and happy birthday to lord Jesus. I need him now more than ever before and this passage really helped me understand he is with me. God bless AMEN
The lord is good.
My mother recently passed away and the line “the Lord is near the broken-hearted” is absolutely true and gives me strength every time I read it.
Beautiful resonant app thank you! I’m just so happy to have found it. Starting now with Psalms of Gratitude.
These verses are very helpful and inspiring
Some of these verse are ones that have carried me through the hardest times of my life. They have been whispered in moments of pain and dispair. I am so grateful for God’s promises and I’m so blessed to be able to speak with truth that he has kept each and every promise in this chapter. He has been so faithful to me in my time of pain. Thank you Father for loving me through it all.
I love verse 18. God is so powerful and so wonderful. Today my grandpa is going into surgery, because he has two tumors in his lung and he is about to paralyzed. He is not saved. His family is not saved. Only his son, my dad, is saved. I can’t imagine how my dad is dealing with seeing his family die off and not going to see them again. Today I will remember to look to You Lord is my times of trouble and worry. I don’t need to be worried. This is your plan, what ever happens is for a reason. Please help me to remember this through out the day as I and my family start to worry. Please help give me strength, and comfort today. God You are powerful and forgiving and perfect. You are perfect! I am not perfect. Please help me in my imperfections that occur through out the day even if it’s just You helping me realize I am in the wrong. Father, thank you Lord for everything that You do. I am forever thankful!
My favorite verses of all time are in this Psalm. Vs 4+5 are so breathtaking: “Those who look to the Lord are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” It calls to mind the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 6, “The Lord make His face shine upon you.” As an adoring parent on a cherished child. He looks on us like that!!!
I have had a hard time with this plight is but a smidgen of what other persons are dealing with in the world today. my biggest struggle on a day to day basis is trying not to give in to the world of gossip (I work in a predominantly woman’s office and gossip is rampant) I feel inadequate to sing these praises because I have not fought these battles. look at the Egyptian coptic Christians that were slaughtered, the Syrian refugees being told they have no home and are not welcomed, families who have lost loved ones at the hands of another, there is so much pain and adversity that goes on and yet these ppl still sing God’s praises! how I envy their strength and preservation with God. I will forever praise God but I do not know true struggle and I am beyond heartbroken fr those who do…I pray for all those who are afflicted and Praise our God for giving all of us Peace, love and HOPE.
One of my favorite PSALMS.
Hi! Can anyone tell me what is meant in verse 20?
Hi there! I tried to comment before but don’t think it posted. I believe this verse points to Jesus Christ. A pastor of mine, when taking communion, would leave out the word ‘broken’ when referring to the bread as the body, because none of Jesus’s bones were broken in his death. I can’t certainly say this is what is being referenced here, I haven’t studied deeper into it, but if I’m correct, we can all agree that God giving us the gift of Jesus Christ was the greatest gift of all :)
Loved the activity. Such a great way to dig deeper and figure out what I might have missed reading it through. Thank you, Lord for your peace, comfort and protection.
So thankful for this study! God is so good to me, I really just need to take the time and thank him more! He hears & delivers me! ❤️
This was just what I needed to read. God is great!!
He sees me! He hears me! Praise You, Father.
Needed to hear this Lord!!
If You are for us, who can be against us! Trust in the Lord, because He is always good.
What a great reminder that God is always on our side.
This psalm spoke sweetly to my heart today! Enjoying this series.
I just found this app a I love it
I really liked this activity today!
I truly need this devotional app!
Needed this today!
this is the perfect prayer to pray for the persecuted church. May the angel of the Lord encamp around them today!
Great thought! I will pray that over them today. thank you Erin.
Day 3 and loving this app, this study….God has begun a great work in me at this time in my life. So grateful for this!
amen Bethany!
When I first started this study I wasn’t sure how helpful the writing portion of this section would be….God forgive my pride — this has been so helpful, so powerful to write the promises of the Lord in my journal and in my heart!
These devotionals are great! I love the idea of making us take notes. it’s a great way to read the Psalms all the time. Thank you.
This is so beautiful and refreshing to read. It makes me feel safe and loved.
I am so grateful that God has reached out to us to bring us together to be here for one another in this community. There are so many kind words, so much empathy, and so much love for other people here.
I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God!!
Amen! I love verse 4 in this passage that the Lord delivers us from all our fears so we can live fearless.
praying for you, tonight Jess. it is a common fear I have as well. I pray the Lord will wrap you in His love tonight. God is big enough for our troubles and even rebellion. I pray that you continue to be honest with Him as you allow Him to mend your heart. I pray that He will bless you with a child that will shine like a light for Him. Love you, sister in Christ
Struggling to believe these promises tonight. Trying to make sense of what verse 4 really means in light of recently having one of my worst fears come true. After years of infertility, the Lord led us to pursue fertility treatments, which finally led to my first pregnancy. Sadly, my baby didn’t make it and I just miscarried. Praying for strength to continue on in this devotional despite my rebellious heart, and for the Lord to give me the faith to trust in these promises despite my circumstances arguing they aren’t true.
Always always always keep in mind that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. This is all a part of God’s plan for your life. Whether it is to draw you closer to the Lord and strengthen your faith, you can’t lose hope! Find your answers through prayer and never give up!
I like how you referenced your rebellious heart because we all have that, but don’t usually name it and so don’t see the problem. I was reading 1 John 3:11-24 recently and especially these verses:
“19-20 There is a sure way for us to know that we belong to the truth. Even though our inner thoughts may condemn us with storms of guilt and constant reminders of our failures, we can know in our hearts that in His presence God Himself is greater than any accusation. He knows all things. 21 My loved ones, if our hearts cannot condemn us, then we can stand with confidence before God.”
I love the reminder that God is bigger than our doubts and bigger than our rebellious hearts. Life is hard and there are no good answers to the hard things we have to deal with, but God is still there through it whispering, “I love you” and “I am with you, my beloved” I’m sorry for your loss, that is truly awful, there are no words for how terrible death is, but death was never what God intended, he is pained by it too. But he has not left us on our own. He is with us through it.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I experienced a stillborn a couple of years ago and I totally understand what you are going through. I was angry and upset with the Lord for many months. It took a while to start back praying and attending church but after I did I felt so much better. I think He understands your grief so take as long as you need and he will be waiting with open arms when you return. ❤️
“The Lord is near the brokenhearted…”
I completely understand. I’m going through my 4th consecutive miscarriage now and I have no living children. It truly feels at times that God has forgotten me. One thing that helps me get up in the morning is the knowledge that my children are not actually lost. They are actually more alive than me and are praising God in heaven and one day I will spend eternity with them doing the same.
Yes, it is painful now and sometime every breath, every step forward seems impossible. But I know God is making something beautiful out of my pain and he is doing the same for you.
People often mean well and say “everything happens for a reason.” I don’t particularly find this helpful or comforting. I don’t think God ever intended for our babies to die, and I think his heart grieves for us too. But I know that he loves to make beauty out of the dirt of our lives and I believe he is doing just that for you and for me.
God bless you.
I’m personally struggling with this one today. Reading all of his promises I want to believe them and I do believe some (he sees and hears us) but protection, saving from troubles…etc is hard to really believe if I’m being 100% honest. I love Jesus and want to believe this whole heatedly. but if it’s not true for a poor single mom refugee how can it be true for me?
Dear Jenny, it is true for everyone. God knows our hearts and souls like no human can. He knows His plans, but we do not. His timing is not like our timing. His ways are not ours to question. We have to trust, pray and remain faithful. God is not of this World. He has not caused this grief. Humans have caused this grief. Unbelievers have created the evil. Believers must unite in prayer and trust God to direct us in our deeds. Remain steadfast, no not let the evil lead you to question your faith or the blessings God provides daily. Many of which we are not even aware. He is caring for the refuges.
Come and listen to hear all what God has done…. He has pulled me out of the miry pit, He has set my feet on steadfast ground. He has loved me from everlasting to everlasting, and has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west…. How great is my God! Selah
All that God does for us! I will be adding to this list for a while… He loves, listens, cares, redeems, saves, hears, trusts…He is all around us, and fulfills us!
I feel so grateful and blessed to have a God so great as our Lord! He loves us so much and has given so many gracious gifts to us. His light shines over the world and fills those who follow him with joy and compassion. He guides us, rescues us, saves us, hears us, comforts us, protects us, answers us and heals us. He is always there for us no matter who we are or what we’ve done in the past. He is the Almighty God of all who should have many praises sung to him. SRT thank you so much for the special time with God that I have as I read trough the passages. It really reminds me how great The Lord is to us.
This study is really wonderful, I love the activities! v22 redeemed, sheltered, no condemnation. Verse 22 is everything for me.
Wow! We are only three days in, and I can already feel God rushing in and saving me once again! This has been, by far, the most difficult season of my life. I cannot even remember the last time I opened my Bible and REALLY read His Word. Three days. God moves mountains. God is moving mountains and wrecking hearts and changing lives FOR GOOD. My life. He’s doing this in my life. Reminding me to see what He has done in the past and of what He is doing now, reminding me to stop and THANK Him for His endless Love. I am humbled to my knees. Our God is KIND. This is what I have written in my journal every day for the past three days. God is KIND.
I’m right there with you Melissa! You wrote exactly how I’ve been feeling. Blessings to you!
May God bless you abundantly, sweet one! So much love & prayers. Xoxo.
For two years my husband and I have been trying to have a baby. Each month that my prayer goes unanswered seems more heartbreaking. I need to remember not only is our Lord near the brokenhearted, he also knows what is best for our lives. Instead of losing my faith and getting mad and discouraged, I need to praise him and be thankful for all the great and wonderful things he brings to our lives.
You don’t know me, but you should know. I’ve been praying for you. My heart beats for those going through infertility, because I went through it myself. I am so glad you aren’t going it alone. Speaking out to this community, to followers of Jesus, to faceless friends who will pray on behalf of you, God is working in your life and you will be blessed. May God bless you. I will continue to pray for you. My prayer today is that you will fall on your knees in sweet submission. Repent and feel God’s mercy in your life. Humble yourself before Him. And know that He is going to do something far more incredible, far more beautiful that your wildest dreams. I am praying for you. I am praying with you. With love. Always.
more and more in love w the Lord moment to moment!
Paris erupted
And ran blood red.
And yet…
We fear not!
We who believe in Jesus Messiah have nothing to fear.
God, You have told us the truth.
You see us.
You hear us.
And You are moved by the cries of Your own.
You will deliver us.
And Oh yes!
You, most powerful, almighty and completely just God,
You are set against those who do evil.
You and You alone will erase all memory of them from the earth.
Adversity will come
We will be just fine.
Because You say so
Through Your blood
that ran red.
Thank you.
That is a very good way of saying it, church mouse!!!!!
Fear of the future and fear of not knowing what His plan is for you can be pretty overwhelming and is something I definitely struggle with because I am a planner and like to know what is going to happen. I have to remind myself though that He will answer me, I only need to seek Him out.
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.”
This is awesome. It’s very refreshing to have this community of God fearing women.
I have been battling with cynicism, depression, stubbornness, and what feels like hard-heartedness and this workbook is helping me to come to terms with these feelings and work on my relationship with God and Jesus. It’s not easy, but every day so far has been a little bit better. I’m thankful to know there is a community of women who I can look up to and seek knowledge and encouragement from. Thank you SRT for providing women like me with somewhere to be vulnerable and broken and see how great God truly is.
Oh Courtney, you are not alone. These days it seems so very hard not to be cynical! I appreciate your honesty and the honesty of all the women who gather here. It is a good safe place.
I just dusted off my journal (I’m guilty of it being in remission since this summer…yikes) & sat down to complete the workbook activities these past few days. I felt reconnected with God & his purpose for me on this earth. I’m feeling grateful for this devotion series & being able to participate! Thanks SRT.
I love, love, love having the writing prompts!!! More please! :)
I’m going to be honest I wasn’t too thrilled with the “workbook” type thing we are doing this time. But then He opened my eyes. This study is about Psalms of Praise. Praising Him. Lifting my feeble voice up in praise to Him. Thank you thank you thank you SRT for listening to His leading and guiding us to praise Him! This Psalm in particular I am going to keep close to my heart especially for times when I feel abandon.
It’s so important for us to truly know who we are in Christ and to deeply know God’s truths for our lives! Thank you SRT!
I’m so glad to be here and read all these comments. My friend invited me from Twitter a few days ago and I love it. God has been soooo good to me this year. I’ve fought my strongest battles this year, dealing with hurt and depression but He has restored everything. No time have I ever known God and seen His power as I have this year. God forgives the unthinkable, heals and restores. And there’s nothing as beautiful as His instruction.
Absolutely! Amen!
Amen! When we go through the hardest times is when God shines the most. Continue pressing on sister, he has great things for you! How wonderful is it to be the daughter of the greatest redeemer. He always guides us out of our darkest places and guides us to the light.
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are attentive to their cry;
16 but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth.
Dear Father please be with us, the World, and our leaders as we fight the evil that is ISIS. Please lead us in the battle against evil, please direct our decisions, please hear our prayers for all our fellow Christians. Please hear our prayers for all those seeking You, that even in their fear they will recognize You and find peace and courage. Dear Father we thank You for all Your blessings.
Thank you so much, this was perfect! I love all of the work that you do; SRT is always so encouraging!
He’s faithful to me always
He gives me Grace and forgiveness with every sunrise
He loves me
He gave me Jesus and He never stops giving to me
He clothed me in righteousness
He never gives up on me even when I do
He provides for my daily needs
He fills my heart with His love, my heart could burst
He protects my every step
He watches me always
He reminds me of His faithfulness and love every minute
He is always always extending His loving arms to me
He is slow to anger and always forgiving me
He hears my voice and answers me
He never abandons me
He strengthens me when I’m weak
He loves me He loves me He loves me He loves me He loves me He loves me!
When we seek the Lord we lack NO GOOD THING. Oh how I love this so much… with Jesus as our Savior we have all that we need and more!! Jesus is more than enough to make our cup overflow. He is the source of my joy, encouragement, and contentment.
He cares for me
He supplied all my needs according to his riches in glory
He forgive me of all my sins
He give me peace that surpass all understanding
He give me joy even when I am facing trials and tribulations
He love me unconditional
Very cool activity! Love this, thank you! What a beautiful reminder of all our God provides us!! Hallelujah!
Thanks for joining us today, Caroline!
God’s gracious gifts to me!
verse 4: He answers me
verse 4: He delivers me
verse 5: My face will never be ashamed to look to Him
verse 6: He saves me from my troubles
verse 7: The angel of the Lord will encamp around me and rescue me
verses 9-10: He will fulfill all my needs
verse 15: He hears me
verse 18: He saves those who are crushed in spirit
verse 22: No one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned!
Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you are and all that you do. I do not deserve you and your love in the least! THANK YOU!!!
Today’s Psalm was a great reminder of all the gifts and blessings God gives me everyday that I often take for granted. Today’s exercise really made me stop and think about all He does for me every single day. I’m am so grateful to have a God who cares about all the little details of my life!!
He simply brings me joy
He saves me
He gives me comfort when I am weary in spirit
He fulfills all my needs
He hears me
He refreshes my spirit
He makes me whole without condemnation
What did I do to deserve Him? Nothing. Nothing at all. I am so thankful for Him!!!
Its so hard for me to believe God sees me differently than people do… In a recent relational set back, I was told about the damage I had caused with so many people.. Grant it no one ever told me what that damage was, but nonetheless he told me I caused it… I now struggle with believing that God sees me differently than man does.. These promises are for me even though I feel completely unworthy of any one of them.. My heart is literally broken into pieces and I want to believe He is near to the broken-hearted.. He saves those crushed in spirit..yep.. I’m crushed. I’m not a victim, I know there are things I’ve done wrong.. But I wish we would communicate with one another and implement matthew 18 and the instruction to go to the one who offends you… Instead the church operates much like the world, gossiping and cutting you out.. That doesn’t solve a thing.. If you have a problem with a brother or sister in the family of God, please go to them in love and work out the issue.. Your ignoring them is never going to help anything and it certainly doesn’t promote unity nor bring any honor to God.. We fail each other miserably.. We miss marks daily.. We are painfully aware of our short comings and failures.. We need to extend grace and be merciful.. We need to love for Jesus said that is how the world would know we are His disciples by that love for one another.. I feel anything but loved by the body of Christ.. And it ought not be so. Wounded and broken… So utterly confused by it all. Sorry for my poor me rant, heart is exceptionally heavy this day..
Diane, thank you so much for trusting us with your vulnerability. I’m praying today that God would make clear His promises to you personally, asking Him to cover your broken heart in His truth and strength. I’m so sorry for your hurt and am asking God to surround you with true truth-speaking community and that SRT would be a safe place to experience His love.
Blessings to you, friend.
I just wanted to let you know, that you are not alone.
As Jen said, you are not alone. My greatest hurts have come from fellow church sisters. Though you are being identified as the one causing the hurt you are also being hurt. You are right to ask that your accusers come to you and work toward unity as we are directed in the Bible. I pray that they will be true brothers and sisters in Christ and participate in healing not continued pain. I have tried many times to begin this process of healing with a woman that hurt me deeply but she is not willing/ready. She remains in my prayers and when/if she is ready I will open my arms to her. I pray that arms will be opened to you.
I too have been deeply wounded by folks in the Church but have been able to continue to love the Church and all that Christ desires for His Bride to be. My prayer has been for church leaders to not just confront those in the Church who commit adultery or fraud or been involved in drugs and alcohol but to be just as confrontative about the sins of gossip, lying, grumbling, complaining, dissension and strife. These ‘lesser’ sins are far more rampant and their wounds cut just as deep. Sin is sin and confession and repentance and forgiveness must be the standard for the Church to have any credibility. Individually and corporately. Imo
I LOVE love love this Psalm! It’s almost like sinking in a warm bath and just soaking in truth. And, I don’t usually like taking baths! I think one reason is that I don’t like sitting there so quiet and still. It’s irritating to me to try and wash everything. Especially my hair! I just can’t relax in a bath! :) And, isnt that the whole point??? But one time I did.
About 7 days after I delivered our youngest daughter (of three!) this year I was using some herbs to soak and help with the healing process. My husband was helping get a bath ready for that purpose. (We were blessed to have our oldest two children staying with their grandparents.) I entered the bathroom to find candles everywhere, nice music playing, and all my towels in place for comfort. I just collapsed, embraced my husband and cried. It was inviting. RELAXING. (!!!) He was serving me and I felt deeply loved.
That’s a bit what this passage of Scripture is like. God invites us through His words to be still and sit in these immensely comforting truths. I can allow Him to serve me by ministering to my heart and whole being with promises and with HIMSELF. HE is our true rest and comfort. It’s a gorgeous and intimate thing to partake in!
LOVE this imagery, Lindsay! Thanks for sharing today!
Meditating on this list of God’s kindnesses to me, I realize that while the afflictions of the righteous are many, there is some suffering that God protects me from as I rest in His love. There has been so much broken-hearted decision making in my life, decision making that enslaves me and deepens bondage in my soul, blinding me to God’s goodness, making foolishness seem wise. But the love of God redeems my vantage point and it changes how I choose. I will suffer for righteousness’ sake (1Peter), but God is maturing me and affirming in me that there is some suffering that the righteous are safe from because we are not as prone to the world’s snares and folly. Does that make sense?
It does! As I read these verses this morning I immediately thought of God’s help amidst temptation. That is a rescuing!
” 6This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him And saved him out of all his troubles. 7The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them. ”
Also, after reading your thoughts I remembered words to a hymn I listened to yesterday, I Need Thee Every Hour. Here is one part in particular:
“Temptations loose their power
when Thou art nigh.”
Chelsea Moon w/ the Franz Brothers – I Need Thee …:
(I have been sharing her songs often in the comments section. Just super encouraged by them lately!!)
I believe we are less susceptible to evil and committing sin because of the help of the Holy Spirit and the change in our desires and wants that occurs when we are born again. It is ONLY because of the finished work of Christ that we could want anything good! Also, in scripture we are promised to always be given a “way out” when tempted. All of these things distinguish us in our wrestling with the flesh towards obedience from the struggle of the nonbeliever to do good and not bad. Just some thoughts! :)
Yes, it makes sense. We will all stumble on stones in our path but how we overcome them is what is important. Ours Father is already standing next to each stone offering His hand to help us over it.
Love that image! Thank you!
Psalm 34:17-18 is one of my favorites!!! The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.
He is near to ALL who have a broken heart!!!
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
and delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is near the brokenhearted;
He saves those crushed in spirit.
I have experienced God’s faithfulness in applying these verses to my life many times. How great is our God!
SO grateful for these truths, Deb! Thanks for joining us today!
I sought the Lord and He answered me. How comforting! The Lord is near to the broken-hearted!
With everything that has happened over the past several days around the world, this Psalm is beyond encouraging and uplifting. I have felt so defeated since the various attacks on the 13th, but this reminds me that God is in control, and He is good!
Wonderful exercise to remember His abundant gifts to us.
This interactive study is bringing much energy to my study time. Thank you so much. May I ask what version are the passages in?
Jamie, you can select what version the verses are in from your settings. I believe the default is ESV
Hey, friend! The verses in the post are in the HCSB translation, but you’re welcome to read along with your favorite translation if it differs!
Thank you for this! Such a great reminder that we are all blessed today!!!!
I am loving these Psalms of Gratitude! It’s so easy to get bogged down in our own circumstances and focus on how big those are instead of how big God is. I’ve noticed when I focus on the reality of Him it is then that the reality of me is changed. Thankful that God is bigger than me.
This is where I find comfort when everything else seems to be falling apart; in God’s word. Lord, please hear our cry. The beautiful world you created is suffering and in upheaval. We need you more than ever.
I absolutely adored today’s activity! I wouldn’t have taken the time to draw out those blessing verse by verse without it. God spoke so clearly to me through this this morning! Thanks SRT!
Great exercise! Thanks!
Psalm 34 is one of my favorites. It’s filled with gems that I have often come back to again and again… so many blessings described, so many declarations of trust and faith. Those things alone are enough to make it amazing, but then there’s the backdrop. David wrote this Psalm during one of the darkest times of his life. He was chased out of his own country by Saul, and sought refuge in the very city where he had killed Goliath (great move, huh?) As soon as they discovered who he was, he was brought before the king and in desperation, acted like a mad-man so they would let him go. It worked, and they sent him away. From the dark recesses of a cave in Adullam, he penned Psalm 34 and gave us some of the most loved Scripture verses of all time, including these…
I will praise the Lord at all times;
His praise will always be on my lips….
I sought the Lord, and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears….
Those who look to Him are radiant with joy;
their faces will never be ashamed….
The Angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear Him, and rescues them…
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and His ears are open to their cry for help…
The Lord is near the brokenhearted;
He saves those crushed in spirit…
The Lord redeems the life of His servants,
and all who take refuge in Him will not be punished…
I want to be like David. I want to be able to focus on the goodness of my God when the world around me feels like it’s falling apart. Paris. Lebanon. Nigeria. And even closer to home… streets in North Conway shut down as police chase after armed suspects. It’s craziness. But the Creator of the universe is not blind to the tragedy… to the brokenness.
Maybe you’re feeling it too, and maybe the desperation isn’t just from world events, but from something much more personal. A marriage that’s so fragile you fear it could be wrecked by a breath. Debt that threatens to suffocate you. A prodigal who hasn’t found the path home yet. A health issue that wears you down to the point of not even having the energy to lift your head, let alone fight for something better.
You guys, whatever has driven you into your Cave of Adullam, know this… the Lord is GOOD. He is near. He sees you. He knows you. He is FOR you.
And if you need a little help reaching out? Shoot me a message. I’d love to pray with you. <3
So good!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you!
So true!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Heather, your words and knowledge speak to me. I am re-learning scripture in this autumn season of my life and I appreciate you sharing. Thank you .
Love this, Heather! Thanks for the encouraging words and reminders.
Thank you for these sweet words Heather! I was moved to tears. God is good!
Wow! Incredible insight!! Thank you.
Really loving 34:4….”He delivered me from ALL my fears.” Gosh, I am thankful! And as I experience fear in my life I am determined to turn my mind to a posture of praise and to remember this promise in 34:4.
I really love this too! Fear is such an awful burden and the Lord is so loving to carry it for us.
I am so thankful for the many reminders in this Psalm of God’s ongoing work for us in this life. For His unconditional love and care of constant gifting over us, even when we don’t see it or simply don’t connect the dots. This portion struck me, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Whatever is on our plates, whatever burden we have, whatever road we will have to walk, this verse reminds us that the Lord WILL deliver us. Not from just one or on occasion, but every time, and ALL. We can have confidence that in our faithlessness, in our sin, in our destruction, God’s eye are still on us. The other verse that spoke out is, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.” I was just thinking to this last night as I considered all that is going on in the world. God is here, He is always listening, comforting and walking with us. In the midst of this confusion and heartbreak and destruction, HE IS HERE. He goes towards those broken, those hurting, those crying out, those suffering. Bad things happen, evil appears to triumph, and friends, we suffer, but just as I reminded a friend last night … the behind the scenes on this is crazy. We have God’s word reminding us of all HE has already done, all that He CAN do, will do and is working out. What we don’t see is that He feels our pain and anguish. This is HIS world, not our own and like a toddler walking about and toppling over another child’s blocks, WE are destroying what HE made. It’s not ours and it isn’t our home. In talking with my eldest over these things I reminded her that instead of asking, “why” the better questions are, “What can I do. What have I done that has contributed?” We may not all be able to fly overseas and missionize this, but we can all pray. We can all reach the broken in our own families, in our own neighborhoods, in our own towns. And even just reaching one makes a difference, aiding in the changing of one heart matters. We must go about the King’s business, walking out this Psalm and honoring God with our hearts as we stepped forward even into uncertainty! Praising God that He hears, redeems, comforts, saves. That His eyes are upon, that in all my undeservedness, He covers me! ~ B
Well said. God bless you.
B, I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Those were some good questions to ask ourselves. Rarely are we in a trial we haven’t contributed to, but I’m so thankful I’m not alone and God keeps his promises. I will be delivered, if not no this earth then in heaven.
“Depart from evil and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” This verse really resonated with me with everything going on in the world today, as previous people commented. I pray that everyone in the world can find peace in whatever area of their life they need it in.
“The face of the Lord is against those who do evil” – I know it´s true, but seeing what goes on in Europe and the Near East, I have some difficulties with this verse right now. I hope and pray that the evil-doers will lose their power and deliverance for the righteous be visible …
Prayer is our most powerful strength. Pray with all you might! I will be doing the same.
“…seek peace and pursue it”. This stood out for me each time I read it tonight. This has so many meanings for me in my life right now, especially after a rather rough incident at work today. But also including what is happening on a global level. I wish we could all seek peace and pursue it with everything we have in us. I seek God who is that Peace. May God bless you all!!
Yes! While reading this Psalm, I couldn’t stop thinking about all that is going on in the world right now. Praise God that He provides refuge for us, He protects us, and He delivers us! His word promises that “the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.” This past week has brought global heartache, but we have the comfort and peace of knowing that justice and truth will reign and that God’s peace and love will overcome!
Yes, me too!
Amen, amen!
Beautifully said! So good to have this sisterhood here.
Amen Dana!!
I am enjoying these activities so much! Thank you ladies so much for all you do! I was late to buying my book and just saw that they are all sold out… Any chance you guys will be printing more?!
Hi Liz! Yes, there should be more Psalms of Gratitude books on the way! Keep checking!