You Are Steadfast

Open Your Bible

Psalm 118:1-29

Text: Psalm 118:1-29

n this 2-week reading plan, we are assuming a posture of thanksgiving before the Lord by meditating on ten Psalms of Gratitude. Rather than provide a written response to each Psalm, we have offered a simple yet meaningful activity designed to help us recall God’s mercies to us and through time. So grab a journal, and let’s create our own songs of thanksgiving to God.

Psalm 118
Thanksgiving for Victory

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.
Let Israel say,
“His faithful love endures forever.”
Let the house of Aaron say,
“His faithful love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the Lord say,
“His faithful love endures forever.”

I called to the Lord in distress;
the Lord answered me
and put me in a spacious place.
The Lord is for me; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?
The Lord is my helper,
Therefore, I will look in triumph on those who hate me.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in nobles.

All the nations surrounded me;
in the name of Yahweh I destroyed them.
They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me;
in the name of Yahweh I destroyed them.
They surrounded me like bees;
they were extinguished like a fire among thorns;
in the name of Yahweh I destroyed them.
You pushed me hard to make me fall,
but the Lord helped me.
The Lord is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation.

There are shouts of joy and victory
in the tents of the righteous:
“The Lord’s right hand performs valiantly!
The Lord’s right hand is raised.
The Lord’s right hand performs valiantly!”
I will not die, but I will live
and proclaim what the Lord has done.
The Lord disciplined me severely
but did not give me over to death.

Open the gates of righteousness for me;
I will enter through them
and give thanks to the Lord.
This is the gate of the Lord;
the righteous will enter through it.
I will give thanks to You
because You have answered me
and have become my salvation.
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
This came from the Lord;
it is wonderful in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Lord, save us!
Lord, please grant us success!
He who comes in the name
of the Lord is blessed.
From the house of the Lord we bless you.
The Lord is God and has given us light.
Bind the festival sacrifice with cords
to the horns of the altar.
You are my God, and I will give You thanks.
You are my God; I will exalt You.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.

Dig Deeper:

Our circumstances change, but God and His faithful love remain unchanged. Use the structure of verses 1-9 in David’s psalm to write a personal song of thanks to God. Contrast the unique details of your changing life with God’s unchanging truth.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.

Let ____________ say,

“His faithful love endures forever.”
Let the house of ____________ say,

“His faithful love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the Lord say,

“His faithful love endures forever.”

I called to the Lord in________________;
the Lord answered me

and ______________________________.

The Lord is for me; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?

The Lord is my helper,

Therefore, _________________________.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord

than to_____________________________.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord

than to ____________________________.

(adapted from verses 1-9)

The details change. God remains the same.


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157 thoughts on "You Are Steadfast"

  1. Mary Reese says:

    It made me think of all the things I take refuge in before coming to the Lord!

  2. Jessica Thomas says:

    His love remains unchanged! No matter what we do, his love remains unchanged. In this crazy world that brings me peace!

  3. PamC says:

    Checking in here as well as the Kingdom study. I’ve only had intermittent access to the internet this past week while I’ve been with my mom. I have day at home to replenish supplies, meds, & do laundry. Then I get to go back to sit with my mom some more. I’m not sure what she’s clinging to at this point. We were turned down for home health care for her because the house is such a pit. The hospice nurses…Jesus’s hands & feet…I’m so grateful for them. My sister is so angry. She works for the Reno school district & they are giving her grief, threatening to fire her for any more time taken off…what a mess. We have both told Mom it’s ok to let go. Your prayers, sisters, would be greatly appreciated. Prayers that my sister would soften her heart and that Mom would let go, quit fighting & suffering. That I can accept God’s will. Thanks to you all.

  4. Lehua K. says:

    CEE GEE: What a powerful commentary on Exodus 15:20! I’ve never thought about it before to seek God as our strength and make Him the primary focus. While there are great things out there to bring strength, it is important as believers to seek God as our source of strength, through prayer with Him (not only sharing but listening, which I struggle with), meditating and studying His Word, and fellowship with other believers (like what we are doing here!) ❤️

    MICHELLE PATIRE – Always appreciate your prayers and insights! I would love for you to “take us to church” lol ❤️

    THERESA – oh, dear sister, I pray that you will be able to receive God’s blessings and know that there is so much room for ALL of us to enjoy His blessings ❤️ I can relate to having this mindset at times too, where I hold myself back more than anything. Where I feel others deserve it more than me. But God… God is able to do EXCEEDINGLY and ABUNDANTLY more than we can ask or think (paraphrasing Ephesians 3:20, emphasis mine). I heard a Sunday message on this verse recently by leadership expert John Maxwell, and I wish y’all could have heard it. It touched me. The original words used here to describe “exceedingly and abundantly” is like an overflow, spilling over. That’s how much God wants to bless us, with so much abundance, and He can do it! ❤️

  5. Lehua K. says:

    SARAH D – Praying for your situation ❤️ as I read through this past week, I was praying that your interview would go well, and for your health. Not sure if your interview happened yet but praying for a good outcome. God has you in His capable hands.

    RHONDA – I love that example of Amazon.. such good things to reflect on. I see the same in the mentorship/leadership business I’m a part of – when my husband and I share with others and they get really excited because they have a chance to turn their lives around, then they get started, and a little while later they just go missing… I’ve heard it said that many forget where they’ve come from, how far they’ve come (but that the journey isn’t over and to keep going), and to hold on to the Why (the reasons) why we started in the first place. Not to judge at all, because even for me, I sometimes forget the amazing blessings of knowing who we know and what we’re a part of, and how our business has even brought me and many others closer to God… it’s so much more than a business. To me, it’s a calling, and my God-given purpose. I never want to forget why I started, and why I’m still going, both in my faith walk and in our business. There’s lots of parallels which help me in both areas. ❤️ Love your insights and heart, and praying for God to continue to use you in a mighty way in the ministries you’re involved in. Also praying for your migraines, even though those are fewer and far between, those aren’t fun – I hope yours went away by the time I post this!

    KIMBERLY Z – what a beautiful testimony and blessing that your dad now goes to church ❤️ and I love the term “God winks” ;)

  6. Lehua K. says:

    KATIE L: Praying for level headedness, protection and a victorious outcome/miracle that this situation your family is in will bring others closer to God. To Him be the glory ❤️

    HEIDI – I can relate to you a bit, being in a season where you wonder if it can all get done. I’ve heard a spiritual leader describe it as the “God gap” – where our limits are as human beings, and our ceiling, that is His floor! How amazing is that?! I’ve been learning to see this “God gap” as a way to bring glory to Him, because MANY things certainly could not have been done in my strength alone. (It might have been called the God room… lol I can’t remember at this early hour). God can exceedingly and ABUNDANTLY do more than we ask or think. I love the song “Breakthrough” which has been a daily repeat for me in this season. “There will be victory here”… we will have victory, we know that in God’s hands we are protected.. what are we afraid of? Why do we worry? I know for me, it’s because I can’t see HOW it will happen. In my eyes it doesn’t seem possible. But I think about God and how He sees the situation and from His eyes ANYTHING is possible, if He wills it to be so. It’s tough for me to let go of wanting to know HOW but thinking on these things and verses brings peace ❤️ my heart goes out to you in this time of busyness and stress, because I can relate so much to what you’re going through… (what I shared above was just as much speaking encouragement to myself too)… praying you come out of this with strengthened faith and belief in Him that He’s got you, He is FOR you, and that all will be well ❤️❤️ praying for Kin as well.

  7. Lehua K. says:

    I finally made some time to catch up a bit and comment! (I’m only a day behind ;) and I started reading at 2:30am lol…)

    Ladies, it has been a really busy season. I just started training one of my best friends at work (who was hired on as my assistant) and fortunately it has been such a blessing so far. Thanking God for it all. It’s just a little challenging to juggle my tasks with training but it feels nice now that she has taken some of the tedious tasks off of my plate, so I can focus on the meat of my work. Still learning to prioritize and delegate well. May God be glorified as He steps in the gap to fill in for my weaknesses, and may I learn to trust Him through this season. ❤️

  8. Katie L says:

    Just wanted to post a follow-up to my prayer request – God is so good you guys!! He sees us personally and knows our situation and what it will become! I am so thankful for your prayers for me today, I definitely felt the peace of the Lord and had some pretty remarkable “coincidences” happen (but we know they weren’t coincidences )!

    Now that I have a little more time I wanted to share the details of my situation:

    My ex husband and I have one son (he walked out when our son was about 9 months old), he lives about 2 hours away so our son goes to visit him every other weekend, I have always had full legal and physical custody (he is now 9). My ex-husbands mother is a very flighty, untrustworthy person (history of drugs, domestic violence, child neglect, etc. I don’t know that any of it is documented this is just what I’ve heard from my ex-husband, she does have a very abrasive personality) but grandma has had open access to visit her grandson whenever she chooses (which ends up about 1-3 times a year, no phone calls or communication between). She usually announces she will be visiting a couple days before she arrives and demands everyone drop everything to accommodate her, and is very upset if we had plans and can’t make a visit work. Once our son started staying over at his dads house about 5 years ago I cut off contact with his mom since she didn’t need to go through me anymore to see her grandson, she could work with her own son. He has remarried and has 3 stepchildren who his mother doesn’t recognize as her grandchildren since “they aren’t blood.” It’s made visitation for them very uncomfortable since she makes it very clear that our son is the favorite because he is “blood.” She has always lamented having to coordinate with us to see him and wants to have more freedom to take him on trips (a privilege she hasn’t earned and with how little our son really knows her this would be scary and upsetting to him). So she’s taken it upon herself to file a court case over the situation, asking to be made a party to our 8.5 year old divorce case and awarded visitation rights. She’s requesting to take our son on 3 multi-day trips per year (she has never spent time alone with him let alone had him overnight).

    This whole situation has been incredibly nerve wracking, I cannot understand that my authority as his parent to decide what is safe and unsafe could be taken away. My ex husband and I are in complete agreement that unsupervised visitation with her is NOT in our child’s best interest but the judge is a “bleeding heart” according to the lawyer I’ve spoken to.

    Today I had a call with the lawyer that did our divorce, he said he doesn’t have experience with this kind of case because it’s very unique and he recommended another attorney. He did say that grandma will probably be granted her request to be made party to the divorce because all she needs is a relationship with the child and the court defines relationship loosely. I didn’t feel any better or any worse after this call.

    But then!! Later today we got a call from Family Law who had scheduled our mediation appointment for this coming Tuesday weeks ago. They said they’d jumped the gun and scheduled our mediation before they knew if her request to join the case had been granted so they need to wait until our trial on June 21st to see if they grant her request THEN we will do mediation. I am very glad that I have more time before we have to do all this and it also gave me hope that – what if – what if they DIDN’T grant her request to join the case? I don’t know the likelihood of that happening but would you sisters pray audaciously with me that her request is not granted and this case is thrown out??? If it is granted on the 21st then we will go to mediation on the 27th.

    I’m sorry this is the longest post I’ve ever seen or done, but it is a complicated situation and I wanted you to be able to specifically pray with me ❤️ I am so so so grateful for this community. I pray for you all often, and the lack of a sick feeling in my stomach through all of this reminds me that you’re praying for me too!! Pray for level heads for all parties, my ex-husband and his wife are taking this all with a lot of anger and frustration and I think that will hurt our chances of an outcome in our favor.

    If you read all of this – wow. Thank you!! I appreciate you ❤️

  9. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Hello She Sisters! My husband and I have been away for two weeks to Paris and Northern Ireland so I kinda got out of my routine, because of that – I’ve missed you all! But now I’m home (as of 1:00 a.m. this morning) and ready to get back to my normal daily routine. Praying for your requests, as always – as I read them, and as I remember them during my day.
    @Heidi – praying you get all your work done today – well before 1:00 a.m. And thank you for organizing this “in between” study!
    @Rhonda – continuing to pray for your ministry to those who are in prison. Keep doing what you’re doing – shining and sharing the light of Jesus. Your labor is not in vain!
    @Katie L. – praying for your coming weeks. Whatever it is – God sees, He knows, He’s got this!

    A Blessed Wednesday to you all!

  10. Heidi says:

    Who saw it?!?! There it is!

    This is the day the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it. :)

    Two finals to take/complete today, and a research paper. All need to be completed by 1:00am (but let’s all pray they’ll be done before then!! ha!). I need wisdom, understanding, recall, clarity… Prayers for Kin and for God to fulfil the desires of her heart in His perfect way and timing… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, FRIENDS… ❤️

    MARTHA: praying safe travels today and a memorable, fulfilling weekend with your 2 grandbabies! :)

    SEARCHING: I can’t even with you!! lol!! So I type in the comments box thoughts/prayers/comments as I read the scriptures… then I just keep select/copy what I’ve written and then eventually finish and submit. I wrote my prayer requests before I even saw what you had written you were praying over/for me… I just can’t – it has to be the Spirit…. it encourages me, thank you❤️

    RHONDA: Prayed for you this morning and what God is going to hear and speak through you! Prayed for the women to have a refreshed understanding and experience and renewal of their hearts and minds that God is so for them, so in love with them, and that they may begin to believe and see the world through His eyes of grace – and see themselves through that lens as well. That they will see He has purpose for them – still – and plans for them and hopes and dreams and so much faithful love for them. When we were SINNERS – in the middle of our depravity- is when He chose to die. He doesn’t wait for ANY.ONE. to “get it together” for Him.. He asks us to come to Him in the humility needed to let Him see the brokenness and bring healing… I swear, I treat it sometimes that I have to fix it first – or at least show Him I’m trying… but how backwards. That’s like trying to fix my broken arm before deciding to let the doctor take a look and apply her expertise to it! OR- worse – thinking I need to HIDE it from the doctor when THAT’s what she is there for in the FIRST PLACE!! How ridiculous! But.. I’m still learning. ;) Have FUN bringing His love to them today!!! ❤️

    THERESA- You’re not alone in those thoughts… AND – for all of us, they are a lie. God has said clearly over and over – by. my. GRACE. you ARE SAVED. It is endless grace. And if you can earn even a smidge of it, it’s no longer grace – it’s YOU. He never tires of helping you because He died for you. And not begrudgingly, but willingly and in hope. Not that you would never need Him – He KNOWS you need Him ,that’s the point :) Praying your heart can recognize His great, precious love and grace for you today. He has no disappointment over you – ever. He literally delights in you, His daughter – you literally bring Him joy. I pray you can experience that today!! :)

    KATIE L- praying for what is between you and God and that He will be glorified by whatever is the outcome :) Praying His wisdom and strength to guide your steps and lead your mind and that you may have all you need when the enemy comes against your plans to glorify your loving Father… :)

    CEE-GEE- sooooooo goooooood!!!!!!!! :) :)

  11. Kimberly Z says:

    14 The Lord is my strength and my song;
    he has become my salvation. – Psalms 118:14. One year ago today my dad tried to take his life and let us all shaken. So many of you women came and prayed for me and my family during that time I cannot thank you enough! God is truly good even though that truly terrible time in our lives. Our story is a true testament of Gods love for us. My dad who was never a church goer now goes to church. Truly so many god winks through the whole thing. Thank you ladies for all your prayers! Happy Wednesday.

  12. Sue Dalos says:

    @Michelle Patire. Thank you for this prayer for Theresa and for all of your Sister She’s. This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. ❤️

  13. Donna Wolcott says:

    In Jesus Always today, spoke about choices and His love. “You may have assumed that your choices are mostly insignificant, but this is not true. A good decision you make today, however small, may set you on a path to accomplish something very important. A bad decision, seemingly minor, can lead to serious failure or loss in the future. Though your choices do indeed matter, remember that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Me. (Here’s the important part), I am able to see all your flaws and failures, yet simultaneously LOVE YOU with GLORIOUS, UNFAILING LOVE.” Rhonda, I worked in prison ministry for 3yrs. A men’s medium security and I never discussed how they ended up there, unless they shared. They had the need to know someone cared and going to Christ they could be forgiven, that weighed on them a lot. Your listening and showing you care is huge. Sharing the Word, gives them hope. Thank you for doing this important ministry. Bless you.

  14. Katie L says:

    Good morning, She’s! Thank you all for your insight – I get so much more from every day through your postings. Michelle I wish you would “take us to church!” Often I find what you all post are convicting/encouraging you is convicting/encouraging to me as well!

    If I could ask for prayers today and in the coming weeks – the Lord knows the details. Taking refuge in the Lord today and not trying to take things in my own hands or looking to friends for validation and comfort – if God is for me who can stand against?!

  15. Cee Gee says:

    HEIDI – Lifting you in prayer this morning for the strength of the LORD to bring you victory!

    RHONDA J – praying for God to fill you with His words for the women you will be speaking to at the prison today.

    THERESA – praying as you requested!


    May we all boldly proclaim “The LORD is my STRENGTH and my song!”

    Sharing this from Enduring Word Commentary – “The LORD is my strength and my song: Quoting Miriam’s song (Exodus 15:20), the singer knew not only that God could bring strength and a song, but that Yahweh Himself became their strength and the song of those who put their trust in Him. Going even further, the psalmist understood that Yahweh had become his salvation. Yahweh is these things for His people.

    i. When the LORD is our strength, it means that He is our resource and our refuge. We look to Him for our needs, and we are never unsatisfied.

    ii. When the LORD is our song, it means that He is our joy and our happiness. We find our purpose and life in Him, and He never disappoints.

    iii. When the LORD is our salvation, it means we put our trust for help and deliverance in none other. He is our rest and rescue.

    iv. With all this true, it emphasizes the importance of seeking God Himself when we need strength, a song, or salvation. Often we seek the things themselves, sometimes as even detached from God Himself. To seek God and to receive Him is to receive all these profound gifts.”

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    Prayers Theresa! It is growth! It takes time, but you are moving toward him, and that is amazing!! Watch Him work in you dear sister!!

  17. Michelle Patire says:

    @Theresa- I pray you would know the grace of God even more fully. Thank you for sharing :). I have been there and I know God wants you to understand His love even more fully. “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how WIDE and LONG and HIGH and DEEP is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be FILLED to the measure of all the FULLNESS of God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19) yes, I pray this over you. Dwell in His presence. Seek Him and ask Him to give you a revelation of your belovedness. He calls you Beloved. Bride. You are One with Him. Cherished. Precious. Let this sink deep into your heart as You experience Him in greater ways. I pray this over all of us Shes, needing more grace for ourselves and others. May we dwell in His courts and may His word dwell RICHLY among us. <3 thank you Jesus.

    This psalm is so beautiful. So much stuck out.
    "There are shouts of joy and victory in the tents of the righteous: 'The Lord's right hand performs valiantly!'" (v.15) My basketball team (76ers, sorry Boston Shes) won last night and whenever they win a big game there are boisterous shouts of victory in unison in the arena and houses. My brothers and I are joyful- "YEAH!!!" Oh my soul, how much greater the shouts of victory at the salvation of God?? Heavens celebration with thousands and thousands of angels in heaven over one lost soul? One victory over the enemy ? God is faithful. May His victory be present in all of our lives. I feel like I have so much more to share that encouraged me but I'm not about to take y'all to church — lol. We got lives to live and our God to glorify!

  18. Rhonda J. says:

    Thank Heavens (pun intended) that our God is Steadfast!! In a world where we are constantly disappointed in our fellow humans, even the ones we love and care for the most, it is such a comfort to know God is the same…always. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow! The bible is steadfast and living, we can read it yesterday, today, and tomorrow and it will speak to our soul!! No matter what comes our way- and sometimes I do worry what is to come, it scares me that my faith will be tested to grow me even more, but I don’t want to hurt. I don’t want to be on my humble knees crying out for God to balm my pain..But God, I will trust in him to hold me close.

    I so appreciated the prayers for prison ministry and your thoughts on their condition and what I bring to the table (through Jesus Christ!). They help me so much, I actually copied and pasted your words @Searching and @Heidi to my folder, and would appreciate anyone else that could give me courage and thoughts of impact to look at when I might get discouraged!!
    I have a migraine today and for the last couple days, praying it goes away soon! I have been so blessed that they have all but gone away since fasting over a year ago and quit drinking wine!! God always knows what we need (and don’t need!)

  19. Theresa says:

    I have seen God’s faithful love again and again in my life and yet, I still struggle to believe that he will do it again. Often when I read scripture with God’s promises, I disqualify myself from receiving them because I feel I haven’t earned them. It’s not that I think God can’t, it’s that I think He should do it for someone else and not for me. This year, God is really challenging me on this viewpoint. He revealed to me that I’ve forfeited far more “promised land” in my life than the devil could ever have taken from me. I’m working to relearn God’s promises in light of them being for me too. He is merciful and gracious and His promises stand on their own without anything I do. Ladies, I would appreciate any prayers as I try to get out of my own way and let God lead me through his promises.

  20. Searching says:

    His faithful love – here it is again! Yesterday’s scriptures were full of reminders as well. He really does love us and is faithful with that love, even when we are not.
    All of His attributes are beyond my full comprehension and especially His love and faithfulness.
    MICHELLE PATIRE – generation after generation as you pointed out yesterday- so amazing.
    CEE GEE – looking forward to anything you feel led to share with us as you work through His omniscience.
    SARAH D – praying for your health and interview
    RHONDA J – praying for you as you share the Lord with those in jail today – that they would truly hunger for the Lord, that His truth would catch hold in their hearts and minds, that they could see a path out of their past lives and behaviors and they would no longer lie to themselves. They have likely been lied to time and again and they have lied to others – isn’t this all of us? Haven’t we all been in a place at some point where we didn’t know truth from lie? Lord, we pray that you will be with this ministry and that Your truth will be clear to them and to all of us.
    PAM C – ❤️
    HEIDI – praying for you as you work through your exams today and tomorrow, for amazing clarity of the questions, instant recall of knowledge needed, efficiency in all that you do as you complete your projects. Also praying for Kin ❤️

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thanking God for His faithfulness to every generation.

    Gotta get into work early…will check back this evening.

    Have a great day, Shes

  22. McKenzie Sparrow says:

    Reminds me of Same God by Elevation Worship. Such a great song!

  23. Laney Cowan says:

    God is for me, he is not against me! What can man do to me?

  24. Alexandra Acosta says:

    Remember his unfailing love regardless of the changing circumstances or feelings. He alone is our rock of truth and shield of protection! ❤️

  25. Maddie Jones says:

    Amen!! While the world changes constantly, the Lord never changes

  26. Sarai Foster says:

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to rely on the changing opinions of others!! ❤️ the Lord is my truth and my rock and my peace and hope!! Amen!!

  27. Crystel Garrett says:

    I have cried out in fear and the Lord has carried me.

  28. Casai High says:

    the details change but God remains the same

  29. Donnica Holmes says:

    Thank you Lord for always a working a good thing in me even when I seem to forget about myself!!

  30. Kayla-Yevette Almasco says:

    I needed this today! Praise God

  31. Rebecca Rascol says:

    thank you God for never changing! ❤️

  32. Salma C says:

    Thank yo Igor everything Lord, I keep giving up but you don’t, you believe in me more than I do, you wait for me to keep loving me

  33. Lola Simmons says:

    I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Amen

  34. Amaia Alejo says:

    My life changes, good days and but days… Let rejoyce as his Love never changes.

  35. Jess Turner says:

    Literally what I was thinking for this!

  36. Hannah Houpt says:

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to lean on your own understanding.

  37. Ashley Rhoades says:

    14The Lord is my strength and my song;
    he has become my salvation.

  38. Katie Sheldon says:


  39. Pam Price says:


  40. Jenna Tyson says:

    You have picked me up after I fell down and continue to do so. Thank you, Lord !

  41. Laura Barker says:

    God will protect our family as we recover from COVID. His faithful love remains the same.

  42. Gwen Jones says:

    Thank you Lord for all you’ve done for me!

  43. Katie Tworek says:

    Praise God that He always remains the same. I want to cling to that!

  44. Chris Pennington says:

    Thank you Lord❤️❤️

  45. Cecelia Taylor says:

    His steadfast love endure forever

  46. Tatiana Perez says:

    Same God remains.. Amen ❤️

  47. Kelsey Hankins says:

    The Lord truly answered me in times of anxiousness and uncertainty! Calling me to be quiet in the silence, to focus on his grace and His peace

  48. Emma P says:

    He remains the same! It is better to rest in the Lord than to be anxious or to wallow. Help me Lord to rest in You instead!

  49. Nicole Green says:

    Yes, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!! Amen and amen!

  50. Danielle McCarson says:

    The details Change. God remains the same. Yes and amen.

  51. Erin MacNeill says:

    « The details change. God remains the same. » WOW! How powerful is that?!

  52. E Hong says:

    8It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in man.

  53. Megan Taylor says:

    “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

  54. Alyssa Randall says:

    I called to the Lord and He rescued me from the pit. And He gave me joy, peace and freedom from it all! Praise God Praise God. ❤️

  55. Glenny Cepeda says:

    The Lord has been by side since I can remember. Through good decisions abd very bad ones. I used to say that I was a lucky person but it is God that has been protecting me all the time. He gave me a talent and that talent changed my life. God has been by my side and I didnt even know it until now. I have been away from his word for too many years but somehow I am back again looking to dig deeper and praise him for his unconditional love.

  56. Baylee Mullen says:

    God saved me from everything!

  57. Beth Treadway says:

    God has saved me from my enemies and given me peace. I will give Him praise all the days of my life!

  58. Jerecia Lee says:

    Thank you God for always having my back. I will put all my trust into you.

  59. Alyssa Silvester says:

    Let the house of the Silvesters say his love endures forever!

  60. Allee Harrell says:

    His love is forever! Amen!

  61. Nicole Price says:

    Thank you, Jesus for remaining the constant in my life!

  62. Jasmine Horne says:

    If You are on my side Lord, I need not fear the enemy and his pointless scheming. You have always answered my cries for deliverance and have never let me down. Thank You for always keeping me close. I’ll praise You forever!

  63. Molly Gilbane says:

    Father God, thank you for your faithful love! Thank you for remaining steadfast; never-failing. Thank you for answering my calls when I am in distress. Thank you for remaining near me and carrying me when I no longer had the strength to rise. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

  64. Brandi Danielle says:

    Amen. Thank you Lord for your unfailing and everlasting love and protection.

  65. Bailey Braden says:

    It is better to take refuge in the LORD…

  66. Anna Fanelli says:

    Thank you God for your strength, for the love only You can give, and for being here always. Thank you for protecting me and guiding me and allowing me to fall when necessary so that I will allow You to help me up. You always know what I need before I need it and provide the pathway to get to where I need to be. Thank you for your provision and intricate planning for my life. Where would I be without the Lord.

    1. Stacey Ivanoff says:


  67. Cassie says:

    His love endures forever…. no matter what!

  68. Carly Beverly says:

    Thank you so much Lord for your never ending love!

  69. Myriam Djao says:

    Needed this in this season Praise the Lord for His Steadfast love that endures forever

  70. Tricia says:

    Constant. Thank you, Lord.

  71. Kayla Mullen says:

    Thank you Lord God for always being with me. Your arms are always spread open and your love for me will never change. Lord bring me closer to you so that I may confidently speak of your blessing and promises to those I meet during my travels. Thank you God for another beautiful day.

  72. Katrina says:

    Thank you Jesus ❤️

  73. Jenny says:

    “13 You pushed me violently so that I was falling,
    But the Lord helped me.”

    He has never left me, is faithfully by my side, time and time again. God, you are unfailing!

  74. Marcy says:

    Loved reading this passage, so many verses struck me. The details change but God remains the same. So much truth in those words. He has always been there for me, no matter what was going on in my life. His steadfast love surely endures forever.

  75. Ashley Gomez says:

    His faithful love endures forever!

  76. Tamasen says:

    God, you’ve held me and loved me through everything – I can never thank You enough!

  77. Karen says:

    THankbYou LORD for Your steadfast, unfailing love ❤️

  78. Shelli says:

    Beginning Lent with this today!

  79. Joy says:

    Thank you LORD for being with me through everything and for your steadfast LOVE!!!

  80. Rebecca Kaufman says:

    The main thing that stuck out to me in this specific devotion is the saying at the end. The details change God remains the same. I LOVE THIS. Our situations are changing constantly but God is a solid rock. He will always be there giving us a helping hand. When our lives seem to be spiraling out of control be sure to remember that God is constant and never changing. Lean on him to make your path straight.

  81. Kersti says:

    Wow this was a most timely reading for me. I have been working through/ struggling in a few areas and I need peace, direction and hope. Just everything spiritually is so difficult lately. It is so lovely to be reminded God is good and for me. He loves me and knows my future.
    If you see this please pray for clarity for me.
    Thanks ladies

    1. Rebecca Kaufman says:

      I am praying for you. It’s good to remember that God is constant amidst it all. – Rebecca

    2. Tiffany says:

      Just prayed for you! I went through a similar time when spiritual things felt far from me and were hard to grasp. The Lord revealed Himself to me, though it was not on my timing. It was even better because it was His timing. Stay strong. You are loved and prayed for!

  82. Emmi says:

    The LORD is with me I will not be afraid what can man do to me?❤️

  83. Ariel McFarland says:

    This is so beautiful. This is such a great reminder of the love that God has for his children. The Lord is my rock and his love is like no other. I am a child of God and with him on my side there is nothing that can stand against me.

  84. JEAHuckaby says:

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to fear.

  85. Gabby says:

    I Called to the Lord from a place of fear, he answered me with peace and strength.

  86. Jordan Patterson says:

    I started crying during this devotional. I really needed a reminder

  87. Alise says:

    This was a tremendously helpful exercise. :)

  88. audrey.eileen says:

    I called to the Lord in my sin;
    He answered me and forgave me.
    The Lord is my helper;
    Therefore, I run to him.
    It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to try and do life on my own.
    It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to believe sin’s promises.

    1. Tiffany says:

      Thank you for this!

  89. Hannah says:

    His faithful love endures forever

  90. Morgan says:

    God is my strength and song. He has become my refuge

  91. Rachel says:

    You are so faithful Lord!

  92. Amber says:

    His love endures forever!

  93. Megan says:

    I needed this- facing some changes in my life which I now realize are details- God will remain the same.

    1. Kristen says:

      Love that insight

  94. this was so uplifting….. His love never fails and I will always believe in Him.

  95. Van says:

    Every time. He was there. And will continue to be there. Thank you Lord.

  96. Brittany says:

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. Psalm 118:8. God you won’t disappoint me! I can give myself to you fully and trust that you will protect my heart. I can give you control of all aspects of my life because you are trustworthy.

  97. Kay says:

    His love never quits. Life is overwhelming and reading this makes me know that I will be ok in the name ofofof God.God.

  98. Grace says:

    I am not alone. God didn’t desert me. He is with me. He loves me.

  99. Lala says:

    “HIS LOVE NEVER QUITS” is what the Message Bible translates. I love to compare verses to have it make more sense. But his love never quitting means he will never quit on us when we get too busy or too mad to talk to him and spend time. He will never quit loving us through those times where we are quiet. Loved reading Psalm 118.

  100. Millie says:

    I cried out to the Lord in anxiety and fear. He answered me by giving me peace and calmer me of my fears of the future. He made me remember that everything is in his hands and there’s no need to worry about what he has planned because God’s way is the perfect way.

    1. Kayla says:

      Amen! Thank you for this post, I’m also going through anxiety and fear with school, and about to go through a journey of a long distance relationship with my boyfriend.
      But I need to remind myself to stay calm because God is in control of everything. I like to know how things will play out, I like to know the answers to everything going on around me, but I feel maybe GOd is telling me to stay calm and wait on his goodness and his glory! Because God is good all the time, and that we should build up our faith in him. Let go and let God!
      Praying for anyone whose going through these fears,
      Remember sisters! He makes us brave

  101. Phylicia says:

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to rely on others to bring me up or things of this world. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust the words of others. He is my filter. His word will continually guide me.

  102. Ashton says:

    I called to Lord in many times of sadness and confusion and he has answered every time. Sometimes in ways I wish he wouldn’t but he knows the plan for my life and I am on his time! It is better to take refuge in the Lord for he never fails! Things change, life changes, people change but our God is constant he is never changing and he loves us and will never forsake us!

  103. Emily says:

    I called to The Lord in my deep sadness; The Lord answered me and put a new song in my heart… It is better to take refuge in The Lord than to try to accomplish things on your own strength. It is better to take refuge in The Lord than to keep your troubles to yourself.

  104. Carie says:

    I called to the Lord in distress;
the Lord answered me
and put me in a spacious place.
The Lord is for me; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?
The Lord is my helper,
Therefore, I will look in triumph on those who hate me.

    The Lord spoke almost audibly to me through these verses today! Thankful to serve a God who hears my prayers and responds!

  105. Emily says:

    God is seriously amazing!

  106. Leeann says:

    His steadfast love is so so enough

  107. BlessedandFavored says:

    I’m so blessed that his word remains the same!

  108. Glorymoon says:

    I really enjoyed day 10. It has given me a sense of eternity that can not be removed.

  109. His love endures {forever}.

  110. Kylee says:

    I seriously trusted in man for years before fully giving my life to God. Reading verses 8-9 encourages me so much; it IS better to put our trust in God than any person!! He will never change His mind about me. I’m so thankful!!

    1. Monica says:

      Thank you for reminding me that God never changes his mind about us :)

  111. Freja says:

    “The details change, God stays the same.” Really true and lovely quote

  112. Rebecca says:

    This study has been just what I needed.

  113. JoAn says:

    I love this format of meditating on the Word and then filling in our own words. It has been very meaningful to me this season.

    1. Rochelle says:

      Me too, JoAn. It’s really gotten me journaling and digging deeper.

    2. Brenda says:

      I feel the same way. It has gotten me into journalingredients too. Thank you SRT for this study and format!

  114. Caitlyn Walker says:

    The last line is so so powerful. I’ve been struggling a lot with my faith lately, and this is exactly what I needed to read.

  115. Terry says:

    When we lived near London at the turn of the millennium, I found a set of bookends with a tiny replica of part of the gorgeous gates of Kensington Palace inserted in them. (Google Kensington Palace gates to see stunning photos.) I thought of those gates after reading, “Open the gates of righteousness for me; I will enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.” I sat with that mental image of those massive, ornate golden gates swinging open and me entering through them to be presented to the King of Kings. And what’s even more amazing is the fact that I was clothed in righteousness. Why? Because the psalmist prophetically proclaimed, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (I Peter 2:4-10) I am so humbled Jesus would give His life for me–and continually love me every moment forever and forever. Yes, give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

    1. Nikki says:

      Thanks for sharing this Terry! Yes!

  116. Audrey says:

    There are so many distractions that I have a hard time even remembering to stop and think on these things. Between kids, school, meals for the fam & piles and piles of laundry and dishes, we ladies have a LOT to think about. I have to make a conscious effort to slow my mind and body down enough just to simply give thanks for the reasons that I have so much going on. Take time today, clear spots in your busy schedule to STOP, thank, & listen (even if its noisy). I guarantee it will be worth the effort.

    1. TGBTG says:

      Sometimes it is the things that overwhelm me that I pray thanks for. Thank you Lord that I have clothes that need washing. Thank you Lord that I have a roof over my head that requires floors to be moped, Thank you Lord that I have insurance to cover the dental appointment that is adding chaos to my day. Thank you Lord for the children that are arguing right now, thank you for the husband hard at work, thank you thank you…..

      1. Rebecca says:

        Thank you for sharing this!! I have never thought to do that I think it would help me shift perspectives when I get overwhelmed in life’s chaos.

      2. Sue D. says:

        Great perspective! Give thanks in all things!

  117. funkybodunky says:

    1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

    6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?

    The details change.
    Life will change.
    Our Father always remains the same.
    “You are faithful. Jesus you are faithful to the end.”

  118. Dmoats says:

    When I am overwhelmed or feel lost, I focus on God’s promises. These verses helped remind me that he promises to be there for me and take care of me. I am thankful for these promises!

  119. Sarah Curry says:

    Oh how I needed to hear this today. When my husband and I were first married, I moved to his town, but kept my job. I worked from home alone each day and had no friends in this new place. For a year, instead of looking to Him for new things, I desperately clung to and missed the old–my friends, my coworkers, the life I had built for myself. I’m seeing now that He had taken me to a spacious place, with room for Him to build a new, fuller life for me–one with a more life-giving job, wonderful new friends, a new church, and a new community. He has done so many good things for me, and I don’t think I’ve really recognized it until now. Lord, thank you for being our good, good Father, in times of loneliness and spacious places, and in times of blessing when our world feels full of light and warm hearts. As our lives change, help us to remember: And through it all–You are good. Amen.

    1. Betsy says:

      Sarah, I have been where you are as well—thanks for sharing your story! It’s always comforting to know that I am not alone in my struggles :)

    2. Beverly says:

      I’m coming out of a very similar season. And having similar realizations. Though on the cusp of that year ending and seeing more clearly that I can open myself to His new, potential fullness in where I am – your words give me hope for my future. Right here where I am. Thanks for your words, Sarah!

  120. Joanna says:

    With the Lord on your side, we have the most powerful ally imaginable.

  121. Ashley says:

    Jesus has been so faithful to me. When I was in a moment of despair and cried out for God to repair my broken relationship that once served Him and got off that path, He did. Once He did, He showed favor and blessing. But I messed up with my stronghold of worry and slipped and stopped trusting. I know I’m covered by grace and I trust that God has a plan for this relationship. But sometimes the enemy makes it hard to forgive myself and makes it hard for me to feel blessed instead of ashamed.

    1. Beverly says:

      Exchanging shame for blessedness – love this thought, Ashley! There is so much freedom in it. Our God does not want us to dwell in shame. Grateful.

  122. Beverly says:

    I called to the Lord in my confusion, from an anxious heart; and the Lord answered me – not as I expected – and brought me to a spacious place in spite of myself.
    Oh, how I have fought myself and the Lord over the past year. He has taken so much that I have relied on and flipped it in its head – because I have sought Him and prayed for this. But “this” is never what I imagined it would be. Because His answer does not ever look like my own. His patience and steadfastness have brought me to my knees. When my world has felt like it was crumbling or just emptied out, He has been making room and opening my eyes to the secure and spacious place He has been preparing all along. And I have been so blind, but in His faithful, enduring love He has helped me to see more clearly. Because all that I thought I wanted was really empty and meaningless. Because He desires – and knows my heart desires are the same – that I root and build my life in fullness and abundance and meaning. Because I was so focused on lack – all that needed to be filled – and driven by my own discontentment and ingratitude that my heart was postured in selfishness.
    But He has provided all I need in spite of me. He has given me the space to grow and to see His abundance in all of my life. I am blessed, He is good. My circumstances may change or not change as I would like. Either way, He is steadfast. I will give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.
    He is not done with me yet. I am grateful for this.

    1. Judy says:

      Wow! Thank you for sharing. I can relate and love we are on this beautiful road together.

    2. TGBTG says:

      Always He is with us. His ways are not ours to understand, His timing is not always the same as ours, but always He knows best.

    3. TGBTG says:

      So glad to hear the beauty in your life. Prayers answered.

      1. Beverly says:

        Grateful for your perspective and praise!

  123. Heather Clement says:

    I’m incredibly foolish sometimes. Although I know that God has promised to care for me, I still get caught up in trying to handle things on my own. I look to an abundance of other sources to meet my needs. At the top of the list is my amazing husband.

    I put way too much pressure on him when I live as though he is responsible for my happiness. It’s not his job to make me feel secure and fulfilled. God didn’t intend for him to be everything for me. If Joel were able to meet every need I have, I would have no need of God. See, there are longings in my heart that only God Himself can satisfy, and if I look to my husband to fill those desires, I will end up disappointed and disillusioned… not because my husband isn’t an incredible gift from God to me (he is), but because even a great husband makes a very poor God.

    It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in man.
    It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in nobles. (Psalm 118:8-9)

    Maybe you know what I’m talking about. It doesn’t have to be your husband, either. It could be a parent. A child. A friend. A pastor. Listen to me – nobody can handle the pressure of meeting needs in your life that God alone is meant to fill. If you’re feeling let down by someone who you thought was going to take care of things for you, maybe this reminder is for you too. Look to the One who has promised to be your everything. He will never fail you. And give those other guys a break… <3

    1. Ashley says:

      That really just spoke to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing! Often times I do the same to my boyfriend and even though he’s a God fearing man, he isn’t God and can’t 100% fulfill me

    2. Sue says:

      Because they need a break. Thank you Heather.

    3. Sarah Curry says:

      Heather, I love this: “Even a great husband makes a very poor God”! So true, and how often we forget it! I need this tattooed on my arm!

    4. Sarah Beth says:

      Thank you Heather for your true and honest comment. This spoke volumes to me!! I had not thought of that verse, in terms of my personal relationships. You have opened my eyes to my unrealistic expectations I have for the man in my life. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family!!

    5. Betsy says:

      This is so true! It’s not just my husband that I put that pressure on, but also my work colleagues. I tend to base my confidence around the approval of others, and when I can’t find it I often feel defeated. What a great reminder in Psalm 118 to turn to God as my primary source of confidence, assurance, and identity.

      Praying that the LORD will teach all of us how to do this as we continue to search His Word and study it together!

      1. Rochelle says:

        Yes! Right there with you.

    6. Heather Clement says:


      1. Joy Pierce says:

        Man did your words hit home! I am so often disappointed in my husband (and he is a great man) because he doesn’t fulfill all my desires, especially in leading. But I need to look to God as my God and stop expecting my husband to be that for me. God is allowing my disappointments to drive me into His arms, and to trust God to mold my husband as He desires.

  124. candacejo says:

    Love inserting our own names in the scripture. I do that quite often when I pray, especially the Psalms! Make it personal, because it IS personal. If we don’t know Him we are fooling ourselves and missing out on everything the Lord sacrificed His life for….US!

    In this season of thankfulness I am so grateful to God for His goodness, His mercies every single morning, His unfailing kindness to His children and those that are away from Him. He never fails. Never. As the writer said, The details change but God remains the same. Amen!

    Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving with those you love the most….or the stranger on the street. ♥

    1. Joanna says:

      Amen! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, candacejo!

  125. Shall says:

    The details change. God remains the same. I love that. Our specific experiences and situations are different but God never changes, His love endures forever. God is constant.

  126. Tinashe says:

    Thank you

  127. TGBTG says:

    29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

    Our one and only assurance.