My emotions have been a bit up and down lately. I’ve been writing songs in fits and starts, leaving chords and scribbled notes in papers on the piano, unfinished and forgotten. This is an especially dynamic time for our family as we have recently welcomed a new baby. But as we shift into this new season of life, I find I am once again comforted by chords and lyrics, by the act of praising and worshiping God through them. I find rest when I call to mind these words from the psalmist: “For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does” (Psalm 33:4 NIV). Our God has made all things with His own hands, and with every new season and turning of our lives, He invites us to sing a new song to Him.
In the midst of all these changes, I try to live in the moment, to be present and take it all in stride. But the thing about living in the moment is that it’s wrapped up in the weather, the mood I’m in, what I ate for lunch, how much sleep I’ve had, or how stressed I am about work obligations. Emotions are the fuel and the energy of our daily rhythms; they provide the movement of our lives. Created by God, our emotions are good and can teach us things about who we are, who our God is, and who our neighbor is; however, in and of themselves, our emotions are not trustworthy and ought not be left in charge to guide our lives. This is where worship can come into play.
Worship can lasso the wild horses of shame, gladness, anger, loneliness, and sadness and then corral them inside the fence of truth. Worship is restorative; it is the corrective to our emotional ups and downs. It turns the disharmony of our circumstances into the resonant harmonies of a new song. Worship is not just about living in the moment; it is an honest look at who we are in light of who God is, of where we’ve been and where we are going.
Through worship and song, God invites us into a deeper relationship with Him. He reveals more of Himself through the act of worship, and as a result, our spirits, minds, and bodies are realigned to His reality—not what we perceive our circumstances to be through the lens of emotion. God provides and sustains in all things, and He teaches us to sing new songs of praise, new ways to worship Him within each new twist and turn of life, in times of both joy and sorrow.
There’s an old gospel hymn that says, “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free.” But when we go through times of difficulty or transition that are disorientating, how do we keep worshiping? When awakened in the middle of the night with a newborn baby, or rising in the morning after a break-up, or standing on the grass at a loved one’s funeral, or in the slow delays of a long illness—how do we keep on singing?
It takes faith to believe in what we cannot see, to sing ourselves forward into hope. Worship is the practice of faith, of aligning our spirits with God’s kingdom reality; singing is what comes out on the other side. These words seem to spring up out of a deep well of gratitude within the psalmist, who says, “Hallelujah! How good it is to sing to our God” (Psalm 147:1).

Sandra McCracken is a singer, songwriter, and producer from Nashville, TN. Over the course of ten critically acclaimed studio albums, Sandra has developed a body of work that encompasses hook-driven melodic pop, No Depression-style Americana, contemporary recastings of classic hymns, and even children’s music as part of the Nashville alt-folk super-group Rain For Roots. Her newest album, Songs from the Valley, was released this spring.
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124 thoughts on "Worship Through Song"
I have been doing a study of my own on worship and goodness gracious this has been a wild ride ha! I forgot about these Bible studies that I have paid for and finally got the bright idea to
To sing ourselves forward into hope.
I have never been a “music person”. I couldn’t tell you who sings what song. However I have been moved by music. Lord, help me to worship you through song.
I believe emotions can be trustworthy because they can lead us to truth if we ask God to show us why we are feeling them. It’s unhealthy to cut ourselves off from this rich part of how God created us. They just need gentle compassion and time in prayer to unravel. Spirit *and* truth.
That metaphor got to me too!
The story of Peter & Silas in jail bounded to the wall with shackles, they start praying and singing worship hymns. The jail has an trembling and the jail doors are hinged wide open. The prisoners could of escaped but they stayed in their cells to show the guard who the real Jesus Christ is so him and his family can be saved. How many times we hold burden in our heart that feels like we are shackled and once we sing worship songs we feel the release of the bondage. That is God and the Holy Spirit working within us and the only way we can feel them. That is why it’s so important to be at church before worship to receive.
“Worship Lassos the wild horses of shame…. best paragraph ever.”
“Worship is restorative, it is the corrective to our emotional ups and downs “ love that..
I just started this study yesterday. I chose it in the hope to do a deeper dive into why worship impacts me and moves me the way it does. And in just two days, I’m already beginning to see and understand. I can’t even begin to describe the overwhelming, sweeping peace that is washing through me for this realization. There is SO much beauty in His all knowing ways; knowing I was led to this study to find what I was seeking. I pray He continues to order my steps and that I follow w/o hesitation or question.
I am going to sing praises to my Lord in the midst of so much upsetting turmoil. I’m trying to figure out what praise or worship songs will appeal to my kinder and 7th grade kids. Any ideas let me know.
Jesus love is ah bubbling over, Jesus love is ah bubbling over, Jesus love is ah bubbling over hallelujah.
I sang this as a child in Sunday school, a chorus to repeat and reminds kids that Jesus love never ends and is never limited.
I’m grateful that even the aknowledgement of God is an act of worship and that He listens!
Without realising it, we find that sometimes in the most dire times, a song of worship pops up in our heads and brings much needed comfort.
So true. This is happening for me lately.
Praise him in the morning. Praise him in noonday. Praise him all the day long. Thank you God for giving us the opportunity to align with you through song. Amen.
I love reading that worship is “aligning our spirits with Gods kingdom reality” that’s so beautifully stated!!! That no matter what turn our life is taking whether good or bad we are to worship him. I hope that I can focus on kingdom reality more and more <33
It is so hard to push emotions to the side. Overwhelmed is what I have been feeling lately but I’m thankful that my family is in a tide of change right now. I find myself being able to let go more and more each week at service and really starting to feel the presence of God.
Wow, “worship is the practice of faith, of aligning our spirit with God’s kingdom reality; singing is what comes out on the other side.”
That’s so good!
As a homeschool mom thats in a season of working on building a better foundation for our family and really just taking care of the home-front, I often for get how easy it is to put on a song or just start singing to the One who works all things together for my good. My emotions may be affected by the chaos of motherhood (though I love my kids dearly), but my spirit can flip that gloomy switch with just a moment of praise. Though, it is usually accompanied by tears once those words starts pouring into me. Thank you Lord for praise and worship!!
Wow. Sandra McCracken. No—wow, God!!! Praise Him!! But thank you to Sandra who beautifully put into words what our worship means to the rest of our lives!
Worship got me through the toughest times when my marriage was not in a good place. I would be filled with overwhelming joy and hope even when to the human eyes my situation looked hopeless. Randomly I would smile and laugh unexplainably in the middle of my not so great circumstances. It’s because I was still worshiping God and who he is whether my circumstances changed or not. He reminded me of his goodness and how he sees me. Since then my marriage has been restored but going through that bleak time… worshiping our god is what got me through. He is bigger then my sadness and my fears. If I have Him… I have it all
Thank you. Just what I needed to hear today.
Father god thank you for allowing me to feel your grace. Please help me to further wrangle my emotions with truth. Please continue to work through me in building your kingdom and growing more worthy of your grace. I’m so thankful that you are with me lord.
This is so so true. Thanks!
For the past two weeks I have been meditating on the hymn “Lead me to Calvary”,I listened to it while meditating on Jesus’ words in Gethsemane; “ My heart is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death”and it ministered to me in ways I never imagined despite having sang it a lot of times at church,worship through song is brings us closer to God if we understand what we are singing and who we are singing to.
This reading comes at a perfect time in my life where I’m fighting some battles, i am reminded not to focus on them but on who God is and what He can do, I choose to live in the reality of God and not what is going on in my life right now,
There is a children’s book in emotions called “what am I feeling?” It helps kids name their emotions. It’s a great book! Anyway, there is a phrase in it that always comes to mind for me. It says, “a feeling is just a feeling. It can’t control you.” How true that is.
Music brings tears. Almost instantly. Sometimes happy-sad. Sometimes mournful….
We where created to worship
Worshiping our God in even the darkest hours like Paul and Silas. It’s just so amazing to see God fighting their battles as they sit in their imprisonment singing His praises. I know He is faithful, so I’m giving back my battle because it’s meant for Him to fight it not me.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
And I will just praising Him because he already claimed the victory!
Today’s reading comes at the perfect time as I have a 6-week-old baby and earlier today I was thinking about how I let my emotions play too much of a role in my day (mainly when I haven’t slept good the night before). Today’s reading was such a good reminder that in the midst of inconsistency, worship is consistent. It reminds me that God is faithful and loving and kind and He stays the same, even when I am inconsistent or up and down. Thank you for this reminder and application to keep worship through music close to me, even on the days it’s hard to do.
I have a new baby too. Great thoughts.
Worship through song has always been a big part of my life. I’ve had some of my most profound worship experiences through music.
Loved this part “worship is an honest look at who we are in light of who God is, of where we’ve been and where we’re going.” SO GOOD
I’ve always wondered why it is that singing (alone) always helps me feel right with God no matter what I’m going through- but that’s it! It’s a shift of focus from myself to Him! ❤️ Worship of our King is what we were made for.
So uplifting to read this and pray this morning. Worship with all your heart and God will hear you!
This was so helpful for me to be reminded of. As a therapist, I know that emotions should not always be in the driver’s seat, but it is much easier to say that to others than to practice myself! Worship centers me when I carry too much stress or burden for those I work with, and reminds me of the truth that Jesus is the One True Healer through which all is possible.
I sing to him
I sing of him
I sing for him
I sing because him
Loved this devotional reading, than saw it was written by Sandra McCracken. I saw her perform back in the day when I was in college at Taylor University and have been a fan ever since! Thanks for your perspective on worship.
That is such an interesting POV. You’re right, I do get weighed down by the things going on around me, things as simple as the weather and what I ate. But I shouldn’t give in to those feelings and instead turn to worship and praise. Just like those times when I’m struggling or things are stressful, even if I am justifiably upset, I should instead focus on worship and praise and work through that, instead.
Ahh worship through song, I love love love & that hymn! “His eye is on the sparrow” what a beautiful hymn indeed !!
Looking back at Paul and Silas’s story, it is clear that worship shakes our world and breaks chains. It can set us free. ❤️
Do you think that the physical act of using your breath to sing is something that gives worship to God. Even in tough times when emotions are far from joyful, just having breath is enough.
Psalm 150:6 ‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.’
I was overcome with how beautiful He is this afternoon. He is all powerful and deserving of every knee to bow at simply the mention of His name, yet this powerful Creator wants to know us intimately all the same. He loves to bless us and lavish us in His love, and I am learning not to love Him based off the things He can give me, but rather for who He is. Himself is the prize, yet He loves us so much that He continues to lavish us in blessing always. Even in the middle of the storm. Even in the middle of the heartache. He is good, He is loving, and He is worthy.
I’m lifting Mary Kay up in my prayers. May the Lord bring her comfort through this battle.
Oh this is GOOD STUFF! I recently listened to a message about Paul & Silas and the power of singing praise in your midnight hour. I know it to be true in my own life. There was a time I couldn’t bring myself to open the pages of my Bible, but when I’d prime my heart by singing first, that drew me to God’s Word. Praise His Holy Name – He had equipped us with everything we need.
Praying for Mary Kay that she would experience God’s healing touch, that she would know He is with her through this long illness, and that the doctors, nurses, and others caring for her will be patient, kind, and comforting.
This is so good! I’ve found in my season of grief after losing my dad this year that worship is a weapon, a sense of comfort, a vehicle of joy! Worship is so powerful and ushers me into the safety of the presence of God, despite how I may feel.
Ashley I’m praying for Mary Kay!
Praying for Mary Kay!! That God would cure her and if He doesn’t praise Him and if He does praise Him! Praying for peace that passes all understanding!!
My younger sister has been battling cervical cancer for 2 years now. It was stage 4/5 when she was diagnosed. She was cancer free briefly, but it has returned. Due to the radiation treatments, she had to have reconstructive surgery and a colostomy. She was recently hospitalized again. They discovered her intestines are leaking somewhere, and somehow it’s leaking in to her leg, which is now painfully inflamed. Her pain levels are barely manageable, and her immune system isn’t strong enough for a major surgery. Friday we thought she was going to die, but God heard our prayers. Certainly, she isn’t in the clear yet, but we are praying for wisdom for her doctors, and healing only God can provide. If you could add Mary Kay to your daily prayers, I would truly appreciate it. She has a husband and 5 children. She’s only 36.
Praying for Mary Kay. ❤️
I’m praying for your sister!!
Praying for your sister and family!
Praying for Mary Kay❤️
Love this devotional ♥️
Dear God, if someone asked me “ what must I do to be saved”, I pray I would respond like Paul telling them about Jesus. Use me, your imperfect servant, to help draw people closer to worshiping you.
Wanda I have had simalar expierences worshiping through music. It’s like the Spirit fills me with joy and it overflows through the music. Even in church! I feel the spirit more during the music while many times during the sermon I’m just listening to the pastor speaking. They are both so important to my worship expierence.
This is wonderful. It is comforting to know that when we worship it does change us. It is relieving to know we don’t have to be ruled or controlled by the up and down emotions we experience, particularly on the hard days.
My mother told me countless times growing up that “our emotions are not our reality,” and I never could figure out how to live that truth until I really dug into worship. I am now the pianist on our church worship team, and worship through song is the thing that really ushered me into a deeper relationship with and understanding of the Lord. I’m so glad this is the first reading for me joining She Reads Truth!
This is the main reason I run alone. So I can worship my God freely. And yes sing out loud! But not too loud as sometimes it’s early in the morning. As I mentioned last week my son is working at a Christian camp for 3 weeks. Last night my daughter and I were texting back-and-forth with him. Could you please pray for him. He asked his mother and sister to pray for him. I’m assuming he’s a little lonely being away from us. I needed to be strong. This Devo couldn’t have been more fitting. I encouraged him to worship. Sing songs of praises. He said he’s having trouble with connection so that’s when I told him sing the songs that he knows. He giggled through his text when I told him that his mother sings out loud while running and he ended his text by saying “I love you mom”
Praying <3
Thank you Jesus for letting us be “in” on worshipping you. I pray that my heart and mind can be tuned in to you today and I can remember it’s about you and not my own selfish wants/desires as I go through my day.
My husband and our children are all very musical. (I can’t sing a tune in a bucket lol). I have always enjoyed listening to them play and now , for the past several years, the girls lead in the contemporary praise band at our church. It is such a blessing to worship with family each week and to see your adult children serving and using their gifts for the Lord. Mommas, hang in there. I know how tiring it can be, chauffeuring, exhorting them to practice, working with them to memorize verses…I also homeschooled all four of my children….just know that it’s all part of God’s kingdom purpose. And pray, pray, pray for them.
This is my first book purchase and it couldn’t be a better one. I am a praise and worship leader and God seems to deal with me most times when I am in worship with Him. I love to worship God through music which takes me in close in His arms. I fell comfort there.
I was blown away by the words by the guest writer today. Worship is restorative. When music is in my head, or playing or I am actively singing I truly feel His presence. I thought it strange for a long time because I would not always “feel” Him when i prayed or when I read His word. I know music is part of my connection.
Thank you all for all of your comments. This study is bringing me life!!!
God bless you!
I am praying for you and your granddaughter, Julia. May God bless you both.
I needed these words today. My emotions have been up and down lately, I’ve allowed them to control my life. Worship centers me again, brings my focus where it should be, not on myself. Who is like you, O God, among the heavens!
My feelings today too sister! ❤️
Worship has been an huge part of my life since I can remember. I have always used music to remember scripture. I am in a challenging season of life. I am a classically trained musician and used to have many opportunities to lead worship, and now I have 3 young kids, a husband that survived a stroke, but cannot drive-I cannot do what I once did. I find myself, more than ever leading worship at home-teaching my kids hymns and scripture through song. As a music teacher by day, I am blessed to be able to teach middle schoolers string instruments and many of them play in church. Things look a lot different than they used to, but God is still using me! Amen
❤️ what a blessing you are
Praying for you, sister! I am a teacher, too. We go back in two weeks.
I really like the part in this devotion where it tells us the result of the act of worship: our spirits, minds, and bodies are realigned to His reality.
It helps keep us focused on what we were created for. Not ourselves but to glorify God.
I like Psalm 29:2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Just listening to worship songs on our way to work each morning can encourage us to serve God throughout the day.
I was moved by that part too!
Yes it s true. Praise looks good on you!
I love the verses in Acts; the power of worship is truly seen when the prison doors are opened and the earth quakes at Paul and Silas’s praises! I love too the wording in the Psalms, that praise is “fitting,” it is tailor-made for us to give to God and for God to receive from us. It makes me think that worshipping anything else is like giving lovely, handmade royal clothes to a monkey, who will only tear them and desecrate them. Maybe it’s early and that’s a silly image, but you know what I mean.
I loved all the words of the scripture we read and this devotion. I teach high school in a public school and play music all day in my classroom. I have a Spotify station with a whole range of music, including Christian. (So far no one has complained!) It makes such a difference in my day and in my students.
They come back tomorrow. I am excited to see them but also a little apprehensive. Please pray for all teachers and students. I love my job, but it gets harder every year. There is so much stuff that these teenagers deal with. My prayer is that God will make my life so compelling that students want to know the source of my water.
Praying for you and your students
I taught high school typing— (ages me) but i played music— my music— classical, but it helps sooth and helps rhythm, they learn easier!! Music is from God
Kathy I play worship music with my kids, 5 and 7, and what a difference!! Better mood all around
Amen Shawn! Beautiful!!
Praying for little Julia this morning Churchmouse.
When my grandson, Cayden, was born, my favorite time was if I got to see him first thing in the morning when he woke. He would look around the room and make noises. I would say he could still hear the angels singing in heaven and was worshiping along with them. It has been about 3 years ago now the precious boy was in the arms of his daddy. As we all sang worship to the Lord, precious Cayden sang along (at the top of his little lungs). It was baby-babble, but I believe it was worship in the purest sense. Now, this 4 year old boy has a little brother who is 2 and a new baby sister. Precious moments when we are riding in the car, or playing in the basement and one of them starts singing, “Only a boy named David,” or “Jesus Loves Me,” bring worship also to this Mika’s heart.
Lord, for that pure love-worship, bursting forth in song, running through our veins, nurturing every part of your children, your creation. Worship that brings us hope, trust, rest, and peace until we get to come home and with the multitudes sing with You, to You, face to face.
Love this ❤️
Praise God with music and for music! Singing to my Lord and Savior, and about my great God is not only an activity it is a way of living. He put the praises on my lips and created a beautiful melody that leads from loneliness and separation from Christ into the harmony of being united to Him. Like a tune that I can’t get out of my head even in the stillness of the night I sense the song of my heart dancing quietly through my inward parts fluttering from my mind to my soul and back again until I find myself humming, singing, or whistling. Music, like my love for my Lord, can not be contained within me. It does not have a beginning nor and end. It is always a part of me, and not only that, it weaves its way through my earthly life, circumstances, and experiences and transports me to the throne of God. Thank you, dear Lord, for creating music which draws me into your presence so that I can worship you in the beauty of lyrics, beats, and melodies! Until I stand before you, face to face, and lift my voice with your saints and angels—I will worship You in song wherever I am and whatever my situation.
Praying for your granddaughter this morning, Churchmouse. And her parents. I know it is difficult to see your children and grandchildren go through things.
Our sweet five year old granddaughter is undergoing a procedure this morning to treat a venous malformation of her lip. Would you all be so kind as to pray for her, the doctor, nurses, our daughter and son in law? This is the first of a year long series of treatments that most likely will be needed. Surgery will be scheduled if today’s procedure is ineffective. We trust the healing hand of God to guide the doctor and that God will hold Julia’s hand as well. Thank you.
I am praying.
Your family is lifted in prayer to be covered by the blood of Jesus!
Praying for them
Praying now!
Praying for your granddaughter, her doctors, and you whole family ❤️
Praying for Julia, her medical team and your daughter and son in law!
Praying now
Prayers for you and your family. May Gods hand of protection be on that baby. I’ll be praying for you all today!
Praying for God’s healing hand to be present in every part of this procedure as He gets the glory and praise.
Praying for Julia and the whole family.
Yes praying
Praying for Julia, family, and health care team.
Yes, praying!
Lord Jesus we pray for this sweet baby girl as she goes through this procedure. May YOUR hands be the hands of the doctors and nurses performing this procedure. May you comfort her mommy and daddy knowing that YOU are in control and may you also comfort our sweet sister Churchmouse. AMEN
Prayers sent up.
Praying for your granddaughter, that the treatments will be effective and
Praying for your granddaughter, that the treatment will be effective, that God’s glory will come upon them.
There is a hymn I learned as a child, “God is always near me hearing what I say, knowing all my thoughts and deeds, all my work and play.” When I’m feeling anxious or stressed this always brings me comfort.
Worship lifts me up towards my God and out towards my fellow man. When I come into His presence and acknowledge Who He is, I can better extend His love to others through my actions. I can love myself better too. I turn worship music on and am lifted up out of myself and my concerns. I remember Who He is and Whose I am. I can see others as He sees them. It is well with my soul.
Yes ! Also- love that you said whose I am. Less about me and more about Him.
Sandra’s music has ministered to me many times through joyful and challenging moments in my life. Thank you <3
I was confused by the readings. Like, I didn’t understand why the fortune teller was mentioned. It makes sense now, knowing that the complete verses aren’t showing up in the app.
If anyone else is confused, look at the reading on SRT’s website for complete context.
Thank you! I was so confused by that verse as well!
Thank you! Also confused
Thank you! I was confused too. Some of yesterday’s verses confused me as well. Hopefully the full passages will appear in future studies
Thank you!
Our apologies about that. We are aware of this particular error and it should be corrected soon. The full Scripture reading for today is Psalm 33:1–9, Psalm 147:1–9, Exodus 15:19–21, Acts 16:16–34, Colossians 3:16. Thanks for your patience! -The SRT Team
My app is also showing the first verse of each passage today in the bible reading while on the website the passages are longer
Good to know. I also see a single verse only in all scripture references.
Is it just my app or is the bible reading only showing the first verse of each passage today?
Here as well.
Hi Katie, yes we are aware of this error and it should be corrected soon. The full Scripture reading for today is Psalm 33:1–9, Psalm 147:1–9, Exodus 15:19–21, Acts 16:16–34, Colossians 3:16. So glad that you’re here reading with us! -The SRT Team
Thanks so much! Giving thanks for all your hard work to help us read truth!
She said it takes faith to believe what we cannot see and to sing ourselves forward in hope. I just heard this in a teaching at Proverbs 31 Ministry. She gave credit to Dr. Tony Evans for this: Faith is believing something is so, even though it’s not so, but it is so, because God said so. Hope I got that right. Please God heal me and those I know in any ways that aren’t pleasing to You. Your ways are higher than our ways. May we walk in faith and the truth of Your Word. Amen