
Open Your Bible

Exodus 34:5-8, Psalm 29:2, Matthew 14:24-33, Luke 19:35-40, Acts 3:1-10, Revelation 5:8-14

I went to more than one-hundred Sunday church services last year. First, I worked at a church that held three services. Later, looking for a new church, I tried two locations every Sunday. After I picked one, I still went to every service to re-plant my roots.

Last March, we paused our services for thirteen weeks to slow the spread of COVID-19. For thirteen Sundays, I watched church on YouTube alone, whispered the first line or two of a hymn, and mumbled through the shared liturgy. But I realized during this season that I needed to re-learn what worship really is. It is not just for Sunday morning, and it is not just that part of the church service where the worship team is playing music. 

Jesus taught the Samaritan woman that, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The Holy Spirit is sometimes likened to air, or pneuma. Job said, “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4). Jesus breathed on His disciples to share the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). Elsewhere, Jesus reminds us how God’s truth feeds us: “Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). So we have it backwards if we think God needs or craves our worship. We are the ones who need to worship, the same way we need air and food. 

God creates and sustains and saves us. Before Him we can boast of nothing. But we get to worship. It is our response to His work and His nature, and it isn’t limited to a service once a week. It is a discipline we carry into all of life, like Moses bowing at Yahweh’s name in gratitude of His compassion, grace, and love (Exodus 34:6–9), or the disciples responding in awe of Jesus’s power over creation (Matthew 14:24–33). When we worship, we are adding our praise to that of the lame man who rejoiced in Christ’s power to heal (Acts 3:1–10). We anticipate when we will join with all creation in singing, “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to the one seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13). 

When Augustine said, “The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot,” maybe he meant that to have a head and a foot, and the life that comes with them, is the grace of God. And to offer that whole body and life is the discipline of worship (Romans 12:1). The Holy Spirit acts in worship, nourishing us and guiding us to praise, thank, confess, obey, pray, and give. Living out the practice of worship, we learn how to be, how to know, and how to be still and know (Psalm 46:10, NIV). 

Written by David Chaniott

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79 thoughts on "Worship"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you

  2. Melissa says:

    I haven’t attended church in person since March of 2020. My church does not follow safe practices right now so I don’t see myself returning anytime soon or maybe even at all. I’ve had to have my own worship in my own way. The enemy wants us to believe we can only worship if we’re singing in church. Worship in my life looks like a twice a month zoom Bible study, listening to worship music, praying and how I show up for my family.

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love worshipping God! When I am truly worshipping him, there is no anxiety only peace because I know that He is in control and not me.

  4. Mercy says:

    Thank you so much Tina and Churchmouse for your daily ministering to us through sharing your thoughts and stories. I look forward to reading your comments daily to find wisdom, encouragement, and strength. God bless you and thank you so very much! hugs and appreciation from Canada.

  5. Mercy says:

    My take away verse today is when we offer ourselves as “living sacrifice” (sacrifice means it has to HURT, it has to DIE, not still alive and sitting pretty), then we are offering an acceptable service, which is in the administration of worship to the Lord. That includes an intentional and committed godly lifestyle, holy conversations, meditation of thoughts and heart intentions, this is worshiping God. Our prayers come up to God as an aroma.
    I love how the Bible shows the same worship posture for Moses (on earth), bowing face down to the ground, and the 24 elders (in heavens), also to the ground, humbling themselves as low as they could. They do not get comfortable when they worship God. It is a posture of “I must decrease, so He might increase”. Hallelujah. Glory to our God who is worthy of all praise and worship.

  6. Karen Hartman says:

    Such a beautiful reminder that worship is not just an act on Sunday morning, but a lifestyle all week long! ❤️❤️

  7. Cindy Kraus says:

    Love this❤️we get to worship the goodness of God! It isn’t just a Sunday thing- worship is a lifestyle!

  8. Dorothy says:

    So is worship also singing along with the songs on the Christian radio you listen to? Is it reading and studying your Bible in a mindful and meaningful way? Is worship those times you go to the Lord, whether in celebration or in prayer and commune with Him? I believe it is. I think anytime you are getting together with God and Christ and the Holy Spirit you are worshipping. I fully agree worship isn’t just for Sundays. So SRT sisters let’s worship the Lord our God now and every chance we get. Let’s show His love throughout His world.