women in the bible wrap-up + what’s next

Open Your Bible

women in the bible wrap-up + what's next

Well, friends, here we are. We’ve made it to the end of another reading plan – four plans, to be precise. Did God meet you in the pages of His word this summer as we studied the Women in the Bible together? Did you see yourself in their stories?

Were you standing by the well when Christ asked for a drink?
Did you rejoice with Elizabeth when the impossible came to be?
Were you caught up in the Doing like Martha or struggling to believe truth over lies like Eve?
Did you hear the voice of Jesus say to you, “Little girl, arise!”
Did you watch as your accusers walked away in silence while the Son of God granted you boundless grace?
Were you in the garden with Mary Magdalene when the risen Savior said her name? Did you hear him say yours too?

Oh, how we pray you’ve found fresh grace, renewed passion and joyful purpose these past eight weeks. Studying the stories of these women with you has truly been our privilege.

Now. Are you ready to hear what’s next?

After a quick breather in the form of a few days of Rhythms of the Word (more on that in a moment), we’ll dive into the Old Testament book of Daniel!

Sisters, we cannot wait for you to sink your teeth into this book. Daniel is one of those under-the-radar books, solid spiritual truths disguised as familiar Sunday School stories. We love the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as much as the next guy, but there is so much more to this book than meets the eye.

Are you excited?! Us too! (And if you’re not, don’t worry. We’ll give you a few days to get there. :)

A reminder about Rhythms of the Word…

Rhythms of the Word days are used from time to time to provide a buffer between reading plans. Rather than unpacking scripture in commentary form, these days are designed to provide guidance as we read and reflect on various passages.

We hope that these days give you time to reflect on what God’s teaching you as well as venture off the beaten path, so to speak, and spend some extra time just sitting in the Word. (It’s also a great time to catch up if you feel behind in the last plan!)

That’s it for today, Sisters! But before you go…

We’d love it if you’d share in the comments below a bit of your experience with Women in the Bible. Which woman did you relate to most? Which story grabbed your heart and wouldn’t let go? Which days gave you hope, conviction, focus, grace? Let’s encourage one another in truth today.

 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16, ESV

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40 thoughts on "women in the bible wrap-up + what’s next"

  1. nadine says:

    The woman caught in adultery shook me to my core. It reminded me of how God first revealed himself to me in my utter darkness. That while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. I could imagine her looking into the eyes of Jesus as he told her “neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”. I could feel all the emotions that must have invaded her being as her shame met the beauty of his unmerited grace and love. Tears flooded my eyes as I became her standing there. This is our Jesus. He is the same yesterday today and forever. Darkness is but light to our God. You cannot underestimate or over-exaggerate his goodness and grace. Praise you Jesus!

  2. Samantha says:

    God spoke to me loud and clearly through Mary's story. Her unwavering faith and trust just shook me. The contrast to Sarah and Elizabeth being told they would have children and brushing it off with laughter/doubt to Mary wholeheartedly EMBRACING her future stirred something inside me. Pair these feelings with what I felt reading about the Lord's redemption and His grace in Rahab's story and I KNOW that He CAN use me and actually WANTS to, regardless of my past.

    I actually had an interview last week and walking down the flights of stairs to the conference room where it was being held, I repeated to myself "I can do ALL things through Christ" and "I am the Lord's SERVANT…"
    I entered that conference room so full of peace and handled what usually for me stirs up all kinds of anxiety so well that I just KNEW I had turned a page in my story. I'm EMBRACING God's plan for me, I'm not letting my past define me anymore.
    Thank you SRT for helping me search within myself to get this far :)

  3. apandabear91 says:

    I loved this study SO much. Mainly because it clarifies things I might not see reading the Bible on my own. I enjoyed everyone, but I particularly enjoyed the stories on Martha (hellloooo Me!). I also loved how it was ended with the story of us. It's actually incredible. I fell behind on the study because I was without internet for a week or so. I just finished today and needed that particular selection of verses TODAY of all days. One of those days where I needed to be reminded, ya know? Thank you to the writers! I share this blog with all of the women I know :)


  4. Bethany says:

    When I started this reading plan I as beginning to realize that my overwhelming sense of anxiety about life was largel rooted in not trusting God like I should. I was not in the word daily I was jet begging God to help me stop fearing. Then I stumbled across your site and began hearing fresh takes on Sunday school stories I’ve heard all my life. Suddenly I was also reintroduced to God, and behold I saw him answering desperate pleas, making and keeping promises and offering extraordinary grace. I’m so thankful for this site. With you guys and the grace of God it’s been a very powerful and renewing summer for me. What’s more I finally feel excited about cracking my Bible each day, something I’ve never experienced. So tank you! I can’t wait for the Daniel study!

  5. T Thomas says:

    I enjoyed this summer series and it gave me something to look forward to. This summer, I treated this as my summer reading. I just think about where I was when we started and how I am now that we're finished and I have definitely grown from looking more closely at the women in Scripture. The summer is now over and I'm so ready for Fall and anticipating the book of Daniel. You all have encouraged me more than some of my girl friends in real life. I appreciate your comments and prayers and know that SRT from writers, contributors, readers, and comments are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Kristin says:

    I just discovered She Reads Truth a few weeks ago and jumped into the Women in the Bible series because it went perfectly with the study I was doing in my small group. I particularly loved the story of Mary, choosing the better. It totally spoke to me and renewed my desire to have a daily quiet time with the Lord.


  7. Abbey Grace says:

    I started she reads truth while in a relationship. Long story short, that relationship (engaged) was ended without notice or reason and I’ve been left heartbroken, confused, mad and questioning who I am. This study brought me back to see who I am as a woman in Jesus and has lifted me quickly out of a dark and hard place.

  8. Sarah says:

    I was touched most by the stories of Martha (I so recognize myself in her) and the thought that Martha worried and anxious about “many things” but that Mary had chosen the “better thing.” I think God gave me a Martha personality and it’s a good personality that I like so I’m not complaining :) but I need to be aware of the choices that I make and whether I am choosing the “better things” or just replying to the “tyranny of the urgent.”

    I was also touched by the line Mark wrote in the story of the bleeding woman: “then the woman…fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.” And the way Jesus replies? “Daughter…go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Letting ourselves tell the whole truth to the Lord is so essential in our own healing from the things that bind us, and I love that Jesus will always have the same loving and compassionate reaction: calling us daughter and freeing us from our suffering so that we can live in peace.

    I loved this study so, so much. Thank you to all the writers who give their time, energy, and passion to this ministry.

    1. journeyingwithhim says:

      Oh, and I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed that you included women who don't have names in this plan. Too often when I think of "women of the Bible" I only think of Esther, Ruth, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Sarah…women who have NAMES. This plan expanded my view and I realized there are more women than I realize in the Bible!