Wise Men Visit the King

Open Your Bible

Matthew 2:1-23, Jeremiah 31:15-17

Section 3: The Light Dawns

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-23, Jeremiah 31:15-17

The wise men have always been, at least to me, some of the most perplexing parts of the traditional Christmas story. They appear in nativity sets, kids always play them in pageants, and we even sing traditional hymns about them. The perplexing piece is, however, that Scripture doesn’t really lead us to include them at Christmas time. And yet, their story reflects an unavoidable and beautiful truth about Jesus: you don’t have to fit a script to worship Him. 

The magi came to Jesus after His birth; scholars suggest even up to two years after He was born. Magi were non-Jewish mystics who studied astrology and had a special relationship, they believed, with the stars. These magi heard whispers of a king born and saw an unusual star, which they felt compelled to follow. So they set off with gifts to see who the star portended.

When the magi arrived, though, Scripture is clear about what happened. These men of magic and stars fell immediately to their knees in the presence of Jesus. They worshiped Him. They gave Him fine gifts, of gold and frankincense and myrrh. And even though the wicked King Herod had instructed them to tell him where this baby King was, they fled in another direction. They worshiped and they believed. They were changed. 

This is the gift of our King Jesus. No matter why or when or how you come to Him, His majesty and glory are undeniable. His presence commands us to fall to our knees and worship; He is that great, that awesome, that good. The magi left home following a hunch and a burning ball of gas in the night sky; they left Mary and Joseph’s home with a newfound knowledge of what was good and true. They, the first Gentiles to worship the Messiah, show us in their story how powerful the love of Christ is. 

And so even if they don’t exactly fit in the Christmas story chronologically, the magi show us what it means to be in the presence of Jesus, God incarnate. God with us. May we soak in the goodness and presence of our Lord this season, no matter where we’ve been or what brought us to this place. May we fall on our knees and worship Him.

Written by Melanie Rainer

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77 thoughts on "Wise Men Visit the King"

  1. Maria Baer says:

    Amen. I don’t have kids of my own, and I find it so hard. I cannot even begin to comprehend what that would do to a mother.

  2. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    The Massacre of the Innocents (here and in Exodus) has been so much harder to read as a mom, and especially now that I have a son who would fall in that category. I know God is good, and just, and merciful, but I find myself tearing up with all those moms from long ago. Many consider those babies the first martyrs. May we never forget their story and their memory.

  3. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    @Traci Gendron I’m so sorry for your loss and I will be praying that the peace that passes understanding surrounds you so that you may find rest. May you also be blessed resting in the knowledge that despite everything, as much as it sometimes may not make sense, Jesus is enough. Blessings my friend.

  4. Kinesha Cox says:


  5. Elizabeth Oster says:


  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Praising God for today’s devotional…Herod the great was an evil and cruel ruler especially in his last days. Yet, God used him to weave into His story. Nothing is by accident, God is in control – no matter how hard the circumstances might be. His way is perfect, always – even if it doesn’t agree with ours.

    @Traci – praying God’s peace upon you. Don’t let Satan fill your mind with doubts, he wants you to suffer – but God wants you to have peace. All is in God’s timing, and if it wasn’t Tanner’s time – God would have stopped it. I can’t imagine losing a child – but God can. My heart and prayers go out to you today. May you have perfect peace and rest in God our Savior.

    Blessings to all my SRT sisters today.

  7. Mari V says:

    @Maria Baer…. I loved your childhood memories. Thank you for sharing with us. I think I mentioned to here, when I was between 9-11, I went to Mexico during Christmas time. It was beautiful to experience what it’s like there in the Mexican culture. Just like you, Santa is not really mentioned. The focus is Jesus! Everyone, especially the children anticipate the birth of Jesus. And I got to experience a Posada. My kids are grown and we always taught them about Jesus and his birth and why we celebrate Christmas. 

  8. Beth says:

    Dear Traci, please know that you did all that you were supposed to with Tanner. His life was not in your hands to control. God knew the timing He had for Tanner’s home going. If it were God’s plan for Tanner. To have continued here God would have kept him here. He knew Tanner was suffering, He was in complete control when it was time for Tanner to begin to enjoy the glories of heaven. Know that he is no longer suffering and is gladly waiting for you one day when the Lord says it is your time Traci, come join Tanner. That of course does not diminish your grief of your loss of Tanner, but do not let Satan try to guilt you into such thoughts. Blessings, praying for you as you go through this grieving process. Hold on tight to the Lord.