why on earth?

Open Your Bible

by Raechel

In just five short days Ryan and I will board a plane for Central America.

In only four, we will be kissing our tow-headed babes goodbye for yet another week with their grandparents in Michigan.

Ryan and I are traveling to Guatemala with Food for the Hungry August 4-9, and I just keep asking myself:


Is it because the precious people of Guatemala need us to be there next week? Maybe. Though I worry about what good, life-changing, Kingdom-building work we can possibly accomplish in just one week and a few, brief exchanges?

Is it because we’ve got a wanderlust that only a trip to a developing country can satisfy? Not really. International travel is brand new to us. And if I’m being very honest, it’s a little scary to us, too!

Is it because we hope that looking on the “misfortune” of others firsthand will make us more grateful for what we have at home? It truly isn’t that either. While we know this trip will absolutely change the way we see things when we return, we aren’t traveling simply to benefit from looking upon the suffering or poverty of others.


I’ve given it a lot of thought, I really have.

When I’ve explained the trip to others – particularly the part about traveling as a blogger to see and then to write – I’ve spouted: “it’s not really a work and witness trip”.

But then, as a Christian, isn’t all of life a work and witness trip?

guatemalan boy

The more Ryan and I consider the why of our trip, the more we have simply concluded that it is something we have been called to – something to which we cannot say “no”.

We don’t know what The Lord has in store.

We don’t know what we will see or hear or say.

We don’t know how we can be the “aroma of Christ” to a village of hungry people.

Ryan reminded me, though, that in life we are called to point to Christ. And THAT, we have realized, is exactly WHY we are traveling to Guatemala next week. 

Whether we are pointing each other, our fellow team members, the amazing people of Guatemala, or any of you sweet friends who follow our trip updates to the One Who created the Earth and everything in it, our simple prayer is that this be “Kingdom come” work, for the glory of Him who died to save every one of us.

Pray for us as we go, friends!

That we would be safe.
That we would see what we need to see,
hear what we need to hear,
and when the timing is right,
that words would flow and that we would say what we need to say.


I so look forward to sharing this journey with you all! Sarah and I will be blogging (and vlogging!) every day while we’re there, both here on the SheReadsTruth blog, and on our personal blogs. We will have the amazing opportunity to meet  our sponsor children (who are, believe it or not, both named Olga!) face to face, and we will be sharing with you what benefits sponsoring a child can bring to an entire village – “Kingdom come” work in action!

FH Olga

Our team of bloggers will also be participating in a Twitter Party Tuesday, August 6th at 8p EST with the hashtag #FHBloggers. It will be an opportunity to live-chat with us about what we’re experiencing, what is surprising us and exciting us and even scaring and changing us. I hope you’ll hop in and say hello!

“Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.”
Psalm 72:23-26

(33) Comments

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33 thoughts on "why on earth?"

  1. Bethany Jones says:

    My husband, little girl & I moved to Guatemala as missionaries last March- we love this country & its people as I'm sure you will too! Praying for opportunities for you to shine His light! –

  2. amykelly213 says:

    I am really excited for you Raechel!! You are in my prayers! I cannot wait for your stories of how God is moving!!

  3. Can't wait to travel with you!

  4. Sue:) says:

    I am praying that God’s Glory, the shekinah of God, will prepare your way and lead you all as you walk in his path. Amen.

    And I am excited to hear how your monthly sponsor dollars are helping, as I too,have a sponsor child in Mexico. Exciting times for Christ!!

  5. AnnaLee says:

    (woops, I mean Raechel!)

  6. AnnaLee says:

    Rachael, I pray that as you step aboard the plane with Ryan and your team, God would be preparing your Heart consistently for what is next in Guatemala. I pray that as you work with these people in poverty, you'd realize that they are helping to form and reshape your heart as much as you are helping to reshape theirs- and all of it through Christ. Lord, give the team ears that yearn to hear, eyes that desire to truly see, and hearts that want to be vulnerable as they walk through such a different culture. Be close to them and bless them with security and safety. Thank you, Father! In Christ's name, Amen!
    Let that psalm be all of our anthems today.

  7. Cecile says:

    Rachel, God be wit you as you go on this mission. I pray that he gives you wisdom and strength as you fulfill his work for the children in Guatemala. You will be richly blessed and come home sharing that in the midst of poverty the Lords face is in these children. God Bless!

    1. RaechelMyers1 says:

      Thanks so much, Cecile! Blessings!

  8. MamaJudes says:

    There is no greater privilege in the world than to share Jesus. May God go with you and equip you to minister. I pray that he will be with your family as well. God Bless!

    1. RaechelMyers1 says:

      Amen!!! And thank you!