what will you say to him?


It’s Monday already?

Did this past week fly by for anyone else?  I kept referencing Sunday as tomorrow…. on Wednesday.  Ugh!

I’m going to go ahead and blame the middle-of-the-week-holiday for my confusion.

In the midst of this crazy mid-week holiday? I got behind.  I missed one two days of getting in His truth, but guess what?

I gave myself grace.  

I woke up the next morning, and I got back on track.  

This grace-giving thing?  It’s new for me.  I struggle with failure.  I struggle with my all-or-nothing obsession.

So often in the past, one day of getting off track led me to thinking it wasn’t worth coming back.  If I’d missed a few days, I’d already blown it, right?

If that’s you as well?  I want to encourage you:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3: 22-23 ESV; Emphasis added

They are new.  Precious sister, you. are. made. new. 

And as we come to the final three days of this reading plan, let us encourage one another.  Regardless of which day you are currently reading: we are reading His truth together.

I pray that we can figure out what that looks like.  As Raechel challenged us last week:

So, I want to know: How is the Gospel fleshing out in your daily relationships?  Have you found someone in your circle who will pray with you and for you specifically? Who can you sit down with over coffee and discuss what you are learning and what God is doing?

We want to hear!  And we want to continue that challenge!

I also have three more challenges for y’all this week.  Yes.  Three.

As I read through today’s reading and the remaining two for this plan, I found myself shaking my head a bit.


Well because all three points that stood out to me?  Have been areas I have been struggling with.  Yes, our God has a sense of humor, and I think God is trying to get my attention. 

Today, I want us to focus on forgiveness.  Recently, I celebrated 3 years of marriage to my husband.  I wrote a letter to him on my blog sharing some of what marriage has taught me.

I have learned that being quick to forgive is quite possibly one of the best characteristics of a beautiful marriage.

Fill in the word that best fits your situation: relationship, friendship, a mother-daughter relationship ….

Today I am challenging us to forgive when it doesn’t make sense or seem logical.  

Tomorrow, we will read about Abraham.  He was told something by God that did not make sense, yet he believed that God would come through.

In what area of your life is God asking you to believe?  Maybe it’s a next step.  Maybe it is a current situation He will bring you out of.  Maybe it is a complete change of direction.

I am challenging us to believe His truth.  As you journal, write a letter to your heavenly Father.  Share with Him your fears.   He knows them, yes, but He wants to hear from you. 

On Wednesday, we are faced with a question.

Y’all?  I am praying something fierce for our community.  For each of us.

What will you say when He asks you to surrender?

Will you say no?

Or will you tell Him 


I am challenging us to write it down.  Mark this day.  5 years from now….10, 20, 30?  Will Monday, July 9, 2012 be the day that you said yes. 

He’s asking you now.

what will you say to him?

your Sister,
Psssst!  We’re going to be back tomorrow with the Weekly Truth + lock screen for you!  Are y’all loving that? I know I am!
Psst! Pssssst!  We are starting a new plan on Thursday! So if you’ve been putting off joining in because you felt that it was too late, it’s your time!
Psst! Psst! Psssst! We’re going to starting something new each Friday …. Stay tuned to hear more!
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19 thoughts on "what will you say to him?"

  1. Samantha says:

    I've been harbouring a lot of unforgiveness for a long, long time. To do with things that I'd stuffed down inside my soul and was battling on the inside and also things that were right on the surface and still stings when thought about.
    I really learnt that the other people don't know that I haven't forgiven them. They've moved on, fully and completely. The unforgiveness isn't affecting them, but by george it's affecting me, it's stopping me from making the first step to surrendering. It's stopping me from being secure in my Faith and in myself.
    It's something that will allow my heart to become tender again and will erase the parts that have turned numb and cold over the years.

  2. Caroline says:

    Wow, what timing. I'm reading this a day late, but I'm sitting here stewing in anger over my boyfriend smoking again. It doesn't make sense to forgive him when he should give it up if it's important to me (and it is), but anger is not the way to approach the situation.

  3. Jen says:

    Oh wow, the forgiveness thing this morning… There's someone in particular I've been trying to forgive and it had been in the front of my thoughts for the past few days! This person has no clue– to my knowledge– that I need to forgive… may not even realize that they did anything to hurt me. But forgiveness is necessary. Forgiveness is hard. But I think trusting God will make all things right helps. Phew.

  4. nicolepipkin says:

    I tell ya…no matter what devotional I am reading, or the place I'm at in the Bible, or a book I may be reading…it all seems to tie in with what my pastor preaches on Sunday. Totally crazy huh?!?! Listening for God to speak to me is totally new. Sometimes I can't tell if its what "I" want to do or is it "HIM" directing me in that area.
    When I start to feel frustrated with one of my kids or angry about what someone has said about me in the past; I stop and say a quick prayer asking God to send me a wave of his grace. I some fresh breathes and then I get passed it.
    I'm so glad that I decided to jump on board and do this devotional with you all. On Sunday, my pastor mentioned that he's seen my devo post on Instagram and it was a great devo that I was doing.
    I can't wait to see what devotional you pick out next. I am really enjoying it.

  5. Laura says:

    @Krista: We’re going through a devotional called Surrendered Life on YouVersion.com

  6. Lisa says:

    I say yes!

    Love, love, love this community. I don't always post, but I feel the prayers and love. I had a moment of sharing the Gospel with my mom who I credit with building my faith. It was moving.