What Is Worship?

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 6:13-14, Isaiah 40:18-31, Matthew 14:22-33, Joshua 24:14-15, John 4:21-24

I was five years old, standing with my mom and brother in a pew near the front of the sanctuary. We were singing a hymn and I had my eyes closed, my hands held in front of me with my palms facing up as if carrying an invisible tray. This is my earliest memory of worship.

I didn’t know to call it that. I was just responding to the reality of who God showed Himself to be. Somehow—maybe through the Scripture read from the pulpit or a truth proclaimed in that hymn, or maybe through whispers from the Holy Spirit to my heart—I caught a glimpse of God, big and strong and holy, but also good and loving. I felt connected to Him, like I knew Him and He knew me. It didn’t matter that I was small; I knew right then that I was His, and my heart responded in kind.

That moment in my memory marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of worship, of learning to respond to God with all of myself. There are times this resembles that day in the church pew, my heart swelling in worship as the pipe organ plays and the congregation sings. More often it takes a subtler form, a different shape of surrender for each circumstance and season. Sometimes my worship is misplaced; like a train without tracks, I give my awe and reverence to something other than my Creator.

Scripture makes it clear that we are to worship nothing and no one other than the one true God. He is the only one worthy of our worship.

“To whom will you compare me,
or who is my equal?” asks the Holy One.
Look up and see!
Who created these?
He brings out the stars by number;
he calls all of them by name.
Because of his great power and strength,
not one of them is missing.”
–Isaiah 40:25–26

But if worship is indeed more than singing on Sunday morning, what is it? Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that true worshipers worship “in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). How do we worship with a heart tuned to the Spirit of the Lord and tethered to the truth of His Word?

These are the questions we will explore in this study of what it means to worship God. Each day we will read about an aspect of worship from Scripture, spending time reflecting on what it looks like in our lives. While these two weeks will not give us an exhaustive look at the topic of worship in the Bible, our prayer is that we’ll walk away with a fuller understanding of what “worship in spirit and in truth” means for us and the God who made us.

Like that little girl with hands stretched out, I am still learning how to worship. Join me as we learn together, and may our lives reflect more of God’s goodness and glory as a result.

(162) Comments

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162 thoughts on "What Is Worship?"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    I want to feel something again. In spirit and in truth. I’m ready.

  2. Jameshia Tillman says:

    I’m so ready to dive in!

  3. Samantha Maurath says:

    In truth and in spirit… let me not forget it.

  4. Josephine McFarland says:

    I have been leading worship most of my life, but recently I have been caught in a rut. I feel like I am just going through the motions, but I don’t want to feel that way. I hope that this revives something in me.

  5. Leslie Green-Starr says:

    I’m ecstatic for this lesson!!!!

  6. Darian Iske says:

    Worship opens up the heavens and is how God talks to me. He has given me visions as I worship Him. I want to draw closer to Him through this study of worship

  7. Bristee Bostick says:

    I’ve just started praying and asking God to really refine what worship to Him means and looks like. I know in my head that it’s so much more than Sunday mornings in church, more than corporate worship. But I have a hard time connecting that in a practical way with my day to day life, sometimes. Very excited to dive in deep with this and very thankful for these resources to help me go deeper in His word!

  8. Deborah Brookins says:

    Worship, I find that I’ve been a worshiper most of my days. Especially when I was a thing girl. I’d lay in the back yard in the plush grass and gaze into the clouds and talk to God, not knowing that He was real and heard me. I think it was because of my parents choice to raise us in a faith that seemed foreign to me, I didn’t care to seek Him or understand He was one that would communicate with me. Hallelujah for that day of reconciliation!
    I worship Him as I do my job caring for others. I had taught my children and still as they are adults we communicate our growth and share experiences with the Lord. Worship to me is giving of yourself, finances, prayer, helping and loving others, being obedient to His Word, sharing the Gospel, my favorite is singing to my Lord. I’ll even take segments of the oldies and hum a tune to my Lord.
    I’m excited to learn and grow in this.
    Blessings to you all.

  9. Leslie Green-Starr says:

    Amen! I’m ready to dive in deep:)

  10. Mikayla Andrews says:

    I started leading worship at my church and I have felt lately like we’re just going through motions. Reading the post about who this woman first remembers worship hit me. I was saved at a camp at least 10 years ago and I remember feeling God and the sun on me. It’s hard to describe but I can still see myself sitting there crying and handing my life over to Him. Amazing how He can communicate in such simple ways. I hope this study brings me back to a spot where worship isn’t just going through motions for my church.

  11. Shemieka Berry says:

    Looking forward to this study. Awesome

  12. Cameron Burroughs says:

    I love this!

  13. Colleen Fiant says:

    Worth-ship. He is worthy of all my worship.

  14. Hannah Borchers says:

    Worship is the acknowledgement that He is God and I am not, that I reject all other gods in his place. Sometimes this is expressed in singing, but a more difficult form is loving others when I don’t feel like it. An attitude of worship moves me to do what pleases God, rather than my flesh.

  15. Mercy says:

    Worship has recently become one of my favorite things to do when I am alone. I always admire the heart of worship that King David has for the Lord, whether in tears or in great distress, being chased off like a criminal in hideaways, or in front of many people when being made a noble king of the nation, or whether in shame of his mistakes, David still kept his worship strong, he still danced and worshipped for all to see- even to the point of being ridiculed and called mad. This has always been a thing about King David that constantly tugs my heart and inspires me to dive deeper into worship, to be “drunk” by the Spirit to worship, to show my awe and love for my God wholeheartedly and sincerely. Worship to me brings honor and strength. It’s one of my love languages to the Lord.

  16. Ciara Artero says:

    Worship to me is a lifestyle. It’s choosing to posture your heart in a place of purity and gratitude. From what I am learning in my walk with the Lord is that God gave many different ways for us to worship.
    Whether it be through music, writing, nature, etc.
    The key thing though is posturing your heart because I can sing, dance and clap my hands in church or in my car to a worship song, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I am worshiping the Lord. I am still learning what it means to worship in spirit and truth. But what I do know is that it starts with your heart and learning how to remain in a state of gratitude throughout The good and the bad.

    1. Jahquisha Moses says:

      Thank you for this. I needed to read this more than you know.

  17. Gail Meeks says:

    Worship is thanking and praising God for who He is and what He’s done for me!!

  18. Dayana Kindelan says:

    Worship is everything to me. I connect with God when I’m singing to him and leaving it all at his feet. I connect with the Holy Spirit and I feel him moving in me when I worship.

  19. ILIANA CANALS says:

    Worshipping for ME is one of the ways I can feel Gods or the Holy Spirits presence… the more I am connected to them, the more I embrace them and those are the days you see me cry in church. It’s an unexplainable feeling of love and complete peace. We need to feel that connection of faith just like Peter needed to feel it when walking on water to Jesus. If we lose trust in him, our lives will sink just like Peter in the ocean. Luckily Jesus was there to reach out his hand and save him, like God has done in our lives over and over again. We praise him for doing that through our worshipping!

  20. Lara Kayode says:

    I enjoy spontaneous worship. I do love hymns and traditional worship, but the way that spontaneous worship brings you to His presence never ceases to amaze me.

  21. Aurora Cordova says:

    I am thankful for being able to worship my God anywhere anytime. I want him to put in my heart to worship when I least feel him, I want Jesus to put that burning fire in my soul.

  22. Hannah Witte says:

    My congregation has a very traditional style of worship and since that is what I have grown up with, I have come to appreciate it. However, I’m hopeful to learn more about what personal worship can mean for the believer and aspects that could be integrated into a congregation.

  23. Micah Euliss says:

    Excited to learn as much as I can in this study!!!!

  24. Idalia Colón says:

    As a worship leader of our church I feel so connected to worship in the musical aspect, but I love the deeper look into worship. I think it is so easy to connect worship with music but worshiping in other ways are just equally important. I look forward to renewing and refreshing this aspect of my worship life

  25. Tammy Leija says:

    Just beginning this study and am excited to learn more!

  26. Hayden Chamness says:

    What a great way to start this plan.❤️

  27. Nicole Townsend says:

    So excited to start!

  28. Vanessa Lopez says:


  29. Hope Richards says:

    I’m excited to learn more about worship!

  30. Alexandra Howard says:

    Lately my walk with God has not be the greatest. Today I decided to let go the things that are hindering me and get back on track. What a great lesson to start with ❤️

  31. Reb Harper says:

    I’m so excited to learn more about worship. I want to give God all the worship and praise that He deserves.

  32. Leanne Pope says:

    Worship has always been one of my favorite and most natural ways to connect with God. I look forward to coupling that with being more vigilant with reading the bible to work on my relationship with God and make it stronger.

  33. Tyler Hooks says:

    Ready to worship ❤️

  34. Laura DeLisle says:

    Our lives should be presented to Him as a living sacrifice, worthy and acceptable to Him. We make our lives a living worship to Him.

  35. Daria Greene says:

    Here I am to worship.

  36. Lidia Diaz says:

    I just recently stepped into a new role at church involving worship, so this study is timely and much needed!

  37. Shianna Rodas says:

    So good..he’s not finished with me yet.

  38. Abby Camp says:

    I’m so excited for this study. I leave for Ethiopia in a little over a month. I’ve been trying to find a good devotional to prepare me and my heart for that trip. What better way than worship?!

  39. Ma Claire Ylagan says:

    Worship has been my life since I receive Jesus as my pernal savior! My atmosphere change in worship!!

  40. Madi Bertman says:

    Worship is a reflection of the blessings God has given me and simply who He is. Thank you Jesus

  41. Swon Kimn says:

    This was such a blessing to read this morning. I’ve been feeling so stretched out and tired with all that has been asked of me lately. But reading through Isaiah this morning broke the lie that God is distant to our fatigue our cause…”why do you say my way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God?”

  42. Carly Brousseau says:

    Excited for this study

  43. Maria Perez says:

    He is enough, we don’t need others or other things because He fulfills every need. We don’t need idols or other lovers because He is enough. May He reveal Himself to us and may His love fill us to overflowing. May He show us how to worship in spirit & in truth…

  44. Shalonda Price says:

    My worship has always seemed to come upon me suddenly: on my drive home from work, observing the beauty of the setting sun on the leaves of the trees and in the blowing of the wind, and very rarely in church. I hope to find a deliberateness to my worship.

  45. Nicole Miners says:

    I love the Lord so much and am so grateful for everything He has done in my life. I don’t know that I take enough time to just think about who I am to Him though and just get flooded with emotion. I know faith isn’t all about emotion but I also want the reality of His love for me to hit me deeper. I pray that as I learn to better worship in Spirit and in truth through this study that I would also better learn to meditate on who i am to Him and how much He loves me. That I might feel braver and even more quick to enter His presence just as I am.

    1. Suzie McRae says:

      Love this!

  46. Lacey Mollel says:
  47. Michelle Turner says:

    This is my first time on this app and I’m excited to explore more and see how these studies impact my daily worship!

  48. Mary Stilin says:

    I am looking forward to each day of this study. Whenever I read the word I feel so close to God. I’m excited to dig into what worship truly is and grow my relationship with Him more. ❤️

  49. Kyrie Thomas says:

    Excited to experience all forms of worship ❤️

  50. Kyani Elliott says:

    Worship is when I truly feel the closest to God. It’s in those moments of worship that I let everything go and fix my eyes on the Lord and really feel that I am encountering his presence.

  51. Jessica Locke says:

    I just love the story! I have often said Jesus give me hands open do what you have for me. Help me to always have my hands open to receive you and then give your love freely.

  52. Paige Cassidy says:

    I absolutely love worship! Music is a big way I feel God speaks to me and I love it, but one question I do have is how can you continually worship God and feel his overwhelming love in that? Sometimes I feel when I’m worshipping in church it’s not authentic, even though I truly want it to be.

    1. Jenny Meyers says:

      Such a great question! One time when I was trying to develop a new godly habit I felt so fake because I did not feel on the inside what I was acting out. Someone told me that if I just kept “practicing” the inside would eventually align with the outside. That I should not get discouraged because the new creation in Christ needed to be formed within and this was connected with the action. I wonder if engaging in authentic worship is the same?

  53. Fran Baxley says:

    I want to learn to worship all the time, especially in those moments where it’s hardest. Those moments where I don’t feel it or necessarily want too, but still find it in me to worship because of the thankfulness from my heart for all The Father has done for me ♥️

    1. Judy Schneider says:

      Fran, some of the deepest victories I’ve experienced have come from those times when I chose to worship even when I didn’t feel a thing, when My mind and feelings were a whirlwind of frustration or anger or depression. There wasn’t any dramatic praising on my part. It was me forcing out words of thankfulness through tears or a prayer that was barely lucid through the anger. And the result wasn’t wonderful feelings afterward. But it was power to come through the situation and to make noticeable progress. I guess my point is, if you sense that you should be worshiping in a situation, don’t let the lack of a certain “state of mind” hinder you from at least getting the words out. There is power in simply saying to God, “right now I’m so angry/frustrated/sad that I can’t see straight. Thank you anyway. Thank you for this situation, please give me Your power to get the victory.”

      1. Shannon Donahoo says:

        Judy, I’m not sure if you’ll see this as your comment was some time ago, but thank you for sharing. I think sometimes we hold back from comment but my eyes filled with tears as I read yours. It’s comforting to read that someone else’s feels exactly the same way and then be able to get the confirmation that you’re in the right track. Sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling joyous in my prayer time and in the current climate of the world, frustration and anger is sometimes overwhelming. I think that’s the devils plan. But pushing through and forcing out my prayers and continuing to reach out to God in the midst of it all is the only way. Thanks for the reminder it’s okay to be honest and just say I’m frustrated. Help me. God Bless.

  54. Ashleigh Laws says:

    After a time of worship, I always feel so refreshed and peaceful.

  55. Breanne Anderson says:

    I’ve been a worshipper for many years and a worship leader in church for almost as many. Sometimes I just don’t feel like it but I will lift my voice and my hands anyway. And God makes himself real to me in my obedience, even when my attitude isn’t on par…and soon enough my attitude is changed and my spirit is lifted. There are so many ways to show our worship as well. Looking forward to the next couple weeks of learning together.

  56. Kezia Goodman says:

    I truly appreciate the time and thought that was put into this study. I pray that it bears fruit in me. As a song leader (we no longer use the term Worship leader In our assembly) this message is more meaningful to me than you could imagine. Thank You!

  57. Megan Grove says:

    I feel like worship almost instantly reminds me about all of the love that God has for all His children. With this reading plan I really want to prioritize my worship time again.

  58. Sharon Oommen says:

    Worship in truth and in spirit for our God is spirit. When we worship God with an honest heart, he hears us. We don’t have to be a creation age or feel the need to fit into a criteria for God to hear us. He will hear those who are asking for him when we tune into his heart by our cry.

  59. Janet Simpson says:

    What a beautiful overview of worship! I never realized that my favorite

  60. Michaela Brown says:

    I am new to worship and devotionals. I always went to church growing up and went to sunday school, but I never read the bible outside of that time or feel like I have learned how to. I am excited for this study to teach me how to worship and am excited to get closer to God ❤

    1. Danielle Martens says:

      Just saw this in passing and may I just say I’m so excited for you and the new beginning of your journey Michaela! My prayer for you is that you will seek God with your whole heart and be gripped by His love and mercy, continuing to learn more about Him and connect with Him deeper ever single day that He gives you!

  61. Mikayla HopeChildersAdams says:

    So excited for this study.

  62. Kirsten Murphy says:

    I love that when the disciples had finished watching Jesus and Peter’s adventures walking on the water, they worshipped him by acknowledging who he was. “Truly you are the Son of God.”
    May my daily worship reflect that realization.

  63. Apryl Sykes Martin says:

    Worship is one of the purest forms of intimacy with the father I always cry when I worship because I feel like he is with ms he recognizes the princess of our hearts

  64. Alyson Wheeler says:


  65. Sandy Pass says:

    I just started this study this morning. I am looking forward to growing closer to God. I have been a born again Christian for many years but have fallen into a slump in my spiritual life and am very thirsty again for the spiritual food that only God can give, God has led me here, so let the journey begin.❤️

    1. Felicity Kgosisejo says:

      Sandy I share your sentiments,I will be three years as a disciple in November, but my spiritual life has been fluctuating and with this study I hope to learn how to worship God and grow closer to Him,the type of bond that is not shaken by circumstances but rather like Shadreck,Meshack and Abednico, worships God even in the midst of fire.

  66. Sonya Edwards says:

    I just got back from my two week church camp and Wednesday night we have an amazing worship worship. I love it and find my self sobbing during the slower songs we sing. I never worship like that outside of my camp. I sadly can already feel my camp high fading. I would love to worship our God more.

    1. Olivia Reynolds says:

      Sometimes the atmosphere and hype of a camp or retreat is what we need to recognize the heart posture of worship that should always be present. The reverence and awe that we feel can be part of day-to-day life – even without to excitement of camp. To keep my heart in the right posture for a life of worship, I try to review notes from the speakers at camps/retreats, and sometimes I turn up my worship music, turn down the lights, and sing praises at the top of my lungs as I get lost in awe of who He is. Hope that helps!

    2. Stephanie Harford says:

      The camp high you describe, I think, is something we all can identify with when worshipping with other believers who have so openly proclaimed their love for Christ and received the Holy Spirit. I recently had a thought in the midst of this kind of worship. I felt the Spirit moving in that place and thought, “I don’t ever want to leave here,” because I knew that the ‘high’ I was feeling would wear off soon, but I was also so tired and sore and my throat hurt from singing, and I knew it needed to end at some point. But then I remembered that this is what heaven will look like. There will be a multitude of voices singing, worshiping our God forevermore, camp high and all, and we will never tire.

  67. Bethany Johnson says:

    I continue to be in awe of the God we serve. I don’t worship and thank Him often enough. So excited for this study and a renewed reminder to worship continually!

  68. Kath Capati says:


  69. Baverley Delancy says:

    I truly believe that when you take care of God Business. he will surely take care of yours.

  70. Heather Hull says:

    Glad to be in the word. I have wavered but Hod remains the same always! Thank you God for mercy and renewal.

  71. 2shorts says:

    Thanks for sharing Maryann Zimmerman.

  72. Lisa Emily says:

    In John 4:20 why won’t she worship the Father??

  73. Ash Lee says:

    Super excited for this! Thanks SRT team!

  74. Taylor Towsley says:


  75. D_analyzt says:

    I was in a gathering sometime back and the presence of God was felt . he spoke to me , my legs were shaky ,I couldn’t stand up right . it was awesome being in a place of worship and prayer . there’s so much when we worship God, our hearts open up to receive when we worship .

  76. Gracie Long says:

    I had a similar encounter with God through worship when I was young!! Very excited to unpack this beautiful and much required heart posture!

  77. Liz Redding says:

    Amen! I echo those comments before. It is very divinely timed in my life. Thank you for all you do and the studies you bring!

  78. Gentry Sue Miller says:

    Excited to see where this study will help me grow and where the LORD will lead me!

  79. Heather Brown says:

    This is food to my dry and weary soul. I love that this takes down all that I have built up and places Jesus back at the center of my all.
    Thank you. I needed this reminder this morning.

  80. Sara JaneCook says:

    May my life reflect the One who is like no other. Lord help me to grow in my understanding of You so that my worship of You deepens and becomes more evident to those watching.

  81. Katie Ferry says:

    So so good!

  82. Julie Smith says:

    I am Thankful for finding this group. group

  83. barb Rugani-Kyser says:

    Worship is my attitude towards life coming at me everyday. Will I choose to be grateful even when things don’t seem to be going my way? I will! I will choose to rejoice in knowing that I’ve been chosen by the Creator of the universe to walk each moment of everyday with Him and with His Spirit in me. I’m free from sin, shame and the guilt that held me prisoner for 43 years. Is my life perfect, no it’s not. Yet, I wake up each morning to drink in the Word of God along with my cup of coffee and renew my mind, and be inspired that I can I do I will with His Spirit abiding in me and I in Him. It’s my motive behind everything I do. Am I doing things to get recognized or because it’s simply the best decision regardless of whether I’m popular for it or not. My hope is that my lifestyle is worshipful because my God deserves nothing less from His daughter.

    1. Judy Hadley says:

      I like that last statement, Barb. It inspires me and I am making that my prayer too!

  84. El McDonald says:

    Excited to be starting this study, alongside my husband too in the He Reads Truth app.
    Looking forward to unpacking what it means to be worshippers in “spirt and truth”

  85. T says:

    As I read the verse from Isaiah, I am struck by the imagery of God counting us like the stars. All of us as his creation that he knows by name, calling out to us one by one and never missing any part of our lives. Even when we fall way, doubt, sin–how great is that?

    1. Linda R says:

      I love that image. Thank you.

  86. Amori Colbert says:

    Wow, I always wanted to dive deeper into the “truth” aspect of worship and I’d like to know more. I have the spiritual side down but I’d like to walk better in the word(truth)♥️

  87. Nicole Bisset says:

  88. Saile Guzman says:

    So grateful for this study! My heart is full and so so so so thankful. Lord, our Heavenly Father, you are worthy of every praise.

  89. Gema Diaz says:

    Worship changes me, not God. It’s an act of joy and posture of reverence.

  90. Gema Diaz says:

    Worship changes me, not God. It’s act of joy, but a posture of reverence.

    1. Rossanda Jackson says:


  91. Angela Loych says:

    I have slacked off on my daily devotions this summer and I know I need to get back into The Word. I am excited to start this study and hope it will get me back on track. I am contemplating joining a women’s Bible Study at church in September on Kelly Minter’s “No Other God’s”, so this two week study should be a good opener to that!

  92. Maryann Zimmerman says:

    Check out this song❤️

  93. DeJana Parker says:

    Dear God, just as You call the stars by name, call out my name. My response will be “here I am”. I want to spend my entire life worshiping You. ☺️

    1. Rossanda Jackson says:


    2. Angi Thomas says:


  94. Brittany Quintero says:

    I follow you guys on instagram, and the verse caught my eye. I hadn’t read the devotion that goes with it, but I loved the verse. Because it felt like God was asking me right out who compares to him? I went to the website, and read the devotion. It’s lovely, and I want to learn how to worship God even more. Yes, I’m a Christian, but as you said we can still learn how to worship God. Looking forward to the two weeks. God bless.

  95. Tricia Baxter says:

    I am excited for this study and looking deeper at worship. I am part of a church plant and our heart is to build a House of Worship.

  96. Arkia Armstrong says:

    She reads truth has blessed me beyond measure.. I found out through a bible challenge with Elly and Grace and one person was using this bible to share the word. The daily devotions are easy to understand and leave you eager for more.. I am so glad I know God and learning more about the word through this venue!

  97. Amanda Robinson says:

    I am so very excited for this study. Divinely timed indeed! I did not initially recognize the reference in the title “In Spirit and in Truth.” John 4:23 was a beautiful reminder this morning that I should worship the Father in Spirit and in truth–a dichotomous response to who
    God is. We worship in truth by knowing truth. We are “women in the Word of God every day” after all! As a woman who has spent my entire adult life studying/training for my job, I find that worshiping “in truth” feels instinctive. I feel at home with a text and highlighters. I often forget to slow down and spiritually respond to the goodness of God–to worship Him in Spirit. I must ask myself–Is this worship at all? Or am I worshiping the false idol of intelligence and knowledge? I pray that my heart remains tuned to the Spirit of the Lord. That this study not only transforms my heart as I read the Word, but reveals to me the many ways that I can respond to who God is with reverential awe and love.

    1. Anna Lee says:

      Divinely timed indeed. I love to study God’s word with a critical eye for detail. What a wonderful reminder from God. He created us to worship Him. ❤️

  98. April Overton says:

    Our church just began 21 days of prayer so I’m excited to include this study along with growing in my prayer life. God’s timing is perfect!

  99. Leslie G says:

    I’m so looking forward to this study! I am not new to the app but I do not often do the community studies. I need to. I have seen different types of worship through my life, and have also gone through phases where I didn’t go to church for years. And yet the difference I see in myself when I do worship regularly is beyond words. So I am really looking forward to studying more of what the Bible says about worship.

  100. Kimberly P. says:

    This is divinely timed! So so thankful!

  101. Andrea Smith says:

    I was struck by how much of these readings pointed to the worship substitutes we create and control, while God reigns in splendor over all creation and invites us to witness his glory. No idols compare.

  102. Teresa Streit says:

    I have made some good accomplishments this year and God has been saying to me,”You are thinking about yourself too much. Your life isn’t yours alone. You are here to serve.”
    What a timely moment for this bible study.

  103. Mari V says:

    Good morning sisters! So glad to be with all of you this morning. I had plans to be up by 5 AM as I have a long day today. But I also know I needed rest. I woke up at 5:45 AM oh well I missed out on my morning run but the most important thing is I’m here with all of you this morning. I was so happy to read about Sarah D‘s baptism. And what a beautiful place for it to take place there. If it’s OK may I share my son was also baptized this summer. I may have mentioned this. He was baptized at his summer camp. Hume Lake which is his most happiest place on earth. It was an answer to prayer. I prayed the entire week and he surprised me. I actually saw it on my friends Facebook. I started to cry, tears of joy that my son was baptized at his most happiest place on earth. I didn’t matter to me that I wasn’t there all that mattered to me was that he was obedient to God.

  104. Morgan Whatley says:

    How cool go read this alongside you all! Excited for this! ❤️

  105. Irene Delano says:

    We have two week before school starts! Perfect timing for me to be intentionally focused! So excited to see what I learn!!

  106. Melissa Graves says:

    I am blessed by you all, as well. I am drawn to your tender hearts for God and His word. And I am drawn to the rich truths uncovered in these studies. My prayer, to quote sweet Amanda from today’s devotion, is that we would all “catch a glimpse of God, big, and strong and holy, but also good and loving.” I’m praying these things especially for my children, especially my eldest, and that she would connect with Him and know how deeply she is known and loved by Him. Blessings to all. ❤️

  107. Ashley Brewer says:

    This study has come at just the right time. There have been changes around me that I’ve worried about and this is a reminder that I don’t need to worry. I only need to worship.

  108. Erin Fager says:

    I am excited to dive into more about worship. A few years ago I did a devotional about the difference between praise and worship and it changed my perspective greatly. Praise involves me and acknowledging what he’s done for me and in me. But worship is about God alone—who he is.

    1. Tree Z says:

      Thanks for sharing this understanding between praise and worship.

      1. Rossanda Jackson says:

        I heard a preaching once in my youth that has stayed in my spirit for years… praise is what we give to God but worship is what he asks of us.

    2. Eliza Thomas says:

      Thank you so much for sharing these perspectives, this makes it a lot easier to understand!

    3. Rossanda Jackson says:

      I heard a preaching in my youth that has stayed with me… praise is what we give to God but worship is what God asks of us.

  109. Maura says:

    This will be another blessing from SRT. To understand God’s desire for our worship and how to worship better, with my whole life. So thankful every morning for this devotion time and for all the sharing and insite from all of you. Congratulations Sarah D. I was baptized as an adult after being a believer for many years. It is one of my favorite memories now that I am older. I always cry when I witness baptisms because the public declaration of believers to who God is and our human desire to walk with the Lord accompanied by His amazing desire to meet us right where we are and walk with us brings me tears and fills this heart. How beautiful our God is.

  110. Monica Davis says:

    I am so excited to start this new series! My 5 year kid had her hands out in worship this Sunday! ❤️ god is so big and catch glimpses of him…

  111. Churchmouse says:

    Sarah, thank you for sharing your wonderful news!!
    Hoping to see an update from Tina and Kelly here as well.
    I’m so blessed by all who gather in this forum and I pray for God to abundantly bless each one.

    1. Claire B says:

      Churchmouse, I have been absent on the last study most days for several reasons but mainly because I had another study going and honestly that one just wasn’t grabbing me. Anyway are Tina and Kelly ok?

  112. Bessie H says:

    God has been teaching me that worship is first of all, all about Him. In fact, my life is all about Him. It isn’t about me at all. Second, worship is all of the time. Focusing my heart on mind on God all of the time.
    A book that I treasure and read yearly is “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. He lived in a monastery in the 1600’s and his main tasks were working in the kitchen and repairing sandals. Yet, he was such a joyful and peaceful person that people were drawn to him and his writings are still popular today. He talks about how even washing dishes became an act of worship for him. It inspires me to use every routine task of the day to worship our Father.
    I’m looking forward to this study and as always the timing is perfect!

    1. Nonyem Agu says:

      “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
      ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭

    2. Marly W says:

      The pastor at my church mentioned that book a couple of weeks ago in Church, I think I need to find myself a copy.

  113. Ashley Searle says:

    My children’s minister used to tell us, “Worship is anything that makes God smile.” While that may be a bit of an oversimplification, I think she’s on to something. If we are living with God as our focus, then we will recognize when we are doing something that “makes Him smile” and will intentionally offer it as worship!

  114. Aimee D says:

    Excited for this!

  115. Angie says:

    Therefore fear the LORD and worship him in sincerity and truth. Joshua 24:14
    But, an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. John 4:23

    I get a glimpse… bow, and You bid me come.
    Outstretched hands upon a cross invite me in,
    wash me clean
    Sin and death, CRUSHED, blown away like chaff by my resurrected Lord
    I am made new
    Holy Spirit…God-guide of my heart
    Breath of Life
    Holy Truth
    Indwelling me,
    And. I. am. amazed.
    Wonder surrounds
    Humble fear astounds
    Pure devotion envelopes
    Fragrant worship pours forth
    A misting of mercy and grace upon your child
    For even the worship comes from You.

  116. Neyda Morales says:

    I want to be one of those the father seeks – the ones who worship in spirit and in truth! Looking forward to this study!

  117. Courtney Locke says:

    worship is not just about praising & singing to the Lord. It is what fills our hearts & minds. Do we put idols before God or do we worship him in every way when we live out the truth? This is going to be what I wrestle with during this study. I am excited!!

    1. Nonyem Agu says:


  118. Angie says:

    Sarah D., what a blessing to rise up out of the vastness of the ocean depths, made new in Jesus Christ, in a place like Hawaii where His beauty and majesty would be so glorious. Did today’s reading of Peter walking on the water remind you of the waves and the sea breeze? Congratulations sister.

  119. Sarah D. says:

    Hi everyone, guess what! I got baptized yesterday, in the ocean in Hawaii!! Wow God sure does have a sense of humor. As you might remember me mentioning awhile ago, I’ve been here for an internship this summer. I found an amazing church that me and another intern have been going to…and I’ve never been baptized before, but I have been actively following Jesus since middle school/high school…grew up in a Christian home, but never was baptized. So out of all places, I decided that it would be amazing to be baptized here in Hawaii, in the ocean of all places. And man. Just when I think I don’t know what God’s plan is, he blows me away. I didn’t know I would be here a year ago. But God has a plan. It’s hard to trust when I want to know it all at once or when things are hard, but he is faithful. Always. So thankful for this opportunity and that I was able to be baptized here. It was awesome. The old has passed away, the new has come. I surrender all. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know the One who holds my future. Love you SRT fam!

    1. Katie Wright says:

      Congratulations! Praise the Lord!

    2. Shawn Parks says:

      Blessings to you, sister! May God continue to lead your steps and reveal Himself to You, empowering you to live in faith until you stand face to face with our precious Lord!

    3. Elaine Morgan says:

      Congratulations! What a beautiful story!

    4. Cayley Causey says:

      So happy for you Sarah! I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you!

    5. Traci Baudin says:


    6. Janet C says:


    7. Jaclyn Gilbert says:


    8. Taylor Seeger says:


    9. Melissa Graves says:

      Sarah, that is such wonderful news! Your energy and enthusiasm for the Lord are palpable and inspiring! May He continue to bless and use you for His glory wherever His will leads you!

    10. Cathy Tubby says:

      Congratulations. May He bless you in this step of faith.

    11. Mari V says:

      Congratulations Sarah! I’m so excited for you. What a beautiful place. May I share that my son was also baptized recently at his happy place. It’s his summer camp and he went as a super senior since he already graduated I’m just so grateful for God works things out

    12. Mari V says:

      May I also say that I learned a lot from you young lady. I bet your parents are very proud of you I know I would

    13. Obi O says:

      Praise the Lord!

    14. Elizabrth Carlock says:

      Congratulations. What a wonderful thing to experience.

  120. Churchmouse says:

    The passage from Matthew 14 is one of my favorites.

    In the midst of a frightening storm, Jesus invites Peter to trust Him to do the seemingly impossible. Walk on water? “Come!“

    This is a wow moment.

    But then Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and his fear threatens to drown him. Oh, Peter. Great faith to get out of the boat vs. lesser faith when the water rises and the storm roars.

    The lesson for me revolves around Jesus’ presence in the hardships of my life, the sudden circumstances that nearly overwhelm me. He is there and He says to me “Come!” He asks me to turn to Him, trusting in Who He is and what He can do.

    That is worship.

    And when my worship falters, when I magnify my fears, He takes hold of my hands and He saves. He keeps me safe and He settles me.

    Whether I’m living in the wow moment or whether I’m near drowning, may my response be to worship – because He is worthy regardless of my circumstance.

    Praying this morning for all of us who are unsettled, who are in uncertain circumstances. I pray we would turn our eyes to Jesus and Keep. Them. There. He will keep us safe as we come to Him. Should we falter, He will hold us with His mighty right hand. Let worship Him in spirit, with all of who we are, the emotional mess we might be. Let us worship Him in truth, remembering all He is and that He is ever FOR us. Let us walk in the midst of our circumstances with confidence. We will conquer as we say yes to His call to “Come!”

    Come, friends. Let us worship.

    1. Elizabrth Carlock says:


  121. Lara Kayode says:

    Awesome, I am looking forward to this study

  122. Danielle Chamberlain says:

    God’s timing is perfect. I’m excited.

  123. MARTHA says:


  124. Danae Willis says:

    Learning to worship, still