What Does It Mean to Give Thanks?

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 16:4-36, Psalm 107:8, Psalm 118:21, Isaiah 38:17-19, Hebrews 13:15

Six years ago, my husband woke up to the smell of smoke filling our home. The rest of the morning is a blur—calling 911, then standing barefoot on a neighbor’s front lawn while the fire department extinguished flames on the house we’d finished unpacking only the day before. We’d moved more than a thousand miles to this new place and knew only my coworkers and a neighbor or two through brief introductions. 

People were quick to help. Near strangers offered us guestrooms and finished basements. A neighbor brought my daughter a stuffed animal to hold. My new coworkers showed up with lunch, and old friends sent gift cards. At one point, exhausted and spent, I found a laundry basket full of basic toiletries and groceries left on the doorstep of our temporary residence. 

Somehow, gratitude was easier for me in that season. The juxtaposition of kind acts and difficult circumstances kept God, His goodness, and His constancy at the front of my mind. But now, back in the fire-free routine of my daily life, I’m ashamed to say I go long stretches without pausing to thank God. I treat gratitude toward Him like a pile of thank-you notes I never get around to writing. 

Maybe the opposite is true for you. Maybe in seasons of abundance, it is easy for you to remember that every good gift comes from God, but in seasons of sorrow, words of thanksgiving stick in your throat. God’s Word to us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 remains the same: it is His will for us in Christ Jesus to give thanks in everything. 

The Bible presents gratitude as more than a box to check. It is a posture of worship, an active response to our unchanging God. We cultivate thanksgiving in our lives when we take time to notice who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do. We can give Him thanks in every season of life because His character is steadfast. 

Giving thanks isn’t complicated, but it isn’t easy either. It is a discipline—the habit of turning our hearts and minds to the past and present work of our good God. I pray this study of biblical gratitude will bring you peace and confidence in God’s care for you, and point you toward Him in praise and thanksgiving. We have been given so much in Him.

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267 thoughts on "What Does It Mean to Give Thanks?"

  1. Rachel Drummond says:

    It rings true for me that I call out to God in times of trial but I rarely sit in gratitude towards God when things in life are “going well”. Let me always have a heart of gratitude towards my Heavenly Father.

  2. Maia Nicole says:

    I am so eternally grateful that God hasn’t given up on me. Through all of the pain and suffering and heartbreaks that I’ve been through this past year, the situations that I’ve blindly brought myself into, he is still there waiting for me with open arms.

  3. Thembisa Cima says:

    I thank God for the life He has blessed me with . For taking me from nothing and making something of me. For carrying me throughout this year and protecting me . I thank God for his unwavering love and protection even on days I don’t deserve it. I’m thankful for my children , my mother, my partner and my family who are all a blessing to me

  4. Isabelle Hendrickson says:

    I thank God for pulling me out of a relationship that didn’t glorify him and made me question my confidence in God. I thank God that He removed years of shame, guilt, depression and addiction. I praise God that I am a new creation in Him and that the old has passed away :)

    1. Christina Allnutt says:

      Hi Isabelle, me too! At the time it felt cruel and hard, sore and unfair to have a relationship end and just shards in my hands but it did the same-robbed me of confidence in God and the faith I had in who He is and had been to me. I praise Him for knowing everything and loving me too much to leave me behind!

  5. Winnie Makena says:

    I am grateful that God held my hand during the darkest time of life. I take it for granted so many times without thinking that it’s by his grace that I’m even here. Thank you Lord.

  6. Jazzman Roberts says:

    I’m thankful that God has brought me to where I am today. I’m thankful he has currently gifted me the gift of pregnancy and I prepare to bring my first child and first son into the world

    1. Emily Adolf says:

      Congratulations on your baby boy!!

  7. Tameeka Pharms says:

    I am thankful for God’s forgiveness and love. Him giving me another chance at life. Him never leaving me alone.

  8. Ashley Harden says:

    I’m thankful to have a relationship with God. He loves us so much, His pursuit is unwavering.